Grave Robber and You: Darkest Dungeon Guide

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what's up y'all shuffle it's time for the grave robber guy I've been teasing it for a while since last summer the reason it hasn't come until now is because I've actually recorded it a few different times I didn't like how it came out each of those times either the commentary wasn't that good or I need a more footage or something then didn't work right the way I wanted it to or I get into editing and I didn't like what it looked like so now we're just gonna go back and hopefully have all the kinks ironed out and we're gonna talk about the freakin grave robber so there's a lot to talk about I was thinking maybe the video should just be like 15-20 minutes but I don't know if I'm gonna be able to get everything in in that time which means we're just gonna talk we're gonna go through all the notes I have I'm gonna give you all my thoughts my strengths weaknesses stuff like that anything they think is relevant and teams and setups I'm gonna be focusing on the grave robber but in the purpose of teams I feel like I should explain some of the the choices for you know loadouts and items and things like that which kind of steps on the other idea of class guides so there's me some overlaps I hope you bear with me and let's see where we starting so I have a huge thing and notes off screen right now I have about two pages written for the grave robbers so we're gonna start at the general stuff before going into the specifics I'm not gonna break down each individual move and stuff like that as I did in the tearless video so if you want to go watch that the grave robber is in part two near the end I think I should make timestamps note to self but anyway we are gonna do a bit of an overview and stuff like that so after burying the lede for like a minute alright strengths what is the grave robber good at she is evasive she is fast she is the fastest base character in the game without you know quirks and stuff like that she is versatile you know she's damage dealer she has multiple ways to do her damage she has fantastic personal trinkets probably my favorite part and she brings a shovel which you're kind of like what but think about it like this the shovel item is used in almost every dungeon it doesn't matter the region and it's not for curio which you know most curio you can go I don't really want this if you're just feeling whatever and you don't want to take the risk and you can just skip it but the shovel needs to get rid of blockages it opens a couple Carrio in different spots but specifically it asks giver blockages and most the time there's no way around it a lot of the pathing and dungeons doesn't give you secondary routes and if you have to dig through it by hand it caused a lot of stress and stuff like that so we don't want to do that so grave robber brings a shovel shovel is the most expensive base item I believe it's you 50 unless there's some in 300 I can remember shovels very good there's another notable advantage to the grave robber I hear you people out there like shuffle we're playing on low light or no light you know grave robber gets to tapped what's going on it's like true I hear you but check this out right so the grave robber also gets a lot of access to scouting so her my opinion her best rank at the Raiders talisman gives extra scouting and then also she has his camp skill that gives her scouting so in lower light levels when surprises are more prevalence scouting is how you offset that so for any player that doesn't know you can't be surprised if you scouted the battle so like if you go into room you scout you see a fight coming you will not be surprised by it you may not surprise them but you won't be surprised by it which means the biggest killer or one of the biggest killers in higher difficulty like low light and stuff is when your team gets surprised they get scrambled and then people just get like slapped in the wrong positions you know like your back lines go to the front they can't do anything or your leper goes to the back that kind of stuff by having extra scouting the grave robber is able to help deal with that and mitigate it pretty pretty substantially you know like I think the base line scouting chance is 25 percent without corks and stuff and then with the Raiders talisman which is pretty easy to get you can just kill a boss early on your scouting your base line scouting is already up to 40 percent than any other like ruins scrounger wheeled explore those kinds of things or ancestors map like you get your scouting over 50 percent pretty easily with her really good at 50 percent I should say if you have like one other person that can bring it so scouting really good reason to bring her weaknesses she has backline damage when I say backline damage this one's in sanitarium right now back line damage is this right here the seven to 14 base damage the reason it's called back line damage is because most other people have that thing right seven to fourteen your back liners ones got minus ten percent but your back what the hell dude thank you housing you say so a lot of you're not specific ranked 1 ranked to damage dealers have the 7 to 13 or 7 to 14 thing right so grave robber has back line damage which kind of sucks when you are damaged dealer especially when you have like melee skills but she is that but she does have armor pen so that is something to note anyway she does get bonus damage on summer stuff but it is not as high as something like the árboles for instance sniper shot on mark is double damage plus crit fantastic her stuff like thrown dagger doesn't get as fat of a damage bonus but kind of the saving grace is she gets damage from two sources so mark or blight usually blight is the one you want just cuz blight is extra damage and actually will explain why that 33% is closer to something like sixty in a second here you can probably figure it out for yourself but we will go through it just in case when I say she's fragile I'm very serious thirty six base HP a lot of people use this as a negative against her and it is a negative but they go oh she just gets like one tapped which is largely not true but we also have to look at why do you have you both have a 10% okay so without the district for hound master for instance which is a character that most people universally agree on is really good either S or a tier depending on who's doing a list they never really talked about the hound master having just one extra hit point over the grave robbers so like a lot of the times they discuss grave-robber for some reason this weakness only applies to her even though several their other characters have lower HP values right so we have a lot of people that are sub40 and she'll breaker who many people were screaming at me to a bump up in the tier list when I made the first set of videos before I made for again 36 bass you know she gets a district which is good but districts aren't easy to get in most playthroughs especially to be doing like Blood Moon you're on the clock you're on the time limits so you usually only get a couple districts like maybe three you had to pick and choose you know if you want to buff up your shield breaker and your hound master and stuff like that just to give him four hit points that's fine but her hit point deficit isn't as big of a deal as people make out and again we'll go through why in a second but it's a negative that she has that she shares with other people but for some reason people only talk about it with her so I think that's usually a little blown out of proportion and I've said before that this is going to be my defense of the grave robber because a lot of people been saying grave robber eight here are you serious like top five character do you mean that shuffle it's like yeah so I'm talking about why you know I've argued it in the comments but this is the video talking about it the big thing a lot of people run into in terms of a negative is the team has to respect her moving around in most cases if you want to do the shadow fade and lunch combo which is in fact her bread and her butter the team has to be able to operate when she's in the starting position where she's about to shadow fade and then it has to be able to operate after she is shadow faded so just a easy example is if she starts out in rank two she's usually going first because she's so fast in most cases then she shadow fades here your team has to be able to operate in both of these situations and I guess I should talk about terminology because I forget these things but when we talk about ranks ranks are considered arts the name for positioning in darkest dungeon so from the player side rank one two three four and then it goes the other way for the monster so one two three four so frontline is one to backline is three four just so we all know before I forget and your team has to be able to operate in both instances of her doing this that is like the minimum requirement if you want to use shadow fade lunch you can just throw and I always do this you can't just throw on the back and just like throw daggers over and over you can leave her here and there's a couple builds for that and then you don't have to really worry about it but the movement part of her is something I think that again people kind of over react to like you only need there are a lot of characters okay there are a lot of characters that you can leave them your front line or up here this could be if you don't use your leper your Hellion or whatever that can just be up here and then your next two characters just have to be able to operate like this and one of the team examples that I'm gonna go over has an abomination and a vestal right so your abomination and your vessel or your occultist or whoever you want to use in the back as a healer potentially both of these characters can op like can operate in both of these spots so if for instance if bomb nations here he can use everything that he wants to he can transform he can move up he can can't use rake but you can switch positions here you have ways to move around otherwise these things to don't really like to worry about positioning vessel can use this is in my opinion her best loadout you can use that in three and four which I just had backwards right there but otherwise it's pretty easy to manipulate the team around the grave robber so you don't have to get this idea where well if my grave robbers jumping all over the place I need like you know a freakin a highwayman doing like duels advancing point-blank and shield breaker which moves all over the place which this is a team I use but you don't have to do all that and then have like someone in the 4th and just have this crazy like rearrangement of people like this like you can do it it's usually more trouble than it's worth but again you don't have to have this crazy dancing team to make the grave robber effective you just need a team that can function when she's in point a and point B so there you go her speed is a weakness in a couple ways surprisingly she's too fast to take advantage of being set up unless you shadow fate on turn one so if you want to use things that give her let's see you know blight for bonus damage or mark for throw dagger or blight whatever you're doing she can't do that on turn one because she's just so fast so she's gonna go before your setup person most of the time so that's why she has shadow fade shadow fade if you had don't know what it does we haven't seen it I forgot to explain it since it's a really good move she had stilt for two turns but she comes out of stealth when she attacks and you get obviously a fat damage bonus fact crit bonus and then the Dodge bonus actually lasts for I think four rounds it lasts for multiple rounds so it carries over to her next turn which is relevant because this means that when she shadow fades and she goes into stealth she's completely protected unless it's a group attack and then she attacks and goes upfront or lunges or throws daggers or whatever happens and she comes out of stealth but then she has dodged for the next turn to protect herself a little bit longer so it's a really good mode of play and she does take care of herself a little bit more than you'd expect her to so usually if you want to do some setup which i think is the best way to use her you should shadow fade on turn one so always put her either in rank two or rank one and the goals to shadow fade back here there are some tricky setups with the shadow fade in the lunge and stuff like that where you can have her for instance like shadow fade all the way back here and then lunge and then whoever's in there's just a random person whoever's in slot 3 has movement skill goes after her and then she can launch a second time like that that kind of stuff you can do it's a little tricky I don't like to set that kind of stuff up it's usually more trouble than it's worth I'd rather just blight and then lunge and then shadow fade and set up a second time there's one more thing you have to push back on I've been hearing this a lot when I see grave-robber chatter and stuff like that people say like oh well her speeds actually dead man cuz what if she's like really hurt and she gets to death store and then has a bleed and then her turn comes first the healer can't get her and she just drops that uh like I mean yeah sure but that can happen to literally any character okay so in darkest dungeon when you lose characters that's usually you made some critical error which does happen or the more common way is there's just a series of like unfortunate events like Lemony Snicket or whatever his name is shows up and it's like my speed got you know messed up or something like my turns came out of order this person crypt me the bleed also hit me and then my terms came out of order again and then I missed the one in three to survive death store and then died like that that's a lot of things that have to happen it's not this thing where she gets hit once and it's a crit for like 25 and then someone crits her for 12 and bleeds her and then she's a desk door and then her turn comes like next and she just drops dead like that like that that can happen but that is it's as rare for her as it is for anyone else right so when people point that out it's like it's like a targeted detriment in in like a vacuum where people aren't looking at all the other stuff going on so for that to happen for her to get like double crit or critten and bleed and then her turn comes up and she bleeds out util think about the rest of your team right oftentimes you have four verse four so you get your your party against their party kind of thing that means that the enemy turns have to come as such that it sets that up and then what is the rest of your team doing in that moment you know like who's not stunning the person that can bleed who's not hitting a heal who's not dropping a cure or whatever like there's you have like you have at least one or two chances to try and disrupt that if like you're so scared of that like if you go oh man this thing just you know I forgot to stealth and I got crit for twenty like let's say you're in the cove it's like that stupid blue fish which is basically the cove leper it hit me really hard and then I got arterial pinched or something it's like this doesn't even considering guard like there's so many things you can do in that moment and then you still have to lose the the two and three for the deathblow so like if all that happened I mean most of the time there's something you could have done and there's also you know just the unfortunate in this if that's even a word of like bad rng then all those things just lined up at the same time so I don't want to hear that I know people are gonna say it or they've said it to me I don't wanna see that in the comments I don't want to see well her speeds actually attachment because if you have three bad instances of RNG she could actually die before the healer gets to do anything it's like that could happen to anyone and by that logic like if speed is suddenly not a great stat like speed is arguably the most important stat like if speed is suddenly not a good stat that means the Crusaders the best character oh god what he's got like one speed that means the Crusader always gets to respond he's never caught off-guard like there's no unfortunately no dude they say oh thing like if you're so worried about that just put a Crusader in the team did you know Crusader can heal from any rank and he's guaranteed to go last most of the time so if you're really worried there you go yeah my point with this is that's just the same it's just calling out how there's like this weird double I don't say double standard but like it's this paradox that people just create for themselves where it's like oh she's really fragile okay well she can stealth oh she still that means you other characters get hit and like that your focus fire it's like well you don't want her to get hit so what's what's the deal oh we're speeds really bad because it can actually kill her it's like that's the only situation it does - it has to be a damage over time effect she has to be put to death store and then her turn has to come up and she has to lose blanket so that can happen to anyone can literally happen at any character you're left with is speed good or bad you know if you say it's good then you can't can't really say that it's just an unfortunate circumstance of orangy so ah I feel like those points were big and had to had to be addressed I think the reason most people don't like her or don't want to use her that much is just because dancing teams do take a little work to figure out and even if you have one person moving around I guess you could call it a dancing team or something like that but she's like a dancer and a setup at the same time so you're trying to do two different things which means you have to really consider your team what's it doing on turn one what's doing on turn two it's not just like I put my árboles and I drop her speed with a bracer and then I have a that presses mark and then I shoot them you know you actually have to think what am i doing turn one what am i doing turn two if you have a super movement heavy team which as I said before I had the and this combination and add a shield breaker to many people in the roster so like it seemed like this you really have to think what has turned one look like what has turned to look like and then what has turned three look like because it takes three turns usually for this team to reset into this position so you really have to plan ahead and a lot of people just don't want to do that I think and I will say this if you do make a mistake in your dancing team like if you don't have the speeds in the proper ranges like you haven't accounted for them to where people are consistently going in a certain order like turn one and then turn two and then turn three like if you don't manipulate your speeds as such to where that happens for instance you're pretty screwed like the moment you get into a fight unless you start swapping skills around so you really have to plan and I guess that's the big thing of the grave-robbers you have to play them you have to think you have to uh have a little foresight as a character camping isn't a huge deal for her there are some characters like the are blessed the man at arms you can argue the highwayman for instance they just actually jump in terms of effectiveness if they're allowed to camp certain characters don't really need that like the vestal it doesn't really matter if she gets to camp and the grave robbers in that camp for lack of a better word she's a character that she doesn't need to camp in order to get stuff done her best camp skills are probably the scouting the night moves right here and snuffbox is really good if you get double disease so always consider that usually pretty good in the wards cuz those spinning pigs usually drop one or two diseases during a run gallows humor is okay like sometimes it can low roll and you just hate life but even the penalties not that bad so so pretty good camp skill but she doesn't need any of these to get really good great that's what I'm trying to get out here so like the we'll just use the men arms because he's right here like man-at-arms wants to camp and man-at-arms wants to hit tactics man and arms wants to hit potential instruction on your you know hyper carry damage dealer or weapons practice like man-at-arms wants to camp desperately and press these buttons and grave-robber just doesn't have to do that so that's kind of a strength and that's kind of a weakness at the same time a lot of the harder missions in the game have camping so like boss missions or some of the darkest dungeon missions and the fact that she doesn't get to camp kind of limits her so always consider that it's like I said it's not a strength but it's also not a weakness her districts we go back to the the Hamlet's her district if I can remember which one it is it's like the yellow hand right yep so her district is actually really good four percent crit five percent scouting the best thing about her is probably her scouting that's like the best thing she brings to the party besides for raw damage so this is a really good thing to use if you like your rogue types and doing your Blood Moon or whatever playthrough and you're like what district should I get next and you like your grave-robber and these other two classes definitely get this so her district really solid grave-robber is good in all regions she's good in the darkest dungeon she's good in the four base regions she's probably limited here just because the attritional aspect of the fight but I don't think shadow fade has a limited use now so she can still do okay here courtyard pretty good actually a lot of what is it a lot of the enemies like the most threatening enemies in the courtyard usually have no prot so it's like the I forget their actual names like the noble men and women they have about like 35 HP or something like that and a lunch can usually take one of those down but the light resistance and they're kind of hampers her otherwise you're looking for either you want blight synergy so she can lunch at it or you want her for her armor piercing because she's the only other character that has baseline armor piercing the sides of the shield breaker there you go so she is a different couple things she can do she can be used in cleave comps which we'll talk about later this move is actually surprisingly good and if you want to do heavy blade teams against someone that has potentially low blight resist or they have multiple turns so if you can get like for instance the fnatic or any other boss that has multiple turns and you can weaken them enough on their plate resist adjust stick this she can put out a lot of damage with this especially with her farmstead trinket I believe if I remember correctly actually I'm gonna tap out real quick just to see if I remember what I'm talking about okay yeah I had it right the farm side shrink it does have increased plate duration so that makes it really good so we need to just bleed someone out really hard there you go so this next part is in response to a lot of common criticisms I hear about grave-robber both things I've seen in other videos because they do do my research but then also things people have said to me when they think the grave robbers not good like why do you think she's that good that kind of thing so there been some changes that have actually made her a lot better than people think and they've actually helped her and I think people just kind of slept on it and it's actually surprising there are a lot of times where people say like oh I used to like the grave robber but then like the nurse hitter or something like that or they go the reason I don't think she's that good you know I've never tried shadow fade maybe I need to try that so just those things and I think that the core of the character at this point in the game is shadow fade so if you're not shadow fading she's gonna feel like not that good or half a character and to be fair I'm not trying to call people out for that you know when I was playing the game for the longest time I was the same way I thought the grave robber wasn't that good because I never used shadow fade back in the day when you look at mine my blind let's play the game I played like right after the game was released so there's no stealth mechanic and a lot of other changes came through later some ones we're gonna be talking about but like after the color of madness patch and the introduction of the stealth mechanic the grave robbers actually gotten a lot better I feel like and if you're not using shadow fade with her try and you shadow fade with her and see if that changes your opinion because I feel like that's pretty much the best way to operate the character now you know she does damage in multiple different ways and it can kind of feel like she's spread thin or what everybody think of your shadow fading and using specific moves she's good and you don't need up the lunge you can just shadow fade and then hit other stuff which we'll talk about but definitely shadow fade I guess that's the whole point of the video please press shadow fade maybe I'm gonna name that the video who knows so first fragile as she is she has shadow fade and cuz of shadow fade obviously she's in stealth which means she cannot be targeted unless it's a group attack that targets multiple things which that can't happen but usually when you still if you were pretty safe and also her speed lets her go first so she's able to defend herself with shadow fade that's why it's such a good skill it literally does everything and then there's this weird catch-22 that people this this paradox the people try and put on me they go well she's really fragile and she can you know die really easily okay well she has shadow fee but then that makes the enemy tackle your other people in the party and they get focused fire and it's like well what do you want either she's too fragile and she has to defend herself or she can't defend herself because other people get hit you know so I don't I don't think those are valid comparisons like anyone talking about her defensive issues just has to realize she has shadow fade and if you really want to you can have a team where she can shadow fade go into stealth and then when she comes out of shadow fade someone can stun the people that are gonna be attacking her next like if she shadow fades and then lunges you can have a Hellion that stuns everything on turn two like the two front liners with yeah so it's very easy to play around her stealth and when she's going to get hit like it's no secret when she's vulnerable you know it's not just the enemy decides to focus fire her it's like well she doesn't have stealth astern so I gotta be aware of that and it's really easy to play around so she has really good defenses actually besides her Junko HP the biggest change also for the grave robber besides shadow fade that I think most people don't consider maybe they just didn't know about it but the hit cap has been changed from ninety percent to 95 against the grave robbers base dodge almost no enemy is hit capped against her so that means her dodge actually comes into play and even with a bonus 12.5 percent chance to hit and darkness grave-robber still comes out to like I don't know like three or five percent dodge against even the highest accuracy things there might be a couple outliers that I can't remember but most moves have like at champion level have about 102 percent base accuracy or like 107 if you look at the wiki which is a great place to get information by the way please do that long story short her dodge does come into play there and then she's got trinkets they give her extra dodge and Cafe gives her dodge so with let's say a lucky talisman and shadow fade and max rank shadow Fay gives 15 percent dodge so she would have an extra what is that 25 on top of the 30 so she has 55 percent chance to dodge face line before most other things happen if she gets to go first and shadow fades so any other dodge on top of that is good so dodge is not as bad as it once was these two things along with the shadow fade change actually did help her defensively quite a bit so I don't know how to wrap up that statement but uh numbers so I am assuming this is the heart and soul of this video which are team comps because people like team comps this is my favorite comp for grave-robber comp is short for composition just in case you don't know but the reason is it can be played a couple different ways but I like it with lunge so if you look here we have shadow fade and lunch these are the core abilities of this I would say this is your best third ability and then you can pick something else for fourth but I still think that poison darts is the best fourth and you'll talk about why so also I think it's funny it says like preferred target thank what it says preferred target this is just showing you what you can reach not so much what the preferred target is preferred targets are these are the back to but these are what you can reliably reach the easiest with your loadout the other supporting actors we have abomination because we have a very nice file not file it's called pile but blight attack it hits rank two and three rain threes usually really squishy and grave-robber can just dumpster that with the help of this and then it's got text but then we have Hellion with some other stuff and then we have probably the best Vestal loadout which is just a straight healer with a stun so turn one you shadow fade you spit bile you iron Swan most likely we'll talk about contingencies or was the stipulations in a second here then turn to you lunch you're looking pretty good so the reason we choose these moves is we need shadow fade lunge because shadow fade protects the grave-robber we like the damage bonus it's going to erase whoever it hits like 99% of the time without crit it hits for like 30 may be higher than that when it crits like the highest I've seen is like 84 so that's really nice and I lose my place okay some of the great rubber moves okay so we have luck or we have shadow fade to protect her all the damage bonus is nice but it's tells her for two turns it gives her dodge for four turns so when she comes out of stealth it's more protection for so we like that throw dagger this reaches the most enemies it gives us the biggest coverage and it still has blights energy we like that we have poison darts this is where you can make your own choice of forth move I would say you need these three you can even shadow fade into throw dagger if you want because sometimes there's just those weird rolls of enemy comps and you're like I don't want to lunge up to the front it would be smarter if I just throw dagger for like 25 damage plus more with blight and stuff so that is okay the reason we take poison darts is our fourth move you can arguably take any of these we take poison darts because we want to leave Helene and rank one so she can iron swann sometimes she needs to irons one a second time or whatever completely cool and then this way sorry my brain just collapse on itself right there so yeah so we leave Helene up front because she can iron swan I forgot about this she had battle trance and both of those are really good for her damage iron swan just kills things then we have this we like battle trance almost as good as sharp and Spears hard to say which is better I don't know how the math comes out on that I would say sharpen spear might still be better but just in case right we get the outsider bonfire very cool so yeah we want a heli an upfront that's that's the thing so that leaves out pick to the face because we can't use it at the back flashing daggers probably the runner-up to poison dart and that's because this team has a lot of impromptu you cleave option so you have this which can hit the two middle things this hits the two front things this hits the front three things so you can kind of have this weird cleave thing going on if you really want to but this is probably still not as good as poison dart because the thing at the front is the most likely to have armor or protection whatever you wanna call it and if we're going to not be using pick we need something to get through armor and this works the reason we also like this is because this is a slower killer you know in the immortal words of the ancestor and Wayne June and all that the slow insidious killer but or death by inches and all those those quotes I'm starting to ramble on here but we like this because we have a lot of stuns on the team so if you want to we can start stacking blight and then stun and then start spamming recovery moves so this team can milk an extra turn or two where the enemy can't do anything as it's bleeding out from poison damage and you have two people that are able to recover actually if you use adrenaline rush - this is another small heal right so there's a lot of stuff you can do so that's all cool yeah cool cool tripping over my own words for a toxin trickery I don't like it that much because I want my damage dealer if they're skipping a turn I want them to be giving themselves damage so people say this to me a lot they go well when you shadow fade you just do nothing no shadow fade does a lot of things you're protecting yourself that's the biggest thing it's a huge defensive move but then you're giving yourself extra damage when you come out of stealth so it's just a lot of burst damaged as a potential of high role which you don't really call a mega positive but like you're sitting around how much crit right so this with so we have the building which is two percent we have five percent from this so it's an extra seven percent on top of our base ten now what's the cork clutch hitter yeah this isn't in effect so so we are at seventeen percent chance to crit and then this goes up to twenty nine with lunge and then this is thirty seven with shadow fade and well we don't have another creep on us so thirty-seven percent chance to cream pretty good so solid chance right there and if you look here a lot of the other buffs that we can justify using on our damage dealers give them damage so shadow fate gives damage so it makes sense that this doesn't give damage because then you're just getting a bunch of damage from extra sources and like grave robbers just ridiculous but we're okay skipping a turn to adrenaline rush like compare adrenaline rush to talk some trickery so they're both curing blight and bleed this one gives you a little dodge and some extra speed which is all nice this heals hip points and this gives damage and accuracy because her accuracies okay a little more is always nice so this does a lot of things I'm okay skipping this turn to do that I'm okay skipping a turn to revenge on the leper I'm okay setting those up you know so trigger II probably the worst fourth choice if you're gonna do that and I've talked about that too much now so those are your skills the rest of your team we take this set up here you can use if it bleeds if you're not playing in no torch runs because there's less chance of surprise I take breakthrough because if you're playing in darkness there's a bigger chance to get surprised and this helps you fix positioning the debuff does kind of suck but you know we got to be able to fix ourselves though just pressing move because that's like one of the lowest impact play to have we have wicked hex just because her base damage is good and it hits the front we have iron swan this is usually your turn one move if you don't get surprised because her crit chance can get up to the same thing about 3540 percent so she has a chance to one tap the back liner plus she has pretty high base damage and the back line is the most squishy one so we like this there's a lot going on here this might be hélène's best move it's between that and Jaap most likely but yeah this gives us some coverage this is usually your turn one unless unless the two front liners go before hellion I know it sounds kind of weird to think about if the two front liners don't have their turns like if they've already gone then you want to stun on turn one and the reason being when the grave-robber lunges back up and she's out of stealth you want the front line to be stunned so sometimes there's this thing where the Hellion goes first and you iron Swan and you're happy and then turn to rolls around and the two front liners go before Helene and you don't get a stun that's when we're lying on dodge but that's not mega common you know sometimes it's like one of the front liners but it's not usually both okay so otherwise you're gonna iron swan and then turn - you're gonna op if everything goes well and after that it's pretty much like wicked hack and stun rotation while you try and like milk extra heals so some okay sustain here and as I said if you are not in darkness so surprise is less common you can use this instead of break through the reason being because you can just start hitting things with bleeds and there's no penalty to this besides the flat damage penalty but it's not like this where it what is it it gives her a debuff afterwards so the reason I don't use this either is because this is a plate team there's a lot of light synergy and I'd rather just hit the thing in the front you could use this but usually things are resistant to play or bleed it's not both so if you're fighting things that are weak to blame you're not gonna have a chance to plead them the abomination gets to use all of his moves that's pretty cool about it if you didn't know so we're gonna be spamming this in this we're gonna be rotating the two of them so you're gonna be doing blight and stuns throughout the whole fight you'll transform if you need to if you're fighting like a sham blur you're gonna transform and start hitting rake or some of the other moves and then you have heels and stuff like that so it's pretty much these two again we're just trying to like do a controlled burn we burst damage like the first two turns and then we just let them die to poison and stuns the next like two turns so we can just spam heals that is probably the easiest description of this team I know I closed that and then as I said before this is the best vestal loadout I am oh yes done you get an okay damage move eat a bunch of heals if the vessel needs to heal herself hit judgment if there evasion isn't super high like if you have about a 75% chance to hit or higher just tap judgment on something like this is more this is like a higher tempo move if you know your uh was like your card game terms so otherwise you get these which is cool and trinkets we're looking at the letter opener if you can get it just because it's really good for lunch Raiders talisman this is like the core of all the grave-robber builds I feel just because it covers so many things and if I didn't say in the video already you get it from the wards so consider that go kill one of the warns bosses early when the Raider salesman shows up pick it up we like that the Hellion is gonna use a hairpin depending on which light level you play in so if you play over 75% use a heavens if you play under 70 for 25% use a hells the deep ups on the hell's hairpin aren't mega-mega big well the debuff so I guess the penalties right so the debuff resists the bleed resist does kind of suck because there's a lot of bleed in the game but there you go you could also argue putting it in or putting this in instead so you'd use a stun amulet or the stupid brass elephant because this thing is just I don't know how you design the rest of stun charms when this thing exists because this thing is just a power creeping mofo or like it limits design space so if you want a higher chance of stun consider that otherwise there's other stuff you can use like any defensive charm could be second like yeah yeah if you're not using what is it if it bleeds not if it bleeds yeah what is it now what's the bleed move I just had it oh it is if it bleeds lets bleed out okay say if you're not using one of those then this could be pretty good book of sanity focus ring if you want extra damage or like a box there's so many things you could slap here like even this right I like this because it gives speed and death blow the bleed chance if I decide to use bleed is fine but otherwise that's pretty nice there's a lot of things you can use there you could use like I said offensive charm or trinket something that's supportive right there's a lot of stuff being put there so your options are open the abomination I think needs the padlock or transference for this build just to make sure that our stun and blight blight chances are good and everything sticks and then something that boosts accuracy just in case yes to transform but also it's never bad to have a little more accuracy sometimes like things are really evasive you know like the Crimson Court mosquitos they're pretty evasive they go fast but also abomination has some pretty good speed so you might go first and sometimes you don't want to blight those things you want to go first then hit stun and having some kind of accuracy booster helps us there and then whatever else you can get on top of it so like you could use a moon ring or something for instance that wouldn't be too bad but a lot of options there same thing is the Hellion - if you're not too worried about your accuracy you can start using some defensive stuff to give them a little more where's the flesh hearts also good flowcharts just really good trophy yeah the vestal there's also the fastest vessel you ever see in your life I don't know why I locked both these in but like if I felt like hippocratic I locked that in for sure but that's something else if you don't know Hippocratic I think that's the one I'm thinking of where it boots like healing by 20% just absolutely godlike on a vestal so if you can get that grab it let's see the trinkets I like the salacious diary over or the ancestor scroll both those are good like this is easier to get than the salacious diary because there's no guarantee you're gonna get this but you're guaranteed to get this thing at some point so ancestor scroll forget it early it's pretty nice sacred scroll I can't remember if this comes from everywhere I think it does but if it doesn't then just you know go to that zone try and hunt it down this is an okay choice for healing trinket the reason I don't like it so much is the minus damage and the - stun skill chance because I feel like for some reason the minus 10% on this whatever it is for some reason that minus 10% seems to screw me more often than not so I don't like using it I'm just like I feel like I'm being superstitious about it but then also the - damage on the sacred scroll the - 33 percent damage is kind of garbage so I don't think this puts us to zero but it's definitely like 1 or 2 damage and then judgement actually does okay damage even with the penalty on it so I don't want to lower her damage anymore than it is so that's why I want a salacious diary because this is 25% healing not as strong as 33% but there's no downside so if you get lucky grab that otherwise though saying before the ancestor scroll pretty good but then you have something like potentially two things with double stress that can get out of control pretty quickly otherwise there's I think there's a blue charm that does healing I can't remember but then there's this thing this is somewhat easy to get early just it has to show up obviously but you have a okay chance like when you start doing medium length missions or you start doing what's the second one veteran you have federal missions then this will start showing up and this is okay fifteen percent healing that does give her like another break point so like plus one or two Honor group heal and then like two or three potentially probably one plus one on her her single start healing it's not bad right so that's okay and then her second shrinkage should be something supportive I like the ancestors map just because it gives us a ton of extra scouting on top of the grave robbers Raider salesmen so your base chance to scout is 25% Raiders talisman up to forty ancestors map up to 65 that's pretty good especially if you're playing in darkness where surprise is more common and scouting becomes more valuable than it already is Plus scouting for secret rooms and stuff so we like extra scouting chance the thing that is also worth noting on the ancestors map is the trap disarm and you probably going shuffle I already have a road here that has a bunch of trap disarmed why do I need someone else true I hear you but consider this you have plus ten percent stress on this and then also grave-robber constantly going into stealth which means the vessel is gonna be taking the brunt of stress nuke attacks so all she has to do is get hit by one of them and then like the way the AI is gonna operate is it's gonna favor her more and more so she's oftentimes going to be the first one to hit a hundred stress in your party the trap disarm gives her I think like 85% chance to disarm traps in a champion which is pretty good which means she can be the one disarming traps instead of the grave robber and just taking like eight stress off each time you know hopefully hit like one or two traps in a run and it's usually worth the gamble so it does help so definitely consider that the other thing you can do honestly you could stack like double healing trinkets and just have like +9 or something on your divine comfort only gets that I put maybe I'd hippocratic yeah so you have that or oh there is see what I was always looking in the wrong area yeah so there is a plus that so you can definitely use this also if you can't get the salacious tyree the minus 15 percent HP is pretty steep but there are ways to offset it for instance you could use a which one is it this one like an overture box or something else that boosts HP you can consider ancestors bottle which yeah like it'll work you know but otherwise some healing trinket some support thing you can do double healing trinkets otherwise I would say the map is the best secondary thing or you could use the ancestors laner to reduce surprise chance and I'm looking at that meaning we're just showing it off but there's a lot you can put there so I've been talking a lot about trinkets for a character that is not focused in this guide so I'm gonna shut up grave-robber I'm only gonna talk about her quirks the rest of them you'll just have to wait for the appropriate guides but pretty much whatever seems intuitive like you said they're always good general picks for any character but for the grave-robber my first quirks I'm looking at are anything that boosts speed usually you want luminous because it's just better than quick reflexes but if you can get quick reflexes do that then next we're looking at any melee damage helper so Slugger precise striker those are usually the best ones you're looking for natural swing yeah I'm not too big a fan because her melee moves have okay accuracy as is so don't really need them otherwise you're looking for as I said extra damage extra crit consider deadly because she does two damage types deadly gives you flat 2% crit chance pretty good we like that moving on to a third quirk to lock in something defensive right I wouldn't lock in both speed quirks I just pick one and then I'd probably take one damaged quark and then one defensive one so one defensive one would be unyielding if you're afraid of her dying that puts her up to 77% death lures this which is pretty good you can also slap a martyr seal on there if you think she's been writing desk door constantly or tough and I guess hard skin I'm not too big of a fan I think hard scene gets better if you have more HP so having 33 HP I would rather take tough over hard skin but those are things you can do I mean you can do things like clutter and whatever the blight was this one is - if you really want to but I think unyielding and then tough are the two best defensive ones for her and then iPhone buzzed again but yeah then if you can't find anything else then just double up on one of the other ones now there is a sniper variant of this team which is pretty much the same thing but instead of like unerring and know instead of Slugger and precise striker you get the range version so you get eagle eye and unerring to boost your range damage and then you swap out the letter opener for something like a musket ball or a lucky talisman I guess a sickening satchel if you have nothing like if you don't have anything really good yet that doubles up on stuff which is actually kind of nice there's other things too like the ancestors candle or in a crescendo box there's a lot of things that just give you flat damage so you can like double dip your damage types but I like the extra crit - but it's pretty much this team the same things apply you shadow fade you blight you stun you iron swan and then you throw daggers at stuff until you feel like you're safe and then you launch on like the last turn lunge is usually good to have in any grave robber bill just because for one it fixes positioning and then - it's a high damage finisher like even without bonuses it routinely hits around like 20 damage so it's still okay to clean up with but otherwise you can swap also for flashing daggers and then just like shadow fading the flashing daggers get some range damage cleave that way and stuff so it's pretty flexible on how to play this team which is why like it so much but that's another way to play it if you want to play it also with the range damage you do something like putting in a bounty hunter and you could like shadow fade and then bounty hundred marks something you do stuff that way bounty hunter gets synergy with the stuns off Hellion so you finish them or also the I forgot the the vestal with dazzling lights so bounty hunter gets some synergies here too but that also gets mark but if you're gonna mark I would probably use a different team but you know for like let's say you just really want to have mark and throw daggers so that's almost you can use and then there's other things you can start swapping around for like if you don't wanna use heli and you can use like man-at-arms and you can use guard and bolster and all the other buffs and stuff but that's like I said I don't feel that they're as effective as the abomination version so those are options if you really want to but I would consider the abomination Hallion via the best setup something I forgot to also mention about the blight team that we were talking about this is another way to run it with these characters I've done it before and the more I play it the less I like it the reason being there's no stun like there's no reliable access to a stun besides the vestal so people get hurt on this team pretty easily when you start playing in a torch 'less so I stopped using it but like it highlight you know like a normal run this is actually it's fine like this will trash through hallways and put down a ton of damage because you have like impale which is busted it's everyone in blights them so grave robber can pick whoever the hell she wants then you have highway man who puts down a ton of damage you have a vestal because why not and the only tricky part about this team is getting it to move correctly because sometimes you have speeds that come out and weird angles and you have to make sure that if the highway man is going first that you play it this way instead because you're gonna shadow fade back here and then on highway man certain one you want to point blank so you can impale on turn one again and then and then from here this team gets kind of weird cuz you have to like be trying to reset it you know like you can shadow fade again and then point-blank again or something like that or use what is it Pierce yeah so this team is cool but what I was trying to get at before is that you don't need this crazy dancing team like this is something that would be that where people are constantly moving constantly doing stuff and every turn is like a new day where you have to consider what's happening and when you're playing darkest dungeon I kind of compare it to action RPGs in a way where if you've ever played an action RPG like path of Exile Diablo and all the other things that fit in that that vein of stuff you want to be like really efficient to the point where you're just chewing through content without really having to think until you hit like a boss or some like tough enemy and it's kind of the same way in darkest dungeon you want your team to be a well-oiled machine where the enemy has minimal chance of disrupting it well you don't really have to think about your turns too much besides like your general strategy so that's why I like the abomination Hellion team it's like it doesn't matter what I run up against like 95% of the time I'm going to shadow fade turn one I'm going to poison I'm going to iron swine or stun and then next turn I'm gonna iron swan or stun and lunge and stun with abomination and heal or judgment you know like I'm doing the same things against every composition so this team is more trouble than it's worth for the most part but it is kind of fun if you're looking for something that's like highly mobile and it does put down a lot of damage that's the one thing it has over the other team as it puts down a lot of damage very quickly it just doesn't have stuns so it's made of paper basically okay so this next team is a pick build so you sin they're going shuffle I don't want to shadow fade I don't want to lunge I don't want to think that hard I just want to like you know press pick cuz it's a cool weapon and just do stuff okay so I got you this build I would still play it with grave robber upfront and you know for us saying you don't have put her in front of Hellion you still don't usually want to but you can get away with it let's use some other tank up in the front like a crusader or man-at-arms or something like that but this is still okay and so you shadow fade and then you hit pick for like 25 damage that's why I like it it's pretty cool but if you don't want to do that pick you might be saying like well the leper you know does some fatty damage too like why do I need to uh armor Pearson's stuff like that and sometimes the protection values just get so ridiculous on certain enemies like the ones that can what you call it the ones that can have guard other characters and stuff that's they'll be sitting it like 60 70 percent protection and lepers just doing diddly squat against that so even with the - damage penalty the armor piercing is why you want this move it's still fun to use and it's the front - and so you have a normal male setup so consider what we were doing before with the the lunge build of you know Slugger luminous unyielding or tough those things those all work those are all good those are our quirks that's your quick your quick quirks the qqs the crime but this build see a pick lunge and shadow fate potentially just because this still fixes movement errors and lunge still does more damage than pick and it hits more things then you have thrown dagger for coverage you don't need poison darts because you have pick so the reason you want poison darts or pick is to get through armor but now you have armor piercing and then this is one you could use trickery on if you really wanted to because she's not to be shadow fading so she's me in in the open more often so being able to protect herself with more dodge that is not shadow fade is okay so this was pretty easy you just leave her there you slam pick you throw daggers if you don't want to use shadow fade and lunge which I still suggest you can put on flashing daggers and trickery but that's kind of what I was saying before it's like you're gonna be hitting this button and probably this button and that's like if you have this button it makes that button it makes poison darts irrelevance for the most part neo throw dagger wagging a flashing dagger when you can throw dagger you'll actually isn't too far behind hmm interesting I didn't notice that cuz this is still minus ten percent damage wood which does suck but this is minus thirty three percent damage but this should be more DPS regardless because of the great modifier but uh yeah but it's interesting to know the flashing daggers isn't that far behind mm-hmm anyway I feel like there's still the best loadout for this highwayman can do whatever the hell he pleases because he is just that good of a character you can use the Duelist advance and the point blank which does kind of hamper the iron swan so you usually want the first thing dead so like turn one with this team would probably probably having troubled words here probably be iron swan and throw dagger which would kill the fourth thing unless the Hellion just won taps it and then you're safe to duelist advance after that basically once the fourth-ranked thing is dead you don't have to worry about Helene's positioning unless you have like battle trance so you can still do it it gets kind of clunky if you wanted to swap it out instead you'd use like AB now there you go you use a bounty hunter I said before there's a lot of synergy here and basically you just want to gank the thing in the the back the forth thing and then hit stuns and then start slamming picks on the front liners and take those down and then at some point you start trying to clean up the rank 3 so probably throw in more daggers but it's basically just when you get to the end of the fight instead of like spamming poison darts and having to juggle around with shadow fade and lunge you just start hitting pick because most enemies in the front line in darkest dungeon have armor so it could be something low it can be like 15 or 20% or whatever a lot of the tanks up front so pick to the face is a good move for that reason if it hit the rank three thing it would be like phenomenal just because of the coverage so if you really wants you like turn one throw dagger on top iron swan kill the fourth thing lunge up shadow fade afterwards and like start hitting picks like I said shadow fade in to pick is still really good so I like that your other characters I forgot to outfit the Bounty Hunter so let's look at the grave robber so same setup this covers like all your melee stuff which is why I like it so much you could use deadly also if you need some split damage quirks but yeah so we have letter opener which gives us positive damage on pick wear plus 10% and then also has a little bit dodge and then plus accuracy which pick does not have as much accuracy as lunge so the extra bonus is helpful the Hellions same thing hairpin some other whatever the heck you want last or other trinket so mark the outcast is pretty good stunt Reigate good melee damage good so like ancestors pen good really good actually because you could have around 40% chance to create the backliner the rank for dude so like that the vestal i just put things on to show you just different things in the trinket slots like these are pretty easy to get overtime like you could get this on a Blood Moon playthrough somewhat reliably and your sin at 38 HP which the reason I put the songs just to show you what she's gonna be at if you use this but that's a lot of extra healing that's a little 60 percent extra healing like this will put to find grace up to like will that be like 13 to have 14 or something and then this is up to 6 to 7 or 6 to 8 depending on what the break points are maybe 7 8 oh that's fat so there's that and then the Bounty Hunter I like the hunters talisman this is pretty easy to get early I always feel like I find this reliably in my playthroughs and then something else she could use agility talent if you really want wounding helmet anything the boost damage vengeful kill list if you're doing caltrops that's the other thing there's a lot of rank for gank ajaan this team because you have a iron swan you have throw dagger you have caltrops like boost all the damage back there so this can take down someone that sits on the back really easily like the the hag for instance it can do pretty well against and some other bosses I don't want to give like too much away you can reliably put some other support trinket on this character if you really wanted to like if you wanted to have your ancestors Lantern and your ancestors map from like another character you could stack those or some other trinkets some other mid to your stuff if you really wanted [Music] some kind of Slayer ring like manslayer be Slayer eldritch Slayer those are good moon ring not bad I'm just trying to go through the the lower tier stuff defensive trinkets blood charm fantastic those one of my favorites camouflage cloak the penalty isn't that big of a deal because there aren't too many stuns and if you're playing in high light where things a little safer there you go you can do like anything that boosts like bleed chances or surgical gloves these are really good to get early I forgot about those you can put that on like that's almost like you know it's got these two penalties that aren't that big up penalties depending on who gets like this would be really good on the grave robber early if you can't get like a letter opener I forgot about this so yeah interesting trinkets and your lower bracket of stuff obviously dazzling charm a thing of stuns snake-oil speed stones so you get the idea just pretty easy to get a hunter's talisman early and that covers a lot of your bases the penalties not that big a deal just something on top of it also I forgot to talk about this if there if you are unable to get an ancestors map early you can get it early I'm not gonna really spoil how you can get the damn thing because I mean I think people like people that have gotten it know how to get it and they know how you can get it early but for those new players if they don't want how to get those things I won't tell you but the Survival Guide is a great option early like this thing is fantastic for a common trinket like the -1 speed is whatever so if you can't get the ancestors map use the survival guide so yeah so you can just throw that on there along with some other stuff but this team does ok you can mark if you want to throw some daggers at first and you get some coverage with like where you can reach bounty hunters really flexible but this slide is probably the most open for this kind of thing are you believe this - like this as I said could be a man-at-arms for instance only use anything else but yeah basically she's pretty independent here I guess that's the whole point of this if she doesn't have to be set up anymore like she can shadow fade in to pick and that's her own set up she doesn't need blight that much the mark is nice I forgot that it's a higher scaling than than blight damage yeah it's pretty much just hit and pick trying to gank back liners and this is a way to player that is moderately successful if you want to do that but I still think the lunge build is better and we're gonna move on to our last team comp [Music] the match is not a blazing star is born [Music] pierce it champion balls you know keep having these thoughts when I go to start talking about another team that uh you know well you know what let me check my notes the second time cuz I do have a huge thing in notes that I'm looking at and then I go oh there's this thing I missed whatever I think the hound master could be really good here too the reason being the hound master has a lot of reach with the the blackjack you have a way to mark the best mark in the game in my opinion surprisingly not the best mark for the grave-robber because she has armor-piercing but otherwise this is still the best mark in the game I mean not even just for them okay so look at this stupid mark okay it does protection which is the best thing to lower we see someone else were quick yeah so it does protection which is the best thing to lower it also has a hundred and seventy percent base chance and if you look at the was it the Bounty Hunter his gives some speed so you could argue that that's good in its own way but less protection bonus or yeah less protection penalty then 140 percent pace you look at the where's it it is this one yeah let me look at the the occultist his does damage that's kind of cool but also it lowers Dodge which isn't as good and it's got 140 percent base I'm not gonna look at the herbalist the herbalist mark is so trashed here but yeah so this has a cool name that's why I left it but you could switch this and then lose the cool team name for a Hellion this way you have some stuns more stuns you have a ton of reach you have a stress healer to which you can't do it here we can heal himself I guess right that's okay but yeah so you have a bunch of reach on everything so this is actually pretty good Warren's team because that's where I think the Hound master does best but you have protection lowering for other characters which is nice you have a lot of reach you have bleed you can put more bleed on with this team if you want to Teague is flashing daggers to help bleed sticks there's some sudden synergy that exists here but then also as we were saying before the reason we kind of like the men-at-arms in a team like this too is because the grave robber if she's not shadow fading you want to protect her and then you have a guard so there's only I think two characters that have guards so it's this and man-at-arms and that's something to consider the hound master has the same base dodge a30 as the grave robber so you just tap guard you get up to 50 and then you put on other stuff to give guard or not guard dodge percentage which is pretty nice I think not this doesn't yeah yeah this really wanted to if you wanted to have a dodge tank you have a protective color you can guard you'd be up to 62% dodge before anything else happens you have the weighted cudgel feeling to do it he uses crimson court set which is amazing or you just use the evidence of corruption like you don't need this thing is good like on its own it's crazy his scent might be one of the best because they're both good independently and they're actually pretty good together so but if you put both this on then we're talking more about the hound master and we're trying to we're trying to talk about the grave robber here so yeah this gives us a ton more scouting right we have the ancestors map if you look at this we have um god I'm just going overboard with this team right now aren't I maybe this should have been the focal point so if we see here we have 25% base scouting that's just what it is in the game and we have plus 15 so that's 40 percent we have plus 25 that's 65 percent and then we have plus another 25 which is 90 percent scouting holy Sh like this will be pretty good and I'm sorry I just when I when I swore I was like is YouTube gonna knock out my money I don't know but yeah so uh you have 90 percent scouting that's amazing that is so good you could use that in darkness easily like it doesn't even matter it's so good yeah there's a lot of lot of good stuff going on here so how a master could also work now we're going on to our last team so this last team is kind of spicy I got the idea actually from the highwayman so I had a user on my third tier list video named one God one fury and they told me that grapeshot is actually really good if you pair it with a gunslinger buckle and I thought about it I normally don't like cleave moves as I've been saying before in case you didn't see the other parts of the video a cleave is anything that hits multiple targets so you see grapeshot hits one two and three so it's thinking about it and they're saying that you have the gunslinger bucket which gives us plus 20% range skill damage and that puts this to minus 30% which is pretty good cuz highwayman has ridiculous damage at 9 to 16 I still don't know why that's allowed but whatever so it's thinking about it and then when I was looking at grave shot for some weird ridiculous reason it has a debuff that gives you crits received chance and when I start looking at that more is thinking huh what can I actually do with this so this is how this team came to be cuz thinking about what are other cleave moves in the game you know if you really wanted to you could just put an occultist in there why not get out of your freakin vest what we've seen enough for you I was thinking like how else could we make this work so the great Robert not grave-robber the great Robert capitalizes on this team pretty well but the highwayman is I think the focal point so you have people that can cleave so actually let me set this up real quick okay so as I was saying the highwayman is the crux but we took other people that can capitalize on cleaving so we have the leper rare leper sighting so the leper enthusiasts that constantly blow me up in the comments like actually shovel here's why is the best character also why is he better than the grave robber I've had this debate several times the most notable being I had someone that dropped into my discord like a week ago and they just wrote me an essay about the leper and then laughs they didn't let me respond they just left after they said it like anyway so the let's see let's see it's okay I'm all frazzled so we have the grave robber with the setup that's where I was at okay you could use shut lunge if you want there's a couple reasons as always to fix positioning I'll talk about some other stuff why not okay so flashing daggers is your core ability this is a cleave and its ranks two and three if you're noticing we're starting to see the pattern here this hits one two and three the leper hits one and two grave robber hits two and three so we have one person that hits all three and then two hit two each so everyone gets targeted except for rank four but then also rank two gets hit by everyone so rest in peace rank two you're gonna be getting clobbered by three people it's gonna be pretty funny oh yeah so we have shadow fade we have thrown dagger for coverage because we do need to hit those back liners and then same reasoning before we don't have pick so we have poison darts you can use pick in this build usually want your leper up front just so he's the least likely to get pushed out of position but if you wanted to rock it like this I would suggest considering pick so that way we can shadow feign to pick but we want to shadow fade into flashing daggers so if you did the pick variant you take off poison darts so it would be shadow fade flashing naggers pichhe pichhe pichhe pichhe or flashing now your second time and then pick afterwards throw daggers those kind of things okay so the leper you can do pretty much whatever you can use chop and hue I think you need both of these obviously you can use a revenge if you're gonna be in a long boss battle but I would suggest against that for a cleave team and I probably should have said this at the start steam is great for smashing hallway battles and remodels this is great for not boss battles there are some bosses that have multiple things with them like multiple things it's not just one person in like a ranked you know they like allies and whatever so revenge or this team can be pretty good against that so that would be an example of you could steamroll the hallway battles the room battles then get to the boss and then you just tap revenge and then this team could still work so it's definitely good in that regard but otherwise you have you could use purge but that's why we like the occultists here we'll talk about him in a sec you probably already guess self feels really good but it's basically these two probably this one if you're gonna use the occultist because healing is gonna be a little light and then your choice of fourth you can do intimidate it's not too bad you can use the buffs those are okay purge is okay but the reason we like the cultists is because we have Damon's poll which clears corpses so that's why this way we still have a healer with our weird reconstruction we have a debuff er this can be pretty nice because some of those praten me set up front this way we can drop their protection and kill them easier also the occultus is a slower healer than the vessels so lowering incoming damage with weakening curse very good so that way that's less time we have to spend healing you know maybe instead of getting hit for you know ten we get hit for eight it's not too bad just lower amounts always helpful and then a cultists also has his own cleave if you want to keep up with the theme but then you have some other stuff too so vulnerable d hacks you don't really need because we're not marking the sacks tab we're not in rank three with you cultists so I think this is probably the most optimal and obvious loadouts okay so what this team looks like is turn one you shadow fade and then you get two grapeshot because highwayman is pretty quick and lepers usually going last this leper is it's got quick reflexes and quick draws so maybe not the best one to take on this team but yeah so the goal is to use grapeshot and ideally you want to stick the debuff that's why I put the debuff amulet on just because I want to also show off some other trinkets you can just roll damage or defensive trinket like you put whatever you want here I think you need the gunslingers buckle you could use the Crimson cord set I don't think that's his best for this like you have the two-speed the 10 dodge a QC crit and then the mega high virtue chance which we do like but you can also put something else that puts down damage you can use like one of them ranged ancestor trinkets or whatever like any of the orange ones did it to dad isn't there you use like a moon ring a Sun ring a slayer ring I think it said defensive trinkets I know there's green trinkets that do range damage just can't remember them off the top got range accuracy if you really need it but yeah there's a lot of stuff you can do there but I think this is probably the best one because this way you get big damage off gunslinger buckle 15 percent accuracy it's pretty good this thing desperately needs it but also when you have the debuff thing you stick the debuff which is crits received so since you shadow faded on turn one you're flashing daggers on turn to your crit chance is let's see so that's minus 5 so that's what 17 25 I'm really slow at the math right now hold on yeah okay so with all the math done we're gonna take away the quark in the building so that's 15 percent plus 8 that's 23 plus 8 that's 31 minus 1 that's 30 percent chance to create pretty good very easy for the grave-robber to clean up one or both enemies that she's hitting with this move on turn 2 and then since she's already going really quickly she's very fast so she's going near the start of the turn the highwayman is usually faster than the other front liners I think 5 and 6 feet is pretty common something lower sometimes to like for speed in your your front line enemies but if you have Dismas he starts with quick reflexes if you use the Crimson court set that's another 2 speed too depending on whatever your highwayman is so very easy to just chew through the front line within two turns like they get one attack off each like they get their attacks on turn one they're dead on turn two and if you get any crits you're just down to like the rank 4 person wearing four purses the stress dealer often and you know in most uh most cases so there's some inherent risk there you don't have any stuns but it is just fun to bulldoze stuff with this team and the other reason that we like the the occultists is let's say that stuff is dying but you're not getting crits so the corpses aren't getting cleared and you need to pull stuff up to the front not only just for targets but also you need to get the corpses out of the way so the leper isn't just completely shafted and can't hit anything so that's why this has some good synergy this team as fun as it is runs into some issues things it hates seeing is our is our things that hate seeing our 2-space enemies that like to sit in the front because those take up cleave slots like you can't hew that in him you know both halves of it you have to just chop anything with high protection values because we don't have any damage overtime effects so we're relying on some medium hit damage you know we're looking at 33% 50% - on our damage mods so we're doing moderate damage and we're trying to kill multiple things quickly not one thing quickly so this team can kind of run into trouble there if things have prod like if a lot of things have prod in the team or if there's a not really guard this gets through guard pretty easily but yeah if there's protection or double spaced enemies the seam can kind of not like well not kind of it doesn't like that just because it neuters its effectiveness which means that all we are trying to see in the dungeons are groups of four or three or whatever just think just singular enemies that we can press all of our cleave buttons and enjoy watching them just die in two turns so quirks you're looking for the same things we're talking about with the other range build you want luminous quick reflexes so you want speed you want unerring or eagle-eye so you get that range damage up we're not concerned with melee damage so we don't even want deadly most of the time just because like that's all you're gonna use this team exclusively cuz deadly can still be good but otherwise we're gonna be using flashing daggers that's it there's really no reason to use anything else besides flashing daggers and throw dagger and then some defensive quirks so as we were saying before and yielding tough those are both good so that said I think that's all the content in the video and now it is time to record an outro anyway so if you watched all this thank you I really appreciate it I know I talked a lot like it's [ __ ] a lot dude there's just big information dump so I'll try and have timestamps and stuff to help people out but this characters really involved and there's a lot of stuff that people they just kind of like write her off they go all her damage is low she seems complicated I don't wanna deal with it so I'm just not gonna player you know and I really like this character I do think she's one of the best damage dealers like I think she's behind highwayman and that's about it so she's definitely good she's got her own things yeah I give her a try hopefully I convinced you to try a couple things and player and stuff like that and this by no means is like everything in terms of team comps for her and stuff like that like I've I've seen some ridiculous stuff of like the they said with lunging I've seen well I can't pick a second grave-robber we're gonna pretend this one is like I said there's been things like lunge lunge and this comes back or something like that then you lunge again and she just disappeared so there's there's a lot of crazy stuff you can do with grave-robber just whatever you feel like for imagination and then the only thing is sexist and she is kind of brittle if you make a mistake or if your plants just bad like you're gonna know she might she might die there's me at death's door or something like that so yeah anyway I just remembered I got a record some audio fixes too so I'm gonna do that right after this but otherwise thanks for watching the other guides shouldn't be this long and in-depth because most characters aren't this in-depth and that's not the same thing about them you know like anything negative but like I don't know let's say I talk about who's someone straight forward leper right this video is me like 20 minutes me time I what the livers good and bad at a couple cops forum it's like what our leper comes right it's just like here's leper just everyone else I don't know yeah so don't expect them to all be this long so don't be worried about that which also means that some of the shorter ones I can put out quicker next I'm gonna talk about the shield breaker and my discord which you're welcome to join we talked about darkest dungeon and some other stuff from time to time it's like 57 people now which is pretty cool thank you everyone who's been joining check it out and I've been asking people what they want to see next and I've gotten shield breaker a couple times for the second character so shield breakers next and that's me another in-depth one I feel like and then after that I'm not quite sure maybe like a cultists or something or maybe I should do Crusader because people don't think Crusaders st ER and all that they're fine to think that let me need to talk about him Sam that's where I'm at let me know what you're thinking let me know if you want to see people will give me a lot of good video ideas to not just like class guides they've been like have you wanted to do mod classes and stuff and it's like yes yes I do that's fantastic so I'm gonna do that I'm gonna move into some guides on was a base building and Blood Moon and stuff like that darkness all those things so there's a lot to talk about in this game I'm gonna try and put out videos a little quicker now that my schedule is a bit more under control since you know first couple weeks of school is always the toughest and I need use the bathroom so I mean in this video thanks for watching I'll see you later join us chord
Channel: ShuffleFM
Views: 80,236
Rating: 4.8796992 out of 5
Keywords: Let's Play, Darkest Dungeon 2, guide, tips, help, playthrough, walkthrough, gameplay, ending, last boss, moonmoon, filthyrobot, speedrun, cohhcarnage, wayne june, ancestor, lore, optimized, best, challenge, hard mode, stygian, blood moon, baertaffy, dlc, crimson court, color of madness, ost, tier list, analysis, big daddy berkut
Id: -YPReTv9HUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 12sec (5172 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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