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hello welcome to three scary games mark is not here but don't you worry today we have a great spooky video recorded in front of a live stream audience enjoy the spooks but please beware something is out there keep your eyes peeled like this [Music] [Applause] i think this one is based off the exact same uh engine and model as like buff among us buff imposter or whatever it was i think there's literally no difference here but i won't try it anyway all right let's see what's up oh my god the mouse sensitivity press f flashlight right all right uh-oh maze always changes every time right i remember [Music] oh uh hi needs something no you need something from me i don't even know what you could provide why are you staring at me freaking what if you try to fight him you will lose what are you stupid or what hey come on now i'm just trying to look at your pretty face what are you are you stupid why are you staring at me because i feel like it what's up with you what do you want you're the one who joined me here what's your problem to keep looking at me like that i'm i'm not gonna look away you know what i had a staring contest with ethan for like eight minutes stop staring at me hey try try me try me you look away why don't you look away don't listen to him who uh dude what why does it have to be me why don't you go somewhere else i may do a trick i'm looking forward to tear him apart who who stop staring at me this is so weird your stare is creepy your face is creepy do i have something between my teeth oddly enough you don't have teeth so that's not exactly a concern of mine you look pretty oh thank you that's awfully sweet you don't who do you think you are looking at what are you looking at what what do you what do you look at what were you looking at staring at me i might i might just what are you looking at you have beautiful laws so do alive not you you owe me no if i could i would if i could i really really would you know this is what i love in games things that are like not pertinent to thing but just like continuous more and more the more you dig i know it's like thank you i know it's like hard to do stuff i think this is the wrong way probably thanks hi are you just gonna keep doing that you could keep doing that i wouldn't go in there researchers once turned a live cat into a telephone why why do you know that why would that be a thing i wouldn't go in there i guess i won't either did you hear that no was it your blabbering creepy room i would choose another door i'm so tired of dying okay man hi you found me congratulations oh my god [Applause] me something no i'm good man i'm good nothing in here yeah i know i know man what this game is will you go in the wrong direction how about you point me in the right direction you would be you would be man wrong way says you i love this like so much work put into such a simple concept you know what i mean i would choose another door yeah well you're a creepy monkey so uh i can't exactly choose another you yes love it i'm the best i'm the hi gosh you scared me sure yeah man hi i made us t it's just such a silly concept of like this but it's so well done you will always be running okay thanks thank you didn't think you would show up here i didn't think that you'd ever leave me alone for a moment and yet here you did just like everything constantly changes like perpetually changing is such a fun concept you get away from me what are you doing and just like things like this changing in the darkness it's so the details you know the details says you scared potter and the monkey look man i'm trying i'm trying i wish i could hey look at that i don't know if those arrows on the ground actually help but not fast enough well you're stupid but not stupid enough strange why am i here i don't know why am i here [Music] i'm back yep good man good good stuff strange why am i here i don't know i don't know man i can't kill him freak you man he's so dark yeah almost like darkipliers here huh i made us tea i love this monkey i love this but it's gonna get old real fast i can already tell hi that is weird isn't it if you want to live run now okay all right man i'm so tired of dying okay all right we oh god no no watch this supreme skill okay i made it i am the best confess my weakness oh hi no i did not hear that am i free what are you looking for a burger i'm looking for a burger a bregoire you ever seen a burger i don't remember meeting you researchers once turned a live cat into a telephone great story man please please pretty please please what please me and go away would love that would love that actually are you looking for something i told you a bergwar you are all you're all alone god i wish i end up here i don't know a gun i'll use you i have a gun on you could you delete my homework folder for me please is that where you keep your porn help me some guy shot me oh never mind it just you again killing me will get rid of me uh i'm seeing that but you know it feels better oh monkey death oh my god that is so funny yep still here still dead my god what a game some guy shot me [Applause] take some of this [Laughter] i'm gonna i'm gonna leave that one there because i don't want it to overstay its welcome i have defeated buff doge at his own game wasn't buff enough to stop my bullets god that was so fun i didn't even know i would fall in love with that monkey character but wow i thought this was just going to be a reskin of the uh the buff among us imposter but it had that monkey and i never thought that that monkey would add depth to the game god what a fun game really love that truly very very good very good anyway moving on i've been told with 100 certainty that there are no snakes in this game there are absolutely zero snakes choo choo charles oh hell yeah that looks awesome i will absolutely wish list that that looks dope as hell look at that oh them that that bodes well for this one all right but this is no snake hotel let's find out how true that with a is no snake guarantee here at the no snake hotel we pride ourselves in our incomprehensible lack of snakes at other hotels you run the constant risk of finding a snake in your bedsheets a snake in your toilet or even waking up to a snake sliding down your throat it happens more than you'd think call the front desk for questions and enjoy your stay at the no snake hotel okay [Music] you know if i didn't know any better i might assume that there might be some snakes in this but there seems to be such good guarantees i just arrived at the hotel good golly bart this place is immaculate you know how much i hate snakes so i went out of my way to stay at the no snake hotel they've really done it bart there are absolutely no snakes in this hotel [Music] [Laughter] anyway find room 100 all right i can do that 123. one two three okay got it one one two two okay one two two okay one two one one two oh uh-huh got it one one hey where one one nine one one nine i thought i saw something i'm living the dream i didn't think it was possible but i sure am happy it is the no snake hotel really lives up to its name ever since i was a little girl and got abducted by an army of rabid snakes while on vacation i haven't left my house after 50 years in solitude i finally have a safe place where i can vacation thanks no snake hotel well i mean this seems great this seems dope as hell wow one 115 four oh look at the chairs one one three one one two this could be 100 maybe not oh everywhere except here yeah no kidding i feel safer than ever here one time at some other hotel i walk [Music] i walked into my room and when i turned around to shut the door there was a snake as long as my arm dangling from the coat hook but here at no snake hotel i don't need to worry about that creepy slithering creature oh what creepy slithering creatures might be standing directly behind me and directly behind you because you're not at no snake hotel unlike me okay one one one one oh 109 108 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. this must be uh [Music] oh yeah well that seems fine i'm gonna assume that's ah it's a snake oh damn it they promised dude i don't like the darkness i choose oh i should have chose the darkness okay oh hey hey uh uh [Music] was there a way to run away from me did i mess that up did i miss it i gotta go back guys i got i gotta go back let me out let me out let me out there's gotta be another way that shadow area that seemed like the dark path you know what i mean wink wink wink it seemed like there was something dark going on there and uh you know if if i'm not mistaken something something dark down there might be waiting for me you know something dark wink wink wink might be waiting for markiplier you know a dark zone at the end of the hallway might be waiting for uh this guy i i kind of like whenever i see a dark area i run straight for it i run straight for it oh i can't run straight forward i'm running away from it somehow i don't know how hey i was in the levator there's no way that the dark path would have betrayed me there must have been something wrong with the game i better try it again whenever i see a dark path i jump right into it and there's no way that it could lie to me and i won't let it lie to me because i will not be lied to there is something dark down there and i'm gonna find it the darkness has something for markiplier it's like an empire made darkness you know what i mean i think you know what i mean i'm gonna go down into whatever that darkness is one could say i'm gonna go down on that darkness i'm gonna go down on the dark that's what i'm gonna do that's what i'm gonna do bling oh yeah i'm turning and i'm running out of order oh no all right okay betrayed betrayed by the darkness i would say i like that a lot that was very fun short but fun moving on this is amanda the adventurer um i'm thinking it must be something based off of like dora the explorer but uh not 100 sure episode one okay oh this looks lovely i can't i'm amanda and i'm wooly and i love apples do you like apples whoa uh no i'm allergic to apples that's okay you should never be afraid to try something new but we don't even know where the store is do you know where the store is okay is this the store are you the store do you know where the store is do you know where this door is here yeah that's right let's go we're at the store it sure looks crowded and look there are apples can you see apple no nope say apple apple okay um moderately concerning about that uh is there something else going on here that i need to be worried about i feel like i should be able to just turn all this off and back away but uh not seeing that as an option so i'm guessing i just move forward okay episode two okay oh you okay we don't have much time whatever you do hi everyone i'm amanda and i'm willie today we're going to get meat for grandma but is it grandma a vegetarian can you tell us where the butcher is the butcher the the butcher the butcher can you tell us where the butter is here the butter um you know i would really love but i have a bad feeling you're going to uh butcher your sheep friend here and that's not going to go well uh for uh the sheep friend and then me i might be next so there it is let's go i love me man can you tell the meat man what we need no apple can you tell me what we need no no tell them what we need oh boy mark m a r it's just filling it in for me guys i don't okay so [Applause] [Music] didn't like the way you were looking at that sheep i'm thinking that my theory my uh my lore might be correct here guys i might uh i might have nailed the lore of this can you tell me what episode we should do next can you tell me where episode three is can you tell me where else that's right it's here all right oh god it's dark out let's go home great what is this what's this uh unidentifiable pile of nothing what's uh what's this playground huh playground went to the house what point to the house is how you said oh i don't know if i want to uh i'd rather not actually oh oh is this my house oh please no i don't like that oh oh no oh that ain't good [Music] whoa yeah i wanna try that again what happens if you do what amanda says the whole time i'm kind of curious these are really cool i like this concept it's super fun i like this very simple um not complicated but it really like gives a good feel to it right hi i'm amanda hi i'm bullying wow i love apple do you like apple yes yes i'm allergic to apples that's okay you should never be afraid to try something new but we don't even know where the store is do you know where the store is yeah yeah oh i see it still does it anyway can you see apple apple good job now we can make apple pie huh yeah there's got to be like a secret to this there's got to be a secret because like some of you pointed out like at the end there were five letters it could have been apple it could have been apple us where the butcher is there it is let's go hello hi me man hey man can you tell the meat man what we need can you tell the meat man what we need i don't think it works tell them what we need i'm trying hmm it's not in space with mark blair there's no secrets you might be right about that but there could be just like no one's found the jump in again secret and in space with markiplier some secrets are just so well hidden you'd never even know what is this what is this what is this oh oh okay six letters a-m-a-n-d-a amanda amanda oh six six amanda oh maybe maybe not i have no idea butcher butcher myrrh oh oh was i supposed to type that in fascinating it's dark out let's go home knock on the door [Music] interesting app say hello wait didn't that say hello hmm i should have done apple there's got to be more right there's got to be more okay what if i actually put in woolly for that secret one because i think there must have been something about that it won't it like gave me the answer at the end but i could have typed that in before right gotta be something can you say apple yep uh i feel like there's got to be a secret thing you can put in for each of these right for each spot there has to be something you can type in that is a secret because there's three letters on the first one there's five letters on the next one here there's four letters the secret video has six letters it wants you to say wooly like i don't know if it gives you that secret take just because you're playing it again or because you type in lamb because there's the secret tape okay so if you type in wooly it just goes there right away why oh that's a good idea that's a good idea nah that doesn't do anything either oh i know i tr i did type in amanda before that did work let me try this one more time okay so what i'm gonna do is in this entry i'm gonna type in girl let's see what that does can you tell the meat man what we need nah tell them what we need i don't know if that would do anything that's right nah yeah and that doesn't give you okay there's gotta be there's got to be something else because we didn't get the secret that was caused by saying lamb so there's another element here that has to be a part of this but i i highly doubt that there would be anything in this game that you would not be able to get from playing the game in terms of clues right nonsense this is nonsense let me look up something when in doubt cheat i'm so guessing that there's more stuff to this there's gotta be there's gotta be maybe there's not and maybe there's nothing more maybe that extra tape is the only thing i'm gonna guess that's it all right whatever that was very good i liked that a lot it was creepy interesting had new thing but yeah i i think it should have totally way way way more secrets in there should definitely have way more secrets if there are i may revisit it but i'll i'm also might wait until um until there's some more substance there thank you for watching this three scary games video spooky right i hope you enjoyed it mark is gone see you next time bye bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 6,040,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games 86, markiplier, scary games, scariest, horror, horror games, indie horror, playthrough, walkthrough, lets play, gaming, markipliergame, mark fischbach, lixian, scp, buff doge, no snake hotel, amanda the adventurer
Id: 88J20yclolQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 15sec (1755 seconds)
Published: Sun May 22 2022
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