San Francisco Ripley’s Odditorium

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hey you all carpetbagger here along with my friend Adam the whoo and this this is a momentous occasion I am at Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco California behind us is Ripley's Believe It or Not and I have been to every Ripley's in America except this one and what better to bring my good friend Adam along to a joy they're just kind of crossing there's the total bucket list the us Ripley yes this is this is the final tick in my bucket list in fact I may just ask Adam to kill me after we leave this I thought I could count on you anyways follow us I'm thinking I'm thinking this exterior is meant to look like the Golden Gate Bridge [Music] now this is something I never ever thought I would see there's Robert Wadlow shredding a guitar but actually I did visit his home Museum it did play the guitar I don't know if he ever played with this particular band of the three legged man and the long neck woman playing her own neck and the terminal oh and then we got dee dee Kate's prints over here singing in his horn the snake news man's hiding up there in the corner look at him putting that snake through his face hope and also up in the ledges here Cuban Popeye [Music] and here's the gurney man I'll dressed up in his fisherman slicker this he's ready to do some fishing here at the fisherman's wharf this is buck Helms license plate apparently during the 1989 earthquake buck helm was trapped in his car for four days but he had managed to survive that is truly incredible just look how look how tight it is in there you have a tire scrap mammoth right there I had no idea Al Capone played the banjo ten years I visited my first Ripley's and and now I'm stepping in my last one Mexican vampire woman what do you think snacks do we do we start going for International Ripley's now Ripley's is famous for its matchstick sculptures and appropriately enough here we have a matchstick sculpture the Golden Gate Bridge nature's was notorious killer the skeletal cave there here we have this man putting up wallpaper I forget his name but Ripley privately hired him to do the wallpapering in his own home doing pretty good job with one arm there's the most famous freak of all time mr. Johnny act there is Ripley's desk let's see what sort of things he keeps in his desk so I could use a little bit of mammoth hair and there a whale's ear drum and clutching the glass eyes this is always one of my favorite things in Ripley's is the feejee mermaids this one is absolutely massive it's so cool I hardly even noticed that there was a whale baculum right there's an actual cable in the Golden Gate Bridge looks pretty strong I'd say see that the gurning man has changed out of his fisherman slicker and into his uh sure outfit he's offering me over this way where we see if we can roll our tongue so this encourages people to roll their tongues like that caused me to give it a try let's see what you do here I don't think I can blow my tongue like all the way around I can almost do it [Music] ranked into the strong thing the fold that I don't know if that's comes to roll your tongue but I can't do this this is this is my this is my greatest parlor trick who else could do that so Adam can you do the gern can you put your bottom lip over your nose see part of his secret is he didn't have any teeth I think that he'll be four now you got to knock your tears gonna knock your teeth out and then let me be good also going into San Francisco theme there is a matchstick cable car just don't get in any accidents or you will burst into flames there's some original auditorium tickets it's a 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition of souvenir Ripley's this spend are on some form since the 30s here we have a celebrity taxidermy this is Goliath the world's largest sea lion because they actually travel with Barnum and Bailey Circus until his death and he he's pretty big I must say pretty pretty large oh wow lovey Blackburn is a crocodile man his sharpen his teeth proxy for my even with a crazy reptiles tryna meet me three times my missus got a little fright at first when I went to kiss her but she takes my crotch choppers now so I wear them all the time meet major Daniel sickles had his leg shot off with a cannonball and he would actually go to the museum and visit his shattered leg and the can of all the shattered a just I guess paying his respects they see this guy a lot in the in Ripley's called the lighthouse man he was a Chinese tour guide that had a candle on his head what I didn't realize was that he actually carved a hole in his own skull so that he could insert a candle in it that is dedication to your craft say five pound masking tape all it's made by schoolchildren oh look a box I bet there's all sorts of cool stuff in here poor lady had her feet round is a horrible deform position no normal moose are very dangerous they can attack tourists this moose is made out of nails so he can attack you and give you a serious case of tetanus this Chinese man had a disease that turned his face blue which really I mean if it doesn't affect you in any other way it's actually just pretty awesome just poor Rodney fog she's done a lot of Ripley's famous for having a horriffic shark bite oh man he said I want to put put some peroxide on that here's all sorts of good creepy mummified stuff got a mummified head it's either real teeth little tiny mummified kit and which is just a little sad and these are the tiny hands of an Egyptian noblewoman genies lamps test a lamp I guess be rub it in there I guess it's time to throw another mommy under fire I'm just gonna use mommy's as fire monkey for okra 140 years the tale by Mark Twain the mummies were so clinically just like they were being used as fuel to trains that's horrible junk Ronald up mummies were once used to make a medicine now I ever go to England this will be the first thing I go see Jeremy Bentham he was a philosopher and he's currently on display in a university and they actually he was mummified and preserved and then apparently his head became so deteriorated they replaced it with a nice wax head but for whatever reason they decided to keep his old head in the display with him so he has his own creepy head sitting on the floor yeah let's go visit mr. Jeremy Bentham at some point we got Kamala the wolf girls is raised by wolves just like Mowgli and what better to make out of wine corks and a donkey oh hey there's soltahr I didn't didn't notice you swang the human unicorn to get a good look at that horn coming out of his head that would just be like I don't know I feel like he should have developed some sort of martial art that that uses that horn but I guess I'm just writing my own Ripley's fanfiction at this point so Adam would you like to be buried in a giant Coca Cola coffin mountain dude a mountain Dew bottle I'll make sure it happens coffins personally custom to reflect the deceased occupation and chili pepper for the holes in the skull were actually created by brain surgery over 1,400 years ago oh I bet he was just in great shape after that after has someone poked a needle in his brain when I hear we have the fan-favorite torture items I really the scourging flail I really would like to be here by that zero times here's sandy Alan's muumuu she was the tallest woman that ever lived and a 7 foot 7 inches still more than a foot shorter than Wadlow but impressive nonetheless check out those big honking shoes like this room has actually got like some trained aiming to it that's kind of unique you can hear the rustling to the lamps swaying you can even look out the window here in the countryside I guess this train is on the way to a Ripley's they have all sorts of crazy artifacts in the airless hammock full of skulls and and Europa dance masks what's a fur bearing trout my friend and what train ride could be complete without a two-headed weasel all right this is do not look into the whole the world's most unbelievable what is it it is the back of my hand a self you know stuffs really rock and hope nothing gets damaged on the way to the Ripley's warehouse this is ingenious this is a patented toilet seat designed so that you can't stand on it because the rollers will make you fall if you stand on it and you know people standing on toilet seats it's a huge public nuisance this is an Oscar the paratrooper dummy he actually was was dropped in France as a way to distract the Nazis they would drop fake paratroopers so he's actually seen battle he was dropped on d-day Wow hey check this out Joe DiMaggio's bathroom slippers got the Crocs man here we talked to his creepy talking statue earlier then we get to hang out with the real thing or the fake real thing at least a must-have for every Ripley's the vampire killing kit got a gun with a silver bullet it's got these specially prepared spices to fight vampires with skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull skull another must-have for any Ripley's at least one and shrunken this is a pedo egg woman more commonly known as a long neck woman and use these coils to appear to stretch their neck actually one of the interesting facts about this is they are not stretching their necks they're actually pushing their shoulders down with creating the illusion of a longer neck but either way probably incredibly uncomfortable skull stuffed calls Aaron's brag slowly maturity transformed himself into a lizard over the year - these body tattoos splitting his tongue implicating nodules underneath his eyebrows and I am myself I don't have a single tattoo I don't have a single piercing I like his moxie since I think if I ever decided to get tattoo think of a go full Erik's Prague's there's a funky woman with disks in our inner lips but what's really drawing my attention is this vomit bone apparently in pre-columbian times in Peru a doctor was just jam that down your throat to make you bar you thinking that it would make you feel better this suit is an emergency suit for cosmonauts during during emergencies and this was actually worn by a cosmonaut a Russian cosmonaut when they crashed in the snowy mountains multi is another Soviet space suit their presidential chalk carvings you can see they're very tiny so you have to look up here on the screen you move the magnifying device using these buttons so let's slide that over oh yeah you can see the different presidents as we move by I think there's some other miniature things in here oh there's a microphone Holy Bible what does that look like oh [Music] that's really a Bible just tiny Golden Gate Bridge let's magnify that oh there we go back up and yes a matchstick spaceship would definitely burn up on re-entry look at these little fishies to pet them oh wow it splashed the water this mural here is composed entirely of shoelaces and running shoes fitting this zebra head over here I think these are some San Francisco icons of Janis Joplin made of wire and then also a wire Carlos Santana and wire jerry garcia they of course the always glamorous toilet paper wedding dress serves two functions on your wedding day so Adam you are normally used to towering over people what does it feel like to be towered over for once awkward awkward little awkward I hope someday I can be as tall as Wadlow and then no one would laugh at me what can dream there's someone that I sympathize with this is Grace McDaniels known alternately as the mule-faced woman and the world's ugliest woman I don't know I wonder how she felt about being famous for being ugly I wonder she embraced it I mean that is an accomplishment to be the ugliest to be the S of anything as an accomplishment but you know I know I know how females can be and she probably heard some mean things that are days so I'd like to always keep first McDaniel's my thoughts you know be kind to each other and then and celebrate people's individually for what they are here's Lady gaga made out of various candies it's like her skin has met how the gummy bears so I guess you could say she has a good good good good good gut gut gummy bear faith this might be the craziest thing I've ever seen this human skin silhouette apparently a a doctor a medical student he carved out a portrait of Lincoln out of a dead body skin and apparently later that he felt so bad about it it felt so bad about himself that he committed suicide that's that's some dark stuff [Music] this translates very very disorientating [Music] Thomas wetters the man with the world's biggest nose I don't I don't like that grin on his face there's a nude woman made out of typewriter parts that is interesting wait a minute we got a Red Alert that was that was fun you you're making the kitty cat make noise yeah do it again apparently the sculptor called this series everybody gets screwed this sculpture made entirely of screw they're supposed to be a San Francisco ap made of screws all right we got a coordination challenge to see what it wants me to do make the Vulcan V with your fingers you do that [Music] by doing it by doing it you save your shadow good looks pretty good why is your arm insanely long they have long arms but this alarm looks will hunker that that's mock me of course earlier when we were seeing if we could fold our tongue this is actually a one-way mirror so if anyone's back here they could watch me making funny faces it's it's kind of invasive what are you doing [Music] what but what effect are we trying to get here oh did it strop be scared check out this woman just holding by her teeth and she's twirling twirling twirling all the way towards freedom there's a San Francisco icon mr. Steve Jobs this is not look impressed with that not even sure what to make of this it is a wah blow copter and oddly wah blows very short odd giving that is defining characteristic is how tall he is all right might as well take a trip through the good old mirror maze no mirror maze etiquette is that you wear and splash the gloves you don't smudge up the mirrors and ruin the effect for everyone else Oh Adam just headed in and the door closed behind him and he gets separated there we go you find out I really mean that's that's why you were able to touch me really mean yes I really mean I wonder how long you spend in a beer amaze breeches old completely insane oh there's Adam let me charge towards him oh what the that's a mirror right here oh there you are sorry oh I see something oh my goodness this is the exit so that's it I have been to every Ripley's every Ripley's in America and even even the one in Niagara Falls part of North America so therefore that is part of America I honestly I feel a weird emptiness inside I know more Ripley's to explore I'd love if Ripley's if you're out there listening build a new Ripley's for me so I you come visit it or I may have to go to other countries and check their Ripley's out if anyone knows what I should do with my life leave that comment down in the comment section if you'd like to see all the other ones I meant to check in the description that was also also tons of roadside attractions fun museums amusement parks another good stuff I'd like to support my travels please consider purchasing a t-shirt please consider donating to patreon three dollars or more will get you a postcard lots of on but for now this Ripley's adventure is in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 138,090
Rating: 4.8886275 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, ripleys, odditorium, san francisco, fishermans wharf, fun, tourist, trap, weird, unusual, quirky
Id: 3sqQuTV4_DY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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