Inspector Wexford - From Doon With Death

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you can't say your wife is actually missing mr. Parsons you've just been home for an hour and a half and she's not here that's all don't you think your readings been preying on your mind a bit I'm interested in crime it's a hobby of mine yes I can see that she could have made a friend gone shopping Margaret wouldn't do that mr. Burton she could have gone to the cinema there's a good film she's meticulous we've been married nearly six years and in all that time I've never come home to an empty house look um I'm supposed to be meeting my wife at the cinema in fact and I'm late I'm sure your wife will be back no crimes a chance to catch up on the paperwork sir boring no lack of brass it's just that funny thing about yuppies AlterNet close to the gentry open that some of it we rebuff no doubt it is dust off the skeleton in the cupboard Julie that's a half of the olives yes sir there is just fine hairless garlic I'm not thinking about my hairless I just think about you me baby you can't say your wife is actually missing mr. Parsons she's meticulous who's been married nearly six years and and all that time I've never come home to an empty house I can't stand this you stand see in the end everyone to Outback deposits I should have married that barrister the suit oh I've looked in the bedrooms the attics up here excuse me [Music] [Music] I've reported your wife missing there's nothing familiar the hospitals I've been eating all night haven't I it's so open round here I suppose it would be the in country it's all those books you read mr. Parsons it's not healthy not for a label have you got any idea at all where your wife could have gone I've been trying to think I've been racking my brains what about friends my mother my mother's dead they don't have any friends around here we only moved here six months ago could she have gone off with some man of course you have to ask it's routine inquiries isn't it it's in all the book could you it's laughable Margaret's a good woman she's a lay preacher the Wesleyan Chapel down the road she she's not here mr. Burton are you our Savior turn out the light darling come and look at the moon I couldn't get the glass for my necklace undone so I just have to sit here and never the stars and wait for you w I hope you haven't been waiting long the moon is beautiful tonight but I can't sit under it the glass will wait we could just sit here and talk what would you like to talk about laughs she didn't have a co with her it was a cold day yesterday could you not have wallet jacket she's only got one costume that's in the water I think she must have been wearing a cotton frock he just made it you all right [Applause] morning all comes up just as if nothing happened just as well how do you give a sense of proportion a photograph it's the best you can do we're not in the habit of having studio portraits taken no passport I can't afford foreign holidays would you sedan mr. Bosh's [Music] we shall need a description of your wife we can't and we won't use this recording mr. Parsons will type it up later shall I speak now yes mr. Parsons she's got fair hair for her curly hair and her light blue eyes she's pretty I think she's pretty she's got a high sort of forehead she's not fair at all half athlete one or two okay we have news agent one is there anything you want no thank you bye bye bye if you learned something she would presumably she never carried a handbag she doesn't smoke or use makeup so she wouldn't have need of her handbag just a purse and a key the key was on a silver chain what horseshoe for good luck and then you went to work hell bus train car I always catch the 837 from the marketplace auger didn't come to the door she never did or it's a religious person she didn't kill herself she wouldn't kill herself we're in time for you miss Parsons we'll do our best to find your way for you sergeant Martin Oh see that mr. Parsons has a car to take him out there or maybe you think I did it I know how your minds work I've read it all up mr. Parsons is by way of being a student of crime crime ball crime Thank You mr. Parsons sergeant Matthew I take the day off mr. parties get your doctor to give you something so that you can sleep chase fell off a bolter pass of my old Dodgers goal seems a little more than that to me oh yes I think he's given us an accurate picture oh do the injury checks you nearby site flag at the Kings book if you like a bolter you mark my words [Music] she was some reported missing yesterday she'd come through here well sometime in the afternoon say between 12 and 7 I'll say no her right we're doing the romantic rest of you agree on sea kings market okay comes in Monday's regular as clockwork and Monday yesterday she didn't come in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] only me Margaret didn't make friends easily kept herself to herself chops again so difficult to know what to have when there's only two of you I was brought up in a children's home and Margaret lost her mother she went to live with her out oh and this left lane hood died other engaged hymns where did you meet mr. Parsons an odd pal never taught in an infant school and I had a bedsit in her aunt's house can't you understand kept ourselves to ourselves nobody felt nobody came here and there were no letters [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] John's done oh I got some photographs early frigidly stiffening to rigidly decently kindly smooth and composed them and her eyes closed staring so blindly oh well [Music] [Music] cutting machine working yes yes in a corner I'd like to get the priorities right how did he take it inside fastly did he take it well get someone to put that photos of the chief's office as soon as you can I was up giver Samara he says grace had started a fire oh now she shouldn't have done she were early did you see a car up here on Monday can't say as I did but then I asked to see the cows I do Sam as well see thank you very much indeed mr. Weiser you've been very helpful you know where to find me yes yes I do it's not only pigs and cows there I've heard he can talk the iron legs off a donkey all the we'll known as he [Music] you've gotta be positive about it reg at least you've eliminated everyone at Pruitt's farm well that's true just a couple of double checks and um Princess Grace and the piglets are doing well posters will need to worry about oh we got so far as a burned-out notch you know like someone struck this - so sometime after dark someone held it nearly burned his fingers by self when he found the body that's money no it was large enough for him to see everything no one has struck this match wanted to make sure that he left on the incriminating [Music] how do flashes take the sub doped up on whether other doctors getting a me didn't seem to take it in it's difficult to say must be a dreadful shock even if you're expecting it to have been fixed sometime on Monday pathologists told him that sometimes in half twelve and what time did you say passenger on you up the Monday night exactly how bout seven I can't see a film that Jenny said we were keeping an eye on or 20 so time of death between the path 12 and 7:30 well this is a bit of notice are you hate [Music] waiting for a lead [Music] [Music] Parsons could have done it yes husbands and wives are very strong lockers ah well I've thought about motive and from our but appearances there isn't one but um I'm interested by opportunity well I'm all ears all we got so far as I've learned how much quiet well we also know that you went to greens and bought a raven which is missing and a couple of jobs for supper my song tell you if you don't listen actually it was the pork chops that gave me the idea now um they don't know car so wherever they travel must be by public transport well passengers to be believed there to take attacks there be again still on principle to suppose Parsons wing sir in his lunch break and suggested they meet that evening go for a walk maybe have a bite to eat in a pub it's lovely day buy them lift yourself on the Parsons would have had to leave work a minutes too early so as to catch the 5:30 to startin to pomfrit by a for bein Kings Markham bus then she picks up the bus at Kings Markham and joins him they decide to get out near Pruitt's farm and walk over the hill he could have got her into that wood and strangled her and still had time to get the bus back to King's Markham and phoned me at 7:30 oh why should she go into the wood is practically impenetrable maybe she saw a deer or a rabbit why she couldn't stand the sight of her potential dinner runnin away from her so she set out after it I mean I know they're poor might but that's carrying thrift a bit far very good there you are sir Here I am we found this lipstick at the edge of the wood by the lane sides sable detective the fingerprints of it yes sir [Music] find anything else no right well Ted Gates or somebody to go over to the mortarboard it's start and find out what time and I mean exactly to the minute what time Parsons left work on Monday oh and keep your men searching there's still the keys the purse and arraigned holding you but get on to the CID at malim I want all the information I can get on Parsons so uh she didn't catch the rabbit but Parsons caught her I never said stay still have it my dear well I just slipped this round your neck yes all right you've had your fun but you take my point about the time yes otherwise I wouldn't be checking parson says that you wear makeup that's a brand new lipstick what's hardly been used I want to find the owner of that lipstick the night will shake but I don't suppose your businesses with a color inspector you're quite right mrs. some Davidson Debbie Davidson I think I was one of the last devs to be presented in the name stuck do you carry this line of lipstick mrs. Davidson I doubt if you'll find it anywhere else in King's Martin I don't suppose you could tell me who you saw this one - I'm pretty sure I shall be able to you see I do have a regular clientele what you might call a segment of the affluent society yuppies - you and me inspector Arctic sable four gone Janey chemists from the Warren had to one for herself a month or a friend mrs. Darryl had another what's the story inspector story it doesn't strike me as the most obvious thing for a policeman to be doing I know mrs. missile had one clapped her hands and said that's exactly me can you remember when these lipsticks were sold they came in last Thursday they'd be good like hotcakes mrs. missile bought hers on Monday no doubt about that mrs. Darryl and shaquita peer support and give me the gossip what's the answer from the water board down any of that Chester watch me I'm Jeff sir so yeah that's full of it to do it sir how did you get on Mike oh very well the lipstick was bought in Coos Markham was bought by mrs. missile Oh wife of missile the garage that's right and if it wasn't bought in king's mark and we've got a nationwide search on our house army how did you arrive at mrs. Mitchell because only four was sold and I eliminated the other buyers all right how'd you got your knees bad and you know your job and I'm sorry let's keep our fingers crossed for missus listen I've been a nice chattering what's the information from the world war Parsons left work at five-thirty gov or a little later so he certainly couldn't have gone 532 no matter the visited on this information call never mind never mind he coulda been in luck the bus could left late no sir the bus driver remembers Parsons getting on the bus from Monday night which paid to your passions hidden there [Music] good there's someone in no shortage of lollies here you laughter on a pile like this to throw away 14 bit of a lipstick Arctic sable suppose this what was his David meant by segment of the affluent society this is missile but all right mister domicile and mrs. miss Lundy children hey cut it out you two no come on I states puppet I can't believe that someone who lives in the house like this would have anything to do with market parcels but you anything you like people that's lovely more isn't about your mother must start with his really kids mrs. muscle now only policemen without the lights on mrs. missile yes i'm hella missile what the hell do you want we're police officers we're making inquiries into the disappearance of this is margaret parcels and i can't imagine what you want to speak to my wife this is mister you bought a lipstick on monday morning look at what is that a crime well if you'll just over the lipstick madam I shall be quite satisfied and I won't take up any more of your time country's getting more like a police state every day you must be tired after your diet yeah you could say that again thank God for more I don't want to see those little bastards again tonight the lipstick mrs. missile actually I did buy one I feel free color called Arctic something I lost it in the cinema the other night are you quite sure you lost it in the cinema did you inquire about it ask the manager what for a 14 pound lipstick do I look that poor I went to the cinema Oh yourself mrs. missile of course by myself I saw the film and then when I got back the lipstick wasn't in my bag is this her Helen what is this evade us not a script on that news station with me and have your fingerprints taken would you find it the edge of a wood of the Pomfret road the Palm Pre road you went to the peaches you've said you went to the pictures look take these bloody things off now what is all these bloody rubbish about the pulpit won't someone has to find my lipstick in the cinema and dropped it wherever you found it anyway what were our gallant policemen doing looking for a lipstick Margaret Parsons was very stressful in that wood today get some mud off their tyres will you Mike get it analyzed by the way what are you gonna see mrs. muscle again well if I'm not mistaken she'll come see me before I get to her oh good I'm like laughter Jenny good night so you see I've been rather a silly girl you see I didn't tell you the entire truth oh I I don't mean I told lies I mean I left things out the thing is I didn't actually go to the movies by myself I went with a friend a man friend but it wasn't anything in it but you know how stuffy husbands are I should yes well the thing is when I got home I couldn't buy my new lipstick and I think I must have dropped it in my friend's car mrs. Mitchell has been telling me about the visit to the cinema Tuesday thank you for coming in and carrying that up mrs. missile I won't keep you any longer no I must fly I've got a hair appointment uh I just have the name of your friend there when you enter this in my way no I couldn't do that I couldn't get him involved I should think about it mrs. missile think about it while you're having erred Jordan there where her car was parked on Monday afternoon Tabitha rode bright red and the tiger stuck in the window you know Mike well she's having a hairdo I think I'll just step over and have a word with that gorilla tears Moira oh by the way no trace of cow dunk on their tires parked in Thibodaux [Music] cyclic cash in the bank Douglas one get four percent on fine right perfection [Music] [Music] [Music] Monday morning she went shopping what about my afternoon I gave her some lunch and then she had a we lie down then she went out not a card what blow was up half-past two three then she got back about 6:00 Tuesday it was supposed to be my day off I had to be back so hard to go out about 6:30 7:00 in the evening ah mrs. mizzle was waiting the fields up been thinking it over mrs. missile about you come into the office about Tuesday night frankly mrs. missile I'm not interested in Tuesday no no Monday afternoon my Monday afternoon because mrs. Parsons was married on Monday afternoon a new lipstick was found a few yards from her body bad business really and surprising it was a good church-going woman I was very surprised when she didn't come to the church social on Tuesday evening but the reason has been dreadfully explained to us hasn't it I went to see the poor man gave him what comfort I could she was a virtuous woman mr. burden not given to lewd thought or light behavior she neither drank nor spoke to her she was an example to my congregation she was lured I went to the movies on Monday afternoon because I needed an alibi an alibi before because I was out with my friend on Tuesday night oh I remember you went over the man friend but you couldn't tell your husband no uh-uh yes I told my husband I was going to see a film and that was on Monday afternoon you drove your character pictures it is basalt really bonded yards away from cinema Moore has been gossiping to you as she well I've talked to her in the course of my inquiries but then I've talked to a lot of people mrs. wrestle it was early closing I didn't want more to know where I was going she's a terrible gossip I hadn't taken the car she would probably have known I was going to the pictures I do parked in a bad Road Oh God that's where that woman lived isn't it you're trying to manufacture some sort of a confession aren't you well you can't pin anything on me the truth is all I want this missile I've told you the truth I went to the pictures on Monday afternoon because I needed an alibi for Tuesday night so if your cat guy used you'd know what the film is about a very wise precaution Betty you didn't keep the ticket so that you can prove your story yeah well it stands to reason I throw away the ticket for Monday because my husband found it it would have blown your alibi I can't believe a word you say mrs. missile I think you parked in a bad road and transferred to your friend's car now what did you do on Monday afternoon mrs. missile you were out from 3:00 until 6:00 I swear to you I went to the pictures of Monday afternoon did you know this woman but I think so no there's some doubt is there no there is no doubt she's not the sort of person I'd be likely to know is she Chief Inspector what did you say that your gentleman friend that you did on Tuesday evening just drive around the lanes malanez on proofs for I don't know what Pruitt's farm is all right mrs. Mitchell you bought the lipstick on Monday morning you could have lost it on Monday afternoon in the field when mrs. Parsons body was found no if I had to believe your story you say that you lost on Tuesday evening you tell me the name of the man that you were with I'll check the story with him no I'm not gonna tell you I won't tell you you can't keep me here you can have your on the court but I should have to know what do you think mrs. missiles gang so far of a way to protect this man I don't know it's all resided Michigan any lava tell the truth I think we should better have the day to think about it and then stroll over this evening when missile zina nothing you're supposed to actively enjoy the sort of interrogation Rachel wow she's totally amoral I want to know more about the Parsons man and wife funny setup but way it's partially obvious poverty and penny-pinching well if there's poorest parson says that huh why isn't she out working we need to move this case on Mike we need a break it wasn't premeditated he would have had to use whatever came to hand to strangle her with those rain woods fold up like strings then they tell me about your wife's life there's nothing to tell she was like me ordinary she was born in back mother and father died when she was a child she went to stay with her aunt and uncle she had a cousin a girl of her own age thought about fifteen or sixteen then her uncle died of a heart condition my wife went to college in London then started to teach then we got married that's all mr. baxford before mr. Burdon comes back what's there I must know what was that had she was she just wrapped it all was there anything else you can rest assured of that score your wife was certainly struggled though she was not interfered with any other way there was no there was no sexual assaulters thank God I couldn't bear it if the elephant's would have just about killed Margaret a little bit efficiently Saida man it is no hope for immortality here we are mr. Parsons I put plenty of sugar in it you feel better when you've had this yes thank you he told me once that your wife would have taken her from Dork a winner how many keys did you have between you mine and Margaret just two she kept hers on a ring the ring had a silver chain with a horseshoe charm at the end of it I gave it to her when I came here the purse was a brown one brown plastic with a guild clasp do you know anyone called Helen missile no I don't think so at all striking woman had blond hair her husband's a car dealer earns the Mercedes garish we don't we didn't know people like that a lot of snobs we don't fit here we should never have come here hasn't he come back yet well can't you get a message to him I see well just tell him it's very important he wings he'll a missile as soon as he gets back had a good look round master I was making a tea I couldn't see the plastic raincoat anywhere what about the bedrooms no nothing I don't know much about it but these books aren't rubbish of a well it just crossed my mind Dora and I used to go to book sales secondhand book shops in the old days looking for bargains he finds them too hey so mark I am here a first edition in mint condition it has to be worth a few Bob Miller morning the bowl of light has thrown the stone which puts the stars to flight all my love dude Naga - Milla I promise to bring back with me what thou with transport will receive all love dude Wow Minna whoever she is didn't received with transport she didn't even well to cut the punches No if love were what the Rose is and I will like the leaf our lives will grow together inside or singing whether rather sentimental me there but you know what I mean happy happy birthday all my love dude March 21st 1975 suppose minute could be mrs. Parsons so with nickname they'll have to ask Parsons what goes on in this house Mike all these books are collectors pieces I put them in the shelves downstairs and the place is decorated got those it needs brightening up wonder who dune is it'll take some of these books back to the office they've got no money and yet they need this not hanging about up here it was good to handle a book like this whether how do you rush you off to sis games the beauty shop buying another lipstick to lose in a country line oh I've told you that's got nothing to do with me somebody must have found it in a cinema why don't you let me have a word with the chief constable get the fuzz off that back I can't stand I'm throwing around a god sake don't make a spectacle hello Peter I was just rushing in here for some moisturizer darling we're going to see you tonight yes looking forward to it those Douglas Forrester wait why don't you walk baby at home no I'm gonna wait up look you hello hello did you want another Arctic sable the books on the athlete mr. Parsons the ones in the trunk what do they come from just came to this from Balan they must have come from her aunts I don't know anything about them whose minute who you've loved more what the Rose is that I would like the leaf our lives would grow together in sad or singing whether rather sentimental Mina but you know what I mean happy happy birthday all my love doomed March 21st 1975 and who is do such me I've never heard of doing all Mina I can't make it out about the date though Margaret's birthday was the 21st of March four days since the murder and all the evidence you have is a lip stick we do you realize what the press are going to do are do me I'll be a slow under certain have we taken step by step there's no apparent motive for this murder but I do believe that we had an important clue today I just don't see where it fits in red let me take you into my confidence your methods their unorthodox not by the book shall we saying it doesn't make friends in that now I don't know put a strain on you in the middle of an investigation especially as you know meeting any of it it has been talk words have been said but I need results if I'm gonna fight your corner and I need them quick [Music] what did people want for the first I thought he was gonna ask my resignation but he was satisfied with biting my head off why did you print the passages Mike why didn't he just write them by just touching it straws days now and nothing it's no wonder that reborn is the cantankerous we've got to get on with it Mike we've gotta find something why did she hide the books in the Attic as though she was ashamed Sookie would have made a better impression on the casual caller than Brides in the bar if love were what the Rose is but love is not like a rose I wonder if love is a dark wood in the cord twisted tighter and tighter or a silk scarf or a rain hood a rain hood Oh deeply on wedding our lives will go together inside or singing oh it's you come in there won't be happy to see you the police missus missile good day mister quadrant good evening chief inspector inspector burden I'm sorry so this is a intrusion but I just like to have a word with your wife I'm sick of this we're being hounded my wife has given you an explanation and that should be good enough for you as you can see you're entertaining your intrusion is quite unwarranted I am definitely gonna have a word with a chief constable this is a murder inquiry sir don't worry Peter I'll take mr. wits foot into the study I shan't be long phobia that is if you can bear to stand dine with the criminal classes you sure you don't want Douglas to come with you as your solicitor I mean don't be long and this is a bloody impertinent I want my dinner no mrs. bristle the name of the man you were at with inspector I have tried to be patient with you I've tried to make you understand that I can't divulge this information to the police or to anybody else and I want to know who you were with when you lost your lipstick I don't know now otherwise I shall know calling your husband in here and I shall ask you the same question in front of him you are a dirty lowdown bastard just answer the question and no more bad language otherwise you'll spend the night at the station for obstructing the police it was Douglass quadrant mrs. missile is perfectly happily married so am i we just like to do a little dangerous living from time to time the drive a drink no harm done and everyone happier for it will you tell me exactly what you did sir exactly inspector your movements I want to know about your movements we drove down the lane park the car and stood by the edge of the wood to have a cigarette you know how smoky it gets inside a car inspector I don't know anything about the lipstick mrs. missile is rather a happy-go-lucky girl perhaps that's what I like about her I suppose all this did happen on Tuesday evening and not Monday afternoon now come inspector I was in court all Monday you saw me yourself and I assure you that if I had been aware of mrs. Parsons body in the wood I would naturally come straight to you nice to see we just stood under the trees I took my handbag with me because it had quite a lot of money in it I must have dropped my lipstick when I opened a handbag to get a hankie what a nervous person you must be you have mr. Potter's with you we're inside of the car and yet we were afraid that your handbag might be stolen from under your very nose well that's how it happened [Applause] [Music] good morning Mike morning what are you looking so happy about news upon the reality our Argus is a second home oh yes report from Boehm Ballard Parsons lived in Frankfort she lived in flag for when she was 16 she lived and lived here as a girl she was cleared here when she returned as a married woman now is there a connection I'd like to see the report I'll show you shall but I'm gonna celebrate by having a sticky bun in the coffee better join me thank you hey just make sure you when you have the time in case I've missed anything she was born Margaret Irish culture in 1959 March 21st her mother and father were killed in the road accident Marvin goes to flat foot to live with her aunt and uncle and their daughter I better organize a grip on life today the three live in return to Balam Barger goes to Teachers Training College and marries Wilbur cats and goes to the states in 1982 she joins a staff of Holderness in from school Bellamy in 1985 her out days and she marries parcels things go badly for them in London and then he gets a job transferred to Kings Markham they moved here six months ago I wonder if mrs. Weber cats kept in touch with her cousin your Michigan appointee just as I did Margaux Godfrey went to school here like if she went to Teachers Training College she took on a levels here well there's only two schools why should you go to the convent she's a Methodist oh then there's only one school I'll check her out shall I yeah class of 76 somebody must remember Oh Fanny father will howdy Fowler oh she's still headmistress oh yeah she'll remember she used to be a cracker when she was young oh really I don't even matter to a parent/teacher evenings oh I've only admired from afar but you like to go and see it yourself oh thank you I so really in question there is death still seething where the wildflower shakes its bell the Skylark twinkles blue and the pain of loving you is almost more than I can bear I wonder if it was for expert support the moon private see Barbara had a little story well you better go to my office port for markers damn that to a man oh I love the list you asked for all thank you miss father I'm sorry to trouble you want to Saturday what can you tell me about Margaret Godfrey do you know mr. burden I can't remember her so many girls you don't forget them all of course but the ones you remember are the ones who achieved something like your Pat Margaret's was a very undistinguished year you know that's not quite true either there was plenty of promise but none of it ever came to very much sometimes I wonder if it's my fault well names let's bring to mind it's Claire Clark of course now on our teaching staff here Diana Stevens Helen Laird Faber Rogers now there is a case in point so much promise came to nothing she marries well I suppose you could consider that an achievement in some cases Oh what happened to him Helen led she married a car salesman it was such a waste okay Kuzma bit they correspond regularly once or twice a year to tell you the truth I didn't care for mrs. Katz she write and crow over Margaret what luxuries they got and you have met up with doom again I can't believe that duel is still keen you always had a suspicious mind but if meeting doom means trips in the car and free meals I wouldn't be too scrupulous we won those kind of people they weren't the kind of people who have a love affair can't believe that upmarket she was a good woman as to wax turd good loving woman that cat person made it all up did she ever talk to you about do never what about the books I told you they were in her aunt's attic I've never heard of what's her name Nina never heard of her I put Martin and will it be on to tracing some of those names you'll be very interested by a couple of them somebody's trying to be clever this is quadrant I understand we didn't ask her and she had no reason to turn us in here mrs. P mrs. bloody missile gets right up my nose but no mrs. P indeed they're in the same class about to me but I'm not sure I will man I pick on me baby I knew her too and lots of others this is missile I have given you more warnings than I would my own mother died quite within my rights to charge you with being an accessory tell me about Margaret Godfrey if I do will you promise to go away and not come back [Applause] this file is going to learn me a my job I just need to ask you a few questions about Margaret Godfrey yes the head said sir well come into the kitchen inspector I hated school I begged and begged daddy to take me away Margaret Godfrey mrs. missile she was one of the fringe people not very clever or nice-looking or anything Margaret Godfrey you know I can hardly believe it I should have said she was the last person to get murdered oh who would you say would be the first someone like me what people did she know who were her friends where did she go there was aunt Kelly and a feeble spotty [ __ ] called Bertram and Diana something Diana Stephens I meant boyfriends oh no I was rather busy in that direction myself and Kelly Dinah Stephens a girl called Bertrand what about mrs. squadron would she remember oh Claire Clark I remember Margaret Godfrey perfectly it doesn't reflect well on me but I despised it because you couldn't play games we used to tease her guide you remember that doesn't help you much does it it's a very social time well sure prim I felt sorry for her Oh went around with Sophie Bertram didn't she what a man your ma Twain of course why should you know Sophie committed suicide we used to sit in a kind of garden a wild old place baby or me and a girl called Clark I see her around sometimes and the Kelly girl and Jill Ingram and my Grigory he was supposed to be working but we didn't do much we used to talk about no I don't know your boyfriend's hmm no no you've got it wrong not then not in the garden we used to talk about our dreams what we were going to do with our lives I wanted to act they wouldn't let me my mother and father my father yes it was my father I met Pete and we got married story of my life you're kind of everything I wasn't the only one who was disappointed it is don't ask about the cinema ticket please don't put something on please put some clothes on what the cop I saw come to see the peek show Glee your wife was able to help me I'll bet she was kind was she that's a speciality of us being kind right now you can star on me where were you on Monday afternoon in King's Markham mr. missile the name of your client mr. missile your car was seen in Kingsbrook Road mr. missile well don't you want to know what I was doing there nobody saw me oh I could have strangled that woman I know where you were mr. missile just told me yourself you're checking your wife's car Habad Road so she was very keen on him was she talked about sub paper do you mind if I hold your hand Margaret what was his name Tod lead roaring what a name to go to bed with she never did not on your sweet life he's still around if you want to trace him he lives down by Stoughton's station I didn't see her at all after her family moved away from flag but until a few weeks ago we met in the high street and had coffee we discovered we've gone our separate ways well can you tell me what you talked about mrs. soldered Oh changes in the place people we'd known at school Lazard in Madrid got the other boyfriend can you remember anyone there was a boy his name reminded me of a London Fiat ledian globe Haymarket I know the Prince of Wales I know it was drawings dad literally he used to live in flatland well thank you mrs. Gordon crossed my mind I wonder did your husband know her I I know her I assure you dear Chief Inspector I most emphatically knew her not this jory did you ever hear her call him doom doom oh no I never heard her call him doom [Music] tell me about your relationship with margaret girlfriends to drill well it wasn't a relationship it wasn't she was one of my girlfriends just a kid at school right I met her a chaplain took her out for a dozen times when did you first take around 12 or 13 years ago man cannot live on wine alone Nina but this is the very best bread and butter farewell doomed July 1976 your habit where did you get that book mr. dirty look here oh she gave me that book when I was taking her out you don't believe me do you well my wife will tell you he's been there ever since we've been married why did mrs. Parsons give you the book I don't know was the summer of 76 we were in our aunt's house in this parcel arrived Margaret opened it she looked sort of mad and just chucked it down I picked it up why did she give you the book [Music] I'll ask to Florida if you must know I thought it was a smutty book and I wanted to read it if you must know have it if you like she said mineral got fed up with this dune I thought she was sort of ashamed of him Rina I started calling I met her then because of her name in the book what have I said don't look at me like that well did you last year she went away me August no her uncle had died I mean recently I saw her last week that isn't a crime is it hello what are you doing down here obviously out of country folk live oh no we live down here now we are you're married now are you don't felt like that I suspect you are - I am yeah I got two daughters oh good for you one and I haven't got children you're like Kathleen that's my wife give me your address or phone number we could get together and did you telephone her of course I didn't I was going to but then I I read in the paper that she was dead what were you doing on Monday between 12:30 and 7:00 I was at work I work in my uncle's hardware shop for Pomfret but those are shop close half past 5:00 but I always try and get away early on Mondays though you won't believe me trade minister jury I know you won't believe me but my uncle will tell you my wife will tell you where did your wife mr. Julie she's she's taken the kids away for a few days holiday I always got the flag foot on Mondays get my wife's vegetable order there's a nursery Dara see my cluster will rolled well we've got to be there by half fire otherwise they're closed but we were busy I know it was late when I got the Spellman's that wasn't anybody about I went around the back I called out but they'd all gone so you went home without the vegetables no I didn't well I did but not straightaway I had a hard day hey and I was fed up about the place being closed so I went the Swan and had a drink her girl served me look my wife doesn't have to know does she I'm a Methodist see I'm a member of the chapel and I'm not supposed to drink did you drive the flag but along the main Pont aeri Road yes I did I drove right past that wood where they found her dead under this one when you woke clay is your firm mr. Drury you can do anything you like apparently yeah it's through there look what you employ I want to kill anyone pregnant or anything a minute she was a nice kid what believe me who I was called a minaret subject only this doom fellow as far as I know Nina it's a strange name do you know where he comes from why she was called it how should I know I see yes I've got that in the pomades name minute royal strike the ball with you but I never heard a second name maybe look at this dune fella maybe he knew it the pirate Sir Walter Scott yes yes I've got that Janet tipping thank you very much thank you she preferred me he was rich he was clever but she preferred me [Music] where did you get this mr. juror it's my wife's but you've no right there's no business of yours it belongs to my wife it belongs to my wife mrs. Parsons brought up like this on Monday morning I want permission to search your house and make no mistake about it on the evidence I can get a warrant home till you'd like to reunite I can't really really be dude well it doesn't fit my fancy I'm not a bad idea I'd make there you are now there's no need to go we have to talk about a burnt-out Mouse that's all we gonna talk about she was last seen at 12 she was killed sometime before 7:00 now what was she doing all that time like I'm Bob with Drury doing nursing a find a bit of the Swan apparently and they found that barmaid yet Martin's looking into him Joey was very frightened one day I'll be turning his house inside out by now they've more frightened their money do boom it's a surname isn't it like in Lorna Doone no II spoke Parsons knew nothing about him hello missile knew nothing about him but the quadrants dead I think I'll walk over there and have a little talk for them not to see me look at the time they may be entertaining well I haven't found a very amusing so far [Applause] [Music] at this hour chief inspector is extremely inconvenient my wife's not a particularly strong woman and we do have to have my parents-in-law dining with us only a brief word sir I shall offer you a drink as you're on duty I come into the study and I'll fetch my wife respect burden please Markham CID my division robbery my damaging got off no sir I'd like to talk to you about your nephew may I come in well it was our last term at school Margaret told me that she had a boyfriend her first perhaps I don't know she didn't introduce me to him but I've always remembers his name because it was said I drew her name what else is she tell you about her mr. squadron very little there was one thing she said he was jealous jealous to the point of fanaticism I say he didn't care for her to have any other friends I had the impression that he was very emotional and possessive he was very upset when she said she was moving back to London I said his life wouldn't be worth living without her you can imagine the sort of thing but you'd only known her for a few weeks I'm simply telling you what she said she had been Spector she didn't seem to care Margaret it wasn't a sensitive person ah there you are Chief Inspector Wexford and I have been talking about love it all seems to me like the expense of spirit in a waste of shame mrs. Parsons was interested in Victorian poetry during the two years which was a flatfoot why should I ruin everything special into that nothing sinister if that's what you mean nineteenth-century verse was part of the a level English syllabus Oh Douglas he doesn't want to see that thank you very much Lisa fine by 15 yes earlier and earlier a Monday could have been 5 or 5 v played like you thought I think he's frightened of that life of his and she told you to eat bugger off ugly day thank you very much indeed sir mind you he's not a bad worker who need here I left the shop at a quarter past five and I drove straight to flat and when I got the stones they were closed so I went on the side look at the greenhouses I've told you all this I told you all this they never do see you anybody who knew you when he lived in flag Fred keys there was some kids but I didn't know they were yeah well then I went to the Swan and the girls served me what did you drink half a bitter the girl served me like I said before my wife she doesn't have to know about this to show because you're a Methodist and you wouldn't lie and you wouldn't make a finger on anybody particularly not Margaret Godfrey the girl served me she's bound to remember me [Applause] [Applause] ever since the start Sunny's colt hello look I found this photo of all of us died took it years ago I just thought whoever was in charge of the case might like to see it thank you I'll give it to him oh heavens I'm so sorry you might be here for all I knew no miss Clark I am NOT here it is what you call get a confession gave it a lot of presents books don't pay for those books don't not money to food that your of darling right why did you keep it do you think he might shock her there you go again trying to trap me we've already given you a copy of my prints then printing changes a lot in 12 years I've got the barmaid Janet tipping sir I'll bring this straight in okay I see so it's six and a half hours good so we should be unexpected call price soon good thank you [Music] I could have served him I mean I serve hundreds of fellas who better you you must remember you've got to remember I'll do anything I'll give you anything if only do me a favor I've racked my brains and I don't remember can I go now Thank You mr. ping you may go now Gretchen yes will away I say yes I want to go back yes now Billy your wife back Jerry she tells me amongst other things that you didn't get in until 7:30 I would eat the order I am about stones in case anybody came back well it was a hell of a long wait ahead long drink all right sergeant Martin you can book it in for the night come on mr. Joey well hope you got some good news for me I hate to disappoint you read but his tires haven't been down a muddy road since telling you this Clark wanted you to see that Jerry's wife bought that rain Hood on Monday morning get that right hood over to forensic Willie Mike yes come in there's a fax for you from Colorado's oh good cool thank you oh yes this is a marvelous letter to her cousin dear now I can picture your surprise when you read my new address we're living a stone's throw from the scubs from the dear old cottage believe me none I really was scared over that doing business so you can imagine I wanted to please don't run slap-bang in to do in a couple of weeks after we moved in I said it was better to let things rest Doon didn't want that on that they it is pleasant to get a few bribes in a nice comfortable car and get taken out for meals in hotels freeborn don't like it well we have been barking up the wrong tree by God we have now jerries not doing they can let him doll when Doon and I were younger I really don't think that either of us thought it could be anything else but friendship duel only wants companionship now [Music] such closets to search such our clothes to import you a happy marriage mr. Parsons [Music] you're right so far you'll never prove it playing a little bit of luck ran a little bit to luck that bike in we go quietest Church much stealth [Applause] [Music] it was over on Tuesday night not too late if you go away with me now Douglas there's nothing left here for you so little Meg got relived here did she what were you looking for making sure you left nothing behind you knew I had to come you know I'd come as soon as you told me about Parsons being in church all day now go away Helen while I still time what were you doing Tuesday night Douglas returning to the scene of the crime nobody's gone anywhere oh my god why don't you come and I told you except upstairs to the room where minute kept the books the books that doom give her the case started in this house so it might be poetic justice if it ends here all the poetry books have gone mr. Cottington as mrs. Miller said there is nothing here for you I'm bloody well going home was it all inspector burden you sit down on that chair mrs. missile no I'm gonna tell you a love story the story of minner and dude miss Clark what I do to see this Margaret I decide to be called Margaret a square peg in a round hole Margaret are you grieving over Golden Grove now this is the girl who saw you and your husband wouldn't know miss missile little London peg fella Maryland Maryland the country society people like that if you want day was rich clever and good-looking and I hope that it's at a time inner I was intended doing getting an actual teacher to ignite the mineral was bowled over twisting and mirth unspeakable out of an insect or a shell you shouldn't spend your money on me like this you know it's beautiful love rules the court a camp the grove of levees heaven and heaven is love this was a love of the mind nothing physical entered into it down in spite of wealth intelligence and good looks at one disadvantage for minna this was not the love she longed for all the expensive books that dune gave her she was to put into a trunk and never look at again for doing this was a passion that would never die I suppose it could be best described as a pathological obsession I'm sorry what did you fight you're an arrogant man mr. Quadrant when we discovered the mini was missing you knew we had you saws dragging the Kings book you realize that the mud from that lane to be found on your tires well I hope you haven't been waiting too long in your methods and he's beautiful tonight but I can't see too under the cloth you knew you had to cover yourself you realize that you'll have to take your car back up that Lane on some legitimate pretext that evening you were meeting mrs. measurement no that isn't true sit down mrs. missile and shut up your didn't mind us knowing about your affair with mrs. missile when inspector burden question you you play the man of the world you blessed a little and then you told him why you dawn of the light [Music] we've got to get away [Music] laughs doesn't hold anything for either of us at home togas debts go away [Music] sajju what we're doing doesn't hurt anyone but if we suddenly Christ what's matter bloody peeping tom [Music] yes just coming heaven [Music] of course there isn't the remotest chance of you getting a conviction but we'll try it if you like no mr. Bartrand let's not waste our time on it you're free to go but I'd prefer you to stay but 4 o'clock this morning I read a letter and I know that you can't be doomed and the jury can't be dinner because doom is a woman we used to sit in a kind of gun a wild old place and talk about your boyfriend's no we talked about dreams he went wild you think I said I wanted to be a prostitute lying our true colors are we sorry you I know I'm no Glenda Jackson I said to him but you haven't set the world on fire have you he hit me across the face you must be mad if you think I'm doom well I would never a revolting thing I got from another woman it makes me feel fake mr. Burton you can take mrs. missile home [Music] to talk to spread your feet pain and sorrow [Music] the anguish of a decade of despair the reason why these persons may not be lawfully joined together in their now as you are about to take are to be made in the name of God who is judge of all and who knows all the secrets of our hearts if either of you knows the reason why you may not lawfully marry must declare it now [Music] I will have soften up a lie and may tender area love's very pain is sweet but it's rewards are in the world divine which if not here it builds beyond the grave you forgotten I'm sorry how could you are forgotten [Music] flowers we gather the wax me diadem of travelers joy [Music] [Music] you must put your letters away now Tommy you're sorry she came back as much as you love I hate her [Music] I know you're too [Applause] [Music] don't talked about the dreams that never came to anything just like this if love were what the roses and I would like to leave our lives will grow together inside or seeing whether blown fields flower forecloses green pleasures or gray grief if love will bought the roses and I were like the leaf I talk softly thinking you were pondering all the while I thought you were listening and I posed hungry for your gentle praise your love at last [Music] Nina wasn't listening she wasn't mine anymore you see she was the next teacher and a housewife I wanted to talk about cooking and knitting patterns with someone of her own kind I gazed I touched your hair [Music] your eyes were closed [Music] I knew it was too late too late for love too late for friendship too late [Applause] Margaret had gone to sleep I don't say that she deserved to die there but she asked for death she did deserve to die she did I loved herself may I tell you about it because you understand you see I had it only my letters to write their books their poems but dauntless let me write my letters didn't you talk he was so frightened there was nothing to be frightened of if I did that let me never yep Oh God reading pleasures oh great leave [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Paul Goddard
Views: 224,563
Rating: 4.7382617 out of 5
Keywords: Inspector Wexford, Ruth Rendell, Murder Mystery, Who Done It, Chief Inspector Wexford, George Baker, Christopher Ravenscroft, Detective Inspector Burden, Screen Adaptation, Crime Drama, Police Drama, Fiction, Drama, ITV, Television, Television Drama, Screen Play, Police Force, Murder, Mystery, Ruth Rendell Adaptation, Actors, Investigation, Police Investigation, Clues, Witnesses, Police Enquiries, Enquiries, Crime Scene, Kingsmarkham
Id: jJ-mfFdLRvE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 36sec (5796 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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