The World of Illusions! Uncensored! Unedited! Uncut!

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a wall carpetbagger here coming to you live from the South more specifically Gatlinburg Tennessee and I'm in front of the world of illusion I have done videos from the world of illusion before but I want to do something a little bit different I wanted to do the world of illusion on edited I feel like this is an attraction that is best experienced in the unedited format so you know that I'm not cutting out any of the amazing parts of it this is an attraction I don't know when they open this I think is a I used to be a illusion out front we have a genie in a bottle will speak to you they move that inside there's a dinosaur right there you hear that voice that narration is so cool laser illusion up there you got Gollum in a cage spider-man there's Harry Potter the gorilla and we have Doc Brown right there from Back to the Future some clocks over there above his head denoting the changing of time I feel and we have a whirling twirling tornado that's it kind of feels cold but this is I don't know what these are just freaky things to look at lightning bolts and this is the genie bottle so you can actually to go back behind here sit around the corner thank you with us and have a great visit and around the corner enters the genie bottle you sit right here and then you are the genie you can see kind of out there there's people can't really capture the effect of one person so it probably doesn't look all that impressive but there's a magic eye you cross your eyes you might be able to see that up or down left to right I will follow very impressive okay some illusions may take up to 30 seconds no TV cameras are used or projectors mirrors are used in our ghosts in the mirror illusion and and one other and you guess which yeah I think I don't know I don't know these are some optical illusions right here yeah imagine imagine me sitting in that box in front of all these treasures let's move on we got a timeline here at the world of illusion 2000 BC in Egypt people believed it priests could obtain water from Iraq the illusion being that the rock is levitating and pouring water into a pond and what are we going here they got a new illusion coming soon enough to come back at some other point and see that 500 BC moving along our timeline Chinese music magicians we're the first to past sound objects through other objects so this might be one we have to be patient for I don't there we go there's the illusion you've got the floating cantaloupe coming there's a string on it that there we go as high as it gets yeah I think so this is an illusion that will change the size of your nose says stare at the rotating disc for 20 seconds then look in the mirror nose larger or smaller so 20 seconds one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven this is 20 seconds it's longer than you think in here today that's probably about 20 seconds and oh we look in the mirror here my nose looks any bigger honestly it it looks the same size I'm not really sure how this illusion is supposed to work do you see black ducks or white ducks the definitely white ducks I say do you see a young lady or an old hag I see yeah you see this is a young lady who's our ear or nose or old hag and that's a work or I in her mouth and you see eight faces in the picture no do you see white squares or black arrows black arrows do you see these tabletops are the same exact size I don't believe you so who do we got here it says where's our time frame it doesn't say what's going on here yeah I don't have any idea because the time frame thing is not here but we do have a magician or a wizard rather rotate or not running raising up and down that says the pictorial history of the Great nations there's like a cauldron there's a spoon in it some some hey it looks like Anton LaVey right there playing the cup game yeah up and down up and down Wizards going up and down the air Elvis if you can you guys can hear you can hear Elvis in the background oh here's another hair on our timeline a thousand BC the Grim Reaper symbolizes death and ancient legends looks a lot like Charles Bronson and then BAM the Grim Reaper well it's really interesting if you look closely okay this is dark you look closely the Grim Reaper it's a Batman symbol on his chest okay with other people in here there's some hanging stars right there strange powers vampires and werewolves 1000 ad in a fairy tale Beauty changed a beast into a prince with our kindness it's not a princess pack in there and then oh it's a werewolf it's kind of like from the Thriller video you know the princess I guess she's blowing him a kiss and he's changing changing changing [Music] into corey feldman very cool Jenna walk I'm gonna stay and watch them change back there yes right before my eyes and your computer screen 1500 AD Castle Frankenstein in Germany the first monster was created see a little girl here sitting next to a cauldron mcdeere if you look up in the window slam the camera against the glass look very very closely I can see Frankenstein terrifying absolutely terrifying [Music] 1600 ad mechanical devices became popular with court jesters she really dark they have some magic tricks here on the wall this is the Chinese bottle ball and vase disappearing coin penetration frame and this illusion doesn't really have a oh there we go there's like a rainbow and then I doesn't really have an explanation I'm not really clear on what the illusion is right here color vision box penny two dime man if you could change pennies two dimes you would be the richest man in the world all that make to take a while it's a magic coin box magic card box they can hit definitely here Elvis oh my rare 1880 in a seance objects but without mysteriously now you see the the witch or whatever right there she's got a little goblin with her and then this ball rotates and rolls around the table mysteriously I tell you how they do it I don't know maybe there's like someone pulling it with a string who knows [Music] they need it straight in their picture frames though alright okay we're still in 1800 ad Count Dracula the most famous vampire in the comment section why don't you put with your favorite vampires but Count Dracula the most favorite famous vampire could turn into a bat at will oh look there's a a priestess and then he kind of threw the bat and then Dracula there's Dracula's wait let him turn back into a bat so we can see the full transformation there we go there's the bat oh there's the bat looks like I'm turning to Dracula one more time and it's Dracula clear Elvis singing well before we get to Elvis we got the 1900 the ghost mirrors and this magic mirror reflects ghosts and you see the ghosts in the hall so I'm gonna watch see my reflection but see we get to see the ghost oh there's one okay you can see me let's look for the ghosts where's the ghost there's one oh right there BAM ghost super spooky I want to see another one where's coming oh it's probably probably the best one of my favorite lotions right spooky what's in here the great Houdini who's that Houdini's uh Houdini's wife maybe it's the illusion he's gonna appear where's Houdini Houdini there he is there's judean II love it love Houdini love the mannequin and then they were finally getting to Elvis it says 2000ad famous people can I be remembered through laser holography holography like just a cast a you know they had the Tupac hologram there's Elvis I see his face I don't know what the specific illusion is but you can definitely hear him singing what was he changing okay all right so he changes into a statue a statue of himself and then he turns back into his kind of normal self there we go all right now 2000ad a super hero as exceptional powers such as x-ray vision so we see Superman he's a kind of leering over top Lois Lane and then yeah like this one okay then then what happens then what happens what happens what's gonna happen okay what's taking a second I what it's a illusions could take up to 30 seconds they can take up to 30 seconds there we go there's the illusion he's looking at her naked but using his x-ray vision Superman is Superman needs to be on some sort of list can't believe he went he would do that I once thought Superman would be above such things but but now not at all okay moving into the future 3080 starships of the future may be able to transfer people like we transmit to television pictures and how does this work we got et so thematically we have et we have Spock right there Star Trek and et were united and then we have the character Worf I think his name is and then another alien maybe I don't know the gorn's cousin oh there they go disappearing into thin air you see the flashing flashing lights I apologize trigger warning there's flashing lights and oh they're back here we go Worf and his lizard friend are back aboard to the ship aren't you happy about that et now playing magic 101 what is it it's like I guess this is which playing a DVD I'd settle that's one of the exhibits but it's but it's not playing yet or it's not that's not to worry about it okay got some more magic tricks some quarters two nickels treating a quarter to a nickel less productive than changing a a penny to a dime this is solid through solid passing you still hear Elvis Elvis is blaring through the hall like your goodness our timeline is over by the way I don't see any more exhibits so you can become invisible you walk into this booth and you have your friends look to the opposite window press the button so you would step in here oh you can see those people through there but I don't know what's what's the illusion no nice people are leaving oh oh our timeline is not over even though this is moving back in time slightly is the shadow collector we caught shadows in the year 2000 200 we collect our shadows push this button walk away leave it your shadow behind so let's see how let's see how this works dole it's bright it's let its will soak that up it's only a good shadow walk away walk away and there is a bulbous lump it is much fat oh all right yeah I don't have a friend with me so I can't show you how to become invisible and we're gonna exit but here here the world of illusion you don't exit through the gift shop you exit through this alley right here and you know you don't know what hit you you have been blasted your mind has been blasted with illusions and now you're out an alley you're in reality you don't know what even hits you so that was the world of illusion unedited unfiltered uncensored and I hope you guys enjoyed it please check down in the description to see other worlds I've been to as well as other roadside attractions music parks fun things I do a bunch of different stuff trust me on that and if you want to contribute to the channel I sell t-shirts that links in the description also if you want a certain subset gonna support me on patreon a $3 donation once a month and I will send you postcards are you gonna give more that's okay too but for now this once let me get my finger on the record button this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 102,186
Rating: 4.8676362 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, world of illusions, gatlinburg, unedited, tennessee, tn, fun, happy, roadside america, roadside attraction
Id: SXtRw44kZlI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 10 2018
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