STICK WELDING for Beginners | SMAW 6010 & 7018

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all right how's he going wealthy family once again here Rosendo Rodriguez as south coast willing Academy Houston Texas back again with another great video but this video is mainly for students for beginners who are thinking about being welders alright so for today's video we are going to work on a to F fellow well and today's video is sponsored by Everlast and we'll hear more about them later on in the show [Music] all right ladies gentlemen so let's go ahead and start doing this first of all right very very important what we have to do we have to prep our our plates so make sure that we get rid of all the mail scale all that nasty stuff on top all right all we gonna do is grind maybe about an inch okay so make sure you're using a grinding disk and not a wire wheel very important I've seen a lot of people try and get rid of mill scale with just a wire wheel all right that's not gonna work but you're using a blinding dish [Music] all right so there we have it so we got to make sure that we prepped is nice and clean so I went ahead and I grind it all this mail scale about an inch okay so make sure that you grind right in the middle on the bigger plate also the small little P's you want to grind right here on the very bottom okay what we're gonna do now we're gonna attack them just like this okay this is how we're gonna have them we're gonna put attack right here in another tack on the other side all right so we're doing two F remember that's horizontal okay let's go ahead and tack this real quick very one tack let's go ahead and turn it around let's do the other tech boom very very simple so all we're doing we're attacking one here tagging the other side right on the other side right here alright perfect make sure that you don't attack them right here because if you tack them in this corner remember that's where your route is going so make sure that your tags on the other side all right then we pop oh not bad not bad for me so there we have it we have it tacked on the horizontal position right look where I'm tacking I'm tagging it right here in this corner okay so I want to make sure that I prep my elbow into the 45 that way I can be nice and comfortable so I'm gonna start welding from left to right okay horizontal position right very simple all right we're gonna bring this up keep it at a proper height wherever you're comfortable you want to be too low or too high where you're gonna be very uncomfortable keep it maybe rinder chest or maybe a little bit lower than test okay alright so let's bring this up a little bit let's go ahead and try it boom pretty comfortable let's go ahead and start this alright so before we get started on the welding we're gonna be using an Everlast lightning MTS 275 okay so we're gonna come over here real quick and we're gonna make sure that we choose the proper setting we're gonna be doing stick okay so we got to find stick alright so there's TIG aluminum make slugs and so on so we're gonna scroll down all the way to where it says stick okay perfect it's showing right here stick boom we're set now since we're gonna do six to ten on a root all right we got to go to power set boom we're on sixty 10 we're gonna be using 1/8 perfect let's go back to the other one now see we're set where as red it's saying that it's at 85 amps okay I already have it set for 85 that's what we're gonna be doing our route okay let's move over and the arc for our tours is at 85 percent I want good penetration especially on my route so we're gonna keep it at 85 all right hot start meaning that when I strike an arc is gonna stay really high for about half a second almost almost half a second okay it's at point three all right let's go over how to start I wanted to stay hot for about 30 percent all right BRD alright we're gonna stay away from VRD go back to our amperage won't we're set very very simple okay so now let's go ahead and get ready and do our sixty 10 route all right so we're gonna start doing our route okay so very simple make sure that you prep your your elbow all right lean on the 45 get yourself nice and comfortable you don't want to be doing none of this alright get comfortable you can do a dry run real quick see if you're you're good to go see if you're comfortable the technique that we're gonna start using we're gonna do the whipping motion okay we're gonna go forward back pause forward back pause forward back pause you know we're doing we're moving about maybe an eighth in front of us coming back to our puddle pausing and you're close okay very simple all right so forward forward back just pick that and make sure that we're in agree forward back forward back and pull it back just like that remember we're running about 85 Ares no rash there's no guys going pop off all right there we have it that's gonna be a route pass okay so we're whipping it forward coming back pausing pushing you always got to push remember that all right so that's gonna be our hub pass for our next step let's keep it very simple we're gonna be doing a hot pass and we're gonna be doing using six to ten one eight but we got to crank up our amperes all right so we're gonna do this at 95 okay we're gonna go back to our Everlast lightning MTX to seventy-five very simple alright our our force we're gonna go ahead and keep it at 85 percent everything is gonna stay the same okay the only thing we're changing is our amperage we're gonna try to cover the route okay so we're gonna go forward back up down forward back up down the reason why we're going up and down is because we're making sure that we're covering a route okay so right in the middle of our route we're going to go forward back up down forward back up down very very simple make sure that you're not fussing anything all right so there we have it we have a nice hot past now our following step we're gonna start using 7018 332 you okay we're gonna do our fill but we got to go back to our ever less lightning MTX 275 we're gonna switch it to 70 18 332 so what we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead and press the power set button again all right we're gonna present we're on 60 10 and let's go ahead and press this arrow right here on the left that's gonna change this one right here where it says 60 10 so let's go ahead and press it let's go to 70 18 keep pressing it until it says 70 18 332 very simple now let's go back to the other one to the other screen so remember we're gonna switch it on the Empress right here in the middle okay let's go down to 90 very simple all right now I'm gonna change my art force okay I don't want too much penetration on my 70 18 so remember we're gonna click on this arrow right here on the right boom to see how its read let's go ahead and change that to out about 20 percent steam you about 20 percent we don't want too much penetration all right so let's go ahead and go back to the top let's go to the top we're gonna keep that at point three okay that's our hot our hot start time and then the next one is hot start we're gonna keep that about 35% that's fine we're gonna ignore VRD for now 20% on our floors and 90 at amperage we're gonna go ahead and start doing our 70 18 fill okay so we're gonna be doing little tiny circles and this is how we're gonna do it we're gonna stay on this little crack right here boom this valley right here okay so we're gonna do small little circles and we're gonna pause on the top two small little seconds little circles twelve one two one two just like this one two very very small you exaggerate on your so calls they should look like you're dragging them okay very very some very small was set so let's go ahead and start doing this [Music] small little circles small little circles over the sides right on nice and tight Popoff all right very nice bead boom ladies let's go ahead and clean this up real quick all right so that we have it we have our first fill now we're going to do our second half okay we're going to throw another fill right above that first fill we're gonna be yeah we're gonna be covering that hot pass right on the top so what we're going to do again we're getting small little circles keep them nice and tight we're gonna come down 50% of this bead remember it's got to be touching okay so all we're gonna do is favor the top we always gotta aim up okay as we're going up all right so we're gonna favor the top do small little circles come down to this beat to the very first fill boom one two one two one two one two very very small there's no rush okay let's go ahead and start eyes in sight nice and tight you're always pushing 2 2 2 2 dude dude 1 to pop off alright it's pretty good very nice I think this real quick alright nice and clean that's our fill all right nice and simple that's our fill all right two beads right next to each other fifty-fifty remember everything is 50/50 ayah ladies and gentlemen so there we have it we just finished our fill pass okay so we did two fills right next to each other covering our hot pants now for our next pass it's our cap it's gonna be a 3b cap let's keep it nice and simple okay so on our first cap we're gonna place it right on this line right here right there right on this valley right at the very bottom remember we always covering 5050 so that means that we got to cover 50% of this fill the very bottom fill and 50% of the of the plate at the bottom plate okay so all we're gonna do is keep small little circles the same thing as a fill all right very simple just like this tiny little circles you're gonna pause and you're gonna push on the top you're always favoring the top remember that very simple one-two one-two one-two those circles should look like you're dragging it okay if you see those big ol circles you're over-exaggerating them alright that's not good keep them nice and tight alright alright ladies and gentlemen just remember that our cap is gonna be at 90 okay we already set at 90 amps everything stays the same right our machine is set up for 70 18 we're good to go so let's go ahead and start - one two one two one two no virus no rage 22 Popoff alright perfect so there we have it that's the first cap let's go ahead and do our second cap or second cap is going to be right in between our first cat and our top filled fifty-fifty same technique smaller circles push on the top two seconds pause for two seconds really fast seconds let's go ahead and start this [Music] it's a little windy here make sure you're not shaking too much right few seconds always pause for two seconds [Music] alright so there we have it that was her second cap now we're gonna work on our very last cap okay our third cap but before we do it here's a little word from our sponsor [Music] alright let's go ahead and get started let's do our very last cap remember we are going to do tiny little circles again every single cap I do I like to do small little circles keep it nice and simple I like dragging dragon - dragon is okay the reason why I don't teach dragon is because our bodies tend to do this in and out in and out start losing your balance okay do a little circle this gives you rhythm okay nice little rhythm so we're gonna keep our circles remember we're gonna do our last point so that means we have to favor more than thought okay we got to make sure we have no undercut on the top okay all right so tiny little circles favoring the top just like that one two one two one two one two make sure you pause on the top pause push for two small seconds okay keep it nice and tight let's go ahead and get started Oh whispering I was in tight alright ladies and gentlemen so there we have it we just finished our to read okay so I want you to get a little close-up on this okay let's go ahead and I'm gonna show you what we did okay so remember we did a two way fill it well alright basically it's a tea joint alright so I showed you how to prep it make sure that you clean your surface two tags one on each side right so we did our a route our first path it was a route six to ten one-eighth okay we did the whipping motion remember that so this right here very first one that you see right here that was our route okay very simple you're gonna keep it right in the middle okay our second pass that was our hot pass okay we went forward back up down forward back up down very simple okay that was our hot pass make sure that you're covering your your route okay okay after that we did our fill we did two fills one at the bottom and one at the top okay we did small little circles and we use 7018 332 small little circles remember do not exaggerate on your circles okay keep them nice and tight no rush so two fills after that we're gonna do you did our cap right three be kept here we have it one two three make sure that you stack everything 50/50 okay everything is stacked fifty-fifty nicely fuse if you know it on the top see how we have no wonder cut okay and that's because we favor the top right we're always aiming up high tiny little circles we're pushing and we're pausing at the same time that's gonna avoid that hundred is gonna fill it up okay alright no rush right it's very simple remember this is for students or I have who for beginners who are thinking about welding okay who are thinking about welding or whose just like getting started this is what we do here at South Coast wheeling Academy this is how we get them started breaking into their hands okay let's keep it nice and simple hi ladies and gentlemen so there we have it we just finished our two with t joint alright so here are students we have them do T joints alright it helps them out a lot it helps them break their hand i teaches them proper techniques teaches them how to do a root hot feeling cap how to properly stack them so I'm sure this is going to help you out on this well we went ahead and use and ever last Lightning MTS 275 and it did really great so don't forget to Like comment subscribe and also help defeat childhood cancer right donate make sure you donate all right stand by for next time hoorah [Music]
Channel: WeldTube
Views: 453,305
Rating: 4.8712683 out of 5
Keywords: arc welder, mig, pipeline, welding, welder, welding shop, GMAW, SMAW, welding definition, pipe schedule, cwi, how to weld, types of welding, welder salary, welding symbols, schedule, 40, pipe, Tig, welding jobs, welding schools, american welding society, weldporn, welding tips and tricks, ChuckE2009, learn to weld, pipe welding, welding basics, welding techniques, welding test, stick welding, 7018, 6010, how to weld metal for beginners, everlast welders lightning mts 275, mts 275
Id: Ywya1tvpAbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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