Abita Mystery House - Mindblowing Roadside Attraction!

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currently on the lake pontchartrain causeway the longest continuous bridge over water in the entire world this bridge is almost 24 miles long and as you can see water on both sides very scary dark water on both sides land hoe [Music] hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the south more specifically abita springs louisiana and even more specifically than that we're in front the abita mystery house this is one of my absolute favorite roadside attractors i've been here several times always want to stop back in here i think i have it on my pin on my hat yeah i have two pins on my hat from the abita mystery house again this is this is top tier roadside attraction uh every time i'm in this area i'd like to stop by and see what is new what has changed and what is old here at the ebitda strategy it's it's hard to explain you know these these sort of things are almost best observed than than the me sitting here trying to explain so please follow me yes the abita mystery house previously known as the ucm museum the owner though changed it as he felt to be the mystery house better suited what uh was inside a little rideable horse out front see that they have added some uh mask requirement signs if you can't wear a mask even for medical reason do not enter i mean it we are very conservative wear mask america the best country on earth yeah a lot of a lot of requirements for math of course the admission only five dollars protect your fellow americans social destroyer mask so very adamant on the mask wearing at this point in history oh yeah but don't forget bring your camera see uh alligator woman there see a chandelier there made out of alligators plastic flamingos says is it topeka kansas the mahi mahi capital of the midwest velvet painting of a plane there five dollars to see crazy robot hanging out here by the well see small fishies swimming around see some art in the process of being made but here's our boy right here daryl the dogger gator a lot of the artwork here at a mystery house is actually alligator based and uh daryl here is uh one of those wonderful alligator pieces yes daryl the dog a gator half dog half alligator see what's inside here get some bicycles this is like an old shooting gallery here i think this is like a robot that you would punch like a fighting robot maybe you punch him in certain spots and he lights up that's just a guess though i'm not 100 sure very twisted lower half of a body right here i think this is a this is a man made out of computer chip boards a robot there has hands are egg beaters walk inside this uh wonderful looking building here you can see all the different signs adorning the place here this is the main exhibition hall entrance let's see computer keyboards there attached to the roof little shrine to elvis see the license plate from angola prison there elvis presley visit vermont this is an authentic piece of birch from vermont these dioramas here are absolutely unbelievable they can push the button to activate uh different actions in here this is pinky's grocery store little dubs barbecue garage right there big dubs barbecue heaven where pork skins are a vegetable you see the uh angels there drinking beers and uh cooking some barbecue you've gotta hold down the button here oh look at that opens up the library or outhouse depending on your perspective see what this button here does okay got the uh jacks up this uh station wagon right here it's rudy's rainbow lounge looks like a disco club and uh we also have rudy's over the rainbow hotel let's see what the button does oh okay makes the patrons of rudy's rainbow lounge start dancing [Music] it says create art and get rich that certainly is the fastest way isn't it if you look below the dioramas here you see these giant oversized postcards so you can see oh i think that's in i think that's a cherokee north carolina right there i bought the dioramas are these paint by number paintings these are where people would buy these uh these pictures that would already have outlines and just fill in the paint has anyone out there ever done the paint by number paintings aunt chrissy's a gun shop uncle byron's toy store so a gun shop at a toy store under the same roof that presents some unique issues but let's see oh makes the airplane above the toy store circle this motel right here press the button and oh if you look closely you can see some rowdy children jumping on the bed this looks like my kind of place here arthur jones snake farm you can see all the different snakes and animals down there oh we've got a piranha piranha right there on the roof giant piranha on the roof it says uh right there mr andrews golfer reum put among the ruins it's got a little dinosaur some more mini golf stuff here we got mummy's tomb push that button oh it lights up oh look at this makes the creature from the black lagoon wave at you from the tower up there once again press the magic button oh see the mini golf uh windmill turn there very interesting scene up here in the clouds we see uh these bearded soldiers shooting an angel with rifles says god bless our forefathers who fought in the civil war so that we can play goofy golf in peace it says meson de patrolina plantation a little uh single wide trailer there station wagon out front is uh running over an armadillo it says right here this museum was created because of an encounter with ross ward in new mexico ross ward the creator of tinkertown which is a somewhat similar attraction in new mexico this does borrow certain aspects of that attraction but i think both attractions have their own unique feel and are both amazing see a plantation style manner here press the button oh you can see that porch swing starting to swing on its own as if a ghost was swinging a factory over here where some people are selling produce out front of the uh the fact oh is he gumby and it's the factory there yeah there's so many interesting things on the walls hanging from the ceiling those trophies up there see all these antique radios and then a giant fish coming out of the wall this tableau here is called martians at mardi gras just press the button and let go you can see mardi gras there the big float people on ladders begging for uh toys where are the martians yeah we gotta look closely okay there's some purple martians there on the roof oh yeah yeah i see the margins that guy's gonna fall off his uh ladder right there oh look right there is the uh the teenage brother from the abc's dinosaur show this arcade machine here is called fruitcake cali it's very interesting i think this is a new uh new attraction here choices are meat or math [Music] when you hit math okay you hit the little figure there click the switch it's all very interesting this is dr tory's career counseling machine says put 25 cents in the coin slot below this machine knows what your career should be so currently um i am making videos on youtube but what should i be doing i'll put a recorder in oh what what is happening ping pong ball falls down there oh oh oh the wheel the wheel turns i should be a diamond thief all right i'm coming for your diamonds i've got an old aztec pinball machine here let's feed it a quarter oh those are some serious pinball noises all right let's uh shoot the ball come oh oh oh oh oh oh so so hard to play pinball with one hand let's take a booth here we have a very terrifying uh devil it used to be satan satan herself right there let's say louisiana third world and proud of it another interesting contraption here says feed me 25 cents who am i to argue oh okay okay let's watch this very closely see the balls like those are made out of cheese graters and the balls go oh it's a grip test machine of course i'm always concerned about my grip so uh all right so squeeze for 10 seconds oh god eight nine ten okay my my grip is in the get get an ambulance level so apparently i'm i'm i'm so weak that it assumes that i'm dying um the next step up is to see a doctor so maybe not immediately dying but definitely heading in that direction the third i'm gonna make my way up to which i was very very far off of soft good excellent super out of this world my grip my grip needs some improvement that is a very large and terrifying toothbrush right there here is a new orleans jazz funeral of course uh you must press a button to activate it oh look at that see the jazz musicians moving that skeleton there so save our cemeteries and see the dancing dancing musicians see the devil over there another skeleton popping up over here got a a hearse here's the hurst driver back's popping up oh oh there we go oh why is there a severed head on that table right there it's a beauty parlor but there's a severed head see the angels dangling from the heavens there that's amazing one of my favorite machines here hey kids play with crisco the dancing clown look at that picture of crisco doesn't look for boating at all and there uh there's crisco let's uh feed crisco a quarter the dancing clown push up buttons got a white face and pretty hair and i got lots of toys i like to share that was all the dancing we got for the one quarter we're gonna have to have to give uh give crisco another quarter here because we need to see more clown dancing okay his name [Applause] this is terry the three-faced dog seal dog so i guess two of the faces are dog faces and one of the faces is a seal face it's all moderately confusing here we have some uh exhibits on barbed wire from different periods of time there's an 1881 barbed wire also a beer can collection press ah it is a skeleton doing a little cool skeleton dance here we have tragedy on dog pound road oh no there's a tornado in the trailer park it is turning this uh firework and christmas tree stand making a swirl and swirl and swirl and uh got a trailer over there all about blowing blowing the roof off of that trailer exposing the insides that is very terrifying i think that is some sort of dolphin-like creature [Music] this is a two-man organ one plays the one crank i'm only one man so i can't do this but one person cranks this right here another person play see it won't play now because there's no one cranking it but what if i took my foot and cranked it a little i'm gonna crank it the other way okay this is for men for two men not one man and one foot this pond here we have a very ghoulish creature resembles uh jake the alligator man we have a carousel horse alligator it's also riding a bicycle we have some space martians responsibly wearing face masks one of the famed exhibits here thelma the 32-foot alligator see it alive look down there you see there she is thelma at all 32 of her feet you get it right now we head into the house of shards over 15 000 pieces of tile mirror and plates you can see some wonderful junk in here some old arcade machines some bicycles say homemade harley davidson probably completely safe and there's a ucm museum bicycle leroy the largemouth bass there very large mouth very large teeth see this uh head of some sort of african hooved animal here on top of this pinball machine this is beat time they think these look like the beatles but they're actually a similar band called the boodles look closely over there you can see a duck with an alligator's head it's an old shooting arcade game there is devil dog barbecue pretty amazing an alligator snapping turtle shell that big old alligator gar interesting things in this case there's a snapping turtle skull and there is a alligator with antlers some sort of uh reptilian jackalope it's almost like a homemade arcade machine here looks like you can play some donkey kong interesting fact that is not princess peach that is mario's old girlfriend pauline who evaporated after this game how high can you get we're about to find out mean old monkey all right so there's mario jump get the hammer and hammer us some barrels remember to play this as a kid you could i think you could stand right here and nail the barrels above yeah now those barrels then you oh walk right into that fire i didn't even see it sneak up behind me there's an old cigarette machine with some old cigarette brands and the old cigarette machines always have mirrors on them for some reason i think it's so people could like do their hair or whatnot maybe an enticement maybe they come to see their own reflection and then while they're here they choose to buy some cigarettes next to the jukebox we have a good old-fashioned fiji merman three chickens and a boat here for some reason one of the chickens has two heads and also there's a two-headed alligator right there magnificent the door to the patio of compassion please open i mean it relax you're in the patio of compassion right from the patio of compassion we head into the shed of miracles oops oh wow i think the shred of miracles has been vastly expanded since the last time i've been here oh did you see that this uh timex machine is what display watch is just turned on look at that that is like a two head shriveled up something for feather oh my gosh there's little bits of that liberace right there dance on my grave so push the button right there oh we see these skeletons these two dead skeletons here and these three are just dancing on their grave they don't they don't they don't care there's dance dancing on your grave looking here see some taxidermy see a deer with some christmas lights i don't know it's like an old like body steaming machine it's a guy wearing a welder's mask oh and look at that terrifying alligator person down there dirty old fish up there some miniatures here not sure what places these are looks like it's just a bunch of different castles oh yeah it's like a village of castles air conditioner up there blasting us with some nice cool refreshing air i just noticed this deer has a deformation in his antler buttons there oh another dancing skeleton the sign says a teenage and a squirrel gator enjoying life in their natural habitat now it looks like the allisapian is missing but there is the uh score legato oh man there's so many new alligator hybrid since the last time i've been here it's amazing the wolver wolverine wolverine gator oh yeah look at that says found in north most the us enjoys freshly fallen snow likes oreo cookies for breakfast the coyote gator a canine native to the us would love to visit tahiti one day and collects hummel figurines ah this all makes so much sense it says oh lord why you can see there's a head bashing itself against a brick wall [Music] just all little bits of taxidermy hiding everywhere you look i've seen this before this is the two-headed basic gator this here says the real heads of a two-headed iguana salvaged from the lost tribe of lower saint bernard so we pushed that and now that's the two heads of a of a two heads of a two-headed iguana isn't that just one head of an iguana so i think what it's saying here is that this is a two-headed iguana because here's an eye and a mouth and that looks like a head and then you turn it around almost like an optical optical illusion and then you flip it over and you see another head there it's a bunny and a cabinet this is faye the flower bunny and a squirrel named bob ross he's a little paint brush there and um there's a crow and uh what's what's going on there's wishbones this one says play guitar oh i guess maybe these are wished you these are the wishes if someone wished how to uh learn how to play guitar someone wish to kill all spiders it's another level here the day the dinosaurs died you see there's a meteorite headed towards these four dinosaurs that are all hanging out in their house oh no push the button the meteor starts rotating you guys are doomed man i love this place i can sit in this chair all day long continue on with our different species of of alligators it's a sea cecil the cypre cyclopa gator yes oh one glowing eye there that's pretty creepy stella the squirrel heater that's another squirrel gator light that up and see her claire the cluck a gator half chicken half alligator and um i think this is a cat gator park cat part uh alligator says my greatest skill has been to one but little from thoreau it is quite a skill check this out over here okay that record player flipped on automatically and then one side has dinosaurs and turns over we have people on the other side of the record this is wanda the white squirrel found in central louisiana enjoys hummus and pine nuts block from facebook why wherever you blog from facebook wanda were you um you're sharing sharing q anon theories there's a battle that rage is on in me brain versus stomach so uh press that see the face right there oh yes that's the stomach right there see inside the stomach and there is the brain and there's the head [Music] tom's roasted peanuts but instead of peanuts there's two headed skeletons riding two-headed rats brittany the baby alisapian okay so this is a allosapia there a little al sapien and then jackie the jump roping skeleton look at her there we head into sister claire's live bait shack and fortune telling this footprint here is from the honey island swamp monster a sasquatch-like creature from honey island swamp they actually feature this very cast right here on the show uh mysteries at the museum and here she is clairvo the amazing fortune teller let's feed her some coins oh there she goes oh there's the fortune it says sister clairvoya says if you do see a friend make a big mistake try to tell them about it but don't get too pushy then if they ask for help later be sure to say that sister claire leves said i told you so don't get a traffic jam with a boring person some more of that classic a beat a mystery house a taxidermy in there what do we got we got another bassa gator a uh half alligator a duck a uh okay so this is this is a head of a duck in the body of an alligator that's the body of a duck in the head of an alligator almost like they almost like they swapped see here where ufo has crashed into an airstream trailer sort of curious space pod here i don't know exactly what this thing is i can peek inside oh it's got like a hatch on the top seriously what it what is this what is this thing let's take a look you know what this is leave a comment in the comment section a little hot sauce house here and peek a little window there it's completely occupied by different hot sauces been overgrown taken back by nature a little bit but still full of hot sauce the largest most intimidating creature here at the abita mystery house buford the bassa gators giant monstrosity in here yeah look at this giant beast so thank you for joining me here one of my favorite attractions in the entire country the abita mystery house and i was very pleasantly surprised to see that it is massively expanded i was here i think two years two years ago i've been here i think this is the fourth time third or fourth time i've been here i started two years ago and i think it was this shed of miracles and a massive expansion of tons of new stuff love to see it love to see the attractions change and grow and evolve and here's just some more wonderful stuff as always at the video mystery house five dollars french i don't always talk about entrance fees but five dollars for all of that that's gotta be one of the best bargains in the entire country um yeah don't don't miss this place this is someplace you could go out of your way to be able to see i absolutely love it um thank you for watching if you would uh like to keep viewing my videos uh i'd love if you subscribed that way to let you know when new videos um arrive and go check out some of my older videos i've been filming uh for years been to the 48 continental united states filming roadside attractions museums amusement parks and haunted houses in all of them and uh we'd like to look for other ways to help support the channel consider donating to patreon three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month also selling all sorts of cool pins in the etsy shop all that just helps keep this train on the tracks this boat on the water and the storageable in the air until next time this once in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 45,954
Rating: 4.9041805 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, abita, abita mystery house, ucm museum, roadside attraction, alligator, alligators, art, folk art, animatronic, taxidermy
Id: 1R3tt9T5Ly8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 59sec (1919 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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