It won't take much | Pastor Keion Henderson

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hallelujah would you look at your neighbor and tell your neighbor it's good to see you in the house of the lord this morning as we celebrate on this christmas sunday that we are excited to give god the glory that he deserves come on put your hands together and bless him in this place today this is the day that the lord has made and i will i shall we shall rejoice and we shall be glad and is anybody glad to be in the house come on is anybody glad to be in the house of the lord if you're watching online are you glad to be when you can lift up your hands and give god the glory that he deserves [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Applause] i'm so glad you came today oh i'm so glad [Music] oh [Music] today i'm you can come here up to us what happened [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi [Music] is say i we we [Music] is is [Music] hallelujah glory it's a sweet smell in this place today [Music] glory the bible says that if we would lift his name on high that god would draw all men unto him this is our time for prayer for those of you that are here visiting with us we welcome you but this is a time that you can come down in front our prayer team has been consecrated for such a time as this now we're going to celebrate christmas in a few days but on this day we're going to celebrate our god in a way like never before this is the day that he has made so we shall rejoice and be glad in it we're going to celebrate his birth but today let's celebrate releasing some things into the atmosphere that we've been holding on to all year the year is not over god can still do what he said he will do if you will believe the word today is believed if you believe a thing to be that thing will be whether good or bad so come down put your hands in the with these prayer warriors so that they can the bible says with two or more come together and touch and agree that he will be in the midst and we need our lord to be in the midst of our situations we lift his name on high father we thank you we give you praise we give you honor lord we cancel all worry we cancel all cares father we thank you lord that you said that in your word that if we would give our cares unto you that you would give us rest and we give you honor we give you praise we give you glory father this is the end of 2019 well we bless you father that this is still a day that we can you can perform signs miracles and wonders if we believe your word your word is true so we honor you we bless you we give you praise father we thank you lord that you will increase our faith in you you will increase our belief in you because it's only through you that we will get these signs and we will get these miracles and we will get these wonders and for that we give you praise we give you honor lord we thank your father for this ministry we thank you father for our leader we thank you father for what you're doing in his life because we know that the oil does flow down so we honor your lord that wherever his feet shall try that there shall be blessings father we honor you we thank you father right now we even speak to those that's in the back that are a little reluctant to come forward we thank you father that you will touch them father you know the need you know the desires you know the cares and you know the concerns father we thank you lord that we don't have to voice it because you and only you know the heart of man so we honor you we bless you father we thank you we give you praise and we call it done in jesus name amen a i wonder the power of the lord oh lighthouse welcome to another worship experience and happy holidays here are your news announcements at upcoming events on december 31st all roads lead to perfect vision a new year's eve celebration with pastor keon henderson at the lighthouse church houston campus 6650 rankin road humble texas 77396 there will be a worship celebration at 7 p.m and at 10 pm we'll hope to see you there couple kick off the new year right the roaring 20s at night in harlem marriage group will have a dinner and dance january 3rd at 7 00 p.m at the old civic community center 100 north houston avenue humboldt texas 77338 these have been your news announcements and upcoming events for the lighthouse church we are one church currently in three locations under the capable leadership of pastor keon henderson we hope to see you again soon [Applause] come on let's give the lord some praise in this house on this morning just look at the personality and say merry christmas we are in the christmas season this is the time for giving and you know you see this big gift up here and i you know it's it's something in there it's just not for you so we are raising a love for our leader do you have love for your leader yeah clap real hard with that [Applause] yeah yeah i believe him to be one of the best in the world as far as leadership not just preaching but leadership because you can be a great preacher and a bad leader we ain't going nowhere but if you're a great leader you have to be led to the next level and and and what i enjoy about this time of the service is that everything that we're about to do for our leader in giving is biblical it's the bible i don't care how you cut it it's the bible for the bible says in first timothy the fifth chapter it says let us count those worthy of double honor who who listen who are who labor in the word and in doctrine for the bible says that we tread it not the ox this old church not his old church we treaded not the ox we must not the ox who treaded out the corn that he's worthy of his labor our leader works hard for us and working hard is just not what you see but working hard is being on his knees for us and praying for us and loving us so i don't want to pump and prime you to love the man that i love you ought to just love them anyway for the lord give you your pastor if you chosen you can leave them but if the lord chose it for you it's kind of hard not to do what i'm asking you to do right now so if you really love him then i just want you to get on your feet before you come and give to him and show him the kind of love and appreciation that he needs to hear from us come on you can do better than that you can do better than that [Music] this is the man that the lord sent to you yeah now now listen now listen listen i need your love to be so unorganized right now that when you run up here and put some love in this box we don't have to do this thing hour by hour or row by row just run up here and throw something in this box let your love be so crazy and unorganized that when he look at you and be like i don't know what kind of people i'm leading around here but they just love me so much that ain't no structure to them so just come up here we want you to come put something right in here express your love and it doesn't matter the size of the love as long as there's an expression of it just come just come just come this way just come you should have received the envelope if you didn't well that's okay too just come up here and just show them some love in the house yeah that's it now that's a beautiful thing just come just come just come just come yeah that's it [Music] that's it yeah they don't it don't have to even be the envelope just come and show love it don't have to be an involved just come and put it in there how you got it [Music] yeah and if you want to text a gift well then text to give and use the word love to just to so that you so that we will know what your offering represents but just come this way just come we want to take this opportunity to show how much we appreciate our leader yeah come on you ought to just be clapping for that because it doesn't matter if it's one two five or six dollars love is just love and if you don't have anything financial to give well you can give a word to him to say pastor i just want to say i love you i don't have all that right now to give but i can come and say look past i just love you and i thank you for all your prayers your preaching and your teaching that you throw my way [Music] yeah that's good i just want i want to appreciate you for appreciating my guy this is my dude my pastor i love him and i know you love him just like i do [Music] yeah that's good i just want to thank you for that now you know that when we sow into our leader we can't forget to sow into god [Music] yeah yeah yeah yeah we sold entire leader because he labors for us and when we give to him the bible says that if you sow into a you'll receive a profits reward and i don't want you to get beside yourself and think that some of that favor you've been experiencing was all that favor that was designated just for you some of that favor you've been experiencing is just an overflow of what's been at his table and since you have been sitting at his table you are just like that person in the bible i've been receiving the crumbs that's been falling from the master table somebody ought to just be testifying that if it had not been for a good leader in my life [Music] yeah the blessings that the lord's been putting on me i would have missed some of that thing but thank god i got a man of god who can represent for me when i can't represent for myself oh i i don't feel so glory and that i get out of getting happy right now because i'm not getting happy about a man but i know who i know the man who the lord sent and when you know the man who the lord sent for you you better thank god he's standing the gap for you sometime oh yeah oh yeah you want to be on your feet right now because he's been praying for you when you didn't have a prayer for yourself he didn't cry for you when you didn't know how to cry for yourself he just said lord cover them when your sins were too great to ask for yourself do you want to be on your some more you want to just be giving him [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah that's grace a good leader is grace don't you don't you don't get beside yourself to think that what you're doing is not biblical baby this is big bling code this is the bible it's the bible and i'm gonna move on but i gotta tell you the bible says that we have many teachers but we do not have many fathers yeah yeah and since we have a father that the lord sent the bible says we should imitate him in everything that he does and since he has been laboring for us you better learn how to get yourself in connection with the lord because you have a good leader who knows how to talk to the lord for you now i'm gonna move on for now i'm gonna move on get off my soapbox but it's giving time yeah yeah it's giving time come on if you need an envelope raise your hand for the offering just give them get on your feet down stay on your feet get on your feet come on stand up oh i feel the i feel the lord in that i feel the lord in that can't nobody talk about my pastor and some of y'all just like me i listen i would get i would lose all my holy ghost don't you don't you say nothing about mine and if you got any kind of thoughts keep it to yourself because if i even get an inkling that you got any kind of wrong thinking i would look listen i'll take these shoes off [Music] i don't got unholy come on as i move towards greater i will accept all divine ideas thoughts are concepts that will connect me to my destiny i believe that what jesus christ has done for me is bigger than what anyone has can and will do to me because of his full gift i will lend to many nations and borrowed from none do you believe that yeah do you really believe it yeah put a praise on that thing and pass it down [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] i really don't have time to [Music] [Music] getting out of spring [Music] [Applause] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but i just found out something in the past two weeks that blew my mind i did not know i'm 31 years old i just learned something new and i want to share it with you all guess what what when you go to a restaurant most times you sit at the restaurant and it tells you from when you sit down what the meal is going to be like you know if there's two forks three fourths let you know it's gonna be a two or three four course meal right it's easier for me to tell you what's on the menu because you're not gonna get excited over how many forts you have on the plate this is true but i realize that i can identify what's coming based off of when i sit down [Music] so if you don't stand here give god praise and identify what you're looking for he'll never put something on your plate that you need somebody come on i got three fours i need a three-course meal i got a four-part so coming to the coming to the uh stage is a good friend of mine who's going to be the appetizer but believe you me god god's going to leave us following that with pastor with the word of god the main course the dessert is always the the best part which he'll be able to tell you what that would be but listen she's an amazing singer of an amazing voice and i'm telling you you have to understand the god that's in her and be looking for the god in her to understand anything that she sings about everything comes from a genuine place her spirit is so warm and so anointed that you're going to hear it through her singing but i'm just having you stand up and prepare for what's coming and remain standing when pastor kia comes up everybody put your heads together for y'all hilton [Music] hallelujah can we begin to bless the name of jesus hallelujah he's worthy to be praised god we magnify your name jesus god we bless you today for who you are you are the son of the living god so god we just want to say we adore you today god there's nobody like you oh god in all of the earth so we say we love you jesus with your hands and say god we love you today oh god anybody who really really loves him today somebody on the [Music] you show hallelujah we praise you oh god we praise you oh god we praise you oh god your name it is hollow in this place [Music] we praise you oh god yes god we praise you god for your name somebody shout jesus it is i'm it is righteous in this place one more time your way oh god no matter what it may seem like just have your wife jesus your name it is now give god a praise if you believe it if you believe it you've got a shout out praise hallelujah god you are mighty [Music] can we reference your name god hallelujah somebody just say something to your father [Music] god thank you for keeping us thank you for keeping us in our right mind for regulating our hearts right thank you jesus [Music] i shall rise i shall be i shall go in victory no weapons formed against me will never wanna take me [Music] i shall rise i shall be i shall go in victory no weapon form love against me [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] no failure say i shall rise [Music] anybody believe it today against me is is [Music] the devil is a liar god is exhausted yes you'll never be defeated never be defeated [Applause] is is is [Music] is anybody is [Music] we shall never is we shall never ever we shall never be defeated we shall never we shall we shall never we shall never hallelujah hallelujah because god is the greatest power we shall never never be defeated because god [Music] is the greatest power we shall never never be defeated and make us we shall never we shall never we shall never i shall never never be defeated hallelujah thank you jesus thank [Music] come on put those hands together and give god glory in this place or you can do better than that let's worship him let's worship him lift those hands in this place holy spirit we welcome you into this room and because you are who you are the devil is a liar and you are exalted both now and forever and so god in that position [Music] of prosperity in that position of winning in that position of assurance we just let you be god and if you arise our enemies shall be scattered in the mighty name of jesus we pray if you love them come on and give them glory in this place that's praise i said give him glory so this is this is where we celebrate the birth of jesus and there was always um when i was growing up in church this was always a sunday you look forward to coming to you get an opportunity to tell the lord thank you i i understand easter and the resurrection and i understand the great getting up mourning and by and by but you know in order to die you got to be born anybody glad that he came through 42 generations literally and then allowed the holy ghost to impregnate a virgin to be born for the sole purpose of dying [Music] when when your parents conceived you they hoped that you would be a doctor or a lawyer or astronaut are a veterinarian they have plans for you and then you would live your life and then you would have children and then you would get married and give them grandchildren they had all of these plans when they conceived you he had one expressed purpose to seek and save that which was lost and i don't know about you but i was sinking deep in sin yeah yeah how many of y'all been in church long enough to know the rest of that far from the peaceful shore very deeply staying within sinking to rise no more but the master of the sea see if you only joined church about a month ago you don't know that one herd might just but from the waters he lifted me now safe am i and then when nobody knew those words everybody in the church would say love lifted me when nothing else could help and that's why today should be a day about giving him thanks and glory because it was for you see he knew no sin and he became sin that you and i might become the righteousness of god and if you don't clap any other time doing this worship experience can you just give him glory just hug two or three people and tell a merry christmas merry christmas let's go to uh luke chapter two i'm gonna read three verses to all of our viewers online thank you so much let's give our online viewers some hands a hand god bless you thank you who's from out of town anybody uh from out of town you're here visiting family thank you all so much let's give all of our guests a hand thank you so much for being with us today luke chapter 2 verse 36. luke chapter 2 verse 36 if you got to say i got it if you need time say give me a second yes sir [Music] let me know when y'all ready we ready here it is the bible says now can i just tell you that luke chapter 2 is worth you reading uh if you are interested in understanding what we call the nativity scene this this chapter is uh is a good read but um for the sake of contributing to the brevity of time i wanted to um circumvent the entire chapter so that we could just i guess for a few moments uh to um to to um i guess narrow our narrative to three verses i'm not trying to catch you up on the entire story of christ but i saw something that maybe we've overlooked because this whole chapter is talking about jesus and john and all that kind of stuff and then you get to verse 36 and it's like luke just lost his train of thought and and then he says in verse 36 and there was one anna a prophetess now first of all you look at that never in the history of the new testament do you ever hear about a prophetess she is the only woman in the new testament that saw something before a cane y'all with me so far and so um and there was a woman named anna she was a prophetess but not just a prophetess she was the daughter of a man named fanuel of the tribe of asher and she was of a great age and had lived with a husband seven years from her virginity not just two virgins in the text she lives with her husband from her virginity and she was a widow of about four score in four years now i'm trying to give you this up front because i don't have time to preach it we don't know whether she was a widow for 84 years or whether she was 84 years old but what we do know is that she was married for seven years and her husband died now if she was married at 15 which was about the legal age at that time then that means that she was married from about 15 to 22 and stayed a widow from 22 to 84 and if it's the other scenario it means that she was 105. okay so husband was so good that after he died she didn't want another one oh so bad i don't know whatever it was she she's like one and done are you with me and she was a widow four scored in four years which departed not from the temple but served god with fastings and prayers night and day and she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the lord and spake of him to all them that looked for redemption in jerusalem what the the subject ain't going to make sense right now by the way congratulations cody i'm getting married yesterday yeah man cody and took my daughter nina they got married yesterday and y'all give it up for cody i'm so proud of you man y'all know my mind don't work well i just i'm looking at stuff right now i might see some nice shoes see stuff like that just um the subject won't make sense so that's why you have to stay woke at least the first 15 minutes and if you can stay woke the first 15 minutes then you'll get the rest of this sermon um can you look at the neighbor through the other you know not the one from the foggy glasses but the other neighbor the one that actually was the one that responded to you and tell them this say 2020 is coming and you have a big vision to accomplish and i know it seems hard and i know it seems rough but god told me to tell you in 2020 it won't take much that's what i want to talk about today [Music] [Applause] you don't put all the hard work in in 2019 the thing that god has for you is so close it's not gonna take every ounce of energy it's not gonna take every night it's not gonna take all of your money it's a small thing slap three people say it won't take much if you believe that i tell you to give god the kind of praise that shows that you're excited that your next miracle is coming and it won't take you may be stupid somebody shot it won't take much you may be seated in the presence of the lord luke's gospel provides many details many details as it is associated with the birth of jesus now if you read the book of luke you would see very specifically that he is obsessed with anatomy everything that luke says has a physical element you know when the woman with the issue of blood when her story was told nobody tells it with such detail other than that of luke you know why he is a physician and since he is a physician it is no wonder he is obsessed with anatomy all of the other synoptic gospels when they express the nativity scene they talk about jesus but from a different perspective maybe of power a prowess a prosperity not luke luke he starts his uh chapter his book off uh within an anatomical physiological side for instance when he gets into chapter one he starts to talk about the birth of john remember that but but he doesn't just talk about it and this is how you know it and you'll know the story remember he tells us that elizabeth was pregnant with john and and and and she was pregnant six months before mary got pregnant with jesus and and look at the detail and and and john leaps in the mother's womb look at the detail of of a doctor he he's doing ultrasounds before technology he already knows what's going on inside of elizabeth and he's talking about uh john and remember he said that he would be the forerunner of jesus he is born and then it lets us know that he he he comes into the world and and it lets us know look at luke telling us how his clothes look in the wilderness and how his hair looked in the wilderness and how he ate locusts and honey in the wilderness do you see the specificity of the account and then he backs it up by telling us the birth of jesus and all of the other writers tells us that he was born and the other writers tells us that that the the nativity scene happens when the wise men go and approach him in the place of his birth but not luke luke backs it all the way up and lets us know first of all mary was awake one day and the holy ghost comes and the holy ghost comes and speaks to mary and tells her that she would be pregnant of the holy ghost and that she must name this young man jesus and he is to be referred to as the son of god do you see the specificity of the writer luke as he is trying to say to us that god is so important that we must talk about him before he arrives don't don't miss that because most of us uh have a testimony about god uh about when he showed up in our life and when he came and he turned dark night into midday or when he came and you saw the spot on the uh the diagnostics but then it was gone or or maybe you felt the lump and then god erased it or perhaps you had a thyroid issue and then all of a sudden god did away with it and let me tell you something i'm not mad at you but there are some of us in here that have a testimony about him before he showed up come on talk to me there's somebody in here that'll say my relationship with jesus didn't start after he put money in my pocket my relationship with jesus didn't start after he put bread on the table my relationship with jesus did not start after he made uh amended my broken heart or after he no my relationship start i i knew him before i needed him come on talk to me somebody i knew him before i need him and and i just wanted to talk to somebody today this is this is his day we commemorate his birth and there ought to be somebody in here that has some memory of god that doesn't have anything to do with him providing that it it's just it's just a memory of him because because he's god and beside him there anybody got a that kind of relationship with god it's not about the miracle it's not about the time that they tried to uh repossess the house or or or try to get the car back or evict me none of that matters this this is just about because he's my my savior come on it's not about the time when when when christmas came and the church provided a miracle or somebody it's just because he saved me anybody's just glad that that he's saved you just touch your name and say he he saved me now i don't know about you but that's enough that's enough because it doesn't matter what car you drive you could be driving on your way to hell it doesn't matter how much furniture you got you could be sleeping well on your way to hell but is there anybody just that he saved me come on it just just that he looked beyond my faults hey come on church i can't go nowhere till you get that that he looked beyond my faults that he looked beyond my faults and saw that i needed a savior just slap two people and say he saved me he saved me he saved me the old testament closes by letting us know uh that that jesus was coming but but watch this that john would be what we call the forerunner that john would come before jesus and watch this the bible says that john would go forward in the spirit and in the power of elijah y'all didn't read the bible this year did you that he would go forward in the spirit and in the power of elijah not jesus that john would come in the spirit and in the power of elijah now that may not mean anything to you because perhaps you're not looking at the fact that there is a shadow that has just taken place because remember when israel was coming out of bondage the bible says that god spoke to elijah and elijah was to reveal to them that god was going to bring israel under from under the tyranny of a man named pharaoh so now god's chosen people have been given a peek into the future through a man named elijah who lets to know that even though they are in bondage it ain't going to take much to get out and now god shows us that if the old testament is god concealed then the new testament is god revealed and now john comes in the spirit of elijah and lets god lets gentiles know that the same promise that has been allocated for those who have been chosen by god can now be propitiated to those who have been forgotten or y'all not here with me today what i'm trying to show you is that john came to tell those who have been forgotten that god still remembered and i don't know if you understand what that means because at that time the only people who were considered to be god's people were those who were jews those who have been chosen those who have been allocated to the promised land and all those of us who are non-jews were considered to be gentiles and reprobate and we were going to hell so god says now i'm going to take john and send him in the spirit and in the power of elijah can i tell you something you don't have to be elijah just go in his spirit and in his power i'm talking to somebody in here because god wanted me to tell you that if you would just go forward in his spirit and in his power you would be able to accomplish what elijah accomplished you will be able to accomplish what john don't go in your opinion go in his spirit and in his power don't go in your thoughts and your know-it-all attitude go in his spirit and don't go with what big mama told you i know she was smart and i know she could bake a ham but she ain't got nothing to do with the spirit and the power of god slap somebody say go in the spirit and go in here's a power in 2020 you can't go with your opinion and you can't go with what a blog said and you can't go with what a post said and you can't go with what the enter you got to go in his spirit [Applause] and in his power touch somebody say it is spirit and in his power i'm taking my time in this because most of us in this place today are serving to god and we don't even know where he came from [Music] serving to god and don't even know where he's born and then when these people come on the internet who are not uh acquiescing or have fidelity to our faith you are confused because they know more about your faith than you know about your faith and so instead of having a comeback you got to fight and get an argument but i'm trying to put some theological prowess into your lexicon so that when somebody who is ignorant of our christ comes to you and tell you he is not here you can look at him and tell him he's alive i wish i had somebody in this place who knew that he was alive even when nothing else could help it was his love [Applause] slap two people and said he's alive he's alive he's alive he's alive he's alive he's alive that's why isaiah told us isaiah told us that he would be born of a virgin see this is what bothers me is that people who pretend that our religion started in the new testament elijah lets us know and isaiah lets us know in the old testament watch this prophetically because the book of isaiah was written prophetically that means that it was written about things that had not yet happened which meant in the time of jesus they already knew he would be born of a virgin before mary got pregnant oh i ain't got no help in here today no you're not gonna get a bentley today and you're not getting the house and your student loans are not gonna disappear this is about jesus can you shout about jesus i'm not promising you a bentley and you're not getting a rolls royce and you're not going to fly private next week and all your bills are not going to disappear but as long as i got jesus oh i wish i had an old time see you no church when you shake your head like as long as i got jesus he'll take care of the bill as long as i got jesus he'll take care of the sickness as long as i got jesus he'll take care of the loneliness anybody in the church still excited about jesus he would be born of a virgin conceived by the holy ghost and his name must be jesus [Music] the scripture calls him emmanuel which which uh uh uh tetragrammaton or hebrew speech lets us know that he is god with us well well that's that's prophetic he's god with us in the beginning was the word and the word was with god look at that with us and the word was god doesn't make yeah and then he came and tabernacled and dwelt among us he tabernacled look at the shadow because what did moses carry in the wilderness he carried a tabernacle and so now the tabernacle is gone because jesus christ was resurrected on what we call the resurrection sunday and the veil is torn and the the tabernacle is gone and now the jews are wondering if the tabernacle is gone where is he he's tabernacling amongst us the tabernacle has now switched from a physical location to a spiritual locale that's why it is in him that we move it is in him that we live do i have a church and it's in him that we have our being see i'm tired of y'all want popcorn and ice cream at church anybody wants some meat of the word of god slap your name and say i am off of milk in 2019 i want solid food i don't want anybody to tickle my ears and let me think that every time i turn around i'm gonna get a miracle if it doesn't start with jesus it's finished that's why on the cross he said all of what y'all thought y'all tried to end it wasn't over until i said so it is [Applause] i'm gonna take my time today i didn't put this good suit on for it to be off quick i'm gonna take my time can i slow walk it really i know some of y'all like movies and you want the punch line and all that up front but can you wait to find out who dies in the end if if there had been if there had been newspapers 2 000 years ago in rome the headline would have said angels spotted in judea as you understand that there at that time the sightings of god were few and far between and then only to those who had been chosen you say you have to be moses you had to be elijah or elisha you had you had to be a prophet now let's see and it's still the same way because people everybody swear they hear from god the lord told me no he didn't when have you ever been called when have you ever been sent when have you ever been sanctioned just because you have a relationship that means you should have a way to speak authoritatively about what god has to say and if you don't believe me if you think that that was just an old testament principle go ahead and take a quantum leap over to revelation and the bible lets us know in chapters 2 and 3 that he spoke first to the angel of the church and then the angel to the people [Applause] y'all not going to like me today but i came with my own holy ghost he says to us that he is coming and now god in his infinite wisdom is about to become center stage in his own traumatization he creates a drama creates it puts other actors in it and say but for this scene i'ma act in my own play and he says now this story has become his story you missed it it's now it's going from history to his story did you get that sit up so i can hit you in the forehead go ahead and spell it out history h-i-s-t-o-r-y put a hyphen in his story history has become his story he says i can't trust nobody to act this scene out for me i i've got to put myself in my own drama i can't get nobody to play jesus i got to be him and even though this is a fleshly narrative what i'm going to do is i'm going to wrap myself in flesh because this thing came play out in the celestial shore so now i have to demarcate myself into the earthly realm coming out of the third heaven and implanting myself in the first heaven because i cannot allocate nor can i abdicate the responsibility for this portion of the drama to somebody else cause can't nobody save because it takes a spotless land and even though elijah was a prophet and even though moses was a good man and even though joshua had leadership skill they all sinned but see the scripture said that he who knew no sin had to become sin and since everybody else knew sin i had to i had to step in my own role and i had to play myself and then made sure that i brought the whole godhead with me so if you see me in the play and you recognize that it seems as if i have tourette's yes because i had to say to the other gods let us make man i couldn't let anybody else do it so i had to talk to myself and if you think that this is the only time that i talk to myself then in in the old testament let me give you another shadow because the bible says in the new testament there was a man named lazarus the bible says that he had died and he had two sisters named mary and martha y'all not here with me today and and the bible lets us know watch this that that god talks to himself in that arena and then he comes into a man named peter and he says to peter he says peter let me tell you something satan desires to sift you like wheat now in the old testament he said let us create man in our own image but then in the new testament they say he's no longer talking to himself that's a lie he says peter satan desires to sift you as weak but don't worry about it peter i have prayed for you who does god pray to himself so now he's talking to himself good god almighty y'all should have stayed home i'll be here when you wake up i promise you i'll preach this sermon all the way to 1 30 and drive from here downtown because it is important that you know that you've got to stop looking at religion as a as a pop-tart glaze with your favorite icing and your favorite flavor there was some meat inside of this thing we call christianity and if those of us of the faith would know it and not just know it look at me people of god and have an appetite for it [Applause] what's missing in the church is an appetite for truth [Music] [Applause] slap your name say i want to know my god don't date your boo and don't date jesus come on get his phone number i can tell you it's 1-1-1 you already been to church though yeah you know jesus got it's 1-1-1 the old truth he got a phone number what one for the father for the son and one for the holy and then grandma say end the line don't y'all play with me i brought my holy ghost and the lion is never busy you can call him up and tell him that's this i ain't even got to the sermon yet so now i want to show you for those who have doubt about our faith that this is not a coincidence no it is providence mary and joseph live in nazareth isaiah said that the baby must be born in bethlehem okay how many of y'all from from new orleans anybody from new orleans anybody from alabama mississippi oh it's a lot of mississippi people in here how many of y'all from just right here right in texas right here anybody from anywhere else michigan detroit all right no gang signs people of god i'm seeing too many hand gestures and hand signals in the house of you god christians but even though everybody's not from here you are here now do you understand how many set of events have to take place for all us to be in this room together at the same time your mama had to get pregnant the day she got pregnant my mama had to get pregnant the day she got pregnant you have to lose your job when you lost your job they have to send it overseas you have to go through the divorce you have to do that all that had to happen for you to be right here [Applause] accident you wouldn't have picked the pain that sent you here [Applause] no no come on now be on you you had your life planned a whole nother way now you might be in houston but i'm saying at when i say this place i'm not talking this place in your life you would not have chosen the succession of events that led you to the place you probably would have ended up here but you wouldn't have picked what sent you here you would have kept your phone number that day huh [Applause] somebody say no coincidence now watch this where is joseph and mary where do they live nazareth where did isaiah say the baby had to be born bethlehem now guess what got him there caesar said there must be a census why is the census census scheduled the same weekend that jesus has to be born i mean you got a whole year to do a census why why would caesar have a census on the weekend isaiah prophesied that he must be born now mary is not under this law but she just so happens to be espoused or engaged to someone who is a citizen of rome [Applause] and because women did not have rights then she had to go over her hook so her husband had to go and she had to follow pregnant as all get out she is really pregnant ladies and gentlemen she is in the final trimester she is swollen everywhere you can be swollen her back is hurting she is hungry and she wants chocolate covered pickles and she is upset and can you see her the whole time talking about i don't know why i made a roman citizen who would make me walk all of this time pregnant seemed like your oughta care more about can you hear her walking pregnant can you hear her and then when she gets to the place where she's to give birth he has not made proper accommodations because you know women got to plan everything men do everything last minute can you hear you knew i was pregnant for nine months the least chicken or dead is had a room [Applause] i'm doing all the work i'm doing all the carrying my feet swole my face woke and you can't even have a room how many fellas don't heard that one before joe like a feeding trough a manger mary i'm sorry you gonna have to have this baby the same place the sheep just had theirs do you see how awkward this is do you see how awkward this is and and and they get there and and when they get there uh the bible says there's a census and look at how god uses a census to center them and they're not right now in the will of god and and i want to give you another scripture micah 5 and 2 when you get home don't don't miss this because i'm now i'm getting ready to preach micah 5 and 2 says it says bethlehem though you are the smallest clan of the tribe of judah don't miss this out of you will come the one who will save israel [Music] micah 5 and 2 bethlehem although you are the smallest one of the smallest clans of the tribe of judah out of you will come the one that will save the world micah's a prophet which means that he said this before mary and joseph had ever been born are y'all with me today so he says he says out of you bethlehem you're the smallest clan of the tribe of jude jesus is of the tribe of judah you're the the smallest tribe and out of you will come the one that will save the world the smallest tribe the smallest clan and out of a small thing something's getting ready to disrupt the whole system oh my god i wish i had somebody in here today can i just tell somebody in here today that god told me to tell you that the birth of a small thing is about to come out of you and distract and disrupt every system the enemy has put over your life i just need 300 people to rock with me for about five minutes right there because i feel glory in there touch three people and tell them a small thing it ain't gonna take much god said there's a small so let them laugh at your little apartment right now let them laugh at your little business right now let them laugh at your little idea right now because god told me to tell you it's a big thing about to come out of a small thing oh i wish i had 15 people that would encourage somebody to say it ain't going to take much look at the person behind you and tell them it ain't going to take much it's just going to be a little money that's going to send your business into the stratosphere it's just going to be a little idea that god's going to use to flip it up and turn it around slap somebody say it ain't going to take much it ain't going to take much don't be afraid of starting small despise not small beginnings a little 11 11 if the whole loaf it is the small rudder to a ship that decides this direction i want to tell somebody just a little faith the size of a mustard seed can move a mountain somebody starts shouting about your small stuff shout about your small car your small apartment your small job your small vision your small idea why because something about to come out of that thing that's about to disrupt everything that tried to hold you back somebody started shouting for the small stuff anybody want to do me a favor and not just thank god when you get a raise can you shout for the next 30 seconds about your small check god about to take that little small check and do something big with it somebody shout for small stuff oh y'all ain't shouting cause you don't shout until it's big but by the time it's big it's too late let me show you something why the first adam was born a grown man [Music] oh don't you miss it the first adam came big the first adam came with dominion the first adam came with the ability to name the animals and and and call think but the the second adam came as a fetus see it ain't in the big thing it's in the small thing the big thing got us cooked got kicked out of the garden the small thing resurrected in the garden i wish i had somebody in here that'll spend about 30 seconds shouting over small stuff god thank you for my small check my small idea my little apartment thank you now and everybody who's laughing at you now because you're small touch your neighbor say but it's going to grow up oh god oh i'm talking your check is about to get grown your money is about to grow up your idea is about to become mature i need 30 people over the next 30 seconds to start shouting because your small thing is about to grow up [Music] come on thank god that is small thank god that is insignificant the oak tree is in the acorn [Applause] touch two people say it ain't gonna take much it ain't gonna take much it ain't gonna take much it ain't gonna take much did you know did you know that the chinese used to torture people by putting them in the chair and letting a drop of water just hit them on the forehead because they knew that even a small drop over a long period of time has enough time to drive the person crazy and the reason why some of y'all need to start thanking god is because he's been dripping you on people and they've been sleeping on you because you ain't nothing but a drop they've been sleeping on you because you're nothing but a speck they've been sleeping on you because you're not big at all but i came to prophesy that in 2020 god's about to use your small self to disrupt a big thing i need everybody who's ever been in a small situation to start thanking god in advance there's something big [Applause] somebody shout something big is coming out of this if i had some real church people here you couldn't even just small it ain't numb but a little idea it ain't nothing but one paragraph on the page and you look at it right now and you think it's not gonna do nothing but that little small idea that little small business that little small company that little small trade that little small habit [Applause] ask tiger woods what a small ball will do it'll put a billion dollars in your bank account because it don't take much [Applause] who knew that rome who had taken over and brought peace to the middle east and they did and they brought peace and they brought prosperity but they also bought taxation and who knew that when they brought peace they would also bring taxation and taxation would be taken care of at the census and that god would use their taxation to cause them to get mary and joseph to the right place because they had to come and be counted and pay their taxes and they did not know that there was a small little fetus that was about to come and tear up a whole government [Applause] and that small fetus went by the name of jesus and he must be called the son of god are you with me so far now now according to the to the narrative and i'm still preaching still i haven't even gotten there yet i don't think i'm gonna get there but i'm gonna give you this part and going to get what you get anybody am i helping anybody [Applause] when you read luke chapter number one the bible says that mary and joseph traveled from nazareth to judah to visit her cousin elizabeth now mary is going to visit another woman who's in the same situation see see this is this is love at its best because what i've learned recently is that when people are in the situation that you're in they typically hope that you decrease that they might increase but mary in the same position as elizabeth said you got to make it out of this thing because what's in you it's connected to what's in me just touch them say what's in you it's connected to what's in me how will you know because what's in you ought to respond never connect with people who don't leap when you get pregnant oh my god yeah if if you being pregnant doesn't make what's in them leap you need to move around just just ask your neighbor say neighbor if the lord blesses me right now how would that make you feel if they didn't start shouting i would move my seat i would move my seat i we got a few of them open go find about two people who look like if god blesses you right now they would start to shout and i want you to connect with them and tell them i prophesied that god told me it won't take much something is about to happen in this room and something is about to happen online because god is about to take a small thing and make a big difference over the next five minutes and 55 seconds i release the glory in this house today that god is about to take your little idea your little thought your little principle your little stark and do something big now give them glory in this place watch this don't miss this listen to me mary is pregnant do we agree like real pregnant okay they're kind of pregnant that no matter what you wear we know okay it's the kind of pregnancy where you give up on caring any women here once you get to a certain place you don't care what nobody thinks about you it is what it is you ain't trying to hide it no more you're not trying to find out what don't make you look fat you ain't worrying about you pregnant and if somebody say something you assume you can climb up them like a mountain with nine months of baby and you beat them down and then come off the mountain and go to church and pray about it do i have any kind of women like that in the house of the lord [Applause] mary don't care what nobody thinks she's walking around pregnant caring jesus while the way is being prepared listen to me what most visionaries struggle with is that you always want preparation before pregnancy but god said in 2020 i'm gonna get you real pregnant and then make you carry it while i'm preparing the way you're not just gonna walk into 2020 and everything is prepared for you you're gonna have to learn to carry it while god is making a way oh god you're gonna have to carry that burden you're gonna have to carry that weight you're gonna have to carry that stress you're gonna have to carry that depression while god is making a way out of nowhere oh i'm on to something because we want god to always make sure that we just slide right in and everything is taken care of and then when everything is taken care of here comes the vision and now the vision has no distractions and no friction no god says you're carrying it and you're going to be pregnant way before i prepare it away you're going to have to carry it while the loan is being denied you're going to have to carry it while your check is being decreased you're gonna have to carry it while your customer base is drying up you're gonna have to carry it when the people you depended on have lost their means and now you have to figure it out for yourself you're going to have to carry it while your credit score's dropping [Applause] that's how you know it's going to be big she's carrying it nowhere for her to stay she's carrying it no preparation she's carrying it and there is no room in the end what do you do when god gives you a vision but doesn't make any room for it [Applause] [Music] what do you do when god tells you to do something and you spend your money your time your energy and your efforts on bringing it to pass and then you take that vision and there's no room for it no place for it no preparation it makes you not trust god if you're honest it makes you question it makes you say you you know you don't leave them but you say god why you got me out here like this this is this is a shadow this is why the israelites was walking around talking about did you bring us out here to die where's the water have you ever felt in the new testament wilderness well you know he put something inside of you and you still trying to figure out how to get it out of you and it ain't if it ain't as if you made this up this is what the lord said this is what he told you to do you heard him in the night vision somebody prophesied it to you you know he told you to do this and now he won't say a word who am i talking to i got to let you all go but what i came to talk to y'all about but since you were quiet i couldn't get there was about a woman named anna anna had lost her husband now ladies isn't it true not everybody because i know people not absolute but most women have a vision when they grow up they're going to get married and they're going to have a nice wedding and it's going to be a nice dress and it's going to be somebody's cute nice fair hair baby throwing flowers and everybody's gonna be turning around looking she's so cute look at her she's awesome and everything's gonna be amazing and you're gonna get dropped off at the church in the rolls royce and and and then afterwards you're going to throw it back and the flower and your best friend's going to catch it and she's going to be elizabeth and both of y'all are going to be going through this and then you're going to get on your plane and you're going to fly all the way to bali and spend three weeks there and when you come back you're going to have a home with a white picket fence and a walk-in closet and and a good blender and a mixing bowl on your counter top and come on ladies how many of you've ever thought about that [Music] and then you woke up find out sometimes you got to go to the courthouse and just get done what you got to get done [Applause] can't nobody afford all of that when you really think about it and then you're trying to have a destination wedding you want everybody to come it's going to be hard cause ain't nobody got no money but y'all to come over there and then they're gonna be like look if i come over there that's your gift you understand that right if i come all that way don't expect nothing your gift is me coming bryce maybe tell you in a minute that your gift is distressed in these shoes that hurt you couldn't have picked some shoes that didn't hurt anna has lost her dream look at how she has to lose her dream before she sees the prophecy of jesus see sometimes most people don't know that in order to get your vision you have to lose your original one so i'ma quit right there thank god that's that's a good place sometime in order to get the new vision you have to lose the old vision because there is no room in your life for both visions she possibly had to lose her husband in order to be able to give this message now let me tell you why and i gotta go she is the daughter of fonuel who is from the tribe of asher asher is known for his prosperity the most prosperous thing they had was their production of olive oil which is why the the symbolism for the tribe of asher is an olive tree now she's from the tribe of asher isn't it amazing here is the bible she's the daughter of fonuel a widow daughter of phanuel a widow it seems to me luke if you had done your job properly why would you name her father and not her husband it's a shadow see what we actually see in the text is that god is actually showing us something through anna that is new testament and old testament principled watch this because the father is in the text and the husband is in the text and to israel he is the father and to the gentiles he is the husband man that's why that god you see so now what he is showing us is he is showing us chosen an adoption in the same text why because when a woman is married to a man he adopts her that's why her name changes to his name so now the father is said in the text because watch this i and the father are one so i'm not going to name the husband because it had not been for the father there would be no and so now anna is showing us that even though the israelites are his chosen people that he has not forgotten about the forgotten and so now he shows us adoption and chosen in the same text and anna who is a widow who has lost her original husband is now about to be adopted by a new husband by the name of jesus i knew y'all weren't going to get this i knew i knew it might be too much to put in here i'm trying to i'm trying but i got to let you go because church is over okay look at that y'all see that church is over so you got to go home so let me say this let me say this she lost her original husband then she was able to get her supplemental vision if you've ever read the scripture you know every time you see somebody with a loss god gives them a look it wasn't until joseph lost his coat that god looked at him and made him prime minister you see every time you get a loss you better get ready for a look that's why you have lost what you have lost god says in exchange for your loss i'm about to give you a divine look and it ain't going to take much i want to prophesy to about 350 y'all before you get here before you leave here today god told me to tell you whatever you lost whatever you whatever left whatever came out of your life whatever abandoned you whatever rejected you god told me to tell you that loss is about to get you a look slap three people say he's looking at you right now and when god looks at you it doesn't matter if you're 84 105 it doesn't matter if you're a jew or a gentile it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor when god looks at you you better get ready for a comeback i got about five seconds for somebody in here to start shouting and thanking god then what's about to happen in your life next it ain't gonna take much high five three people to say it ain't gonna take much it ain't gonna take much money to get that business off the ground matter of fact i wanna say this now it ain't gonna take much praise for you to get your next breakthrough i guess somebody to spend the next 30 seconds giving god a small praise come on watch this little shout make a big difference in your life give your neighbor a high five and shout neighbor god told me to tell you over the next 30 seconds if you open up your mouth when your praises go up a blessing's about to come down i have got a feeling that everything is going to be all right turn to another neighbor look that neighbor in the eye and shouting neighbor you're not going to lead a lot of money you're not going to need a lot of friends you're not going to need a lot of influence you're not going to need a lot of conversation it's a small thing that's about to turn your life around somebody shout over the small thing somebody shout over the small business shout over your small apartment god's about to take you from a two-bedroom to a two-story y'all ain't here with me today let me find somebody who's on the brink of a breakthrough look at your neighbor and shall neighbor god's about to take you from a small thing to something you don't have a room enough to receive now if you believe it over the next small 30 seconds open up your mountain and begin to give god some place [Music] i gotta leave y'all here but i cannot leave without telling you something the bible says if there was no shedding of blood there could be no remission of sin and all my life i thought the first time i saw blood was at calvary and then i changed my perspective the second time i saw blood was in the garden of gethsemane when the bible says that he was sweating blood but then i saw something else the bible says that he was circumcised on the eighth day that i got excited because she's from the tribe of asher the eighth son of jacob and then i saw salvation because when he was circumcised then the drop of blood came down because you can't be cut without bleeding and if there is blood there is salvation god told me to tell you there is salvation in your situation if you are bleeding it's cause you're about to get up if you're struggling it's cause you're about to come out i wish i had somebody who would look at your situation and say thank god for the small cut thank god for the small pain thank god [Applause] [Music] is it possible that we were saved on the eighth day eight days after jesus was born they circumcised him he bleeds if there's no shedding of blood that could be no remission of sin is it possible that we were saved at the circumcision on the eighth day and ate in the number of jesus's new beginnings so did he have to get a woman from the eighth tribe to prophesy about a savior who would be cut on the eighth day and is it possible that she's from the tribe of asher because the tribe of asher went north and did not reconcile with the diaspora after the babylonian captivity so now they are part of the ten tribes this is a message to the gentiles that jesus saves that if you're from the lost tribe that nobody can find the blood will cover you if you were born on the side of the tracks where there was no money and no influence and you grew up poor jesus saves it doesn't matter if you're black or white it doesn't matter if you're jew or gentile it doesn't matter if you're rich or poor doesn't matter if you're agnostic or atheist if you'll accept jesus christ jesus saves i have no problem with people who have a different opinion about our religion i just have a problem that they offer no other options [Applause] if jesus is not real who are you fighting for tell us his name tell us his origin tell us if he is in the grave or has he risen and let me tell you something if you don't believe in jesus i say this all the time and i'ma let you go i'd rather have jesus and not need him if he is not real and we believe this and there is no god and there is no heaven or hell and no consequences well then guess what how about a round of applause we all had a great life there was nothing to believe and there are no consequences but if he is [Applause] so i would rather have jesus and not need him than need them and not have them he reigns he lives it was prophesied that he would be here [Music] the first adam was grown big he was born big the second adam came small because it doesn't take much a little levin 11 if the whole loaf in 2020 i want you to pay attention to the small things speak to the small people don't always try to have relationships with the big people they're busy find you some some people who haven't grown up yet to befriend because one day they will grow up no wonder he says in the law that he has justice for the widow and the orphan according to deuteronomy chapter 10 he has it covered because small insignificant overlooked it's what he's always sought thank god that he wasn't looking for big smart shiny people that he was looking for small wretched sinners like us anybody glad you're saved holy spirit we are grateful for you sending your son jesus christ to die on the cross for our sin thank you that you are not a incident or a coincidence this is prophecy that you told us you were coming before you came now behold the lamb thank you that you're the precious lamb of god thank you yet that you were sent before sin and not as a response to sin thank you that you had it all worked out before the earth had ever flooded you'd already become the water before the man would ever fall you were already the bread thank you that before mount everest you were the mountain of god we are awesomely excited that you were born but we thank you that we were born again in jesus name we pray somebody shout a man hug somebody on your way out and tell him he's the living god god bless you [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus we're calling you that's what we call you [Music] [Music] nature
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 30,040
Rating: 4.8403988 out of 5
Keywords: Keion Henderson, Lighthouse Church, It won't take much, it woun't take much sermon, it won't be long, keion henderson sermons, latest sermons, mindblowing sermon, lighthouse sermon, lighthouse worship, lighthouse christmas, lighthouse church of humble, lighthouse church worship, latest sermons of light house, keion's korner, Pastor, worship, Bishop, faith, jesus, God, grace, forgiveness, sermon, bishop, god sermon, power, strength, waking faith, church, lighthouse, how to reach to god
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 48sec (6288 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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