Juggling FIREBALLS, Tracking and Particles / Davinci Resolve Tutorial / Fusion

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[Music] my name is william justice today i'm going to attempt to juggle fireballs now don't try this at home without the assistance of davinci resolve and fusion you might burn yourself so this is a quick follow-up to my last video where i did some tracking where i had some balls on the screen and tracked them around and one of the things i did was attach a particle emitter to one of the objects i was tracking so i kind of wanted to show you how i did that today plus i got a little bit of feedback so i thought i might have to try some juggling my video studio said how about juggling next time and franco was nice enough to say that he thought i could be a successful juggler so we're going to see what i can do so my original plan in the last video was to do some juggling but i wasn't sure that all the tracking would work and i didn't want to screw it up so i went with something that i knew was going to work this one i don't know exactly what's going to happen i'm going to throw these balls around and we're going to see if we can track them and then attach a some particles to wherever they're moving i really don't have a lot of experience with the particle emitter so i'm going to try to create a fireball it may turn out and look like something completely different um but let's see what happens here we go not too bad okay almost lost it i did lose it i'm pretty rusty with the juggling i have not done this in a long time okay well if you like my videos hit the subscribe button i'm going to keep juggling here comment below and be nice on my juggling skills let me know what you think about the video and hopefully we'll make some really interesting particles okay let's jump into resolve we're going to take the clip i just did of juggling um put it up into fusion do some tracking and try to make some fireballs or something similar all right so here's the uh the clip of uh my juggling skills right there and what we're going to do is first we're going to track one of the balls and then we're going to attach some particles to it and kind of set up a fireball or maybe even try out some different effects so the first thing we want to do is right click on our clip and choose new fusion clip and with the playhead over the clip we're going to click fusion at the bottom okay so we're going to track the uh i'm going to start with tracking the yellow bulb this would have worked better i think if i had used different colored balls it might have been easier to track sometimes the balls kind of go overlap each other and the tracker would get confused and pick up the wrong ball so um in the video you saw i had to do a little bit of work and get that right with media in one selected hit control space and type tracker and we're going to add the basic tracker in here so let's track the yellow ball so let's go to the first frame and we'll take the tracker and put it right on top of that ball we'll make it about the size of the ball and increase the search area right there all right let's see what kind of a track we get starting out in the tracker area let's choose uh best match and see what we get okay so right there you see that the track went on the track it lost the tracking right in here first let's add a tracking marker so we kind of see where we're at let's uh take a background and put that into the node flow here we'll add an ellipse mask on it and let's shrink it down so we're going to attach this little black spot to the to where the ball is with the tracker so for click the ellipse right click on the position center property choose connect to tracker one path position and now we have that black dot kind of following where the ball is and you'll see we lose it right up here right there we lost the position so um i had a little bit of tracking trouble with this one i also had problems because sometimes i threw these balls up into the sky it was kind of a real cloudy overcast day and the tracker would lose that so what we need is we need more contrast and we really need these objects to stick out so we're going to try something different here this is a different approach you can use color correctors and all kinds of stuff we're going to use a keyer and try to key out this yellow ball to really isolate it click on the background hit control space and let's try the ultra keyer i think the delta gear would work as well but try the alter key here and we'll take the media in and put it into that and let's put the key in the viewer okay so we want to get everything out of this except for where this ball is let's uh go to ultra keyer click the eyedropper for the color and we're going to pick the color right on top of that ball like that you'll notice that everything kind of goes transparent because it's being keyed out but we're going to make some adjustments with the threshold and bring some of this back a little bit like that we'll see how much we can do and there's really a lot of settings you can play with in here so you can see that everything is pretty much solid you can hit this option up here to get the alpha channel and you'll see that we really what we have now is we have a black dot on a white background so that should be really easy to track let's click this to flip it back so what we're going to do is we're going to take a background and put the keyer into the background and that's going to give us something like this with this transparent part okay so we got some really good contrast here between the transparent area and the black so let's get rid of that first tracker and off with background two selected hit control space and we're gonna add a new tracker i'm going to take our tracking point and put it right over our ball area now you notice we can't really see anything because over here when you look in these channels that the tracker is looking for i think believe this one's luminance yes it is um we're going to click this one to get it to look at the alpha channel and all of a sudden you see that there's white and black with really good contrast so let's go make sure we're on the first frame and we're going to take our tracking point and put it right on top of that and now let's track it with something that has really good contrast now the screen doesn't update here i'm not sure why but i believe it's working okay so the green line shows where our track is and we can kind of see it moving around so let's go back over to our media out let's click on the ellipse and double click on the center property to reset it we're going to right click on that connect to we're gonna connect it to the new tracker we just created um tracker one path position and let's see if it the ball tracks it's looking pretty good okay that's exactly what we wanted um now we don't need this keyer anymore so we're just going to go ahead and remove that now you would do the same thing for each of the balls i had to do some manual movements for these two balls that are kind of the same color when they went on top of each other i had to go into the tracker and adjust the positions but that's not too difficult just a little bit of manual work okay so let's uh let's do some particles so now that we have our ellipse we're gonna want particles coming out of where that ellipse is so let's add a part start with adding a particle emitter in the node area hit control space and type in p emitter there's our particle emitter now we just need a particle renderer hit control space and type in p render and there's our particle renderer we're going to connect these up and we're going to take the renderer and put it into the merge so it's going to be merged right on top okay so by default you see it's creating these particles in the middle we've got particles in the middle so let's make them a little bit bigger the this icon here controls the particle style so let's click that and we're going to set it to a we'll choose ngon and we'll choose one of these guys and we'll choose this one right here and let's make it a lot bigger there we go okay so we can kind of we're starting to see our particles right there we want to have these particles be emitted right where the ball is as it's moving through the screen so to do that we're going to go to this next tab over here called region and this is this lets us select where the particles are going to be emitted from so right now it's set up for sphere um we could set up for a cube and it's going to be the particles will be emitted from this cube here we can adjust the properties on it but in our case we're going to choose bitmap this means the particles are going to be emitted from a shape that we pass into it so with this selected there's this option here on the emitter called bitmap region and we're going to use the same ellipse that we used for this black dot i'm going to take that and put it into the emitter region and particles are going to start to be emitted from where our black dot is as it goes you'll see right there and we're going to use these particles to kind of create our fire effect okay let's make some adjustments to how the particles look hit the p emitter we're going to go to the very first one and we can bring up a lot of particles if we want and we're going to take the lifespan way down and you'll notice this lifespan goes down the trail behind that dot kind of decreases in length because each of the particles are not staying on the screen as long and here's what we have it's looking pretty good okay so how do we turn these particles into fire i i played with a lot of different things it was kind of difficult with this one because the the particles are emitted as this thing is moving so the movement was a little bit odd but uh hopefully it looked okay so let's go back into the style area obviously we can play with some of these different settings here let's go ahead and choose this one so the size we're going to have the size get big and then small so what this is is this is size over life so on the left hand side this is the size where we start out and the right hand side is the particles as they age they get smaller so you can see the ones at the top are smaller and we can actually do a curve here make some adjustments like that so we got bigger particles and then they get smaller right there okay so obviously for fire we need some color so that's really easy to do so we're gonna open up the color controls and we're gonna choose color over life on the left side here this is the color that the particle starts out at so we're gonna click this little arrow click the white box we're going to start out as a kind of a bright yellow and the red yellow there and then we're going to click anywhere in this color bar to create another color point drag this one all the way over to the right and at the end of it we're going to have it be a red so it's going to go from yellow to red all right so we got a little bit of color now let's uh let's make our particles bigger so go back to the size let's make them one we'll get gonna make them really big and chunky in the beginning okay it's starting to look like something there um i played around with a lot of things but um try to keep it pretty basic the next thing that i did we're gonna move this particle render up i added some some glow to it so hit the p renderer hit control space and let's type in glow and we'll bring the glow up a little bit adjust the glow size you can play with any of these parameters that you want and we're going to do a soft glow and we got something that's kind of looking like it's a little some flames here it's kind of hot so let's see what we got it's a little bright so i'm going to tone that down just a bit there's a couple different ways you kind of have to play with the different settings you can adjust the glow as well as coming in and adjusting the particle size it's not too bad there the other thing i did was let's take these get rid of those move them over here and we're going to put this black dot on top of our fire the other thing i did was i adjusted this part in the middle um let's go ahead and we'll make that kind of an orangish red like that take the ellipse and we'll give it a little soft edge so it's going to be kind of a burning part in the middle then i also played around with a couple things where i added a displace let's put the displace node in here and we'll add a fast noise this is going to take this middle part and kind of move it around a little bit kind of give it a little fire flame effect let's take a look at our fast noise over here let's crank up the detail contrast and scale and that's going to be affecting our little fire spot in the middle i'm just at the center of the fire center the fire spot to match the path position so it's going to be right in there the last thing we want to do is probably make that uh a little bit smaller scale it down just a touch and we're going to take the fast noise and bump up the see the right so the middle part is going to be kind of moving around a little bit okay the fire trail is a bit long here so if you want this to be shorter or longer all you need to do is adjust the particle lifespan so we'll go back to the particle emitter main tab and actually we can bump up the number of particles there if you want to kind of fill this in a little bit better and take the lifespan and bring it down put it like let's do like six okay it's not perfect i played around with the other one quite a bit more but this is the basics of what i did we had the trail here with some different kind of glow effects you had more glow it's going to get a little bit hotter look and i experimented with some blurs and some other things and then the this fast noise here is kind of uh you get a flaming spot kind of in the middle right there it's a little bit dark probably would work better if it was a touch lighter but anyway that's the basics of the juggling flaming fireballs with some tracking okay well thanks for watching i appreciate everybody's feedback if you enjoy my videos and want to see more please like and subscribe you
Channel: William Justice
Views: 4,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Video Effects, Davinci, Davinci Resolve, Davinci Resolve 16, Fusion, Davinci Fusion, Tutorial, Filmmaking, Effects, tips, tricks, davinci resovle tips, william justice, Tracking, Juggling, Juggle, Fusion Effects, Particles, Particle Effects, Fire, Fire Effect, Fireball
Id: IkcMBmYzYqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 8sec (848 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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