International Paranormal Research Center and Museum

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[Music] heyo carpetbagger here coming to you live from the south or specifically downtown Somerset Kentucky at the Carnegie Community Arts Center and walk around the Main Street area here searching for a certain museum that is hiding around here there we go follow me this is the International paranormal Museum and Research Center how can you go wrong with this Paranormal Research Center it's got the Loch Ness monster on the side this could be really good we actually got it from Warren's museum from their Museum this is actually a piece of the support beam from make a pike mansion that's in Alton Illinois which claims to be the most haunted town in America McPike mansion is kind of their Pam's rule there are several through some murders there and a lot of spiritual activity laughter this is from the pike mansion or yeah that's an original support beam of it and this is actually from Henry 10 state hospital in Meriden Marriott's Ville Maryland yeah it's a Children's Hospital that said they burnt down a little girl and she died holding the skull and it was in the horns collection for years in their collection and the guy that I collected from people that heard it crying him in his way cases really I've only had it for about a little over and a heaven critic crying we have gotten some weird EMF it's a letter here we're very lucky to have a curse bottle of bourbon my business partner is a schoolteacher one of his students actually had an uncle that died they were cleaning out his house in kindness let this bottle of bourbon in this box with this letter did anyone who would consider drinking this bourbon read this letter first and received at your own peril and what does it say it's a very spooky letters front and back here you're more than welcome to read it but it's basically they had a music night and one night a guy showed up that none of them knew they didn't realize that to the end he brought this vital apartment over for me just a very strange guy that made them all play drink with it which normally they didn't drink on in music nights and basically I I don't know the letters very weird about the effects that the Bourbon had on them the stranger basically disappeared and no one ever saw him again one of their friends took a drink of this and he was warned not to it took a drink of it afterwards and ran out of the house screaming they did a huge manhunt never saw him like oh my god and it was in the skies attic for years it's originally from 1972 I believe so but yeah here's the full what about these other dolls here these guys here are both their names are Robert and Elizabeth we got them from Robert we got them from my business partners wife is a lab technician in the hospital and one of her workers inherited these styles when her mother died and she has two young kids aborting a girl and both of them as soon as she brought the dolls in the house started complaining but especially the girl mommy the dolls are mating and the mom blew him off for a while but they were just kids or whatever and after a couple weeks of complaining that they were mean to them eventually the girls said that Fidel scratched her mom's like what are you talking about she lifted up her sleep since she had a bunch of tiny red scratch marks on her so the mom didn't know too much fat she just threw him in a trash bag and we had in the next day they've never had anything like that happened since we'd like to do it is interesting that we've never been scratched by them but the only kind of paranormal activity we've had is before we open on come in every few days the paint or something and his hat would be off of us that it could be on the shelf next boomer on the floor in front of them that was this little one haunted - it is that one actually started as a trigger object for us are you familiar with that not really a trigger object and ghost hunting's basically if you go to someone's home or the spirit of someone's home that was loved by wives are you going with the can of Budweiser and it's something familiar from their life to try to get them to interact so we bought this one at the flea market because it's creepy number one but to use as a trigger object for ghost hunting especially younger spirits and we chose this one like I said it's creepy it also blinks when you move it and squeaks when you squeeze it so we would take it in two places the reportedly had children's spirits and stuff and we'd ask for things to move it and there were a couple occasions that we actually got something to make it link or something and one night we used it successfully headed lake several times and we wrapped up our ghost sign a few hours later we're back at my business partners house at going through the evidence when we look over it it's still just blinking like crazy so we just kind of shoved it with the Haunted stuff haven't used it for actual ghost cases is there any significance to this green dress right here it's actually not the dress it's the mannequin okay the patent even creepier it's actually her name's glass and are you know okay so we got her from a local bookstore here that in the early 80s was a clothing sort and ladies became the bookstore and they just kind of shoved her into a storage room for years about six years ago they actually started renovating the back out and all they did was move her from one storage room to another but from the time where they moved here there was ten separate occasions over an eight month eight month period where they locked up at night came in the next day it's used in different locations one time she's halfway down the employees staircase one time she's actually in the employee restroom Oh oh my god is pretty rough yeah coming in the morning uh so yeah Rhonda the owners employees start threatening to quit because we're moving around they got bad vibes and several people said she would pause them with her eyes or maker so when people become terrified of things they give them to you yeah basically we have a home for the misfit toys here yeah since we've been open we've actually had seven people say that she's we know so this is some ghost-hunting equipment in here it's a teddy bear up to anything is a boo bunny yeah excited him he has a thermometer to EMF detectors and he asks trigger questions like will you sing your ABCs with me so he like does his own like ghost investigation yeah basically will you put him in a room by himself with an audio recorder and then just come back 20 minutes later or something yes his own questions he catches a temperature drop princess still say did you make it cold in here yeah he has he met detectors in his hands and if one goes off to say all thanks for holding hands so that is so cool it's pretty awesome collection of prints found in Kentucky something about opening the back room I was there to have fun what's their what's their group called the Kentucky Bigfoot research organization KD f are down here we got her Mothman section it's a replica of the Mothman statue Point Pleasant it's like there's some Wharf man beer in there and then of course the Bishopville lizard man yeah apparently that the butter beans what's the story behind the butter beans where he was first seen and it was in the eighties and the air conditioning had been kept Satan's soul yeah partner that uh butter being shed went to see who is stealing it and one night was witnessed with his shotgun and that was actually the first time anyone threatens to the scape responsive man so they think he's attracted to butter beans or they think he was eating them he was coming out there and what's getting in these people were ripping out the air-conditioned oh when there's a Louisiana rougarou a shape-shifting werewolf monster and goatman that's public Kentucky the eel is going of course the Loch Ness monster their Loch Ness monster beer as well a lot of these monsters have their own beards let's see oh we got a coelacanth our sasquatch at the Yeti prayer towels he said this is like the Voodoo and yeah whole section of psychic human remains and kind of communion with the day some of the highlights said this is actually a blue new rebel that was used in Buddhist ceremonies it's over 150 years old and this is a voodoo stick they belong to a voodoo priestess in Haiti it's over 250 years old mm-hmm so that shrunken head back there Kreskin zsp kid I actually got to meet Kris Kim in October he's 84 and still doing it a while and he's it was actually I didn't worry I didn't realize he was still alive yeah I didn't either he he performed right outside of Cincinnati that's a handbook of recently deceased is that from beetlejuice yeah and then I have one of the pictures Winona Ryder too little two-headed duckling and then the Java the pinklet is a piece of a human brain deck of those from the same collector it's the brain in case some tarot cards some people warn against using the Ouija board I would say that's probably what you might want to stay away from it's actually got the devil engraved right off it bomb little snowman here this is soil samplers soil samples from Roswell the flatwoods monster back there flat wood monster is the lesser-known of the to West Virginia monsters but still very full in a very unique look to it there's a stalk of wheat from a crop circle I got a Jackalope old dragon or maybe that's really Chupacabra maybe here's the Hopkinsville goblins little monsters or aliens it's one of the most insane stories where they actually swarmed a house and had a shootout with a family like it's the family was shooting not the goblins but the goblins were trying to invade thermal-imaging camera yeah you're northern how does that work oh wow and then if you wanted to get a screenshot of anything just pull the trigger there well I guess which pointed that some of the haunted stuff over here so how does that work what do we yeah basically if it picks up any cold spots especially anything that's colder than the surrounding environment or warmer so kind of what's the standard color around here it should be about a blue light blue yeah the darker it is the deeper or the colder it is swords okay I got ribbon I feel at this point it's like my reflection is right in there so this is just like a little village of like haunted houses right here yeah it's an America's most haunted collection of some of the most terrifying houses in America except the Amityville if that one's the McPike mansion that's a piece of Lizzie Borden's house oh the Franklin castle in Ohio that Lizzie Borden's house is a bed-and-breakfast name oh we got Chang and Eng that's some soil from their their grave so this is a courtesy EMF detector it's mannequins Ian's shy with me this is all where did this come from we actually found that at a flea market in order it's an original sixties diecast thing you know about the zoos and we could make them older AMA yeah this is one of those from the sixties oh my gosh I actually collect these but I've never seen I've never seen that mole what's in here that's actually a tooth of a plesiosaur okay which is the kind of dinosaur Nessie is that was family Morocco at seventy two hundred million years old now this is amazing this is my one of my favorite movies a little time Little Shop of Horrors there's some skunk ate materials they're actually own that guide their to the headquarters and HTV was not there [Music] there's some water from the fountain Eve st. Augustine I need to actually get back their minds evaporating for some reason take GU Jones sign this is actually a brewery in the town I live in and actually have a family member that works there it's actually a beer beer brewery based around a mountain Sasquatch troll that collects jewels is a pretty comprehensive map here of different cryptids in different areas of the United States not heard of knobby Bobby from Cleveland County North Carolina there's the Lizardman there's Mothman the public monster whose jersey devil right there absolutely excellent attraction and brand-new I think they just opened in October I always love to see new attractions and new museums popping up not every roadside attraction has to be old I'd love to see people following their passions for the strange and unusual anyway and we're going to get that much paranormal encrypted activity and aliens it's got everything all the good stuff all the supernatural all in one place definitely check this out here in Somerset Kentucky so appreciate you guys watching you want to see other places that ban including other supernatural museums you can look down in the description there's an interactive map that'll show you all the places that I've been and you can make suggestions on places that I need to go also if you'd like to contribute to the channel have a t-shirt shop down there I bought a t-shirt here as well I'm a patreon we're a donation of at least three dollars a month we'll get you a monthly postcard and for now this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 213,035
Rating: 4.9094133 out of 5
Keywords: cryptids, ghosts, museum, kyle kadel, boojum, sasquatch, lizardman, mothman, ghost hunting, paranormal, supernatural, haunted, dolls, spooky, creepy, weird, roadside attraction, roadside america, somerset, ky, kentucky, warren's occult museum
Id: euIz-Ia2p_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 20sec (980 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 11 2018
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