I'm the Best Nickelodeon Smash Player

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people like this game so far i haven't seen much i know hungrybox and leffen have been playing it today i know kony likes it but we'll see the voice acting would have really made this a good game i i think it is very odd without voice acting 100 like i said this game just needs some more polish some tinder love and care and i think it'll be a pretty solid game and even so far just it's fun oh my god sandy cheek's strongest character in the game i think oh that combo game i don't have my jump anymore she's so good sandy cheeks is so nuts what the [ __ ] and then finish easy what does he can zim not kill that was my heavy that's my up smash at 160 percent oh big spike outplayed sorry idiot please oh she saved me okay just to disrespect me does that kill no oh god oh all right just back to neutral reset please huge huge let's go girl please god damn it oh we're living we're living reset no this character is so good it's like every single game the computer gets slightly better too deep that lasso is [ __ ] crazy there we go oh she detected what what is the [ __ ] what is this ai holy [ __ ] why is it so dark out it's three o'clock the game is actually hurting my eyes but i'm not turning the lights on i haven't earned it she just killed the 22 have we decided zim is the worst character in the game because that's what it feels like it [ __ ] sucks he has two good moves there finally a [ __ ] lead oh god all right that was quick nice i'm starting to [ __ ] cruise 265 zim just cannot kill okay i i can't i can't box with her she's too good i just have to keep zoning it makes me sick that she actually [ __ ] texts we're still living we're still living 292 305. 391 god just how did why doesn't anything tim has kill why does it have to be a heavy why doesn't any of my light normals do anything not like this oh she's [ __ ] immortal i can't get anything going back to neutral please i don't understand i don't get it nothing zim has kills except for his heavies none of his normal [ __ ] aerials do any damage they cannot kill they literally can't kill neutral air up air down air i've only hit twice none of it can [ __ ] kill holy [ __ ] there we go [ __ ] finally i will never use his normal heirs only heavies jesus [ __ ] christ holy [ __ ] up danny phantom seems pretty good oh there we go kind of got a little ladder on him come on there we go [ __ ] finally jesus christ okay i am styling on nigel right now they're not dugongs nigel it's my dick oh poor guy oh he's getting absolutely [ __ ] destroyed come back nigel i'm sorry oh got him with both oh he killed himself he said i had enough i was getting the hands poor guy oh he's playing nigel let some combo food for me i'm about to go nuts you ready for this come on baby gotcha okay that's all right we shake that off oh god damn it he called it out at least it's a close game at the very least well it was here we go well that's okay thanks therese of angel i think that is significantly better than anybody here and at his chat thought i would do i think at the very least i got the first stock with my combo i'm pretty happy with that to be honest it's so much better than i was expecting see i play better when i play against people who know how to play like playing in cpu i suck some fat butthole like i'm eating dick but when i get to play against someone good i i step up no here let me add him on discord after this do you like it danny phantom yeah he's the only one i'm getting like some combos with [Music] been laughing out some mean [ __ ] you were moving dude you're kind of moving with the whale oh my god oh that move is scary as [ __ ] that's my little secret recipe right there the krabby patty secret formula the formula oh my god [Music] all right all right all right let's do it for the road still getting is still getting used to it again got to get my land legs back yeah i feel you i feel you no oh all right let me show you a reptile all right let me see it let's do it let's do it oh my god yeah he's uh he [ __ ] hits hard oh my god what the [ __ ] okay okay okay okay yeah he uh he's kind of a badass he just that that fire move was 30 every single time there's no stealing that's absolutely disgusting seriously you could just spam it and it has armor right here too look at your percent oh my god you hit me like twice i know [Music] oh my god that down so big it's ridiculously strong it's actually crazy what's your early tier list who's top tier yo charlie are you trying to make a two list together i think that'll be a lot of fun i'm down i mean because i think the best character in this game is 10 trillion percent cat dog really that guy just dumb how about you uh well i've only played the ai until now and cat dog was [ __ ] gross i got blasted like eight times and no more than that like 10 times in a row i was ai i never felt so bad about myself like this there's so much crazy [ __ ] they have um they're they're busted i think um lucy loud is really good she's like the best one in the game i think i'm leaning here yet abilene is disgusting as [ __ ] armada plays abina just snuff that okay yes sir i'm feeling it okay oh smiles bad no this is perfect oh what am i doing oh come back let's go oh no oh no no patrick please well jesus chris you said weakest but i think you meant strongest patrick look nutty it was fun he was fun but [ __ ] all right here we go there we go oh this is my map watch these nasty spikes oh my god i better get it back what the [ __ ] what what is that missing animations or is that what that's supposed to look like it's it's just what it looks like [Music] yes [ __ ] yeah let's go there's hope oh [ __ ] no i don't know why oh what am i doing no oh god damn it i got greedy no not like this oh [Music] so close so close i thought i had that i'm playing this nine hours nine hours yeah man holy [ __ ] it's been crazy more than anything the game is really definitely fun oh absolutely like that's like like the only game i can play with like nine hours straight is melee and this is like and even that like gets tedious so they did a great job with that whoa oh well all right i got absolutely blasted reptar is terrifying yeah like give me give me something give me a little appetizer so of course they're hush-hush but a lot of stuff but someone in the chat asks is there gonna be the inclusion of third-party characters and they use goku as an example and they just did a thing where they stayed quiet and they did like them zipping their mouth shut and i was like what the [ __ ] ah they're playing very coy but they didn't say no dude timmy's gonna be like rosalina do you think so yeah instead of luma it's caused my wonder just falling around that'd be so cool how did that kill damn okay i need to display heavies i think jesus christ yo gts man that was fun yeah good games man hope you have a great rest of the stream yeah for sure dude my hands are super sore so i'm gonna take a break all right man we'll have a great night then all right charlie see you bud all right that was fun he's such a sweetheart and i was slapping him a little bit kind of moderately like i wasn't doing bad which i think most people expected mm-hmm all right i beat my first cpu i'm ready to beat you okay i'll have you know i absolutely slapped hungrybox today like they weren't even close games his chat was going wild uh is that is that because i was actually watching a bit of it is that you were watching yeah were you slapping towards the like beginning or the end because i was it was like it was like well when did you start watching uh like the first like maybe 45 minutes [Music] so the whole thing you mean you saw yeah yeah okay but like on and off like i'd go to the bathroom so i don't know every every time you went to the bathroom i i three stalked him it's what happened yeah yeah you know i did pee twice in that 45 who's your man danny phantom i've been labbing out some nutty combos with him wow what was that i told you i've been laughing some nutty shits [Music] [Laughter] what is going on i'm gross it's been a day it's been three hours hours oh no here we go baby back in it let's go i'm throwing it up yeah yeah come on get the [ __ ] out all right hey just game one just game one just look hey honestly if you ignore you killing me within 15 seconds that was a decent game that was a competitive one yeah that was the one two what this term what did you actually do to me can someone post a clip i need to see that again it was so bad okay okay okay all right all right it's so it's no we're playing on east coast servers there's a bit of lag chat oh yeah true true true yeah the rollback netcode doesn't really work oh i almost got you with it again i try to spot dodge rest instead i just take no that's right baby i'm playing that [ __ ] out okay okay hey you know what it is i figured it out charlie charlie charlie yeah yeah yeah i am not a nigel guy i've never been a nigel guy he's a goofy character he is he's a goofy guy goofy goober i'm not a goofy guy like that no i agree i when you pick nigel i was shocked i was like there's no way ludwig's a nigel guy yeah i've always been angry oh [ __ ] now that i can see man you must been [ __ ] up hbox when i was peeing oh yeah you should have seen it it was like unfortunately i think the the clips have been scrubbed but they were kind of nuts yeah cause he was embarrassed right yeah yeah he's like charlie you just get rid of that left to the left that was on your right it's an aoe it's an aoe heavy yeah his molecules got all rearranged can you use an attacking hit him [Applause] [Applause] that's what i get for grabbing him [Music] that was so close charlie you know what it is what a not an ang main yeah i at first i was like it's kind of vibing a little bit but i was like it just doesn't fit it's just not it's not a match is what it is yeah not the right thing one type always been more of a top select person myself here i'll place i'll play someone new i don't want to get read too hard you're starting to download me i started to feel it in the last one oh i gotta throw right after grabbing how do you throw just press it again dude what are you i beat you like eight times [Music] you gotta press the button to throw again okay okay all right this is fine okay no i'm not throwing chat if i were you guys i would bet on me because the thing about it charlie i don't know if you know this i'm not a tough guy oh that just didn't look right at all yeah that was kind of yeah patrick's actually the most powerful character in the game i've always been a patrick guy and i'm sorry for going easy on you on the first few but i if you don't mind i'd like to go all out here yeah that's fine no no i agree i think it's time oh you're playing patient oh god damn oh oh that's just that's a bit of that's just unlucky that's just a bit of bad luck i was cowgirling you and you cowgirl how did you get on top i don't know i don't know what happened yeah i just threw you off oh my god because i was sending him yeah no you had me in a loop i just gotta i'm staying with patrick i like patrick right right right i just wanna quickly adjust some controls oh yeah yeah the controls might have been a little [ __ ] for you if you haven't yet touch those i'm not holding back now oh okay good finally the training weights come off this is rock lee taking off the weights all right good good good wait this is a different man this is not ludwig anymore who is this demon oh wrong way okay we take that we take that get up there patrick that's patrick's fault that's not even yours oh good read what the [ __ ] what was that i don't know but i'll take it forbidden tech oh what what is this okay okay wear this baby i threw let's go can't guard at the wedge idiot is that a thing yeah if you guard it at the legend get hit it stuns you oh i got teetered yeah you got teetered but you saw yeah you saw what can happen with patrick that was big that was big okay the light switch kind of coming out yeah jesus christ that's not me that's you that's your connection all day i get to analyze you frame by frame it's probably the map outplayed your use of bad connection is i'm gonna hit you that outstanding once come down here come down here no no you come up here here i come yep what was that well all right what the [ __ ] did you know that move was in the game i i so when you were dying i was looking at my specials and i saw i had a special grab with down special because this patrick is literally just kirby true true some real footsies going on now oh god what the [ __ ] is this good jab jab give me this game give me this game let's [ __ ] go all right big man that was good great games i have to get good at this game for you tomorrow it sounds good i appreciate it man the door all right see you soon bro that was this game was a lot of fun i think there's definitely some things that i should be improved hopefully over time with more polish and like maybe more budget the game does well but it's been a lot of fun i had a lot of [ __ ] fun with this today not gonna lie danny phantom i'm probably the best in the game right now yeah she seems nuts yeah she seems absolutely gross is kind of gross i was never like a big ah real monsters fan and i'm surprised that it's oblina that's in it instead of the guy that holds his eyes kind of looks like danny devito's chin i don't remember what his name is he was really the face of all real monsters all right we'll do some random online let's bust out the danny phantom and get serious okay this guy's getting [ __ ] this is a pretty intense match oh my spacing my plays oh we gonna get a three stock on my first competitive game you can't recover easy three stock that poor guy get me out of here go to the next one oh don't do this to me why did that happen i threw out too many attacks that was kind of a nutty option i'm a little gross come on [Music] [Applause] is intense oh [ __ ] i almost had that that was close that was so [ __ ] close that was a good match i want to run that back and he trash talks him i mean he's a better player the character's still bad i was looking on twitter while shooting most people think he's a bad character also his uh his heavy hitbox like his normal standing heavy hitbox actually doesn't always like land like it doesn't work [Music] that was big that was big for us oh i didn't think that could hit [Music] there we go what that definitely yeah oh yeah that was huge there we go let's [ __ ] get it baby easy um kuru my danny phantom is just kind of clean i'm out get me the [ __ ] out yeah no two out of three just give me the next one give me the [ __ ] out i'm ready to ride oh my god it's getting bad all right run that back maybe it was just that one match i thought rollback was supposed to get rid of all this lag [Music] that's not that's not the input i was looking for this is uh very sad thanks there's some friend yeah the game's good seems like there's still some problems with the multiplayer though very laggy oh just missed good read oh [Music] we went a little too deep there damn miss ledge where's sandy she's in the game and she's [ __ ] nuts i'm down to running back oh boy i'm sorry man that was kind of mean but very [ __ ] cool am i right [Music] easy i'm just kind of [ __ ] gross thanks to prime reuben and kamali's and the resub zim [Music] here we go gotcha sorry kid his grabs have gotten better there we go but my edge guarding is kind of nuts best in the game i would argue oh that was so [ __ ] close all right that was a tight one give me give me someone else holy [ __ ] i i was sweating at the end there i could not get any of my strings off he started locking down i'm just comboing the [ __ ] out of this poor guy gotcha [Music] nope oh my three stock oh god yuck sorry jesus christ that's so unlucky i shouldn't have chased that spike god why is it getting even worse oh boy jesus tough that guy just hit so [ __ ] hard thank you he said izawa no i went too deep oh i accidentally blew my [ __ ] dodge imagine oh that would have been such a nasty combo oh not like this what wow you can really just get locked under stage i tried to teleport to the right and drift but i couldn't i just went right into it all right good string to finish that off let's go needed that oh god close i i don't okay let it ride okay that's how i want it to be anyway i'll take it pretty good edge guard god my danny phantom is so [ __ ] clean it's gross that's also a pretty good edge guarding tool as well to be honest that move that i just used there i kind of like it for edge guard not much else it's also good for stalling so i can keep a good drift so if i'm coming in like this i can just even pull them off a little bit see we are climbing come on yep can we calm the [ __ ] out of him there we go like let's be honest i'm pretty [ __ ] good at this game like i feel nice [Music] oh whoa this one's not laggy i this map is trash what not being able to recover them there's really weird i need i need to stop choosing this map holy [ __ ] it's lagging pretty bad now [Music] holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] the the delay is crazy still got it though big tech you thought i wouldn't tech that are you insane i attack everything gotcha close close close i have not well actually i lost one two out of three i'm just kind of [ __ ] gross let's be honest i'm kind of [ __ ] good i don't think this would be competitive for ultimate but for melee obviously it's just going to co-exist man it's not going to replace them or anything is it actually fun it is pretty fun it is pretty fun i have been enjoying it i am a little disappointed with the rollback it doesn't seem that great since the majority of my matches have been laggy but it's still fun april's pretty good yeah my region is set to the east did they actually implement all the small tech stuff they did it's actually pretty deep i'm i'm pretty happy with it so far to be honest [Music] zim just can't kill not a good character 254 holy [ __ ] he's kind of going in right now though [Music] [Music] we got him kind of disrespectful but we got him man i have been tearing this [ __ ] up i'm gonna stop there let's play some new characters my danny phantom is so clean holy [ __ ] i think i only lost like three matches the entire night people in the chat passionately hating the game eh i didn't make the game doesn't offend me i'm having fun with it like i've said since the very beginning this thi it just needs some polish there's no voice acting there's only one sound effect animations are really not a lot of them but it's a very fun game and if you write it off just because of that you're missing out on some like actual technical [ __ ] it's really nice i think in a year's time maybe it'll probably be really solid
Channel: penguinz0
Views: 1,592,881
Rating: 4.9683547 out of 5
Id: MrK7jGxyBzk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 11sec (2111 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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