How to Paint in NEON | Davinci Resolve / Fusion Tutorial

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let's go around the effectors my name is Vijay welcome to a brand new exciting phenomenal creationist tutorial the channel that helps you become better at post-production workflows in the film industry in today's fusion tutorial we're actually jumping into the fusion panel in DaVinci Resolve fusion nevertheless and we're gonna be learning how to make super popular music video glowing animated lines effects you know the one when you take the do these kind of things and stuff happen you know let's go ahead and see let's just jump in and see how those are pulled off and let your creativity blast out all right let's go yeah what's going on everyone and welcome inside DaVinci Resolve and yes before you start going crazy in the comments we are doing the effect inside the fusion panel and this will work exactly the same inside of fusion software but since fusion is also built into resolve there's a lot of people you out there may have suggested me that as I should do more effects inside a result so that's what I'm doing hope you guys will enjoy this as much as I and already so you saw in the intro what I'm gonna be doing today we're gonna show you how to do those electrical super visual elements that is a really popular music videos or or something of the sorts so I have here some stock footage of a guy breakdancing in a slow motion probably 60 frames per second or something and John I'm not gonna do an effect on this entire clip since that would take a long time and that's the first disclaimer of its effect this effect to do is crazy simple it's dead simple to do but it's just a little bit time-consuming since we are pretty much working frame by frame here but thanks to fusion some things are really automated that will help help this project out we're gonna see that that's awesome so let's go ahead and jump into the tutorial part itself let's go here here on the bottom panel we can see that we are now on the editing page and we're gonna jump into this little magic one section so we're gonna do some movie magic so we can jump into this magic wand a fusion panel you're gonna open up the panel here and just basic some navigation tools here how this works we have the basically the flow panel where we are building our notes you can app if you zoom in this with if you have a mouse that supports up-and-down and horizontal scrolling or you can hold down the mouse key to free formerly move around here the same here scrolling up and down holding it down command or control you can zoom in on this frame holding down the mouse key you can move around freely here so that's just some basic navigator tools let's go ahead and jump in and how to start working with this and also here's the timeline so we can see the clip here awesome let's start working all right II hope you guys have prepared yourself to to learn some cool stuff here so in the flow area we have our media in media out so we're just gonna need to add some effects here so the first kind we're gonna do shift spacebar you know the deal and if you don't welcome so choose spacebar gives us the entire effects and presets basically selection here and we're gonna find a background effect here we need to select its X so we can actually type something background that's the first one then we're gonna go ahead and add a new one having it selected will automatically pair them together which is pretty cool find the paint effect this will be the main effect that we'll be using to utilize this effect and you can see there automatic connected since I had the background selected keeping this selected add one more effect called soft glow that will give that light savoury glowing neon II look there you don't have to use it if you don't want to but it just looks really cool so these are the basic elements for this effect then what we need to do is to basically get them to connect with this our media here so what we're gonna do is go ahead and select the media in click this little button here called merge you could also find it here that's the how I've learned to do it so having it there it will add the merge note in here and from there we're gonna go to this output node so basically having this entire node train connect to this merge but can making this a little output string attachment to this foreground green arrow so putting that there and boom we have a black screen is this what we want no this heck no that's not what we want why is this black since we're having a background here and the background is set to black and of course we would change the color it will change the background color and but we don't need a background so what I want to do first is go to this little alpha slider it's basically an opacity slider for the for the background slide that to zero so we don't see this black solid why are we having a background since when we were using the paint effect it needs a background to paint on so that's why we use the background here it just it's just like an invisible layer for the paint to then start painting stuff so that's basically we have it we turn it to zero the Alpha so we don't have because if we would have this on zero like this it would be painting on black but we don't want to see that the background that's why we put the alpha to zero pretty straightforward actually then from the soft glow okay you could actually already see it we're actually giving this a little of a glowy glowy type of look but we want to change that a little bit so go to the soft glow we can add the glow signs to make it a little bigger go to the color scale maybe add some blueish tones so hit up the blue tone drop down to red give it something some greens to get make a little more teal this is how you can control the coloring of this this layer so yeah pretty cool okay so now we have that diode then then another thing we could I show a little bit navigate of tools is by how you can see this little circle around the cursor that's basically your brush size if you want to alter that you could go to brush controls and she's the size and soft was but nobody likes that hold down the command or control key click and drag left and right and you got this then of course the softness you pretty much have to do manually that's something okay all right so now let's go ahead and take these elements away like that let's change the size of the cursor make it a little more softer and we have our thing going on here and now let's just let's go back to the Safa glow here and drop down to red put some green but blues and give some glow and nice looking good looking nice all right let's are working with the animation itself alright guys I am pleased to tell you that the hard part of this tutorial is over you have learned how to do the basics of the soft glow stuff so now let's start to apply this to our talent itself here so how we are going to be doing this let's see if we can scale this up a little bit so we can see more see more here is that there's a pretty good automated aspect about this effect for example if I'm now on the first frame we can see on the first frame if I drag a line here and go one frame forward with the arrow keys and just keep doing for example this you can see that it will be automatically animated than frame by frame so you don't have to do any animation yourself so you can just focus on unleashing your creativity which is pretty cool pretty cool that's what I'm trying to say yeah so okay so now we start to want to unleash your creativity start to do stuff so basically usually with these kind of effects really is pretty good or recommended even do that you think beforehand what type of effect or what type of look you are going for for example maybe I want to add the power electricity to this dude so I want to add maybe like an electrical charge going through his hand when he touched the ground it will apply to the ground maybe something happens to his feet when he's swinging these around that could look pretty cool so and this is the time consuming part because we are working frame by frame so I'm gonna give you a guess and over look how this works and then I'm gonna promo speed up the clip and I'm gonna show you a couple of cool tricks here so let's go ahead and here maybe add a charge let's go ahead um in like this then I just gonna paint here frame by frame I have any point I can change the cursor style or basically the size here so that's what I'm gonna do all right so look in this back we have a pretty cool effect going on here okay we have a little charge going in hint his fingers into the ground that's already something so but then you might be thinking what if I just want to add more blue to maybe his other hand that the other hand is also doing stuff but we have already started like like an animation here does this mess up anything actually no we could actually just go jump in here go to the second arm start painting in here maybe change the size here all right so now we have added a couple of facts in here so we have a blue in here and we have on the both of the hands happening stuff here so that's already pretty cool but what if what if you want to add another color for example when he's swinging his leg now we once like to have a trail moving around his feet how's that gonna work so since if we would have put another line here it would be blue and if we would now go to a soft glow and change the color it would change the color for the entire effect here and that's not really what we're looking for maybe I want to add like an orange effect for that so how that works is actually not that hard what we're gonna do is to basically repeat this this process here so what I'm gonna do is go ahead and copy these so ctrl command C click the merge node add another merge node so we just need a foundation to for the effects to be applied to you then deselect everything maybe add us base hit command V just to add them here and now same way connecting this to the merge node but since we copied this we also copied the same effects here let's type painting so what I'm gonna do is just click the paint click here on this little reset button so that will reset it so now we can go to the soft glow and maybe do this red orange yeah so now if we go to paint it should be pretty like this so that's the paintbrush tool yeah it's pretty orange right now so now we can just start working with this separately from each other and we can select all these maybe if command G goop done together just so it doesn't bother us here like this okay so and then from here you do the same thing we have done doing been doing all the time here all along and from here I want this legs to start do stuff you you all right so looking back at this so we can see that we have done a couple cool things we have some electricity going back and we have some animations going on with the feed we it's actually pretty fun to do this and it's it's just like you just have to be creative and it's super easily customizable since you don't have to change the colors going back and forth between the paint options you can just you do basically the paint animation first and then you can change all the aspects of the glow sighs and outside you wanted to be the threshold and all that kind of stuff or then not have any kind of glow there if you if you just want like a cartoony kind of look there it's really you have all the options in the world so that is pretty much how you create this glowing a line music video type of of a look there and you can make it however advanced as you want of course the more jumps you have basically a friend that if you do like this it will be pretty quick and if you do every frame like really close to each really close to each other it will be super detailed and more slow so you have really much control over this and I think this looks pretty good pretty good pretty good yeah like hopefully you did get something out of this and really play around with this and definitely send me if you do work on something like this send me a link in the in the description let me show let me see what you have done and maybe not maybe I will pick one of them from your creation and it will shout it out in the next DaVinci Resolve tutorial so definitely show what you have been creating and you will get a shout out on the channel so everyone else can also see what you have done since you watch this tutorial so definitely give that a go I try this at home and send me a link in the description or send it to my email you can find on the channel I definitely do that so that could be pretty cool all right but that's enough for me let's go ahead and jump into the outro thank you guys for sticking around with this tutorial it was really fun to do this and yeah let's go alright we have reached the end of this very tutorial hope you guys did enjoy it as much as I loved creating it for you guys and definitely give this video a like if you found it helpful and give me a comment telling you what you thought about this overall and definitely consider subscribing to this channel if you haven't already and you never want to miss out on future tutorials a great way to do that is to click that little notification bell so you will be notified when a new tutorial drops into your subscription box that would be much appreciated hope you guys did enjoy this - VK and I'll see you guys in the next tutorial ready let's go
Channel: Phenomenal Creations
Views: 43,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: After, Effects, adobe, tutorial, amazing, simple, easy, medium, advanced, stunning, pro, video, effect, Phenomenal, Creations, Davinci resolve, fusion 16
Id: i7YnsPVnrv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 28 2020
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