Alcatraz East - Amazing True Crime Museum

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[Music] hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the South more specifically Pigeon Forge Tennessee even more specifically than that I'm in front of Alcatraz East now unlike Alcatraz West this is not an actual prison there's not a prison here on the tourist strip in Pigeon Forge what this is is a very very fascinating crime Museum this was actually a reincarnation of a previous museum the Museum of crime and punishment in Washington DC I believe they had lost the lease on their building and had had to move their attraction so they kind of created a new attraction the Alcatraz East attraction here in Tennessee and still has an amazing collection of true-crime items and different crime based and punishment based exhibits we've been here before but I did want to take a closer look and did want to see what was new if there's anything change any new exhibits so please follow me there's a guard up there observing if any prisoners are currently escaping and yes they absolutely are prisoner trying to escape right there we will observe social distancing which is notoriously difficult to do inside of a prison it's no flash photography dumb food drinks or tobacco you know standard prison rules visiting hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. instead of velvety ropes tech chef ropes made out of handcuffs there you can see the lobby here does indeed look very pretty those cells up there of the ticket counter oh look at this guy up here wonder if that's the warden all right they said follow the green mile into the museum yes the green bowels the mile you walk to be executed now John Walsh host of America's Most Wanted actually has some association with the museum used to film his show inside the Washington DC location and down here John Walsh's sword see the sign there's as Indians welcome of course the original Alcatraz was actually occupied by a Native American protesters dirt for a time remember he got to keep 6 feet away from other inmates so we start our tour off with some old tiny implements of punishment AKA torture there's a chain there that was used to hang witches with their hands and other heads so they could be tortured the shrews violin I guess you put their person's head in there that our hands in there no they were so nice back then here's a water torture funnel that put that in someone's mouth then just more gallons of water forcing them to to chug uncomfortable on some water that's that's that's mean [Music] batten down the hatches shows different knots the Pirates would make it's normally you'd be able to try to make the knots yourself but because of the current unpleasantness this exhibit is closed look down see what's down there Oh who's that guy looks like we have been chained in the pit down some different pirate flags there Calico Jack Edward lo but no one no one has his cool a pirate flag as Blackbeard a skeletal devil stabbing a heart with a spear there we have Steve bonnet the gentleman midlifecrisis pirate some piratey weapons and here the flintlock pistols though it only hold one bullet at a time then there's some good old pirate knives used for pirate staff and canoes we have a section about the outlaws of the Wild West I always loved these the Rustler shoes where you could steal horses but yeah these horseshoes built onto your shoes so they wouldn't know you were human stealing horses they would just think they were their footprints of a horse there's the death mask of Pancho via the famed Mexican bandit here's the peacemaker notorious Wild West gun I don't know how I feel about a gun being called the peacemaker I think a better name might be the person killer turn the wheel to see how much you really know about the Old West I don't know how much I really know about the Old West from which movie does the music come from that is still recognized as referencing a Western gunfight I guess I'd be like that oh wow wow I can't do it you know like the you know what I'm talking about came from the good the bad the ugly let's see Oh spaghetti what is a spaghetti western I believe a spaghetti western is a western directed by an Italian director yeah inexpensively made a Western film normally made in Europe with many made in Italy or by Italians it was kind of right Oh John Wayne how many Westerns did John Wayne star I'm gonna say three hundred eighty eighty four okay that was way off see what does the phrase get out dodge mean get out of town right he used in reference to a stressful or dangerous place the terminus bar over the tories western town Dodge City need to visit Dodge City one of these days what gun is referred to as the gun that won the West it's not the peacemaker is it now the Winchester of course the spirits all haunted the poor Winchester Widow at her Mystery House where does the phrase ride shotgun or call Shotgun well I guess that you leave you sit in the passenger seat you would hang out the window and shoot people with a shotgun this is writing at the stagecoach next to the driver armed with a shotgun yeah yeah I got that right there's Jesse James notebook I wonder what he would write about in that maybe how many people he'd killed that day and there is his his gun holster there's Frank James's walking stick that was Jesse James brother kind of you know the Garfunkel of the group and back here this is a bloody floor that it's Jesse James blood apparently taken from a relative's house where after he was shot and he had blood all over the floor there's some guns that were actually used by the James Gang here we have an exhibit on moonshining as can be seen from this moonshine based shooting gallery it's an authentic moonshine still right there and that there is a detonator used by government agents to blow up moonshine stills this up here speakeasy door is used in Cleveland Ohio let's see the little secret compartment where they opened probably ask you for your password this here is an alcohol prescription apparently during Prohibition you could get a doctor to write you a prescription for alcohol yes during two bottles of beans fun and told me in the morning it's a wood-carved god this is how John Dillinger escaped from the jail in Crown Point Indiana I don't know if you see her closely they even wrote Colt on the side of it it's just like a real gun here's a common sight in almost any Museum in America that's John Dillinger's death mask they say this is one of the original four plaster casts made from his body which is pretty impressive because like I said virtually every Museum out of these shop or whatnot has John Dillinger's Testament death mask I even have one of my own but this is saying it's one of the originals it's a tommy gun clip from The Dillinger gang personal effects of John Dillinger that's his shave brush penknife and homemade file how much you know Betty stabs someone at some point with that file there's the Thompson submachine gun commonly known as the Tommy gun this guy didn't mess around with small-time bank robberies he once got away with a million dollars who is he Harvey John Bailey sorry mr. Bailey's not heard of you says our crew killed more police officers and civilians than any other gang of our time and mostly Rob smaller stores and gas stations who are we obvious that's Bonnie and Clyde I'll often seen through rose-colored glasses Bonnie and Clyde and their gang or callous murderers with no regard they're equally poor victims I actually wanted to speak on this for just one moment while back here or so ago I uploaded a video from the Bonnie and Clyde ambush Museum in my opening line I said that Bonnie and Clyde were serial killers or some people took great offense to now I can understand that motive wise and maybe different than the serial killers as a serial killer other definitions but some would say sure killer kills for the gratification of killing funny Clyde did not but they were absolutely horrendous murderers and it is amazing how many people still glorify them to this day people in the comments section and say oh they didn't kill people they were they were outlaws or bank robbers no they killed lots of people they killed tons of police officers mass murder if they're not serial killers they are mass murderers it is not right what they do and it's really unsettling when you dig through the details of the case that people still defend Bonnie and Clyde were really brutally cold hearted murderers yeah look at that a borrowed gang Clyde Barrow gang killed 13 people in the crime speak we nine police officers so horrible rotten people the Bonnie and Clyde death car is in prim Nevada whiskey Pete's casino but here are some items that were extracted from the car after after they were killed exhibit on the st. Valentine's Day Massacre well most beautiful brutal mob killings of all time there's some actual evidence from the case it's a brick that would have been struck by bullets pretty cool movie props this revolver was used in the movie The Godfather as it was carried by James Caan's character Sonny Corleone here is probably one of the crowning jewels of Alcatraz East that is Tony Montana's little friend machine gun used in Scarface by Al Pacino as Tony Montana it's a collection of Al Capone's personal items someone put together apparently a lot of silverware was a chunk of bathroom tile from Al Capone's bathroom and then Meyer Lansky's razor exhibit on the mysterious DB cooper a man that successfully sky jacked a plane without having his identity ever become known and then he's an absolute wild story jumped out of the plane and parachuted to well yeah I would say safety but some believe that he did he jumped to his death let's see I'm climbing up there inside the plane with his parachute on let's not forget about white-collar criminals or the evil diabolical Bernie Madoff with his notorious Ponzi scheme says this toy snake was auctioned off when they sold off all his all his family's possessions to pay the victims of the Ponzi scheme there's his custom Louisville Slugger bat says Bernie Madoff on it here's a birthday no bernie madoff sent his son from prison apparently Madoff a man a few words there's a handbag from Monica Lewinsky's ill-fated handbag business is made especially for you by Monica okay well most infamous parts of museum as we enter the serial killer room here's Edie games tooth and that's just absolutely wild and of itself but I'm not clear on though was why he mailed it to mr. Jeffrey persons and Families says to my friend Jeffrey and his whole family congratulations the best wishes to unhappiness your whole life through I was expecting a visit to the dental office but the call came and saved me the trouble this tooth has been troubling me for some time now we could trouble me no longer Edward Gein why did he mail his rotten - to this person and their family I don't know that virgeen is by the way he is the actually don't want to almost can't even call him a serial killer because they didn't kill enough people he liked to dig up bodies but he is the inspiration for Norman Bates Leatherface and Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs one of the most cinematically inspiring killers Walt I'm Ted Bundy's typewriter and then his dental casts and this is actually very interesting part of the trial where they used his teeth to match up to bite marks on his victims that's interesting so the first case is to use bite mark evidence and in recent times bite mark evidence has shown to be somewhat unreliable and possibly completely unreliable some beautiful handmade jewelry made by the Boston Strangler perfume bottle with the image of kidnap victim Charlie Rose apparently that was the first time that a lost child was put on a product helped find them that's kind of a precursor to the children on the back of milk cartons it's very sad 7 here and has different personal items from victims of mass shootings there's various items from Ted Kaczynski's workshop of course Ted Kaczynski the Unabomber terrible domestic terrorists that mailed bombs through the mail they actually had Ted Kaczynski's full cabin at the Newseum in Washington DC but sadly the museum has closed down museum was also Newseum it's also an amazing collection of true crime artifacts what's in the museum and this place right here actress is probably the two best exhibitors of true crime artifact so sad the museum closed down I do hope that it does find a new home at some point this is the Remington sniper rifle used in one of the very first mass shootings the Texas sniper climbed the clock tower and Texas and just shot people for almost no reason at all apparently the the shooter Charles Whitman had massive headaches and used that as an excuse to brain violence down on people just a moment ago a young lady ran up to this poster and said oh my god Jeffrey Dahmer I love Jeffrey Dahmer this little hunch right here is one of the most bone-chilling artifacts and all about the tragedies that is John Wayne Gacy 'he's clown outfit that clown outfit a pogo the clown as a self-portrait by John Wayne Gacy yes there's pogos outfit apparently this is a lesser-known clown also portrayed by John Wayne Gacy known as patches here is our four assassinated president a blinking James Garfield William McKinney and John F Kennedy is a bullet from Jack Ruby's gun but oddly enough not shot on the day that that he shot Lee Harvey Oswald it was actually shot from his gun in 1993 by his brother Earl who says that he in commemoration of the incident shot off 100 bullets from check Ruby's gun what a celebration here's a crime I was not very familiar with the Family Research Council shooting only the Family Research Council a concerted conservative political group mmm by the name of Floyd Corkins it was against their anti gay marriage policy so I actually planned on committing murder I was going to shoot people and shove chick-fil-a sandwiches in their mouths as I get a protest against their anti-gay stance Wow this museum definitely shows some of the sadder aspects of human nature so exhibit here shows how a crime scene is investigated you look for trace evidence broken glass oh yeah see the broken glass there on the ground maybe it came from that window white powder oh yeah some serious white powder on the nights down there maybe so most snorting a little cocaine before bed to help help them get to sleep you see if some lighting techniques this shows where hidden beloved evidence can be oh no there's blood on the hammer I think that hammer was used as the murder weapon hidden fingerprints take a closer look oh yeah all over that teacup but you could enjoy some tea while you were murdering them with a hammer and now you've been caught says the forensics of Footwear you can use this magnifying glass to compare these two prints we got the print of the of the foot taken out of the dirt or mud and then there's the actual the actual shoe used to make the print and you know what I'm pretty sure this is the same one you see there's a nail and some gum and you can see the nail on the gum there in the print case closed there's some autopsy tools the bone saw the body-fluid scoop roast here we can do our own simulated autopsy on this corpse right here let's see got a little modesty diaper on there you know they look for the old look for lacerations oh yeah it's got some lacerations in that arm shotgun wounds in his shoulder some bruising where's the bruising some some facial bruising my expert opinion is that this guy this guy this guy that got shot with a shotgun punched in the face and then oh my gosh and then someone chopped his toe off it's an exhibit on the Knoxville Tennesse body farm where corpses are laid in the woods to simulate how a bodies deteriorate different circumstances you can see their tools for digging bones there's actually a second body farm at Western Carolina University where I graduated and actually when I was in the Social Work Department there we shared our building with the anthropology department so when they were on a body in from the body part we could actually smell it in our class where if it's not bad we had a teacher in Social Work teacher who if there was the body of the building that she could smell it she would always wash out of class early here's the morgue but sadly these more cooler doors do not open all the disappointed tourists find out the theme morgue doors don't open in here we have our temporary exhibit an exhibit on art from Alcatraz one interesting theme from the Alcatraz artwork seems a lot of the prisoners like to paint pictures of birds see this one just absolutely full of birds maybe the prisoners will send their cells and watch the birds fly around and maybe that make them feel kind of sad there's some artwork done on a piece of cloth says that these are actually inmates that we're in there at some time the artist may be it kind of done characters of them see this one's dressed like a clown this one's playing some sort of instrument well and there's a chunk of Alcatraz right there a rock from the rock there's a al capone's rosary from when he was in Alcatraz some Alcatraz souvenirs will stuffed mouse in a prison outfit and then some prisoner salt and pepper shakers one of the most fun parts of any law enforcement or prison museum the shank collection can all these wonderful confiscated shanks the prisoners used to stab each other with a brass knuckles that they used to punch each other with we're tattoo guns that they used to give a highly skilled tattoos to one another this here is a is a gun they would actually it's actually make a gun that would fire one bullet that's absolutely insane the amount of ingenuity that had if the only they could use that ingenuity to stay out of prison there's some beating sticks yes that's like a mace of being a heavy thing at the end of a rope well look at these Spears are they making Spears this is a fake gun just used to to break out it doesn't look very realistic but I guess the guards didn't want to take their chances [Music] it's the prison section right here see this rope right here says was used to escape from the prison in Texas oh one of those classic bed sheet ropes it's a prison bat that was used by the guards to beat prisoners and it was used up until 1942 his iron helmet was used in a prison siege in Texas the inmates made it in and in the prison shop I guess the guards weren't paying paying very close attention so they're able to hold off the guards for ten days using these homemade suits of armor now if you've been to a lot of crime museums like I have you know that John Wayne Gacy is one of the most prolific artists of our time but this is a very unique piece he made the semi truck that he painted the Seven Dwarves on it John Wayne Gacy was obsessed with the Seven Dwarves a lot of his artwork has a seven doors his favorite things to paint the Seven Dwarves and then himself as an evil clown now here's your standard prison cell from Eastern State Penitentiary in Pennsylvania and see basically you get a bucket of poo and a couple of dirty filth and crusted blankets but here is Al Capone's jail cell at the exact same prison so you can see it appears as though he was receiving some favorable treatment seems like maybe things weren't completely on the up-and-up there some more modern prison cell there you got your metal bunks your writing desk and the lovely sink toilet combo here we have the wonderful execution room over here starting there's the gas chamber have a seat now this is old smokey this is the actual Tennessee electric chair used at the Tennessee State Penitentiary killed 125 people 125 people died sitting right there here's the Delaware lethal injection machine you just flip a few buttons and persons dead and then a good old-fashioned guillotine back when things used to be a oh so much simpler plop electric chair in Chicago apparently up until 1962 they had executions in Cook County it was the last County Jail that still did their own executions think about being executed by a county jail these days that's that's a thought there's the four anchor bolts that held the South Carolina electric chair down to ground some lethal injection equipment used in Missouri some of this stuff is kind of depressing and look at this a white Bronco this is the Bronco used in the famed police chase with OJ Simpson now I know there is some confusion over the white Bronco situation this here in Alcatraz 'is the pitcher port is the white Bronco used in the police chase where Al cowlings who owned the Bronco at OJ in the car and was fleeing from the police in Los Angeles there was another Bronco however OJ had his own Bronco and that was one that had the bloodstains on it famously and I believe that Bronco no longer exists I think it was scrapped this here is not the famed Bonnie and Clyde death car however it is the movie car that was used in the 1967 that Bonnie and Clyde movie starring Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway there's John Dillinger's car pretty swanky and the most unsettling of all these vehicles down here the Ted Bundy Volkswagen Beetle this is the car that he would lure women into so that he could murder and and do other horrible things to know it's like never thought I'd see so much evil in a Volkswagen Beetle get some riot equipment big riot shield there check out this this pepper fogger it's like a giant cannon that shoots out tear gas there we have a bomb squad robot helpful little robot that puts his life at danger to save us from bombs here we have a fake filmmaker this was confiscated by authorities in Colombia yeah makes fake medication that could be dangerous like if you needed real medication and not medication that was just made out of rat poison some counterfeit video games here in case you want to play super mario 64 on the xbox that's that's interesting then they counterfeit weenie weenie stick with the we don't don't play with the ween me this exhibit here basically shows how certain football players are complete monsters here's dogfighting evidence used against Michael Vick including a handmade nail collar and a dog electrocution to play oh my gosh Oh Jay Simpsons golf clubs we are all familiar with what he did and then oh this wonderful gentleman here Aaron Hernandez who was moonlighting as a serial killer for no known reason now we exit through the gift shop where you get this wonderful I'm basically a detective shirt or you can get your grandma one of these wonderful serial killer mugs at Jeffrey Dahmer Son of Sam Ted Bundy John Wayne Gacy on it this shirt here may be the most puzzling piece of merch of them all it says Ted Bundy it's got Ted Bundy's murder car on it it's a stranger danger just a quick quick poll of audience who would wear a Ted Bundy t-shirt so that was Alcatraz East here in Pigeon Forge Tennessee one of the best true crime museums in the country this is a very large museum it's quite a huge collection of artifacts definitely worth checking out if you are in the area if you'd like to see other places I've visited other museums amusement parks roadside attractions please check the interactive map in the description this video it'll show you all different places I've been and you can tell me where I should go next also if you'd like to help support the channel consider donating the patreon three dollars or more will get you a postcard once a month also now selling enamel pen and the ante shop all that information is in the description until next time this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 245,995
Rating: 4.9213257 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, museum, alcatraz, east, the island, pigeon forge, tn, tennessee
Id: 75bocmZcinQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 24sec (1944 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 05 2020
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