EASY Slice INTRO Animation & KEYFRAME Tutorial / Davinci Resolve / Fusion

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[Music] my name is William Justus and today I have a small confession to make it's not really a big deal but I kind of have an irrational fear of the keyframe editor in DaVinci Resolve fusion it's not like nightmare afraid but every time I click it I kind of get this overwhelmed uneasy feeling actually I don't think I've used it in any of my videos well that's about to change it's time to conquer the keyframe editor fear this entire enter was created in DaVinci Resolve fusion and I only used 12 12 individual keyframes I made all the timing adjustments using the keyframe editor hi I still think it's a bit quirky and the UI is odd but it's really effective for making quick time adjustments to your animations good timing and sequencing can make the difference between a dull animation and an exciting engaging experience for your viewers the keyframe editor can help take your animations to the next level I'm gonna cover the basics of the keyframe editor and then I'm going to show you how I set up this intro animation how to use groups to ship the sequencing and timing for entire section to your video and how to use groups to reuse the animation sequences this video is an experiment and an exercise helped me learn how to use the keyframe editor you want to check out what I've built I've included the setting thoughts headings file for the fusion animation in the description for this video if you enjoy my videos make sure you like and subscribe leave comments and feedback below I'd really love to hear what you think I appreciate everybody's support let's do some key framing okay we have a blank fusion composition here so we're gonna do is I'm going to set up a real quick text animation and then we're gonna use the keyframe editor to adjust some of the timing of the pieces on that animation so first thing we're gonna do is were going to take a background and drag that into the media out then let's add a text node drag it into the output of the background to create a merge and we're gonna type in keyframes for the text open up the inspector and let's make it a little bit larger I'm gonna put a animated line right under to the keyframes part so we're gonna add another merge node and we're gonna put a background on top of that I'll set the color to red and we're gonna put a mask on it so with background selected hit the rectangle mask tool and we're gonna size this and move it towards just run underneath the keyframes let's drag it down to where it's right underneath the keyframes and expand it out to about the same size a little smaller so to animate this we're gonna just use a couple of masks on these merge nodes so with merge one selected hit the rectangle mask tool and size it up to about the size of the keyframes and we can adjust the position to do a reveal let's like merge to hit the rectangle mask tool and we're gonna size this up to where it's about the size of the red line okay so let's let's set up this animations let's go to frame 0 so the rectangle 2 selected so let's select rectangle 2 we're gonna hit a keyframe on the center property over here in the inspector and we're gonna drag this over to the left here so that we don't see any of the text we're gonna go over about 10 frames and take the mask and drag it right back so we have a reveal of the keyframes text and we can do the same thing with the rectangle around the red line go to the frame 0 we're gonna keyframe the position and drag it all the way over so that we can't see the line go over to frame 10 and bring it back so this is our animation right now okay we're gonna add one more text node to our animation I'm going to drag that in and take the output to the merge and we're going to call this one text animation and let's drag it down and make it a little bit bigger so that we can see it so this one we're gonna click on frame tin and keyframe the size property and let's take it all the way down and we'll go over about 10 more frames and bring the size property up so now that we have our basic animation set up let's let me show you how to use the keyframe editor to adjust the timing of the animations so we're gonna unclick inspector to make that go away and then we're gonna click keyframes right up here in this little keyframe tab and what you see is you see some bars and these represent each of the nodes that have keyframes associated with them so if there's any animations you're going to see these right here so we have the two rectangles and our text that we animated you notice that the bar color matches the color of the No so the green on the text looks like text nodes are also going to have the title of the text in there so that'll be a little bit easier to find so each of these nodes we can open them up and what you're going to see is the properties that are being animated so the text to node you can see that we're animating the size property and the two rectangles you see that we're animating the position of the mask let's close these up one thing I notice it has a timeline look to it the order of these does not matter so it doesn't matter which one's on top or bottom it doesn't change the display at all so let's open these back up so what you'll see is these squares the squares represent keyframes that have been set on the property so on the size property this represents the first keyframe and that represents the second we have the time going across the top so you can see as we change the time the animation is changing so this first keyframe right here let me open up the inspector real quick so we can kind of see what's going on so you'll see that when we go to the first keyframe right here the size is zero you notice that this is a little bit lower down and as the value increases you can see the line go up to the second keyframe and if we added another keyframe it would put it in there for so you can see that it adjusts it so let's animate another property so you can see what it looks like if a node has multiple properties with animations we'll go to about the end of that animation and let's change the tracking we're gonna keep frame the tracking go over a few frames and let's expand it just a bit and you'll see what happens there's a little glitch here in the display I think if you close it down and open it back up there you go cut the line goes away so you can see that we're animating the size property and the character spacing property okay one thing to note is it's a little bit odd the way it works the these bars right here represent when this node is actually going to be displayed in the animation so you see it goes from frame zero to the very end and that's the time at which this node is going to operate in the animation you can take that and you can move the starting and ending points so let's make some adjustments to the bar so if you want to change when this node starts and stops you can grab the front of the bar and drag it and you can the end of the barn drag it down to make the the time shorter it's a little bit odd because if the playhead goes outside of where this bar is this node really doesn't do anything for the animation so if you see if we move this over the text is not there and as soon as we move the play it into the bar we're gonna see the text so you got to be careful when you're adjusting that because you can get confused and things can disappear like if we move to the end the text is not there so let's take the the bar extend it and the text shows back up okay so there's a lot of display options so I'm gonna go over a few which are helpful I can't encourage you to poke around and check things out you can right click on different things and see the different kind of options that you can set you can click on the bars the labels or even in the node area there's some options up here in the right as well okay you can adjust the scale by dragging the slider here one thing when you're just in the scale is you want to make sure that your points are in the middle otherwise you kind of lose them and you have to scroll around to try to find them so to move this area you can click the center mouse button and you can drag it around so let's put the points in the middle and then we can expand them right like that so that they're a little bit easier to see this icon here resets the scale so that you can see the full animation so we'll click that and you got the full thing back so if you scale it and click that it takes you back so this icon right here lets you choose how you're going to view them so you can sort by name by type by when they start there's also an option there's right now it's checked its animated so that's going to show you only the animated nodes if we uncheck that we have a lot more stuff in the list you're seeing the merges and the backgrounds and all of the nodes that are not animated it gets this is where it kind of confuse me because it gets really busy and I kind of got overwhelmed trying to deal with it all I'm gonna click this option and only show the animated ones right now so that gets that gets rid of a lot but if you have a whole bunch of things and you're really doing a real complex animation there's gonna be a lot in there so one of the things that you can use is this option here with these three dots you can choose show only selected tools so it's only going to show you which nodes are selected so right now we have text to selected we could select one of the right tank and if you want to see more things you can multi-select sooo let's click text to and you can hold down the control key and click some more nodes and that way we're bringing in the the three nodes that we want to animate right there this is important if you have a whole lot of things and you want to drill down and find the specific ones that you want to animate there's a couple other options that are interesting in here if we right-click on this bar there's some scaling options there's also an option to display the point values which is what that little square is right here so if we take that off and uncheck it we're just going to get a line where each of the keyframes is the point values are nice because it's gonna actually allow us to change the value by dragging it right here so I'm going to put that back options and display point values and see we got our squares back another thing is that this is a really really tiny space so it can feel pretty cramped what you can do is you can right click in here and there is a all line size and we can set that to medium and that's going to take our lines and increase the size if you want to if you want to kind of get a little more detail and that also applies to each of these so you can right click on one set the line size to small so this one's small and the other ones are large and now that we know how to navigate around a little bit let's adjust the timing so let's start doing some animation I think what I'm gonna do is I'm going to animate these two rectangles so I'm gonna click the rectangles on the bottom for the rectangle masks and I want this to be a little bit bigger so I can see the points better so we're gonna go to all line size medium and we'll go to the beginning of the animation so this is the first keyframe and the second keyframe for both of those masks so the simplest thing we can do is just take one of these points and drag it so let's see it's a rectangle three is our line underneath and let's let's say we wanted that line to come in a little bit later we can take this point and move it out in the beginning point and move it so the line is going to animate in slightly after the text so you can just take any point and you can drag it around to change the timing the other thing you can do is if you want to change the entire timing of a property you can click off of the points and you can drag both of the points together so let's do the opposite let's have our line here and we're gonna click on the bottom rectangle for the text and we're gonna have the text come in after the lion animates and the last thing I'm gonna do here is the this is where gets a little quirky because so when this is selected you see it's highlighted and that means that you can move both of the points together or actually all the points whatever whatever keyframes you have to move an individual point you need to click off of it and then you can take that individual point and drag it so let's take this one and drag it out so what we're gonna do is we're gonna have the red line it's going to start and it's gonna animate slower and the text is gonna come in right on top of it okay so we know how to move individual points we know how to select an entire property and drag those around so what else can we do from the spline editor you can actually do some easing you can do a little bit of that from here if you click on a point you can right click on it and you can hit F to do the flat curve right click on that one and hit F to do the flat curve you can do the smooth or you can turn it back into a line you also can highlight the points and then hit F and you'll notice to change those right there so that gives it gives us a little bit of smoothing with our animation okay so what if we wanted to increase the link to the animation or maybe make a goal faster we can stretch it or compress it that's what this time stretch is going to do so you hit this time stretch icon and then you highlight the points that you want to stretch and it's gonna put a box around those so if we wanted the animation to go slow or we just take that box and move it out and it's going to proportionally stretch out those points if we wanted to go faster we can make the box smaller and we're gonna speed up the entire animation so uncheck that and so basically these are just really easy to move around just takes a little bit of playing to get a feel for it okay let's take a look at this text size animation so we're gonna so let's click text too and we'll bring that into the keyframe editor I'm gonna make these a little bit bigger by o-line size medium so we can kind of see them and here's our two animations so we can do the same thing we can click on the size and we can maybe make the size right there and then click on the character spacing and have the character spacing move to the part after the resize another thing we can do is we can actually add some keyframes so we can right click on this line here and say set key and that added a keyframe for us then we can take that and we can just click off of that and we can drag this keyframe around to adjust the size so if we want to bring the tracking into the character space and we can bring the character facing all the way down to squish it bring it back up and same thing as before we can highlight these points and hit F to flatten them out give them a little little easing curve and we'll go back over here let's drag this point let's click off of that that's one of the things that sometimes all of the points are selected and they drag together it's just you can't tell when they're selected it's it's a little bit odd I'm safe to click off and now I'm only moving one point as opposed to all of them so let's add another one in there we'll add a set key and we'll take this one and we'll move it back up so we're just we're animating just by doing that set key and moving these points around so let's say you wanted to repeat a piece of your animation you can take these keys right these keyframes right here and I'm gonna highlight them again you can't tell they're highlighted but they are hit control-c we're gonna select our track and hit control V to paste it and we're actually adding into our animation see that so the texture icon is going to go in and out like that same things before we can compress it if we do the time stretch highlight those points and then bring them in it's going to go a lot faster now another thing you can do is when you're moving around in here sometimes it's difficult to grab this playhead up here if you hit ctrl + alt the playhead will go right to where your cursor is so you can move it on really quickly that way you don't have to try to grab it up there so let's unclick the stretch we're gonna zoom in a little bit okay the last thing I'm gonna show you here is the spreadsheet so let's click the size property and then click this little spreadsheet icon and this is really cool because what it does is it shows you all of the keyframes and what the value is so you can see right here it's framing it's eleven point four one so you can do fractions of frames the value is going to be zero then frame around 21 that's the value and so forth so if we wanted to move a keyframe so like this last keyframe here that's at frame 30 if we say wanted to move that to frame 50 we just type in 50 and hit enter and that move the keyframe for us we can also adjust the value we can set it to zero right there okay so we can also use this spreadsheet down here to add values so let's go to frame will say frame 60 and hit enter you got a keyframe and we're gonna set the value at 1 and hit enter and we can keep going frame 70 you got to hit Enter you can't click off of a frame 70 enter and we'll set the value to 0.5 so that's a real quick way to see all your values and adjust them if you want to get them exactly to a certain amount you can do it right here from the keyframe editor obviously this one has a lot more keyframes so you could scroll to see all the values okay let me show you how I set up the intro and how we can use groups to copy animation sequences and reuse them throughout the composition the fusion settings file is going to be included in the description of this video so you can download it and try it out for yourself the video is divided into nine vertical segments and we animate slices of images into those different segments I'm gonna start by showing you how I set up each of the segments it's basically a gradient across each of these so let's take a look at the background basically this is a really light gradient let me open up the inspector you can see that it's like that it goes from a black to a transparent there's a transform that takes that background and makes it into 1/9 of the size of the composition so you can see here the X size to compute the X size we get make sure that you size and aspects is unchecked that way you can actually adjust the x and y sides independently so the Y size is 1 which is the full height for the exercise we can do a computation we can go 1/9 and and that sets this slice to be 1/9 of the composition size we have a duplicate node take a look at that which duplicates this slice across this way 9 times and we just set the center position to offset it to repeat across the animation and we're merging that in on top of everything the media in is this is the background when I'm talking and we're gonna animate things on top of this so the background goes into a merge and this is where these slices come in so when we play it you'll see that we have these slices of this little purple mountain thing and that's this media in 1 so let's go to 2 viewers and we'll put the output in viewer 2 and this media in 1 and pure ones so media and 1 is the input and these nodes right here slice it up into these pieces these vertical segments and animate them so the way this works is we have a pipe router here and we have three rectangles that represent those slices and we're using these with a Matt control to mask off this section so let's take a look at this first one here so I'm gonna hit one on this transform so we're gonna see it in this viewer and we have this rectangle with a Mac control so the rectangle goes into the garbage matte of the Matt control and that masks off everything that's outside of the rectangle so if we disable the mat control you'll see the whole thing and it goes into a transform node it starts the slice off the screen animates it up into position and as we move along through the animation it's going to animate it off of the screen and this is where I'm getting the 12 keyframes so I set four keyframes on each of these slices a starting position animate into view hold that position and then animate out of the view so we have this rectangle and that range angle so if we take a look at all of them two over here and we'll get rid of that viewer so that's what it looks like for that that piece so we're going to use grouping to be able to move this around and retime it and set up other animated sections and highlight all these elements including the pipe router that the input goes into we're going to right-click on it and say so now we have a group right this group represents the entire animation of all of the slices so if we want to animate more all we need to do is copy that group and then we can use the keyframe editor to change the timing of when that group animation happens so let's make a couple other ones so we're going to copy the group and highlight it hit ctrl C and hit control V drag it into the merge here so we're merging this group in and this one let's do let's do one of the text animations that I did so we're gonna take a background and bring it into the group and we'll set the background color and we'll hit two on the media out to see the output so this background right here and let's change it to like a blue this background is sitting on top of the first image so what we can do is we can move it into a different position so we're going to go to merge two and we're gonna change the center position to 1/6 that's going to be 1/6 of the way across the width of the composition which is this spot right here that moved it over let's do one more so we're gonna hit copy that group begin paste it and let's see like so let's put some text on this background drag it in and text we're gonna call keyframes and this other one let's put the video so we'll take the media in 1 which is the video of me talking and we're gonna put that into this last group here and you'll notice that that's right on top so we're gonna do is we're gonna change the position of it the expositions in the center so these 3 right here are in the center actually let's let's do a resize on it so the media in 1 we're gonna add a transform node right after the group we're gonna add a transform node so let's take this transform and scale it up so we're scaling up these three in the center right there and we're gonna move it over so with the merge selected we're gonna set the x position at 5/6 that's 5/6 of the way and that moves that one over now what these transforms do is they allow you to reposition the image within that segment within those segments and you can adjust the size and angle to create different kinds of effects you have three segments coming in but they're all coming in at the same time so this is where we can use the groups so let's open up the keyframes area and bring that up so we can see a lot of it and let's select these groups so we have our three groups there now if we want to adjust the timing to have these to have these animated at different times all we have to do is shift the bar so we can take this group and move it that way and move that one over there so now they're going to come in at different times so we'll shift some of these groups around a little bit and so we've effectively changed the sequencing of this animation so it's really simple to adjust now another couple of things real quick so let's say take this group here in the middle that's this first one that we set up you we can use some transform nodes to get it to animate in the opposite direction so right now you see that in animates going up that's off of this media in one let's add a transform node and then after the group let's add a transform node and on the first transform we're going to flip it vertically and the second transform node we're gonna flip it vertically again and now what you'll notice is the segments are going to drop in from the top that's supposed to coming in from the bottom okay so if we want these segments here these vertical segments to be on the screen for longer we need we can adjust the timing by going to the keyframe editor so let's select Group one which is these mountains right here and open up this group and zoom in a little bit I like these keep the second keyframes and we can just drag them all over so the first two keyframes bring the segments onto the screen and the last two take it off the screen so by moving these last ones it will be on the screen for a longer period of time a couple other things is you can apply some effects to a lot of these to get some interesting things you can you can do some opacity and some blending you can do some blurs all kinds of animations on these segments as they're coming in and out I was just trying to keep it simple for this tutorial but there's really a lot that you can do the settings file that it's gonna be linked in the description is going to have three of these groups I'm going to set up one for the left one for the middle one for the right and if you want to use it you can just copy those groups dredge them in to the sequence and then come into the keyframe editor and just the timing so all you're really going to need to do is the group is going to be sitting here like this you can just merge it in and then take whatever media you want and connected up to the group and this group contains the sequencing and animations for the slices you can copy this and put it in as many times as you want to set up your animation with different graphics and videos coming in and out of the sequence as you need I hope you learned something from this video I know I did after putting this together I'm gonna have a lot more confidence using the keyframe editor and I'm pretty sure that I'm going to be using it in a lot of videos and animations from now on if you enjoyed the video subscribe and comment below I'd love to hear what you think really appreciate everybody support thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: William Justice
Views: 6,388
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Effects, Davinci, Davinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve 16, Fusion, Davinci Fusion, Tutorial, Filmmaking, Effects, tips, tricks, davinci resovle tips, william justice, animation, intro, keyframes, keyframe editor
Id: H9Rlc6MeNGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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