Inspector Wexford - The Best Man To Die

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Oh God Sheila thanks the day I thought your stuff all a day  gotta be a nice day oh it's seven o'clock to   protect me five hours to get ready don't you can't  get married looking like a scruff I remember the   day I married your mother got arrested I had this  bloodied collar I know you can look after yourself   I just thought it would cheer you up there's any  trainer I do belly in the matter with me well if   it makes you feel any better think of breakfast  as a bribe oh the ulterior motive which is this   is not a boarding kennels is your dog he's your  responsibility let's talk and it's a she you   remember I can't go out looking like this what  my public think please for me do we have a deal good morning good morning and how are  we today mrs. Fanshawe today we're   gonna have I will say a fine day raises the  spirits just going to do your observations we have a good night did we dream come back and see you later then you  can tell me all about your dreams Oh   morning doctor morning how does she seem today not quite the same all the indications are  well that's interesting has there been any   movement fingers for example didn't notice  well please try and notice okay tell sister   I want to check every 15 minutes now perhaps  today's the day as Miss Fanshawe rejoins   us well what do we say if she asks you no  don't tell her anything you leave it to me do you better behave yourself  talk she's got a name like best   wow spin we'll have any puppies  you read you a Greek tragedy girl physician heal thyself Julian has the private  sector hmm doing my bit for the public sector   today as a matter of fact it's the sleeping  beauty come round like I said it's only a matter   of time you stirred all the squats at lunch time  loser puts a fiver in the appeal fun it's a deal Oh mr. poet we oh hello it's Lilian Hatton here  yes yes it is a lovely day listen can I speak   to Jack please it's about Charlie it's Lilian  for you hello Lily it's so Charlie up to now that's what I want to know there's  no sign of him what didn't he stay   with you last night Clytemnestra dog dog dog the odds actor Charlie was alright that's like a  pub can't get married we are the best manager a   little might now what I'm doing we wish the  fall on him maybe he was drunk last night   but then you generally are it stagnates  on you you know you can't see his face   and you know him you better call the police  they've told Jack I am the police house you   know Louise well I'd know him anywhere that's  Charlie Hatton he was gonna be Jack's best man you took your time I see mrs. happen first I'll  take her I'll drop you off at Jack poetry the   bridegroom apparently the dead man was  not only the best man the best friends   from childhood seems mr. Purdy took news  very badly correct oh you bet the other way   around if you like that's okay thanks have  about used to telling women their widows Oh I shouldn't have allgreen Marilyn said it  was unlucky to wear green at weddings she   said it when we were choosing her dress  it's a lovely dress real wedding dress got mister talking a cup of tea this is happening why did your husband do for a  living what his job what did he do Charlie he's   electronics engineer you weren't so black stars  on the estate he travels all over them he's dead that's what you said you've made a mistake you must have please don't make mistakes like that  son Jack and Charlie who's best friends   school together all them years go never  changed you couldn't get closer to them hey Jack listen you'll have to speak  to Marilyn as she well Dan Lillian you   know Charlie's wife Marilyn's our best friend they   was all gonna be so happy together we  have to call it off the web they mean you answer the gentleman's questions like  oh I found Marilyn and you can talk to   yourself mr. portrayed Jack I mean when  did you last see mr. hatten see Charlie   outside the pub last night I'd say the  pub said he was going home and went off   towards the footpath over the Kings Brook  which parked the William the fourth about   10:30 but there was a group of you four  or five that's right how'd you know that Oh copper's I've got more in my pocket than  he earns in a month not kidding why make   Charlie never kids hey you nobody's bought  me a Marilyn for pressing a wedding press   yeah you told us already one of the best  stereos yeah one of them sweetest jobs   cost a thousand quid on the Charlie  nothing but the best for my old mate   even if the music he puts on it is enough  to make you throw up I be up from where problem sir high spirits [ __  ] I was driving home I may be   the last person to see him on his  way good say it on his way to die where is he cool check on it there there  John no you're safe now where you gonna Oh nurse I'm visiting mrs. Wexford it's  no news right now okay mr. Wexford you're   a policeman on it yes why'd you ask I oh  no reason really well if you'll excuse me I meant to get you some flowers but it didn't get  around to it you don't have to bring something   every single day in fact you don't need to  come in every day I know you're busy well   I shouldn't be that busy I am NOT made of  glass Ridge I won't break hysterectomy is   a major operation yes well it all went very  well remember I'll be out of here soon how's   the doctor said anything I don't think there's  been much change in my condition since yesterday   Ridge well I'm not silly I realize that are  you all right sorry I took that blasted dog   out for a walk this morning and found a dead  man do you realize it's the first time that   I've actually found body shakes you really does  I must just float in on the water like something   wrong excuse me it is Chief Inspector Wexford  isn't it yes could I have a word for a moment yes oh no it's nothing to do with  mrs. Wexford it's a different matter about the other night what you were saying I  thought we agreed we weren't gonna discuss that   for a couple of days yeah I know I know but Tim  Mike I told you I need time to think this over the man French found in the river this morning  turns out he was due to the best manner the   wedding today how is Rachel well finding a  dead body copy much fun no no no I know he's   just the same snapping away at the least thing  time on that door is in hospital but these past   few days between me and reg oh I can cook with  him yes well I sometimes wonder whether you're   not married to reg in some way look Mike I've  got to think about what I'd be taking on your   job is part of that so apparent John gene  to for that matter genes in the past is she very well yes I do love Gena I'll  always love her but but the grief and   the unhappiness are in the past but that's  why I can love you I'm in love with you yes message from the chief sir he's gonna  be delayed at the hospital and wonders if   you can go to black stuff yourself  yes okay what's the problem in the   hospital sir mrs. Wexford alright did  you say sir and I didn't write to ask   you okay thanks as I was saying I know  what you were saying really I meant it bloody Martin come on moments sister felt you should be told as soon  as possible please accept my sympathy   mrs. Hanshaw yes who is roof to first yes it's  him Oh Jerome my husband II always do much too   fast if you wear a seatbelt he said it was up  to him now assume damned of his short he did   it hisk your daughter was in the backseat  your daughter I'm very sorry mrs. Fanshawe   it wasn't just your husband your daughter  also died in the crash that's wrong door is   not dead I'll make him your husband was  driving you were found in the passenger   seat your daughter was in the backseat  no just stop doing my dog wasn't with us she wasn't no wasn't she I need to be expected I suppose poor bloody woman  thank you to drive anybody off their chump being   faced with a thing like that it's not uncommon  she's got everything in working order except for   areas of selective amnesia dramatically induced  so she can cope with her death of her husband but   she can't cope with the death of her daughter so  she denies her daughter was even there mind you   she seemed awfully sure something she's going to  remember and other things she's going to forget   that's what I mean by selective amnesia I hear  the prince go to the Sleeping Beauty I'm sorry   you won't forget that father for the appeal  fan 101 of mr. Vega is little jokes being in   private medicine II at the time to think them  up now give us 24 hours I'll put on some new   medication run some tests and see what she says  then okay all right mrs. Witts yes thank you she fancies you dances old man like me  well I fancy you is that nonsense well   that's different stuffy you should be pleased  that you can still turn a young girl's head   would you be pleased if she turned mine  what did you say to that poor woman the   one the sister spoke to you about what  could I say second time today I have to   tell somebody she's a widow what she said  to me that's the problem what do you mean never mind you I came to see well I hate to be  ungrateful but isn't it time you were getting   back to your work hello Mike how are you okay  thanks Jenny and I saw the film you were very   good thank you hello Mike well I leave you  in peace I've got a date how Papa Nancy mom   later and I'll take Clytemnestra well don't  let that dog find any more dead bodies we   had enough trouble with this morning's catch  where did you talk to you quite a few I am   third charlie Hadden's boss of Black Stars and  then I saw George Carter he's a friend of Jack   Pertwee's he was there at the pub last night and  then the barman at the pub and PC woods he's the   one who moved them on up they came out did you  talk to Colin who turned up with the river this   morning he was in the pub last night I thought  you'd want to be in on that do we see a pattern   emerging I think we might be that's me yeah me  and the dog I'll be back to make dinner off where I've got an appointment with my co  surgery's at the back there is a   notice and you'll have to leave your dog  in the car not allowed in the surgery I   was just admiring your house it's beautiful  isn't it yes it is everyone says that I see see what your camera chat means and I denied  the sender verse it's insignificant but if   you're an actress and doing one of those  big close-ups happen when you were a child   as you think boisterous brother perhaps sister  actually ah the female of the species they live   in the mail people always remember things  differently you can't expect accounts to   tally yeah but the difference is here I mean  George Carter tells a quite different story to do that Maurice : buying somebody a drink  would you do just do your own fool needs   helps keeping scotch get your pennies out as  well George Carlin takes rounds on you Steve   yeah right now doesn't fit does it according  to Carter Charlie couldn't open his mouth out   insulting somebody but from what Jack poetry  said to you this morning everybody loved him   warm generous Charlie the only thing they  agree on is this business of the money it's   great to see you Charlie you're looking  well I'm doing well next rounds are made   everyone or 20 everyone officially Charley  Hatton comes prepared Charlie is our darling   double Scotch is all round what you making it well  I think we should start with the money there's a   motive I mean murder in the course of robbery  certainly looks that way so what what is the   sheer amount of money that I can't square charlie  Hatton was a maintenance engineer for the systems   the black staff installs well maybe what would  here I don't know a couple of hundred a week   or not more and that house believe me Mike it had  everything that money could buy well all the more   reason to have a talk with mr. Cullum he's the one  who got his nose rubbed in the money no I'd rather   have the result of the beer first still on leave  yes it was Len Crocker I spoke to this morning how's Dora oh she's fine fine the  delay at the hospital oh that was   something else she seemed so sure who  did Oh dr. Khurana please mrs. Fanshawe   just regained consciousness who mrs.  Fanshawe husband and daughter killed   in that car crash on the bypass some  weeks ago oh yes I remember oh hello we have a car reserved for me it  was booked in Brussels along with   my air ticket just a moment what's your name  please Fanshawe FA Anastasia w e Nora Fanshawe healthy black how the fact that he's dead well it wasn't an accident not that such a  thought ever entered your evil minds somebody   walloped him two or three times wanted to make  quite sure mr. hatten are definitely departed   this vale of tears weapon whoa like to swear my  flat heavy stone I'd imagine there were traces   of River moss in the hair could have come from  just being in the water but it's unlikely do   you know what time it happened is it crucial  not yet sometime between 11:00 and 12:00 would   be by best guess but don't lean on the edges  talking of leaning on someone patience Mike   patience step by step you're always quoting  procedure at me thanks Len come on don't you   want to hear the interesting bit well somebody  did a lovely job on your friend charlie get on   with it he used to enjoy being teased red you  must be getting old come on plastic surgery   birthmark on the face it's gone now but as I say  a very professional job we'll get out of here would that have been expensive well the NHS  wouldn't cover it what did you do for a living   he was a service engineer electronics he must  have been serving his pennies for quite a while yes I know reg but these things take  time they have to do all sorts of tests still haven't told or heaven should worry  herself sick if she thought they were doing   a biopsy better let her think she's fine  she is fine she's making a perfectly good   recovery from the hysterectomy except for what  they found when they did it chances are it's   not malignant have you told Sheila for silver  taking it all on yourself not a good idea reg I can cope that's Jack right we asked him to come in to  make a statement mr. Bertrand Chief Inspector   wax would I be charged in this case you've got  in yet early days have you got any idea who it   was did it my fiancee Marilyn Thompson how'd  you do we've just been hearing about Charlie   husband's face that disfigurement yeah strawberry  Mike poor little beggar used to get bullied about   it when he was at school kids but you didn't  join in I put a stop to it no danger I mean   brother Charlie after a thumb time a few times  tell me did you make friends with him or was it   the other way around you know and made friends  with me I suppose I don't really recall this   God they were Charlie's murder well it might  have some bearing you never know early days I can't hear myself think with all this damned  racket why do we need a new security system   anyway last fall I finished up for the day  in a few moments senior clan by this problem   since I found it in the water there are prints but  hopeless certainly money in it nope did you check   inside there's another [ __ ] nothing at all sir  well I know I know colum where'd he get it from   that's what max at me we're in Charlie I can get  his money from I'm beginning to get a picture of   Charlie small undersized nearly almost his finger  than Denis had plastic surgery which is costly so   where'd he get the money from sharp done to deal  with insults probably bullied at school so he has   to cultivate a big quiet chap like Jack Perry to  be his friend and protector but you still always   feel superior he's still always the manipulator  now where does he get the money from he could   have won the pool sir the whole world are known  about it in the ad no Mike get down to the bank   I want to know all about Charlie hardens accounts  you still ought to be able to catch him I thought   this damrak he was going to stop at a 4:30 so  did i working on the Gloucester Chief Constable   get special authorization I promise to make  dinner for him if it's not ready giving you   a hard time no it's just a bit moody that's all  right oh wait he was when he was in here earlier   today he misses you maybe he thinks I'm going to  be an invalid for the rest of my life that's silly   that's men for you maybe I should talk to him oh  no you should know your father better than that   even though he's always had a soft spot for  you he likes to work things out for himself oh hi Mike burden found about five minutes  ago from his house says he's got something   interesting from the bank I don't expect you  for another hot bath oh you have that station   all that noise and banging oh I'm not sure so  recipe I found in my mom's cookbooks I couldn't   find all the ingredients so I improvised hello  Mike oh sorry Cheers who's that speaking mr.   Vidal oh just call her sure mr. Mike all for  you all right have a good day oh I'm not good   takeaways for you and John I'm gonna go out  to dinner with Jenny and those friends of   hers it's all right yeah I suppose so that's  night I met the takeaways some say takeaways   yeah okay dryer no forget Yuki's this time I'm  going to bed going out with Jenny again tonight   silly question tody he's going to off no yes  no he already has bet you it's ridiculous dad   I agree with you for God's sake it's not vanity  what other people think what they notice people   they're important producers directors kamemon  they make the decisions if I'm going to do more   films does your mother know why you're down  here what does he say she says she's gonna go   along and see him herself after she comes out  of hospital why didn't you tell me because I   knew you'd react this way you're a bit Moody  anyway just now sorry I should have told you   earlier Mike secrets you alright yeah just a bit  of a headache all that hammering and banging at   the station at the station what is it an 800 we're  putting a new security system though why on earth in forward back today what time did your husband get home okay thank you how could he be so sure of the time right come on you lot outside you argue with me  you can watch the television later on off you go   come on I want to talk to these gentlemen until  next oppa stop barking he's walking up mrs. Brown   again but make us a cup of tea while you're  up there we need a long hard day mr. go sit   down help yourself oh by the way this is inspector  Burton what did you do after you left the William   the fourth last night came Oh what time quarter  past eleven I asked her why she was watching a   film on television it just finished so it took  you 45 minutes to get from the pub to here I was   sick I'm not used to drinking all that whiskey  Charlie was buying her went in the gents day on   weather station can we see your clothes the ones  you were wearing last night yeah sure they're out   here in the earning they've been washed yeah I  told you I who sickle I made a mess of meself what were you doing down by the river this  morning when you met the chief inspector oh   she's gone for a walk taking the dog like  him just a walk hey Christ what is this we   had nothing to do with Charlie boy I want  to kill Charlie when we were talking this   morning you said you drove alone did you ever  carry anything for black styles your computer   system so far yeah bits and pieces that's  where I met charlie did you ever wonder   where Charlie got his money from he was  flashing it about in the pub last night   all we've talked to Jack fir tree and George  Carter no that's Charlie's business not mine you didn't put much in the bank does  that suggest anything to you mr. Cullum not particularly tsch at the box and all the packing rain last  night started about two bucks was dry so you   bought a telly on the video today no it's watching  this top window well I should hope so why else you   think we're standing here he's lying his name  guys are queuing up his teeth what's your line   about that's what I want to know charlie happen  you can see the kind of life they lead I think   he followed having a home banged him over the  head and took the money listen Mike I've never   known a murderer return to the scene of the crime  not the way - column did first thing tomorrow get   down to black staffs get a record of all Charlie  happens John's everybody's been all his jobs I've   got an idea where he's got the money from coffee  thank you I prefer a stiff whiskey I know I'm   sorry they're a really nice couple usually hey  you don't think I did that deliberately do you   I mean took you to see them well they're hardly  the virtus men for the choice of second marriage   are they for heaven's sake Mike I didn't know  they were going to behave like that anyway even   if I did I'm not that devious I know I know it  was a joke oh now what about that coffee okay if i hadn´t sake what's the matter I've got my  keys again Pat was gonna have an early night look I better head back do you  mind no you go I'm really sorry yes yes all right I'll come yes right away of course I'm sure you're suggesting she's  some kind of double do you seriously think   another doesn't know her own daughter  what is the problem chief inspector I   mean we thought mrs. fangirls daughter  was dead and now she turns up alive and   well do you chaps prefer dead bodies of live  ones you must have picked up the hitchhiker yes Chief Inspector please if Nora Fanshawe is   alive and well who was the girl in that  car and how the hell did she get there when did she check out last night  remember that car crash all for   five weeks go on the bypass man  died wife's been in a coma ever   since that's the daughter carrier bags  anytime she wouldn't even notice you miss Fanshawe yes I Detective Chief Inspector  Wexford I'd like to arrange a time to talk to   you do join me now chief inspector unless you've  already had breakfast oh no no really you should   never let crime and put you off your food  oh crimes not the problem my wife's in the   hospital taking an eggs and tomatoes on my bail  room 30 oh that's not necessary miss I'm sure I'd   prefer to oh don't be silly of course I knew  I'd seen you before you were in the hospital   last night visiting your wife no visiting your  mother mm-hmm and which is why you're here to   find out who the mysterious young lady was  the one you thought was me I wasn't the only   one who thought so the identification was  done by your mother's sister old aunt Patsy   yeah I doubt if she could identify what  I've got on my plate with or without her   glasses you might know this murder yeah it was  interesting complicated no not very where is he takes longer getting himself ready  in the morning than you do this is H   dad you probably the same can I ask you  something yeah sure something personal even Jenny going to get married I don't know but  you have asked her haven't you did she tell you   that one dad Jenny wouldn't do that it's pretty  obvious what's been going on with the pair of   you yes I have asked her and she's some thinking  about it look I would have told you before but   she said yes really dad didn't like Jenny just a  few more questions why weren't you on good terms   with your parents I disliked them I was about  16 I think when I suddenly realized that was   the problem different reasons in each case but  it comes to the same thing I'm told it's far   more common than people care to admit disliking  your parents I mean what was her attitude you   much the same the difference was they tried to  pretend otherwise so in the middle of December you   left your chopping Brussels on the 19th goodbye  European bureaucracy and you came back to spend   Christmas with your parents at your mother's  request as I said the intention was to effect   some sort of reconciliation which didn't work  to put it mildly I mean Christmas was sort of   all right and I went up to London for New Year  but then my mother decided that the three of us   should spend that cozy little weekend together  in Bournemouth and all the good work was undone   my father and I expressed our real feelings for  each other that's to say we fought like cat and   dog and my mother took his part as always and  you left the hotel in Bournemouth and returned   to London on January the 16th look I've just  explained all this to you is it standard police   procedure to go over everything twice oh I was  just checking that I got the facts right oh you   got them straight the first time we're both too  intelligent for that old routine if I'm under   some kind of suspicion though I can't imagine  of what please feel free to check the details please call me Norah have a seat everything you wants in  there somewhere you couldn't ask the   computer to print I just Charlie heavens  jumps from past six months could you send   me weddings for all this computers on  the blink this is a computer company   you maintain the damn things yeah well  you might go on a life's little ironies right you want the em6 codes that's the one for  emergency repairs emergency what kind of emergency   security systems well you don't want those going  on the blink for long do you repairing security   systems that was Charlie Hatton's particular area  of work maintaining and repairing it will be yeah   all right and almost immediately you left the  country with mr. Oh thank you Jamison Michael   James 87 finally caught Luis sw1 he was going  away to the Far East on a long business trip   and he suggested that I should go with him and  I thought why not he's your fiance this year's   model I should say how did you know about your  father's death well the Far East wasn't going   to last forever however much Michael wanted  it to so I thought back to Europe yesterday   I walked into my former bosses office but held  everyone looking as though they'd seen a ghost   got the story and Here I am Constance you  returning on the same day as your mother   regained consciousness it's a coincidence I  don't know what makes it all Tazewell but I   suppose all coincidences are odd in your  profession until proven otherwise not any   idea who the girl in the car was searched me a  girl sergeant Martin I want you to contact all   the other forces in the south coast get  details of all the girls gone missing in   the last six weeks especially those that fit the  description and have no immediate family because   otherwise the alarm would have been raised  long ago oh no hang on make that eight weeks   and tell them mr. burden that I've come to see  mr. Vigo second opinion on Charley Hoffman yeah dr. Crockett please oh hello Len any news no  yeah Thank You Lynn yeah Peter Len Crocker   look do you think there's any chance of  hiring up the biopsy on mrs. Wexford yes   I know but the the poor bloody husband's a  friend of mine and he's going quietly crazy   no no she doesn't know he hasn't told her  yet hmm ah yes I'd appreciate that thank   you Peter right yeah it still works for him  being gone sir seamless fun shot the hotel   mrs. Fanshawe's daughter know the way do you  that character yes yes I'm there because it   seems that miss Fanshawe turned up alive aware  is right which means we've got a strake ups and   arms look I need a hammer this happens is  Miss what are you up to nothing that can't   wait sir good there's some collating work to  be done many hands make light work as they say it's coming straight back Alexis no sir it's gonna   say mr. Vigo you see Elsa thought you  look that up we're hearing due course ah yes the hospital that's right yesterday dr.  Craig's office isn't it so what can I tell you   about Charlie Hatton expected well not from you  in particular but as soon as I saw the local rag   I thought well Jolyon it's not often one of your  patients gets himself topped the boys in blue will   be on the doorstep soon Charlie Hatton was one of  your patients indeed he was rather an unusual one   but there we are didn't you know no I didn't I  got your name from my daughter I believe she's   consulting you at the moment Wexford of course  of course or what's it like to be the father   of a famous actress oh I managed to cope with  it actually I came for a second opinion about   the cost of plastic surgery cosmetic cosmetic in  mr. Hatton's case 750 pounds plus the 80 for the   removal of the birthmark when did he have it done  just over a year ago fairly xxiii you've got a   very good memory mr. Vigo as it happens I have  but in this case I also checked my records in   anticipation of this conversation did you pay by  cheque - that's unusual isn't it it happens Chief   Inspector some of my patients are rather well  known people people whose livelihoods depend on   their appearance with the tabloids busy digging  up whatever dirt they can they prefer to keep   any operations quiet and the less documentation  for some nasty little journalists to turn up the   better but Charlie Hammond wasn't one of your  famous patients perhaps in his own eyes he was magnificent isn't it well don't worry  chief inspector I don't make that much   my wife inherited this house do you mean when you  said that Charlie Hutton was an unusual patient poor fellows dead I don't really like to talk  you love him oh I'll treat your comments with   discretion please well one doesn't night with  snob is he couldn't stop talking about money   he seemed obsessed with it or rather an obsession  with how much he had in comparison to his friends   he just hopped on and on and he mentioned his  wife to tell me he just bought her something new   to wear do you know what he did for a living yes  at first he just said electronics that I thought   he must have his own company or something but I  was talking about the alarm system we have and   it came out he was a sort of service engineer I  think he was rather annoyed he'd let it slip out   in Trevor wonder who could afford to come to  you Chief Inspector he made it clear he could   afford anything he wanted many irons in the fire  many fingers in the pie wasn't gifted with an   original turn of phrase I'm afraid to be frank  please well he struck me as a distinctly shady   character I can't confess to total surprise  when I saw the paper this morning ah darling   this is Chief Inspector Wexford my wife and  my son hall of seven children are a joy aren't   they mr. wegg's but you're first they're  always special no Alexander's our second   child his brothers no special Hospital he was  born rather badly handicapped oh I'm sorry to   hear that but an exam that makes up for all  that thank you boy hey don't you yes you do flex it here inspector burden reconstruction damn all to reconstruct least we know now what his racket was doctoring  alarm systems robberies all over the place no   one thought to do a national correlation  to the service company before they didn't   do them himself Oh got the perfect alibis  always off working on the other side of the   country when the job is being done what sort  of sums of money were involved Oh thousand   and Charlie got his cut maybe he wanted  more demanded an extra share of the take no I just wanted to say I think it's a  terrific idea really it helps and what   about John I don't know he doesn't say much he  might be a bit funny but basically I'm sure it   would be fine if you decide look Pat I want you  to realize that it isn't you and John that are   the problem as far as I'm concerned it's just  that I'm well I'm sort of used to being on my   own you know I'm independent you understand  what I mean I think so can I make a suggestion   I mean it's none of my business yeah come on of  course it's your business what's the suggestion watch what oh hello inspector Carter how are  you getting on who did Charlie our inquiries   the proceeding sir that's really all I can say  is there someone we can talk I can't tell you   anymore mr. Carter I know I know it's not that  it's something I should have said before maybe   I trotted to mean anything the soul that was apart  from the suitcases yes guv the daughters mean the   young woman's was lying in the middle of the road  the Fanshawe's was still in the boot what was in   the young woman's case just a few clothes ago  no driving license no purse nothing of that sort   no well didn't it strike anybody as peculiar but  there was no identification whatever well the boys   on the spot went on the assumption assumption damn  carelessness so we only have the answered for the   identification of the young woman well the girl's  face was badly I mean hitting the road the speech   Fanshawe was doing go any sign of what caused the  accident bad weather conditions so it was a fine   like I've known frost or fog or anything like  that we just assumed that the car had gone out   of control maybe a dog running across suddenly  or perhaps fence or dozed off for the wheel any   other drivers witnesses the bus is pretty quiet  that's ammonites there did you set out an appeal   for information yes yes local radio nothing do  you want to see the contents of the case oh yeah expensive those I try to get my sister  won't put a birthday but the price is it's not the sort of stuff that goes anything  expensive how bad like out no sir how could   you even think of it it was only a suggestion  just a thought well you know me better than   that oh yes Mike but I didn't think you  were that old-fashioned living together   as a perfectly common arrangement common  it maybe do I detect a hint of snobbery   that's got nothing to do with it what  the kids would think well actually what don't you see if you want some sort of trial  marriage it means means what you don't have   any confidence in us all right my yes I do have  doubts about us we're not exactly meeting in the   middle are we your life isn't gonna change much  the house the kids your job I mean it's pretty   much business as usual for you it's my world  that's gonna be turned upside down Jenny how   are you in a hurry I'm afraid rich or house Dora  I'm fine she'll be home in a few days oh good you   must be missing her yes I am bye my papers legal  papers mother I spent the whole morning with the   solicitors they're sorting everything out and  they'll bring the papers around tomorrow for   you to sign this is some kind of a problem your  father always said if anything happened I'd be   I'd be well provided for huh not unless you count  being a wealthy widow as a problem we do you can   spare me the hypocrisy mother that's a terrible  thing to say is it then who was the girl in the   car did he pass her off as his latest secretary  or did he just tell you the truth about what she   did for him no oh come on the police will find  out eventually you can say that the father can't   you just admit it there was no one else in the  car why does everyone keep going on about it because the more fuss you make about lying  to the police the more trouble they'll be   when the newspapers get hold of it I really  think your mother needs rest miss Farish or   after all she's been through oh she's had  plenty of practice her late husband's been   putting her through it all her life when you  spoke to Jack Burt we did he said anything   about this McCloy know but then apparently  wasn't in the room at that particular moment   according to Carter he's go to the toilet  or something Jacket merriday the ferrule   worse for richer or poorer poorer know  Jack's case problem just like you Morris no you don't be so sensitive Morris I mean a  man like you who so many grubby little mouths   to feed you need to say no to the wife now  again don't you George yeah oh dear another   sensitive one don't worry George plenty more  fish in the sea you've been too much of a   cloaca Charlie hey Charlie George wants  to know McCloy is to shut his fat mouth shut up Morris do what my friend Jack says another round stretches oh what a Charlie  man he said there were more fish in the sea   Oh apparently Carter was engaged to be married  last year but the girl jilted him for a friend   it is with better prospects it says that's why I  didn't mention it first time around did not have   to explain at all McCloy and child exactly  my thought the McLaury could be Charlie's   associate the man who did the robberies after  he'd fixed the alarms you ought to talk to Colin   again don't you think not tonight that a word  with some other interested parties and you put   a team together yes Detective Chief Inspector  wax rider-waite yesterday I believe I remember   come on still early days is it all right you  see perspective have you got some news well   I'd like to ask you a few questions if it's  convenient mr. Furth wait you found him yet   bastard did Charlie in sorry Louie Oh making  progress yeah or to say most murders either   gets solved in two or three days or they  never do Marilyn let him say that on the   telly once in that right Marilyn I know general  principle that is true mr. Prodi Mary talk to   you when you get him just let me know will you  I'll save you all the expense of keeping them   in jail the rest of his miss for life I'm  awfully glad I didn't hear you say that sir mrs. Hubbell oh of course please sit  down I would like to speak you're   in private why Jacqueline Marilyn are my  best friends I need them a time like this you spend a lot of money on this house how could  your husband afford it I beg your pardon well   his take-home pay was 160 pounds a week roughly  we know that from rock stars he also bought mr.   poetry and his fiancee a stereo system was well  over 900 pens for their wedding on the night that   he died we estimate that there was 500 pounds in  his wallet now ready to get he from Wow should I   know laughs didn't you ever ask you weren't you  at all curious about all the money you spent no   just wait a minute you're supposed to be finding  it Oh Cal Charlie not choosing with things well he   can't defend himself we believe that mr. hardens  murder and his criminal activities were leaked you   dude what exactly are you saying about my charlie  Chief Inspector this is happening we have evidence   to suggests that your husband was involved  through his work with a computer-controlled   alarm systems in a series of robberies oh it would  help us in our investigations into his death if we   could search this house what for you think he's  murderers I'd near one possible theory is that   he was killed by the men that he was involved  with in these robberies another possibility is   that he concealed some information about them  here in this house as a sort of as insurance I can get a search warrant this have new stories this well it's mine would  you might have we borrowed it please not daddy's   police thank you we'll make sure it's returned as  soon as possible okay next do you see anything on   purpose face no I'll have to have a look at that  diary later do I'd be anything incriminating in it   you gave it to a study something no use for this  feeling I'm feeling we're going around in circles George wants to know what Floyd  tell him to shut its fat mouth yeah shut up Morris do what my friend Jack says what's your husband doing new microwave oven  must help with the mores tomorrow morning at the   station which is coming first thing I don't have  to send him any round to fetch him all right penny   for them there were that much bad day no just  going around in circles what are you reading I'm   finding out what you meant about Clytemnestra not  having any puppies great tragedy powerful stuff   it's a bit unbelievable there isn't it mother and  lover conspire to murder husband and the daughter   persuades the brother to get together with her  to murder mother and lover that sort of thing   that happens in real life real life well I must  admit whose sole interest in life is what she   buys nothing to say Oh loneliness maybe if she  can't talk to her husband and she can talk to   the page her husband worked away from home he  was away most nights she was the ensign entry   with the back over here journey the sixteenth  Charlie should have been back an hour ago phone   when he left Guilford hope he's okay phoned  a road conditions good 17th Charlie arrived   1:00 a.m. seemed excited didn't come to bed for  hours wow it's nice she cared so much about him discovered a juicy bit sixteen 16th the night that Johnny came back what  I am all excited there's a connection you   what there's a connection between Charlie  happened and the car crash the Fanshawe   crash a coincidence you mean no I think I  mean a connection the coincidence is that   Charlie hadn't died the night before  mrs. Fanshawe regained consciousness I want to work with you George if you ask me she was the latest in a long line  in a long line of what what my father called his   Secretary's secretary is working offices do you  know much about stock broking Chief Inspector   they work all the time when one markets closing  and other ones opening what my father did for a   living was not a nine-to-five job neither was  being his secretary useful cover do you mean   they were his mistresses that's what you're  saying and your mother was aware of this when   I was 12 he brought home a girl a secretary and  told my mother that she was going to stay with   us they had a row in front of me my father  ended the row by giving my mother 600 pounds   that was the basic pattern of their relationship  he screwed around as much as he liked and bribed   her to accept it well why didn't you leave her  she was a good hostess she kept house well and   took bribes why should he what about her after I  got my degree I told my mother that I could keep   her and so she could leave my father she denied  the whole business mistresses I mean and told my   father to stop my allowance well when you're  up against that kind of thing did he stop my   allowance of course not we were all to be paid  for wives daughters mistresses it was how he   related to women there were no mistresses in  view when you came home for Christmas oh it   didn't take him long to appoint them your mother  still denies that there was anybody in the car   about she and your father of course she does I  wouldn't be surprised if something's gone here   was the rowboat between you and your parents  when I walked out of that appalling hotel the   same old thing my promiscuity at least in my dear  father's eyes he irritated me about something so I   treated him to a detailed account of my recent  sex life thank you all this in front of mom   are naturally and some of the other people in  the dining room do you know what he said when   I pointed out that my behavior bore a certain  resemblance to his own it's different for men   very good chief inspector Michael Jameson I'm  being interrogated by the police I'll see you   later you remember me telling you about mr.  Jameson this year's model down hotfoot from   London to look after me what more can I tell you  it's getting late and mr. Jameson is downstairs   waiting for you let him it'll be good for his  character you have very modern attitudes don't you   mr. hanjo I should think so nobody's ever going  to treat me the way my father treated my mother I heard something did the dog  like you no no I shouldn't say   that's all you've got the latest  case on your mind yeah it's puzzle okay enough enough I've had nearly a week  of this what's bugging you bugging me do   you know what I mean oh nothing confirmed  nothing like it they're doing tests Crocker   says even if they're positiveness a chance  of a few mum never told me the day before   you came down she doesn't know does  she what Dad you've got to tell her   she's got a right test somebody throw in  a couple of days that would be time enough alderman ham good for his character shambles out  there all that racket everything alright to the   hospital door okay man oh yes that's fine I  was thinking about missus fracture you know   there is some connection between that crash and  Charlie I feeling like alright alright where we   gonna talk to column we mix the cell sorry about  this as you see the station's in a bit of a mess what we want to know mr. Cullen is where  you've got the money you've spent to our   knowledge nearly 500 pounds since Charlie has  killed 500 in cash we also know what you earn I've been saving no you haven't all right I'll  tell you what you did you've had a gut full of   that it'll saw Charlie happen that night you  made a fool of you all evening throws money   around playing the big man so you followed  him maybe asked him for money threatening   women climb when he told you what you could do  you picked up a stone and you hit him and then   you hit him again and again you took his  money and you run away that's what you did   that's rubbish this isn't fair practice  storms Howie so what if I err there's   nothing wrong in that start the storm that  bothers you it's guilt a guilty conscience   washing your clothes after it's just a  thought the drain five cases of real nut now you tell us a bit more about the toy he's just  a name that's all look Charlie was talking to me   why is he sitting who's got a boy something  nice for Lillian I've got to cost a lot of   money I said how he would afford that he said  trust my ploy well I knew it was some kind of   fit woman it was just a kind of catch phrase  between Charlie and me you know trust McCleod   that's all I know I just just don't you know  you'd be live from the start believe me I know   yeah I don't know who mr. Perron is right but  if you don't start telling the truth now boy I stole money from Charlie the night Charlie was  killed no no it was in the morning just before I   met you I was taking my dog for a walk and I saw  a Chinese wallet by the bridge I recognized in   how I picked it up it was empty but I remembered  that there was a little said pocket inside well   that money was still there and I took it out and  then I threw the wallet in the water and then I   never died off the lead and she ran away and I  couldn't call her back and that's what I meant I just like Charlie had lost his wallet somewhere  I didn't know he was someone down here to caution   him and take a statement the charge of theft  columns being arraigned at 3:00 this afternoon   I'm not opposing bail are we no need to she  realized the significance of what he said don't   you Mike if the killer didn't search the wallet  thoroughly then maybe the motive wasn't robbery   it's just supposed to look that way exactly but if  calm haven't done the bitter feeling we might have   gone along with it anything on the Chloe Martin  called in 15 minutes ago no joy yet but I'll   take some of the names on the list and checking  myself after the arraignment yeah do that Charlie sorry love me any news on  the missing persons trace what do you want so this is where Fanshawe's car crashed discovered  anything you're mixing up two separate cases   somebody killed charlie happen not for money  not just for money some other reason okay I   agree not just for money but there's still no  connection between Charlie Hatton's murder in   this traffic accident Charlie huh there I've  Layton excited on the night that the Fanshawe   car crashed Charlie hadn't died the night before  business factual came out of a coma and I asked   Jenny to marry me the night before Charlie  Hatton was murdered it's that significant to why you so fascinated by this crash who is she  where does she come from she's been dead in bed   for weeks now nobody's come forward to say that  my wife is missing or my daughter's disappeared   bad enough to die that way but for no one to know  or care so she dropped out of the sky well maybe   Fanshawe did pick up some hitchhiker on the  way when his wife was asleep maybe she fell   off the back of a lorry I didn't know all right  plain murder Charlie happened the Manley know   lots about what's the story there McCloy  a mysterious mr. McCloy Charlie's partner   in crime Charlie tries to force McCoy into  giving him a bigger cut so McCoy kills him   well why shouldn't McCoy give him a bigger  cut better than killing the goose that lays   the golden egg isn't it alright maybe there  was some other reason when thieves fall out maybe Cullen wasn't telling us the whole truth  perhaps he's in it too somehow he delivered the   computer equipment from Black Stars remember  I'd like dr. Crocker there if possible please   what happened well I felt the recent crime wave  was dying out so I sneaked out of the hospital   basically he's been very badly beaten up mainly  head injuries including one very severe blow to   the back of their head as if his head had  been punctured or is if someone is hitting   with a stone yes that too that is that possible  you know what Charlie had me look like could be   the same thing well don't ask me to go into  court with that long unless you've got more   corroboration is she conscious no I think you  have to wait some time he's comatose just like   mrs. Fanshawe another connection you think  so no of course not dr. crane oh it's easy   what this suggests is that I was right when I  said it maybe color pneumo and he told us so   well it's a reasonable assumption that somebody  knows we've been questioning him and this decided   to shut him up no that won't work I'm sorry  you're the detectives but even I can see that   that doesn't fit you want to shut someone up you  kill him you don't leave him to come out of a coma   and identify whoever it was put him into it well  maybe Khan's attacker thought he had killed him I   can't see how Martin's getting on shall I see if  they found the crime mother I've been through all   the papers with mr. Appleby all you have to do is  sign now I'm sure they're fine I'm just interested   that's all after all I don't have your father to  look after me anymore I'm sorry to disturb you   I need to speak to mrs. Fanshawe well I'm afraid  you are disturbing us I must have been Mary sign   these papers tomorrow certainly was Fanshawe  good I'll go through the rest of them later   I'm going to have to start looking after things  for myself you should be pleased come in Jeep goodnight as central this is Fanshawe  I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you   to go through the details again oh  I'm sorry but it really is necessary my husband had a number of these women and I was  aware of it he was a very attractive man he had a   kind of power authority when he he walked into  a room you could feel young women especially but there was no work in the car I'm not  lying I'm not mad Oh what's the word they   use I'm refreshing is it sorry I'm not  repressing anything I'm telling you the   simple truth Jerome and I am Nora went down to  born was for a few days just the three of us   this terrible row Nora she left to go back to  London and we drove back at same night just the   two of us alone why don't you believe me I was  there I was there when he died when he shouted just before it went out of control afraid why don't you believe me I believe  he misses Rancho I think I always did what's so special about this one it  belongs to now on James McCoy sir a   weekend place apparently I had to tell  some people down the road and he hasn't   been here for a few weeks maybe missed him  and they said so what that's right that   sir it's allowed look around the back bit  too much of a coincidence isn't it uh-huh back staffs coffee thanks I thought mom was going to throw all  this stuff out it's me you are to blame look it's you and Mom and I got the  primary school prize remember how   long ago was that 15 years seventeen  love looks really nice doesn't she tomorrow could be let's not cross our bridges   till we after hey I'm trying  to be ready to cross I know you could have wrong to say you were coming  miss this vision what I'll go and wash it   off come on didn't I ever tell you I was  a hoarder what made you decide to throw   it all out well I didn't actually decide I  thought I'd take a look at it all see what   was there by the time I got started it was  too late you're gonna throw it on it might   be some useful odds and ends in there nope  it's all going out stop should I be reading   something into this like what well look I don't  understand the problem from your point of view   I mean Mike you know when I used to tease  you about being so conventional well maybe   that's my problem too I'm just too stuck in my  ways I'm too accustomed to having things the   way I want them I've been on my own too long  Mike live with me but but what I'll marry you I'd like to see the director please it's  a missing-persons inquiry and I really do   have to see him as soon as possible in fact now  we've got the coin at least I think we know who   he is he's Alan James McCoy a well-known London  villain I got Uncle Matt and they came through   this morning know this anin James McClain has  got a country cottage on the other side of Kings   Markham and the cottage has got an alarm system  fitted by Black Stars which must be how he met   Charlie happen that's gotta be him three on the  client and where is this Alan James McCoy now the   Metron twin going around all his usual haunts now  I think that column is in it - probably McClure   you attacked him you think so and you don't not  really that's why we're gonna Bournemouth while   the met chase up this McLaury of yours Bournemouth  what's that got to do the Fanshawe's weekend so   buddies all this about why don't you just tell  me before this day's over I will one way or the   other but in the meantime just bear with me Mike  oh by the way Jenny and I are getting married you think this is the most likely one of the  missing girls no parents it seems no close   relatives went missing at the right time and  apparently Laura Fanshawe Miss Lewis we know   that you've been seen by a constable from the  local station did he explain the problem to you   no he just asked a lot of questions about Bridey  Bridget I mean I see well my colleague inspector   burden and I are looking into some recent cases  of missing persons we're especially interested   in young women who have been reported missing  in the South Coast area around six weeks ago   Bridget nurse kollross yes you might be able  to help us because we believe that of all the   staff in the clinic you knew her best is that  right yes I suppose so I mean one didn't know   her awfully well we weren't much alike really  items which you might could be but I mean she   smokes that brand of cigarettes but these things  are all pretty common you're positive absolutely   god yes one heard enough about that bag had it  flaunted she was very proud of it who gave you   two how did you know that it was a present an  expensive bag like that with cheap stuff in it   if she'd been able to afford a bag like that  she could have afforded a gold lighter to go   in it don't you think Oh gave it to her jay-j  like the initial yes well what was the rest of   his name it's all part of the game it's a wonder  she didn't call him mr. X what's happened to her   where did you get these things I'm afraid she's  dead she died in the car crash stupid was Jay   her boyfriend ugly a boy from what she said it  was middle-aged see a married man yes how do you   know if she kept it secret oh one used to pick  up little hints and slips just like a detective   I think it began when his wife came here for  an operation when Bridget met him I mean okay when would this have been 15 months 18 oh  I'm not sure stupid Bridey she was always   so desperate for the good things in life such  as money money money just like Charlie sorry   who nothing doesn't matter now being awkward  patients files being confidential and all that   they got a point don't you suppose so we'll be  back if their records show that mrs. French or   came here for some sort of operation 18 months  ago then we know who Jay was JP Jerome Jerome   Fanshawe a mrs. Fanshawe couldn't have come here  18 years ago maybe but not 18 months ago why not so the girl in the car mrs. Rancho swears  that there was no other person in the car   whatever we know who the dead goat was  we also know she had a middle-aged lover   called Jay it sounds like French or to me  for everything you've told me about him   well my theory is right Jerome Fanshaw  is the one person that couldn't be Jay about Tommy hurt his private theory they   died rather demonstrate it to you  after our next appointment come on peace be seated if he's gonna start telling us  nice things about Charlie Hatton we'll be here   all day with me nothing funny about it like  Charlie happened brought something special   into the lives of all who knew him as husband's  to Lillian as a friend to many especially to Jack   Pertwee we mourn his tragic death at such an  early age but we must also give thanks for the   great gift of friendship and affection which  he bestowed so readily and openly on all of us what about this demonstration what's happening you got him yet or is it  still early days investigations are in progress something I want to find out about you know what  I can find out I always thought yesterday wait   some conferences thank you Oh mr. Vigo office  you make a remark about Sleeping Beauty mrs.   Thatcher remember that specifically but it  sounds like one of my jokes is she a patient   but now I've never even seen the woman but  you know ours we about to pray yes most of   the staff here did and wasn't common knowledge  amongst the staff that she was going to come out   of her coma when she did it's not exactly  my area of expertise but Jerry went around   telling him dr. crane Jerry is that Jeremy or  Gerald gerald Thank You mr. Daaga thank you tests a negative we've double-checked  you've got nothing to worry well I'll see you later oh I have to call Sheila Oh use my office I'm glad you didn't take it  all on yourself after all you find out what you wanted absolutely the burden for making on yes sir they found  mccloy dead Ave sir where is it Peter had said   before he's been there for a couple of months  and only man for six weeks before about did a   bank job in done date don't have much luck  with your suspects a Mike keep dropping off   the tracer as you fight the figure out them  oh sorry sir can you get me a couple of w's   you don't like you see a shot with those oh  do my best sir yes sir Oh rigid or bendable   or bendable Oh any special clothes get on  with it I can just hear him and the rest of   them out there we want a couple of dummies  whether we got to do is look in the mirror   would you want it for this demonstration  well I'm gonna put a suggestion of yours   to the test about the death of a girl we now  know was rigid Kouros a suggestion of mine you seem like the connection between Charlie  Hatton and the Fanshawe's really bothers me   Charlie coming home late the night of the crash  and then died the night before mrs. Fanshawe came   out of her coma but yesterday when Layne Crocker  mentioned that somebody had come out of a coma and   identified his attacker the light began to dawn  and I got a really dark idea which is that Charlie   happened was killed because he was witness to a  murder the murder of Bridget kollross or at least   the disposal of her body what about the suggestion  of mine I didn't run this anything about Bridget   Kyle Ross oh yeah she suggested it all right  yesterday on the bypass I asked you how the   body could have wound up on the road if it wasn't  in the car that the problem is but I didn't take   your reply seriously any more than you did you  said well maybe she fell off the back of a lorry   you mean she was in Jays car with him and she  fell out no she didn't fall she was pushed thrown why would the head have been in Jays lap Wow you  have to place in his lap to avoid getting blood on   the upholstery she was probably dead before he  threw her out Jay and Bridget probably had her   own hair too maybe he didn't mean to kill her  but he did so he had a corpse on his hands not   only did he have to get rid of it but he had to  conceal how it happened the only thing he didn't   consider throwing her out on the road might cause  an almighty accident and it happened on my brother   dangerous through the road didn't him where people  always trying to act too fast which would explain   why Fanshawe didn't see the body till it was too  late to slow down Fancher always drove like a   madman both his wife and his daughter told us that  he is probably doing a hundred is scarcely any   traffic about on the road at that time so Fanshawe  sees the body directly ahead of him on the road what about her bag and the case but they would  have been thrown out with her of course well   it's certainly ingenious now except a card have  happened that way what do you mean well if your   theory to work Jay must have been driving in the  outside lane right so Bridget's body would end up   on the inside lane and then Fanshawe's driving  up on the inside lane sees the body swerves to   avoid it and crashes but according to the  accident report Fanshawe's car was in the   outside lane when he crashed so for your theory  to work Bridget's body would have had to be in   the outside lane to which indeed is where it was  there's no way could have got that Jay would have   had been driving in the central reservation  and then those bushes may cut impossible sorry Rach you slide the car I got some thinking to do can i stepping out sir and you too so sorry mr. excellent it's a problem we had  a call about something very odd going on   over there didn't realize it was you  sorry actual data suspect either is it God what do you want more just to return  this but no more questions and more lies   about my poor charlie well there are a couple  of questions but perhaps this isn't the time   ah the law still plugging along sure don't  need to know go back inside their jackets   me he's come to see isn't that right  chief inspector come in go on well I   am interested in one particular entry  in the diary January 16th here it is   the night your husband came home late  excited didn't come to bed for hours what about it can you remember anything  that he said but that was weeks ago I   can't remember what he said the day he died  before he went to Jack's stag night have you   any idea what that's like not to be able to  remember the last words he ever spoke to me time wrench this is default pleasure  guest of honor looks like he give his   right arm some business to attend to I  have to see a smile on your face again but can I have your attention that an occasion  like this too has to be a speech but I the poor   soul so that has to make it I've wept with my  burden for a long time and I know that you have   names that you call us behind our backs and that's  what today I suppose is gonna be the dummies   well of course they're worried about the money  sometimes those Charlie may adores me oh I don't   know what I'm going to do without now this isn't  a problem party like you'll have to give us more   time to open behalf of everyone here I just want  to say how pleased we are that you're marrying Jay and I want to wish you Oh although I know that you   won't need it I want to wish  you all the luck in the world Charlie never gonna be the same without Charlie   the date school and that's where they  state we're gonna throw him in the pond doesn't need me to stop bullying now join your eyelid surgery not one of mine  bridge I have to be driven to the limits   of the Hippocratic oath to treat anyone as  stupid as that he's been telling everybody   it's a skiing accident I didn't have all the  slips he picked up his car at the airport God   he was back in England and drove out of  a car park on the wrong side of the road what's this special treat for  mr. burden trust me as well god I meaningful I'll be  telling it up for years right jay-j I know about you and Bridget I know what  happened to Bridget and I want money where can we meet is that you J is that you it is you isn't it J you're  safe now I'm sorry Mike Giuliana FICO I arrest you for the murders of  Bridget Carl Ross and Charles Hatton you're   not obliged to say anything unless you wish  to do so but everything you say in writing like Jay for Julian but I realized how he done  it I checked with the Princess Louise clinic   that's where mrs. Michael had their first  child that's where Vigo met Bridget carros   they started an affair which went on until  a few months ago and he got tired of it and   she threatened to go to his wife mrs. Michael is  the one with the money and the house I think the   idea of losing his second child just tipped him  over the edge and he had to get rid of Bridget   carros my god I never realized I was that close  to a murderer miss Charlie character he saw it not only did he see it he recognized Vigo  wonderful chance for blackmail especially   know that his other source of cash and dried  up since his partner McCoy had gone down for a   stretch and that's why if I go killed him because  he was being blackmailed no not exactly my goes   real problem was mrs. Fanshawe for all he knew  she'd tell us exactly what happened when she   came out of that coma so you had to kill Charlie  before that happened sorry I don't follow as far   as my goal could see he was going to have  to get rid of mrs. Fanshawe remember he had   no way of knowing that she was asleep before  the crash but if he did that while Charlie was   still alive and well Charlie would know that  he was next on the list and with his life in   danger Charlie would find a way of shopping  if I go to us out of sheer self-protection   so if I go had to dispose of Charlie before he  could shut mrs. Fanshawe off for good tricky   situation no wonder if I go left it as long  as he did he had to make sure that Charlie   thought he was going to keep on paying him the  money give him a sense of security and then I saw my girl in the hospital the next morning after  killing Charlie probably making a last record on   mrs. Trant row before killing her no wonder he  looked pleased when he found out that she was   asleep before the crash end of problem as far as  he was concerned you move so how did if I go do it   kill Bridget and how did Charlie Hatton recognize  him driving past on the other side of the bypass   at night they didn't he recognized the car you  probably saw it at veigar's house abus I did my   go was using that American car of his a left-hand  drive Ford Mustang that's how he managed the   poor girl out of the passenger door and into the  outside lane you see Crocker told me about Benson   he forgot which side of the road we drive on you  remove it was Benson and what's he got to do with   it well he was a chopping plaster the little party  we gave him mate how are you gonna move around you I finally forgive them keeping you in the dark suspended sentence we have come together in  the presence of God to witness the marriage   of Michael and Jenny to ask his blessing  of them and to share in their joy our Lord   Jesus Christ was a guest at a wedding in  Cana of Galilee and through spirit is with   us now the Scriptures teaches that marriage  is a gift of God in creation and a means of   His grace a holy mystery in which man and  woman become one flesh it is God's purpose John you worried about your speech  oh come on don't be it'll be fine   we're gonna say something about mom good I  think you should really Jenny we're ready on behalf of my wife and myself I won't be a minute just got back from  your honeymoon two weeks in Sun here we   got the man that killed your best friend we  wondered about column but it turned out to   be more complicated than that don't need the  law well that's what you said last time I saw   you oh don't worry he'll come round six days  six weeks six months whatever and then he will   tell us he'll tell us what happened my guess  is you talk to George Carter George Carter   said he thought it was column so you went  for column of course I can't prove it mr.   expert any time you want up into the station  chief inspector you do look smart oh okay
Channel: Paul Goddard
Views: 402,608
Rating: 4.7612567 out of 5
Keywords: Inspector Wexford, Wexford, Ruth Rendell, Ruth Rendell Mysteries, Who Done It, Mystery, Murder, George Baker, Christopher Ravenscroft, Murder Mystery, Drama, VHS, VHS Transfer, ITV, Police Drama, Police Inspector, Intrigue, Crime, Crime Drama, Best Man, Stag Do, Accident, Car Crash, Murderer, Police, Police Force, Detective, Police Detective, Solution, Crime Solving
Id: 7prg9V24PB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 40sec (8620 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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