A Welder Fits-up an Olet Using Basic Hand Tools | Pipe Fitting

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[Music] have you seen the welder anywhere [Music] no [Music] and i hope he didn't leave yet man where have you been i've been looking everywhere for you where have i been i've been here all day boss i'm gonna need you to get up in that rack and fit up an old lid on the side of this pipe you need me to go on the rack you need me to fit an overhead you're crazy man i'm a welder i'm not a fitter abraham wrap my leads what's up my well tooth family it's your boy matt back again with another episode of weld tube today and today we're doing a laying out on an olit okay an old like if we're on a fixed pipe in the rack so being a welder i don't claim to be a fitter so i'm going to show you guys a couple tools that we got in the box that most welders would have on their truck or on-site to get by with what you have without having you know thousands of dollars worth of fitter tools so just basic hand tools how to put them together and how to use them to lay out a pipe in an odd dimension okay so stay tuned all right guys so two very very basic tools every welder's gonna have in their box is gonna be a framing square and a torpedo level okay everybody's got these what can we use these for to fit a pipe okay so if you slap your level on top of your square sit it on your pipe okay you have two flat sides on a round surface there's only two places on this square that are going to touch the pipe okay so if you level this on top of your pipe then you can mark where it's touching that you know what's 12 o'clock and you also know what's 90 degrees off of that so you can separate your pipe that way really simply really easy with just these two basic tools so it works great for finding the center and also 90 degrees off of that so it's super fast super cheap i mean this is maybe 15 dollars worth of tools okay so if you ever had a fine center on a pipe without a center head finder because they do make them i mean everything i have here today to do this with they do make tools to make it easier but this is for the welder that doesn't have those so a bubble level and a square took me one second there to find 12 o'clock at nine o'clock so that's one way to do it okay another thing we can do is every pipeliner every rig welder i know carries some receipt paper in your box super cheap couple bucks for like 10 rolls so you have enough for your whole life but we can use this as well and this is for the easy ones this is for your 12 o'clock you know 45 90 and so on but if any guys are laying out branches and stuff like that we use this quite often it makes it pretty simple so how this works you wrap it around you know make sure it's nice and square rip off the excess square it up and when you get it squared up take your knife make sure it's nice and tight okay take your knife overlap it so you're going to cut through both of them so you make the wrapper exactly the size of your outside diameter pipe store it lose the drop and now we have a wrapper that's exactly the outside diameter of our pipe okay so now to divide our pipe up if you fold your wrapper in half once you'll have 12 and six okay i want to put a line on here so you'll fold it [Music] fold it again try to be as accurate as you can with this stuff more accurate you are this this part of it the more accurate your layout will be fold it one more time okay cut your corner off for your tape now when you unfold it it's like going to use to make stuff when you were a kid okay so now we can wrap this around our pipe you tape it whatever you want to do get it up there get it centered just like we found our mark over here we'd have a mark set it at 12 o'clock then we have our 12 9 and so on so the more cuts you put on on the tape the more segments you'll have so if you want to divide it up into 16 segments or whatnot like you would for your branch or whatever you just fold it more and then you'll have more layout lines super cheap super easy just got to think outside the box a little bit now stepping up a little bit from that this is one of my go-to guys here you can call it a center head you can call it a crow's foot whatever you want to call it comes with any combination square kit we'll get this in here okay that'll sit down on your pipe or any round surface and then same thing with our bubble level we can stick our level on the side of our blade level it and right on the side of your blade right there now you know exactly where 12 o'clock is on your pipe okay same thing marked at 12 o'clock and we can go from there so another good way to find top dead center of any pipe now what about if your angle isn't 90 degrees or 45 what if it's something crazy like 28 degrees like if you have to come out of the side of this up into another pipe in a rack or whatnot what are you gonna do then that's why we're really here all right guys so here on a dry erase board okay i'm gonna show you how to do this if it's an odd angle or an odd um degree but we're not going to go on our standard 45 90 and sell on 180. so for instance here we have a five inch schedule 40 pipe okay the outside diameter is five and a half inches we need to put our o-lit at 28 degrees off of top dead center 12 o'clock okay how are we going to do that remember back in school when you were learning math and you didn't think you needed to learn anything well it's catching up to you but this isn't that hard just if you think about what you're trying to accomplish okay that's the kicker if you if you make it real world the numbers mean something and it's not just random numbers okay so just go through a couple couple little things here refresh if you will may have been a minute so pi we all know is 3.14 inches okay our circumference is diameter times pi all right so our diameter is what we already established it's five and a half inches right so the diameter equals 5.5 we're going to multiply that by 3.14 inches which is pi and that's going to give us and i'm going to work on this as we go so 5.5 times 3.14 so we have 5.5 our diameter times pi that's 17.27 inches okay so what is 17.27 inches that's our circumference that's the distance all the way around the outside of our pipe okay 17 and just a hair over a quarter so we have our distance in inches and we have our distance in degrees so now we got to get them all in the same plane okay they got to play together so what are we going to do it's really quite simple let's delete that erase that real quick so how many degrees are in a circle it's 360 degrees okay in the entire circle we need to know what 28 of them is so what are you going to do you're going to divide your circumference by 360 degrees okay so we have 17.27 divided by 360. it's gonna be a very small number equals point zero round up to point zero five okay so just a hair under a sixteenth of an inch but now you're wondering what is that this distance here 0.05 is inches per degree okay so now we have .05 inches per degree of our pipe all now all we need to do is multiply this number by how no matter how what degree it is we're trying to find if it's 28 63 whatever it is 0.05 times 28 0.05 times 28 1.4 inches okay so this 28 degrees is the same as 1.4 inches off of 12 o'clock okay so then we can go back to our pipe or we made our line on the 12 o'clock with a flexible ruler or like a fabric or what am i thinking like an alterations type place has those fabric tape measures anything you can use to measure around the round surface we can set it on 12 o'clock measure over 1.4 inches and we know what the center of our outlet needs to be to make it 28 degrees it's really not that difficult when you think about the numbers and what they actually mean and how to use them you can use this for anything like i said any size pipe any degree this little formula will work for it and i kind of learned this on my own so the least i can do is pass it on to y'all so stand by we're going to lay out this pipe we're going to tack up this outlet we're going to burn this puppy out all right stick with us guys so now we're going to lay out the oled on the pipe so we figured out our math and we figured out 1.4 inches off 12 o'clock will give us our 28 degrees okay so using my little flexible magnetic ruler here i'm going to cheat an inch put it right on my line on my 12 o'clock line and we're going to wrap over so 1.4 inches is just a hair under an inch and 7 16 at 7 16 is 4375 so we'll come around we have one inch inch and a half so it's just under that 7 16 mark right there okay that's going to be the center of our outlet so once we find that we can get our olet whatever that may be this instance we're using one sides are well to lit the other side's like a socket weld so i'm just going to measure across that just to it should be two inches but i just want to double check and it is about a sixteenth higher than that so now since it's two inches off the center it's going to be an inch in each direction so i want to mark the outside so i can get it's hard to tell looking through the hole to find the center by eyeballing it so by marking the edges you can get your o lit right where you need it to be so about an inch on each side of that line i'm going to make another line so come back down to the line we just laid mark an inch here mark an inch down here so then when we sit our outlet on our pipe the edges of it we'll be able to see right on the inside you can see the top and bottom lines to make sure we're right on that center let's see it's tough if we just use that one dot to try to eyeball it so by splitting the difference over there we know we're nice and perfect so now now that we're set up like that i personally some guys like to mark the inside of the outlet so i mark the outside i mark both and kind of split the difference so go ahead and just hold it here let me go ahead with my marker i'm going to trace the inside and i'm going to come with the outside trace that as well important that you don't move it try to keep it real steady that's okay okay so now we have our inside and our outside line okay now with our center punch i'm going to come on the inside and right on the center in between those two lines i'm going to put a prick mark with my center punch all the way around so as i'm using the torch to cut it we don't lose our lines okay [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] so you don't want to cut the dots off you want to come up right on right up to them but you want to leave yourself some meat there so you can fine-tune it with your with your grinder your carbide bit or whatever you're gonna use to bring it out so it's easier to grind more than cut your hole too big i'd rather have it a little on the small side [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] it's important that you leave a square edge you don't want to bevel the bottom okay you want to make sure it's nice and straight just square cut like if you use a hole saw to cut it for instance just do a little bit at a time check it we're about there we're almost there that'll be [Music] thanks again for tuning in today guys hopefully you learned something new about some tools you probably already have on hand but maybe a different way to use them help you in the field um we're welders not fitters so any little bit of help can go a long ways and no one ever really taught me these things just stuff i brought i learned along the way especially the math stuff so hopefully you guys learned something new please like subscribe comment if you want new content different ideas send them our way and we'll keep making y'all videos okay tune in next time we'll see you then [Music] you
Channel: WeldTube
Views: 268,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arc welder, mig, pipeline, welding, welder, welding shop, GMAW, SMAW, welding definition, pipe schedule, cwi, how to weld, types of welding, welder salary, welding symbols, schedule, 40, pipe, welding supply store, Tig, welding jobs, welding schools, tulsa welding school, american welding society, weldporn, weld.com welding tips and tricks, ChuckE2009, learn to weld, pipe welding, welding basics, welding techniques, welding test, stick welding, olet
Id: RRnnLM9kAfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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