Inspector Wexford - Achilles Heel

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[Music] [Music] and then it's not much longer [Music] [Applause] think so straight off the plane and a road like this eh well perhaps you should have done that's why we are to be according to this lap and it would have been in the extremely short holiday [Music] hello sorry about that what was the hurry dying for a swim oh I see I'm sure we all are I prefer more conventional route to the beach than being plunged over a cliff the sees only a minute's walk from here Oh God well there's that hotel pool you just want to freshen up see you later but we must phone gran in a minute find out if marks settled in all right [Music] what are you supposed to do on a beach drift with the day drift accountant drift why don't drift I never drift I'm gonna go for a walk see what's happening nothing is happening it's a point nothing is supposed to happen well I'm gonna stretch my legs do me no good this flopping around we are here to relax I'll see you later brought you here to relax he well in time [Music] solution seriously yes better anyway who's this yes you do not fanatic miss remember doing that periodically buddy think over you compromise vote yeah just booking ourselves in sounds good does he take it he will do prefer to go on our own Oh prefer somebody like me well he's rates are very reasonable don't expect a guided tour he doesn't speak any English no no well I wouldn't expect the caves are particularly worth looking at so we're told well I'll shave he's got a day free you need any help Phillip speaks very good oh no no my French is terrible but I think my not to make the effort right right myself reg Wexford ah fill it black stuff pleased to meet you my wife Iris I hope your friend is recovered oh yes I meant to upset the whole no no for something quite understood good well we see you back at the hotel how done Monsieur fair I faked food or water bottle we've just here a hundred years simply to vaunted a means renewing the Masonic news alone coming out of the Abu I would take you south down these very beautiful coastal gallery huh it would be full day out but if should put the only holiday oh I was professor for English in myself now I'll take the full day I'll be delighted good then I'll book your okay and one for me tell me hmm from time what does it mean no Pluto too earliest day I can give you it's Friday sometime according to and the boatman when philip gauss published his work on marine zoology in the late 19th century he created a generation of enthusiasts who divested our coastline from all his marine life I just never really recovered from it only you could come to Corsica and find out about the British coastline extremely affected stuffing your heart discourtesy well I don't telling that sure it kind of way well won't you go to show off to us a bit it's very good looking and we're such beautiful clothes well known that skirt is gorgeous I love [Music] but us lovey-lovey to me [Music] what are you doing being a professor of English in website I don't like the navigates of four small islands who need to escape away as Christopher Columbus dealer was a Corsica born here happen to see to them mr. Columbus was born in Genoa with anything oh maybe you're right but we have an opera of course of course [Laughter] hi I should of course can spend 40 years of his life teaching English to the French it's a complete mystery to me much of I travelled in the realms of gold its Webster Milton and done they have never met an English tourists who even know them here comes my party I'll be here tomorrow morning socially [Music] very nice are they very comfortable I'll take another two pairs it's our holiday Oh doctor business shops manufacturing shoes clothes leisure wear he's blond what working escaping from civil service sounds very what do you mean well the police service well it's nice to know knit gun-happy island like this oh I'm not in the police service now not when I'm on holiday I like to mix a bit and Riley puts people off if you tell them you're a policeman should think it would we buy you a drink husband why from the same board well that's unusual isn't it is his father owned the company I just joined a promotions officer we got married he promoted me where are you based London we have offices in London and a factory in down handsome as your name too when we married we reversed the custom Philip took my name he knew it would peace my father well no one thinks much of it when a woman changes her name in marriage so why shouldn't a man well you must be one of the biggest beachwear manufacturing companies in the country aren't you bring the top five top six I let your father once you know Ivan I can't remember what the occasion was oh it was ages ago man he was a lovely man what was he dead driving me oh I am sorry listen we're just about to drive up to the mountains when you come with us well well I I don't think I could leave the others yes come with us we'd like that where are the others while they're shopping they'll know they'll be out all day come with us alright how long you staying suddenly awake tomorrow's our last day sadly no you've refused yes had a week on the Riviera you find this yeah beautiful isn't it keep it are you hungry well I could eat something good this must be a good place on the top [Music] you know how to enjoy ourselves in England there's no dry the beaver no generosity of spirit not a country I feel at home not the way I do Mediterranean that you had a French mother that's why yeah probably it's in your blood you know how to enjoy groups of yeah in this magnificent oh-oh yes but dr. Isles back up good evening mm-hmm he's just coming if you've been well I'm a Filipino really worried sick about you oh sure didn't you even think to leave a message well you have ruined our day we've been here the whole afternoon waiting for me back from the shopping when we said we would get back from the shopping I think you'd better come out and apologize to Jenni and Mike worried about you idiot that I am if I had known you were gallivanting around the mountain which we were thinking of going to this is your tone tomorrow Philip an hour it's some bad trip course I would you know I would leave because they look as if they're in paradise [Music] the town started office of rooms in the 13th century the Genoese arrived and instead of settling like all the others around the babe they came up here but yes isn't it oh this is a really interesting bit now someone round here there is a park that marks a spot with a canon powershot the cost nelson is i a small craft over there Oh it is well swim see it is she really more interesting than anything here no no of course she's not no no I was listening I'm fascinated by the podium I was your trick fabulous fabulous you'll love it we're running a bit late to the ferry to nice so we've got a rush off oh well I will stop have a good jerk thanks very much I've left my addressing reception for you there's way join the evening air yes lovely especially not they've gone now I know that incident on the road upsets you but there must be something more to even really people should be what they are not display themselves like peacocks I know what splendid feathers [Music] how many of these islands can you get on - you mean disembark yeah Louie what about the smaller ones depends if you know where to land there is nothing to see there is no point no but if you really need it then I suppose are we stopping at Galleria come on Ches what for this evening well just like to check everything's all right everything will be all right he will not be able to escape your mother's Eagle Eye for one second there's a very interesting rocks ah no that man Deniz boy fried your book the other day yes she'll when they return strange question I didn't notice anything different about her no they were in hurry they they are a ferry to catch obviously well when they got off the boat don't you hurry up where does the word copy policeman why aren't you a policeman yes after now nobody else will be as inquisitive and that kind of way well then I must apologize but you're quite right comes from the word to cop meaning to capture somebody the word copper was first heard in the theater in the nineteenth century that's for me yeah mr. fleet black soul she's gone she's been kidnapped iris we got home last night I left her in bed to go to work this morning and she's gone and now I've received this ransom note yes they're here now can you come back you can't ask him to come back you know her and and I want her home let me speak to him I'm absolutely desperate yes I don't know who's doing this I don't know where she is I don't understand well tell him I'm coming back straightaway thanks for a terrific holiday [Music] [Music] this is very kind of not all don't do anything don't talk to anyone there will be further communication is the ransom is genuine as soon as you receive it you contact me well he seems you has been kidnapped but I do have to keep an open mind I hope it's genuine what oh no but everyone in the trade knew my father-in-law and it was public knowledge that he left iris four-and-a-half million pounds but I have no idea who would go so far as to physically take her off copy the will yes yes yes no one just her left everything to her yes she's married he had a second wife Linda his first wife iris his mother committed suicide when she found out and taken Linda as a lover Lind had been a houseguest for three years before she found out his death she was so wrecked with guilt he changed the will and Linda is from Dustin oh yes she's accusing eyes of turning her father against her and what are the relations between iris and Linda they only talk through lawyers I've tried to get him to settle out of court but iris won't have me but she is alive I do believe that yeah everything goes to me there's no secret about that we keep our wills together you want to see that oh but I would like a copy of this Oh No oh is that John watch Oh tell him I going back thank you fans what I can't handle you call back later he's only offering support now nope I'll bail him out later from what now the RET business venture you can count the real friends on the fingers of one hand you didn't see what's on your desk there's only a note telling you to come with me welcome back Haggard Philip a girl is that possible you're asking if it comes in a bottle or a spray leftover holiday spirit or true animosity if it is I know have you got your holiday snaps back nope we're going to visit mrs. Linda Blackstock who was to be the heir to the Blackstock fortune thank you I was married to James for six years and I was his lover for three years before that squalid behavior what I'm asking for is no more or less than I'm entitled to is his wife and what I believe James himself would have wanted me to have what's that huh that's what was in the original will his last word was written four weeks before his death which you claim is not valid his mind was disturbed by what who's the illness his drugs other people which other people iris spent a lot of time with her father in those last weeks I don't know what was spoken I only know the will was altered to exclude me my iris don't you think so well that's all we're here to find out he was before his illness a very strong-willed man Bishop to see him so weak in those last days I even had to dismiss his nurse because she began to dominate him and he had no faculties to resist it I didn't know he had a nurse yes I had her when he became too physically alter care for himself what way did she dominate him tried to take control of his life hating who he could see and for how long and putting things in his head or things all sorts of things who loved him who didn't love him I think she tried to put it into his head that she was the only person on this earth that he could trust did you her her before he changed his will yes several weeks before what was her name the Jane Conway don't think she had anything to do with it do you and thought about it she was most unpleasant was she from an agency yes nurse link [Music] [Music] [Music] the nurse wins him over gets him to change his will and the discovers it isn't in her favor I think usually don't see don't you want to know I'm more interested in mrs. black stop she tells us about the nurse and then feign surprise that were entrusted not a good performance Mike I knew she excluded him having his chambers perhaps it was the same person who left the smell of his cigar in the hallway yes I come to see mr. John Walsh he's out when will he be back twelve no wait not inside no I'm Philip Blackstone well I'm candies are worthy family mr. Walter doesn't have family iris black stocks husband no one impresses me I want you to find out everything you can about Philip Blackstone particularly buddies past somebody's might have something against him only date without giving because he speaks peasants daughters photographs you be thankful you don't process holiday snaps for a living oh no not yet Philip sorry be waiting long is that her course it is where did you get this this morning through the post came to this what's going on actually Binda accuses iris of stealing two million pounds and then I get this you suggesting this is her doing or someone she knows like oh that's my question to you well I don't know anything tell me who's doing this what's going on I don't know please please if you know something I can't tell me please if I could help you I would believe me I'll give you 100,000 pounds if you get it back to me safe 200,000 pounds you don't even have to answer just bring her home I've got some information on Walsh interesting yes very used to operate property companies but spent his money faster than he made it with the result that 18 months ago he was declared bankrupt since then he's had no legitimate income or should living on their then well I don't know what he's living off now but before James Blackstock died he was living off Lynda Blackstock as her lover she was financing him out of our husband's account ballet still love it apparently yes and now that the old man's affairs are in the hands of the executives the money is dried up well it's no wonder they want an out-of-court settlement on the will there's your motive certainly we're checking his and Linda's recent movements I'm looking forward to meeting this mr. Wolfe what are you gonna do buy the ransom demand oh I thought into paid you know Mike he seems to be prepared to spend any amount of money doesn't mr. Walsh drink tea mr. Worf oh come now mrs. black so could you tell mr. Walsh to stop hiding and come here and bring another cup and saucer just a minute this is my house you can answer my questions down at the police station if you prefer us mr. Walsh to join us for you Adam all the consoles thank you were you in love with him that's none of your business you must be very infatuated with him to give him so much money I was helping him out over a difficult period as any decent person in love would do decent people don't steal money from their dying husbands and give them too extravagant lovers ah you must be mr. Walsh yes my name is Burton this is Chief Inspector Wexford how do you do please sit down why do you hide from us mr. Walsh I don't this is not my ass when a policeman visits I presume he doesn't wish to speak to me we've been discussing your previous financial arrangement with mrs. Mack Scogin as this source of income has now been withdrawn from your grasp what do you do for money that's none of your business either I was asking mr. Walsh do you have an income I don't in a wage if that's what you mean so what do you learn i have other resources what that's why accountant why are you so secretive mr. Walsh I don't have to tell you anything a woman is missing and we're here to find her i squander money mr. Wexford I don't kill women who said anything about killing I don't know what happened to Iris where were you on Wednesday Manchester why on business did you go by car yes IBM six yes so you passed a crew it's on the way did you stop there the ransom demand received by Philip Blackstock was posted in Crewe on Wednesday Excel a coincidence it would have to be he'll believe in coincidence mrs. Batra depends what coincidences you're talking about what were you doing in Lincoln on the 3rd of this month what's that yes he was shopping I believe I did I just don't recall the date Lincoln that's a long way to go shopping there's a particular dressmaker I like to visit what else did you do I had lunch and the building society account for the ransom money was opened in Lincoln on the 3rd of this month do you believe in that as a coincidence I was happy to I know nothing about that believe the dry there were 70 trick top by also by each other the description of the woman who opened the building society again too vague to be much use I'm afraid medium build brown hair could have been her with a brown way do you believe in coincidence yes but not this one I think we ought to get a warrant to search washes house what you want me to stop off and get my holiday snaps Oh what good good my photographs Oh Stevens I want to see everything that you've got about in the black stocking my office now they're very good who's that Chilean Alice there's a filly Panera's what's she doing there we go to say I'm not sure they're both those what well I think this might be a different woman someone pretending to be always say I've noticed though there are two types of ankles and you can already tell the difference from the back no no no you just just hear me out with the first type the calf joins the heat with a narrowing but no distinct shaft but in the second type the Achilles tendon makes a long slender shaft with two indentations just below the ankle bone yeah I ever served this woman coming off the boat after her trip around the islands and she was Irish and everything except her necks where does this fit in with our evidence against Linda Blackstock and walls it doesn't nothing that I have heard or seen in this investigation makes any sense of what I've just been telling you Phillip Blackstock oh good what about ours that's included all right Phillip Blackstock on the 27 to the 760 Stepney as Philip booth his mother Doreen booth unmarried and unable to look after him blessed him innocent marries children's home in 63 for you said he had a French man no he said the other French mother yes cool left the home in 75 and the next six years of blank he then appears in various employment is Philip Westminster Philip Devonshire for it more bruh and Philip Beaufort there are tubes now what we look like he was putting on a performance I didn't tell yesterday dresses up as the aristocracy emerges living Lord there's a stud in soft porn movies lenny becomes a fashionable which must be where he met iris that was right then it seems he said about impressing her father took a business course came out top in every grade got engaged in 88 became a member of the board in 89 and married delayed in either well that's pretty impressive record for somebody who started with nothing I see you know door he told most makes what I've been telling you seemed quite possible that he could not himself know that he killed her she your instincts might be quite right it's just as showing us I didn't like that's all when you were saying doesn't make my sense of our evidence no doesn't I wouldn't have mentioned the incident except I noticed it and if I don't find any evidence to back me up I'll say nothing about it and we will continue our investigation with Walsh never knew that iris has a sister Lucy you never taught me that two years younger left England six years ago lives in France in a village in Provence [Music] well it's just a bunch of Corsica now why hasn't anybody mentioned her before [Music] [Music] [Music] maison de Luci rule [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] lassy are usually shiru I met your sister iris and your brother-in-law Philipe recently I respect the Wexford I'm a policeman what's happened okay thank you she did Philip reported a missing the day after they got back from holiday and she's dead we don't know that we've had a ransom note from the kidnappers has agreed made but it could be a hoax have you any idea what could have happened can I get you a drink or something we're doing everything we can to find out what happened do you think you could help me yes mr. Jonathan Walsh that's my name I have a warrant to search your house and property for what in connection with the disappearance of iris Blackstock joke bloody feet you damaged one item of my property [Music] drink on me yes it's taken inspected button oh yes coming let's come down here I can't be long right what you need to know I'd like to know about the circumstances surrounding your departure from mr. black stocks employment I was sacked can you tell me why because mrs. black stock hated me and why was that mr. black stock took a profound dislike to her in his last week's and asked me to keep her away from him as much as I could and I did why did he take against him he found out she was having an affair with a man he thought was a thief mr. walz a common thief in a city suit that's what he said well Chanel were after his money so he changed his will and cut her out altogether did you see the world yeah rich wasn't he six years ago my mother one year ago and died six months ago my father there's no one else I went to Paris after my mother killed herself I was so upset by my father's treatment of her I just cut myself off there was there a meta line we got together when we bought this place there's a retreat for Parisians artists of one kind or another or word-of-mouth friends of friends we all gather here in the evenings eating drinking talking through the night there are some questions that I must ask you can I ask you know would you prefer to wait oh is that it yes thank you for your time why all the questions I'm afraid I'm not at liberty to discuss that I'm not being accused of anything no well that's all right then now what are you doing it was for me he's just leaving good afternoon he's just a friend Detective Inspector burden nothing to concern you here sir merely inquiries what sort of inquiries oh nothing that you borrow you you know you shouldn't be in the draft I'll let you out what is your news but from where I don't like him to be kept in the draft from where Kings Park nearest Alton thank you thank you you've been very helpful you certainly haven't you shouldn't have told him you were a policeman he's easily on second well please tell him he has nothing to worry about this must be one of the most beautiful places on earth why did nobody ever mention you to me well I would have thought it would have mentioned it [Music] when did you last see ice-skating division yes with what day was that do you remember um Friday yeah there was a Friday they stayed the night and we left the next morning oh you went with him they went to nice for the ferry and I went to Antibes did you do that I was just visiting a friend he'd moored up in Antibes father we went sailing along the coast for a few days Oh where'd you go along the coast to Corsica no it was your friend Sweden when did you get back to Antigua the following Saturday and I was back here Sunday you do know that there's been a dispute about your father's will don't you yes I do iris told me and I'm with her my father's second wife seduced him for his money not alone I'm happy he left her nothing you're happy that he left you nothing I told him I didn't want any of his money but iris is going to give me half of it half of everything yes she said it's what father asked her to do he sent me a letter begging forgiveness I never visited him and I never forgave him have you accepted her offer yes I have it'll make me secure here I'd have to sell otherwise you think Philippa ugly yes oh yes you like him yes I do and iris adores him if if she isn't alive what happened to the money then I'm sorry I I don't have an answer to that question Oh JA you've too sweet anyone done the pictures [Music] so [Music] better show the boss physically Mike she could easily be the secondary's but more important than that she was absent during the time that would have taken to do it but I must say I can't imagine her conspiring to murder no I didn't know that Walsh's house is being turned over at the moment I'm on my way there now and I visited the nurse Jane Conway this morning hello message from mr. Alden in bars he wants you to meet him tomorrow morning before 11:00 because that's when miss Conway would be liked Karthi find a cupboard in his bedroom all style matches the Building Society security video I was waiting for you to show him he's them in what he calls his study tell me about this mr. wolf it's a waiter FEMA found in your bedroom I've never seen it before now how did it get there you tell me you put it there oh come on I've learned to come to terms with losing those closest to me by understanding the human condition as tragedy how can it help you to believe that I'm ask myself in the works of the great artists because their gift to us passed through the centuries is to share that experience to remind us we're not alone so I can go beyond grief and despair to almost beauty [Music] clean that up for you I'll watch that for you for you nothing to do that that's all gonna need a stitch he'll be alright let me ask me this afternoon where the money would go with virus was no longer alive Philip you think that he would give you half of everything yes I'm sure you don't know that promise thank you you're very kind I'll make some coffee comes up with something what sounds confident here's our on the right and the wrong track at the same time [Music] yes come in mr. burr yes [Music] the environmental officer [Music] I told mrs. pen I was expecting the environmental officer to exterminate the woodlice if she asks what you here for that's what were there for what lies I don't want her or miss Conway to know that I've spoken to a police officer but at the point a five inch porcelain figurine of a lady on a log has disappeared from this room miss Conway says she broke it but I believe she's so late mr. Alden I've come a long way to see you is that all you have to tell me no it is not all not by a long way all she's also intent on appropriating my money in what way well she's been tampering with my money box or kind of money box there used to be five pounds and 30 pence in there now there's only three pounds in 30 pence well time to go thank you very much for your very generous hospitality it's my pleasure you will let me know as soon as you know anything oh of course last night I saw what I thought was irises sunglasses in that drawer there oh yes there are she left them here but I saw her wearing them the day after she came back from visiting you she must have another pair two pairs of the same sunglasses buying two of something is not unusual virus could I take them with me [Music] okay you do me one last favor be back just for a moment I want to see how I like you [Music] it is possible and eyes had two pairs of sunglasses or the Philip a dozen - jerr-bear but Lucy's not sick Maris I said sure Wow if you'd been there something it's terrible about flight now in just such a look around oh I told you I saw the nurse Jane Conway nice you're dying no it hasn't very very good very promising findings now these scrapings of blood taken from the Attic carpet in Walsh's house match our sample of iris black stocks blood obtained from her doctor off insisted iris had never been to his house well three strands of hair which match our sample viruses hair and we also found fibers from an Asia and white Shetland wool sweater the same fiber found in the carpet by the front door Phillip Blackstock reports to shut down sweater missing from the water at dinner [Music] I just forgot somebody [Music] it's a past one I know that I've discounted Lucy but there's no reason why Phillips shouldn't have another partner surely it's beyond question that Walsh is the right man it has to be woof I think look um can we discuss this in the morning well yes he wants to discuss the Baxter case he's not making any sense hello why don't you and Jenny come to lunch on Sunday haven't seen you for such a long time lunch wants to come to lunch on Sunday [Music] [Music] oh this is lovely between those two windows Jenny Mike thank you yeah a few holiday reminiscences leave the talking to me now any news no and all you still denying it how can he oh don't worry we'll continue to search though we are running out of places to look at least in this country come on in thanks home now things what says they aren't that I found out what's happened to iris oh well nothing was as clear as it seems I think I may have arrested the wrong man would you have some evidence for that oh we're working on that how does that time with what you found a job scissor oh it doesn't if the evidence is genuine then he is guilty how do you mean genuine or not planted that's the only other explanation that whoever caused irises disappearance grounded the evidence in John Waters house well but the motive would be that is the question what is the motive for kidnapping money money if they kidnap I want us to believe that Walsh did it we can collect the ransom cuz won't sit inside so it doesn't make sense no our kidnapper must have some other game for taking or for killing iris but who there's no gain for Walsh all in the back stock because it iris is death a fortune doesn't go to them but do you soul is ready to think would you ride some mortals yes many more in the kitchen oh yes we always make Padilla sauce do you travel much yes yes Oh on business mainly red keep promising it when he's got the time but now I have this disquieting image of a couple of old victories touring the globe before we pop off actually I've always wanted to go to the Caribbean islands I don't get much chance for a foreign travel in my job though I did visit your sister in law enforce I didn't know that oh yes that a very good meeting oh by the way she asked me to give you these irises she leaves them everywhere justice why you had a spare pair very unusual aren't they yes yes suez crisis pepper [Music] where's that couple pursuit beautiful [Music] Calvi harbor no it's one of us here yes well that's certainly you it was a day you were leaving you won't know how to catch the very we first saw you on your boat I was looking through my binoculars and I saw this lovely young woman standing on the deck of the boat wearing a bathing costume somehow I I didn't think it deserves you saw did you know her yes I remember she look so lovely and her swimsuit some people can wear them and look as if they were worn in them that's right that's just what you said at the time then she put on this dress and those sunglasses I think this isn't Dominic's Church church gold peasants pigs thanks very much lovely meal nice to see you again our pleasure we must keep in touch I'm sure we will how could you do that splendid job splendid [Music] social occasions hurry our investigations there somewhere along that coast Finnick killed his wife and disposed of her body what about Walsh well we got it wrong Jenny I'm sorry now we've got no proof so he made us to where he is he's a thief anyway you really are in time no Philip Blackstone killed his wife that I have allowed myself to be used as his alibi your bride fashion Dora told me stop me twice tell me why we're on holiday and told me again today fashion model one of the perks of the job [Music] [Music] it's me call me I'm frightened sweetheart there's nothing to fear I want to see you you can't I can't meet not yet darling I'll never leave you I'll call you this evening tell me I love you you know I love you I've got a visitor got to go call you later [Music] I have catalogs before we even started oh do stop gambling just hope you're right that's some Vincent some Vincent is in the Caribbean when Philip came to launch Jenny asked him if he had ever been to the Caribbean and Philip said no so he did something like that unless he got something to hide no he wouldn't get on the agency find out who these women are go to the back dude oh yeah crucifix see terrific terrific she's supposed to be oh and if you're expecting me to remember anything can you remember if the male model there Philip mall brave was them had any personal relationship with any of these three girls Julie Thornton Anna Ashby actor sir oh yeah yeah yeah well would you mind sharing your pleasure with us when you say personal relationships what do you mean sex romance what he did when I was beddy-byes I have no idea well I can't tell you because it wasn't with Melissa Clarissa Clarissa y ou see but he did like to play to Valentino with one of those girls and so I was something that we did somewhere sometime later which girl question I just love them all this one I know Ashley that are you talking about yourself over him could have been either all this but I know that he was one Judy thought possibly either love more possibly both of them wonderful women I could just love them all sad as if you already have thank you anytime anytime Oh gentlemen one for the album as fili Blackstock ever been in your home why just answer the question no whilst I'm in here answer the question and you may not be the mistake has been made just answered the question yes he has what last week what was he doing he came to play me the voice of his wife I'm supposed to have killed was he ever at anytime on his own then when I got there between that letting me hug you he's got nothing to do with it has he who are you protecting Phillip is that what you aren't releasing John loving yeah give me more than they're looking in looking in lovely again yeah of that give me more there there yes yes that's great lovely what's not there these girls don't carry guns they're not going to shoot you supposed to be looking for beautiful women good clients so you do every day [Music] thanks ladies next three please [Music] Julie Thornton it's mine and Clarissa Oh ready welcome you lovely Morty get on the front page of dental Gazette with that one that's terrific I'm just gonna reload a few near William black gana great well come back again once you get there that's more keep on the bill all the time you doing the other end people on the video thanks a lot Oh juliana and vanessa stick around the rest of you can go now thanks you've been great by the way I'm just about survived looking at that time but seems a bit strong that's the next time I think we should start with an ass together I think she's come my god Stephens [Music] are we going don't make it look as if you got anyone in the back rented a little cottage down by the sea [Music] we'll lose them get up the main road get on the side roads [Music] you have to let's go beyond it's me iris please give them what they're asking for he must have forced her to say those words just before he killed her you hear the fear in her voice charming evil can be [Music] [Applause] good way too how far is it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I know the model would have been reported as a suicide and he was going to walk away as if he'd never been there she was the only witness and the only evidence against it we would have been witnessing the last act of a perfect crime I'm sure his wife's body would never have been found if they were not looking for it nobody goes through that island and certainly not to dive what what happened to the father's money now well it'll go dry this is Mexican who is Lucy trust me why to apologize when you asked me on your boat trip what'd you say to these other women are they were living the board I say they told her to hurry up which is true but not entirely true comes a bloody copycat other boat into the car with you I thought he was avoiding you because you were in his mind a boring English tourist I had no intention of passing on to you such rude remark what's his take no it's my mistake I didn't want him to be guilty I fell for his charm all my life I've been telling my girls not to fall for charming men and then I fall victim to it myself they're all wolves they're staying at our hotel here's she isn't what do you mean red shoe wouldn't I think she's got that Achilles heel [Laughter] [Music] you
Channel: Paul Goddard
Views: 313,583
Rating: 4.733881 out of 5
Keywords: Wexford, Inspector Wexford, Ruth Rendell, Ruth Rendell Mysteries, Mysteries, George Baker, Christopher Ravenscroft, Detective, Crime, Crime Drama, Detective Drama, Police Drama, British, Corsica, VHS Tape, British Drama, TV Series, Murder Mystery, Fiction, Who Done It, Police, Police Inspector, Chief Inspector Wexford, Mystery, Mystery Drama, ITV, Holiday, Wexford's Holiday, Inspector Burden, DI Mike Burden
Id: TTnwnc2Siwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 30sec (6150 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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