Into the soup - Heavy IFR Flying

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three six alpha Bravo the citation appears to have not taken off he's going back to the terminal or coming back to it come back to the right way again we're not sure looks like he's parking okay I'll call him right now and a citation on that Cumberland Valley Regional can you please call the approach to cancel your I far otherwise we can't talk Oh you have to call for clearance on the ground - 994 [Music] yeah I got this number there he gave me touching worked out good I'm probably gonna get something like go know four thousand feet or something like that book back welcome aboard ended up to Pennsylvania it's right now we're West Virginia technically yeah but right though of caste left the CA will call for clearance on the ground Ellen the lease department has a nice that's 30 sectors online at 4:14 for 12 I can walk confused and that's bigger than two Huey you one yeah hello this is a piper navajo 476 alpha bravo we're on the ground at Cumberland Valley Regional looking for an IFR - Bravo Foxtrot Delta Airport we are number two for departure citation is getting ready to take off romi two three now six alpha Bravo's ready to copy him a couple of county fire a uniform we're gonna Piper Navajo 476 alpha bravo is a clear - Bravo Foxtrot Delta a smiled five thousand feet seven thousand feet ten minutes later one to 1.2 for departure seven four six seven for the transponder and we're holding for release it looks like he's going around what's he doing what did he say on the radio he didn't say he said we're gonna and didn't say anything but the way he's still taxi and it looks like he's gonna pull off and circle back around for some reason okay I'll call him back but let's make sure yeah he's off the runway now yes ma'am this is a November 4 7 6 alpha Bravo again we're now number one for departure ready did for an immediate departure runway 2 3 for six alpha Bravo the citation appears to have not taken off he's going back to the terminal or coming back to a come back to the runway again we're not sure looks like he's parking okay I'll call them right now and citation on that Cumberland Valley regional can you please call the approach to cancel your I far otherwise we can taco citation couple of value at traffic you on that frequency I pick right now thank you very much 6l problem I believe I believe the excitation is calling you now he said like South probably Thanks but you say it's gotta call us back about three minutes or we got call him back in three minutes H coming right back around behind himself no I guess he wasn't quite ready do I need to he still got a clearance acted he stopped though where's yet age check right there that where the main road came off into the he's coming back here yeah he's creeping well he can't come pick you get in front of us now Oh have to go out and do what he did not really sure what he's doing he's not talking to us either he's basically stopped back there [Music] and our citation on Cumberland Valley traffic could you advise your intentions for the Navajo six a problem either the cancel they should be able to pick yours up okay appreciate that we'll call them back again thanks but yes this is a Piper Navajo force up at six alpha Bravo never offer departure Cumberland Valley region all run by two three but okay six alpha Bravo is cleared for departure avoid if not off by 90 20 advise you by 1925 time male 1966 our problem era they're gonna she's off feel pumps on pictures rich flops or sad cow flops are hoping it's up for six to plug it in there Cumberland Valley traffic Piper Navajo four seven six alpha Bravo departing runway two three be straight off the Parker phase into green right into the soup there's bees alive you're coming up and we have blue line just don't turn right good radar going and Johnstown approach Piper Navajo 476 alpha Bravo 1804 5000 number 47 that down obligate Avenue John Mark Johnson out Andrew two nine ninety seven two nine nine seven six alpha Bravo six Bravo is turning right on earth left on course that's okay with you Erica Van Eyck he'll attack the chick at this altitude I think you go out on either way but yeah that's a ver now both a table Bravo feel your altitude six I prefer I'll go passing through two thousand nine hundred four five thousand done now Baron semi gilding FFL 7iq tangos good afternoon John approach John spent on ember to Niner Niner seven and if we're not field tango recession transponders for up to one three five long three they like today reminds me of live in Pacific Northwest in the soup and this is the downside of the the XM would have already proud is whether I'm but now never fit down will probably figure out hey now six off the braava passing through 3600 but not be able to see the ground either and NOAA there's some terrain out there you gotta be careful about that provides me as Pacific Northwest not quite to the extreme but abba-baba-baba identity takes off probably giving you a flash passing through 4200 ever v alpha Bravo's radar contact three miles northeast the company r4 climb and maintain 7th up to 7,000 now for six out bro there are nine kilo tango connectors for the base one to four point one have a dick morning for all of these to think of it a modicum of rava you have weather radar equipment in a primitive six off the problem will get lots of gadgets okay let me know if you deviate a bit extreme precipitation twelve o'clock about twelve miles and my about that how about about 10 degrees left for now for six off problem ever picked up brother deviation collected the food divide the clearly weather in able to be feedback on buried six off probably fifteen that good afternoon John side of our job site outfitter two Niner Niner seven Simon maintain 8,000 I did and for navajo four seven six alpha bravo if we could get direct our destination looks like that might be a better route for us I have a fix Apple Bob like your clear direct kilo Bravo Foxtrot Delta maintain 10 about okay direct from a Foxtrot Delta seven thousand feet preciate your help six I'll run I would be a whether done a cover-up when you took off it was a light to moderate rain and I'd say about 800 foot overcast okay the the right down low surprisingly not was pretty nice until this off to is a little bit too light chop here except I'll speak for six uh problem kind of no media different up dude all right hours pretty much set let's get the Fisher's dialed in looks pretty good on that maybe just a little bit that we have to contend with up here but should be okay though we're currently 7,000 but no wits 170 1978 ground sweet probably I'll have to shoot another approach when we get over to Bradford about 15 minutes out a little weather but should be a too big of a deal my govision scattered too 3005 and it freaked it off right little few years ago they did that three completely scattered stuff down low and that broken little higher so I think we'll go ahead and set up for the approach and then I get it Eppley then that runway is closed to anyone on the guy so well that sort of lay about a goofball on my two three for 36-hour gobbler found that Cleveland - no one to four point three two one to four point three two four six out the rather have good evening and Cleveland center Piper Navajo 476 Alpha Provost with you at level seven thousand at four seven six I'll probably get after doing the two nine nine four four six alpha Bravo and we'd like to request the Arnab for my three to approach certainly playing to three and four seven six uh probably like to a director Zooter then direct suitor be great for sex off bro picked up rattles we're going to do to your discretion maintain four thousand five correct suitor pilots scratch down 4506 appreciated for eight through one for tango Kathak here at center one three three point three five get it 33 of course our entire Cleveland center got made whether you know colleague put in one two three point oh sub coming down to 4,500 feet to the initial prospects of the suitor dew point in one altimeter to Regional Airport Brent the rayon we're three two zero he preached about art about about string nozzle diameter the Israelites with modern heavy precip called away from come on about door good morning right to that we have the weather on board looks like I might be breaking out already Brad I know I picked up the airport you soon four seven six alpha Bravo five miles south of Zooter Baird our nav runway Street approach to Bradford maintain 4,500 film in me for Kent pledge around the tree and forced up at six alpha Bravo we just broke out we'll go ahead cancel a part this time we're gonna take up dr. other featuring approved paying no other traffic is an acidity but it looks like there's a buildup just northwest the field beep reason to adopt with the other the Northland Excel appreciate your help doc 1258 approve hit it everyone to come from mendler to the 6014 a 2004 100 earth it'll pick 14 you get ugly yeah that's a nice weather Ohio it'll take 40 great filter family when I got down at 3100 Bradford regional traffic Piper Navajo four seven six alpha Bravo ten miles south east theater you type of pattern looks like probably runway two three and about two minutes Bradford seven six alpha Bravo that's prep with you to come I just want to give you a heads up that runway 1 4 3 2 is close so that's 5 2 3 is our active runway today 6 have to probably appreciate that and with the winds right now it's look like it's favorite 4 1 2 3 4 you on winter and 300 right now it sounds like runway 5 might be there for six up from it about that Jimmy it here pumps on make sure rich it pops long-term out very grade one of the beer laughs kill pumps are on in Fisher to fan at Bradford regional traffic Piper Navajo four seven six alpha Bravo is entering a two-mile final runway five fragment Reno grab that regional traffic Navajo 476 out to run a 1 mile final on a 5 ft region pretty green one of the mirror yes you got it back taxi yep the other screw they're working on paint lines or something maybe Bradford regional traffic Piper Navajo 4 7 6 alpha Bravo back taxi runway 5 welcome Pennsylvania nice low flight had an interesting take off they'd have to shoot the approach broke out before we need you to worked out pretty good I help Bravo scrappy in the car you give me services today sir six out the probably gonna be with you overnight and back out sometime tomorrow probably after lunch we'd like to get topped off a meal at some point between out them all right Roger that you can take an immediate right and come all the way across the ramp to the parking spot number one on the grass line in front of the nose fuel trucks off the nose of the fuel truck we got it pink sir but we hope you guys enjoy the flight and we'll hope to see you 100 X 100 533 completed by little bit longer headed to where we want flightless Kentucky wickless wit witless Kentucky contractors across
Channel: Charley Alpha Aviation
Views: 66,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Piper Navajo CR, piper navajo panther conversion, flying piper navajo, flying experience from cockpit, airplane flying through clouds, piper navajo cheiftain, garmin g600txi, garmin g600 txi, flying with garmin g600 txi, flying with garmin pilot, flying with foreflight, flying ifr with foreflight, flying in bad weather, cross country flying, flight vlog channel, imc flying conditions, piper pa-31 navajo (aircraft line), heavy ifr flying, ifr flying videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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