Inventory Management and You: Darkest Dungeon Guide

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what's up y'all shuffle and today's video is going to be on managing inventory this is a question i've gotten quite frequently and it's something i usually talk about during stream but i feel like a video specifically for it is warranted so if you want to learn how to deal with inventory and stuff like that stay tuned and then always as or as always there you go the channel plugging stuff if you enjoy the video give it a thumbs up leave your thoughts down below in the comments and then check out the box below for cool links like discord twitter twitch and patreon there's a bunch of cool stuff for you so i'm not gonna put on the the studio lighting aka the one ring light that i own but i'm going to just go through this and talk about uh inventory i've already outfitted this team so i have a impale spam build just something fun to watch and then we have a standard vessel set up with some bonus scouting and then we have pd which is pretty pretty strong setup here the profits eye trophy and all that so with this the provisions here this is like one of the um the biggest hurdles when managing inventory is the provisions you take so i already made a provision guide if you want to go see that i'll link it below if i remember i usually try to remember sometimes i forget but for that i talk about the loadouts or the supplies i take to every zone this is a medium code mission so i take two stacks of food i over prepare by the way some people you know get on me about how much stuff i take but i over prepare just because this game can you know rng you to high health sometimes so we also have to deal with the activate quest clogging our inventory a bit more than normal so we're going to treat this as a regular play through like obviously i don't need the money or the heirlooms on this file but i'm going to treat it as if this file did need money and needed to still upgrade the blacksmith and the uh the guild hall so we're gonna prioritize gold first and then heirlooms after that so we'll see what happens there and we'll talk about some tips and stuff so it'll be kind of a like tutorial battle thing too at the same time i guess but um that's what we have going on since we have plague doctor we don't need bandages or antivenom really because she's gonna be fast enough to uh get bleed off of whoever in most cases she might get high roll but not all the time so i think we're gonna start this file also has the mill but i'm still taking the normal amount of food that i do and i'll just pretend that we're dealing with hunger checks the flopping fish like things the flopping let ancestor finish so for inventory there are a few things you want to do you want to be able to pick up as much as you can obviously but you also have to prioritize or figure out like the best path through the dungeons so considering that i haven't scouted anything and i have to activate three wards um i'm gonna try and backtrack as minimally as possible and if i do i want the backtracking to be efficient so this these are about the same this looks like a pretty even split besides this room so we have one back track here and then four and we have one back track here and then one two three four five actually these this is deceptive then because it looks like it's like split down the middle but it's actually not it it's direct it is split down the middle wait does it one two three four five yeah i guess it is so it looks like it isn't but it is there you go so i'm gonna go to this room first because it's the shortest one and for inventory specifically i usually leave it for the way back in case i spend a provision in here like see just even this example right here so if my inventory was full normally then i would have looted that pack and got nothing that i could have kept so this way i open a spot and then i go back then we can open this we had a map but you know if that was loot that would have been pretty cool sorry finally started taking the allergy medicine again and um it's doing its job but i feel like my nose is draining so same idea even though this is a torch sconce there are things we could even do with this we could snuff the torch and then get bonus loot out of the sconce so we have a chance at like a gem so we're still going to leave that because depending on what else we see we may snuff the torch before we come back here so we got snakes which is not common we're going for an impale spam type of build but we do this instead they're probably people that don't know what these are so or they know what they are and they're like why are these out in the open but um i'm not gonna redo my video for a slight spoiler although the snake is just absolutely brutalizing me all right that one didn't create that's good um i think we stun i mean sundown with pd so we're gonna stun up here the other reason we're stunning that one too is because it doesn't ever post and i think we're still going to try and kill it do some damage here i should have done last turn i use noxious splash just like by reflex so i was gonna throw this antsy venom away but actually it's doing stuff for us right now so that's pretty cool thanks gone now i can't stun it it's unfortunate we're getting very close to a death store scenario it's like the one time i'm actually a topper off so i want to avoid dust store if possible this thing's getting first yeah blights that would have destroyed her actually it would have been close because she had the 15 prod from the crit but she has 10 prod from the signer ring so i'm going to yell it's pretty dangerous i don't feel like anyone's going to die right now but you know better safe than sorry so you could use pd to kill this we might if this sticks we're definitely going to okay um that's 12 damage i think we still do it which kind of sucks i won't do damage right now but that's pretty efficient so we might stun this with um let's see all right i think we're okay we can group heal the interesting part about getting the snakes at least is that that makes one more thing that we have to account for in inventory because i'm going to take the aegis skills so that's another thing that we have to uh deal with managing go here nice occultist level heals take the scale the gems the gems are pretty uh pretty relevant in the cove you can find these pretty frequently from the uh the dead fish curio curio is why it takes so much coral not coral uh herbs in case we find these nocturnal i could get rid of because you know it's minus speed but i am trying to keep her speed down for the um i think we still go for the shield breaker okay i mean getting rid of nocturnal still good for other places if we took her there like it's only good because of this team the shield breaker has like 14 speeds this one has five okay now we get a real team that we can spam and panel on so it's pretty fun stun okay just don't create me for massive damage nice so even if this thing guards at this point it's not a big deal i'm just stunned the front one here just so slow that uh slow down the damage coming at me okay that's uh that's a bit problematic it's not at the end of the world though we can still impale which is hilarious of course the dogs pick now of all times to start popping off we actually don't have to uh yeah this fight's cleaned up we don't have to use play grenade you don't have to blinding gas everything's just dead it just doesn't know it's great cuts on its own zap against the 75 front double shield breaker is fair and balanced you know we're getting punched in the face for a lot of damage who um if we do one damage with actually no we're good yes everything's dead teams back in order fishing for great heels to get rid of stress um there's a okay some hyper min maxing since there's a fight right here outside the door and sway gives us bonus speed i'm gonna hit this now although i kind of messed up my pale stuff so i think if you didn't run the specific team it would be the better place to do but that's you know just carrying buffs over into other fights is another strategy you should probably be aware of so citrine's a full stack of these is never worth more than a stack of gold so it is never worth taking these like at any point the only time you take citrine is if you are like at the end of a mission and you have like no other spots in your inventory you can take them now and carry them until you find something to replace them with but by and large they're just worthless so we're gonna take heirlooms because we said that we're gonna leave the clam on the way for the way back so you have this bonus speed right now so she's up to nine but she's still at 14 so she might go first she should this one the game screws me okay [Music] um pale is not as good against the setup or we're still gonna do it this one has the minus accuracy we're going to send this one this has a higher chance of missing us we didn't get the stun it's unforged can't get the blade either sag take all their turns right now 17. got one hp dude that's why i call these cove levers by the way they hit so ridiculously hard um if we blink this it's gone we hope that the shaman goes first we can actually stall here so the shaman's gonna go it's gonna do like one attack it could heal a heel would actually screw us right now it didn't heal so because i did zero damage we preserved our block we're getting a bunch of different forms of information here today oh it's got one hp two or like two no i shouldn't take it down no it's dead give them no quarter i should have double checked what that hp was that was a mistake because this might go first oh no it's dead right no it's not so we're gonna kill this as the theme falls blossoms let's let this bleed out there okay nice minus six onyx and jade are kind of in the same boat in apprentice these are okay to take but when you get to veteran and champion usually you don't find a full stack like you still can but it's not common so these aren't worth taking gold is very consistent which is why i usually always take gold and then a champion or if i'm in ruins or cove i take rubies and sapphires and emeralds but these are neither of these so if you really wanted to we could keep the onyx right now and see if we um find another but i honestly think onyx is probably the worst gem after citrine i feel like you find more jades than citrine or than uh onyx so same thing we're gonna leave all the loots because we have to backtrack in this dungeon so we have to come back this way so we're going to leave it keep the torch maxed another coral that's good news this is another pretty solid team too and pale spam against um blinding gas not guaranteed here this may be like the rare case of the uh the play grenade opener and let's see so it's 160 it's a 50 50. i'm gonna go for it sadness so you have to kill this next turn um i mean zap it actually zap this dude he's kind of invasive we'll zap the thrall i'm just waiting for one of those crits man they have like a pretty good crit rate i think it's like 17 or 20. okay i like my pale turn thank you round quakes it's enough might be like one off too off it's gonna grab at me ow it hurts play grenade should be enough also nope too off uh we're gonna impale can't go anywhere can you haha that's all i can do for eternity okay so we will make space for this emerald because emerald is pretty common in here we haven't needed a shovel yet i think we got do we use one and get it back i can't remember but this also gets stuff out of our inventory so we're going to use this purchase spirits are lifted and purpose is made i don't want to get rid of known cheat no cheat's like one of the best negative quirks because it just doesn't matter most the time uh i guess we're still gonna do this let's let's cure up this shield breaker deviant tastes good good so i know this is kind of like a just a gameplay episode but um there's nothing here but let's come and loot it anyway a handsome reward okay well performed so here we're faced with a difficult choice i think you actually throw away the emerald it's either the emerald or the holy water right now so the holy water doesn't do too much here i took this because there are fish idols that give you a damage bonus if you use the holy water but there's no guarantee we're gonna find one of those but the emerald the reason we're considering dumping this right now is because this is already worth two emeralds we have to find three emeralds to make more money than a gold stack and that is not going to be easy to do but it is the cove so i think we're going to drink the holy water because that's better than throwing it away because at least you get the buff for a couple turns and then we're going to dump the rest of this we don't need busts in our our mock example here okay i was trying to open that with the shovel oh that's uh pluto mania right back tracking kind of hurts but it's fine we're gonna camp another alternative was to actually walk down the end of this hallway and pop that trap to get trap disarm for a stress heel which we could have certainly done and so now that we've cleared about half of the dungeon we're gonna do two things we're gonna camp camping gets rid of uh space in the inventory or yeah it gets rid of stuff in the inventory so we get that get our nighttime ambush preventer no one is diseased right okay um praise okay get some stress healing gets everyone some prop that's pretty nice also salacious diary value and chest heel vessel kinda want to i spent a three pointer probably snake's skin here because she's not as tanky actually does she have hard skin she might be tankier oh she does oh no i might lose hard skin dang she's so good oh okay so we should have had a hunger check right by now so i'm gonna eat the the food here to free up some space just to kind of simulate what we're doing and since we're backtracking so much we have all this empty space and we have these torches uh every time you come back down a part you've already explored you probably noticed you lose one uh point of torch instead of six or seven depending on your difficulty so we're gonna snuff out here and so that's empty that's unfortunate but we're gonna leave the torch down this does a couple things this does save us some torch depending on what you're doing but also gets us some bonus loots and we're pretty safe to do this until we see a fight pop up in hallway if we see a fight we're gonna hit the torch immediately because we don't want to run into shambler who can spawn in pitch black have we got trap you always have to look out for this um 90 75 so we're gonna do some trinket swapping something i encourage a lot of players to do that they never do so we're up to 100 trap disarm can't fail that let me swap this back so you need a free space in the inventory it has to be a neutral trinket or something they can use and then something i think i've talked about before but if you don't swap between characters you can hit q and e like your q and e keys you don't have to uh click on them okay your tapestry see you see you see you see right we snuffed for that that sconce it was a freaking torch sconce dude it gave us the biggest money item in the entire freaking game um we're gonna try and let vessel hit this okay we're gonna save our torch until we get here so this is like that's kind of how to loot efficiently but that's also another lesson in uh inventory management we saved our torches for as long as possible no son i'm mainly afraid of spear fishing on this team i think we're gonna disrupt the guard or getting punched with a damage over time effect which would kill someone if someone got hit to a death story but we have two pretty beefy espys up here she has like 30 pro right now 65 so we had snake skin we had the we had this 65 prod on shield breaker my god juicy and he knows that hi impale spam i could use yeah so i could use noxious on the front one but i didn't know if one of these two would go before that shield breaker so we're just cleaning up cleaves suck until you stack them it's the moral of this story right now like one in pale okay two impales godlike graveshop blast by itself if you're not stalling kinda weak two grape shot blasts godlike one of my favorite things in this game is that you can with enough effort you can turn almost any skill or like archetype into something really good so i like that a lot except bonk vessel i'm kidding we always have to take shots of pansy and solo jester success okay so this is a pretty easy thing to uh deal with here we don't need this one torch this is 100 gold that's not worth that much to us right now so we're gonna take the dates especially because i have so much money from the gold stacks and the tapestry that i'm more inclined right now to take um heirlooms we don't need these trinkets otherwise we only looked at those two so backpack we're not backtracking anymore uh if you're really super mega hurting for money you could leave this and come back to it but it's too far like usually the farthest i'll backtrack is probably two or three hallways at the end of a mission just because of hunger checks and torches so we have eight torches that's gonna probably get us the rest of the way we might run out about here depending on what happens um or down here and i'm gonna open this anyway just to see if we get a gem or some heirlooms but honestly yeah this is not worth backtracking too it's too far going to we don't have an open spot to uh shrink it swap which sucks dead fish this is what we were hoping for um if we had more torches we could snuff here to get bonus loot but we don't pop this now gems got our herbs back and we're gonna drink this and it should last till we get up somewhere we this is worth more than a gold stack actually so even if i don't want this i can sell it it's gonna be worth more than gold um i think it's 22.50 for uh blue trinkets no secret room feels bad there's also the power of scouting we can see where the quest locations are so you know where to go same idea we're gonna save this for the return trip hopefully empty our inventory a little bit this is a very good fight for impale spam although two of these dudes in stealth does kind of suck because we can't cleave a play grenade or blinding gas back there so that's been unfortunate so we're just gonna have to play one of them and can we kill one of these with the break points yeah we can get this one i think we're yeah we're too far to get that one four to eights let's go for a stun this also helps keep our torch up because our torch is becoming a commodity nice that's the one we want to dodge too that one's more damaging and stressing than this one oh is that cardo camp that has to be the cardo camp dodge right that extra like two percent or whatever it is and hit oh the crit there is perfect wow i can't hit him yet no it's fine can't do anything here so we're gonna fish for eight kritio we didn't get it all right so he's dead they didn't hit us at all ever nice the crit heel that we were looking for so we're gonna do the same thing we're gonna get speed up to uh start this fight with higher speed even though she's faster than anyone that's gonna be there double crits is it my birthday just killed us trying to get more stress off we did seize this momentum there's one thing i couldn't showcase in this video because of when we camped but when you win a battle you can camp with the victory window open so if we had our firewood and we were in a room we could pop the firewood eats and then pick up the loot afterwards you cannot do this when you lose uh curiosity heirlooms you can't do it when you loot curio but if you are winning if you just want to battle that isn't the final battle of the mission because the uh quest end screen takes precedence so you can't camp with that um because that has to go first so if you're in one of those situations you can't do it but if you're in a room battle you can camp with the window open and then pick up what you want afterwards so we're two emeralds what's what are the odds we're gonna find a third we have a dead fish behind us so the odds are pretty good the thing that's worth that's pretty close to getting tossed right now are the uh the keys because i haven't found a secret room and i double scouted here so the odds of me scouting a secret room from this point are very low i have to double scout in this room or this room or even this room and it would have to be in this hallway i don't know if it is or not so right now keys are looking like they're worth getting rid of we also have a lot of money we could get rid of the deeds i think i think if you're playing on like darkest or radiant you probably keep the heirlooms but on blood moon money's much harder to come by so we have to fight for that money although you could argue that what you call it um raising the cost reductions on buildings is very important in blood moon which it is ancient because your gold costs are doubled we're gonna keep the rest these herbs good thing we kept the emeralds awarded to the brave and the foolhardy rewarded you usually find a lot of gems here okay pretty chill enemy matches so far no uh i guess even uka crab will be chill like sometimes zooka crab can be just like a jerk be like ooka crab into uh two shamans or something it sits there and like title slam spams your front line so same thing this one has minus accuracy so we're going to try and stun this one i could have zapped it too zap would have been an option i think we zapped it we could have killed it potentially nevermind we play around the stun that it tried to hit us with might stick that should stick no nice masterfully experiment's dead shaman's a oh it's close to dead can't do anything so we're just going to block can't do anything so we're going to fish for a critical find it i guess i could have killed this to get my stress that was a mistake i wasn't looking for it 17 that's so much you had a stress healer you could still hear but we don't have one i'm just gonna kill him okay money victories mount resistance heirlooms not heirlooms herbs get pretty close to being thrown away by this room depending on what we see after this we can toss herbs but we can't yet something also to note is the food count because i haven't been getting hunger checks because of the mill but food or hunger checks skip a hallway so if we got one here we would not get one here so the next potential one is here it also needs an open tile so just looking at this map like let's say we didn't get a hunger check here and we're considering throwing away food because this might be the end it's not um this could be a hunger check so we we can't rightfully do it it's getting pretty close to being keys especially the jew tapestry i feel like i'd at this point just toss keys and take the loss if it's a a seeker room i've been burned before though is it shovels can't be shovels not yet we're gonna keep the keys because there's an heirloom chest in here potentially that could be uh something we could use a key on nothing here so that crate we could have backtracked to like we could have considered that it's a potential backtrack target because it's within a couple hallways nice the surprise really helps in these fights done this guy i usually try and stun things that have damage over time effects because via crit and then you're bleeding that's how you die in a lot of cases but this guy only does direct damage so he can't like you know one tap someone you know a lot of damage but he can't kill anyone myself this dude could kill someone by himself if he puts them to zero okay just counting up damage right now i need at least one more impale probably two to get rid of both these dodge ah so we're gonna do this uh we have to hit for two to kill her we did nice dudes dead next turn so we can spend this turn installing if we want to oh you missed oh this blood moon by the way they're just melting because of impale spam we're fishing for a crit heal to cure stress on any of these people just all heirlooms can't pick any of these promises okay that was a double scout because the distance i can toss keys if i really want to i can also toss shovels i don't think i can toss herbs yet we can toss torch in this room but not before i think it's shovel because the only thing it could be is a barnacle chest there's no room curio so it can't be a um a clam so barnacle chests we're going to bet against laden with loot are often low on supplies we have to decide how important this um this gold is it's not that important right now we might find something better so since there isn't much or spark up here but since there isn't much dungeon left we're actually gonna snuff in this room so this is this is the best way to maximize torch manipulation so you find a room battle that has curio and there's curio outside that you can get to that you can see so you know it's there uh i think we're just done it's two fifty fifties we lost pale we're gonna stun this dude because if he guards the am i safe he guards the thrall that's kind of a big deal we could play around and puncture it this turn i think it's fine it's still worth impaling because we have two shield breakers so we can puncture it next turn if we have to this is the lowest enemy right now so it should guard this one but i feel like jeff goldblum in jurassic park i hate being right all the time i'm not trying to be smug about it i just i understand this game and like the the dumbness that it does sometimes i shouldn't stay down that was incredibly intelligent on the game's part it protected the higher value target it's kind of a sequencing thing so we use plague doctor first in case it resisted so we had a second stun to get it with and then afterwards we had punctures oh get owned gg no re as the kids say and kill this with a play grenade shield breakers damage is worth more than that zap it for one damage that should be enough i almost didn't get that it didn't go through first so if we really wanted to we could pop all our torch now to free up some space um we're gonna do another thing too we're gonna pretend we got a hunger check here and we're gonna toss our food actually no we can't because we got a hunger check here and we toss the food going here would count as our free hallway so we could get the hunger check back here however let's say we did have food and let's say we had no interest in taking this fight so if we were not walking down this hallway there are no empty tiles for a hunger check to spawn on so we can actually toss the food take the full stack of gold because there's not a high likelihood we're gonna find a second sapphire right now unless we find a dead fish outside which there's only one curio left it's not likely and open this and backtrack if only treasure could start otherworldly corruption we're not gonna take these we're gonna maximize what we have here let me take a peek at what this is it's a barnacle chest we got punished although we can still open it actually i don't know if he can use the key on this so we're going to open this glittering gold trinkets we'll try our key on this i actually don't know if this works i don't think it does it doesn't so we got punished there we can still try and open it there's booty i'm gonna pop this we're gonna go clean up that last fight though it's a long video what the hell what the hecks oh we could have got rid of the herbs too because we didn't see any we didn't see any coral so we could have tossed the herbs there too we can't impale spam on this we have to kill ghoul didn't matter which one i tried to stun i did it mostly for the uh the light the promise of safety oh no dude cool never miss plays never ghoul never miss plays i'm sorry did you raise your torch okay i'm going to lower it to a point that one dazzling light is not going to bring it above 75. you're stabbing it not the most ideal damage let me do this usually you don't want to split damage but we're going to lower this thing's accuracy that's the main point of that right there naturally when shield breaker needs to kill target quickly she just rolls very low repeatedly are we it's gonna take two turns to get our light high enough to the uh point where they don't do bonus crits trying kills thing next turn all right pd one time is why you take pd on this team or i should say to the code zap nice oh i could have pulled my torch whatever merit i am actually going to block here just in case just in case once the title slam me it did but i picked the other person you resist all right just keep poking it see i mean it's 14 accuracy you probably forgot stunning it but i'm i'm gonna stun it anyway if i can to my tank you see going to work didn't get the sun but we got our torch back up something's good nice we're good so it's going we can snuff our torches so i hope this video was a decent illustration on um inventory management i realize it went so long i apologize about that but uh that's the thought process got some rubies can't say anything else although we're at the end of the mission so this looks good this looks great let's do some inventory tetris so i can have a thumbnail i want the jew tapestry in there dude that cool so yeah successful well done all right but that's it for this one with the inventory management i hope it was informative i hope you learned something and if you guys have any other questions like this on um just little mechanical things just small small gameplay improvements let me know because this idea came from viewers i thought was pretty cool so that's it for this one thanks for watching let's go see what our quarks are kind of messes up my outro no diseases compulsive and curious did you all talk to each other the heck that's it for this one thanks for watching i'll see you next time
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 11,521
Rating: 4.9405522 out of 5
Keywords: darkest dungeon, darkest dungeon guide, darkest dungeon 2, darkest dungeon tips, darkest dungeon gameplay, darkest dungeon tips and tricks, guide, darkest dungeon tutorial, darkest dungeon crimson court, dungeon, darkest, darkest dungeon town guide, darkest dungeon review, darkest dungeon release, darkest dungeon guide débutant, darkest dungeon guide fr, guide to darkest dungeon, let's play darkest dungeon, darkest dungeon guide dlc, darkest dungeon how to
Id: evSlZgh-ucQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 48sec (2448 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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