Intercontinental Snack Special | Ashens

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Makes me wonder if Ashens don't know how blueberries look like because that there don't look like no grape i've ever seen.

👍︎︎ 28 👤︎︎ u/Dotura 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2014 🗫︎ replies

Anyone else notice that the pork floss said "product of U.K."?

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/JWatts96 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2014 🗫︎ replies

I sent Stuart a box of vegan food not long ago. I wish he'd review at least some of them, because it wasn't cheap to send and it was a lot of effort to secure the glass bottle.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2014 🗫︎ replies

According to the Polish ingredients, the waffle thing was "Yogurt wafer with a pinch of blueberry filling."

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/Armitando 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2014 🗫︎ replies

For the record, that meat foodstuff is Bakkwa, which is jerky but less dry. That's why the rabbit jerky during the Chinese Delicacy Special (aka the Egg of Rot episode) was very greasy.


Bee Cheng Hiang is a company that produces Asian-style foodstuffs

Even Wikipedia is not very nice to them.

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/FelixTheMotherfucker 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2014 🗫︎ replies

Secret frame at 20:04. Hello there handsome.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Vasconium 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2014 🗫︎ replies

Haw is hawthorn berries.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/420MenshevikIt 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2014 🗫︎ replies

Dan: *retches

Stu: It tastes like your mouth when you're sick.

Dan: *retches

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 01 2014 🗫︎ replies

I love the new title card.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/FelixTheMotherfucker 📅︎︎ Aug 31 2014 🗫︎ replies
yeah oh hey there Daniel you want for some snacking oh boy Lester you know we should be it might be like a taste sensation you never know with these overseas foodstuffs - it's never been nice it's not gonna be nice now well it might be I honestly not picked these for NASA I don't even know what half of them are genuinely but so tell you what we're about to find out this is our first official thing since so the comic-con in Manchester isn't oh yeah yeah of course um it's been it was great it was a really good time it was what a time we have and now we just going to eat stuff so they can laugh at it let's get to it let's first things first I don't know what this is it looks like sort of beef jerky or something and it's it with in date which is it makes a nice change oh boy looks like some you just squatted out some meat to meat squat this is B Chang Chang or maybe that's people made it or something I generally have no idea whatsoever mmm well looks a bit like yeah beef jerky stuff to me it looks a bit burnt to be honest with you yeah I'm quite interested in this I would imagine it's quite highly peppered of spiced time this is time for this is snippety snippety and this is often hard to get into might be a bit overzealous going into it that either Wow is there any smells it smells really nice it smells like well spiced cooked me Elena oh yeah as might have here's your half would you think of the smell oh yeah I've no material this is I'm guessing is some sort of meat no one way to find out three two and one and a bit deep mmm-hmm I really liked that I was now able to is I'm guessing some sort of spice could meet as I said but yeah it's really nice actually that's life here like what's it called pepper at like we'd be the equivalent of a like pepper Army's and they would taste less artificial mmm quite not genuinely impressed with that I think that's all I have as well very spicy is what Wow so just some of it might be nice would you listen though we knew it all I'm jelly shocked I really thought that was gonna he doesn't like appetizing something like great I don't know I quite like jerky and jerky style product so that's quite good for me oh that was nice stuff oh definitely hello but I have a mobile meal to round it off look this is very very very overly bright packaging really isn't yeah I think that's one thing it can I put some of the food because I think mother your packaging looks really artificial therefore your foods going to be really after that you could be right this is a retort pouch oh sure what that means this is Zhang Zi in Hong Kong Starla's on Z is like meat and stuff with rice rather isn't it I don't know I think the only left top my head of Marshall but this is a good source of protein and a good source of fiber no it's not it says it is it couldn't possibly alive not used with microwave no need to refrigerate yep eat it cold I think zero day here hence mobile meal you can eat it in a car you can eat it on a giant swallow you can eat it while holding a stick and being a hunchback light and you can eat it as a ship is about to crash mentally fit right tear off the top of the bag squeeze the bottom ready to eat nice especially show people that he looks really pleased that look ah interests of this where'd you get it from again just again yeah just sensing all this stuff was actually same person I have no idea I wouldn't thought so I don't think they came together man just rip the top off with your inhuman strength I don't like that oh I don't like that no no oh man this is mobile atolls Jesus was got beans nip right it smells of smells really nice a tional sort of spiciness I'm gonna have some of the rice okay yeah it does smell really nice tastes quite nice along what's going on people sent me nice food yeah it's alright YUM oh it's um stepping off disgusting no it's definitely no beans it's not unit ugly no jelly beans and it's not something I would on a lump of something habit god it has been chill if I'd this bit this is not very good yeah I knew you'd enjoy that bit oh that's a bit sort of dusty dusty yeah just kind of dusted out about presentation hmm agon see it doesn't look the most appetizing thing they always say the first bite is with the iron mm-hmm a biting i grill i probe and um what do you think oh just the rice in its own is all right there when you're getting the other bits in it it's a bit sort of yeah that sort of nasty artificial dusty nothing you twine to it would you say the colors of the packaging see the now they've clearly trying to oversell it it's better than starving to death a lot better right man but yeah oh I'm sort of mouthing slightly and bad tasting stuff now the fact that you said it the jelly bit made me feel a bit like gum yeah just just them if it was just the rice and sauce that would be quite nice and I see other bits there I'm helping it's a bit of a nut going on there bit of peanut I'll have that that's my fibre for the day right anyway too much meat let's leave the poor animals alone with mm-hmm vegetarian meat hot and spicy so basically this is a tweet tofu of course I moved at play or happiness starts here these are the packet I feel like oh look at that so they're in low packets yeah so you can have your vegetarian meat on the move vegetarian me is a bit the sort of redundant concept really isn't it the whole point is you don't have me yes basically spicy tofu wouldn't that be a better way to sort of juice again do you feel like that with all meats where it's based like you know you have tofu or like was it corn corn well yeah let's just just say what it is don't pretend it's something isn't it doesn't help anybody they should make their own species of animals up so instead of like you know the way it based on chicken or cows and I have anything like her back doors and Angevin spicy monkey wings monkey dear that's it spicy monkey wings we should definitely pattern that right oh my god whatever it is is very it's very oily yeah very oily my god ah lining little lumps of her tofu stifled its smell smells a spiciness Midas smells very alarming looks like a squashed chicken you're not enjoying it I'm not worried about this at all I'm gonna have a little bit right now mmm Jesus what's it taste like the taste of well the texture is exactly like me it's very spicy and but other than the spices there's no flavor to it there's no flavor to the actual Toby stuff at all I try love them mmm I was trying yeah it's that look oily but right the texture is very meaty oh dear you didn't enjoy that one I don't mind that at all I didn't like it was horrible yeah it's just sort of spicy the jet pasty taste of spicy oil and nothing else beyond it it tastes like um didn't taste like anything I've taste before oh it was an alien taste for you yeah I didn't get it like that the only thing that tastes exactly like that but didn't mind it I wouldn't wanna reach a large man do it if you've got like erm and a stomach made of iron of many I think you've desensitize yourself Tory's diving through having forty one-year-old ale yeah you like a champion of these things I can't do it well the better go back some real meat of real meat after that wouldn't email me as well our old friend chef advanced and his giant hitchhiking thumb learning the Thurman film about her she had a giant thumb which is nothing that only cowgirls get the blues we'll just go it's pork floss okay yes it is right you're utterly blank expressions are confused oh yeah pork floss yeah this has been made with 240 grams of pork over 100 grams of finished product it's like a sort of weird form of jerky right it is a beta means pork floss pork floss a great name for the man right here we are oh Jesus Christ yeah it looks like asbestos or something and all fiberglass yeah fiberglass definitely fiberglass smells of tell me it doesn't smell unpleasant at all it doesn't really spell anything what would you say that smells of it smells like [ __ ] it does not smell like [ __ ] nice um it's not pleasant it's not that I wouldn't like to smell it a lot well I'm gonna have this bit of pork oh nice to school granny's very probably got lost refer girl the actual floss my teeth of this net are mmm dissolves in the mouth and tastes like say speck pork quite this quite nice actually I don't mind that hmm I much prefer this to the fish floss I tried before I don't like any of this does all four hey you like the first one a lot of first impressions all right but that I don't know again it's not like this is yes yeah I honestly don't like I don't know I could happily eat this as part of a meal really yeah put on top of something maybe some soup or I had I think scorpions one of the things that puts me off this is the actual packaging because it looks so again it's that's in thetic artificial things what look at anybody dislike about Chef advanced apart from his entire physiology hmm not like that and this is a family tree tour great as a gift to give to friends and relatives you can't argue with facts like that done the second you're very packet yeah I might actually smaller thanks Ella yeah been gonna put that one away Mike Abbott one side Oh time some dessert now I reckon how about some dried fruit hall snack some dried fruit Hall H aw aw I can but that means I know that word Mike now now I need to know what it means my brain has gone blank on the therm being childish dried fruit or six explint sugar cornstarch lemon juice spices is it like apple cores and Apple peanut butter I don't know at least 60 P for the whole lot and not the Intel because I'm actually holding the price upside down so it looks like it cost do nine mmm right let's get this thing out very slowly what ceremony we package listen right do this leg ends up like a fat boy lies minute sir Abby's Mexican exercise Mon Oncle oh yeah have your own fruit or I don't have this one interested in this don't get the package oh there's not package opening buddy eating things in this way here we go it was quite sticky I just rolled up oh oh yeah like a fruit roll-up we say oh I don't like this one of them oh no the smells don't get at all God Oh blaze that that's like it's it's it really yes or citric ball so like like some sort of wood or something like a load of apple cores yeah well it's pretty literally what it is now yeah well I want to taste like now all right nice I like it it's very swim mmm very sweet taste well of apple cores pretty much but yeah but not unpleasant at all quite like it mmm this is great I've actually got food I can eat for lunch well I can't eat this stuff it's fun is is all right I go I don't um I don't trust any other stuffs to it I really don't trust any of it just go with the flow man there's no problem let's get mine that's great I'll have a wristlet later well how about something that isn't from the land of China some of these may not have enjoyed in check to be brutally honest with you yeah Yoga waffle where's this from and I would guess Poland or somewhere judging by the old smackle jagged Owen their waffle jagat routine that's doable I can appliance that I apologize so basically I think this is some sort of chocolatey thing with grape inside oh well purple grape sounds nice Yago waffle is it supposed to be yogurt from the other thing and waffle obviously waffle i don't assume so yeah well let's find that oh yeah either potion attaches as a pasta Rosco alright that is within died it's in 1981 I know 17 to the 7th 14 oh is that a date burger I saw nine tonight you wanna thought that was a year yes open low so that would be slightly bent do you want to try this it is a month out-of-date it's probably fine for confectionary product oh it's literally old waffle and it's been crushed into post no you're over yeah hey here we go he's quite intrigued by this come out Iago waffle join us George try bit try tiny bear yeah oh yeah well presumably it has these little gray pea stuff inside yeah here we go let me see that at home there's a little bit of oh no oh no I stole no man it's all like mush it expected to be nice and purple and that smells very great P well I'm gonna try a little bite of this one hmmm either that doesn't taste quite right I think it's gone off yeah I'm pretty sure that doesn't taste how it does I don't know I think um maybe it should be purple and I'll just eat a load of rot that's one of the things I was thinking like um because it's purple in the packaging isn't it yeah no that's just stuff that looks like chocolate though as well yeah yeah I think that could just be a very misleading package yeah that's not it wasn't massively unpleasant it tasted slightly slightly off I wonder if it is slightly awful NorCal retail I would have to have a fresh one and then eaten both at the same time I got me on Tuesday I feel paranoid eing any of this stuff because it what's happened last time it's basically everything to me this whole this whole thing's a death trap well you're not dead yet no I emphasize the word yet yeah well better have something to wash it all down with oh you got well I didn't show you this earlier if I didn't really show you any of this you're thinking about okay you know for us they go I have here some lovely from Wonder farm New York yen agony the tick tock I have no idea what country or anything this is from can we find out taste of nature why don't we could guess as to where it's from Vietnam I'd look so well a Vietnamese drink marvelous is this in date it is and it is bird's nest white fungus drink I was so looking forward to seeing your face and it did not disappoint is from wonder farm white fungus drink in bird's nest I have absolutely no idea that literal I wouldn't have thought so I don't look like load of birds fly over me well there's quite a lot of white fungus and like it's there that is white fungus I'm sorry mmm-hmm yeah that's that's square it's wonderful that that's like something looks like something dredged out of a septic tank yeah we don't deal well with stuff floating our drinks in this country doing it smells us nothing except vague sweetness yeah there's a very sweetness to it but knowing this kind of like um is no life after smell or anything like that is very soul very sour smell do should we do scissors paper stone to see who takes the first sip yeah yeah I think I'll be fourth um where's ready how many on the count of three ready one two three [ __ ] ah I always win that game except when I frequently don't okay we go you ready bombs up you didn't enjoy did you Oh [ __ ] it's just the earth well I I kind of wish not gun first now actually after saying that reacts rate this it's a it wasn't so much the flavor it's the idea I was not expecting to me to actually touch my mouth like them the you got some of the fungus the fungus right and then I'm oh it's disgusting it Oh Oh God oh it's a sort of sweet enough as was it would about fungus now it's like it's like the taste of your mouth after you've been sick absolutely horrible oh man oh I'm not enjoying that oh hang on I don't have some more fruit sauce and exiting that helped me Apple taste from one terrible taste to another no no I'm well I would say by far the best was the first thing Jesus look at this look at this mess we've made absolutely ridiculous look at it I feel guilty now just filming there's people starving in the world who still wouldn't wanted to be in that kind is too rich fun but yeah mmm sorry yeah the first one was good yeah first one I think was quite I really like the Apple thing I mean I going to scoff a couple of them in fact I could again it's not it was that bad it says that when I didn't really um what was the worst from your point of view probably that drink yeah the watering definitely waffle was pretty bad ah there i reaiiy don't know what that the tofu kind of like it's the fact that it looked like it was just something deceiving on all levels it looked greasy was dry it didn't know it just covered I think it's just sort of vaguely dried tofu the lot of oil spicy oil on it yeah it did not taste of anything other than the spicy or an interest I interesting those I've never tasted anything quite like it so at least it was a new experience yeah if you want to deceive your senses then go on try it but other than that don't bother no oh well I think snacking wise we'll have to stick to our local slacks of dried human flesh nothing disgust Annabella and no nothing I think that fully natural poplin Norfolk snack what are in Bristol what's your popular snack down there aside oh that's a I'm moving man that's the breakfast lunch and dinner what could possibly go wrong with that right I'm off to eat more fruit snacks bye see you later subscribe for me you
Channel: ashens
Views: 1,583,416
Rating: 4.8951535 out of 5
Keywords: Snack, food, ashens, food special, dan, review, funny, white fungus drink, tofu, spicy, yogo waffel, waffle, ready meal, ready to eat, spicy rice, rice, horrible, weird, china, chinese, vietnam, vietnamese, Chinese Food (Cuisine), fruit haw, haw, apple
Id: 1CWacSk4BM0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 20sec (1220 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 31 2014
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