1G Plate Stick Welding | SMAW

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welcome back my welcome family once again here roscendo rodriguez welding fly dock here at south coast welding academy in houston texas on today's video i'm going to be showing you how to weld on a one inch plate stick out now ladies and gentlemen this is going to be on a 1g position it's a very simple process very simple techniques don't want to miss it stick around all right ladies and gentlemen so come over here with me and and look at this so we have a one-inch plate here and i need you to clean the back the front your walls and all you got to do is just clean about maybe a half inch onto your plate all the way around after that ladies and gentlemen go on ahead and put a 332 liner now be very careful because you don't want to have too much of a landing remember you're welding on a thick plate you're welding on an inch plate and it holds a lot of heat i went ahead and got my spacer it's a 7018 332 get rid of the flux bend it and this is what you're going to use as a spacer so always check your landing and make sure that you have a good 332 landing all the way around on both plates all right so first thing first we're going to go ahead and flip them have the back side up facing up grab your 332 spacer stick it inside just like that all right nice and even and all you got to do now is we're going to uh tack it we're going to attack it on the very corner on each side of the plate small little tacks now be very careful when you tack your plate you want a long arc back and forth a tiny bit not too much and watch your puddle connect all right so what you're going to do now you're going to flip this back to the other side just like this and you're going to tack your run-off tabs and they're going to go against your plate on the very edge just like that you're going to put a tack on the very corners just like that on both sides now i recommend that you quarter your tacks quarter them so that it doesn't pull one direction okay and i'll show you how to do that now it doesn't have to be perfect because these are just run-off tabs okay all right so ladies and gentlemen now we have it nice and tacked at a 1g position and we're going to go ahead and start doing our route so what i'm going to do here i'm going to start warming up my metal from way back here and then i'm going to start moving forward so the technique that i'm going to do i'm going to stitch forward all right i'm going to go back out punch on my keyhole put pressure on it drag a tiny bit into my gap and then pull it out a tiny bit go back into my keyhole push and drag it's a tiny little oval the angle that i'm going to use here on my 60 10 1 8 i want you to lean the back part of the rod lean it towards you 10 15 degrees and then 10 15 degrees to the right so we're leading this way we're going to the right so 10 15 degrees towards me 10 15 degrees to the right and this is the angle that i want you to keep it the whole time now be careful with their keyholes you see your keyhole shifting then change your angle adjust it so you can keyhole right in the center now uh watch my angle at all times keep an eye on it change it just move it back to normal right pretty simple now what i'm gonna do i i stopped maybe about halfway i didn't have any more material we're gonna feather it when we feather feather your keyhole nice and thin all right feather it nice and thin so now when i restart i'm gonna go ahead and start warming up my metal from where i started grinding so all i got to do is go up and down or do tiny little circles moving forward with the same angle at all times and as soon as you start keyholing that's when you're going to start doing your route you're going to start applying pressure and you're going to start stitching back and forth doing that little oval technique okay so always keep an eye on your gap check your keyhole uh if you don't have a nice keyhole spot because you're not pushing enough you're not penetrating enough so you can turn on your amperage so that you can blow through a lot faster a lot easier watch your gap um if your gap is too wide or your keyhole is too wide then you need to stop change your amp turn it back down so that you can close your your keyhole all right so ladies and gentlemen we just did a root pass now we're getting into a hot pad before you do your hub pass make sure you grind down your root have it nice and clean now we're going to be doing a hub pass at 130 amps plus or minus that means it's pretty hot so be very careful now the technique that we're going to be using here with our 70 18 1 8. all we're going to be doing is going from wall to wall pretty much zigzagging we're going to be zigzagging and i need you to feel that wall on each side on the very tip of your rod zig zag it zigzag it touch both walls all the way through all the way through all the way through no rash speed the whole time now i'm on my run off tab keep going keep going all right so let's go ahead and do our next pass our next pass is going to be our fail pass and we're going to be at 130 amps plus or minus i told it all ladies and gentlemen all we're doing is going up and down up and down it almost looks like circles but i'm just zigzagging all the way through now remember we're leading uh 10 to 15 degrees going forward and also 10 degrees 10 or 15 uh towards me the whole time so what are we going to do now we're going to keep flushing it out all the way to the to the very edge and so it's full but now from this point you can actually start doing your stringers what we're going to do here we're going to have our puddle roughly an average okay and meet up halfway of our very first fill the edge of your putter the edge of the top part of your puddle the bottom part of our puddle is going to roughly bite into our wall now we're going to do the one on top of it same concept i'm going to meet up 50 uh at the bottom and then i'm going to make sure that the edge the top edge of our puddle touches the top hole all right first layer let's go ahead and start doing our next pass now we're going to do our next pass our next layer same concept same idea if you still see that you can still do two stringers right next to each other by all means go ahead and do that as long as you're not leaving any slag or or any lack of fusion between them or any of that any valleys so keep everything nice and tight so if you can do two more on top do two more if you can fit three then fit three all right so let's go ahead and start doing our next pass our next pass is going to be right on top this is where it starts to get boring but be careful pay attention to what i'm doing here i focus on my posture focus on my technique listen to what i'm telling you keep feeding at all times don't rush anything uh proper stacking all right so we're moving up now we're actually maybe about halfway already pretty simple now i want to tell you something i want to show you something that sometimes you know we're not all perfect no one's perfect uh sometimes you might see that you're probably putting more metal on one side than the other side so eventually you're gonna start start stacking or growing uneven it's not a problem do not worry do not hesitate all you got to do is even it out all right so ladies and gentlemen we're almost done here so we're slightly below flush now since you're using a 1 8 a 7 18 1 8 you can actually go ahead and cap it a little bit under flush uh the way i always do it i always try to have it nice and flush the more flush you are the better cat your your cap is gonna look uh sometimes uh you can't tell how much under flush you are and you're gonna wanna cap it and your might your cat might start looking like this a little bit uneven but it doesn't mean you can't do it you can actually so you can actually cap it slightly under flush or perfectly flush now remember how i said before that if they let you grind then go ahead and grind any imperfections that you have this is how you're learning right this is how you learn and so on so if the company doesn't want you to do any grinding then hey i guess we got to be extra careful right all right so ladies and gentlemen now we are done with our fill nicely flush and ready to cap so remember you can cap it under flush slightly under flush or perfectly flush now if you're allowed to use a grinder go ahead and grind it grind the high spots have it nice and flat nice and even so you can have a good looking cap one technique that i like to do is i always like to grind a line on my cap now if they don't want you to use it or well then go ahead and follow your bevel this is why you're not covering your bevel whenever you're doing that that last fill now we're gonna go ahead and start capping it now i have a guideline in there what i'm gonna do when i cap it you're gonna have your circle you're gonna have your puddle i want you to put your puddle right in the center of that guideline all right make sure that you're looking on top of that puddle and watch watch it bite into that top part of your guideline watch it eat into it okay so you're gonna see it biting into it so follow that guideline go nice and straight try to go uh at the proper speed at a proper speed don't rush it don't don't be bouncing around or any of that don't change your angle keep the same angle all the way up always check for lack of fusion make sure that you're biting into your own uh your own bevel the guideline that you placed in there so double check it make sure there's no porosity uh no lack of fusion no inclusions and so on so be very careful once you are satisfied right then we can start grinding our next guidelines all right same concept we're keeping it nice and simple right so we're going to drag it again the same method same way we're going to follow that guideline nice and even and nice and straight same angle what you don't want to do here is cut any corners and you're trying to rush this all right ladies and gentlemen so there you have it we just finished this 1g stick out on a one-inch plate it's a long process it takes time so remember do it carefully step by step don't cut any corners and you'll do it right nothing is perfect ladies and gentlemen just remember that practice practice practice now check out our store well life.com all right check out our stores so we got plenty of stuff in there good stuff uh quality stuff so remember uh use my discount code if you want that 10 off welding flight doug so ladies and gentlemen i'll see you next time for some more knowledge semper [Music] i finish you want to go
Channel: WeldTube
Views: 1,118,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arc welder, mig, pipeline, welding, welder, welding shop, GMAW, SMAW, welding definition, pipe schedule, cwi, how to weld, types of welding, welder salary, welding symbols, schedule, 40, pipe, welding supply store, Tig, welding jobs, welding schools, tulsa welding school, american welding society, weldporn, weld.com welding tips and tricks, ChuckE2009, learn to weld, pipe welding, welding basics, welding techniques, welding test, 6010, 7018, 1G stick welding, 1G weld test, root pass
Id: z1hq8VFeh3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 18 2022
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