How to PIPE-FITTING Basics

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welcome welcome family my name is david cerisa i've been a pipefitter welder for about 15 years in the trade and today i'm going to be showing you guys the basics of pipefitting so let's get started [Music] all right guys so here we have a six inch pipe and got it up on some jack stands and be showing you guys how to prepare this bevel standard bevel is usually 37.5 degrees as you can see this is already a factory end that's beveled but we still need to clean it and prepare for welding so the first thing we're going to use is this end grinder here we're going to clean the outer edge and the inner edge of this pipe get it free of paint and any scale for the welder to be able to weld that pipe and here guys we're only going to clean about an inch that way you don't get any paint anywhere near the welder on the inside you can clean you know only about half an inch you don't have to clean as much inside so on here we have a flat disc guys you can also use a burr bit just to clean the paint off and stuff but i like this it leaves a nicer finish looks smoother and looks cleaner it just does take a little bit longer okay so now we're using the four inch angle grinder and what we're going to be doing is we're going to be grinding this at the exact same angle that it already has this is a factory end and we're going to be knocking off it's a little bit hard to see but you can see the landing that's still on the pipe here we're going to be preparing this for tig welding so we're going to knock off this landing that's on this inner edge [Music] another thing to keep in mind guys is pay attention to where your sparks are going you don't want to you know be hitting anybody around you i like to aim them downward so i'll keep rotating it to shoot the sparks downward not at anybody so now i'm using this flat disc here to finish off this bevel and smooth out the grinding disc marks as you can see now the bevel's all cleaned up that landing edge is gone now uh now that it's sharp you guys need to be careful when handling this pipe or picking it up that edge can be very sharp and it can cut right through your glove all right guys so now we're gonna check the squareness of our bevel using a a two foot pipe fitter square here so what you want to do with the square is set it directly on top here making sure that it is straight with the pipe and now we're going to be looking here at the inner edges of our bevel and sliding it back and making sure it touches both ends or it is very close as you can see there it's it's pretty square there now we're going to rotate this square and do it 90 degrees check the other side you can see we're very close there as well i also like to check it in between this 90 degree basically at a 45 doing the same thing making sure our square is lined up here on this back edge so we don't get a false reading it looks like our bevel is is pretty square all right guys so now we're going to be preparing our flange very similar to preparing that pipe except this one has quite a bit of paint on it so we're going gonna do is hit it with a wire wheel first to get the paint off and then we'll start cleaning it up and guys before you guys lay down this flange on any table or anything make sure the table is free and clear of any welding spatter or burrs that way you don't go damage the actual face of the flange [Music] so now i'm going to go back with the quarter inch disc so we can uh grind our bevel down so now we're going to go back with this end grinder here and we're going to clean it up with a flat disc also inside and outside first so now we're going back with this flap disc just to smooth out the grinding marks on it all right guys so now i'm going to use this jack here to help me support this flange as we go to fit it up so for anyone that's never used the jack before you know there's there's here's some basic operations of it you have this locking nut here and then you also have this washer here that moves up and down when you move this jack head up that washer will hold it for you but you need to be careful not to operate this as this will drop will pinch your fingers so once you do move this at the height that you need lock it down and that'll cause it from anybody knocking this or accidentally hitting it nobody will get hurt the piece won't fall so let's go ahead and set it up and here i'm adjusting the height just kind of estimating about what the what the flange sits at there okay setting this flange on here you know holding it pretty square to the pipe now we're going to be looking if you have access to it looking at the alignment of the id which is more crucial than the actual alignment of the od and sometimes it will be a little different and most of the time it's actually very close so the the id is actual lineup of the inside of the pipe and the od is this exterior portion of the pipe sometimes the way this pipe is manufactured it does come either a little bit thicker a little bit smaller than the flange but your most crucial part is going to be lining up the id for the welder to try to have a good root in there all right guys so i have a fit up clamp here so we're going to go ahead and put this on here to help us hold it so we can set our spacing and get it ready for for tacking out so i like to leave the open side on top where the welder's gonna attack just to give him more room when we tighten this down we try to get these uh adjuster nuts here on the edge of the flange and if you notice it's got a kind of a cut out on it that we have some room for adjustment when you do tighten it down to the pipe so i'm gonna lock it down to the pipe now so now i'm gonna adjust to line up the id this may take a little bit this may take some loosening and tightening on either side to try to get it to line up okay so i'm gonna start moving this back out for our gap most welders typically like a 532nd or a 8 inch gap so now i'm going to get our spacer and i'm going to put this in between our two bevel edges and then now i'm going to push on this flange to where all edges of the spacer are touching as you can see now we have the flange held up our id is lined up here you feel around if you do not have access to the inside of the pipe like if you're fitting up uh two joints of pipe or stuff like that we do have a high low gauge and the way this works here is you see this line here this is telling you when the two edges are actually lined up inside and you actually push these down turn it and stick it inside the bevel edges and then you put lift up if either one of these legs moves up and down off your marks there that means you do have some high low on the inside basically internal misalignment we're gonna stick it in here and now we're going to pull back on it looks like we are very close we're about less than a 30 second off on our id top and bottom now we can check the bottom as well so we're reading about the same now at the bottom guys alright guys so we're going to get ready to tack our flange here and just as a note i did not to hold this because it is on a straight piece of pipe and the orientation right now it does not matter so i'm going to go ahead and tack the top alright guys so i'm going to be using a 7ds6 1 8 wire i'm running about 80 amps here on the xmt 350. and for the welders i like to kind of give like a one inch tack that still lets the fitter be able to move and square this pipe but it's also big enough to not let the truck the flange try to twist or misalign when we go to square it up and level it up so now i'm going to remove this clamp loosen it up so now guys typically in the shop or any environment where you're grinding the magnets are going to get full of metal shavings you want to make sure you wipe that off before you go put this on the pipe see here we need to level this pipe a little bit go ahead and do that and now we're going to put this level in this direction here so now we can level this out that will ensure that our pipe is square with our flange i'm going to use a wedge to basically put in there get the adjustment we need and then we'll remove it after we tack go ahead and tack the bottom [Laughter] so i verify that pipe's still square i'm going to go ahead and remove this wedge i'm also going to remove this jack from here so the second way you can also square this flange up say that this pipe is in a position where it cannot be leveled you can also use a square and a tape measure to double check this uh squareness of this flange so i'm gonna sit this square on the face of the flange making sure it's touching both sides making sure that it's lined up closely on top now we're gonna measure on this close side here and you can if you have it if you have room you can also move your square to a round number you know make things easier for you so we are at three we are at three on the end of the square so our flange is truly square there so now we're going to rotate this 90 degrees and repeat the process here for the same side so now we're going to double check the level and also as a note guys a lot of these pipes they're coated and covered with paint you want to make sure that there's no excess paint or anything where you're about to set your level you're actually sitting somewhere where it's nice and true okay so we are level there we are actually very close to being level there and maybe needs to pull a little bit in this direction so i'm going to go ahead and tack the top as the the top the tack tends to draw in and that'll move it just a little bit we need so now i'm going to rotate this to the other side and go ahead and tack the other side all right guys so we got our flange all fitted up ready to weld we are going to prepare this other end and as you see we have a straight cut here and we do not have a bevel so we're going to need to prepare this up the same way we're going to clean the interior and exterior first that'll remove any burrs so we know how to make sure to grind our bevel and we don't unsquare this piece here we are also going to be fitting up a 90 on this end since we already have our flange we do not have an edge to follow here so we actually are going to grind our bevel into it when we grind we're going to be starting on this outer edge grinding down using our 37 and a half degree angle until we reach the inner edge you do not want to pass the inner edge as that will unsquare the bevel and you'll start to get a waviness on the bevel so you try not to hit that edge even if you leave a little edge when we go with our flap disc we'll go ahead and clean all that up okay guys so visually looking at the the bevel here from the original straight cut we do have a little bit of waviness going on in this area of it so i'm going to go ahead and put a landing back on it and then we're going to double check the square and then we'll re-grind it and re-sharpen that bevel so now i'm taking a look over the top of this you know trying to look at this edge and this edge and this these four edges and making sure that everything is nice and flat it looks better now let's double check it with a square okay so same thing guys we're gonna make sure our two foot square here is in line with our pipe and not twisting and doing this thing looks pretty close right there so we do have quite a bit on this side here the side closest to me here is a little high so i'm gonna go back and knock down this side as a note guys be real easy with that grinder when you're when you are hitting that face there it is very thin on that edge and it's very easy to remove a lot of material at once so when you go to kind of face that go nice and slow everything seems to be really close now now we are going to go back and remove this landing here another thing to keep in mind guys is when you do face like this you will get a little burr on the edge and that causes that can cause you to misgrind your bevel again what i like to do is i'll re-clean the inside make sure that i don't have any burrs again and then i can really see that that landing edge to clean it correctly now i'm going to go back with this quarter inch disc and remove that landing okay so now we're going to do the same thing finish cleaning this up with our flap disc all right so our bevel is nice and clean we are now going to prepare our 90. all right guys so here we have our six inch long radius standard wall 90 we're going to be cleaning off one of these ends to prepare it for welding on that uh spool piece we have over there all right guys so as i started removing paint here i noticed that it has kind of a back bevel in here you take a look it's got another false inner edge here that we're going to have to remove and typically it's that's a little bit easier to do with uh with a verbit or carbide bit and the reason we remove that inner edge is it can cause problems for the welder or it can cause confusion when they go to do non-destructive examination on this it can give false readings and and show things that are not actually there so in order to alleviate that problem we're going to go ahead and remove it and clean it up okay guys so now our 90 is uh cleaned up and ready to fit up over there i'm gonna go ahead and get everything set up so we can uh tack this up we're gonna go ahead and put these on our flange what these two hole pins do is they will orientate this flange to where we can put the level and know that our 90 and the two holes of our flange here are nice and square and level to each other on this particular piece here you need to put it on the adjacent one so that what i mean by that is don't skip a a bolt hole here don't put it over here that'll give you a degree and that's something different on this whole piece here we're just going to go nice and square with each other also on a note guys these flanges here they have stampings on the outer edge that tell you the size and the classification of it this one here is a six inch 150 and also the material is stamped here a105 and right next to that b16 and a half that is our construction code for our flange and this standard that tells us that this flange is standard wall which is what our piping is so after snugging up these two two hole pins you actually put this level right across the top here and rotate this piping until you get it level [Music] [Music] [Music] nice same way make sure your magnet is clean we're going to put this across the top in the same plane that that other level is in so now i'm going to go ahead and put the spacer in it [Music] [Music] okay guys so we got our flange and our night here ready to tack our end here is level our two hole is level we've already verified the high low up and down and also side to side so it'll be ready for its first attack there so again guys i like putting a one-inch tack that keeps everything from not twisting and moving around as we take off the clamps and move it around okay guys so now we're going to make sure that our 90 is square with our pipe here so we're going to do is check the level of our pipe here and we're gonna turn this two foot level here and check that it's showing that it wants to come up just a little bit and as you see our gap is showing the same thing it is a little tighter at the bottom so we're level there we are level there i'm gonna go ahead and tack the bottom now i'm going to go ahead and remove all the clamps and stuff and we're going to rotate this 90 degrees so we can check the level in that way okay guys so rotated this 90 degrees we are level here i'm going to check if our pipe is still level which it is what i like to do is kind of run this level across the high side here this is kind of showing me that it wants to kind of tilt downward put attack on this side but to double check i'm going to double check the other side and it's telling me the same thing so i'm gonna go ahead and tack this side because it's it's not a lot that it needs so i'm gonna rotate it up and attack that side first alright guys so also to be noted on our 90s if you look closely there's usually stamping on it either here or on the side of it and it'll specify the material which is right here and then it'll also say the size i know it's a little bit hard to see it's a six inch standard wall long radius 90. hi guys so there you have it showed you the basics of fitting up this flange 90 and how to prepare these bevels my name is david cerisa don't forget to like comment and subscribe and see you guys on the next video [Music] you
Channel: WeldTube
Views: 469,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arc welder, mig, pipeline, welding, welder, welding shop, GMAW, SMAW, welding definition, pipe schedule, cwi, how to weld, types of welding, welder salary, welding symbols, schedule, 40, pipe, welding supply store, Tig, welding jobs, welding schools, tulsa welding school, american welding society, weldporn, welding tips and tricks, ChuckE2009, learn to weld, pipe welding, welding basics, welding techniques, welding test
Id: KIZurpeGMoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 1sec (1501 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 09 2021
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