🔴Narrator aka Amelia Tyler talks BALDUR'S GATE 3, Outtake Videos & Craziest Voice Lines

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well ladies and gentlemen look who we have here Amelia Tyler the narrator from Bonus gate three baby how are we thank you for coming on thank you for having me um yeah it's been it's been really cool I've been watching uh your interviews with some of the other cast members and it's been awesome to like get to know them more in depth um because uh Neil newborn I've known for years and years and years um so I already I already kind of have a good grounding on him like um Dev I've not met um I'm really looking forward to Jennifer English as one because we've known each other sort of um on the peripheries of Social Circles uh for years uh and we played mother and daughter in something so we've done a scene together like actually in the booth together um but we don't like know each other know each other so uh it's been really interesting getting to know her through interviews and being like Oh we could actually be mother and daughter we're very similar in a lot of ways um yeah so thank you for introducing me to some of my castmates that I've not met yet my pleasure um how has it all been for you I mean this is crazy because yeah you must just be on cloud nine I can't imagine I'm good to swear right yeah of course yeah it's been [ __ ] mental mate I don't think I quite process what a big deal this would be until a week after it came out I was like oh this is happening huh like I knew it was and I knew that I had a significant role in it but the reaction to it like when when they first announced that there was going to be a female narrator and they you know released that the scene with the little brain puppet um I was kind of expecting a bit more backlash you know the internet to do what the internet does yeah and the reaction has been so overwhelmingly positive like I wasn't braced for that I was braced with the other thing the [ __ ] thing you know yeah yeah so to have all these people just being nice to me like nothing in my upbringing has programmed me to deal with that in any way whatsoever so I've just been sitting here just like giggling quietly into my hands not sure how to handle any of this um how does the outtakes I guess that lets me go this is the real me but the way if if you're okay with that that's please don't think that this omnificent being and see there's me cramming two words together that don't exist into a whole brand new word that's what my life is now um yeah I kind of I kind of like that I've got to show the real side of myself and people seem to like that which is great um was that always the plan doing those outtakes no no no like um because I've been recording them all from home I was the only actor who recorded away from the main um pit stop recording area um yeah so I have a studio at home and I've recorded all my narration from there so I had all the files on my PC and we got to when was it like 2021 like in January maybe and I said to the people at Larry and I was like am I okay to like release these at some point all right yeah that's so cool are you sure and I was I was trying to be so proper about it and go through yeah you know oh of course I'll send them to you beforehand so you can give me the nod or you can tell me to change edits and I just like no we trust you oh [ __ ] I'm a first child don't say that that's um but it's been it's been so lovely of them to let me do that not not just from a um but that that just kind of feeds into everything we already know about larion right that they're like that and they get the sense of humor there's a reason I love working with them because they just they're special and I don't mean that in the kind of the pat on the Headway that the narrator would say about certain players like but no they're actually very special yeah and I think they're really getting their flowers now the team after this game uh which is great to see and did you expect the sort of the amount of viewership for those videos on Tick Tock and YouTube like the first one I put one of them out on my Twitter back in 2021 I think it was and and you know a couple hundred people were just like oh that's funny um and then we came up towards release and I just thought oh I should put these out properly you know put them on my YouTube or something put them on Tick Tock see see what happens because I've been given permission so I might as well I've got three and a half years worth of footage I might as well do something with it yeah um and I I put it out in the most stupid way possible like in the middle of the night after I've finished but in Red Bull just like ah that'll do um that's the best way yeah and I've done no promotion apart from tweet going there's a thing yeah I I don't know what has happened or how that's happened or what sacrifice I made to the almighty algorithm but apparently people like them and it makes me really happy because that's the side of recording we don't really get to show people that the flubs in between takes you know occasionally in movies especially back when it was DVD or something you get the outtakes or the you know the blooper reel but this this is a whole different level of um and I never see this sort of content for a game no no it's um I mean it's time consuming maybe that's why but I I really like editing them um editing is my zen I've got no formal training whatsoever but I I really enjoy putting that together and like all the um the captions and things that pop up and jiggle about and stuff um that's that's all me as well that's me just like trying to zone out of my real life for a bit and just focus on something practical so my brain doesn't explode um how long does one take ah I couldn't answer that you've got to sit through all this footage yeah yeah I mean a long time a long long time and I'm a picky [ __ ] so a long long time there'll be like one clip it'll I'll have the whole thing rendered out and I'll listen to it the final time before uploading and I'll be like that once in the wrong place I've got to switch those two well let's go back and do it all again I just I don't know if it's an ADHD thing or um an anxiety thing or something but that's how creativity has always been for me I feel when it feels right um when it's ready to for me to wave goodbye and just send it out into the world so have we got one editing now we've got several editing yeah yeah there's a lot of I think at the moment in the reels I'm up to Midway through 2021 oh we were recording right up until the summer so and there are four or five edits in progress on my timeline so there'll be more probably they're so funny too I think that's what people love that I I feel like you picked the funniest parts nobody wants to hear me like coughing or like snorting well you never know genuinely there is so much to pick from because uh though I had a few different directors um but there were a couple in particular that we would just get in that rhythm of stupidity like Josh and Kirsty we just went off on one uh Josh particularly I just I don't know what happens when we get in a room together and the weird thing is it doesn't affect the word count um it doesn't slow us down at all it just makes the creative process this is going to sound so wanky it makes the creative process so much more fluid why am I using that word I don't know but that's how it feels interesting we get yeah we get into that Rhythm and because we've got the silliness we can hop because the the narration I don't know if you've seen in the playthroughs that you've been doing but there are some very distinct differences in narration depending on how you're choosing to play and who you're choosing to play as um well there's 16 versions right I heard you say yeah yeah yeah 16 different versions of the narration not not 16 different reads of the same exactly the same thing yeah but it's like if you're playing as a story and you will have a slightly different narration at certain points from if you're playing a shadow heart or if you're playing as dark urge or any of the characters so would you tap into their personalities yes very nice very much so especially um towards the end uh when I when I started having to do karlax stuff um I I didn't know until that point until they played me a clip of her because I like to get into that Rhythm so I'm not doing an impression I'm just getting into the rhythm of how they speak and how they think and then their narrator Echoes that just slightly um but I didn't know until that point that it was Samantha Bayard and she came out and salmon I've known each other for ages I was like oh wow I got very excited that day um so narrating for karlak versus narrating for Lazelle or Shadow hearted it varies wildly in tone yeah especially the dark urge I think you had fun with that we've had so much fun with that one we've had some I've been going through like a little mischievous imp just poking all my really nice friends and forcing them to do Dark Age playthroughs the sick twisted [ __ ] that lives in my head um we do this sometimes yeah yeah because I don't tend to play classic Baddies charismatic characters don't you yeah charismatic but like people who on the surface you meet them for the first time you go evil stereotypically evil and then the more you get to know them the more you realize there's light and shade there and there's rationality and morality and uh so much more depth there it's very rare that I get to play like out and out just this person is atrocious and I've done it twice this year and it's so much fun so much who are you playing in I saw a clip of you on you on your YouTube I think it was of you doing a motion capture scene the music what was that character that seemed like a villain that was actually from a training course that I did but they just give us a script and go record that again get something filmed right I'd never played anything like that character at that point um we couldn't tell I'll tell you what I that was a heads up for me actually I recorded that scene and I was like this feels like home weird and I I think a lot of my career performance wise has been me slowly coming to terms with the fact that my casting bracket is powerful um powerful women people people who have like a little bit of the outside the norm and they have a slightly outside view of human morality because when I was growing up I was like dark hair green eyes all the kids thought I was a witch how did that work out kids um it turns out Children very perceptive um but I back in the 80s all female roles were like if you were the the heroine you had blonde hair and you were very nice and very feminine and you're being saved is that what you mean you were being saved and you had a high voice and yeah it was everything I wasn't I didn't see a representation of me on the screen I was gonna say who do you who did you look to as inspirations not many people honestly I mean I remember seeing a Ripley and alien um once I got a bit older she's a badass yeah that's cool um Lara Croft in Tomb Raider when that came out I was like oh finally something just something um but the older I've Got The more I've kind of settled into this bracket and kind of made a little Nest here and now it's super comfy and I've realized it's so much more interesting than trying to pretend to be somebody else trying to be safe yeah and I'm getting cast in a lot of roles that are written for men initially okay um where they've suddenly gone oh it's got a bit curvy here we should probably get some like there should be a woman in a position of power in this movie and so they've just gender flipped it and they go well she's got a deep voice and she sounds commanding she's gonna battle shouts and see see what Millie does with it um yeah right it's always really fun bringing character to roles like that where it could just be like a straight down the line badass but I like to give it a bit more personality than that I guess so have you felt like you've hit your stride the last few years you feel like this you're at your Peak or is there is there no is it pink you're only going to just get better and better over the years I don't mean in the job sense I just the idea that that where my brain is right now is my Peak is so [ __ ] horrifying um so yeah it's been a weird few years it's been a really weird few years what it feels like is a transition um between who I was before and a lot of the anxiety I held and trying to be what people wanted me to be and relaxing into what I am and seeing the value in that and and just kind of going if you don't want to cast me the gig's not for me that's somebody else's exciting day I don't see it as a reflection on me anymore um yeah because I know you were you were recently diagnosed with ADHD I believe you shared that yeah yeah yeah yeah back in uh 2020 right before everything went to [ __ ] um yeah yeah 2020 was quite the year um and I went through a huge amount of stuff like I had a breast cancer scare uh diagnosed with ADHD just like literally two days into titration for that so they were starting me on medication for ADHD and my dad had a stroke my dad has been my rock for my entire life um so he had a stroke and then off the back of that it turned out he had terminal cancer so I moved in with him and nursed him at home until he died and was recording for Baldur's Gate during that because my recording studio was at his place sorry to hear that yeah it was it was a rough year um and I think this game kept me sane it certainly kept me it kept my head above water I it paid for my ADHD diagnosis and it paid for my therapy and it meant that while I was going through the healing process that I needed to go through I didn't have to worry too much because I knew I had work coming in for an active we don't really get that very often the Assurance yeah yeah yeah for sure like we don't have pensions we don't have a long-term plan we just hope it doesn't all go to [ __ ] and try not to spend it all on shoes I don't know by the cheap mayonnaise I don't know yeah and so and now you feel like you're on the other side of that and you feel feel like I get to pick what I take from my old life now interesting I get to go okay I that person and that person and that person I'm bringing you with me if you know that a rising tide raises all vessels thing like if there are people that I love working with or role playing with I don't care who they are or uh what their public Persona like what their reach is I don't care if you're a streamer with a billion followers or somebody who never streamed in their lives like if if we play tabletop together and I have a good time I want to carry on doing that yeah um if if you're an actor and we've worked together and I really enjoy that like if there's some way I can help you because I know how this industry is is rough and it's hard to get your foot indoors um I'm not really the kind of person who will ever give a compliment I don't sincerely mean I made a point of making that one of my personal rules years back in it stops a lot of [ __ ] funny you say that Neil I remember Neil saying you you are down the middle you don't yeah there's no bullshitting with you yeah yeah I love that as well yeah well there's a lot of it and and I think it contributes to a lot the anxiety people feel in this industry because if somebody's blowing smoke up your ass that's that's not real friendship to me like unquestioning unwavering support uh I don't think is massively helpful supporting somebody yes but just going everything you do is amazing and perfect don't change at all I don't think that's helpful like just giving perspective but saying we don't have to agree like there are there are very few situations where I will put my foot down and go like I don't want to talk to that person I don't want anything to do with you and it's usually if they've done something really horrific um but I come from a psychology background um so I will always see people and interact with people from that position because I was training to work with serial killers so anybody else is kind of fine could you share that can you share that because you originally your mum was a voice actor right and you went in the booth can you share that story for us first oh God my mum my mum was a an actress for like stage and screen and whatever um and then when she had me and my sister she started doing voice work and she got God I was five years old so this was 86. that's crazy yeah um she got a job uh just doing some radio commercials and it was back in the days when you had to actually go to the radio station to uh to do that and she couldn't get a babysitter so she took me with her uh and I remember all this sorry to cut you off do you remember this clear as day or is it still it's a bit touchy I don't I don't really have any memories from my childhood because um there are reasons why I don't but oh well stuff yeah okay yeah she took me along to this session and I've been having uh lessons with her Drama teacher for a couple of years at that point because I had a lisp when I was a kid and it came out particularly when I was nervous but it was really strong and to this day if I say the word lisp I have to really focus on it to not say lisp um so when I'm taking the person um I'm really mocking myself it's fine um yeah so she she sent me to a Drama teacher to get rid of this list and in doing so the teacher was like she's kind of good at this maybe she should carry on so I'd just been you know as you do when you're five years old it's nothing too heavy but like learning how to speak aloud and read things in a way that makes sense for a script and she took me to this radio station they were like we've got a Christmas commercial that needs a little kid in it can she do that because it's like this is what casting wants back then so they put me in the booth and I did it and that was it from then on yeah I just never stopped I hit a face about the age of 12 or 13. I forget how old I was exactly but your voice kind of crosses over to yeah before that they want you to be a cute little kid and there's a lot of wiggle room for getting things wrong and just playing and then they're like no we want you to advertise something do this properly and I remember really distinctly going to the recording session for my first advert like that and just emotionally destroyed by how badly I did really yeah like to to the just in absolute floods at it because I didn't cope with failure very well that was not an option available to me growing up that's so sad yeah so I was just like what have I done wrong I don't understand and I got home and I in traditional Millie fashion was like okay I've got two options I either run away from the scary thing or I sort this out and every single day for the next four or five months after school I would lock myself in my mum's recording studio and practice for at least an hour every single day and then that was it from then on I I worked all the way through uni and when I finished uni graduated with a psych degree and was like this feels like a very dark path I'm treading I'm just gonna just gonna do something a little lighter for a year and see if that still makes sense to me afterwards and just never went back right so why did you go into psych versus continuing on with the acting side um I wasn't really given a choice in a way because mum was an actress and she was like don't you dare don't you dare be an actress you go to university and get an ology she went more commitment on me um so it was it was partly that like I would have loved to go to drama school but that just wasn't an option even though you know you'd been doing it for years as a kid yeah really she wanted me to I mean part of it was her being a dick and part of it was just her being like trying to look after me long term because she knows she knew it's a tough business yeah yeah yeah it's rough and it's it's hard to make money and there's no security and it it just destroys your self-esteem a lot of the time that is the advice I always give to anybody like if there's anything else you can do do that and I think psych was my uh my do that but in a weird way it's what's made me good in good or [ __ ] word um but it's made me the way I am now because I approach characters differently to other people it is a [ __ ] word sorry isn't it yeah it's good and nice I can hear every English teacher I ever had at school just like oh stupid words yeah so you said you were going to what was it about serial killers you were going to training to be um a forensic psychologist or psychiatrist no no no no no that was literally I've got a BSC in experimental psychology I was going to work with serial killers that's really dark um yeah so I kind of in training for that and it's it's a kind of chicken or eggs situation right like did I do I find that kind of thing fascinating and that's why I did the course or do I find did I do the course and that's how I learned to do the things I do but I always approach characters in a way of like and nobody thinks they're the villain everybody thinks they're the hero yeah so in order to play this character that is potentially villainous or does dreadful things I have to figure out what the logic is for them how they think and and for me when I get in the booth it's uh it's not acting in the way that a lot of people see it I think I have to understand how the character thinks and the second it is kind of more like role-playing I guess the second I understand how they think I can drop into that character and it's almost like they're doing the session with me watching from behind just like okay do that word slightly differently pick up the pace on that bit um it's very freeing it's like letting a different aspect of your personality out to play and there are lots of parallels with therapy in that it's really cool have you always approached it like that or is that something you've developed over the years yeah I think I have but I've never thought about it until recently because it came up in therapy I was like this is how I do it and other people keep asking me like show me how you did this this and this and I'm like I can't and a lot of things started to click into place um when I realized that aphantasia was a thing um because I didn't realize that people could when they say I picture it in my head that they can actually picture things because I've never been able to do that yeah so when somebody describes a scene to me if they're directing me I'm not picturing that in my head I'm feeling it I translate what people tell me into feelings so I can't really verbalize how I do the things I do because I'm I it's an emotion rather than a technical thing it's very hard to explain no no I I I get it I'm wondering has the so you think the psychology aspects have have seeped into your work in a good way you would say oh yeah yeah for sure yeah and I and I get classed as a lot of those kind of characters like very morally complex yeah where you're never quite sure like malady and Divinity original sin too or nyrissa Pathfinder King mate or like like these very you want to think they're one thing but then this little spark of something will come out triggered by a certain word and then it's something different and you'll it's a real fleshed out person and getting to the point that we're at in games now where you get these cinematic performances um I I love being able to be part of that and not having to overthink it because you're just it's it's a cliche I guess but it's reacting not saying I'm not pretending I'm not trying to make you feel a certain way I'm feeling a certain way and you are watching it or hearing it are you an overthinker usually yeah big time used to be trying not to be yeah and what about anxiety massively oh I've got all the fun [ __ ] that like anxiety depression PTSD cptsd it's it's uh yes all the things and do they do they seep into the work I'm curious they used used to when I was pretending to be something when I was trying to make other people happy yeah and don't get me wrong I still I still want to make the people that I work with happy I want to do the job well yeah um but there's a certain anxiety I leave at the door now um and I don't know if it's age just because I'm crumbly like rock now or or what but is it are you more confident now yeah yeah but when you step in the booth you you become yeah yeah and I think it's an ADHD thing honestly because um this is a piece of the puzzle I only put together recently when I'm in the booth there's nothing else there it's like me and a script I'm being told what to say so I don't have to form a sentence and there's somebody telling me what to do and that's it I hyper focus in my sessions yeah nothing else exists so like even the the day after my dad dies I went in and did recording for Baldur's Gate wow because that was an escape for me like the Millie with problems who was grieving got to wait outside and just give me a bit of a break and that wasn't them pushing that was me just going please if if this can be done now like if you need it now because we had something booked in like I I will happily do this now I need this Escape wow yeah do you remember that that session yeah yeah it was great yeah wow yeah it was great it was because it's a relief it's like somebody injecting you with painkillers or something therapeutic a couple of hours yeah just just like leave that just for a second take a breather be the confidence version of you that has power and gets to just narrate this stuff and then go back out and deal with everything you've got to deal with do you remember your do you remember your last session during the the narrator what would what was that lie was it emotional was it I can't answer that question okay okay um um it never ends is the answer to that because every so often they'll be like oh this this is missing a line or this needs during or yeah yeah like oh that didn't get inputted we need to like then it is a big game you know yeah it's a massive game and if anybody was following dos 2 when that came out like there were huge improvements that were made over the following year so I suspect probably I'll be doing pickups for this for a little while at some point maybe not yeah um but I'd be surprised if something didn't come down the pipeline so I I always say hello and goodbye to my editor on the on the uh the tapes tapes God how old am I um but on the recordings I'll always start off like hey editor how are you doing and Say Goodbye at the end of it and the last view was just like so apparently this is the last one so bye I guess but I think we both know this isn't true um have you have you started to play yet what are you no because I know you want to stream it right uh I want to stream I don't know whether I'm going to stream it or not do I have what's stopping you what's stopping you right now it's still very fresh yeah and I'm kind of loving watching other people play honestly and for me streaming is quite an anxious experience I've I've streamed a couple of times before um but that was before I'd had [ __ ] tons of therapy so it might be a different experience now that I've relaxed a bit I saw that yeah last time you were you streamed on your channel was like four years ago yeah you're on other streams but yeah as on your channel yeah well this is kind of what I'm like I I don't like being the center of attention it makes me very uncomfortable I've always referred to myself as a happy Alto like I I exist and I get the most Joy from helping highlight how awesome other people are as opposed to same as me actually show yeah I'm very similar to that as well yeah yeah well it makes sense given what you're doing right yeah I wonder what where that comes from yeah I don't know but that's always giving me joy it makes me feel part of something and it's a connection with another person which I really value I grew up in the middle of the countryside with nobody to play with so maybe that's part of it I don't know even at Christmas I I get more joy of giving the presents I know it sounds cliche but everywhere everyone's probably like that but yeah and then receiving um that makes complete sense so I'm I'm kind of like that with streaming like my my other half Jade is an amazing showman like it's like watching a Victorian ring Master they're coming to modern day and just go I'm doing a stream now he's he's doing a million things at once every time he does he yeah oh yeah why we had to be in our stream yesterday holy [ __ ] yeah he was doing like Live tech support but you worked in it it's fine he's good at that sort of thing but I am not and so just um learning what key is to press to make things happen is enough of a head [ __ ] to to Really mess with my ADHD anyway so doing that while on stream and having to constantly split attention between game and chat and remembering the controls and like there's a lot of anxiety caught up in that for me maybe I need to ease into it gently I really want to do it it scares me and I think that's why I want to do it I I have a you like the channel I've got I don't like I don't like the part of myself that is scared rather I want to make it okay for that part of myself and apparently the way I do that is to heal myself headlong towards things that scare me so your partner he's a an actor as well what's that like to actors under the same roof awesome and Dreadful in equal measures I think we're learning we're learning a lot about how to make that work because you'd see it all the time right people in Hollywood get together and then a year later they've broken up because I don't know some nonsense yeah um he has been the most incredible cheerleader through this process um and I I think we've both got such different skill sets in a lot of areas that that we are each other's biggest fans like he's a parrot in a way I could never be I I have like three voices and my entire career is that like and I constantly more versatile than that come off I've got a lot of emotional versatility and I think that's the difference like the majority if you look at like nyrus and narrator malady like they're they're me with us but they're so different the characters so you probably you're right it's an emotional thing yeah yeah whereas he can sound like so many different people and I think both of us initially felt a bit like we were frauds for not being able to do the thing as easily that the other person could do and we're slowly realizing through working together and living together that both of these things are insane and incredible and difficult and and we're both just constantly like yeah you did a thing it's um it's a really cool supportive environment and he's all right you must be having fun with the camera his name's Jay Britton yeah please yeah guys yeah make sure to go over there I know you guys are you going to keep coming on his stream yeah yeah we're thinking of maybe um we had two characters actually we've got four characters actually that we've played in versions of role play before um that made it sound like like a sexual thing it wasn't um but we've got a couple of Duos of characters that we played in in either like tabletop or online role play um and we were thinking of maybe streaming Baldur's Gate as one of those combos so we're either going to be oh that's a dreadful grumpy South African Merc and a ridiculous pink phone or um very Posh brother and sister who are just Dreadful humans um I D and D neither of us really uh my background was in other games and I got I got into tabletop really really late so I was in my 30s already by the time I played my first game really um I've played a whole bunch of different systems like vampire masquerade I played a lot of Song of Ice and Fire That Game of Thrones Game didn't play my first D and D until last year uh over on Ophelia's Channel um which is where on my Instagram you can see pictures of me bright red with tiefling horns because I cosplayed for it and then in summer here and I instantly regretted all my life choices because I had to paint myself red every single shot oh my goodness yeah it was ridiculous I did see that but I didn't know you did it all the time yeah yeah and what's even more dumb is because my sewing machine was broken I didn't make gloves so I would just paint my hands and then there would be little red hand prints all over my house I'm an idiot oh wow that's commitment to the role but that's me that's me I love that kind of thing I love going all out for like I have have no shame when it comes to cosplay and I don't need excuses to buy more wigs I just I love that side of I love getting to play yeah um yeah I desperately want to do more tabletop because I I've been a narrator now I'm I'm not a DM I'm a player yeah I want to play what's your what's your favorite week that you've got in the collection oh I can't no can't pick a favorite they're all my babies I would turn the camera if I could I've got a wig wall oh do ya yeah yeah and there's so many more in boxes like that's my ADHD Dreadful spending is it just all color how much is a wig a good wig it depends they're not good weights is there such thing as a good week definitely okay but they're they're hundreds and hundreds of pounds they're super expensive yeah whereas bees I get I like to get nice Earl ones but that's the votable just because I've got a lot of hair and I don't want it to be uncomfortable or too sweaty yeah um but they're definitely not human hair wigs let's put it that way like I am flammable highly highly flammable in every single one of them I'm sure there's a few colors on that wall Am I Wrong oh yeah yeah yeah I mean most of the ones on the wall are actually in natural colors apart from the absolute acid green one I wore War for a sort of cyberpunky type show that was really fun but there are more plans coming let's say and I'm always on the lookout for new people to to play with because I I love that about tabletop you get to know people in a much deeper way than you normally would because you're meeting them in different guises and different lifetimes and encountering experiences that you would never have in real life normally so you get to know people on a much deeper level it's really cool what do you what would you tell people that are skeptical or haven't done it yet and how would you ease them into it would you say or do you think we're supposed to be brutal it's not for everyone you I feel like you have to be quite creative as well you know I I find that the majority of people these days especially uh find the idea of it kind of intriguing they find the role play aspect like actually getting into a character doing a voice or something they find that quite intimidating um so in groups like that I always really enjoyed leading by example like it could they didn't need it in this particular group but I'll use it as an example of how little shame I have um so I was in a long-running uh Song of Ice and Fire campaign um yeah which is Game of Thrones basically um and there were a couple of us who wore wigs and did the whole cosplay thing but by the end of the season uh the final season like pretty much everybody was just like in their normal cities and I was like no no I will go all out and I don't care that I'm the only one doing this now this is how I enjoy playing um that's good I I kind of love that though like the no pressure aspect to some groups because some people do it like a show show where it's all for for the audience some people do it more as a home game thing and I kind of like a bit of both really um but I I like to show people that there's no shame in being the old one out because I always felt like that growing up um yeah it's nice to just stand there being an idiot and be like say yeah and [Laughter] say anything to think too but I'm not already saying in my head you can't hurt me yeah I'm doing it myself you growing up you were a gamer right you you've been a gamer most of your life it depends what you mean by gamer and this is where I feel like a bit of a fraud my dad got me into PC gaming all the early days of like it wasn't even PC gaming Commodore 64 we used to play like Treasure Island on that oh yeah classrooms so like real early days um and then we had God what was it Commodore Amiga and we'd be playing like battle chess and Lemmings and stuff that's such a cool problem solving game yeah I love I love when games can be multifunctional like that where you don't realize you're learning to understanding logic um but I didn't have a console um at all like um and tell God mid-30s maybe Playstation 3 or what do we what are we talking yeah is that PS3 so I think it was a three I think it was the three um but yeah so I I missed out on all that and you know people have uh Mario and Sonic and they've got a lot of nostalgia for that and I just didn't have that that didn't exist for me so my thumbs are like um two little I'm gonna quote I think it's Yahtzee crochet or now I have like two little atrophied pork scratchings taped to my hands just the pointless like my controller control is non-existent I am a mouse and keyboard girl uh even to this day yeah I I think that's something you have to learn in childhood maybe I don't know either that or I'm just not putting my back into it but what are you playing the last three or four years have you been playing much because I know you're really busy therapy the last few years yeah um I've almost hit the final boss I honestly I I haven't had a lot of time to play no that's what I'm saying yeah um and I'm finally I've played a lot of like smaller games I've really enjoyed unpacking actually um I played a gray game yeah the environmental storytelling in that is just so smart that is a great little game yeah it's things like that have kept me sort of feeling like I'm not entirely out of the loop um but I've missed out on a lot of big releases and I've missed out on a lot of very classic crpgs um which makes me think I should probably stream them at some point um so maybe I'll do that maybe we'll do like Dragon Age or The Witcher or something are they your bread and butter is that like a Assassin's Creed type is that what would be your your genre you would do you have a specific genre I like anything with some really deep character development or puzzles or just um dumb stuff I can play with friends like we had a lot of fun in overcooked I mean Jay oh I love overcooked but it causes a lot of things over here because I become the leader great that's I go I need a hamburger now I need you to get on this tomato please hurry up I know it's an excuse to abuse your friends that's the point of it and and that was always very much mine and Jay's relationship like we we were best mates for ages before we were even together and it was a very sibling relationship which is not as weird as it sounds um best friends yeah I know yeah but but we had that very aggressive friendship as they were all my friendships where we just constantly rip the piss out of each other um yeah that's my way of showing love Eastern European Heritage um yeah so like games like that I love a puzzle game uh anything that's just shooty shooty I find a little tricky I loved Bioshock though because that had the Deep story behind it yeah the original The Last of Us yeah like that that blew my mind that was the first one where I was like oh we're getting cinematic acting now oh this is gonna be fun yeah do you think it changed do you think the landscape sort of changed around that time yeah yeah yeah sure yeah do you feel that in the industry on that yeah um I wasn't in the industry at that point oh okay I haven't actually been voicing for video games very long um right got lucky I guess like um malady and Divinity original sin 2 was the role that opened doors for me it was the first one where I really got to show people some of what I can do or at least somebody saw what I really was Josh um who you can hear me talking to in some of the outtakes he's the one who cast me in that and like he's always seen me I think we've been talking about maybe streaming together at some point so he sees people and that's that's what a really good casting director or just director generally that's part of what they are that's the job right because otherwise you're trying to find a voice that sounds vaguely right and cramming it into the shape you want it to be rather than like I see that in you let's let's bring that out do you think that's the difference between a good and a bad director oh there are so many are so many different sessions occasionally um where people like give you line reads that's that's always the the big sin and directing like you don't go say it like this and then make them Paris it back to you and I've been in sessions before where somebody's parroted literally every single line and I've come out just going oh my God oh my [ __ ] am I really bad why do they hate me that was awful though that sounded really bad did that and then I've spoken to somebody else and they're just like no no that's just what they do um interesting I think it's yeah it's just uh maybe an experience on their part or just that's how they communicate with people but yeah I think that's kind of part of my job as well when you when you get in a booth with somebody that you're unfamiliar with both of you are trying to find this way of communicating together that works for the two of you and it's never the same twice uh it's like having a different friendship you know the you might be laughing and joking with one person but like really straight down the line in business like and get out there with somebody else and part of my job is to make that judgment about how somebody communicates how they're feeling how much time they've got and give them what they want well the same well I feel like you'd be a good director then you'd think and yes I don't know I'm good have you ever thought about it or voice directed because I I find it so hard to explain what I do so I don't know if that would just be a really frustrating experience for somebody else I'm just like I'll just feel like this and they're like I don't do that you're weird yeah okay yeah I get that so I don't know I don't know maybe I'll try it so I I've honestly got more respect for the people who do that professionally than to think I could do it it's kind of like being a dungeon master right I'm playing one but that's not my skill set and it definitely isn't what my ADHD wants me to do so I've had some really good GMS over the years and I respect what they're able to do way too much than to even attempt that did that experience uh help you with doing the narrator at all because I'm curious oh yeah how do you approach do you approach it per the 16 as you said or is there a consistency across the whole thing that you're looking for as well how does that work I wanted it to feel authentic I wanted it to feel like something that someone who has been a dungeon master could listen to and be like she understands me which is part of what's kind of come out in in the outtakes honestly I think that's come out more yeah um but just letting people paint pictures because that's part of what it is we we never wanted to because because that's the big thing players start feeling very um very disconnected and very abused when they're told what to do or how to feel and we never wanted to do that unless it was out and out manipulation like there are moments in the game where control is taken away from you and I felt like it was my job because I I've had some gm'd experiences that were not so great and that is um I didn't want a player to feel that way so I felt like it was my job to be like control is being taken away from you and We Know It This is deliberate just go with the feeling like experience what this is It's deliberate you'll get control back in a minute but like right now you're out of control enjoy this sensation the rest of the time we kind of um we always described it like I've got I'm behind them with my head sort of on their shoulder just like tilting their head I'm going okay over there but I'm then a writer I'm not me telling them what to feel I'm like I've lived in your head all your life and I know how you think and you're looking over there it has to feel like I'm like they're rolling against me but really I'm on their side I'm I'm there to facilitate their story whatever they choose their story to be well I think this is one of the best narrations I've ever heard in my life so I go I'm not blowing smoke up your ass genuinely um seriously it was really really impressive and um we've got a few fan questions if if we can go through a couple of those um favorite voice line was one of the big ones that uh I know you it's impossible to pick but do you have any that stand out let's say that The Authority lines for sure it's funny you say that these guys and why is it Authority not Dan yeah have fun amazing yeah I really enjoyed that one I wasn't expecting such a reaction to it um but the second people picked up on it I was like of course of course um I loved giving them that feeling of power because it's that smile of like because we go through life just feeling so at the whims of fate and out of control and it was so nice it was almost like a cat curling up or like yeah just just nestling down and going you can feel comfortable right now you're in control like who doesn't want to feel like that was that the pla was that did you work with the director on that or how did that come about what happened it just happened yeah yeah I mean there was there was Direction leading up to it but it's that's kind of how Josh and I particularly he ran most of my sessions for Early Access and that's where we started to find the voice of of the narrator um we run these sessions like I will read the line just how it comes out of my head and then he'll go oh but on this word you're feeling this or you're just twisting this or you're he quite often gives it physicality or something some kind of feeling or a strange word that doesn't make sense but we both know what it means um so yeah it's really hard to describe it sounds symbiotic that's the word very much so yeah yeah and it feels so good like both of us know when we've got the right take usually yeah usually just occasionally I'm like I didn't I wasn't feeling that can I go for another and I'll do it and be like [Laughter] yeah we're going with the other one no yeah yeah like like all the directors were fantastic in in different ways but they made me feel comfortable in different ways I think and Josh and I just have this creative Madness together but kicks off very quickly um whereas somebody like like Kirsty was was so considerate of how I was feeling like any any tiny little cough because I was doing lots of very growly stuff especially towards the dark Edge stuff all I had to do was be like so good like are you okay do you need a break oh my God this is such consideration I feel so special that's that's the kind of thing I think until you've been in a session that's run badly you don't realize the value of somebody who thinks about you like that because we don't ever want to be a pain in the ass we don't want to be homework for somebody or slow things down so a lot of actors I think until they're really experienced they push themselves too far and even then sometimes we push ourselves too far yeah and so to have somebody on on board who is experienced and knows actors and no no the dumb [ __ ] we do to just go are you okay hydrate please okay that's invaluable was he ever an actor yeah yeah I don't I don't think so I think see the ADHD has removed this from my brain I've got a vague memory of him telling me that he performed in some way at some point but that might be somebody else I know he's very musically gifted interesting um and a lot of the time if somebody doesn't have an acting background and they go into the booth and they're good it's usually because they get the rhythm of music so maybe it's a music thing you'd have to ask him I'm afraid that's all right that one was from as we said Tevin your euphoric Capital uh one of the most requested questions out so 187 says what was the hardest line to record without laughing anything to do with Shadow Hearts box usually um there were a lot Honestly though there were a lot by the end I felt a bit like the writers that larion were testing me like they had to have at least one line in there that's the let's see if we can break they're trying to break it yeah yeah like let's talk about tugging on meat no reason and then see how she deals with that you're up for the challenge though they didn't know yeah apparently so yeah it's uh it was always fun to get to the end of a line and just pause and hold the laugh and see if Josh went first yeah it was uh yeah anything with Shadow heart yeah yeah because it was constantly talking about Shadow Hearts box and by the end you're just like we we all uh yeah there were a lot of holes there were a lot of yeah double entender ceased to have any meaning by the end and I just felt like I was going slowly insane which may well be true honestly I had helped I think suddenly brought life to the outtakes oh I can't wait for the next um the next video sudden science is 2937 not a question per se I just want to say thank you for taking the immersion to the next level that's it oh I love that immersion to the next level it's so true thank you it just gives it that little bit extra that you don't usually get in some of these games I'm really glad that came across because that's that's what we wanted to do I think uh Early Access version was a little bit different and we had that slightly sitting back watching with a smirk it was kind of uh a little bit Scar from The Lion King kind of like oh dear um and we kept that for certain bits but over the course of a long game that would have been exhausting nobody can be domed that solidly for that long that's you need a break you know um so we settled on these very different styles and I I like it a lot it's the first project I've been able to listen to and feel genuinely proud of without having to do some self work I was going to ask how do you find watching back the seeds I love it yeah I love it that's great for so long I forget so much of it yeah yeah like geographically I don't know where it all slots together because we weren't recording in order yeah we just did whatever when it came through so seeing it all come to life and being like Oh that's what gortash looks like or that's what so and so looks like like oh yeah it's really cool polyfuckeries there a character you wish you had a bigger yeah that's the name is there a character you wish you had a bigger part than they do also please keep releasing our takes they make the world a better place I will keep releasing the outtakes okay [Music] um I don't know because it's still such early days and watching it through so I haven't seen all of the performances uh and I certainly don't want to spoiler anything for anybody um all I will say is that there is one scene where you get to go to a brothel and one of the choices in there is a lot of fun and very unexpected and I wish there were more of those very unexpected that's a good word uh Mission Bar 3258 is your narration ever unreliable Amelia in real life or in this game in this game I mean in this game it is a version of the truth because sometimes it's like that that's what makes it so fascinating because sometimes there is literally had poly manipulation and that's when we sent back into that Scar from The Lion King kind of feel where yeah it's an unreliable narrator yeah I'm trying to manipulate you and I'm not being subtle no like and you know it and you can't stop it isn't this an awful feeling we should totally snog a mind flare this is safe like that's always fun to play with but the majority of the time I am then a writer so it is reliable but then how reliable are people I'd say 95 reliable oh you reckon less it depends who you talk to everything's perspective right true true um marketing owned three four seven not a question just wanted to say you are amazing as a narrator thank you for helping to make this game great it's the most fun I've had in a video game in the last decade hide under the desk in a minute people are being too nice um I'm so glad that people are enjoying it because really I was bracing for people to be like why is woman telling me what to do or why aren't you Matthew Mercer um I love Matthew Miss by the way um just getting that out there I'm a critter through and through um but yeah I was in no way prepared for any of this um and certainly not people being so kind and so lovely because it's the internet and you don't expect that really it might help that I've got a picture of me stabbing a teddy bear as my Twitter what is the origin of that picture uh that was taken when I got to 666 followers on Twitter and I decided to take a picture to commemorate it and apparently the way I was supposed to do that was stab a Teddy in a pentagram made of gravy granules that is hilarious oh my God how much would it cost to hire you to narrate my chickens for a day for a whole day I don't know can you pay me an eggs that could be useful like a lifetime supply of eggs I reckon I could make that really financially unviable for that person foreign if you were you know I know you've got cameos so you can yeah if you ever want anything guys head over to Amelia's Cameo and she'll whip something up for you right I have been having so much fun returning your videos for people because they just want me to roast their friends oh that's brilliant it's crazy would you read my friend to Absolute filth please yes yes I will [Laughter] hang gloss Puffin were there any issues while narrating Baldur's Gate 3 such as burnout or or Voice issues you know did you ever a couple of times yeah Voice issues um and I can hear it a couple of times um it's the only experience I've had of watching the game and being like oh I wish I could do that one again for the most part like 99.9 I'm like I wouldn't change it I like that which I've never felt about something I've done in any way ever wow I'm a huge self-critic um maybe it's just a statistics thing because this is such a big name yeah so all the all the bits I don't like are so spread out it's fine um yeah so that there are a couple of lines where I can hear that I was a bit ill or um but it's only because I know my it's funny no one else would know no I definitely noticed that um the only other yeah the the only issues were really like physically um like you hit winter time and the the central heating goes on and everything gets a bit dry so if if you're not quite hydrated enough that can be an issue um but yeah once we'd found the voice for the narrator and settled into it one of the voices it was just kind of for the most part smooth sailing this is a spoiler archbound guys quick spoiler if you want to skip this part how did you manage to say g-cube Lube without laughing I didn't so I didn't say it without laughing and then I said it and then I laughed some more there are there are so many things that just just ruined me so crazy just I I mean that's Pete Clarion isn't it like what would we use before well well yeah GQ blue needs to be in their marketing for next year that's a Christmas tree that everyone can enjoy right what to get the DM who has everything [Laughter] foreign probably you're probably right oh [ __ ] um Thor vid 20 in which scenes would you have liked to put narration over that didn't get it oh yeah I don't know I'd have to watch them honestly I'd have to watch a lot more but I think what I like about the way they've settled uh with the narration for the as it is now is I only narrate things when you need them narrating I'm giving you insight into what somebody else is thinking or how you're feeling or um stuff that can't be shown physically and if that doesn't need to happen if it's all already visible I shut the hell up and I like that because that's that's what a DM would be doing they would be describing this thing and unless you need any more information you just go you'd play I I don't think I need to be in it any more than I am that's so selfless of you [Music] um that's the thing though I never want to be like a part of something more than I need to be like it it has to hit that sweet spot of nothing extent yeah yeah like uh I like spending time in the booth and yeah I like having a decent sized role but I think I'm okay in this game I think I'm in it and I think you do all right yeah yeah and and I'm there for a purpose I don't think it serves anybody for me to be like all up in my own ego about it like I'm there to be the voice of the DM and help people have an adventure it's not about me it's the alto thing it's you have fun this is not for me knee Knox craft did you also voice Melody in DOS too yeah you sure did yes I did I love Melody so much I I would play her till the end of time what did you love so much about that character she was the first character I played that had my voice like my natural just I remember getting the script through and going I know instantly how I want to read this and I really hope they let me it was it was the first character where I felt like I didn't need to try it just happened um she's powerful and confident and pretends that she doesn't give a [ __ ] about anything and she's she's that character that comes in to keep people's egos in check when they think that they're the main character of a story like oh are you trying to romance you me that's adorable your level too and I've been [ __ ] Gods so maybe wait a bit maybe level up maybe maybe it's just not gonna happen I need to play this game I haven't played it yeah she doesn't come into it for quite a while oh okay um but you can't this is what Larry and keep doing with me I'm I'm the voice of women that you cannot sleep with but you can't progress the game without them is some sort of advanced form of catfishing I don't know um but she's she's really cool if you try to kill her she goes don't and then just vanishes is that like an Easter egg little little thing or is that just no that's just no it's just possible when you first meet her and you if you try to stab her she'll just tell you to [ __ ] off and go away like that's but I I love that kind of character because she comes across as very strong and very otherworldly and variable powerful there's something going on under the hood there and yeah vulnerability there that she's hiding can't relate to that in any way um but it it's really nice bringing that to life um and again I wasn't like a main companion for that I was I was a side character but a pretty significant one uh and it was really cool to see everybody's reaction to that I've never been publicly recognized like that I guess that makes it sound different to how it actually is but it's nice I understand yeah like see people going I really wanted a romance her though and I'm like I know I wanted to play her more like we're both sobbing over this character at that stage it was very cool well that you know you've done a good job then don't you when they're wanting more yeah there's no better um I also wanted to talk about sea of Thieves what your memories are on that game that's that's come a long way that game over the years yeah yeah I mean it wasn't really that long ago I think that was that was during lockdown for sure I mean the whole world might not be locked down by that point but I still was I I was working on so many projects during that period that I had to stay locked down for longer because otherwise I would mess up like 17 different production schedules if I got ill um so I've only just started to like go outside and go this is a restaurant I remember how to socialize um yeah yeah that was really fun I recorded all that from my home studio again um yeah you must have a Sig Studio you must have one yeah yeah I mean it's it's always been a studio since I was nine something like that my mum had it as a studio before then but it was kind of cobbled together and then about six years ago I want to say uh I was just like okay this is my job now this is what I do and I want to make this good and it was just after Mama died as well so there was a bit of an exorcism thing going on of like I'm gonna make this space my own so I can move forward with my career and not be sitting there trying to be creative while seeing ghosts you know uh dude metaphorical guys she wasn't literally haunting me just my therapy sessions do you prefer going in or in that going into a studio or using your own booth oh that's a tough one like if teleportation existed I would go to an outside Studio every single time like I don't want to work from home yeah I like the convenience of working for home and certainly for for something like Boulder's Gate 3 it was incredibly useful yeah um save me a fortune on transport uh but I would always rather be in a room with people and not have to deal with the tech side of things at all because Engineers are amazing and I don't want to have to deal with that I'm not a technician um I just want to focus on my thing I would much rather be in a room with other people but that's not the world now and a lot of my clients live all over the world and it's really cool to be able to work with one of them at the drop of a hat without them having to find budget for transport and hotels which would never happen so you get to work on a lot of really cool indie games that would never have had the budget for that otherwise that's really cool yeah and Hades too what can you tell us about that because that's very anticipated game I know you can't say much but you have announced that you're in it yeah and uh that's about all we could say yeah I'm I'm in it I play um the goddess of Witchcraft and that's kind of all I can say yeah I mean you've seen the trailer that's her uh she's got a great hat and as people have pointed out Rippling ABS um I wasn't expecting anybody to be thirsty for her I should have known the Hades family a little better than that but then I just like I see a glimpse of abdomen I am obsessed which is really it's really cool um all I will say is you are in for a treat yeah I can imagine you like the first one you are unprepared I can't wait and do you have a message for the fans that have tuned in today Amelia is there anything you wanted to pass on to them okay I can't think of them as fans my brain just kind of goes Players let's say players they're not friends until they've like helped me move furniture that's strictly not true um thank you for being so welcoming really I was not expecting any of this and um the welcome that I've been given to this world and to tick tock and YouTube and everything else like this feels like a rebirth um I'm getting to pick which parts of my old life and which parts of my new life get to be squished together into whatever I do next and it is really cool to know that there are a whole bunch of people who get me and who want to come along for the ride so let's play love it and promise me you'll come back for Hades too yeah to the show oh yeah absolutely awesome I'm I'm really excited for that game and uh and look out for a stream possibly you might do a stream I know you're streaming with your um Jay so I'll leave a link in for that in the description but um yeah you've got Tick Tock Instagram Twitter I've got a twitch Channel I just haven't streamed yeah I've got all the things you got all the things I'll send you a bunch of links that's fine beautiful hey is there anything before we uh Before I Let You Go is there anything the narrator can say to Dan to wrap this up you close the stream the sense of satisfaction your tadpoles squirms you're hungry that's it let's go eat let's go is hungry look the white streak and the witchy thing is not just an act you know yeah I know I can I can literally read your mind I am your narrator and you're hallucinating this entire interview people are going to give you really weird looks when this goes online and half the screen's just empty can you imagine oh oh that's brilliant well thank you so much Amelia thank you this has been really fun
Channel: Dan Allen Gaming
Views: 161,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amelia tyler, narrator bg3, narrator outtakes, the narrator baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3
Id: irRpoySGQLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 33sec (4713 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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