Inspector Wexford - Put On By Cunning

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[Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] good think it is [Music] [Applause] [Music] so please remain standing i published the bands of marriage between emmanuel camarg widower of this parish diner baxter sternhold widow of the parish of saint mary forby this is the third time of us if any of you know cause or just impediment why these persons should not be joined together in you holy to declare it excuse me i wonder if i might do we know each other uh no no of course i know you it's just that my daughter sylvia was at school with your with diner ah bushy oh i don't think they were great friends or anything that i must get to dine to ringa well she doesn't live too far away do you have her telephone number i will write it down for you good well you could come to the house sometimes for dinner oh that would be wonderful well i don't want dinah to lose contact with her friends i would like to wish you both great happiness thank you very much not so many of them think in the same way the looks that they were giving me but take no notice you're absolutely right well thank you very much but you never told me your name dora wexford thank you here goodbye are now you're awesome anyway put a rug in the back since it's got a bit chilly but a nice jeff you're out thank you yeah well the church was called like a refrigerator let's hope it was up before the wedding how did it go sir well no one knew any cause or just impediment always wondered what would happen if someone did say something well you sit there wondering if they will really it's the most peculiar feeling yeah miss diner couldn't be with you no not today the jam factory thank you pardon sir that's how dyna goes the house the jam factory sometimes the shoe box guess who i'm at today um it's a manual camargue um in church yeah well outside the church actually we heard him once at the whitmore hall he was thirty years ago oh sir he was playing mozart he's getting married well he must be over 17. sylvia was at school with the girl he's marrying he's marrying a girl of sylvia's age but why not i must be 10 years older than me it's got nothing to do with age well what has she got to do with her well if she loves him i can't understand a woman throwing away a youth he is a very charismatic man and he's very kind how do you know oh people say people who knew him oh yeah he's invited us to dinner well i couldn't go why not i'd be embarrassed sometimes so mad can i get you anything else sir oh yes a bigger stomach i don't get it yes were they well and truly called for the last time my darling yes yes and the mother of a friend of yours from school oh sylvia wexford oh yes of course her parents live in king's markham i must ring her uh she gave me the number i have to go now mrs x will never forgive me if my lunch gets cold i'll see you tomorrow goodbye darling i love you i love you too bye all right how is she sir guys you're excited bless her great [Music] [Music] fornications thefts false witnesses [Music] i could talk to you all night i'll bring the rest of the presents tomorrow mmm more presents my uncle who's my godfather brought us reforms people are very generous huh yes particularly yes have you heard any more from natalie you mean this woman no you know you're quite wrong about her i saw hurt dinah not you but to take the step of even thinking of changing your will without trying to i don't want to discuss it again i really want what's best for you i should have told the police okay that's enough for the moment okay i'm good be a good girl come on come on here yes here here here sit slowly slowly [Music] nancy where are you messi hey wait for me where are you let's see [Music] hey [Music] nicely [Music] messy [Music] well you're nasty [Music] what's the doctor again sir [Music] sir it's a manual [Music] so [Music] all right silvia i didn't know him at all but i can't even cry was that silly no it was an old man yes i know three school years and ten [Music] apparently there was this tremendous obituary programme for him on the television yeah i just got at the end of it yeah [Music] poor diner she lost her first husband you know now this i'll go and see her i'll call her first thing in the morning well i'd leave it for a day or two right there's gonna be an inquest first thing in the morning surely he died a perfectly natural death well you can't call drowning natural i mean it didn't do it on purpose no and no one did it too and no well then there's always an inquest after a sudden death what will the verdict be misadventure can i express my sympathy with emmanuel's daughter in her loss and grief which is no less a personal one for being shared with the tens of thousands who have been inspired by his music i would not be exceeding my duty by quoting samuel johnson it matters not how man dies but how he has lived thank you very much ladies and gentlemen she wants to be myself ah where have you been what about lean crust not before well there was much going on everything's your liking i hope my dear very good what is that you'll be in chicken with rice ruins oil well i love that one right ready you were wise to do that or you said it was good no no no i meant going to the inquest why well people might start to think there was something suspicious about the death oh manokumar died of the misadventure anybody don't really recognize me [Music] [Music] foreign wow [Music] that was a musical tribute to the latest emmanuel kumar who died last week you've just had a call from the command time to tell you about the series what's broken into last night i'd like to go up there there's no need for that martin can handle it don't you have any curiosity to see the whole of our former most distinguished citizen come on chief inspector wexford doesn't inspect a boat and come in please your other man is through here thank you can i get you a cup of tea oh no thank you no inspector no me thank you then you must excuse me i have things to do [Music] so [Music] [Music] who are you jafen's back to waxford i'm natalie arno so manuel's daughter please accept my condolences i i didn't know that you were here now you do i hear you've had a break-in yes downstairs didn't mrs hicks show you well i uh i like to see the whole house i see well thank you for coming so quickly i might be making a big fuss about nothing well tell me all you can tell me it's not much it must have been around five this morning i thought i heard the sound of breaking glass i didn't go downstairs well to be honest i was uh just a little scared but uh i did look out the window and there was a van parked i took the number of the registration uh i have it here somewhere oh hi this is chief inspector wexford this is my friend's the zaphonies yeah he's uh come to find a burglar i didn't know what to do and then i heard the van start up and drive off and i went down to the dining room and found the window broken well petty you didn't understand well it was only half a dozen silver spoons and two five pound notes from my purse well you didn't know that then no i didn't mrs higgs took me around this morning strange what all those wonderful objects the pictures and porcelain yeah i know i know i find it hard to understand unless unless unless he was a silver spoon and five pound note burglar [Music] this is mrs murray burgess which is a neighbor keith inspector wexford this is my burgers every day i saw a man in the grounds here not last night a few nights before i mentioned it to mr hicks what night i can't recall precisely did you say anything this morning i saw the lights of a vehicle pulling out from stories by the back entrance that's past my house what time was that 5 30. did you see the driver no at all no not a glimpse no what sort of a vehicle was it a transit new or old neither is there anything about it that could help us one of its back doors was dented thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] ready [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] emmanuel kamar wasn't just a musician he was music [Music] they traced that ban to a television engineer from finsbury park in london who lent it to his flatmate a man called john cooper anything two of camargue spoons in his cutlery troll yeah well it was an invitation to do the place all that stuff about valuable paintings in china and so you gleaned the information in fact it was very obvious from the newspaper cuttings after the death of sir manuel well they didn't draw a map or anything but they said the place was empty all closed up i did not get a shot when the light came on oh thank you mr cooper unless mr browning it can be proved that our esteemed tabloids have incited your client to indulge in this petty theft i suggest we accept your plea of guilty thank you your worship and set a date at the crown court for this case to be heard 23rd of december myringham crown court number four at 11 am bail set at 5 000 pounds next kiss please reg it's that friend of sylvia's the one she was at school with dinah oh why don't you go see sylvia at home oh it isn't sylvia she wants to see it's you she's in the sitting room oh i'm sorry to bother you mr wexford i wouldn't be here unless it were absolutely vital i can't sleep with the worry well would you like a drink oh yes please what whiskey water oh neat please oh yeah do sit down thank you there then i knew i ought to tell someone about this as soon as this manual was dead i thought of the solicitors but then i imagined them listening to me thinking since i wasn't inheriting i was troublemaking and it seemed so wild to go to the police i don't really believe it myself i can't it seems so well so outlandish but manuel believed it he was so sure perhaps you better tell me what all this is about manuel told me that natalie anu was not his daughter he was absolutely convinced she was an imposter she came on the 19th about three the hicks's went out took the dog with them muriel had left tea prepared for them on the table so they were quite alone he told me he intended to be rather cool and distant with her but when he went down and opened the front door he just took her in his arms and held he talked talked he couldn't hear everything as you probably knew he was partially deaf and then he took her over the house he loved to do that they came to the gold flute and she said you still have the pazzini flute and it was at this point he said he knew he knew for certain that she wasn't natalie i'm sorry i don't know it was the way she pronounced it it should have been patsini she pronounced it pazzini the real natalie spoke perfect italian he taught her well surely there must be something more than that it was he studied her and then he could see that she wasn't his daughter her features were different the color of her eyes was different he went back into the drawing room with her and he said you are not my daughter are you he asked her and she admitted it are you sure he's a very old man failing eyesight partially deaf overwrought i'm telling you what he said the way he said it mr wexford he said he was going to cut her out of his will i tried to dissuade him but he wouldn't listen he arranged for his solicitor to come to steries two days after our wedding he wouldn't go to the police or confide dear sister that was my fault i thought maybe he was imagining most of it that it would cause a scandal and he would have hated that i thought somehow once we were married we could all meet and it would turn out to be some sort of misunderstanding there was over a week between his daughter's visit and his death and during that week he wrote to me and phoned me no this extraordinary tale of mrs steinhold if it were true he would have said something about it surely he seems to have said nothing to anybody except his fiancee some people like making trouble yes if uh mrs arno doesn't inherit who would no i don't think there's much risk of that to you really just the same who would so manuel had has i suppose i should say if one can use the present tense in connection with the dead this emanuel has a niece in france his dead sister's daughter mamoizel teres something no doubt i could find the name if you really wanted it do you intend to accept natalie arnold as the heir without investigation but heavens whatever gave you that idea no in view of what you told me i shall make the most thorough and exhaustive inquiries no doubt you will no doubt this is arno she's left straight after the service oh where will she be back no idea she didn't say did she leave an address no what's going to happen then how it's going to be sold both will be set the gatehouse see here he gave it to us god knows what it's worth now i remember so it was yesterday he said if you're good enough to come and work for me then you deserve a house of your own to live in there weren't many like him [Music] it's um antipasto and coley i didn't know they had shrimps in uganda what will we have to start with my dear one of the red peppers that we promised a very wise choice the fat man in the malty talking of hollywood i've been on to the police in california arsenal let us have whatever they can on nataliano well if she hasn't been in trouble there won't be much ah now kamak's wife had a sister who's alive and still in london oh immediate family that's good and have you ever heard of a composer called philip cory yes well he was an old pile of commands either or both of them should be able to tell us that this is the real matter well that raises the question doesn't it did come out die a natural death who she is is everything [Music] [Music] we haven't met before i don't detective chief inspector waxford mrs arnold introduced us oh yes i have a word with you come on take care of things for a moment would you michelle this way [Music] hey darling you remember inspector wax good don't you this is often it please inspect it thank you how long have you known mrs arnold a couple of years in you're in may yes uh my sister tina shared a house with her in los angeles and my sister died i had to go but what is all this about your sister shared a house with mrs arnold tina had a flat in her house wrong actually does it matter look can you tell me why you want to know your sister must have been a very young one 39 cancer she had cancer did you ever stay in the house yes how did you get home mrs arnold we became good friends and when you came back here you wrote to each other yes and when mrs hannah was coming to london i had no way to stay you offered her the flat upstream why are you asking all these questions the suggestion has been made that mrs arno is not who she says she is what isn't who she says she is not samanaal kumar's daughter an imposter that's the most incredible nonsense who suggested this nonsense are not i have to make the necessary inquiries as if she didn't have enough to put up with she's got the patience of it's not my patience that's in question it's my identity isn't that right mr works for it you don't think i am who i say i am are you who do you think i am it's not here to find out you're an investigator that's part of what i do you're here to investigate i'm here to find the truth do you want to investigate me yes okay ask your questions what were you doing on the night of september the 27th the night my father died yes why just answered the question you think i pushed him perhaps that's a wicked thing to even think tell him tell him where we were we were at a party we we're all at a party i shall have to have the name and address of the people whose party he was yeah of course you disappointed disappointed well you wanted to find me guilty of something [Music] it's crazy something else doesn't it did come out by a natural death who she is [Music] thank you so much miranda mr wexford you said on the telephone you wanted to speak to me about my niece yes well i don't want to even think about her why that's the way she treated her mother and poor emmanuel you see my problem is that i have to establish that the woman who calls herself natalie arnold is emanuel kemark's daughter you're the nearest relative if you would agree to see her in my presence it would help me if you could tell me if she is who she says she is oh i i couldn't do that i'm sorry that is impossible i don't want to see natalie again have you got a photograph for your sister of course she was only 45 when she died paul emanuel didn't know what to do with his grief he sold the house that they had at pomfret and he built that awful house at king's markham he called it steris you see sterius was the name of the village in derbyshire where my mother and father had their country place kathleen manuel first met there when your niece first moved to america i don't want to talk about her this man will go there yes but not to see her are you sure he would have told me i don't quite understand what the rift was between you first she ran away to america to get married and she didn't even say goodbye she broke her mother's heart and then when her mother was dying manuel wrote to her again and again begging her to come over but she never replied no mr wake said my niece is cruel she's a cruel unfeeling girl and violent too she even struck her mother once did you know that but worse than that she's a nymphomaniac doesn't matter to her who the men are it's too horrific to talk about i i want no part of her inspector [Music] [Music] m i've just been to the solicitor they say she said i know she spoke perfectly because i found the daughter birth certificate marriage certificate american driving license with photograph united states passport with older photograph letter from her father she submitted all those to the solicitor yup and he says that he's interviewed her exhaustively and got from her a number of facts about the kamag family and her childhood which are being verified oh that's our job is there any facts to be verified we should be doing it is 20 years since you've seen her that voice i'd know that voice anywhere even with the accent she talked about shadows hall farm when i was in service with them we lived there for a while no imposter could know what she knows i was with three years at the royal college yes you showed a flat i'd know her anywhere there's no doubt in your mind none that she is nothing come on i don't know anyone can doubt it emanuel told me that natalie arno was not his daughter he was absolutely convinced she was an impostor it must have been around five this morning i thought i heard the sound of breaking glass [Music] it was only a half a dozen solar spoons and two five-pound notes [Music] you don't think i am do you think i pushed it jenny who's come to see you okay hello john what are you doing home your violin can they play we're on academy of music well that's very impressive i don't have much time all right then you can have the hill but you've got to promise to be very careful with it doesn't he you see him yeah listen i'll go get it here there you are see what you're doing magic you see [Music] they came to the gold flute and she said you still have the pazzini flute and it was at this point he said he knew he knew for certain [Music] inspector wexford do come in thank you this is strange for me you know you're the first policeman i've had in my house in any house i've ever lived in i feel guilty of something i've taken two tranquilizers do sit down oh thank you i am explaining on the phone little natalie here [Music] she was so kind and considerate to me at paul manuel's memorial service i should never have known she wasn't his daughter she may be i thought you said we're trying to establish it one way or the other how i'd like you to ask us some questions that would be embarrassing but you'll do it if it will help one violin you didn't tell me that jelly played the violin oh yes she used to be with the pilgrims drink quartet she said we could borrow her hill if we were very careful with it all right a hill hill yes it's a well-known maker violin this is good house isn't it mr corey oh how nice to see are you in london now no down in the same old place oh you've come to see natalie is it naturally couldn't be anyone else there you are well i've already told him mrs woodhouse would know as well as i would after all she brought her up yeah as well shall we go in goodbye sir goodbye i'm quite willing to do my duty as a citizen that i should be quite frankly with this week uncle philip good to see you i only wish the circumstances were different [Music] so what happened when you were five we went to live on a farm what was it called shadows hall farm what did i buy you for your sixth birthday what color grey what sort of a kitten was it what breed i told you british blue why did i buy it for you because my own cat had been run over what did you call it panther loves the house on the pampered charity road what was the first instrument you learned to play the recorder and who was your teacher oh it was bilstein how old were you when you began to play the violin eight and who's your first master now i can't remember what was strange about you strange you used to talk about it his eyes were different colors when you were 15 on holiday from school your father had just come back from the tour of america canada new york nope toronto do you remember a night i came to dinner i hadn't seen you for a long time oh yes and what did i do oh god you asked me to play and what did you play i played bach the chagon from the d minor partita i played it badly yes but you all clapped shall we have a drink if she wasn't naturally there's no way she could know about that piece of music that is natalie kamal without question you play that piece of music for us the bar shack on i don't think so you don't play the violin anymore i'm out of practice well we'll make allowances i haven't played in years if you play the violin to satisfy mr corey oh is this necessary wexford i shall be satisfied that's emmanuel camarg made a mistake oh yeah cut me i forgot the glasses [Music] ah i broke a glass [Music] she cut her fingers she broke a glass deliberately it could have been an accident do you believe that i don't know but then i don't have your obsession it is an obsession and it's affecting your judgment everybody says she's not lyanno and she's not then you must prove it i can't i can't i can't prove it if you can't prove it then she is nataliano have i missed something mike not that i know well she won't get away with it no no she won't i've nothing more to say i have may i come in why don't you leave the poor girl alone are you aware how serious this is all i know is what i know murder could be involved i don't know what you're talking about i don't know what you mean may i sit down why did you go and see mrs arnold she asked me did she oh well shouldn't i i've known her since she was a kitty it was me that brought her up as much as a mother how many times have you seen her when recently twice in the past week not in july when she came over to this country no not in august no when did you see her first two weeks ago when that solicitor came asking questions and uh what questions did mrs arno ask if we just talked she didn't ask you any questions she might have liked the name of her kitten or where her father went on tour do you understand what a conspiracy means she'd forgotten a conspiracy to defraud someone of what is theirs by right of law i was just reminding her see this could get you into a lot of trouble [Music] i don't know what you mean i don't know what you're talking about [Music] yes mr ames stay with you mike i thought i'd come over straight away oh sounds urgent not urgent but significant this won't take long this will of course be sent to you officially in writing simmons o'brien and ames have decided to recognize mrs natalie kathleen carmach arno as emmanuel kanmar's rightful heir i should be wrong we look for mrs sternhold's accusations as malicious and indeed at best mischief making and at worst slanderous i thought maybe he was imagining most of it that it would cause a scandal and he would have hated that i thought somehow once we were married we could all meet we turn out to be some sort of [Music] misunderstanding [Music] i've never thought she really noticed my husband much i mean except that's my husband i thought i thought that's all he was to her i thought it was me i thought she liked me for myself natalie she was back at the house i did everything for her i bent over backwards to make her feel at home she took all that from me and all the time she and i haven't worked she doesn't want to she wants him in love with it he wants him on a string he told me his own wife he told me he didn't know how he could go on living because another woman doesn't want him started in america and when i told her what he said she said i'm sorry darling but i didn't know you then she said that to me i didn't know you though let me take you back i can't go back there i can't fix let me take you leave me alone [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] america you can't go to america that's where i'll find her it's over the case is closed well then it'll have to be reopened in america los angeles she won't be expecting that normal freeborn see this web she's walking you know what he's like a subtle deal you know what he can be like that's the only place i'll find out who she is what do i say i'm on holiday [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my name is wexford i'm from england i'm making inquiries about uh mrs arno she's my cousin [Music] what a spot for jones for now he has to face eu denise the league's leading him good morning good morning my name is jones records hey you're english i i was looking for mrs now that is funny i mean you're here and she's in england oh no afraid so perhaps you can help me did you know tina zoffany no hey she virtually lived here come on in coffee so how do you know tina i'm here yeah we met her brother once ivan yeah i didn't like him one little bit if you don't mind me saying so i uh wanted to meet mrs now i wanted to see where tina lived her last yeah she my wife were real close she's at the church with the kids yeah you gotta talk to her she'll tell you everything about tina how'd you get on the mission yeah as well as anybody could what do you mean well she's real private you know anybody that knew her knew her on her terms she was never the same twice now we like tina much better tina's death must have been a shock to you yeah we like to remember her as she lived she was the opposite to natalie warm outgoing fun how comes that uh tina was living with natalie i don't know i guess uh natalie needed some money after ralph ilbert moved up fell fielder yeah this married guy she was hanging around with but there was johnny that told tina that natalie had a room to rent johnny yeah he was this other guy she had on the side you know like a lover johnny fassbender he was uh i don't know swiss or something hey listen you got to stick around till my wife gets back she's got some great snapshots of tina oh daryl daryl dear so who are you oh my name is waxford i'm from england arnold on four four rows well she's makers oh yes she went back home to visit her folks in london oh no can you tell me how long you've lived here about four years i guess did you know her well hardly see her she's almost out of clues what about the uh other people who lived in her house her rumor sure we see them they're always changing there was this swiss guy she had he was living with her illegally well i guess everyone knew it but my husband being in the police department well he had to do what he had to do you know you mean uh he had him deported that's what i mean [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah you wanted to find me guilty of [Music] something you got the number here dora shadow marmot a lot of interesting people have died here don't you worry about me yeah i'll see you in a couple of days let's go now love you reg take care yeah me too [Music] bye hello mrs davina ilbert yeah uh my name's uh chief inspector waxford from england inspector i'm a placement what do you want i'm uh making inquiries about a case in which mrs natalie arno is concerned i wonder if you'd mind answering the same question listen i don't care what you asked me about her but uh not over the phone huh well where that [Music] [Music] when did your husband first meet natalie when did your husband first meet nothing oh that was in 86 yeah 86. thanks thank you and where was that it's in san francisco it's um a cocktail party yeah would you like a drink oh thank you oh aren't you [ __ ] uh what happened then ah well then he uh brought her down to l.a bought the house in tuscarora for her you lived there with her divided his time between me and her god i was so dumb in those days i trusted him well when i did find out i went over to tuscarora and beat her up ralph came back found him with two black eyes god he got so scared he moved up the coast for a while get her away from me where did they stay do you know i think somewhere around the bay maybe point doom to no but what happened to them well she got uh tired of and met somebody else ralphie was still crazy about her but uh he never saw her again after that trip it was her again no she wouldn't see him speak to him then ralph found out this guy she was with was living here illegally he had him deported the swiss called fastbender no where'd you get that no it was um i don't recall exactly what his name was but it wasn't what you said no he was um english ralph had him deported to england [Music] excuse me yes can i help you well i wonder if you can uh i have a police officer from england oh england wow yes i'm investigating a case uh two people who stayed here about 1986 they would be registered under the name of either arno or ilvert never heard of it oh well it's very kind of vlogged [Music] chief inspector oh thank you eat it there now you wanted to know about the girl who lived here well stayed here she must have been here three months we thought she'd go on rhett in the chalet forever there was a man with her he used to come and go in the lincoln continental ilbert that's right that was his name i will say this for her though she never pretended she never called herself mrs hilton couldn't care less what people thought is this her [Music] yeah yeah i reckon that's her i guess that's her it's kind of hard to say she wore her hair loose she had this terrific tan one man wasn't enough for her she was two-timing that ilbert the minute he was off to la there was this young fella hanging around he used to play guitar at the maison suisse over in san luis obispo she was crazy about him he took her over completely why did she leave we weren't here we were in england but tom's cousin who came over to run the place said she was badly upset by a woman drowning here at santa saviorita a young woman about her age they knew each other they were close this uh woman who drained do you know anything more about her she was on holiday from the east that's [Music] all [Music] one man wasn't enough for her the guy that she was with was living here illegally he was two time in that albert the minute he was off he was english ralph had him deported to england she was badly upset by a woman drowning here [Music] good trip oh close that window i opened it because it's so warm in here cold that's jet lag i want you to get me the details of this it's the death by drowning a woman in california drowning they're in annapolis and nothing yet just a hunch may take a few days frosty going on here while i've been away jane sophony has disappeared someone didn't report her missing until she'd been gone a week they'd quarreled and she'd gone off yes i know i uh i saw her before i went to america it should be taken seriously i mean he was very distraught about natalie you spoke to her i thought i'd leave that to you [Applause] morning okay when you pack the boat you really stuff it well move it out you can't leave me alone can you inspect her yeah we packed the breakables today and tomorrow we pack the heavy stuff sell the house i can wait for the right price i'd like to talk to you about jane sopheny come outside jane never came back to the house that night are you sure her stuff is still in the room she and i haven't used where could she have gone i don't know you must have some idea i wish i did maybe she's in the lake why don't you drag it message for you from interpol the woman who drowned in santa said eurita was tessa lanchester aged 30 unmarried a paralegal secretary from boston the body was recovered after being in the sea for five days and identified her further four days later by her armed her parents both being dead what is all this consider the possibility that the woman who drowned at santa's avarita was not nessa lancaster but not lyanna and then considered the possibility that the woman we are told is nataliano camarg is in fact a paralegal secretary from boston i want that house turned inside out search warrant will take a few days what she's complaining to headquarters want to solve the property [Music] ah [Music] okay me [Music] oh he's going up to the house and anything he wants to take it apart up there you take it apart you're not going to find anything in this place you tell that to jane's offline is they're gone the door was open yes they're going to work for philip corriday i used to bring nancy here every week ted loves her sylvia says you've been in california yes yes i went over there on holiday i think he went to find out if what manuel thought was true but you didn't find out did you [Music] there's nothing in there was it all gone turn left here turn right at the bottom are you sure this time [Music] hang on just a minute just a minute yes that's right i was right first time it should be down here on the left [Music] this is a serious matter it is a very serious matter is it much further frankly i find it hard to believe i imagine there's a chance you're wrong very good chance mrs arno's furniture is up there [Music] [Music] shut up dude there so do you have the case i still have to go back to the office to check in the book well if you don't have one we'll have to break it open your warrant doesn't say anything about breaking find the case then let me try [Music] natalie i hardly knew her i still have this terrible sense of loss i was wrong all along she was natalie camarg she's getting an idea into your head you get obsessed with it and the result is somebody gets killed you had nothing to do with that death whoever killed her killed her for what she was sir what now we find out who killed her and why mrs arnold was going away in her holidays she asked me to see to the moving on the second day she had a chap staying what who was he i don't know i didn't even see him i heard them talking french she laughed and said your funny swiss accent swish that's what she said sir that's an extraordinary thing but mrs arnold simply followed in her father's footsteps a week ago we arranged to make a will that she died before it could be drawn up and she too was going to get married you know but she changed her mind no i didn't know so the beneficiary is her cousin mamazelle do you want a precise address in five minutes well i just hope we're in time if he's there well natalie's been dead nine days so he's gonna be there for eight days we don't know if he's there only or esp tells us that i don't know what he looks like i do how so do you join the hamster constabulary and see the world [Music] we should enjoy it while we can [Music] single girl she's probably at work oh well that gives us a few hours now there's a cathedral joan of arc church and apparently it's a very good art gallery jenny was telling me about them yeah well let's get up there and have a look at everybody shall we first of all all right [Music] so [Music] so [Music] what if he has gone back to america or switzerland oh you wouldn't want to lose the money now mike this place would draw him like a magnet but apparently he likes an air is but the rs didn't like him at the last moment natalie decided not to marry him yeah he killed her for it i think he's moved on to the next yes yes larry me i believe that mr ames has been in touch with you yes he has he told me about natalie's death and about the inheritance miss laramie there's no easy way to say this um but we believe that both your uncles emmanuel camarg and natalie were murdered we are here to investigate these crimes we would believe that they were both killed by the same man murdered please excuse me um wonderful friend of yours and your friend does he by any chance having to play a guitar at the restaurant yes [Music] [Music] me teres everything is going too fast i'm afraid fear can be a friend believe me mr fassbender oh my god it's cooper cooper don't even try it we found natalie mr cooper or is it johnny fassbender with your funny swiss accent stay where you are don't come any closer you mr cooper from london now are you you heard that samuel camargo is going to change his will leave all his money to his new wife you're obsessed with that money wendy obsessed with natalie you wanted to make sure that she'd get it so you killed the old man i was in america although you earned we checked he must have been galling for you knowing that you had to share with ivan sophomore and hilbert romero had you deported on your swiss passport but you came back and then ilbert had you deported on your english passport petty you didn't have any more passports why don't you let the lady go cooper she's not natalie nobody ever take the place of natalie for you natalie and the money wasn't it but natalie wouldn't marry a pizza rough like you stupid scum while you were playing at the maison swiss knowing that whatever you did [Music] betraying you forever betraying you [Music] forever [Music] uh [Music] ah [Music] so i have to speak i must speak to inspector wexford i must speak to him now it wasn't deliberate just to mix up you see the first appointment natalie made with her father she couldn't keep she telephoned him the second appointment she wouldn't go i went down to steri's for her not as her it was all a terrible misunderstanding i didn't want to see the old man's feelings hurt i didn't want to see him fobbed off with another phone call it seemed kinder and more polite to go in person and explain but he opened the door and put his arms around me and kissed me before i could speak i tried to tell him that there'd been a mistake but he was deaf and carried away with emotion [Music] consequences of your silence have been devastating haven't they i was so confused i played along with him while deciding what to do it was so embarrassing embarrassment embarrassment prevented you from telling me that you had seen come out you and not natalie she sent me she thought it would be amusing who do you think i am that's what i'm here to find out you're an investigator that's part of what i do you're here to investigate i'm here to find the truth [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Paul Goddard
Views: 247,713
Rating: 4.7891564 out of 5
Keywords: Inspector Wexford, Ruth Rendell, Ruth Rendell Mysteries, Drama, TV Drama, Crime Drama, George Baker, Christopher Ravenscroft, Police, Detective, Police Drama, Fiction, Murder Mystery, Murder Mysteries, Murder, Impostor, Chief Inspector Wexford, Who Done It?, Mystery, Adaptation, VHS, ITV, Crime Writer, Crime Author, Crime Fiction Authur, Crime Fiction Writer, Police TV Drama, Louie Ramsay, 1990 TV Police Drama, Wexford
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 99min 15sec (5955 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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