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hello and welcome to three scary games [Music] a boo look see did you jump scare them uh yeah they you didn't oh i didn't give you enough of a setup all right i'll give you some more okay all right i'll give you something good i promise i promise i won't let you down i never do never do hi yeah no okay all right all right i'll do one more but this is the last time okay i'll real i'm gonna give it my all i'm gonna give it my all i'm gonna give it my all okay cool this is dog house 2. that dog is not dead i don't know how to stress that the dog is fine and alive and we're going to build that dog in dog house and this is dog house too i've never even played dog house one but apparently this is multiple endings eagle vision okay sounds good sounds good sounds good oh that's big dog oh leonard i will build you a home soon all right leonard you got it instructions on building a dog house quite lengthy all right tree do i need wood i can't open it from the outside all right that's probably fine that's probably totally fine oh leonard i'm gonna whoa what i need to unlock the garage to get started i need to address my artistic choices my sense of style needs work that's what it needs some abg blocks whatever you happen to see i don't know i don't know whatever happened to uh good art choices weirdly works with cds too my final how to get away with doing nothing oh my god what is wrong with me oh spaghetti a piece by jam from an art market yeah don't go there anymore kind of creeps me out to be honest yeah why did you buy it why is this knocked over why is that blocked off what is with this the majestic king panda no it's not that's not what this is anyway to turn that off save some power knife please i keep this around for self-defense and you know cooking in the event of a lettuce attack oh i'm i'm a comedian here all right sure ooh leonard's favorite song all right pick it up and play it for him when he's upset why would he be upset how deadly is his upset i should take a bite to see if it's done good stuff what oh oh i'll go on stage please that's where i belong okay anyway now for our main event please welcome leonard leonard hello everyone great to be here what's the deal with fire hazards in my right everything's fine must have been a weird dream good lasagna though can i have another bite nope okay just save that for leonard i guess oh my garage i need to open the garage first okay hi leonard how are you doing buddy hey hey poopy okay oh leonard lunard leonard leonard lunard how do i get out of my home i seem to have fenced myself in i'm not very good at building things and now the hammer hi okay this is fine looking good is it is it it's not my oven beeping god it better not be did i forget to turn it off not quite done what do you mean not quite done i took a bite of that of course it was done it was done a while ago why my lights go off who did this to me how dare you me do that oh i need to hurry up and build this thing um okay no no no any second now any second now what what's gonna happen any second now oh hi puppy uh oh okay that's a good pop that oh you humanely captured leonard inside the doghouse the next day you decided to call law enforcement by by the time they arrived they found the dog house was empty you still wonder where he could have gone good ending i did it i guess what whoa hey what's up pooch hey what's up gang i'm gonna go do this yoink hey what's up hey there poochie um uh i need to get the nails okay i don't exactly know where i made a choice there and now the hammer looking good oven who turned my lights off stop it oh mentos a bucket of mints i keep sure okay stop oh oh hey what's up pup lenny [Music] leonard you're all right [Music] oh hey that's okay oh unfinished business your once beloved pet is now something of a different breed he tried to escape him but died in the process [Music] oh i need to hurry up and build it oh how why what no what huh i wha [Music] all right there's there must be something else to do here i imagine it has to do with something like crouching or whatever because they told me that i could crouch better kept inside would especially after last time what does that mean what do you mean better kept inside what's better kept inside what do you mean better kept inside there might be something about crawling into here and hiding what if i hide no i can't get in there i might be able to hide from him when he's attacking me you know what i mean i might be able to okay oh bean no lights go off i come here [Music] okay hey pups uh what if i ah maybe this will calm him down it will i should go now i should go now i should go now get him get him oh [Music] okay do i turn the lights now okay you wanted you want to dance with me you want to dance together oh disco dot you were able to sue the savage beast you decided to make the most of the situation and entered into a dog dancing contest where you and leonard went on to receive many accolades oh i know what else to do i don't know if i want to do it though oh come at me bro come at me bro what are you gonna do what are you gonna do what are you gonna do huh what are you gonna do hey stab stab sap oh oh come on okay i don't know the other endings and i don't have the patience to find them but not bad had some like subtly spooky things there to it but not overtly scary i would say but not bad you know not bad not bad moving on this is uh experiment grocery store i think was it called and it's something about you working in a grocery store which is already a horrifying experience as we've already established from other games hello cinematic wow nice ride could you drive slower grandma you know we some of us got places to be let's uh pick up the pace a little bit you know let's uh mosey along you know let's uh okay no take your time oh shopping okay here we go cola pizza taco the three main food groups really my priorities as a human being or this is not a door i am incredibly stupid hey i'll be right there be right there hey hey hey how you doing i'm looking for a pizza cola taco you have pizza cola taco here your neck is so flexible pizza cola taco just point me in the general direction and i'll head on over there don't you squint your eyes at me don't do that it's cool talking all right i'll help myself cola that's helpful one thanks thank you popper right in the bag there i'll pay for it as soon as i found the pizza taco okay bye um ice cream though you got any pizza pizza by the slice ah this is some good stuff you know this is quality when uh reducing plastic i see anyway taco single doughnut on a shelf condiments hamburgers taco ah here we go oh i need more cola how much more cola could i possibly need anyway i got a taco one's good for me just the one please how about a green how about oh canned food oops guy cola you got any coal coal of course yeah no oh there we go oh i see i see i see okay thank you i'll take this thank you anyway you having a good night slow round here you know supply chain issues and all that all right i'll be gone thanks two bags huh reduce all that plastic and then give me two plastic bags don't squint your eyes at me all right bye guess i'm all done gotta get my ass home to my exciting life get some pizza in me maybe a taco or two or one i only buy one all right that was great but what beer doughnut pete what is this the same night did i just go oh okay hey hey hey look who's back it's me your favorite customer man you need to get the janitor in here anyway looking for some beer donut pizza all right anyway i'll help myself thank you very much yeah don't excuse me popper on there come back for another pizza that's first slice was just too good couldn't pass up another opportunity to get some za in me you know what i mean anyway where's the beer don't squint your eyes at me where's the beer i'll find it myself don't worry with the other drinks probably now here we go the old devil's sauce as they call it i call it that you don't have to call it that so uh you from around here all right see you around i'll be back wink wink wink you know me always in the neighborhood always having a good time i'll see you around donut sauce taco okay oh i have a flashlight that's interesting hey hey hey guess who's back it's me again now i'm just gonna be on my way i won't bother you seems like your cake sign is a little droopy you like my flashlight i just found it pretty cool right almost makes you want to squint your eyes because it's so bright there you go all right uh donut sauce taco well no more pizza i guess [Music] my sauce i prefer the yellow myself [Music] another taco i'll hold myself to it just the one okay last one hey lucky me must be my lucky day uh who knows what else good could happen today you know what i'm saying anything could uh maybe win the lottery anyway see ya around i'm just hungry tonight you know just gotta buy a lot of stuff guess who's back it's uh me hey okay all right you you squinting your eyes at me oh my god oh my god hi you know i wanted to talk to you before but for some reason i don't really want to do now is that your beard are you just happy to see me ma'am you good you good ma'am no okay all right what's my list i don't even have you know what i forgot what my list was i think i'm gonna go i think i'm gonna go i think i'm gonna well okay my instinct was right off the bat if you could stop winking at me that'd be great i'm gonna just find another way out i don't like that sound well i didn't even know you had bathrooms in here just gonna check all the stalls for some damn reason all right all right okay all right here apparently oh this is an impressive server that you've got here why hey how you doing pal oh wow nice teeth uh okay markiplier haven't noticed any paranormal phenomenons yet human unemployed single has a driver's license discovered during the experiment favorite products beer pizza donuts has bought unprescribed unprecedented prizes has not used the toilet brought 11 products in toil oh ma'am uh oh ma'am [Music] oh hey pal you all right okay i bet i guess not okay all right just gonna what is this site 23 employee guidelines keep track of the test subject at all times server room must not be visited by regular staff team restricted from leaving the site during an experiment phase you must comply with your supervisor's commands a violation of these rooms will get you extra toilet why do you why do you keep saying toilet [Music] that's not in my file i don't go to the toilet i'm gonna go to the toilet now i'm going to go to this toilet turn it anybody twirl it turl it curl it throw it throw it urinate i'm too scared to pee you god damn right i am what push oh oh this way ah i see i see i see i see okay i'm free definitely 100 i am 100 free [Music] hi hello oh my god oh my god i did it did i win am i free oh god the end i did it oh okay that was cool like legitimately it was very cool and also the idea that it was tracking what i did i don't know if there are other endings if you do different things that was really cool though i like that a lot if you guys want to check that out for yourself link is in the description as always well as most of the time unless i forgot but check out if there's other endings to that because that was very cool that was very cool but anyway moving on this is after school by sir serto edister the caption of this one was where did everybody go so i'm guessing that i'm going to be at school and no one else is going to be here hello hi hello all right well i see an exclamation point man my feet are slappy where did everybody go seems to not be anybody here leave i'm done what what don't tell me this is like scp-087b please don't be scp-087-b okay oh my god oh my god oh no oh no oh [Music] hey this is definitely an scp thing there's definitely an scp thing what are you doing to me guys what are you doing to me what are you doing to me well i should probably go back i should go back up at this point oh i should go back up oh [ __ ] stark oh where did i go down i knew what it was and yet i went down anyway i must be some kind of idiot i must be some kind of stupid i must be some kind of dumb i've been playing horror games for near on 10 years and i still don't know when not to go into place okay well my ability to run has been severely hampered seems like i am not going to be going anywhere anytime soon boy i should start going back up at some point i haven't even tried what is that other there's another sound rising in the mix there's another sound something rising up i don't like crescendos crescendos in horror games means bad it never means good it's always what was that what did i hear oh oh okay all right fine then this is how you want to play the game am i getting slower i feel like i'm getting slower oh my god hey and up i go dude i'm fast as hell boy [Music] oh my god you're still there okay don't look back i'm looking back and uh it seems if i run kind of crissy crossy i go a little faster oh yeah serpentine here here yes no no yes no i don't know this way what what do you want oh my god what no not like this okay i'm definitely safe 100 nothing bad is gonna happen to me you're a tall one wait is that you uh well this is awkward oh my god no students of the school was ever seen again nobody knows where they went oh hi you weren't there before what what does that say is that a code what no way wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute e might be an a a u 0 p e y r q let's try that first let's try e oh is that a v is that not a youth is that a v okay it's definitely zero p y or q i think that's a u uh it doesn't seem like it's there anymore or i'm not typing it right that is definitely a code let me check on their page found the password which led to some other stuff not sure if there was more or not but i really enjoyed it wait did did this guy in his video find the password hang on pastebin.com it's so hard to see it hey maybe we should a it's not an e it's an a okay ah it's got a password to it so somewhere in this game there's a password okay i didn't look that up i looked up this because i needed confirmation of what this was that sounds different so somewhere in here there's a password i just gotta find out where maybe there's other oh i can't go this way what are you trying to hide something from me what are you trying to whoa is that a note on the door is that a note on the door no flukes well that doesn't seem like a password 2.33 2 3 3 they're all 2 3 3. well i'll play through one more time but if i'm not going to get anything from this then wait what was what's with the dawn let me out oh i gotta do this again whoa i saw that what the hell was that about whoa [Music] i didn't like that i swear i didn't see that before what in the hell i'mma where are you where are you not today not today i'm fast as [ __ ] boy okay somewhere here i'm just willing to bet it probably appeared afterwards right that's what happened definitely definitely definitely somewhere here somewhere there password oh damn it oh damn it all right whoa whoa oh oh oh on the wall there okay okay okay okay all right okay okay i saw it on the wall there i couldn't get to it though but it was on the wall i don't know why i only saw it then and not before but i saw it just open the door hi hi it's me well i'm out bye [Laughter] what are you doing oh my god all right it's cool okay okay okay okay okay here oh it was there what do you mean what do you mean why wouldn't it be there anymore i could i literally couldn't get to it before like there was no way to walk down there oh damn it okay well that's dumb unless i gotta like come here first and then go down and then it would appear no all right well i don't know i'm not gonna be able to read it so i'm gonna piggyback off of uh jar red jar red jared i think there's a code at the bottom you see it was that there before it was there but i couldn't read it i can paste it and blow it up here and two three one two three four i swear the last two numbers are fours but it i mean who the heck knows they might be nines for all i know they definitely look like fours okay so i spent a hell of a long time trying to figure out the code i thought it was zero zero zero zero zero four four it is in fact the letter d five times and the number forty four and this is what it unlocked they are locked and what looks like a string of binary but i put the binary into a text converter and this is when it comes up they are hidden in the d path find them and bring them to me i think is what it's trying to say but there are some numbers hidden within this text seven one two six one zero but i don't know what that means that was it okay it was it it was triple capital d and that leads here so binary to text they are hidden i think it means in the depth find them and bring them to me i wish there's no space there so if you're gonna put this like that you would be consistent about it so 712610 might be a code but this is a in the depth because in the depth of the staircase that you went down i don't think it means in this one because it seems like the developer said something along the lines of message will help you in a future game of mine be prepared and it's like okay well that's fine i did not go through all the work but thank you to jar red for doing all the work well done you are more persistent than i am because i gave up on the previous one just get two endings and i'll leave it to you well i mean it's nothing really to leave it to you except for those endings so thank you for doing that but anyway this was good not sure what the benefit of finding the hidden stuff is if it's for a future game but it's very good very good [Music] that'll do it for this episode of three scary games lexi and i got it this time i got it i know what's going to scare them i know it's going to scare the pants off of them i'll yeah i'll take it and then you take it from there and you've had them a one-two punch boom boom okay cool all right [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,554,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games 80, markiplier, scary games, scariest, horror, horror games, indie horror, playthrough, walkthrough, lets play, gaming, markipliergame, mark fischbach, lixian, scp, doghouse 2, after school, experiment groceries
Id: WEC4iwfN9zA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 30sec (1890 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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