Is Stick Welding Downhill Illegal? | Uphill Versus Downhill

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welcome back my world to families abraham supervisor here at south coast one academy in houston texas and in tonight's video i'm going to be welding uphill and downhill uh we still get a lot of haters talking about you can't vote downhill but guess what this video is for y'all stay tuned at the end of the video i will be cutting up this pipe up and bending the strips uh we're gonna check out which side breaks and which one doesn't or if any of them breaks and if they don't [Music] all right guys so just like i mentioned on the uh intro i'm going to be holding uphill and downhill all right guys uh the purpose of this video is uh to touch on the subject whether you want to go downhill or whether you want to go uphill whether you're allowed to well down here or whether you're allowed to walk uphill still a controversial subject for a lot of people out there but really it depends on what code you're going to be following for example if i'm going to be doing asme section 9 and welding to that code everything's going to be uphill now if i'm going to be welding per api 1104 pipeline facilities that's all downhill it just depends what code you're going to be following also if you're at the house and uh you're not you know following a code you're just you know uh welding on fences doing uh at-home projects what direction do you owe that well you got to look at what rod you're using because some rods are especially designed to go uphill and some are especially designed to go downhill it just depends what rods you're using at the time for example if you're using 60 10 60 10 you can weld that uphill or downhill if you're using a 7018 that's only uh designed to go uphill if you're using 8010 that's all downhill so in this video i'm gonna boil in a six inch pipe uh schedule 80. i'm gonna do two sides okay both sides for the route i'm gonna be doing 60 10. one's going to go uphill the other side i can go downhill and then after that on the uphill side i'm going to use 7018 all the way out to the cap and on the other side i'm going to use 80 10 all the way out to the cap alright guys so for this video i will be using this big blue 400 pipe pro we've had it in the shop for a while now and i just wanted to use it today so check this out and i'm also going to be using this remote right here all i got to do is turn this knob to the run idle position the machine turns on and i already have the remote linked up to it and check this out look how easy it is to turn it on alright all i'm going to do right now is push the yellow button right here it turns on it tells me how many hours the machine has how many hours my all has and to turn it on i just push this hold it three two one and boom it's on all right so now i'm about to get i'm gonna get ready to take my pipe up uh i'm not even gonna mess with the machine over here i'm gonna do all my uh settings on the remote okay it's on uh it's on 60 10 but if i want to switch over to 7018 all i have to do is push this button right here go right there go down and now i can toggle between 70 18 60 10 flush core uh mig or and what have you but i'm gonna go to 60 10 right there push enter man then i'm gonna go over to uh my aunt i'm my answer highlighted and i'm just gonna go to uh i'm gonna start at 86 amp from my root 6010 all right uh my stiffness too i can control it by the remote right here i go to my stiffness click it and i can go down or up see how it says stiff right there i can go up or down for my route with 60 10 i like my stiffness all the way up to 25 all right guys so i've got my two pieces of pipe right here i'm about to tack them up and like i said uh stated in the video i'm gonna be welding one side uphill the other side downhill uh so uh i gotta fit it up you know the way i'm gonna weld it uh one side i'm gonna fit it up with a 1 16 gap attack that side up and uh make the other side open up to about a 3 30 second all right because when uh when i will downhill i like my gap to be a 1 16. uh not anything bigger than that you can't have it big if you want but that's just my preference and when i go uphill uh the size that i uh that i like for my gap to be is a 330 second gap um so yeah that's what i'm gonna do right now again this has a 330 seconds to a 1 8 landing all right so i gave my pipe three tacks i did one at 12 one at uh one f6 and one at nine o'clock okay this is the side i'm gonna be welding downhill because it has the tightest gap that's about a 1 16 gap all the way around and on this side is more open as you can see all right that's the side i want to go uphill all right let's get this thing in place all right guys so i've got my pipe pack in place right now i'm go ahead and uh feather my attacks up okay [Music] attack the feathers remember i gotta take it off twelve o'clock six o'clock and nine o'clock okay i left one side with a 332 gap as you can see it's pretty open and then the other side is the 116 gap very very tight gap on this side this is the side i'm going to be welding downhill and this side of me wasn't uphill alright guys so i'm all ready to start welding uh i got my gloves on and i got my hood on and i went ahead and uh uh put this on because you know 60 10 throws a lot of sparks and i don't mind i don't i don't want to burn my hands anyways i'm gonna talk about my technique i'm gonna start on uh on the uphill side first my technique i'm pretty much gonna hold my rod at this angle right here like this and i'm gonna do my back and forth technique i have quite a few videos already explaining that technique and i also explained that technique uh and one of my instagram posts if you want to check that out uh you can go on my instagram at ab welds but anyways this is the angle that i'm gonna keep down here i i personally don't put my rod all the way uh straight at 90 degrees when i'm down here right here i pretty much aim it this way that way the metal shoots this way like that as i go this way the metal shoots that way and it accumulates on top the ripples accumulate on top of each other like that that way i get good penetration okay i'm gonna keep this angle all the way through all the way through and then once i get about right here i'm gonna go ahead and start moving my uh rod at 90 degrees like this okay and i always keep my once i get to the side i always keep it at 90 degrees right here right here like this like this like this like this all right guys so i'm using my back and forth technique all i do with my technique is i go back and forth but when i go forward when i leave the puddle and go forward i push into this little corner i push right there that uh what that does it chokes the rod it uh it stops heat from coming out of the rod and it cools this puddle off back here and then i go back again and i just tap the puddle in that metal and i just repeat so i push back push back push back push back push back towards that push right all the way out okay how much do you push in well that uh that has like a little sweet spot all right you don't have to you don't push in too hard but you need to push it enough all right and that's what with practice and with experience that's pretty much what you get good at you know just filling it out all right so i'm gonna go ahead and finish this side up remember you always want to feather your attacks and have a good tie-in i'm running at around 86 amps uh my keyhole is getting a little big but i'm just gonna leave it there because i know how to control it alright guys so i just finished uh my left side over here on my pipe going uphill and for the other side i'm going downhill for my downhill i'm going to use my uh my good friend here sam what's up well dude hey he's gonna be helping me out with the remote when you go downhill uh it is important that you know you have a helper in hand that can uh control your temperature if you need to go uh go well colder what hotter you know you just tell them to go up two or three depending on what you and your helper come to an understanding and so yeah best hand in the west up 92 up 94. down 92. all right guys so i just finished my root pass just like anything else i'm going to go ahead and clean it with the grinder all right guys so i'm getting ready to start my hot path uphill uh with 60 10 1 8 rod i'm gonna be running at 96 amp one more thing uh i'm gonna be using the uh back and forth technique up down side to side up down side to side and then if i feel like and i'm gonna switch over to going circuit circles going uphill okay again i have another in-depth uh description on how to do on how to do my uphill technique with 6010 on the hot pass and go check that out on my instagram all right guys finished my hot pass going up here i'm gonna start my hop outs going downhill and i'm going to use the back and forth technique as i go down just like that okay remember guys when you move your rod forward it's the dig and when you go move your rod backwards it's to fill in so i'm going to be digging filling in digging filling in digging in fill it in [Music] alright guys so i just finished both my hot passes i'm gonna start my uh my fillers now i'm gonna go ahead over and switch to my uh 532 8010 rod uh and i'm gonna go downhill i'm probably gonna set it at 125 amps and i'm gonna keep it there so the technique that i'm using here i'm doing wide circles so you want to do a circle when you finish a circle you don't end up under the edge of the puddle as you go down always end up under the puddle with the tip of the rod you don't want your you don't want your portal running down and beating your arm aka your rod you're always going to be under the puddle when you're wearing downhill okay once i start going like straight vertical down i switch to a zigzag motion as i go down all right guys i just finished one of my fillers uh with 80 10 going downhill and i'm going to do my filler on the left side going uphill with 70 18 so i got to switch my settings look how easy this is i go over here click it right there go down bam uh click it and then i'm about 70 18 now set it at 90 amp the technique i'm going to be using for my 7 and 18 updates is going to be my zigzag technique uh i'm using the zigzag to each uh corner each wall hold it for two seconds on each wall and just dig back up here okay so when i'm posing on each uh on the uh i guess toes of the last bead you don't necessarily have to wait for two seconds you can wait for three seconds four seconds it depends on how much metal you're trying to put down all at once if i have a very low spot and that's what i'll decide to pause longer than the other spots since the top fills up slower than the bottom sometimes on top i pause longer on the on the sides or the toes of the weld so that i accumulate more metal yes sir there's money all right so i finished up my first uh filler beads after my hot pass both with my uh 60 10 what were 80 10 and 70 18. all right i did a wii feed but now on my 7018 side i'm go ahead and uh put multiple b's now with this uh with these two next beads i should i should be at flush now i'll put one on the left and then one on the right [Music] there you have it my 7018 side is uh completely flush now i'm gonna go ahead and flush the downhill side of this pipe all right guys so i just finished my flush with my 7018 and i'm gonna flush out my other side with my 8010 rod right here again i'm running at about 125 amps uh with this rod and i have its stiffness is all the way plus 25 guys all right guys finished my flush uh on this side i did a uh you know two bead filler flush over here and right here i decided to weave it all the way down with my 80 10. um i was carrying a load of metal hopefully that doesn't affect the uh the band bossy kind of want to check that out uh but yeah i'm gonna start my cap i'm gonna do a two feet cap with a 80 10 going downhill and a 2b cap with 718 going uphill [Music] one [Music] guys remember when you're doing that remember to pick up that elbow you want to have that right angle up here hold the rod 90 as i'm going up end up messing up the whole angle and everything don't be that person again guys i'm just zig zagging one two one two one two one two one two one two very very easy and a constant uh pace all right guys so i just finished welding this pipe you know i did obviously i'll go to one side going up in the other side going downhill and again the reason i did that was because we still get a lot of comments out there talking about how you know they're surprised that i'm welding downhill or that they're surprised that i'm molding uphill you know in some parts of the world they only go downhill in some parts of the world they only work uphill uh but in today's video you know i'm proving that you could do both ways it all depends on what code you're gonna follow and also it depends what your drive is designed to uh you know well so again let me uh mark this so we can cut the pieces out of it and we can bend them and uh you know just uh get rid of some haters all right guys so uh here we go on my hand right here i got the uh 6010 uh downhill side of the strip side of the pipe right here i'm gonna there's gonna be a root band so i'm gonna put it in this way now this is the downhill with 6010 right here and the bottom this is root been right here nothing look at that bam and the haters take a hit take it now all right it's gonna be my top band right here for my downhill okay top my cap downhill 60 10. all right looks good yeah 70 18 the bottom right here 70 18. and that's another hit for the haters right here nothing clean is that the uphill yeah this is going to be 7018 uphill all right then this is going to be my 7018 uphill this is going to be the cap band this side this is the root this is a cap now it's going to go this way boom did not break everything's good all right guys so there you have it guys uh in this hand right here i got my six to ten coupons and in this hand right here i got my 7018 uh bench strip my coupons but yeah as you can see they all of them did pass so if anyone y'all was undecisive which way was better well then uphill or downhill in reality the answer to that is uh they're both just the same you know they're both the same it just depends on what code you're going to be welding to for example again if you're going to be welding to code api 1104 pipeline facilities that is downhill if you're going to be holding an asme section 9 that's all uphill you know it all depends on which code you want to follow also it depends on uh what design what your rod specifically is designed to do some rods are designed to hold up till some rods are designed to weld downhill you know you got to make your research on that but yeah uh also guys uh we did open up our new wall tube store uh so don't forget about that you're gonna buy some merch and you want to use my discount code get 10 off you can use my instagram handle a b worlds but yeah i hope you liked the video uh don't forget to like comment subscribe until next time [Music] [Music] you
Channel: WeldTube
Views: 518,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arc welder, mig, pipeline, welding, welder, welding shop, GMAW, SMAW, welding definition, pipe schedule, cwi, how to weld, types of welding, welder salary, welding symbols, schedule, 40, pipe, welding supply store, Tig, welding jobs, welding schools, tulsa welding school, american welding society, weldporn, welding tips and tricks, ChuckE2009, learn to weld, pipe welding, welding basics, welding techniques, welding test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 28sec (1228 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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