🔥 6G 6010 Roots: Old Timer vs Young Gun

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welcome to welcome I'm Bob Moffett mm-hmm been wanting to do some collaborative efforts with several people here doing various techniques and welding processes and hey come here I want to talk to you about that what we doing man oh not too sexy a lot to do Oh what are we today I'm gonna work with mr. Homar guy Oh with weld tube South Coast welding Academy out of Houston Texas hi I'm doing today men I really like tossing ideas off this gentleman because it's like man he's like all quality he does stuff that works works well teaches well got great info and you know he liked to kind of picking on me a little bit because I'm the old part in the crew here and we kind of liked ah stuff back and forth her ideas and today we're gonna do a 6 g 8 inch schedule 40 we played around at your event in Houston in the end of May and we did we brother-in-law two-piece 12-inch but I think the first part of that route be it fit whatever but I was like raking it in there and you go dang up boy slow down yeah and I was joking around said were you that what are you doing over there I'm gonna go take a water break the Sun so we want to expand on that today we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna shoot critical and in kind of contrast that style I'm gonna go ahead and do you know I mean I'll wreck arute in there and I might do a straight stitch if it gets away from me just like cool it off we're but man if I can stick it and go I'll stick it you know and I know I've seen a lot of your videos i watch your videos where you doing like the signature am our Christmas tree working that in there where you're spending some time on the sides you know and then here comes the comments you have to work it in there or something now I've seen a lot of different guys well you know obviously you and I are gonna have contrasting styles I've watched a lot of old-timers I've watched I've watched a lot of different people you know and again the whole point is there's there's different ways and different methods I'll get to the same place you know what do we what do we want it to do we want it to pass x-ray we want to pass bin test so let's let's see what this does you know let's let's kind of play around and compare ourselves our contrasting techniques I'm gonna I'm gonna bark up I think I attack that it like eighty five amps I've got the dig set at fifty percent just to kind of that medium range I've never run stick off this little machine so this is gonna be a trip for me yeah yeah and then I'll do I'll do my side and then if we need to we'll feather your side out I don't want your side to open up anymore although you you do want a little more gap go ahead and kind of do it a little tighter and it is a little tighter than what I normally do doing testing and stuff I kind of like that nickel nickel thing I like that nickel root face nickel opening and I thought I'm gonna I do as well when it comes will do this a little bit tighter Emma was definitely but like what Bob does you know he drags it a little bit maybe with a little whip and me personally I like a Christmas tree pattern you know but at the end of the day when it comes to pipeline downhill I like a nickel gap Nicole and I just drag it there's no Whitman revolve nothing I just drag ripping on so I I didn't they we're gonna do comparison but mine my concepts a little bit slower just a little bit you know he I mean when Bob goes he goes and he's just all the way through but mine is more just like a Christmas tree pattern and I'll show you more right now you're gonna see because it it burns both walls equally you get to see the keyhole more you know it's just and it was a lot more penetration but we'll get into that more right now let's go over here Bob and go to town basically get my jacket get my glove let's do it all right tomorrow hub you know I act all this up I noticed this got a little variation down here I may start out and have to do my stitch thing until I get up about eight o'clock or so and then I fly on just client ripping it yeah you know and if I scream for a little bit turn me up yeah [Music] give me private you'll give me five good a lot watching that keyhole just on the bottom side of that rod I'm like looking through the rod and it looked like it was gonna quit and I didn't want to close up on me so that's why I asked for the five amps because I wanted to be able to push yeah is that I'm pushing I know the key holds there also know it's filling so singable what are you good to go we got to i-89 right now it's pretty much 90 so yeah I'm good I'm I mean I recognized the fit the rest of the way and again you know you could do the stitch thing I've actually when it's tightened up I've actually stitched and long arc and key hold and opening it up a little bit but you know this is the RIP inside so just carry on I'm gonna start slightly below on the root come up into that keyhole let it blend into that keyhole a little bit because I don't want to leave that void on the back side and then we'll keep ripping Lemar look at my rod angle see a lot of people have asked me that too like I'm dragging it uphill all the way and I've talked to a lot of people and they swear oh if you're welding uphill you have to push the rod up here I'm going really I've never known that yeah you know so to me for control once I start out you know the references Center the pipe all the time you know where you're at but still you know for me I feel comfortable and I get up here and it's like I'm I'm always pointing down like ten degrees some MIG welding same way people that said hey how you laid in there so dang flat don't point it uphill down going downhill anyway I felt like this tightened up just a bit alright but I can finish it out through a blue right through that tack so ninety amps was active enough to go there too to get right in there dang man I should weld sometime they I know but bad for an old guy it's not bad more than that oh it's in there man you know where I learned that doing this Oh watching weld too so let me let me continue to feather your stuff out over there we'll see what you need definitely the start yeah and we hit that in over there I can't remember we hit it a little bit but it needs to be fed up well let me let me grab the grinder get my face shield and I'll fix you up here buddy I appreciate you [Music] alright brother get y'all buffed out here did the start I didn't hit that keyhole very hard you didn't need to blend into it I did get the one coming off the top and then not too worried up here I didn't want to refix your everything so what do you got you back down you're gonna go ATM going ATMs so I'm going 80 amps right now Bob flew through this I mean like this I mean he flies there is that game's unbelievable but right now what I'm gonna do you know it's not gonna be as fast okay but my method is gonna be like a Christmas tree method y'all gonna see I'm literally gonna stitch my way through the route pass kind of dig it in and hitting both walls at the same time kind of like a like a V motion do you is is there a certain point in there that you consider something somewhere in there is it a little bit of a long arc in order to complete your motion is that how oh it's in there it's always sticked in there today it I have it more in I don't I don't longer get whatsoever to create the keyhole more bigger or anything look at that I just leave it in there and kind of just stitch it in and once I see that keyhole hit one wall you know I wanted to hit another wall so if I see both of them connecting with those keyholes I know that I'm getting penetration it's just a little bit different for me I learned this from a couple old timers as well but uh you know I might do my Christmas trees here then I might drag it from here to here and I might change my perspective who knows but I'm gonna try it out right now and hopefully I'll learn something out of it so I'm ready for my hood down good let's get it [Music] you've got brothers you need me think took me up to 83 to school three [Music] now I'm just gonna drag it up okay so I did the Christmas tree pattern okay but now I'm just gonna change my perspective and do what Bob just did drag it up and see and trying different things I'm learning every single day guys learning every single day never stop learning so let's try it out I mean when you started that we I just got through talking about rod angle yeah you know and you just kind of held yours and Connie you did point it up yeah and I noticed you know you're just a little bit longer arc in order to make the thankee old but you're right they're letting it fill and everything yeah coming off the bottom was a trip for me to watch over here it was fun so like one-handed rascal that hacked me off man okay I've always been I've always had the kind of bracing problem but like like I said I did a Christmas tree and I dragged it here I felt like if it was production-wise mean like I gotta go I'm gonna drag it all day yeah you know I would drag it all day but to learn maybe to start off learning or something you know basic right they're just hitting both walls or whipping it little by little we're seeing that keyhole catching that keyhole you know and I think that's a good way to start off - I don't know about you but what do you think I yeah I agree with you I think I you know get that key oh yeah but don't let it it's obviously some people get the keyholder thing and they're staying in one spot come along so and that's what concerns me that's why I like simple stitch you know like a simple movement but you know later on add some add some stuff to it there exactly yeah yeah you know I just kind of blow and go and you know I do like to kind of stick it in there I like to watch that keyhole work around the rod and then watch make sure that it's filling and everything so exactly but uh that dragon something else so Dobby days I wake up I feel like dragging it today you know it'll be days I wake up doing Christmas tree pattern a dinner date it's all it's all up to you so but yeah I mean what I can do is finish it out there here I can literally just call and then we call it as ease and we'll get a shot in the inside there's a good trick fresh bullet yes sir how about this I see there you go sorry bitch yeah smart aleck [Music] [Music] [Music] right wrap to the end mm-hmm it's all good it's all great matter everyone spot but talking just food techniques even technique from styles that's it there you go put that root in there you know beyond that you know we go different we probably got different techniques for hot pass the stringers the stringer saying is the stringer I think is the stranger but I can't mess with you on that I'll put a stringer in there I'm sure dark slow steady watching that watching that same wit exactly exactly what are you gonna do different you got some no same same thing can't stringer destroy weaves yeah so uh-huh but let's go ahead and clean this in the inside get a you know good shot in the inside and after that you know we'll call it yep that's it different techniques different styles but at the end of the day it all works so hope you found this educational please subscribe to weld tube and welkom check us out on Instagram and Facebook as well mr. amar Aggie oh so I'm arguing yes you can find us on instagram at Welton Academy as our snapchat actually our Instagram is at SC Welton Academy South Coast well in the Academy or well tube and also my personal Instagram is Hammar underscore Aggie low but I appreciate y'all it's honor to be here and yeah remember guys burnin learn to vent y'all gonna earn and always always subscribe to old
Channel: Weld.com
Views: 379,556
Rating: 4.8512435 out of 5
Keywords: welding, weld.com, mig monday, tig time, how to weld, learn how to weld, 6010 root, 6g root, 6g welding, stick welding, weldtube
Id: 68h7-DtUf0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 46sec (1066 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 03 2018
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