Birthmark | Defending Jacob Series | Pastor Keion Henderson

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it's guilty it's a clear-cut case i don't even know why we're going through this it's a no-brainer who would even represent that i don't want to try i wouldn't he's a project i think his mom how could he do his brother like that i mean this is he deserves to be huh what are you doing here defending jacob oh anybody love him somebody call his name what's his name we cry we cry we cry [Music] no no other name why meanwhile must be [Music] saved his name [Music] anybody know his name just call his name say jesus glory to jesus you are [Music] that's why we last time you are you're there that [Music] hallelujah come on and give him glory in this place [Music] genesis chapter 25 genesis chapter 25. verse 21 thank you holy ghost genesis 25 verse 21 and isaac entreated the lord for his wife because she was barren and the lord was entreated of him that word entreated means prayer everybody and rebecca his wife conceived she had been barren he prayed she conceived but the children struggled together within her she got what she wanted but it was still a struggle somebody shot the struggle is real and she said if it be so in other words why is let me put it this way why does prayer hurt and she went to inquire of the lord and the lord said unto her it's because two nations are inside of you and the two shall be separated from thy bowels and the one people shall be stronger than the other and here is here is the one sentence that messed it all up because this is this is not even a part of the order it says and the elder shall serve the younger how many of you all are the oldest sibling out of your you ain't serving your little brother or sister you find a way to get them to serve you not here and when her days to be delivered were fulfilled behold there were twins inside of her womb and the first came out listen red and harry all over they said he had so much hair on him that they thought he was clothed when he was born the baby had so much hair on him that it looked like a garment help me holy ghost and they called him esau i want to talk on this subject for a few moments let's just talk about birthmarks you may be seated in the presence of the lord birth marks uh so needless to say uh today until the lord tells me otherwise we're starting a series entitled defending jacob the reason why i want to do that is because throughout history the reputation of jacob has been damaged by the persona that has been painted by modern thought and historical theology it's it's not fair the time that jacob has had to serve so i've been hired by the holy ghost to be his litigator to retry the case to see if we can get the conviction overturned and it may not make sense to you right now that i would be fighting for jacob but in legal terms you should be glad that i am fighting this case because whenever a lawyer retries a case and gets the conviction overturned is good for everybody who has been convicted of the same it is what we call setting precedent if i can get jacob off i can get you off if i can get jacob's sentence overturned then i hope that by the time i'm finished with this sermon series that you would be released from that which has been holding you and like you just like jacob just like you just like you just like jacob all kinds of things have been said about jacob all kinds of opinions have been formed about jacob truth be told most of them are true and so this message ladies and gentlemen is not for the industry i came to defend the guilty if you have no record if you have never sat in the backseat of anger if you've never been behind the bars of envy and frustration and i don't recommend that you get too excited about this series because it isn't for you but if you have ever fought a fight if you've ever allowed somebody to make you use words that you swore to god that you would never use again this is for the people who are saved but every once in a while they act out of character yeah i knew it was you ain't no sense you sitting here looking at me i ain't talking to nobody i'm talking to you this is for people who've ever heard you're supposed to be a christian how many y'all heard that one before that's why i don't go to church because look at how church folk out yeah that's what we do every once in a while this sermon is for you somebody shout i am jacob truth be told most of the things that are said about jacob and from time to time about you and i they're deserving um so jacob is not without fault but what's interesting is it does not take long for his reputation to hit the surface because before jacob is born we already know who he is without ultrasound without 3d imaging without a fetal presentation we already see that this rascal gonna be tough he grabbing heels before he learn a walk he's wrestling with his brother inside of his mother's womb can you imagine your children fighting before they meet this is the story that we're going to unpack over the next several weeks and i want you to think about this because after several years of unsuccessful conception after being barren for many years and if she had the baby at around 80 she met jacob excuse me she met isaac at 40 which means that they have been bearing some 20 30 40 years asking god to get pregnant and they're doing it past the years where normal conception takes place i can understand you being frustrated because you didn't have a baby at 20. i can get you being frustrated because you didn't have a baby at 30 perhaps 40. but baby you 80. there are certain things that shouldn't be frustrating at certain ages come on y'all help me i'm just but but they are unsuccessful so she's insecure isaac is irritated because in that time for a woman not to be able to produce a child for a man meant that that woman had committed some sort of sin and barrenness was her punishment for not repenting so so when when women couldn't have children at that time there was a stigma attached to them so now are you following me so far rebecca's frustrated not only is she frustrated but she's also insecure and scared let me tell you why because her husband his daddy married a woman who couldn't have a baby this is a serious so i can't give you the whole sermon anyone so you're gonna have to walk with me remember abraham met sarah and abraham and sarah couldn't have a baby so now this woman leaves home to marry this man who god said the seed was going to come through so if god told isaac that the next nation would come through him then this woman is insecure because she thinking well if isaac is going to produce the seed and i'm his woman and i can't have a baby the apple don't fall far from the tree so now she's thinking oh god isaac going to do what his daddy did isaac slept with the maid abraham slept with the maid to have a baby so now she's thinking isaac is going to do the same thing she like uh uh and i'm just i'm gonna guess she's from houston she's like nah dawg i i ain't moved from my home and and leave my mom and him behind and moved all the way to sugarland for you to get me out here in these suburbs and start acting the food i ain't going to do that you don't know me like that am i channeling you good sisters if you want to wake up in the morning you'll wait on the lord but if you want a fool with me we live in sugarland but i'm from third ward don't don't don't don't do me like that dawg i mean we can we can figure this thing out so so rebecca she's confused and she's also upset because remember at the time the prophet isaiah said that there was a woman amongst the jews that was going to produce the son of god so every woman that got pregnant at that time thought that they would be the one that would have the messiah are you with me so far so now as a jewish woman she has just gotten the sentence that somebody's going to have the baby but it's not going to be me and she's frustrated and she's confused and she's angry because she thinks that her husband is probably about to do what her father-in-law did see there is no pain like an anticipated pain the worst kind of hurt is the hurt that you feel before you get hurt anybody know what i'm talking about that you you you imagined the pain you solved the problem before it started you got depressed about a thing that hadn't even initiated you moped you cried you lost weight you got angry you got frustrated and it didn't happen that's where she is because she's already suffering from a pain that hasn't even started and i want to talk to you about that for a moment because a lot of you watching me today and a lot of you in this room it's just your imagination running away with you your brain has crippled you and it's a pain that you feel because most people are suffering from an anticipated pain because you saw your parents go through it i'm gonna talk this this series gonna help you she is hurting because of what sarah went through and she's imagining that it's going to happen to her and let me tell you what happens in 2021 our parents and let me say this and i know you won't believe this but let me tell you the baby boomers the previous generation they were way tougher than we are oh let me tell you something you find you somebody 50 60 70 years old they went to school had 18 babies stayed married to a no-good rascal that's what the kind of words they used how many y'all load down rascal they didn't have instagram you you they didn't have a cell phone so they couldn't ping its location so ain't nowhere junior was he had a shot of absolute every morning he woke up they were pregnant every other weekend and still went to work the day after they had the baby they had rules like when you have a baby you don't go outside for eight weeks you young folks y'all in heels in 30 days they made their cornbread from scratch ain't had no jiffy come on y'all holler boy kind of women made black-eyed peas in crock-pots they rice didn't come in no plastic bag they knew how to make gravy from the meat i'm about to get the holy ghost just thinking about it them kind of women made roast beef not orbeez shando lord have mercy they knew how to make kool-aid with no measuring cup you don't even know how to make kool-aid no more and because the previous generation was a lot tougher than us and and and they they went through so much more they were a daycare center while they were an accountant while they were doing and i'm not saying that there are no young people doing that anymore and i'm just saying by and large as a culture our mothers did things and our fathers did things that we're not capable of doing and they suffered for years but because we anticipate our hurt we quit in months what they endure for years so isaac ain't about to get the same grace that that abraham got that was an old school woman rebecca was a little modernized she like look dawg this is this is o2ad we don't do this stuff that we stay used to do i want to talk to you about that because as i start this series before i can heal you i've got to get you to understand that most of you are suffering from paternal pain and maternity marks you're still hurting from what you saw your daddy do or not do you're still frustrated from what you saw your mama go through and so since you saw your mama get talked too crazy for 30 years you hear one word that sound like what your mama went through and you quit and we leave and we're gone and i wanna defend jacob because a lot of us have been through a hell of a lot in the last five or six years of our life we've been through pain we've been through agony we've been through stuff but i came to defend you today because what you're really dealing with is your mama's pain what what you really are dealing with is your father's mark and what's amazing is you're just like him and he wasn't even there oh god now how many of y'all need this kind of serious i cause i'm talking about deliverance that that that that people who knew your daddy looking at you like how in the world you act just like him and y'all never met paternal pain maternity marks marked by the pain of your parents and so now you're asked to hold your marriage together but you never saw your parents do it and now they are telling you that you can't yell at kids but you got yelled at your whole life and so you don't you don't know how to talk to your son because your mama yelled at you and you swear you're not gonna be just like her but can i tell you something baby you is you got your couch in the same place your mama had her couch your kitchen look just like your mama kitchen i guarantee you right now you got a towel folded over the little arm on your stove just cause your mama did you got a little soft mat at the sink to help you you ain't old why do you have that mat there ain't nothing wrong with your back your mama did it got your little pine cone hanging from your rear view mirror you know how old school that smell is get you something new black ice get something else we got febreze now why you still got that thing hanging up from your review you cook like your mama putting salt the same way she did talk about i ain't gonna have high blood pressure come on y'all we're gonna talk marked by your mother scarred by your father anticipating your hurt because they went through it and so you make a decision that you're not going to be like them or you're not going to hurt like them or you're not going to take what they took you're going and let me tell you anything that you talk about you become and let me just do a disclaimer for all parents in here if if if you had to raise you you would have been like them too let's just gonna get keep it real because it's hard-headed as some of us was they have to yell cause you didn't listen when they talk low marked by parents so she's she's afraid that she's gonna end up being just like them she's insecure she's she's insecure so can i just can i just for my defense i just want to say before you're too hard on jacob can i tell you it's hard to be secure when your mother carried you in securely it's hard to be trustworthy when your daddy was a trickster come on y'all help me out come on when you when you look at how you treat women i can guarantee you unless you make some sort of significant metamorphosis you can trace how you treat women to the same way your daddy treated women you you can you can trace how how you treat earl your mama treated her husband the same way you treat earl and larry and tyrone and so we are in this cycle that's why i wanted to call it birthmarks birthmarks birthmarks and this is not an indictment on a generation this is the unfolding of healing because you will never know where you're going until you find out where you came from and the problem with most people is they can sit down and explain to you how their parents are not knowing that they are explaining how their parents are in the same tone that they are my daddy always got something to say well he talks so much let ask somebody how much you talk my daddy don't listen to nothing my mama just negative but see nobody understands most people don't understand the person to help define you is not you in order to find out who you are you need to ask people who have conversations with you people who live with you people who interact with you because you will never tell the truth about you i'm a nice person i'm i'm sweet okay sweet as lemons somebody say help me in this place she carried her twins insecure so now she is frustrated and now she is hypersensitive about the historical baggage that her family brought to the table so i want to just relieve you for a moment don't blame jacob for being who he is don't blame jacob for his thought processes he was marked by insecurity he was marked by impatience he was marked by a lack of integrity he was marked by infertility isaac his daddy even tried to kill him can you imagine what this boy is walking around knowing that just a few years ago his daddy put a knife to his neck i know the bible tries to act like he just got over it but how long would it take you to get over your daddy taking you up a mountain and putting a knife to your neck and saying the lord gonna provide getting this close to killing you and now you're supposed to trust people i don't think y'all getting i feel like i'm not making it clear enough i'm trying to show you that jacob has a right to be crazy jacob has a right to have issues his mama had issues his daddy had issues and until we confront the fact and stop acting like perfect parents and go ahead and say baby i marked you i was mad as hell at your daddy and you look like him so i treated you bad [Applause] every time i saw you i saw him every time i saw him i saw you and you got on my nerve and i yelled at you more than i yelled at the other kids marked marked isaac didn't just all of a sudden say my daddy tried to kill me but it's all right i'm here he didn't get therapy so he's marked my daddy tried to kill me so i ain't gonna let nobody get close enough to do it again how many of you will admit that there is distance in your relationship right now because of what somebody did to you before you met the person you're with i'm a hoop at the end but right now i just need your attention see what i'm thinking now is i'm looking on television anthony and i keep hearing everybody say mental health mental health mental health mental health had to do this for my mental health i had to do this for my mental health you know what mental health is you know why people are struggling with their mental health is because they went up before they grew up you can get on a level that's bigger than your mental capacity and when you have not handled internal drama and when you have not quieted internal voices you can be on a mic stand but it's not the interviewer that's interrogating you you hear somebody else's voices through their persona oh god i wish i had a help in this place everybody talks about michael jackson and all and joe jackson all that kind of stuff how could they have been normal when you're seven years old and singing in front of thousands of people at seven years old you're supposed to be playing with legos and and and gi joes and i know i'm saying how old i am but i don't know what this new stuff is seven you're supposed to be in the park not in choreography class when you're molested at eight and somebody introduces you to sexual positions at eight and then you expect to have a healthy sex life when you're 28 it's it's traumatic because you still imagine oh god this is gonna be when you have been mocked by childhood it is hard to be successful in adulthood and i come to speak to every jacob in this room today that by the time this series is over you'll know your name will no longer be jacob you will be israel and nations will come out of you but before you get to success you're going to have to handle this struggle [Applause] somebody shout birth marks how many of you all have been marked by an incident in your past that you can't talk about and it's not that you don't know what to say is that every time you think about it you get these thoughts and you go back to that place and you get back in that time so what you're trying to do is disassociate yourself from the moment you were hurt the most hurt don't wash off with a washcloth and hurt don't disappear because you know how to worship might i subscribe sometimes the people you sing screaming the most are not the most holy they're hurting the most shout don't mean holy sometimes it means sick sometimes it means frustrated sometimes it means angry but i come to bind every demonic spirit in this place today that has come up over your mind that told you that you're going to be stuck in a foreign land god told me to tell you that you shall live and not die and that there are going to be nations that come out of you and i have come to defend you today because people can talk about you like a dog but they don't understand what they see is not you what they're looking at is a birthmark and sometimes birthmarks are ugly and sometimes they are in inconvenient places a birthmark could make you change how you dress a birthmark will change what you show help me holy ghost uh a birthmark will make you wear something that will cover you up because you will be insecure about the mark and i see that's what happened when they were in the garden of eden it was what marked them that hit them now we're walking around dealing with plastic people because everybody's hiding because you're afraid if they see the mark you're going to run them off if you're afraid that if they find out that you got a temple you're gonna run them off so for six months you suppress it and you hold it in and you cook every day and you clean every day that ain't who you are i recommend that you show the marks early who am i talking to today somebody say show them marks early i need you to go yes yes and i know you're going to disagree online and i know you're going to disagree in the room but there is no sense of being marked by a significant situation that has followed you your whole life and you wait nine ten twelve months to tell somebody i'm not saying said on the first day but as soon as you can i need you to sit down and say look i like you you like me but i cuss a lot i don't cook i don't like cleaning my mama crazy she ain't gonna like you because she didn't like her husband and let me tell you my sisters are jealous do you want me or not [Applause] cause i got a whole lot of baggage i got a whole lot of problems but uncle earl he get drunk in the morning my auntie that smoked all the teeth out ahead and i'm the only person in my family that ain't addicted to drugs you go to my house they smoke you coming to what and don't be surprised when you come in the house because it's about five kids and three different last names and we don't know our daddy you coming or not and my grandma my husband yeah they've been married 30 years but she ate it that's her third husband do i got a real church or what just going to tell them just going to tell them out the gate i got gas all the time sitting up here going to hurt your stomach trying to hold it in for six months i'ma go call my mama i'll be right back she don't like me to talk in the house i got to go call my mama somebody shout birthmarks i'm not blaming you i'm actually helping you so that you can go and stop tripping tell me what's wrong with me you've been marked it happened to you it was not your fault that your mother had you at a teenager and was raising you while she was being raised that's not your fault ain't your fault that you don't know how to handle money your mom and daddy had bad spending habits nor did they have enough money to manage how could they teach you a lesson that they never learned the problem with people who have been born marked is you typically have to learn how to do everything on the job hey i am a grown man ain't never changed all in my life if you want to get with somebody like me expecting your oil to get changed you're going to be disappointed i i ain't that kind of man i can get it done but if you need to feel some kind of love and think somebody's sexy because you see me under the car on my back in overalls finding out with oil pan i don't know if it's in the front or the back i'll look in the wheel for it i have no clue but i know where they do it at now i ain't gonna never be i ain't gonna be no hero i can't change your time but lord knows i got a triple a card and i got to it's on time it's paid they'll be there before you even knew your tower was flat i can't do nothing in the kitchen but i'll make sure you got one you're gonna have viking stuff in there too i'm gonna make sure it's a good kitchen you're gonna have a sub zero refrigerator but you're gonna have to open it and get me some water because i can't buy the refrigerator and pull my own drink because i've been marked hey my fault mama is just out here i think most of us are just saying if if you knew what i saw you wouldn't be surprised at who i am if you grew up in the house i grew up in you wouldn't be so judgmental with me you'd actually be praising god because you look i should have been a murderer i could i could have been on drugs i could have been anything if you saw what i saw you'd understand why i am the way i am is that for who is that for in here who who am i talking to if they only knew what you saw if they only knew the example you had or didn't have some of y'all been raising yourself since you were a teenager some of you all have been on your own most of your whole life some of y'all parents didn't send you to college you had to figure out how to get there on your own before you knew it you were a mother and a husband and a wife and a father all at the same time before you knew it you had responsibilities nobody got you ready you had no tutorials you had no classes you were marked and here you are sitting in this church watching me online with all these expectations on you with no experience y'all can i tell you the way i grew up i ought to either be on drugs or selling drugs no this is listen you don't you don't hear me you don't hear me because you you met me here but you didn't know me there if you had met me where i came from i should have at least five baby mamas about six women six baby mamas five women i didn't do well in math either so i remember my sister danielle is here she'll tell you this is god's honest truth we live in a neighborhood so rough i remember one day i walked out at a house and the local drug dealer must have dropped it it was a dime bag that fell on our on our porch so i knew what a crack was at five so i picked it up picked that dime bag up and he must have worked for uh denzel in american gangster because he was in the blue bag y'all y'alls are slow man it was the blue magic and i picked the bag up and i took it to danielle and i said look what i found i said i'm about to be a drug dealer and i told us i'm gonna be the richest drug dealer in the history of drug dealing cause i'm gonna get my first move and didn't have to pay she was so smart she said let me hold it for you and she took it from me and i went looking for it the next day she had already flushed it down the toilet messed up my whole business i could have been the next frank lucas she'd have messed up my whole future flushing my first supply when i was 12 years old when i was 12 years old i drunk a whole bottle of kiwi flavor magdalene 20 20. y'all don't you little young thunder cats don't know numb about that so you got to do this when you i i drunk a whole bottle cause it tastes good it tastes good now i drunk a whole bottle a mad dog how many y'all remember mad dog 2020 you look heathus what y'all know about this stuff i can't i thought y'all were saved the whole church all of y'all know about mad dog no wonder we go to church together drunk the whole battle question you got to ask yourself is how did i get the bottle my crack dylan's sister she gave it to me we got drunk together at 12. i threw up for two days and my dumb butt thought it was because i was allergic to kiwi i tried strawberry the next time this is the truth she said fool you gonna kill yourself after after i finished drinking i got into stealing so i would go to the i started stealing gum and candy because i was a businessman so i would steal it from the store and sell it at the school and i had me a good gun business i was it was bubblicious see they don't chew bubblicious no more these they chew different stuff now hubble but no we had bubblicious it was square it came in a pack and i would buy i would steal it from the store and sell it at the school for 50 cent one day she caught me she said give me a piece of gum if you give me a piece of gum i ain't gonna tell mama gave her half a piece of gum she went and told mama when i say my mama beat me until i could not walk she beat stealing out of me and let me tell you something i only stole two more times after that [Applause] i was so good i was stealing a birthday present and giving it to him so i didn't have to buy it but if you knew who my father was you wouldn't be laughing at me if you knew my father not only shot people but had been shot himself if you knew that my mother had been raped by a man who broke in our house while i was in the house with her if you knew that my biological father was an actual pimp before he became a preacher and that he had had babies by at least four different women and my mother had been married twice and divorced while i was in the house and was not married to my biological father of whom was the pastor of the church at the time he was married to his wife and if you had known that one of our relatives raped my oldest sister when she was a child and that my other sister had been statutorily raped when she was 16 and impregnated then you wouldn't be laughing at me because when i found out see the other times that stuff had happened to my mom i was too young the first time something happened i was old enough when i found out that kiana had been raped i went after the man who raped her so hard that my arm and head went through the wall because i was trying to kill him i ain't sure if i saw him today i wouldn't try and you wonder why i am the way i am when you live five streets away from your father and he has never come to a basketball game when you see him drive a cadillac and you and your mama at the bus stop when you see him live in a five-bedroom house and you got five people in a way one bedroom will make you get a hatred inside of you that makes you want to deal swiftly with anybody who looks like they have the potential to hurt you you want to know why i walk carefully and don't just become ingratiated with every single person that i meet in houston then you would have to know how i ended up here because i started a church at 21 grew up from five to six hundred left it behind and resigned from it to join a man in houston texas who told me that i would follow him at his church only to fire me nine months after he hired me and left me homeless and jobless there ain't supposed to be no lighthouse not the way i came here i got i got at least one two three four five six women seven two men sitting on these two rows right here that will tell you everything that i'm telling you is the truth that for those of y'all don't know how i got here because you just joined us five six years ago three years ago when i came here i was fired on a sunday morning with more people in the church that is here right now sitting on the second row and i was told they told the church he will no longer be here and they escorted me out the back door no fault of my own only thing that i had done wrong was what he told me and here is the lesson sometimes you can be punished by people you're obedient to and so now i had to get over an obedience mark because i knew how to handle trouble from people i disobeyed but i did not know how to handle being chastised by somebody i listened to you need to give your spouse your friends your loved ones some grace you know why they eat everything on the plate because they used to get a whooping if they didn't and you know why they get upset with you when you scrape off a whole plate of food and throw it away it's because they grew up in lack and you think that they're being petty you don't understand that you're dealing with a birthmark i'm trying to help you i got all kind of birthmarks i got all kind of birthmarks we squeezed all the toothpaste and you joking squeezing from the middle let me tell you something it's a special place from you middle squeezers you you got to get a a a card or something and smash it from the bottom you got to press it you got to iron it you don't go to bed with dishes in the sink that's a birthmark we got beat for going to bed with dishes in the sink you don't leave no dirty ring in the tub that's a birthmark you don't drink all of the stuff out and put the container back in the refrigerator now i got my mouth all set for 12 ounces and all you left was two finish it off and when you throw it away smash it don't be taking up my whole trash with this big old jug [Music] if i'm helping you say help me i was marked my mama didn't do everything for us so i get irritated when people do stuff for their grown kids why are you still cleaning your 16 year old years for her come on come here baby let me let me let me mama do that then she gonna be mad when she gets somebody who ain't licking her eyebrows down when she's 42. somebody i just i'm getting divorced because you don't lick my eyebrows down my mama did it my daddy did it let me get out of here cause y'all don't wanna hear this i'm just stating my case they're bearing watch this but sharp all of a sudden isaac's mark started to fade and he says the bible says he entreated the lord lord please please let my wife get pregnant lord i i'll do anything if you just let her get pregnant i'll serve you until i die i'll forgive who i need to forgive if you just let my wife get pregnant the bible says that he entreated the lord and the lord was entreated of him and after years of not having a baby all of a sudden she becomes pregnant but see god will do exceedingly and abundantly above all you could ever ask a thing so not only does she have a baby but he gives her two can i tell you for anybody who's ever had to struggle for anybody who has ever gone without for any length of time can i tell you that when god finally does answer you he's gonna give you double for your trouble somebody shot i'm gonna get more than i ever expected somebody shot i'm gonna get more than i expected that's perfect that's perfect so now she's got two can i get eight minutes and i'll let you go y'all got eight minutes at eight minutes i'm going to ask you for five more can i do that too all right so here's what happens she finally gets what she's been praying for she's no longer bearing the prayers have been answered they can officially plan the gender reveal which watching this stuff on the internet is hilarious or how many ways people think to put blue and pink salt in the air powder whatever it is they can they can they can finally plan the gender reveal everything is going according to plan and all of a sudden she's pregnant and she's happy and she's called she waited two months until she told everybody but now she can feel movement and she can feel kicking and she's called everybody say guess what i got a baby not only do i got a baby i got twins god is so good and around month five six seven she starts to feel a rumbling inside of her because now the blessing is fighting i wanted to tell you that after you finish praying those marks off of you and god blesses you i also been sent to tell you that all blessings have side effects then when you don't have no money nobody bothers you mess around and get some then people think that you need to donate to every little cause they got and every time their child sell popcorn they call you first and if you don't buy nothing now you acting boujee if you don't help them pay their bills then all of a sudden you acting funny and acting uppity but you need to tell them if i practice the same financial skills as you then i can't come to you to help me pay my bills so i got to stay in this position so i can keep helping you now the babies are fighting inside of each other and the original language actually means that they are fighting they are hitting each other can you imagine kids so bad that they have fought before they were born you can't get suspended from the womb for a fight jacob and these are fighting they're fighting inside of the womb i'm going to tell you this you need to write this down the reason why god allowed the fight to take place in the womb is i believe that sometimes that god sends the problem to help you with the pride that an answered prayer can develop so you didn't have no pride when you was walking you didn't have any pride when you didn't have no furniture in the apartment you didn't have any pride when your belt buckles were playing but now you got a few letters on them y'all know how people act when they get stuff they start acting funny so sometimes god will send a problem to handle the pride that an answered prayer would develop that's why paul said there was a a thorn in my flesh sent to me as a messenger of satan to buffer me lest i be exalted above measure in other words sometimes god will send the thorn to keep your head from getting too high and i wish i could tell you that the thorns on a rose stem i don't know how many of you know this but every thorn was supposed to be a rose the reason why the stem keeps growing is because every thorn was a rose that refused to develop and the stem kept growing until one of the thorns had the guts to bloom and if i go back and trace your life you have stuck and cut every person until you get to the place where you learn to see your marks properly and you begin to bloom and say you know what it was good that i was afflicted that i might learn the statues of god i wish i had about 300 people in here that'll start praising god that whatever he let you go through it was him trying to get you to the next place i need all the blessed people to stand on your feet and look at your neighbor and shout neighbor god told me to tell you that everything that you have been through was used to bring you to an expected end how many blessed people do i have in the house i want you to put your hands together and shout lord thank you that you allow me to make it this far i got a word for every jacob in the house the bible says that when esau came out he had hair all over his body now if you know the story the bible says that jacob tried to grab esau by the hill and pull him back in because he was afraid that esau was going to come out first but what jacob didn't understand is that he was the one that had already been marked what jacob didn't understand is that the birthright already belonged to him and the bible says that esau came out so hairy that they couldn't see his face god told me to tell you that you don't have to hold anybody back that you don't have to press anybody down what he has for you can't nobody take it what it has for you can't nobody steal it and he told me to tell you that you have the mark but they have the cover don't miss what i said you have the mark but they have the cover god is saying that even if they succeed instilling your position nobody will be able to see them because i'll make sure that their influence is covered i'll make sure that their lies are covered i'll make sure that their slander is covered how many jacobs are in the room today that are shouting and say thank god for marking me thank you for my struggle because if i did no struggle i wouldn't know power if i didn't know tears i wouldn't know deliverance if i didn't know war i wouldn't know worship i need every worshiper to act like david and begin to dance had it not been for god bringing you out you would have blew your head off you would have drunk yourself to death anybody got a testimony somebody shot i made it by the grace of god had it not been for the lord on my side i don't know where i'd be a shady ass shadow yes [Music] i'm getting ready to leave y'all alone but the bible lets us know that when jacob came he tried to pull esau back in and what the lord told me is to tell you something but you got to be ready for it do i have anybody ready for it god told me to tell you that he said that the older will serve the younger that don't make no sense that has no bearing of the record of history but god told me to tell you that the kind of anointing that's on your life is different than any other anointing from anybody you've met you want to know what kind of anointing it is it's an order disturbing anointing god told me to tell you that he sent you here to destroy the order i wish i had somebody here he sent you here to do for your children what your parents could not do for you he sent you here to survive what your mother died from he sent you here to step over what tripped your sister up somebody shouted disturb the order y'all ain't here with me today i've got it by myself now i don't need no help now i got my own holy ghost somebody shouted disturb the order i'm gonna be the first billionaire in my family because i came to destroy the order i came to destroy the order i came to destroy the order i came to destroy the order shady ass y'all look at me if i can't handle her i can't handle the devil i got this you look at me cause there's a deliverance in your direction if you don't mind give your neighbor a fist bumper and say neighbor god told me to tell you the first shall be last and the last shall be first somebody say i'm coming up i'm coming out i'm on my way up i'm about to blow up money's coming my way finances in my direction i got a business with my name on it i wish i had somebody who believed in the power of prophecy i prophesied no sickness i prophesied no cancer i prophesied no disease and i prophesy no covet you shall live and not die if you believe it if you receive it shout your ass ass shouty shiny ass your children will prosper your last name is gonna be worth something your body shall be healed shouty answer shouting yes sir shawty yeah shout out yeah [Music] i feel something i feel something i feel something i feel something i feel something i know what it is it's the devil trying to grab my heel but i'm going somewhere i got a calling i got a testimony get off of my heart now i know why the bible said that the serpent will try to bruise the hill of the woman but god told me to tell you and this is for every woman in here god said i'm giving you the power to tread oh serpent's head i tell you to lift your foot up and put it down pick it up and put it down pick it up and put it down pick it up and put it down god said that's the sign that the snake has lost his bite that the snake has lost his venom anybody feel delivered anybody feel set free shawty shout out here [Music] come on shake it off say devil get off my heel [Music] let my family go let me go let me go i got a birthright with my name on it i got a blessing with my name on it anybody blessing anybody blessing anybody blessing anybody any courage shout yeah shout yeah yes [Music] [Music] yes [Music] i got one more thing to tell you god told me to tell you that it's not about the hills but you're healed for somebody else somebody here has got a sickness somebody's got tumors somebody's got something you're dealing with god told me to tell you you're healed in the name of jesus healed by his stripes no sickness no disease no matter what the mark was god said it's over [Music] let me go let me go some of you still crying about somebody grabbing your heel jacob esau that was 40 years ago why are you still mad today about what happened to you four decades ago do you know how many people were born in worse conditions than you and only difference between them and you is they decided to use what they went through as fuel to get to the next place you decided to use it as an excuse for not moving forward i ain't got no business standing up here i ain't got no business leading a church of fifteen thousand where where where do i qualify what did i do to deserve it i've been marked so many ways that success wasn't even supposed to be in my future and if you add the stuff that happened to me to the stuff that i did to me the whole story should be over but ain't nobody gonna hold my heel [Music] i'm defending jacob all month i'm defending them i'm defending you yeah you got a bad attitude but it didn't start with you it came from somewhere else yeah you negative you you always negative about everything but and we gonna work on it but you learned it from somewhere you got a quick temper but you ain't the first person in your family with a short fuse yes you're insecure but you ain't the first one [Music] some of y'all can hold a grudge for years but you were raised by a woman who did fathered by a father who still hates his father to this day you've been marked and you need deliverance and deliverance requires your participation you can't get delivered just sitting there like yeah lord it's me but i'm gonna keep this fake smile and uh i'm gonna be a man and hold my tears back when it's time to cry cause real men don't cry who taught you that it's a mark whoever told you real men don't cry should've also told you about the heart attack that comes with it women that woman who told you don't let nobody do you like that they should have told you about the side effects of bitterness hey no ain't nowhere in the world you need to be in your 60's still mad at what happened about in your 40s you got to let that go mom because if you don't you see that 25 year old girl standing next to you she gonna think that's a effective strategy i'm defending you but you got to show up to court i need you in the courtroom because if you don't show up they're gonna throw the case out you're expressing yourself in all kinds of ways you're getting tattoos you're gonna regret in 10 years i'm speaking to you right now look at me because baby you 25 years you're 25 right now but that tattoo ain't gonna look good on the side of your head when you're 48. and brothers they already looking at you funny because you're a black man ain't no sense of you putting no gang sign in the middle of your forehead not thinking they're gonna see you worse don't let the pain of your presence make you make decisions that you can't wash [Music] off don't have children unless you're going to take care of them [Music] and this excuse that you're trying to populate the earth if you're going to be there to take care of them that's one thing but if you don't be there for them you're not populating earth you're infecting the earth jacob we got to grow up because god's about to take us up and it's difficult it's difficult to go up if you ain't grown up god gave me this series he gave me this series because i saw in a vision that satan was trying to sift us like we i saw it and when i saw him sifting us like wheat at first i thought i was seeing the ramifications of decisions i was thinking i was like okay well yeah but when you do this you deserve that and all that then the lord said no no no no no no no this ain't about what you did this was about not confronting the marks the embarrassment there's one thing about the generation i was talking about earlier the strong one one thing they didn't do is they didn't talk about it they held everything in lack communication skills and so now here you are dealing with your daddy's demons but had he told you he had them you'd have been prepared for them but because he tried to be your king your god and your example he didn't tell you that he had struggles only thing he did was pass his strengths onto you now if you look at it you are absolutely strong where he was strong and trying not to be weak where he was weak and to add injury to insult or insult to injury god forbid you didn't have a relationship with your father at all now you are dealing with things that you know not let me tell you i believe this with my whole heart the only way you can really know who you are is to know your father it's the truth you can live with your mama all your life but a lot of things that in your life came from your daddy's side you got your grandma's nose and all that kind of stuff i'm talking about some some in in here deep internal stuff that addiction somebody that comes from your father's side i i remember i remember one day i was cutting my grass when i was in indiana never forget it i'm gonna pray for you let you go i'm cutting my grass i remember one time the members from the church said sister johnson they said you should get somebody to cut your grass for you i said cut my grass for me say you too busy now mind you at this time i had allergy so bad that if i breathe the grass in my eyes will swell up my daughter caitlin is the same way right now if she go outside immediately my allergies were so bad that for seven years i had to get a shot every monday that's why i was talking about getting a vaccine i'm like well i know what was in that for seven years so let me go and get this too that's a whole nother sermon they say you need to get somebody to cut your grass because you're too busy and you shouldn't be out there but i had i took pride in my grass i won yard of the month oh yeah i cut my own edges i mean i have i trim my own bushes i pulled the weeds with my hands to one day i realized when i finally got a chance to go visit my father's house the first day i pulled up he was cutting his grass i remember looking i'd never been inside the house before he was cutting his grass and i was in awe and he was out there meticulously cutting his grass and i thought oh i've been marked i care about what he cared about and he never taught me what he cared about so over the next few weeks i need us to come face to face with our own pain and reality and what marked us so i can get you number one not to be embarrassed anymore and number two to be courageous enough to step over your own history are you with me on that can you do that with me if you're watching online the same anointing that's in this house is in your house and i pray the blessing of prosperity over you i pray that for every mountain that you come up against that god will take you over we're defending jacob there is no condemnation it's okay if you don't trust now we'll get there by the end of the series it's okay if you don't believe now we'll get there by the end of the series it's okay if you don't cure every fault and failure you have right now all of that is fine because we're going to get over it together but we first have to admit that we've been marked god show yourself faithful in our life the devil can't have my children today i stand in the gap for every one of them saying devil you got to go back to hell where you belong we are a blessed people and the birthright belongs to us so in jesus name god we thank you in advance for the miracle we thank you in advance for the breakthrough we thank you in advance for the change of mind as a man thinks so is he in the mighty name of jesus come on everybody give god some praise and shout hallelujah [Music] god bless you i'll see you next time you [Music] you sing me through [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] come on let's all stick it together one more time [Music] foreign [Music] we sing hallelujah [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you see me [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] when you've been faithful you've been faithful you've been faithful [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] for every mountain [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you cry [Music] foreign you see me you'll safely see me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] is this [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] in my life [Music] is [Music] [Music] um oh [Music] oh
Channel: The Lighthouse Church of Houston
Views: 48,866
Rating: 4.9154615 out of 5
Id: gaQ5zzUukPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 56sec (5576 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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