Ironmouse Wasn't Ready For Baldur's Gate 3

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what is that supposed to me play Dungeons and Dragons well well well look who it is it's I your worst nightmare yes bulging gate I am a tling Bard I've probably made the same character like five times already my starter is going to be a drum because I want a drum have any of you guys been playing balers Gates balers Blake oh my God the manyi music is good holy sh hello hello hello how many characters do you guys have I have two and they're all teethling bars I have I literally have 10 and I've been playing on each and every single one of them what you are not all right my baby oh god there it comes me when I see my ooshi oh [Music] God no don't put it in me please oh oh little hairs man it's so hairy I'm going to be on high elf oh so basically like yourself no I'm scared or monk I needed to check I needed to make sure I had a vagina okay what my CH is [ __ ] confirmed making my character Guardian as emo as possible you IRL me IRL emo y that was bad are we picking cool nams I did sort of Zena Zen are you laughing what's so funny I'm going to be my chat's saying Greg chat my character is a woman Gara oh I I got to think of something really good can I just name myself printer printer yeah I printer bro okay now I'm good you'll never make fun of my name it's too cool now we'll see about that I did this so fast okay this is the most setting part he's hot what you his mouth though it's like sideways bro he's got like all these tentacles in his face I want to squish his from the sea of course she's going to like that yeah oh God no Lily Are You Going to Kiss the thing you know there's a kiss option Lily don't do it I tried it yeah CU let's see you bro know he opens it someone went yeah spread it he like opened it I was like it's time get to see how cool everyone is You' guys better have made yourselves cool I'm going to be so pissed I see Mouse in the back I just see like someone with pink hair oh my God then you're sexy ass Dragon one Dand little peasant name and then there's Ariel fall she's the rich girl I put my hand in it why it's are we going through the butthole I was just going to say would you like to enter the sphincter with me definitely absolutely are we going to befriend the freaking brain that's up here or no I think it'd be cool I didn't befriend it when I did mine I accidentally killed it I crushed him after I used him damn I can just leave looks like jelly I kind of want to eat it oh she a doctor oh she a doctor oh [ __ ] be a oh I'm putting it out of his misery yeah yeah great a professional oh God squishy I'm sorry I tried cut scene uhoh wait what happens when she tries to join now because we are a full party your head throbs and your skin thring head oh me and the boys girl night why am I first you inspiration my friend okay check this out hiya woo W go smack him now nice I want to play the drum oh hey what are these buttons do Z no it's going to kill them they going to kill them it has been pushed they're hostile can't hit me should we save this person uh yes really o welcome back we'd make for easy targets all group together like that split up oh God my demon bral man I think our four players have nothing to fear from the brain ears what is that supposed to mean May the gods take you first ked the devil yet Commander sword he shable I love this song yby Bobby yeah critical okay okay he's Bing nice critical they can all one shot us no no no no they're not going to one shot you run I think it's possible I think we should get greedy I think be really funny oh God oh my God not going to one shot you don't press it yet no I wanted to grieve the sword mhm we're all alive now that's what m she get it reach out and kiss him think all right BKK ouch oh my God Shadow her I found somebody happen to our friend consider calling her a friend my bestie my bestie with the no nose can't think better wants to join us stop taking all the golds in going to make me loot go and everything time to fight a little dog they look like dog wao i f wo I'm sorry that was me it's my husband though you talk to him Mouse I've got one of those brain things cor got one of them corn you can you like you killed the others easily stand back he's playing tricks on you he tricked me I think he lik he's on top of me oh my God I kind of want to headbutt him but I don't know ooh good R yeah I know he likes it he likes it tell him your name and your story what if he doesn't give a about my story you've been busy oh he car about my story we're basically dating now but your party seems a little I wred him anyway my space but maybe sticking with the herd isn't a bad idea sa we're going to get married who wants to kiss the M flare you want to make out the Mind flare and die you can actually kiss yeah then you should try it you should try it save first a hand anyone any let's see your R ariela dra and fall give me a break come on do it pull out and make out immediately keep pulling hold on my winner damn Z you looking at him like he a snack and I am not complaining I know I know you're not I saw all those ultimate games you got on your switch Zen real recognizes real I have not exactly a common Affliction we're most certainly going to need a Healer me standing here a cleric standing man emoji I'll make my way to your camp and Embark upon a succulent slow cook to be consumed he wants a succulent slow cookies up the hill we go anybody want to take this lielle oh Voldemort the thing's dangerous these are my people get rid of them I can Paladin my way out of this show us your deception yes gas like M she's right let's go Rel do not keep me waiting whatever lady whatever okay I just can't help but notice that her nose is very small that's what I'm saying she got no no he seems a little ill leave this to me intimidation time Dragon Ball how cut you oh my God come on you no point in getting killed but I want wanted to kill him there's something underneath here can you stop on that Circle how do we get in I oh no oh no we're so there's nothing in here down thund waving them is happening Zen you're in the way can't go past you I can't move it's not my turn God Zen you know I can heal right you don't going to do that so why didn't you heal me maybe you don't deserve healing wow okay you know what what what the heck you got L's catching Strays for no reason said what the wow my people here this so up they're coming inside watch this so we're going to that's one down good stuff okay [Music] uh-oh he didn't give a yeah oh what the opportunity we're all going to die heal you a little bit there good stuff think right dipping I didn't know you could you up with this cooking maybe not cooking all right I'll get out there thinking thinking this part is actually hard because I have died before in this area by myself 13 damage but with how much we'll see o a okay oh I'm dead oh ow again this is terrible again jezy hit them with a ma maybe if I want to I beg of you maybe o you're lucky that person missed me going to use my extra attack oh yeah we're totally good yeah I don't think we're going to win this the optimism no I don't know how she's surviving it's fine it's fine I before Oh my God I'm dead dead yes yes yes it was a pleasure goodbye I think they have something against me they don't like me I'm dead Mouse's dead body on the floor and look at your P oh my God we're doing it cleric we might be in trouble now oh big let me try Z they get opportunity tax if you jump away or walk away I think that's so bull man that the wizard hits you with a stick for like eight damage [Music] vanish good ideas XII just close the door it's the comeback of the century now oh my God come on Zen yes okay okay are we doing it come on two more I can rest M oh my god get back here M oh my god did it I think a smart idea here would be to go to the camp I like how we just immediately go to taking off our clothes my ass is very fat just saying let's get to bed it's sleepy time oh yeah oh yeah with the iPhone light okay I think we need to go be ready for another fight oh you're fighting again yeah Zen wants to meet her husband though I do open the I hear him over [Music] there 's blast Ro the blade oh F suffer it sting Zen husband surely they don't all Focus me my boy is coming here to save me though I there we go oh inspired so inspiring than you very much she like a Soulful Indie kind ofer with she like pleases drum got him in the as as is my favorite word how the hell are you saying that I can't say it like that if you say a yes eyes eyes sake it's just the bug bear nice that was the last of them inside all of you follow can't wait to make money what I Tri you tri oh that voice crack with the I didn't ask for any goddamn help kind of could have died God I want to fight oh my goodness oh 16 oh let's go with easy easy oh my God these hands are rated E for everyone that's the good heads or tails this is the best thing ever heads it is I've got more where that came from interesting m do it again heads do it again come on okay heads or tails he sound so done that just breaking a little kid God heads or tails why is he still agreeing to play this with you I would have been gone heads again head he's going to lose it again you're killing me here lady you really are how many voice lights does he have for this dude he hates you you are on the ship will chases the fiend ignited with ranker she is an infernal War devil evil incarnate she's probably hot advocatus diabol her name is carlac she'll leave behind nothing but a trail of corpses so we need to look for this avocado Diablo standing here I remove the outsiders no the time has come for you to lipstick for your life I literally didn't oh oh alive what happened I never had the before they never F oh my God they're [Applause] fighting wa murder murder what is happening huh what the I have to kill this boar I have no idea what happened over near you I kind of killed somebody by accident holy [ __ ] guess we're evil let's go [ __ ] oh I did not expect to kill anybody it is what it is I wonder how Mouse is doing level up guys think of the experience we're going to get from all these people that we're going to kill what is this thing before we go super quick let me get extra HP before you help there's a lot of dead people yeah yeah Sho it oh it's that I always wanted to do this that burned alive and that was so nice yes all right stealing has caught someone's attention I got caught stealing yeah they don't like that should we just kill them people bro gu I'm evil guys what the let's fight out W murder murder murder all right just save them all look I want to loot the stuff and that means we have to kill them I cannot believe this what the my pets person in here that burned alive and that was so nice you got to have like a murder run it's got to happen and then we can go to the goblin area we could team up with all of them we could recruit the drom and and be friends with [Music] them yeah baby dead just wiped out an entire town I feel great about this one thing I did at least what is it I heal the bird heal the bird one good thing out of massacring an entire freaking Town mhm they started it through the telescope dragon a dragon damn look at his hair a fireball just his hair I was going to say is that not a hairstyle that we could pick for our character cuz I wish I could have I would have made a funny dude yeah kill her what wrong ANW Zen wrong one I feel bad about killing this guy because of his hairline I missed that's so embarrassing so embarrassing that's so embarrassing get him woo can he drop his hair I want to put it on my head like a bald cap what the if a TR dies can you absorb it absorb it give me P oh oh what the did I do oh God what it's warming up my but you put it in your butt put it in your butt let's go the C Bear probably a giant button there I need to leave your appointment app the mon cool I'll take all of your [ __ ] wow wow it's free real estate thank you for playing with us thank you for having me I do see the chest fed chest we need it oh oh its eyes still fixed on you you can Mo now or step closer and die um oh you guys made it a little Shrine I back hey bestie hey besti jeez ouch potion of animal speaking what if I talk to the owl bear oh did you get too close to the cuff I'm going to lose my mind this is probably the worst case goodbye sweet owl bear wait you killed it uh we're currently fighting the owl bear we can't have sh over here just kill the mother kill the mother the Cup's crying over its mother oh my God the cup continu to gor himself do I I might not able to use to be Jesus Christ that was so then why are you naked child I think I'm broken I can't equip anything my scream is completely gone now her UI is gone oh what a shame we have to reload yeah it's alive it should still be alive now we're going to talk talk to the AL bear just don't get too close to the Cub if you like stand right on it she'll freak the out where the heck is mouse how is going to go steal the egg why would you do that the egg is worth so much money do you want to kill the owl bear again and watch its child eat it no never mind yeah this is where I'm going to have to call it quit I love you guys I love you too love you I love you guys thank you for hanging out with me [Music] bye
Channel: ironmouse
Views: 187,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ironmouse, VTuber, baldur's gate 3, gameplay, playthrough
Id: cr6l-imSLLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2023
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