Broken Backhoe Frame. (Caterpillar)

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all right guys well as you guys saw in the little video shorts this is my project for the day this guy got some cracks in this area here and on the other side is actually worse it and you like the way they hold it up the forks and the tires yeah it's nice actually I'm not gonna get under there like that mechanics coming back up this is a bad side right in here that baby cracked it looks like somebody had repaired us a little bit shiny so somebody tried fixing that beforehand but this is more of a tube structure so the cracks that are on the outside are also on the inside and this is right behind the steering or sorry pivot for the axle mount so this is gonna be a tricky one I haven't done one of these before but like I say the mechanics coming out here and he's going to remove the radiator and all the front half of this stuff hopefully get some jack stands put them under there get rid of this weight here because all the weight is helping to spread this open which stinks and then I don't know if you can see way back there you can see the other side of the cracks so stick around it's gonna be a fun one I've never done one of these before so this is going to be interesting all right let's get to it okay so I got back from lunch and a mechanic uh removed all the front end stuff for me which is good gives me access to this area here for oh man long time ago I replaced this guy right here pin uh the eye for that pin split open towards the bottom and this front axle pivot was really loose but anyway so now you know it's developed that crack there and it went around that plate same thing here this side place where I repaired it some time ago and they started to tear this corner because it came from that side I'm thinking what happened was this side here twisted up like that and it put some real big torsional forces on this side so what I'm going to try and do is I'm going to gouge all this area here and try and create a gap so that we can squeeze it back together I don't really know how we're going to squeeze it right now because there's no real way of putting any downforce and the customer came and left me jack stands tell them put it on jack stands well that's their Jacksons so I'm gonna have to go get some probably tomorrow first from the house so uh a lot of work ahead of me okay best I guess I better quit talking about it all right let's get something done okay so I got it semi cleaned up and what I've talked about before is that being is how this material has stretched it's never going to close up closed okay so what I try and do this is kind of risky right but I try and do is I try to go ahead and torch a gap in there something for it to have something to close back up and then fill it in I'll close it up as much as I can and if I get it closed or it touches where it's supposed to be and then I'll see where the the opening the you know the tight and the loose spots are then I'll guide in between there as carefully as I can so that I can get a hundred percent penetration without cutting too much if that makes any sense so I think that's what I'm gonna do just get the torch in here and just cut a little slit just enough for this to touch together I'm going to try to do that all the way around this thing on both sides [Applause] foreign other side [Music] okay I think I cut enough room to begin with that used to get me started but you know I really don't have any way of pulling it together I was hoping to be able to grab onto here and run a chain or something down the back side of this fancy Jack is in the way and I don't want to weld anything on here to create a clamping situation because then they just create heat right and stress risers where the welds were so let me chew on that a little bit and see which direction to go I'm going to look it over a little bit more see if I can cut some more relief some areas so if you look at here like I was mentioning that one close back together correctly if I didn't cut a gap before I cut the gap on this side so I don't know let me try a couple things or let me think of a couple of things and then get back right in a second [Music] foreign foreign [Music] sorry you guys are under pivoting axle that looks all right let me get a straight edge [Music] okay he needs a little bit more [Music] foreign foreign so bad now there are some areas that got more gaps than others but that's okay all right more for the weld to penetrate but actually what I'm going to do now is gouge those areas with the actual art gouger and just be mindful of the spots that are a little wide I mean I'm out of breath uh swing that hammer anyway so I'm gonna gouge those areas and hopefully that'll relax the area a little bit more I am pretty close to flat from here there's a little spot to the left of the crack that it looks like it's still a little offset but for the most part that is a straight line all the way across a lot better than it was this could be just that it shifted like that well that's okay things are looking really nice now I normally talk about not liking fish plates or plates that go on top of other welds now I'm not gonna do that here but I may put one lengthwise underneath that way because then that'll become a tension pull instead of a one that's flexing like a boom or next on an excavator you know that's just too much force that is stopping in the sense that it's not allowing the bundle Flex here most of the problem would be to pull apart this way so maybe I'll put a piece of flat bar of some sort under there just to kind of help strengthen it up so this side's looking good let me go look at the other side if the other side is good I'll probably just start gouging and I'll let you guys watch that all right this guy didn't move at all the way across the top there they did attempt to stretch this bottom part so you know I'll go ahead and gouge from here and all the way around underneath on the inside it looks really good too I was able to cut enough clearance you found your weld no it's gonna stink it's gonna be hard to get to I may actually use my flux core or some 332 rods exactly quite sure yet most likely flux core because I can get most of it from the Top If I'm cautious stick welding from this top side would side looks good start welding it up so we're looking pretty good all right so my art gallery here is going to be very purposeful in the sense that I'm probably gonna Arc a little bit like on off like you see me do it on some of my Mig welds at the shop just a little Arc an arc an arc just slowly take away what I need because this material is very thin it only looks to be maybe 5 16 thick so I don't want to accidentally make a hole that I don't need to make so I'll have to be very careful just on off on on on just keep doing it all the way down unless I feel comfortable that it's it's gouging nice and smooth and uh lightly enough or delicately enough but other than that I'm gonna do it just in pulses pulses to reduce the chance of busting through I still might so who knows here we go [Music] everything [Music] all right so hopefully you will see some of that um you can see some of the gaps there that I was creating so that may be a little bit of an issue you know but that's okay just for reference this is a quarter inch carbon Rod so that's that's a fairly small bevel very very small bevel so actually I might do flux core that way at least for the root maybe I don't know we'll have to see that way I can pulse on and off without having to through it and I probably bought through it anyway but this side's looking good here I was able to see a little bit of the way down there but yeah not so much and so now it's this side I'm gonna gouge this side and see if I can find the other cracks there's some for my hands on the way oh my God this side here and then see if I can find some more cracks it looks like there's one developing right there well foreign [Music] [Music] dip it Towing just to get over this spot here but I think that'll be good enough and what I would do is I'm going to use my wire machine for this side back it off on the Park and we'll have to be careful funny balance I think that's about as clean as I'm gonna get it I ended up I had a small pneumatic grinder those long neck three inch pneumatic Grinders I ended up ruining it because I had too much water in my in my system in the bearing Thruster so even with holding it the best thing so I'm not going to grind it that's about as good as it's going to get the needle skater does a really good job of of getting you know the miscellaneous carbon Remnant off of there and so even with the flux cord the flux will boil it out anyway so let me get set up for that and we can get started probably on this side first [Music] that's all right right there that's uh that's not bad it was able to penetrate into the bevel without going through I didn't but I didn't poke any holes at all so what's nice about using flux core or any type of wire is that you're able to let it cool off between pulses to where it solidifies and if you're watching the weld really well you can tell when the molten bottle solidifies and then you can hit it again I mean just like instantly still orange or still you know you know right then that's when you hit it again Joe where you can control that puddle all the way up stick weld that the weld very difficult so this is the best thing for it here at least now this one down here came out right well I'll put another pass over that now adjust the seal it up and I will still run it with a low wire speed so that I can control each pulse each so let me try and reach around this corner do as far as I can let me see I can see it with the camera of course you can't see it any other way but probably do it from way over here that I have a 12 inch extended neck on that gun but you guys may be hinder too let me see where I put you guys are tough there you go uh I would say you couldn't ask for better than that for uh the position it's in I mean that's the best I could do right so that should definitely do it I didn't oh sorry it's hot I didn't do this bottom side there I think I'm gonna try and grab that from the from the lower end and just weld on the upside sorry weld vertically up to that point so this side's done not this side I'm gonna see if my my camera will catch the uh if I have my welding lens the better catch this let me show you guys what I'm doing [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] all right is that a hold going for any beauty contest so now that that's together I can let go of this I was gonna try and gouge here but I don't want to gouge over my all right I welded it all up so I can do the outside last so let me uh do that let me loosen all that up [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] looks like I chewed this apart man look at this horrible look at all those gaps you know what that tells me 100 and 100 will oh man that's terrible but anyway uh fortunately I will be able to use the flux cord and you'll see what I'm talking about it just allow me to Stitch right over there like like nothing so that'll be nice one of the things I don't like is that this is a different height I don't know if I should Hammer this in or make the effort to pull that out call but uh we shall see oh actually I could hammer it right there that'll probably okay so now it's time to weld this thing up the underside Underside looks okay actually no I need to fix that let me fix that real quick and then we'll start moving [Music] foreign for the most part it looks alright no now I'm going to go over it with 332 I like great I like 70 teams or excaliburs because they have a little bit more elongation properties you know they'll Bend before it breaks these wires like 211 you know 212 sometimes they're a little too brittle not just so this wire is pretty close to the same properties as a 78 but you know Just for kicks I thought I'd do some uh stick welding I've been out of practice for a little while so may as well try it doesn't hurt if anything I can just go and do smooth all right so here we go thank you little on the hot side let me turn down that's terrible apparently I practicing I thought but it'll work overhead came out all right where is it there it is but um that'll do it for this side and I need to get on the outside of the other side yeah this guy here well the difficult spot way back in there one second thought I'm gonna call it quits for the day I got some possible rain coming in I don't know so let that sit it's already five o'clock anyway so you know to wait another another little while it's not gonna hurt anybody it ain't gonna hurt my feelings so I'll get the Jacks I'll put them underneath the axle I have more room to climb under there that'll be a little bit safer for me so I'll just wrap this baby up and be back on Monday all right foreign [Music] [Music] foreign so now that I got that on Jax I'm not completely out of the woods yet I've got to still take care of all this underneath stuff I'm glad that the Jacks Are Here Now so I don't want to hit those hydraulics Jacks but here's a problem I was able to get some of this on the way down I'm sorry from the top side but now I gotta get under here and guide all that same thing over here so it's easy to stick the camera up in there and look at it but not so much to see it and gouge it that'll be fun so actually I'm going to try and see if I can gouge that section up there from the top side and gouge it down I'll go to this side from that direction so I don't shoot it towards the truck yeah I can do that over there okay so almost there but not yet all right all right [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] about as good as I can get right in there same thing over there pretty tight I may not be able to what I mean I can um it is what it is okay so next is wire welding that baby I'm so glad I'm wire welding it because this this is just a tight spot so foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] I ended up welding over an old weld should have left it alone [Music] but anyway it looks alright there's uh listen at least it's decently consistent I ended up grinding the weld under here off because I am going to put that plate that I talked about if they help strengthen it because I didn't like the way that was welding I was doing the overhead so now I'm gonna do the other side over there and get that finished up now start cutting those plates and then just add them on but all right I gotta say that was pretty tough that was very tough actually oh can't really see that one probably can't see this one either um anyway so as I mentioned I'm gonna grind off the bottom of the world I'm gonna grind off this weld here I'm gonna grind that one down flush as well just so I can put a piece of plate across here like I was talking oh sorry under here in that area just to help it more so on this side that I didn't like I don't like the way that was welding it seemed like as I was Bridging the Gap like it was too thin I wasn't able to penetrate the the parent metal as good as I thought so a little flake won't hurt and you know again it's just a tensile pull so let me grind that up cut some plates and get done with this baby [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] all right guys well it looks like I got done got those uh little I don't know Fish Place gusset plates I don't know what you call them I got them on there ran the wells passed about an inch or so keep the stresses from building up along that edge there that's about as good as I can get it me turn the light on for you guys a little tougher job than I thought but you know it came out all right so wasn't too too bad I've had worse but anyway I said I'll do it for me sorry to huffing puff of them climbing out of these things these rocks are Sharp but uh anyway so uh thanks for watching and I hope you guys learned something and we'll catch you guys on the next one
Channel: I C Weld
Views: 344,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drillrig, heavy equipment, onsite repair, kellybar, auger, dozer, excavator, welding, stickwelding, mig welding, torch, torch cutting, gas axe, backhoe, torching, weld, repair, weld repair, fix it, how to, caterpillar, bull dozer, broken, cracked, torn, busted, track hoe, welded, fluxcore
Id: YUdgbaEMybk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 8sec (2708 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 15 2023
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