Ultimate Energy Drink Taste Test

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Energy cannot be created nor destroyed but it can be drunk from a can. Let's talk about that. ♪ (intro music) ♪ - Good mythical morning! - Mythical beasts, your questions are like dreams and our answers are like your alarm clock that says, "Get up! And face another cold hard day of reality in the real world! Put on your big boy pants and your big girl pants and deal with your problems!" Make sure you put both your big girl and big boy pants on. - Yeah. - You gotta be totally prepared, uh, for both genders. I don't know what that means but we asked you to ask us questions related to sleep on the social medias and you did not disappoint us. Shaina Toth asks: Well Shaina, you know we could give you some advice that is such, uh such - oh don't look at me like that. You're making me feel uncomfortable. - I'm just looking at you. - Um we could give you some advice like get plenty of rest, eight hours of sleep at night-- - Yeah. - Eat the right diet, but no! What we're - gonna tell you is you should be drinking FDA approved - (Both) Energy - (Rhett) drinks. - (Link) cans. - Cans? - So really, the question is uh what's - what's best one? And what way to determine that except with a blind taste test. And we are wearing t-shirts which counteract the energy that we're gonna be consuming in caffeinated form with the most soothing voice on the television. So comfortable. - The backside of Bob Ross is so comfortable. - May he rest in peace in the cosmos. It's time to play... As you can see, we are wearing the patent pending dual-action energy drink tasting apparatus, not to be confused with the dual-action water tasting apparap - apparatus. Totally different thing. And we are gonna be tasting seven different energy drinks including: Red Bull! Amp! Monster! NOS! Spike! Hi-Ball! Rockstar! - Oh I'm so excited to taste-- - Now listen-- - all these energy drinks. - Listen, we'll go ahead and say, don't drink a lot of energy drinks, people. We (stuttering) why are you listening to us? - We - we drank each other's pee! - (laughs) Exactly. The rules are simple, we're gonna be tasting them and then just trying to identify them uh, in-- - We'll be voting as we go. - By voting with our flags. Alright, let's get tasting. - (Rhett) Okay Alex, pour away. - (Link) Mhmm. (making 'm' sounds) Mmm, now first of all I'll say that that's like straight up candy. That's like-- - Tastes like a SweeTart. - It's like Pop-tart - I mean SweeTarts. - Now I've only ever tasted - hey Link. - Hey man! (laughs) - We should only work like this. - Yeah it's like, keep my distance but stay a little close. I've had Red Bull and I've probably had Red Bull in the last month. I've only ever tasted Monster and Rockstar and maybe once each. The rest of 'em, total mysteries to me. - Yeah, which is gonna make this difficult. But based on a little cheat sheet of information I have, I'm sure I can put it all together. Now that was very satisfying. I don't feel like it unleashed a beast within me at this point. You feel like it was packed with ingredients that'll pleasure even the most - avid supplement fan? - Oh you mean-- - 'Cause that's what they say about Spike. - You mean Spike? - (laughter) - I'm an avid supplement fan but I don't - feel like it was packed. - I think this is just straight up Red Bull. - You think it's Red Bull? - I don't remember right now what Red Bull tastes like but we gotta take this seriously because the loser has to drink - an energy concoction that's gonna be nasty. - Okay I'm gonna go with Amp because I - felt like that had the energy I needed. - Feel a little amped? (Rhett) Yeah, I do. Red Bull does taste like a SweeTart though. You could be right. Yeah. Baseline. (Link) Alright Alex, pour away. Mhmm. (both making 'm' sounds) (crew laughs) - Wow that is-- - Woo! Whoa. - That - that one's - that one's carbonated. That one's like effervescent, - man. It tastes just like the last one but effervescent. - And more like Red Bull, right? - (both laugh) - I don't know. I don't know, is Red Bull bubbly? That tastes more like a SweeTart to me than the first one. - They're all gonna be very SweeTart-y - Carbonated SweeTart. Did it taste like - good energy or did it taste like Rockstar energy? - Well it didn't taste like human horsepower. That's what NOS is. I didn't taste any horse or any humans. - I don't think it's horse-flavored. - Does guarana - how do you spell that - - how do you say that? - Gua-ree-na. - (crew laughs) - Gua-ree-na? Is that correct? What does it taste like? You don't know, why am I asking you man? - I don't know, I've never tasted-- - I'm asking you because I'm attached to - you with an apparatus. - (Link & crew laugh) But Rockstar has milk thistle in it and I felt like I tasted some milk thistle. I could regret this later but that was more Red Bull than the first one, so - I'm gonna go with that. - Mm we both weighed in. (Rhett) Let 'er rip, Alex. (both making 'm' sounds) - Wow. - Tastes like Red Bull. (repeats 'no') (repeats 'no' faster) It does taste a little like Red Bull but, listen, it's got a bubblegum-ish flavor to it. - Do you taste the bubblegum-ish flavor? - Yeah it tastes like a fake fruit flavor. - Like there's no fruit that actually tastes like this. - Well listen, Monster is for road warriors, metalheads, geeks, hipsters, and bikers. Dig it. How can a geek and a biker dig the same energy drink? That's bullcrap. That's like saying, "Please, anyone, anyone who - has any sort of hobby, drink my energy drink!" - We don't even - you, you're so confidently - saying it's Monster when I'm pretty sure that it's Spike. - Why? - Because it's hardcore energy with great taste. - (Link & crew member laugh) I like their logo, it's - it's crisp, it's pointy, it says, "Read entire label before drinking. Hardcore energy." There are like some scariness to it. - But it's - it's the - the can is the same on both sides. - Monster. - Spike. I'm pretty confident in this. - Pretty confident that you're guessing. - (Rhett & crew laugh) - Entirely. - (Link) Okay Alex, pour some sugar on me. - (Rhett) Mm. (Rhett making 'm' sounds) I'm listening for clues when I hear it pouring. You know? - It's just liquid coming down a tube, dude. - Very, very distinct flavor on that one. - I specifically taste-- - Citrus. - pomegranate and acai! - Yeah it's - it's very citrusy and it's-- - Hi-Ball! - So is that what Hi-Ball is? - Yeah. - It's good energy. It's making a moral - argument here. - I can taste the B3, B5, and B6 vitamins, - not necessarily B12. That's throwing me off a little bit. - I really love their logo. - You know what-- It's like a - it's like a fashionable tie you would get at like J.Crew or something. Yeah. Hi-Ball, the best-tasting energy drink for lovers and haters. - So we're agreeing that this is Hi-Ball? - Yeah definitely. - Yes, we are. Thanks for giving me the answer. (laughs) No, I - I definitely tasted the citrus. - Pomegranate. - There's - citrus? - Is pomegranate citrus? - No! - Well, you know what I mean. - (laughs) (Rhett) Let her go. (both making 'm' sounds) (Link) Ugh. Ah. - Ah! - Ew. - I have learned something. - What - what have you learned? That - doesn't taste great, does it? - No, it doesn't. - It's kinda flat-tasting compared to the other ones. - Flat. - Meaning is - there's not as much carbonation. - Oh me. - But, but it's also like a flaccid fruit taste. - Flaccid fruit? I don't know-- - You know, like a floppy-- - if you can use those words together. - like a floppy - a floppy fruit. - Give me one example in nature, please. - I think - I don't know. This right here - is horse humanpower. - Horse humanpower. Uh...I know what this is. - I mean human horsepower. (laughs) - I feel like I've already guessed what this one is. And so now, I'm just gonna have to just try to sound smart and say something like, Monster Energy with glucose, taurine, panax ginseng, and - L-carnitine, which I just tasted. - L-carnitine? - I could taste a little bit of carnitine. - I can't place what that taste - do you - think it tastes like a fruit? - That's a good slogan, 'You won't be able - to place the taste...' - (crew member laughs) - '...no matter how hard you try.' - Can't place the taste. You can't place the taste. Drink another one, see if you can place the taste. I mean, it's like something that would give you horsepower. This is definitely not Monster so I'm gonna go with something I haven't tasted before. I'm gonna match you here with the NOS because I know Rockstar and Monster - don't taste like that. Okay. - (burps) Excuse me, I'm having trouble. - Wow. - Well, it's a hazard of the game. (Rhett) Pour it like you mean it, Alex. (both making 'm' sounds) Whoa. - That is awful. - That's downright medicinal. You poured - it hard, brotha. - It tastes like an - like an extract of an experiment where they tried to like put deer and a monkey together and then there was some leftover parts. And they were like, "Make a drink out of it! We'll call it Deerkey!" - A monkey and a what? - Deer. - A deer? - Deer and a monkey. - Make a turkey? - No, they make a deerkey. - Can we add a turkey, please? - If you want a turkey to be there. - Mm. All I know is that my stomach is burning. - (crew laughs) It's like - I don't know if, uh - if Spike is just churning from earlier or if it's a cumulative effect. Probably is, I know there's a lot of caffeine. Maybe I'm - tasting caffeine. - This definitely feels like it's for athletes, musicians, anarchists, and coeds. Coeds, what does that even - mean anymore? - Right? I don't - what is a coed? - 'Cause usually they - they're talking about, oh that's women. But really, all it - is, is men and women being educated together. - Like a coed dorm, there's men and women - in the dorm. - Right but because of-- - Wear a towel in the hallway, kids. - because of the sexist history of the world, people referred to women as coeds - (Link) Oh really? - when it really just means men and women being educated together, right? Am I wrong about that? - So you're voting Monster? - I think this would be great for women, - is all I'm saying. (laughs) - (laughs) Oh gosh. - This tastes like something that women really love. - I don't know, I think that this tastes - hardcore to me. And I'm definitely gonna Spike it. - I'm going with the Mon-Mon. Here's to educating-- - Turkey deer monkey. - males and females together. - And turkeys, deers, and monkeys. - Yeah. (Link) Alright Alex, down the hatch! (both making 'm' sounds) - Now that tastes like Red Bull. - It really does. - (Rhett) We're back into the Red Bull - zone. - Yup. Mhmm. Wow. Oh Rockstar tastes like Red Bull because that's the only choice I got! Well I got Amp so I know that I gotta put this here. And I also know that I'm switching it. Uh but yeah, that's very effervescent, very uh SweeTart-y just like - what I know a Red Bull to be. - But does it taste more Red Bull than the - Red Bull that I've already selected? - No. I don't think it does. I've gotta go with Rockstar because I gotta go with Rockstar, literally. Alright and now we get to find out how many we got right before we have an - opportunity to switch. So Drew, lay it on us. - (Drew) Okay so Rhett - Yeah. - (Drew) you have one right. - (Drew) And Link, you have one right. - (Rhett & Link) Oh! And is it the same one? We agreed right here. And I already made up my mind that I'm switching this one. But if I switch this one here and I was already right then I lose. You know what, I made up my mind. I'm not gonna overthink this. I believe that this should've been there. And I don't necessarily think this was Hi-Ball - but I think this is citrusy. - This is a really tough decision because Link, I agree with you that this must - this is Amp because I've noticed something - about you, you have a good citrus taster. - But I also thought pomegranate was citrus. I feel pretty strongly that this is the pomegranate acai. And so, instead of just changing this one and we tie, I want to take the risky - I want to take the risky - Mhmm, take the risky. - and I'm going to just change this... - And this. Alright Drew. - And that one. - Let us know. What are the results? - I think (stuttering) you definitely have two right now, it's just a question of whether or not I have any right. - (Drew) Okay Rhett, you now have three right. - Yeah. - (Drew) And Link, you still only have one right. - (Rhett & Link shout) - Yeah, yeah, yeah! - Okay so let's - let's look at these and figure out what happened. This is Red Bull. The last one was Red Bull. - It tastes very Red Bull-ish. - So then what's this one? Amp. - And what is this? - You were right about that. You got that - one right. - This one is Monster. - Both got that wrong. Rockstar. Both got that wrong. And this must - this is - this is Nose, NOS, whatever it's called. You got that one right. - Oh I moved that one and got it right! - You won by accident. - What is that? - This is Hi-Ball. - I was right! See? I made the right choice. - Yeah and then this one, Spike. You got this one right - no, I got this one right. That means you win which means I have to - drink the nasty energy drink. - Yeah buddy you do. - Thanks for liking, commenting, and subscribing. - You know what time it is. I'm Jordan and I'm at a lake in New Hampshire and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. If you don't like our Facebook page, it hurts our feelings. So please like it, it'd make us feel better about ourselves and also because we're doing live video - over there on a semi-regular basis! - For real? Also click through to Good Mythical More where I'm gonna blend up this nasty nasty shake and drink it while - we open some mail with Jen. - In a world where atoms are jellybeans. - In a world where atoms are jellybeans. - It's a little bit of a meta thing because technically jellybeans, as we understand them, are made of atoms and this would be like a jellybean being made of jellybeans. And they're all popcorn-flavored. Which I don't like. And it's a disappointment to me. So basically this world is a disappointment. And if you taste a human, it's kinda like going to the movies. What? Captioned by Lovely Luna GMM Captioning Team ♪ (outro music) ♪
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
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Keywords: rhett and link, good mythical morning, rhett and link good mythical morning, good mythical morning rhett and link, rhett and link vlog, vlog rhett and link, Ultimate Energy Drink Taste Test, good mythical more Ultimate Energy Drink Taste Test, Ultimate Energy Drink Taste Test good mythical more, rhett and link Ultimate Energy Drink Taste Test, Ultimate Energy Drink Taste Test rhett and link, gmm Ultimate Energy Drink Taste Test, Ultimate Energy Drink Taste Test gmm, gmm taste test
Id: 0xBPhG4DS20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2016
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