Gravenstein Manor - 1880s Era Haunted House - Plus the Grevious Gallery

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[Music] heyo carpetbagger here coming to you live from the South more specifically Salisbury North Carolina I'm here with Tim and Alicia from the grievous gallery we're at their home the grave Steen house Gravenstein Gravenstein I pronounced it wrong I'm sorry so tell us tell us about about the Gravenstein house well we are after my TBI which means traumatic brain injury were homeless come to Salisbury looking for a place to squat we're able to buy this big beautiful house for man next to nothing and up every day it was a big part of my cognitive therapy to be honest with you but we learned what within a day day two that this house is occupied three occupied by by the unseen so it's we're still getting used to it what's that music coming from that that's Church battle circle okay now it's not alright well we're gonna you can give me a tour yeah we just walk in yes absolutely this is so bizarre I can't even begin to tell you what's that just stuff people just give you stuff oh yeah that that deers took a serious well here we go first let's go in light lots of lots of stuff has happened in this room here so everything from what wine corks being thrown yeah we actually got on camera that spirit actually manifesting an ectoplasmic fog sitting like playing the piano okay and everything yeah it's in the it's in here but it was so odd cuz we started working on stuff and being tugged on or being watched about everything you're doing it took a while but remember I'm a brain injury survivor so I was taking things in kind of like maybe it was my own visible shortcomings but then when it started happening to our guests when things are going across the room or being slid it's a little hard to explain that you got somehow got superpowers after your TBI which was a case unfortunately there's nobody else around then we had a mirror ripped off the wall in the other room now is it is it unnerving to be living here you know it was at first because it was really confusing on how something happens and then we started kind of you know figuring it out but it's really friendly whatever's here is really really friendly it likes guests we have the house bless one of my best friends is is is an Episcopal priest so he guides us through some things and it's always felt warm like even when he came from the church he's like the house just feels good like it doesn't feel like there's any negativity here there's Abraham's bosom spirits have to go somewhere when they can't go although at home well they come here apparently and sometimes it's terrifying sometimes what was a sight we had a glass of water get dumped it slid in my bedside table is a glass of water I got slid across my table and then dumped on my phone all my medicine stuff like that you know how you keep all that stuff yeah by the bed you could actually hear like like the tink of a ring before it like kind of across the wood and it just made your hair stand up and then you could hear the water just really leaking you know people talk about orbs so they usually get orbs mistaken for you know like taking a picture and reflections of whether it's just dust particles or whatever in this case when you'll see them and they look like fire and electricity all in like a ball shape and but you see that with your naked eye I don't think anybody's ever caught it on like camera but even doing what you're doing here go back and look at the footage because if things happen here and it's usually really personal so it's like they may be pointing somebody out to get their attention and not so much mine or hers it could be so like people from the outside will see the people in the windows the biggest things that the outside world gets to enjoy only did have a ghost hunting team here right before Christmas they said so many things happened to them while they were here but none of them were able to get on any kind of documentation they didn't really get any EVPs they really getting anything on camera but like they said that something would come up and like grab your arm and walk with you or like almost like it was playing host or you know tour guide and they say it was just really weird they all had uniquely different experiences with the home carpetbaggers here you wanna check out some more stuff yeah yeah alright um I don't know if you want to do this room this but up the staircase that's a really like somber place that's a place where folks see a lot of things that we do - okay and you're welcome if you'd like to lead the way but we'll come on up this is a mirror room that I did or we did earlier ow and really the only reason why we did this was because we're seeing people behind us we're seeing people at the corner of our eye they're watching us and I figured if I could put mirrors up I might be able to see them a little better or get a better idea and this is why we own lots of mirrors so this mirror tear was it one that got ripped on at the wall and actually hit there's like a dent in the drywall behind you and it didn't break the mirror it just broke the frame so we took it out and we reframed it and rehung it just kind of as a testament to the fact that it survived yeah I made a dent wall there when it come off it was like it come off with a vengeance that's for sure but this is where a lot of folks get tugged on and pulled especially at the like it's almost your earlobe your cheek oh yeah of course you can see more errors right house so some of these pictures here are I don't know the word native to the house ghost girls that's what and it was actually called ghost girls I think is wrote on the back of the picture or something this one with her weird like obsession with the fireplace actually a vintage picture of everybody dressed up for Halloween oh wow there's the devil there in the background oh he's always around sucker okay so the house was built in like 1880 actually maybe before the house was a part of a novel way what like back in the 30s or 40s the novel was called dirty coal pol II and it was one of the first openly gay movies and novel oh wow about this so the house has you know they've been here for so long it just keeps me keep uncovering some really cool stuff this is my daughter's room organ and we call this the heavy room the room can often make you feel like you're you weigh more than what you do and I'm just kind of getting a feel now yes but we call this the heavy room she doesn't like that name yeah yeah this is though and it seems like there's a lot that comes out of here but there's something it's just interesting I like to show you you see where at least his feet are yep those are like holes in the floor and they would use those holes at a doorway to lock okay a person in here and normally that person would be somebody who is challenged in a way you know and yeah sending them off to an institution they would you know they wanted to keep him at home they didn't necessarily want to send them off never to be seen again so can I just use this as a dressing there so originally the house has been entirely open from the front to the back they call it a center hall but obviously modern conveniences like indoor plumbing at the turn-of-the-century were much needed so they threw a bathroom in the middle of it so this is our room as you can see that's our headboard right there hmm and then with this TV being on it almost acts like a mirror it has a reflective so we can see our headboard through the reflection well all of a sudden this head pops up behind and all this is on video the head pops up it's like playing games ducking going up we are on the second story so there's no access out there and I just noticed something if you look on the left-hand side of the curtain you'll see some more more sunlight coming through the left that curtain we never painted the straight it's always being parted like somebody's looking out and again to the point that people from across the street come over and go hey he's waving at us again or that kid is we can see the kid upstairs so and that's terrifying you remember that pump organ weird yeah that's it right there sit right here yeah now what you see on there is that's not just Halloween with our house normally is just like this all year round and people of course call it Halloween but it's really just an old creepy Victorian home that's just how it is yeah real glitzy girl um taxidermy duck with baby arms oh yeah yes he's a man he's treading water though where was yeah that's our version of Alexa because you can go Alexa will you play Tom Petty and then you're like everybody looks at you like you're crazy but then you go she's sensitive about this thing you know but a flinch we did flinch at this particular one here if you'll notice it's from a funeral home and this was something that they would have were course to magnify and I use this as a planchette it works really well but the best I've ever used is this quarter right here so I kind of keep that there because there are so many people that come in and they love haunt stuff and they want a conjurer and do all this stuff well I'm actually okay with it but I have to be around when they do it because they cross boundaries I got to make sure that they wish you guys would like throw something three knocks is the key though do three knocks and it seems like let's see I'm here now we're having a good time during the day but late tonight I'll start hearing three knocks on the headboard you do that I'm sorry I kicked your skeleton oh he's you yeah I think he was round so it's a certified has nothing to do with it we just go hunting clothes Charlie has certified this as haunted we're gonna call that darkness there the abyss there's nothing to see there but to be honest with you you see Christmas tree right there yeah we actually turned it into a Christmas room because tongue-in-cheek that none of our family members will stay here number we'll stay here and so we said if we do a year around Christmas room who doesn't like Christmas like every Christmas sanctuary yeah yeah this was something we found here could have been lady of the house oh my gosh what is that is this like a cat all right going for a ride and what kind of this year last year he went to Ford but I pulled it out of the weeds and I've been driving as a daily driver for and five years or more in his round I got the ring it's a rat rod so people always ask me though hey man when you gonna finish this car it's like that forever [Music] oh my gosh she's in the backseat there it's our sign it's like the place knows okay we turn over to the grievous gallery and you can't want to run us through what you do here or what actually you are moving to a new location this is the previous location of the grievous gallery and I want to run us through what you do here what you will be doing again soon well this was the original spot we've been here here in Salisbury for about two years we're here at an original Cheerwine building it's a place where folks can come and relieve some maybe some anxieties most of all though stresses anxieties emotional so we write some things down on bottles plates dishes and you get to you get to throwing knot at each other like this that will be highly dangerous because there's something about broken glass a sound when it goes in a very releasing especially if you have something wrote on there like they dude use your turn signal it can start as simple as that but us being here right now is a little bit melancholy because well we're moving we're moving to a larger location I was hoping this guy here we get to see it in its heyday but what's coming around the corner is going to be absolutely amazing and we just can't believe that where people like us keep moving my himself you falling into a buddy thought Toby did some films at the house and I buried her in this casket in the backyard I'll send you just feeling so google-eyed casket oh very friendly cast it's so scary to die so is that how things work you to slap a pair of google eyes on it and it's friendly oh wow swear glass would be thrown against the law the folks with the stuff they go through so we have people that were raped the loss of their children due to suicide really horrible things it makes my problems seem it's just very surreal to us to come in here and see everything taken down because it's still life Olympic particles in forward to the new this I've been given their death sentence to say through cancer yeah and they'll come here a lot of them have to be held up other through glass or so that's emotional I'm sorry uh but they're not with us anymore this is where they come to cut it face face that immortality overdose sucks rest in peace daddy that's so sad that was only three for 2018 it's earlier this year [Music] goodbye suck yeah it was hard to say goodbye to this place I know a lot of people and know about this place will know exactly what what work well we're going through but shameless plug we got the trolls written there on that glass Oh [Music] coming out this is got a squirrel with a flamethrower on it I believe use your turn signal see it all starts someplace though you know I tell people back here they may be going through stuff and they just have a metal block like I didn't think of it but damn it you should turn sings oh man this is all glass from the gallery all right wanted to thank Tim Alesia for showing me Gravenstein manner and the grievous gallery here in Salisbury North Carolina thank you for coming along if you like to see other places I've been please check down in the description interactive maithili all the places I've been and you can tell me where I need to go also if you like tribute to the channel consider buying a t-shirt consider donating to patreon and donate three dollars or more will receive postcards monthly in the mail but for now this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 62,100
Rating: 4.908782 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, grevious gallery, gravenstein, manor, mansion, creepy, haunted, spooky, halloween, rage room, tim demeres, rat rod, amazing fun, awesome
Id: AO3Y5b9UaQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 10sec (1330 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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