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sorry for the wind but i'm out here in kingsland texas and up here into up on top of this hill man oh man that breeze is coming they got me a nice little view of that and now a but here comes the fun it's that guy right there let's go look at that he said yeah cut up and it split open a little bit okay that's a little bit first time i've seen it sucks this is better nothing so i'm in for a fun one all right i'm gonna see if i can use the machine's hydraulics itself to try and close it back up a little bit and if not i'm gonna have to do something this is not good at all i don't think i'll be able to squeeze it back i might have to replace those so we'll see i'm gonna get this thing parked out of the wind because it's just way too windy up here don't want to start any fires either so hopefully it doesn't come apart as i'm moving it all right that's pretty close might be able to get a clamp i don't know it's still not going to be good sometimes there are only so much you can do it out in the field the customer didn't give me materials or anything said just come out and fix it so this is what i'm seeing i'm gonna try and see if get this exactly right where it's supposed to go tack it up and get it in place this looks pretty smooth it has a little bit of a offset i don't know if i can straighten that out anymore so i'm a little bit stuck so uh let's see i'll get this as close as i can get it back to its original location then i'll deal with that issue later so move it around a little bit more and we'll just have to get after it at that point all right all right so i got it kind of somewhat positioned where i'd like to have it i still got a tiny little gap there i'm not exactly sure if i can close that up so i'm kind of stuck at that point i'm going to try and use my half clamp weld on half clamp try and push one side this side this side's a little high push it to where it meets up a little bit better then i may do a little dodging or hammering up here see if it'll allow this to touch i've got as much force as i can on it to the left so it closes up the gap but it doesn't really look like it's gonna help not too much more than what it is there so um so my next thoughts are to possibly after i get that flush is to maybe pack this here to hold it in position as best i can and then start gouging this start here this area here being that this will be held in place i will lower the boom to where that's a vertical well so it makes it nice and easy and a gouge nice and easy and i'll be shooting the sparks hopefully on top of my fire blanket that thing's all really greasy so it's quite a mess hopefully i don't catch this thing on fire and then once i get that done i will stand it up and try and address this issue here and that way that'll be all a vertical weld as well and then i'll as i stood up i will take care of the issue going horizontally that way so just a little bit at a time so let me put on the half clamp and see if i can't move it any anymore to get it a little bit closer [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so that looks like about as close as i'm gonna be able to get it it looks like a maybe a heavy 30 second maybe a 16th gap maybe a 16. i don't know it's pretty close it's unfortunate i couldn't get it any closer but it is what it is at this point and what i will do is probably put a tack in this area here to hold it in place while i gouge it or actually let me let me try this first let me try gouging it with this clamp holding it in position and see if it relaxes some of that material and allows it to get closer you know i never know so worth a shot so we'll do that first and if that will pack it down here i think i'm going to start gouging here i'll try and be real delicate with the gouging at first because there's a lot of grease down there don't want to start any fires but just to kind of touch on and off just slowly work my way down and see if this spot up here will allow it to close up anymore [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay so you see a little bit of daylight going through there and actually it looks to be like 7 16 thick but that's about as deep as i want to go i'll go a little bit deeper up here and hit it with the hammer a couple times see if it doesn't shake it loose where it it closes up a little bit more but other than that's about it other than that that's about as deep as i want to go with it so uh yep that's about it yeah deeper here all right [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay back at it again i think that's pretty close it's about as good as it's gonna get i beveled it pretty tight or pretty deep in there hoping hoping that i don't bust through it's a eight inch rod so i got about a 16 maybe and i'll do a little whip pattern this way and try and get it to be as flush as possible without passing through and i beveled it from this top side i didn't really need to do that but what i wanted it to do is to create some strength so i will weld it in here that way when i bevel it from this side it'll be easier to find the end of the crack right so half weld it in here because of the bevel and i'll make that crack disappear of course when i gouge i'll find the parent metal of the weld on that side that makes sense so i think i'm at the point of welding these little things here should come off with the as i'm welding but as clean as this kit for now all right kind of weld a little bit [Music] [Music] so okay go move it to where it's vertical ish do yeah i can go a little more so so okay so i did key hold it but that's okay at least i know i've got 100 weld in there and i'm able to you know do a little whip pattern and i got that down a little bit i may actually switch down to a 332 rod i was having difficulties getting it deep in there so i'll switch down to that and then i'll do the eighth inch on top of that as my hot pass [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so so getting a little warm and turn it down in ampersand [Music] [Music] so i'm a little out of practice and stick well during a while i get some questions every once in a while about why i do the whip pattern on the way up and people are concerned that i have maybe entrapment of slag and while it's true as i'm doing like especially in the first pass as i'm doing my little whip pattern i do see little specks of slag that stayed there and instead of grinding them out the second half second pass wave pattern this does pretty good because if you're looking at the weld puddle like this and as you travel up you'll see those little specks boil out so that's why i don't run a grinder in there you'll see them boil out you step just up forward enough you'll see the arc cleaning that out and you come back and add a little dab of weld same thing just keep going up and down and as you're going you'll see those the little inclusions to say you'll see them fall out of the world and that's why i don't hardly use the grinder you got to keep a close watch though there's a you know sometimes you'll go over them if you're not careful so all right so i got done with the welding at least on this part here i don't want to bore you guys with all those stick welding just i got more to do so it's about as good as i can get on this one sort of flush i don't know what i'm gonna do up here that's gonna be a mess i'm gonna actually talk to the customer see what his thoughts are i would like to replace this piece i don't think they're gonna let me i'm gonna try probably just grab some clamps of some sort and try and squeeze it maybe hammer it i really don't know but i don't like it but it is what it is you know uh sometimes you just have to make it work for a little while but this repair turned out really well at least this part of the weld so that's good now i need to tilt it up so i can gouge the underside so that's next okay so that guy is done the vertical piece look at that again good sized gap not sure what to do either way so my thoughts here now is to try and get out in that general direction i don't like how close this is to the edge here because it's most likely cracked uh vertically that way but i'm gonna have to mention to them to really keep an eye on that because i'm afraid that side's gonna tear now hopefully this will hold for a good little while at least uh get them by you know this is a tough situation they don't want to take the boom off so you got to get it back to work so no bigger all right so i'll do what i can so i got this area here i can mention in that direction i try and shoot all the sparks away from this general area because it's really greasy uh really greasy in these areas got my fire blanket here cover most of it this turned out all right short up at least oh gotta keep moving all right [Music] so this bottom piece here is about half inch thick so i just have to remember that as i'm gouging to go too far [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay now i've got a little bass line after seeing which direction the crack runs because sometimes they don't run directly straight perpendicular to the plate material sometimes it'll crack at an angle and so i was noticing that right in this area so i'll be able to now start from here work my way this way but seeing is how i saw that it was beveling this way i'll have to switch it over to the top because i don't even know if that's a word scoot it over to the top so that's the next step [Music] note yourself don't go that deep oh man i punched through it but i saw it looking okay so far i guess that's as deep that i want to go because that was pretty good i'm going to be running stringers on these so it should be okay i'll just be careful there now so that's next right okay so this one led me all over the place it was horrible it turns out there was what's called a laminar crack and that goes almost in line with the thickness of the material so initially it started off way down here but then it just was jetting off to one side on the upper side so i had to keep following following following it and i got to it but it's uh this is probably super thin now so i may have the same issue that i have here where i punched all the way through this is a perfect example right here where it started going up at an angle and i had to chase it around that corner but unfortunately i didn't get too deep on that one but now it's a matter of trying to make that look pretty so i'm gonna get effort here just welding it clean it up a little bit and then we'll see what comes [Music] do [Music] [Music] okay so i've got these two guys done uh not the best not the worst i'm not good at stringers either way uh i forget how many passes that run on there on the face there's like uh four passes i guess on the face so i had a couple stringers one two three and there may be like nine passes in there so quite a bit so it's pretty cool and i got this side done i already told you that but now is this and customers in a bit of a hurry some may actually just gouge it and weld it as it is and i know i know i'm gonna say he's cheap and whatever else oh man you gotta fully understand these guys sometimes need these things running and a majority of the other stuff here has done well so that's pretty good and if i fill it in well enough i'm gonna try and squeeze it a little bit you know but uh if i fill it in i mean it'll be a solid piece so it will hold so that's what i'm gonna do at this point uh i don't know that i could bend that by hammering or squeezing too much i don't have the clamps and the bars and the things i need to do that i didn't have any photos to reference so i'm kind of stuck myself so i don't know that he's got the time for me to cut this here and up here got a new plate he's pretty good about letting me do what i want to to fix it correctly some of the other machines i fix are very similar to this before they have patch plates not patch blades but i've cut sections out and so that's what i would do in this situation here cut the top half off all the way across but then that involves moving the lines and it's just a lot of work so this will do for now and i understand so uh not much left i've blended into edges here because this is probably where a lot of the stress is going to be from the twisting and so uh that i made sure it's kind of nice this would be just a pretty much standard fillet weld i'm going to try and close it up a little bit because man that's a big gap it's probably about 3 8 right there i don't know that i can but work shot with the tools i got at least and then it'll be done but overall not bad wind died down a little bit which helped me a lot i was worried about all the sparks catching this thing on fire so i'm downwind of it actually i'm gonna put my fire blanket right in this area to keep it from falling in the center so all right next step now i'm fixing to got this off trying to start about an inch and a half or so above this line i'd like to normally go past the crack about an inch and a half or so that would get the original current metal and i'll wipe this smooth here i may leave some of this original weld to help me out to fill that gap i will know as i'm gouging because sometimes you'll see some cracks and things come out of the weld so you'll be able to tell whether it's good material or not same thing with pin holes sometimes you'll see pinholes show up it's just the way it is and so if i can leave some of this here that'll help me with a couple of passes of weld actually so that may save me a little bit of time but this i want to at least get flat as possible and open up this down here because that doesn't have any any gap you're just before so here we go [Music] so [Music] all right so clean that up a little bit that should be enough i know it's not consistent but it will be fine as long as i'm consistent when i'm feeling it then it'll come out [Music] [Applause] [Music] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [Music] one of the things i like to do in a situation like this where there's uh even a gap and uh in a plate like this where one ties into the other if there's a gap in this area i will concentrate my heat on the solid piece here create a weld puddle and then kind of loop over to it almost like a backwards backwards j and that way all the heat gets soaked up into this piece rather than the edge of this piece because you can you can melt it away if you're not careful so here we go this first world pass will be a little cold so i can kind of bridge that gap uh eventually the plate will get hot by itself and so i may turn the amperage up a little bit or this may be all right but my main goal of this craft right here is to seal it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] finally got it filled up sorry about that noise but i finally got it filled up it's not that pretty right now but i was able to bridge the gap and close it all up on some spots i had to put a second pass and hopefully this will be the last pass that goes over it and one of the things to keep in mind is that this edge here is my constant meaning that this is the edge of the factory plate this pulled away so i will need to make sure that i have a nice line on this side here because i want enough weld material on the on this plate as well and then whatever if i can remain constant here whatever it goes over this way it'll actually just attach to that side so they're not fine so hopefully i can do that for you guys and uh hopefully i can make it look a little bit better because that's not pretty all right here we go [Music] all right gotta keep going running out of a sd card so i'm gonna put this on fast forward hopefully and hopefully have enough room [Music] all right so just brushing it up it should work not the best not the worst yeah it is what it is right as i was mentioning just one side of the constant that we hadn't had enough weld material on here and whatever i need to bridge over this way it's pretty consistent right here as well so it'll hold from there and this is a this stretched out area it's like the new normal now right so it creates its own strength from that point forward although it's stressed up in there but that's where it goes so unfortunately i wasn't able to replace that plate like i thought i would but this will hold so that'll work for now it'll hold till it breaks so thanks for watching i hope you learned something from it this is not a uh how to do it this is how i did it so again we'll catch up with you guys later and we'll see you on the next one you
Channel: I C Weld
Views: 853,580
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Drillrig, heavy equipment, onsite repair, kellybar, auger, dozer, excavator, welding, stickwelding, mig welding, torch, torch cutting, gas axe, backhoe, torching, weld, repair, weld repair, fix it, how to, caterpillar, bull dozer, broken, cracked, torn, busted, track hoe, welded, fluxcore
Id: 8BrZh9I4jFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 8sec (3188 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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