45 DEGREE LATERAL BRANCH layout/fit-up using the Pipefitters Blue Book

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[Music] all right welcome back well tube family my name is david snisa and today we're going to be showing you guys how to do a 45 degree lateral branch and we're going to lay it out cut it and fit it up all right guys so today we got a 12-inch standard wall pipe here you know 375 wall and we're going to be doing a 12 on 12 lateral at a 45 degrees so we're going to be using today is the pipefitter bluebook we're going to be turning to page 37. there's two ways of marking up this uh 45 degree branch you can either mark it up in 8th or 16th i like doing it in 16th just because you end up getting a more accurate you know layout and a better cut usually you have to grind a little less unless you got a lot of practice doing a hit and ace we're also going to reference page 39 where it has the 12 on 12 riser here so we're going to be referencing the 16s here what that means is we're actually going to divide the pipe up into 16 pieces and from there we're actually going to go to page 39 and on here you can see it's got on this end it's got numbers one through eight one side will be one through eight going this way with zero being on top and then again one through eight going down this way and the zero stays on top all right so we got our 12 inch pipe here as you can see we got it leveled out on some jack stands here and it's a large enough piece that it's not going to try to roll on us or anything so when we go to mark our starting point our zero it's going to stay zero with this degree finder so the largest dimension we're going to be using today is going to be 12 and 7 8. so i'm actually going to mark a line back 14 inches just to give us a little bit of room and you guys can see the layout a little bit better so i'm going to go ahead and mark it at 14 and then i'm actually going to put this wrap around so we can have a nice straight line to reference all of our dimensions when you guys put this wrap around you guys want to make sure that you take any slack out of it that it's sitting nice and tight against the pipe and this takes a little bit of work make sure it's nice and straight and then you want to line up these two edges here you want to make sure that these edges are lined up straight and your wrap around is sitting nice and tight then we'll go ahead and mark this line and for reference i have this soapstone sharpened in one direction so i leave one side flat so that way when i go to mark it doesn't throw our dimension off so i always put the flat side towards the wraparound or towards anything that i'm marking so you know we don't get thrown off you start doing this as the soapstone wears out our line will start to change [Music] all right so i'm going to have my buddy ryan come in and help me right here so we can mark all these lines up we're going to start you know at 90 degrees on our degree finder and we're going to do is you know place it up on top here and you want to make sure especially these magnetic ones that you know it is sitting nice and straight nice and square and that your pointer is actually you know lined up right at 90 degrees and then you're gonna move the degree finder until you're completely level on the bubble yeah go ahead and punch it okay and we're going to repeat it [Music] same thing up here in front what that's going to let us do is now that we got the marks ryan here is going to hold this square straight on those two dots and then we're going to go ahead and mark this line here so what we're going to do here because it is in sixteenths we're gonna have to do this every 22 and a half degrees so we're going to repeat the same process you know 22 and a half 45 degrees and so on and it's going to have to go all the way around 16 times go ahead and move this 22 and a half degrees and what you're really looking for is he's lining up the edge of the square to the the points we just made on both sides that way we have a nice straight line on this pipe so now we're going to move this to 45 degrees [Music] right so it's at 22 and a half degrees mark another line here [Music] now we're going to set it at zero and do the same thing like we said before this is going to be our starting point so this is going to be zero i'm gonna go ahead and mark this in paint marker so it doesn't go away on us this is gonna be one [Music] two three four and we're gonna have you know five six seven eight at the very bottom so unlike a regular branch you know where you only mark four and four it's kind of like a mirror image you know this one will have eight all the way down so we're gonna go ahead and just you know continue this process mark up all 16 lines and then uh we'll start laying out the actual branch all right so we marked all 16 lines here you can see i already have them numbered here so it goes from zero one two three four five six seven and a very center bottom line that's eight and it's basically a mirror image on the other end you know we're starting back at zero and you're gonna go one two three four five six seven all the way to the bottom we'll get eight again and that's really important when we go to actually start laying out our dimensions from our line here over this way all right so after all your 16 lines are marked up and your idiom numbered numbered each one what you're gonna do is reference back here on page 39 of the pipefitter bluebook you can see here it has dimensions and they're numbered one through eight so all we're gonna do is find our header size on the top and then reference each dimension to each line and just mark it out from our starting point here that we had marked earlier over this way all right so we're going to go ahead and start laying out our dimensions here we are going to be burning an inch so everything you see here it's going to be it's going to look over an inch but that's because just to be a little more accurate you know the end of these tapes they kind of have this movement we're gonna basically start at the one inch mark each time so our first dimension referencing we're gonna go you know from one that's an inch and a sixteenth so looking at our book going down our next one is going to be 4 and 1 16. our next one here is going to be eight and a quarter and our next dimension here is going to be 12. and you're going to basically repeat this process you know for line 5 six seven and eight and then you're gonna go ahead and mirror it on the other end here [Music] all right so now that we got all our dimensions marked up on all our 16 lines here what we're going to end up doing is using this uh this curve mark here wrap around and basically you know connect the connect the marks we have connect the measurements so if you kind of follow it you know we should have a line once we're done marking it you know following these points and that's going to be our cut line you want to you know kind of place this you know try to line them up as best as you can you kind of have to sometimes stand this up or lay it down depending if you got more curvature or not but don't try to do you know kind of this whole thing at once you know it's going to get you know wavy on you and move so you know that's the reason we have 16 lines just take it in small pieces you know you can kind of clean it up afterwards you'll be able to get a good visual you know representation of your line there [Music] and again now it's gonna actually come this way and that's gonna be you know the top of our pipe so you know it still has a little bit of curvature even though it's leaning at a 45 so you'll actually see the cut turn back against itself over here we're just going to basically do the same thing on this other side you know just patiently mark our lines you know the cleaner you can mark this up the better your cut's gonna end up [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so we got it all marked up now and you know before we go cut the last thing i want to do after all this work is lose our line you know the soapstone won't really burn off but it is sitting on top of this paint on this pipe and when i go to use a torch you know our line can you know basically burn away it'll be hard to make a nice clean cut so what i like to do is get a center punch and i'm actually going to punch you know maybe about every half inch three quarter of an inch or so so i have a guide to follow when i'm cutting with the torch all right so we're going to go ahead and start cutting this you know just going to use a traditional cutting torch following our guide that we left with the center punch mark just try to make a nice clean cut so we don't have to grind so much when we go to actually fit this up so the first thing you want to do is heat up you know an area away from the actual cutting edge so you can actually start you know blow through the material then start moving your cut towards your line if you guys notice i kind of make a little opening when i have to stop that just makes it a little easier to restart you know reposition yourself [Music] [Music] [Music] all right as you can see we already cut our you know 45 lateral out so now we're going to go ahead and start grinding and cleaning all these uh these edges up once we got it all cleaned up and grinded up we're going to go ahead and cut it you know somewhere around here and we're actually going to fit it up in the center of this piece over here [Music] [Music] all right guys so we got the bevel all cleaned up you know got it all nice and clean so i've already got it marked here we're gonna go ahead and cut our piece off and then we'll go ahead and start laying it out on our header [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so we already got our piece prepped you know this is going to be what we're going to mount it on so i'm gonna go ahead and mark a center point here and a center point here so i can get a center line drawn on this pipe so that way we make sure when we put our lateral on it that it's not rolled on us level it out you know before you do this you want to make sure that your piece is secure it's not going to roll on you you know this this is a big enough piece of pipe here that it's not going to roll it's going to stay put pretty much so all right so i'm going to use our two foot square here and you know just put it on the on the edges of your of your center marks [Music] then again use the flat side of your soapstone [Music] all right so we've got our piece ready we've got our center line marked up i got ryan here to help me out to put this up here and then we're gonna go ahead and mark it out and then go ahead and cut it out clean it up just careful with your fingers guys these things are this one is pretty sharp that's pretty good right there so now we got it sitting down got our center line marked up how's the back look pretty straight too that's pretty good okay so i'm gonna go ahead and uh use our soap stone so we can mark our line this is gonna be our cut out onto this piece here the tricky part is you know back in this this throat back here you know make sure your soap stone is nice and sharp go ahead and lean it okay ready yeah one two three [Music] all right so we've got our line marked up and again gonna use a center punch you know mark every you know three eighths of an inch quarter inch you can even space it half inch what this is going to do again just for when we go to cut if we don't lose our line you know when the paint burns the soapstone blows off with the oxygen you know we'll be able to have a nice dotted line to follow all right so we got it all center punched out going to go ahead and cut it out and when i go to cut guys i'm going to cut slightly inside of the line so when i go to grind and clean it up i don't make the opening bigger i want to grind two of my marks so it's just going to be just slightly underneath to the inside [Music] so [Music] all right so we got our piece all cleaned up all grinded up you know we cleaned all the mill scale on the outside you know we are going to be uh welding this with tig so i've got two 532 spacers here and what i'm going to do is i'm just going to tape them in place just to kind of help you know keep them where they're at so they're not moving around on me [Music] now we're gonna go ahead and uh lift this piece up hold it up and then uh we'll tack it up all right so we got our lateral already spaced out here you know we're using a 5 32nd spacer and uh ryan right here is going to go ahead and tack it up for us so we're going to attack first on the side that way our piece doesn't roll especially since uh you know we don't have it you know fixed let me know what kind of gap you like ryan come down a little bit ryan is tacking this uh this joint here at 95 amps on the miller dynasty 280. all right so what i'm going to go ahead and do this tack should hold it up keep it spaced out i'm going to go ahead and remove all these spacers for now you know i'm going to have to pull all these out before we put another attack and you know it pulls down and we'll have a really hard time getting these spacers out all right so gone ahead and spaced it open here with this wedge you can see we got our level here we're nice and level you like your gap right there ryan looks good all right go ahead and tack it so i'm gonna go ahead and check the level of our header here nice and level i'm gonna go ahead and get a little bit smaller wedge here all right so our level is riding towards the line on this side so i'm going to go ahead and put our wedge on this side a little bit just to bring it towards the center because we're going to attack here and it's going to pull it against that line all right ryan go ahead and tack it i'm going to go ahead and back this wedge out and it looks like we're nice and level so i'm gonna go ahead and tack the back side if you notice this side here it's gonna be really tight to you know try to weld in here you know it's just there's not much room in here so ryan here had to switch out for a long cup you know and he has to have quite a bit of stick out but he should be able to get in there and weld it up all right guys so there you have it showed you guys how to lay out cut and fit this uh 45-degree lateral on this 12-inch standard wall pipe hope you guys enjoyed it and don't forget to like comment and subscribe and see you guys on the next one [Music] you
Channel: WeldTube
Views: 330,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arc welder, mig, pipeline, welding, welder, welding shop, GMAW, SMAW, welding definition, pipe schedule, cwi, how to weld, types of welding, welder salary, welding symbols, schedule, 40, pipe, welding supply store, Tig, welding jobs, welding schools, tulsa welding school, american welding society, weldporn, weld.com welding tips and tricks, ChuckE2009, learn to weld, pipe welding, welding basics, welding techniques, welding test
Id: uDidTD2pdK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 13sec (1213 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 26 2022
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