Is it fun to play Baldur's Gate 3 with a girlfriend?

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hey you yeah you do you want to be a part of a major plot where you are supposed to save the world but end up reloading for several hours because you failed that one inside check and now your crush won't open up to you degenerate then boy I've got a game for you Baldur's Gate 3 is a Choose Your Own Adventure in the literal sense or is it popular to call it now a true old school RPG which for most people translates to slain or Lane everything on their way but in reality it's just a new way for people who play actual DND to finally come out of the closet and throw their friends what real role playing is welcome to a crab guide to having fun with a boyfriend in Baldur's Gate 3. so first you need what write a character while I was creating a wild magic sorcerative my boyfriend made this with the logic of well he's low to the ground and hard to spot perfect for a rogue and lucky is just a threat that he wanted to transfer from real life so hopefully was a match made in heaven for him that was especially apparent when his character got inspired by every decision that he made in the game be it good or bad forgot that's the inspiration my character's trustworthy face in disarming personality made me a designated conversation list of the party which poured my girlfriend to death to remedy that she stole all of the animal friendship potions possible and had a time of her life talking with animals right right I'm talking to rafter do you want Salam do you want Salam while I was occupied with more mundane tasks like figuring out people's problems and negotiating our way through delicate situations observe then except for those times when I was occupied by something I couldn't see this Barbarian in the skies rushing forward to steal the next conversation moment according to our alignment charts I am more of a lawful good type of a person and RAF is the chaotic evil so each time she went ahead without me at the best that ended up with us deviating from the story at worst she set off a trap I was disarming right next to her because of these different approaches to diplomacy we ended up with such random mix of choices that our playthrough looked more like a Frankenstein's monster with a bipolar disorder than anything stop stop but no matter which choices we made we discovered one annoying feature about companions so if the player who engaged the conversation doesn't have all companions attached to them companions act like they've never been in this dialogue and they are pissed that we didn't bring them even if they were standing right next to active speaker and reacting it is my people's duty to Aid infected GIF Yankee had I been traveling with you we might have avoided but you were we were not sure if it was a bug or a feature so in addition to keeping an eye on all the journal updates we also needed to manage followers as soon as we saw a potential dialogue so as Cherry was doing most of the speaking all his unspeakable Charisma couldn't get past our followers and it quickly became the reason they all wanted to get into his pants I had to beg him to at least let me have garlic as I already got invested in her story Gods I want to ride you to UC Stars actually companion stories are one of the reasons this game is rated so highly every follower has their own troubles and opinions and we quickly found ourselves caring about their quests way more than the main plot having tapeworms in your brain is definitely boring but I would much rather participate in horny vampires family drama than hear the word tadpole again wait do you want me to a story and I think I can I won't lie the thought hardly fills me with her Glee but having tadpoles in our heads didn't stop us from fooling around and finding the biggest and baddest enemies we could and then trying for two hours to beat them into submission combat in this game is extremely fun and the game gives you almost unlimited ways to approach it yeah then of course when ref gave me a chance to do that as at some point she decided that we could use more Randomness in our playthrough and multi-classed her wild magic sorcerer into a wild magic Barbarian making her an equivalent threat to both enemies and ourselves alike [Music] I think I killed Knight song being a chronic man maxer Cherry was spending hours in Camp respecting his character so he can be equally effective in combatant conversations but most important at big pocketing water is stealing from her all the potions Can you steal potions of Greater healing too yes can you send them to me all of the theory crafts and still didn't save him from reloading every time he actually failed to steal from a Trader apparently his lawful goodness Ended as soon as he saw potential Loot and of course what do you do with the guard if they constantly spot you right you ask your girlfriend to distract them with a conversation or barricade them in the bathroom still better than saves coming but I can't stress enough how weird items than it was when you collectively filed crucial checks started to find that could barely finish or the worst of interval stumbled upon some bugs and now for me she's just half of the body she's just yeah yeah she's just lags she's just legs well look the most important part of a female is still in stealing while in the First Act we only encountered one issue which left us confused where did he come from that we don't have anyone here the further you progress in the game the higher the chance to see some wacky Behavior which isn't necessarily game breaking but it definitely made us laugh or cry when we realized that the last known bugged save was several hours ago hmm my eyes and it's so easy to lose the count of time in this game we could be chasing a murderer about to strike his next Target and then end up in an entirely different part of the map asking ourselves what are we doing here and why everything around us look suspiciously like sewers what's the name of that River down there wizard the shoe uh and our spirit of exploration was frequently a reason why we ended up sticking our noses where we shouldn't and then during the liberal Devil Himself [Music] the balls so is it fun to play boulder Skate 3 with a girlfriend yes of course it is it's an amazing experience but it's entirely different from single player in Co-op most of the fun comes from you and your partner interacting with the world and creating your own story and single player would be a much better choice if you just want to role play and experience the game as it was intended to both of them will give you hundreds of hours of fun and no matter which one you choose you'll definitely have an exciting Adventure alright guys thank you for watching the video if you liked it please leave a comment and subscribe we really appreciate that we are already working on something new and we hope you enjoy it have a good one [Music]
Channel: Partners In Play
Views: 23,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gaming, girlfriend, games, review, fun, is it fun, boyfriend, gamer, partners in play, sorcerer, rogue, baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate, dnd, dungeons and dragons, barbarian, crpg, divinity, divinity 2
Id: OUa5vy41VN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 03 2023
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