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hello in today's video I'm going to attempt to run my bead or my root uphill versus downhill the reason I say attempt is because that's not something I've ever done on a job I'm going to attempt to make an uphill weld with 1 8 60 10 after we get our uphill bead in I'm gonna grind it and then run a 332 7018 uphill for our hot pass and then I hope to cap right on top of the hot pass we go boys see what happens it's awkwardness I'll get out [Music] [Music] oh that was looking like so far it actually goes a lot better than what I thought than I thought it would now I'm doing this I have ran an uphill B before not ever on a job but just for fun but I do kind of recall but a lot easier than you than you think but I did have a little mishap down here I'm not saying it's going to look good I'm just saying it's a lot easier than what I thought I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to drag it I thought maybe I was going to have to step it I don't know why that's just what my mind told me but I was wrong sure enough drag it just like we do downhill get over her little grinder holder [Applause] and bump her up five because it's a little snug well this is actually pretty fun I really just got lucky on my Gap really know where to how much safer it's just everything just totally backwards so it just feels really awkward try to get you in here and you can see what's what's going on behind the world and lands that went like crap [Music] up here it's somewhat normal I mean that went real crappy back welcome back down to 30 because this thing is wide over here now going to the left I guess [Music] foreign [Music] with my left hand since this is wide over here I've just been stepping it [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign we're gonna keep after it though and I'm about to do another one right after this you guys are crazy that I'm struggling so much so I just turned her up maybe I can just wiggle it back and forth [Music] lady chef trying to squeeze it in there when I get up here it's about the pain I just feel like I'm well [Music] have mercy I have the mercy let's take a look inside of that pot go ahead and brush this bead off so we can see it a little better [Music] oh Mylanta it's this bead back here look at all that mess we got to clean up I have mercy see this over here actually this is the horizontal weld here but uh wow kind of embarrassing flat I've got a lot of practice to practice practice up on like this bead a little cleaner all right well I'm gonna go ahead and grind it and then we'll uh put a 70 18 332 70 18 hot pass in here foreign [Music] thing with uh 7018 and can't pass like this [Music] it's hard to keep or at least for me it's hard for me to keep mine toes clean [Music] [Music] that's one thing that I like about pipeline jobs though is having a helper this is kind of a prime example I don't know if you can see that footage real well but I really could have stood to turn it down I adapted and I was able to just make different movements but to be honest it was a little bit of a panic and most likely I'm not going to like how dirty the the edges are I just know from experience that I mean it if the slide comes out good then I'll know that I'll like it but if it doesn't come out good then chances are I may or may not be able to cap on top of this I may want to run another path to kind of clean it up and then a cap I enjoy doing this though because this is just making me better and I'm able to share it with you while I'm doing it but yeah having a helper is super handy to run that remote box while you're welding and to me that just makes a quality more quality weld but the one thing that I always think of whenever I don't have a helper is how welders back in the day I don't know how long pipeline welders have had helpers like on the job you know I know I've worked some jobs where I didn't have a helper so all that to say is it does make me think about how those before me in the pipeline industry or welding industry in general welded without a helper all that to say is a helper is nice for making a quality weld but the Silver Lining to not having a helper practicing at home by yourself Etc is learning how to weld and adjust your your uh like adapt to the to whatever the bevel throws at you you know if you ground the bead too thin and it starts to get hot or if it gets wide or you know whatever the case may be you got to do different things to to make that weld still be a good weld I was trying to prevent blowing through because I don't want to fix a burn through so I was able to speed up and change my motion just to try to keep from from messing up so the Silver Lining is not having a helper can make you better if you just focus on working with what you got bumper down to 30 instead of 35 they go again I'm worried I'm gonna get my head in y'all's way but I kind of need to be over here where I can see a little better so towards me it was getting me away there in the view there let's try to brush that off just to see what that looks like yeah see that a white line on this side kinda it's a slag that's stuck on the edges and what I don't uh I don't know I don't want to say I don't like about 7018 but but yeah that's what I don't like about 7018 but the reason I I'm hesitating to say I don't like it is because really and truly I want to learn to like it so therefore I need to get better so it doesn't do that if that's possible but it's got to work on mine technique to try to keep that from happening but as far as how much it's filling up I should be able to be able to cap this I think you can't see it on camera but still still some stuff on this edge here that I don't that I don't like in this situation if I was on a job I would actually grind these edges and then I would put a hot filler over this to kind of burn out any trash and then I would cap it just to make sure it was clean make sure the edges are all tied in and I'm burnt out any of those any of that trash that's in the edges but since I'm not on a job I'm going to take this opportunity to experiment and I'm going to try to cap over this so I'm going to go ahead and finish this side finish the other side and then we'll start capping it and we'll see see what it looks like all right now we're putting the cap on it trying to keep my rod in my puddle and don't don't move the rod out by the bevels but let the puddle go outside the devil [Music] I add a lot of questions around with pipelining to those that have had a lot more experience than me and one guy I worked with his name is Elaine from Louisiana and uh it was a downhill job we were on a station building a compressor station or something that was right when I first started Pipeline and I don't know what it was I was well piped but I remember Lane telling me to just keep my rod pushed in and side to side I think that was lame like I said I asked a lot of questions whenever I was pipelining I'd watch other welders weld guys had been welding way longer than me I'd ask him questions they would share their tips and whatnot somebody told me I don't know if it was lane or somebody else but somebody told me just to keep my rod shoved in there and go side to side to hit the bevels hit the side of the bevel and like in this case that's what I'm doing I'm keeping it soaked in here and I'm just making the slightest movement side to side and I'm soaking it on the side soaking on the side and I'm letting that puddle flow out over my over my bevels here the hope is is even though there's a little bit of slag in these edges my hope is that by just keeping this rod shoved in there and pushing it side to side in theory this Rod should be penetrating through that flag and cleaning it so that's what I'm explaining here and trying to make sure the cap is high enough because this is pretty low to cap but it's this would this would probably shoot but it is just barely above flex but that's actually the way I like it it's just it's difficult to do there's a lot of similarities with uphill and downhill capping a weld low is one of the same similarities you can do kind of the same thing going downhill that's actually something that I'm not like I'm not real good at I've it's what I was practicing when I was pipelining like I was in the midst of practicing it welding on heavy wall pipe and just learning how to how to manipulate that puddle downhill because downhill you're Fighting Gravity versus uphill the gravity is kind of helping you I guess there's so much to learn you wouldn't think you know going round and round but same thing over and over but there's so so much to to learn so much you can dissect if you will all right foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign heck yeah man doesn't that mean it's running good whenever it peels up like that I don't know what it what are the youngsters calling that they'll peel Hill 7 70 18 peel yeah see that's more like it foreign to get way more uniformed on my on my edges on my start here it's like real wide and wave me through here no all right the other capped and rust off bits perfect as far as the height because we're getting over sitting over fill it the only thing I don't like is like these you can I think you can see it on camera yeah you can see it a little bit right in here just the slightest bit of undercut because it was so low but a little bit worse over here we'll take a look at this side that kind of like that line over here it's called undercut which just like any Toad on any job where they're shooting a certain code 1104 would be 31-3 they all have a like a range so like you're allowed a certain amount of undercut so I don't know what the amount is on eight inch but I could stand to burn three bucks is a 70 18 on some pipe really and truly thanks for joining me today also thank whoever it was I did not take note of it but somebody posted in the comments of a video that we posted a couple weeks ago whenever I was welding uphill with some 7018 for I think just the filler it wasn't the hot pass like in this video we were putting a filler in over an 80 10 downhill hot pass and they suggested doing little use and since I filmed this video I have started to practice that because I've been doing a lot more practicing with my uphill 7018 on pipe and that has been super helpful so thank you whoever you were for sharing that little tip that's one of the reasons I love doing what I do and sharing here on YouTube because whenever I share it comes back to me tenfolds and I greatly appreciate it just because I pipeline welded for eight years does not mean that I have it all figured out by no means that's one of the reasons why I'm practicing because I want to keep my skill set up it makes me feel good to do something that I haven't done 100 times or two thousand times or how many overtimes I've made a downhill weld I haven't made near as many uphill welds so that's one of the reasons I'm practicing this is just to keep my skill set up and so therefore I'm all the time open to tips and tricks myself not to mention how that one tip that you shared is going to help everyone else who comes back every week to watch these videos because the goal is to just keep getting better and better and better so by you sharing that tip me practicing that tip and then sharing that tip back out into the community Through the videos ideally everybody's going to get better and that's just absolutely awesome I love the community here on YouTube so thank you don't forget to check out our website arosswelding.com for any other helpful resources check out our trade school website eroswelding.school got a couple of online courses over there the pipe fence course the quick rig course we're working on a couple more we plan to add more to the trade school website over the months years to come thank you for your support hope you have an awesome weekend and remember learn something every day
Channel: Austin Ross
Views: 43,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: austin ross pipeline, Austin ross, autin ross, aaron ross, arosswelding, a ross welding, austin ross welding, pipe welding, pipeline welding, welding pipe, welding pipeline pipe, pipeline pipe, pipeline pipe welding, welding bead on pipeline, welding passes, bead pass, welding, bead, need, pipe welding bead, welding beed, pipeline welder, uphill welding, uphill weld, welder, rig welder, pipe welder, rig welding
Id: _WQpj9tuhPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 8sec (1748 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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