DaVinci Resolve 16 Tutorial | Cinematic Title Animation | No Plugins

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hey guys I am Vikash for skyline motions and welcome to this brand new video in today's video I am going to show you guys how to create a cinematic title animation inside of the vendor is all 16 so without any further ado let's take a new project and get started alright so click on this new project and let's call it cinematic title and click on create and now let's do some basic settings so click on this setting button and set the size of this project 1920 by 1080 and set this frame rate 30 fps and said this playback framerate 30 fps and click on save and now I'm going to create cinematic title animation inside of this fusing tab so we have to take a new fusion composition so right click on this media pool and click on this new fusion composition and I'm gonna call it fusion comp and said the duration of this composition may be 5 seconds long and set this frame rate 30 and click on create and drag this Fusion composition on this timeline like that and then go to your fusing tab and here we have our media out node so just drag this over here and now let's create a black background so click on this background button to add a background node and drag this background to this viewer 1 and let's rename it so hit f2 on the keyboard to rename and let's call it DZ and hit OK and now let's convert this busy into a 3d layer so press ctrl + a spacebar on the keyboard for search box and search for image plane 3d so this is our image plane 3d node or you can also click on this image plane 3d button to add image plane 3d node and let's attach this background with this image plane 3d and drag this image plane 3d in this vive one and now hold alt + middle mouse button to rotate this viewport in 360 and hold ctrl + a scroll up to zoom in and scroll down to zoom out and hold middle mouse button only and drag this to pan left right top and bottom all right now let's take a new merge 3d node so click on this merge 3d button and add a merge 3d node and attach this image plane 3d with this merge 3d and drag this merge 3d on this view 1 and now let's take a camera so click on this camera 3d and connect this camera 3d with this merge 3d and let's call it main cam so hit f2 on the keyboard and hit OK alright now drag this merge 3d in this viewer - and let's hide this grid so right click on this go to 3d option and uncheck this bleed and right click again and go to camera and change this prospective view to camera view ok and select this camera and go to this viewer one and drag this camera in G space and set this camera alike done and now right click on this flow window and go to arrange tool and check this box to turn on the grid snapping so that will help you to keep these node clean and organized so set it like tar all right and now we have to create a smoke kind of effect so we have to take a new fashion wise node so hit ctrl + a spacebar for search box and search for fast noise so this is our fashion wise hit add button and let's call it smoke hit ok and drag this ass move over here and now drag this smoke in this viewer one and let's enable alpha and let's create a small kind of effect so select this is smoke and go to this inspector tab and said this detail value maybe aim and said this is scale 3 hit enter and now as you can see it's a steel image so let's animate this sheet value so right click on this seat click on this expression and let's type a time expression so I'm gonna type time x 0.005 and hit enter and let's play this again so as you can see it's looking like a small and now let's set this brightness and contrast so set this brightness maybe negative 0.8 hit enter and set this contrast value maybe 0.5 and hit enter and now let's change this alpha to color and create a duplicate of this image plane 3d so select this hit ctrl C to copy and paste it over here by pressing ctrl V and let's attach this smoke with this image plane 3d and connect this image plane 3d with this merge 3d okay and let's arrange it like that alright so as you can see it's looking something like that now we have to create a light over here so let's take a new background node so click on this background button and let's call it light one so heat after on the keyboard and rename it to light one and hit ok and drag this light over here and let's add a circular mask with this so select this light one and click on this ellipse tool and add our lips mask like that and rug this ellipse to this viewer and let's change the color of this background node so pick a blue color and select this ellipse and set it like that and blessed it over here all right and then go to this inspector tab and said this soft age may be 0.4 hit enter and said this border worth 0.2 so it's looking something like that and now let's convert this to D light into a 3d layer so let's paste another image plane 3d by hitting ctrl V and connect this light one with this image plane 3d and connect this image plane 3d with this much 3d all right so it's looking like that and now let's create another light so just select these three node hit ctrl C to copy and paste it over here by pressing control V and now let's change the color of this light so select this light and change this color to red and let's call it light to hit okay and connect this image plane 3d with this merge 3d all right and select this ellipse and set it over here all right now we have to create a text so click on this text button to add a text node and drag this text in this vevo one and let's type a text whatever one to type so I'm typing in the winsy and choose your favorite font style so in this case I'm using sweet generous show so this is our sweet generous font style and of course you can choose any font style that you want and let's set the size of this pond may be 0.14 and hit enter and now we have to animate this text so go to around frame number 120 which is equal to 4 second and click on this time and button to add a keyframe or you can also right-click on this tracking and click animate alright and then go to very beginning of this animation and set this tracking value maybe three and hit enter and let's play this alright so as you can see we have a very basic and weird animation so let's make some more interesting animation so go to a spline window hit f4 to first screen and check this text one and click on this fit button and select these control point or keyframe and hit S on the keyboard to smooth or you can also click on this smooth button and then set the CDI at this point and hold this handle and create a curve like that and hold this handle also and set it and that and create a curve something like this and hit f4 again and close this spline window and let's play this again so as you can see we have a very smooth animation alright now drag this text in this viewer to and click on this single viewer and hold ctrl and scroll up to zoom in and set it like that and select this text and go to this shading option and go to properties and change this type solid to gradient and set this gradient and make this a 3d looking text so just select this point and select a pure white color and add another point in his center like that and shut this center point color maybe dark gray and add another point over here and over here also and set it like that and on this point also and make it dark gray and set it like that alright so it's looking like a glossy text and now let's create a duplicate of this text once so select this hit ctrl C to copy and paste it over here by pressing ctrl V and let's call it text too by hitting f2 on the keyboard and let's rename it to text too and hit OK and let's merge these both text so we have to take a to D merge so click on this merge button and let's connect this yellow background point over this text 1 and green foreground point with this text 2 and drag this merge to this viewer and now go to around 1:20 frame where we have created a keyframe and select this text 1 and go to text and change these tracking values so so I'm gonna set this 0.99 and hit enter and go to very beginning of this animation where we have created another keyframe and change this value to two point nine nine and hit enter and go to around over here and all control and I scroll up for zooming set it like that and select this text 1 and go to setting again and let's inverse these colors so select this point and make it pure dark black and select this point also and make it black and set this sainted point and make it pure white okay and let's play around with this points and create a nice 3d looking text all right so as you can see it's looking like a 3d text but this is actually a 2d text so let's convert this into a 3d layer so just select these node placed it over here and let's create a duplicate of this image plane so hit ctrl C to copy and paste it over here by pressing control V and connect this merge with this image plane 3d and connect this image plane 3d with this merge 3d and drag this merge 3d in this viewer to and click on this double viewer alright and now we have to add some particles over here so go to your media pool and let's import particle file so go to import media and select these particle file which I have downloaded from pixabay.com and link given in the description so go to the link and download this particle and click on open and drag this particle on this floor window and close this media pool and drag this media in in this view 1 and let's call it particles so hit f2 on the keyboard and let's rename it to particles hit OK and as you can see it has a black background so let's remove this black background so select this particle hit ctrl + a spacebar for search box and search for luma keyer so this is a luma keyer node hit add button and drag this luma keyer to this viewer and let's change this color to alpha and as you can see it's looking something like that so let's change some values to select this luma keyer and go to this inspector tab and set this gamma to zero and set this contract expand maybe 1 so as you can see it's looking much more better and now change this alpha to color and let's create another image plane 3ds so hit control V to paste and connect this luma keyer with this image plane 3d and connect this image plane 3d with this merge 3d and set this merge 3d over here maybe and let this camera over here and as you can see we have a particles over here and let's import one more thing lens flare so go to this media pool and right click on this media pool click on import media and select this flare and I have also given a link in the description for this player so go to the link and download this player and click on open and let's drag this player on this flow window and hit f2 on the keyboard and let's call it flair it okay and drag this player in this we were one and close this media pool all right now let's make this 3d so paste another image plane 3d by heading control V and connect this flare with this image plane 3d and connect this image plane 3d with this merge 3d alright so as you can see we have a lens player over here and now let's drag this merge 3d in this vive one now right click on this and let's enable greed so go to 3d option and check this grid and right click again go to camera and change this main cam to prospective view alright and let's rotate it like that and now we have to create a distance between each layer in G space so let's select this image plane of this background node and drag this over here maybe and let's scale it up and set this orange line outside this frame so you go to this transform and hold ctrl and let's scale it up and send this lag time so set this orange line outside this frame so hold ctrl and I scale it up and read it like that and and now select this image plane of this smoke and drag it in z space and set it over here like that and let's scale it up and fit this so go to transform hold ctrl and I scale it up and set this orange line outside this frame like that and now select this image plane of this light one and set it in G space maybe over here and let's scale it up so go to transform hold ctrl and I scale it up and set this orange line outside this frame like that and select this image plane for this light to also and set it in G space over here and let's uh scale it up so go to transform hold ctrl and a scale it up and set this orange line outside this frame and now select this image plane 3d for this text and set it over here maybe or set it here like that and [Music] lets us scale it up so go to this transform and scale it up and select this image plane 3d of these particles so just set it over here and a scale it up so what a transform hold ctrl and so this orange line outside this frame and one last thing we have to do is just select this image planes ready for this flare and let's set this in g space over here maybe alright and go to transform and let's scale it down a bit and shut this orange line like that okay so as you can see it's looking something like that and now let's remove this black background from this flare so just select this image plane 3d and go to this material option and here it's alpha so set this alpha value maybe 0.003 hit enter so as you can see it's looking something like that and now select this image plane 3d of this flare and you go to this transform and uncheck this XYZ and let's set this x value maybe 1.5 and say this Y may be 0.25 hit enter and set this flare over here like that and now let's animate this so go to the end of the animation and rightly this X click on animate or you can also click on this diamond button to add a keyframe on X property and go to very beginning of this animation and set this value to default okay so as you can see it's looking something like that and now let's do one more thing so if you want to change this text you have to change in text 1 and text to both but we don't have to do this because I'm gonna link this text 1 with this text too so select this text 1 and let's spin this by clicking on this button ok and select this text too and as you can see here is text 2 parameters so right click on this style text and click on this expression and let's parent this with text once so pick this speaker point and let's attach this with a style text for text 1 like this ok and now we have to change in text 1 and text 2 will be automatically changed so let's change this so I'm going to type resolved 16 so as you can see it's working and now let's unpin this text 1 and let's animate this camera so select this camera and go to the end of this animation and go to this transform and let's create a keyframe on G translation so click on this to add a keyframe on G translation and click on this diamond button to add a keyframe on z-rotation also and then go to very beginning of this animation and let's set this Z rotation maybe negative 30 hit enter and now let's set this camera in g space so select this camera and select this point and drag it over here so as you can see we have a very basic animation so let's give some more interesting animation so go to spline window press f4 on the keyboard to fuller screen and let's uncheck this text 1 and text 2 and check this G rotation only so uncheck this is the offset and click on this fit button or sorry uncheck this image plane and click on this fit button selling these keyframe click on this smooth button and set the CTI over here and hold this point or handle and set it over here like that and hold this point also and set it over here like that and create a curve something like this and now let's check this G offset and uncheck this G rotation and click on this fit button select this keyframe click on this a smooth button hold this handle and create a curve like that and hold this handle also and set it like that and create a curve something like this and now hit f4 again and close this a spline window and let's play this all right so it's looking something like this now we have to add a render 3d node so click on this render 3d and let's convert 3d output into 2d so connect this merge 3d output with this renderer 3d and read this render 3d in this viewer okay and click on this fit alright so go to the end of this animation and let's drag this camera over here maybe alright now we have to add a color correction node after this render 3d so select this and click on this CC button to add a color corrector node and let's drag this color character to this viewer and let's do some color adjustment so change this menu color to levels and change these RGB levels may be 0.75 hit enter and go to this blue channel and set this blue channel maybe 1.5 hit enter so it's looking something like that and now let's do one more thing just select this image plane 3d for light - and go to this material and Harwich opacity so set this opacity maybe 0.6 and hit enter and set this light to one image plane 3d and go to this material and set this opacity maybe 0.6 hit enter so as you can see it's looking something like that and now finally we have to connect this main output with this media out so drag this media out over here and connect this color corrector output with this media out and then go to your edit tab and let's create one more thing we have to create an aspect ratio for cinematic look so go to timeline output blanking and click on this 2.4 and as you can see our text animation is ready so click on this look button and close this respective tab and let's increase the size of this preview window and let's play this again all right so it's looking awesome and that's it for now guys I hope you liked it if you liked it then hit the subscribe button and click on the bell icon to get notified when I upload in my new videos so I will see you in next video till then bye bye [Music]
Channel: Skyline Motions
Views: 112,644
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Davinci Resolve 16, Davinci Resolve Tutorial, Cinematic Title, 3D Text, Text Animation, Youtube Channel intro, Fusion Tutorial, Movie title, easy tutorial, no pluggings, artist vikashk, motion graphics in davinci resolve, creative work, Skyline Motions, VFX Tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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