Inspector Wexford - Wolf to the Slaughter

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] make the most of what we get space has been before we do into the dust descendants right enjoy yourself what lamp has destiny to guide her little children stumbling in the dark [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] no I see that well little note there madam just inform all you know yes you could do that I I don't advise it but you could do that no I really do think not at all madam thank you madam yes sir what can I do for you my name is Margolis who put Margolis tell me how does one go about finding cleaning woman well sir the offices the ministry of labor only five minutes from here job center they call it straight down York Street next to register garage yeah or you could put an ad in the local rag or carved a paper shop window yes I'm bad at this sort of things you know nobody my sister would see to it but she went away on Tuesday she did you see that's another worry and I seem to be quite bogged down with care job centre that's what you want sir I wonder what Anne would do all that I couldn't say sir that means which is not like her to go off and leave me in a mess like this I knew she was getting to a party there aren't any messages for me sergeant I'm going after sewing great no message you sir I did here monkey Matthews was out [Music] don't they get a lime dragon Oh mr. Burdon good afternoon nasty cold day mr. burden don't hurry yourself I've got all afternoon is valuable all the things my husband gave it worked very good depends what you mean by valuable nothing I tell you I'll do I'll give you 20 quid for the lot I don't stupid possibly suit yourself another mr. burden some kind of fear this stolen water plus you haven't seen any of it then I already told you let and don't mean nothing to me I'll have a look anyway don't start screaming brook warrant it's too cold for that malarkey don't handle nothing dad for mr. burden you know that's lovey not anymore I don't [Music] [Music] kind of thing to tell us monkey math uses he'll tell me something I don't know Dora oh come in Mike he's in the sitting room oh thanks dear now Jean and the children Oh fine fine be at time or is it still teatime so what do you think Oh what is it well only babies die thank you anything come up no nothing was the entire population of so sick decided to go straight or what we'll be out of a job by Christmas of this right monkey Matthews is out oh really our last hope because heavens he was at the station today help yourself with the picture dawn of nothing was recently bought by the Tate Gallery as well as paint Margulis uses coal gas to gum and tea leaves in his work what you doing in the station looking for home help over a domestication scene there are we and his sister Anita that made their home in Sussex Marconi's works in a 16th century studio the converted living room of Quinn Scottish Kings Markham and it's here that he's given birth to his masterpiece which is called with that mixture of savagery and whimsy so typical of the man nothing he's also mislaid her Mita a former model and engaged to the love is Richard Fairfax is now diverting herself to furthering her brother's career and can often be seen rounded about Kings locker I've never seen it one scene never forgotten nice thing thank you local celebrity interesting vein of this rightful currency at the end of my girl is portrait 15,000 pounds by a South American connector does she live round here they both do she and her brother you're looking for Sheila you've got the collective plays of Sheridan haven't you top shelf nearest the door read binding so once again the balmy climate and cosmopolitan ambience of Sussex have attracted one of the most prominent young artists of today to come and make his home among us [Music] what do you mean mislaid her while he was talking to cami mention it apparently she went off to a party on Tuesday night he hasn't seen her since Tuesday what's the matter rich you sure it was Tuesday that's what I said [Music] [Music] so since when we got all steamed up because a single girl a good-looking probably rich girl takes it into our head to go her for the boyfriend since now since this morning since this it's anonymous read it a girl called Anne was killed in this area between 8:00 and 11:00 Tuesday night the man have done it is small and dark and young and has a black car name of Jeff Smith that's why we're getting steamed up [Music] [Music] [Music] yes what do you want I'm asleep Kings Markham police mr. Margolis inspector bird you come about the cleaning about your sister Budi she but that's what we want to find out so you don't want to come in if it's not inconvenient if I find the matches I make you a cup of coffee anyway there was an enormous pile of newspapers here and I had to pick them up and throw them outside the back door before I could find the matches they're about 15 boxes underneath god knows where they are now these things just disappear here good wish I heat this up to see it yes if I boil it I put in chanted if I were you I suppose nothing now let me get this straight mr. Margolis your sister whose name's Anita Oh Anne was going to a party given by mr. and mrs. Hawthorne of cor thorns garage in startin on Tuesday night yes and when you got home at 11:00 hadn't been odd since 3:00 she was gone and her car also a white Morgan sports car which is usually parked outside in the leg right you might know you left the back door unlocked for her and went to bed yes yes but you were away shortly afterwards by mr. Hawthorne's telephoning to ask where your sister crosses and I was asleep Hawthorne's a terrible oh boy I never speak to him unless I have to so you weren't at all concerned no why should I be I thought Anna changed her mind and gone somewhere else then at about one o'clock you were awakened again by lights passing across your bedroom ceiling these you assumes to be the lights of your sister's car since no one else lives in pump Lane but you didn't get up no I was I was exhausted I'd uh I'd been in London all day your sister a big girl when you left at 3:00 yes yes I went out to London will see this fellow about a show I'm heading an exhibition anyway this fellow insisted on giving me dinner after our talk it's a fearful Oh bore and he got very tedious sitting around listening to him talk that's why I didn't get up and I saw Ann's car lights and I may be bruised or stood with all this traveling about being bored now you found her car on the lane yesterday morning yes all wet and revolting with the New Statesman plastered all over the windscreen and the newspapers I'd thrown out we're all over the garden you couldn't get someone to clean the mud could you will get the council - no sir it's so difficult to get anybody to do anything these days didn't you go out at all on Wednesday and I don't think so I was working a night I sleep a lot at hard times you know no I thought Anne had come and gone I mean she never leaves me like this without who were look does she think you playing up to the studio what about the coffee [Music] that's her isn't it your sister yeah jolly good bloody marvelous actually mr. Margolis in cases like this it's normal practice for us to ask the relatives just where they think the missing person might be where do you personally think your sister is mr. Margolis but please try and concentrate sir where do you think your sister is Oh with one of her men friends I should think she seems to have dozens well I would think so except for the note note what note a note about your sister no that's the point that there isn't one and there should be and she's always popping off like this but she wouldn't disturb me if I was working or sleeping mind you I don't seem to do much else apart from working and leaving go on well she always leaves a note for me in a very prominent position I might dare door propped up somewhere quite a long detailed note usually telling me where she's gone and who she's gone with Oh God that'll be very old Russell corn it keeps bothering me wanting to know where she is yeah no she's not here III don't know where she is now I've got the police here if you must know yes yeah well what what do you mean you'll be seeing me we never see each other Oh God why isn't down here you must not set yourself mr. Marco this upset myself does she so self you sometimes leaving me here to answer the telephone hey what's wrong happens after all sir robbers only sell parts and what they call drying blocks same texture same watermark it's identical sir problems get this specially from a place in London what's your special order yes sir just for the woman customer and this is Madeline Harper there's at Waterford Avenue in Stoughton most residential address bigos is she's away though sir take along Easter holiday according to the neighbors the only what you might call a servant she has isn't a Chagos in Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays do you think she could be all over writer it's hard to say sir it's not like a countless day or a block of flats where everyone knows everyone else they kidding themselves to themselves this chairs been seen going in and out there nobody knows the name and if she had a way of snapping up on considered trifles like expensive writing paper the neighbors wouldn't know about it well the neighbours now says that she's middle aged surely dress and cocked ginger hair does she go in with our employers way she does selling death today's fair yeah no but she'd gone before I got there Shona goes their minds I told why Paul is there that's because we always think a black male is being successful at any rate successful for a time but suppose he wasn't successful at all suppose our ginger head woman tried to put the squeeze on Jeff Smith and he wouldn't play then if she was vindictive she'd carry out a threat there was always a vindictive sir nasty spiteful thing you've ever there was when his worsen Nerissa he renders the first lesson [Music] we don't get many of these with such low mileage once people get very trying to hang on it's very nice this cars gearbox is so smooth it might just as well be it's lovely lady Denison has to was a matter of it just for pottering about this thing I'll see to these two gentlemen have a really look grew the bar go this is it yes and I'm inspector Burton Kings Markham police I Kevin's you chaps have been caught in I've been a bit worried ever since Tuesday night yes I'd like to ask you a few questions about that night mister call for me and by all means let's go up to the house he's gonna speak to the men as well thank you sir since I want to look after you mrs. Latimer if you have scared me I think it's the latest fashion all his junk Michael must be 60 in his wife's a hag I'm mad about young people for some reason anybody under the age of 90 I think they had all this stuff new for wedding presents ours changer thoughts almost about Hamlet we hope you may be able to help us mrs. coffin you gave a party on Tuesday evening to which miss Margolis was invited in general yes she dropped into the afternoon said she'd be sure to be here did she never turned up I've been damn worried I can't tell you glad you chaps to be cooled in I'm deke Fairfax came all the way down from London just to see her they used to be friends very close friends I'm had that's Fairfax the writer yes he was rather peeved and she didn't turn nappy drifted off at about eleven but he'd been here all evening no he was here all right came in on the debate started on the hard stuff right away he was saying not so mean and jealous just because and prefer Dickey Annan Russell have a sort of seeing at least that's himself and gave dick easy out months ago there's somebody else now I'm trying to remember his name not Jeff Smith by any chance alright that's all for the moment thank you for your help I will not have lost without him if this Emerson Russell and I can do to help nobody else has ever been able to do anything who's going to look after him it's such a there's absolutely nothing about art dear progenitor mother yeah I'm just a silly old duffer leave all the clever stuff to you ladies Jeff Smith who might be a friend it's my girlies matter boy but I've never heard him she's got a lot of boyfriends would you include yourself among them you mattered yes great over together hora still stay young as long as you can live it up a bit today go around with young people let's have a better did you go round with miss Margo this mr. Kaufman what just us to grab to dinner comfort Sheraton first to tell the waiter new me see me there was my wife will your daughter have the smoked salmon too [Music] [Music] just closer no letters there is nothing just clothes mr. Margolis if your sister left up around the cord she'd have taken some clothes with her will you come and take a look collected anything's missing I really wouldn't know Ang's always bang clothes well there's no record as far as we can see so it was there any calcium dr. Tuesday nicer though sometimes she takes clothes with her and sometimes she doesn't she's quite lagna dragana I'd just as she was and buy anything she needed she'd have had money on her then oh yes one of her checks came on Monday what checks are those oh she has his money of her own my father couldn't stand me he's left all his money to hand they paid out regularly every three months do you know how much this check was full yes of course I do I'm not a half-wit you know it's always the same three thousand pounds and she had this check on her no she cashed the check as soon as it came and put the money in her handbag three thousand pounds she set off to go to a party with three thousand pounds in a handbag yes of course she did she might see something she wanted to buy when she was out [Music] I don't know it's my coders business wretched beyond me because everybody or we've got it's an anonymous letter and a girl who might or might not be missing I'm an apparently she goes off to a party with three thousand pounds in our handbag crocheted up yes and the women I know they keep their money in the bank I mean you saw her on television she looked like a decent class of girl fashion model and all that but you should see the state of the place they living it's not if she's got anything else to do well perhaps there's a lighthouse oh no that's not the point is it I mean we all have to do things we don't like I mean she's twenty eight or something why isn't she married why don't you got a job see a decent woman wouldn't let everything go like that don't be saying she deserves everything she gets in a minute no I wouldn't say that of course not closer you got any luck with HR lady no not yet but I've advertised however you know yes I have I've got an advertisement in the news agents window yeah I wrote it on a little card you know they give you the card and everything and they even helped with what to write on it get over is true I don't know why people spend all his money advertising in the times when this way said she Oh Alicia Burton gentleman to see you we've got some good news oh well you remember you asked me who handed been going about with since Fairfax got the elbow oh yes yes well I've remembered well that's good sir yes isn't it not as bad as all that am i nobody said you were mr. Margolis so who is it uh Alan Alan something is he got no money and he's very provincial I don't know what she sees in him but and he's inclined to go slumming you know what I mean Alan something yeah no no it's Alan Fitz something will so exactly Fitzwilliam but it's something like that fit Herbert well I didn't I thought you spoken to him twice and that was enough right well thank you very much for information so I tell you who might know them mrs. Peniston are late cha why don't you go and ask her this is Peniston yeah thank you very much sir this mrs. Peniston she got red hair I don't know because she always wore a hat wait a minute I can't tell you where she lives yes I remember because I took her home once when it was raining and it's on Glebe Road on the left over the bridge by the river and there's a pillar box just before you get there ah and the curtains downstairs they're a sort of well thank you thank you very much indeed I'm sure we'll find it good [Music] portion of your toast there reg for duty for me reg look dad I want to get my own flat oh yes I mean traveling up and down to London every day it's exhausting and if the trains even five minutes late I'm late for a car well why don't you get an earlier training but I have to get up at the crack of dawn as it is she does have to get up very early Mitch you think it's a good idea - it's a possibility how much would it cost well there's this girl at Rhonda she's got this fat I could share with it's 45 pounds a week that's including everything well except electricity and gas straining to burn fifty each no that's forty five pounds each my season tickets a month anyway you're talking about a hundred eighty pounds a month plus gas plus electricity plus food I think it would be saving in the end I think you learned your economics at the same school as your mother what about this girl what do you know about very nice tell you what we were talking about it at the weekend I mean both come on time right how's the governor there was a bad with his bag and his business Friday budget yes please do that's one pound six today they're nasty backs you're thinking of letting your spare up again by your youngster no couldn't take on another why not we mr. Grover later Linda Romeo gone off on our hands as it is yes sir independent please oh god I'm say well this is one outside my mom is a fencer that's right again and then we're all comes from the sky I'm a boyfriend it's their one good-looking girl like you get away you're very interested in those cards I must say what's so fascinating about a load of second engine out of mind second half things [Music] [Music] yes it's just Penniston not Jehovah's Witness are you police officer I'm in India just me no that don't ring any bells that's brilliant mr. Kirkpatrick what do we hear yes it might be don't mommy getting on with this dear honey my boys I'll be in in a minute do you know anything about this Kirkpatrick everything pomfret somewhere funny you should ask about him really because it was on account of him my last how come don't see why I shouldn't tell you listen you say don't surprise me wouldn't surprise me if he'd done Irene like he said he would did to me he did my very hearing see I was there one day we're cleaning tell me about her first what you thought of that kind of thing nice enough girl no side to it first I went there I called the message we just screamed out lovely lovely she's fainting she said call me and everyone calls me and got a hit screwed on the right way mind very sharp why she has with the tradesmen didn't mind pain for the best but why would beside you if you didn't get it well you'd have to get up very early in the morning to put anything over on her different to him mr. Margolis no it's easy to say I reckon he's mental all the air was there in ever had a soul come to see him bang-bang paying all the Blessed day long when he was done you couldn't see what it was meant to be I wonder you don't get proper discouraged I said to him once how there ought to be a place for them to go didn't there pause its mines definitely effective never mind the rest of him you say this Kirkpatrick threatened miss Margolis oh hang on a minute dear can't get a word out of them until they've got a meal inside them you want us to know about this kirkpatrick where are we now Friday well it would have been last Wednesday week mr. Margolis had gone down to Devon for painting holiday I'd come in a couple of days before and I said to her where's your brother Thane dartmoor she said and that I could well believe their broad Marva Pat Morris mark anyway two days later on the Wednesday afternoon the Cutlass knock at the door and when she opens it but this this Kirkpatrick stand in there good afternoon she says sort of cool but ever such a funny way I can't describe I was in the dinette cleaning the silver and after about five minutes they come through and I hear them go upstairs don't look at his paintings I said to myself in my ignorance Crossley's paintings all over the place they're even in the bathroom well after about half an hour they come downstairs again and I hear them start this arguing what were they arguing about I'm just gonna tell you that Diane for God's sake don't drool all over me and she says ma'am she says I don't know what that is if I love anyone it's Rupert Rupert be an ER mental brother buzzin he flies off the handle start shouting at her all sorts of horrible expressions are used as I couldn't repeat but she never turns a hair I'm not ending anything darlin she says you can go on having what you just had upstairs I can tell you dear the blood rush straight to my head it's the last time you set foot in this house Rose Penniston I says to myself well my boys are very particular they wouldn't want me going away morality then he said to her you're asking to get yourself killed and I might do it myself one of these fine days and then but he went off in half didn't he I could hear her calling out after him don't be silly darling and and don't forget we've got a date Tuesday night Tuesday would that have been last Tuesday well yes it must have been people funny aren't they do business like as they come she is and and good too in a softer way collecting for Oxfam and sick animals and all very hot on what she called injustice all the same she was carrying on proper with this Kirkpatrick there do Jeffers myths in Kings Markham one in Sturgeon and two more in sewing brie the one we are looking for is young small a doc right the only dark one is six foot two the only one under 35 has a blond beard and none of them owns a black car what about this Kirkpatrick is Rettendon well it would be different than we had a body we could pull him in and question him as it is all we've got is an anonymous letter that doesn't even mention him it names Jeff Smith we could make a few inquiries of course about Kirkpatrick discreetly tell the truth I'm beginning to wonder this whole thing is in the world goose chase why would anyone write a completely meaningless anonymous letter don't ask me Mike and I still don't like the idea about going off with three thousand quid in a handbag it's a very nice time to go on holiday with yes what is it an advert from Grover's window thought we might be interested in it quiet secluded room to let for evenings suits student or for that special evening privacy guaranteed apply 85 Charteris Road startin Grover's again name last year was curious books six months before that we had to warn him about those flick knives he was selling it's getting more like Charing Cross Road every day when there's magazines he sells how would you like your daughter to read them well they're not for daughters Mike therefore Sutton's but before we convene the purity committee let's just deal with this out you're a likely lad mark you look the part [Music] on somebody in let us say there is we can't break the door down and force an entry or a thing like this somebody's coming [Music] mrs. Paroo bleep Raj used to live in Surrey England one of our customers are weave out of a shoplifting larceny is a servant of various other things this is a new departure though all right pack it into your stuff [Music] I understand you have a room to let we're doing that master suite wrapper in Grover's window this is that no names no packed your love a just call me Ruby okay don't take you notices the bare boards laughing I'm just giving the carpet bid for the Aaron can see you keep it nice when did you think you're coming any not it be convenient for me if it bring in a young lady if that would be all right I thought um perhaps this evening say 8:00 till 11:00 I have my things on by 8:00 sharp if you just tap on the door you needn't bring the young lady in till I'm gone some dinner [Music] I only did it to make a bit extra mr. Burton you just can't make ends meet these days give a blunt last time I saw you really don't need your permission to tint my hair I hope still working for mrs. Harper of Waterford Avenue are you hadn't been for you out still at my job in the supermarket what's happened to the car yet [Music] not many working women would find time to wash a big carpet like this go over it with a damp cloth maybe don't shout unity I'll look down no I'll have to do the old lot of game now you won't it's the only people are gonna touch that other boys in the forensic lab [Music] all right you can come down now I'm scared oh well maybe you've paid it all main kept me for being a [ __ ] see an accessory good idea do you know who is asam before appearing he's Jeff Smith you never saw them you see we'll come to that I never saw the girl this Jeff Smith that was the first time you saw him last Saturday Saturday the third day after I put the advert in in in the morning about 12:00 there was a knock on the door and there was this young chap watching the room for Tuesday night he was dark and it was so nice looking and he spoke nice a bazaar meant to know he was a killer my name's Jeff Smith he said proud of it it was because I never asked him for his name he said 8:00 till 11:00 and I said it'd be ten pounds you didn't argue so I showed him off the premises and he got back into his car and drove off sure what car was it I don't know black no blue I don't know about cars when is your next like he said the Tuesday night he just gave me my ten pounds and said he'd be gone by 11:00 and when I got back he had gone now I've left that place like a new pin I'm as good as a hotel it was doubted the Corps would love a man as a mitigating circumstance well they messed it up move the furniture even so cause I started pushing area sides Ruby I'm a detective no domestic science examiner well I have to tell you don't I have to tell you what I did tell me what you found blood for and there it was great big stain I know I should have come to you inspector Wexford but I panicked oh I was dead scared all those convictions you've pinned on me they're bound to get me for an accomplice of wherever it is I thought then there was him Jeff Smith he's all very well you saying you two looked after me you and me we know what that amounts to you wouldn't have put a bodyguard on my ass night and day scared stiff come to that Stiller what does Matthews come into all this it was awful I kept going to the window to seventh or dark fella was watching now he's killed one girl I thought the odds only won't think twice about finishing me off George and me we'd always been good friends who's George mr. Matthews Oh monkey I never cared for that nickname well a woman needs a man about at a time like that I did come out I found him in the piebald pony well she wanted someone to protect her can have another fake I mean I I hadn't got nowhere to go being as my wife went let me in the house My dear mr. burden I don't know I would have gone back with Ruby if I'd known what was waiting for me I mean I'm no gladdy bodyguard if you will pardon my french have you got a minute it was blood on the carpet all right hmm I mean I didn't believe it at first of course well you know what women huh how much blood they looked hmm nasty it was like as if someone had been playing silly buggers with it now really scared this Jeff Smith might come back shouldn't it come for you but that's no bloody use I said no after all this time but not being one to flat the law when it's a question of real downright crime I decided I better just drop you a hint that there was a body no kind of a so I wrote to you the paper you wrote the letter on would you get that oh that was Ruby Ruby always says nice things usually other people's there's no call for that perdon I was trying to be helpful men I knew you would only need a hint to get your hands on him Oh anyone first fought with our local police I always say no that mr. Wickes for the mr. burden they're real educated tip-top men they would be up in London at the yard if there was any justice in this world if there was any justice in this world they'll put you away for the longest stretch you've ever done time me I go riding my way to help you were two inquiries and where's it got me it's got you a nice comfortable room to keep down in for one thing maybe you were putting the squeeze on this chip Smith and you only went out of your way to help but he wouldn't play I don't know I never even saw him I thought that young bloke a use was in didn't know God knows I used to reckon I could spot copper a mile off but these days he dug themselves up so funny it's not fair Ruby and me were scared stiff and then suddenly there he comes poking his long nose over the wall I thought my number was up Cortelyou put a squeeze on him mr. burden I could I put a squeeze on him when I'd not set foot in Ruby's place till Wednesday I need another fact you want to leave your lungs to medical science yeah I've been a massive nerves ever since I saw doc blood when did you write the letter Oh first alone why he was out working so you were all by or something well I was not putting mr. Geoff Smith through the third degree if that's what you're getting at no I'll need that sort of thing you how did you know what to put in the letter if you try to trap me you'll have to be a bit more bloody sold in that come on be your age Oh Ruby told me of course she says his young dark got a black car and his name's Jeff Smith for a monkey but how did you know the girl's name was Han how did you know the girl's name was Ann Jeff Smith didn't tell you the girl's name how did you know how did Matthews know told you all I know I don't believe Ruby's lying and late in the day though it is I think she's scared stiff morning or in some forensic not here yet no no yes sir I believe they'll be here soon why would an Margo is bring a boyfriend to a place like this why wouldn't she just take him home with her Margolis said she enjoyed slumming pardon me sir I've been talking to the lady next door and mrs. Collins she thinks you saw something Tuesday night right go and talk to her should we do something about the Margulis girls and they're just white friends nothing yes we should mr. burden quite right does an Allen Kirkpatrick lives over comfort way sergeant get over there in the morning and find out what sort of a car he drives think of some story doc phone as you like very good sir want you to come with me outside look one of those cars I look at it that's one one that quiet secluded room to let for evenings what about it get it out of there tear it up it says I says I'm a police officer happy did you know what it meant you shoulda thought one look at that old tart would have told you she was no legitimate landlady I didn't know you were a policeman well you know no that song and dance of an old advert card is that all you came for just be more careful next time I'll be keeping an eye on you an eye on me shops got a bad enough reputation as it is fatherfather babies international business until in filth his dirty magazines summers likes them if you finish the sermon I've got dad's tea together so keep whatever his name is waiting raise left if you must know he used to lodge with us he's gone I don't know what business it is of yours maybe I wish I've been in Ray's shoes if I'm joking I'll be outside the cinema at 7:30 monkey doesn't want to go home it's a nice comfortable bed and countless free meals with Ruby but he'd rather spend his weekend in the Nick makes a change our customers appreciating the amenities just scared stiff of coming face-to-face with Ruby that's all or Jeff Smith well whatever it is I'm delighted I haven't the slightest idea what though the dollars promised me is taken if I when I get home good night g9 it--which come on kids everything from the lab you know and I'll take miles there won't be Charlie maybe a lowly trade but Ruby's at the top of it she must have killed herself washing that carpet the lads say that she used every cleanser in the books or the caustic soda oh they can sort out the chemical Oh from the spot away but they can't sort out the blood they can't even say which group it is well give them a chance they're still working on it they'll be working on it for days that they can buckets full of muck for the pipes and the drains I'll be very much surprised did they find anything it's my bet that couple never went anywhere except that room and they left a couple of a good finger things all curtly moved by the queen of the charts that girl could still be alive Reggie because they came out together I've had every hospital in every GP check Mike but it had no word in with stab wounds and it must have leanest having that amount of loss of blood from a knock on the head and the victim wouldn't be able to stand up might stagger to a car anyway if she's alive where is she enjoy the picture it's alright tonight all that action and stuff much like banging a boat you prefer a love story I suppose what's wrong with that wrong with it I think it's all fair the real thing myself there do you prefer the real thing that'd be tenant go for a walk down by the man I can't I mustn't be late home [Applause] it's always raining why did he take you he hired a car Wow haven't you got a car anyway [Music] [Music] aah-ha-aah tomorrow [Music] scared of your parents are you is you the way you look at me is you the frightens me that's what you want isn't it [Music] they wait not for me I gotta go in see you tomorrow tomorrow [Music] yes you did don't argue with me what do you want sergeant Martin King's my friend policeman I'm looking for mr. Kirkpatrick what about the car no way maybe he's not here okay yeah if he's crashed here I can't say I'm sorry good riddance on itself it's a total write-off when he brought a home here on Monday I said to him don't think you're gonna get me to go joyriding around in a thing like that I said if I want to make an exhibition of yourself in a pink and white car with purple stripes I'll go down Brighton and down the dodgems I'll say it just was another thing yeah that was bad enough right old-fashioned black thing it was not my car now what was he done what you want him for I just want to tell it to him madam if he's been caught speeding him lose his license and then he'll lose his job refer my clipped you're not gonna keep on a Salesman you can't drive a car are they any more than they're gonna give their people great flashy things and then to smash to smithereens isn't it takes their fancy I told him that before I went to Scotland I told him on Tuesday morning that's why I never come home for his dinner Tuesday night oh no he can't be told they get it in stubborn ears and now he's got into trouble thank you [Music] mr. Gradin telephone frightened yes you have to go it this morning light just for an hour coming dear down to the river when you get back don't you like John but you said glass get on with your breakfast got to beat James by nine come back sit down and eat your breakfast you've got time sit down there's tea in the pot how do you pronounce G oh you a C h-e-l-l-o intended to be funny oh good what garage what are you eating methyl just a case what exactly is it this goulash I don't know the mix up the paint we do you know this gun or something we did it in at once you mix the powder with the gum oh and honey only we left out honey and then you paint with it yes it was your day off so it days I thought you might be lonely well you want me send out for some one of those coffee males they could afford it you know monkey I don't want nothing except to be left in peace this place is more a good jail than a Nick I never got one way to sleep last night well that's your conscience there's still small voice urging you to tell me something like how you knew that girl's name was on give it a rest my nerves isn't a shock in state they did to her it must be the result of my psychological warfare [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] no one in I was just checking I tried the front door but I thought they might not have heard me I'd like a word with you mr. Kirkpatrick do I know you how do you know my name I recognized your car and what the hell is that supposed to mean who are you looking for that says is it a Snooper my wife put you under me an inquiry agent you might say that more commonly called a police officer all travel to ask you about hiring cars you do hot cars don't you is this an official inquiry this isn't official inquiry what car are they these hire cars of yours well they're all m3 black Ford escorts and we're any of them rented out on Tuesday the 6th what in the hell was that last week you do keep records I presume yes a supposed to be in the book yeah they were all in mind you know that week was a bit chaotic I remember I set my chief mechanic Saturday before cheeky owned it what about sales wouldn't have sold anyone a blue car about that time [Applause] okay that's all they know one day I'd like to hire a car for myself for tonight the fact of the matter is mr. Kirkpatrick miss my goal is a disappeared rubbish she's just gone away that's all now against the law is it then you wouldn't mind telling us about your movements on Tuesday the night you had a date a date I've got to know the woman solely because of my interest in art the only way to get into that house and look at Marco Lass's pictures is through her really yes really I've been trying to remember the name of that thing he's got in the Tate what that painting of his in the team what's it called I don't know what he calls well that's strange what do you think of his works in gouache I'll never been there I'm sure they're very nice I'm referring to the painting medium that Mark Curtis often uses in look I don't have to answer your questions you're quite right mr. Kirkpatrick I mean we can't even prove that miss Margolis is dead no we'll just make a note that you were probably the last person to see her alive how did you decline to answer our questions listen pater my wife is a very jealous woman seems to run in the family was it jealousy that made you threaten miss Margolis a couple of weeks ago I don't know what you were talking about what did mrs. Peniston tell you mr. Bergman mr. Kirkpatrick exact words you said I might kill you myself one of these fine days was last Tuesday one of these fine days funny way to talk to a woman you were only interested in because of her brothers paintings wasn't mr. Kirkpatrick this is all stupid that day as you call it well she never kept it I didn't go out with her Wow if you'll be frank with us there's meeting do any further certainly not your wife's ears we're not interested in her possible divorce proceedings there's nothing to be frank about I was going to Scotland last Tuesday for my firm yes I had arranged to meet miss Margolis before I went I don't deny that I admit that she was gonna show me some of mark irises more early work anyway he was going out so we knew it'd be all right I was going home first for a meal but I got held up and there wasn't time so I went straight round to the cottage and I miss Mark Hollis that is she forgotten about me coming she said she was going to a party that's all what time did you get in the cottage about 7:30 I remember because I called in at Grover's for an evening paper on the way and they were just closing while you still had time to do your artistic researches after audio mr. Eden meal I asked her if I could come in for a bit she said no I'll sit off take her for a meal before the party she said she wasn't hungry just change their mind I suppose how do you have this car since last Monday I assault my own and got that one off my firm so mr. marquales had never seen it I don't know what you're getting at I think you do mr. Kirkpatrick I think mr. Margolis didn't want to come out with you because he didn't wanna be seen in that car rubbish she's a woman of taste I wouldn't be at all surprised to hear she burst out laughing when she saw fit I don't see what's so damn funny I mean ever they hold that she thinks she is does it make me to a different man change my personality or something just cause of our car with a slogan on it I was good enough for her before my money was good enough what did you do borrow more innocuous car I told you we didn't go out together and if we happen to used hers oh you couldn't because the radiator was leaking I suggest you've got hold of a blue car and took miss Margolis to starten who said I was in startin cool Thorne was he like our thongs because he lives in stout and he was giving the party so you're a better jewelry starett in that night you say you didn't go with mr. Margolis but why else did you call you were on your way to Scotland you say for whatever route you took Stewart and his miles out of your way know what they have a difference does he make I mean I didn't want to end up in Scotland in the small hours I had the whole evening to kill I said I thought the most important thing was that Anne wasn't with me my god she wasn't even in startin she didn't even go to her party [Music] I know she wasn't at the party a brother knows mr. course hormones how the hell do you know PD we're not in Morocco could have put on your Yash Mac suppose you'll not realize I shall be a marked woman Hey look supposing I do pick him out and he escapes me the Joestar dumb-dumb these days you just have to take your chance on that come on baby well you can't trust people these days Kenya you never told me whether you're going to do anything about that other thing that keeping of what you call it us well that depends I'm putting myself out help you we shall have to see beyond this Ruby what's Massey has ever done for you except take your money and pretty well break up your marriage I don't want to get George into trouble this is natural habitat I was crazy about him once you see I never had any kids never had what you could call her husband not a real husband mr. branch was old enough to be my father George had been in prison I knew that but he seems so sort of happy to be with me 43 quid georgette off me and all the drink I've got into place and God knows how many good dinners but he wouldn't lie down this side that's not nice mr. Wexford not when you've got memories you can't help wanting he's not worthy of your loyalty Ruby [Music] cheer up Ruby mr. Burton don't think I've been giving you the third degree you never heard Jeff Smith call that girl how did you that was all made up to save monkey wasn't it it was good girl did you search that room at all after you found a blood stain was too scared but it mr. Wexford I've been thinking and thinking about it George was alone in there for hours and hours on the Thursday morning doing that letter while Starr was out of work I think he must have found something they left behind great minds think alike Ruby [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] first I thought it was the one on the end that's constable peach yes I remember that seen him here then I knew it must be the one in the black lever one must it be I know his face his face is familiar come on my face ought to be familiar but that doesn't mean to say I heard your knocking shop last Tuesday night there's no call for that you know what I want to know is is he Jeff Smith I don't know I don't know if I'd known if I saw him now anyway I'll be so scared I've imagined every dark chap I saw was it Oh God blimey Ruby sorry doing my best all I know is I saw that fella in the black lever somewhere last week could have been Tuesday I don't know a new me though you saw that well I hope you're satisfied I think I've been more than patient I mean that woman didn't know me you could see that I'm very tired not many men have just traveled 400 miles we'll be as accommodating as I have been what I want now is a good night's sleep and to be left in peace an apology from you is quite out the question I'm sure the case hasn't closed yet mr. Kirkpatrick yes well I don't want my family being frightened or bothered that woman not identifying me should finish the matter once and for all so if you've got any more questions you want to ask me you'd better speak now or forever hold our peace eh well we don't work quite like that mr. Cooper right hello my love yeah who's Josh what's she like Oh Jax this is my father how do you do how'd you do you know policemen aren't you for my sins oh I'm sure not you like it cold - oh is it cold I'm sorry do you know this part of the world nope what's it like being a country policeman oh I like it but you get pissed off with just poaching and all that well I don't do a lot of it no no joke right the country isn't quite like that John at least around here it isn't it's not exactly mafia country though is it well we tried to keep our end on daddy's investigating a murder oh you're at drama school too aren't you right waste of time oh really I'm sorry to hear that one thing about doing Congreve not a lot of contemporary relevance would you say oh it has Jan anything that's truthful must be relevant to Shayla Congreve 'he's a writer you don't like writers I just haven't anything to say to us anymore we've moved on from there images are what's important now like picture books books at all the age of the book is dead sorry we're closed oh it's just that Pat no he's looking at this morning closed early so I'm going to stab it the dory [Music] [Applause] Willem we'll go to pomfrit shall we the Chariton forest have you been there before with mum and dad on picnics not like this you can't do the quality of Mercy is not strained I've got stuck with this there's four of us doing portion for the end of term show the audience of being a coma before you even start not because of her acting I said before she even started it's just so hackneyed everyone else thinks I'm lucky they're envious except Jan of course Oh is she in it no she was cast as Nerissa but she refused to do it you're allowed to do that what were her reasons she wanted to play [ __ ] she said it was pure sexism that men always got to play the men's pass because the men's butts are always the best of us yes I'm sure she's it all if it was me I'd like to do the last scene if you had known the virtue of the ring or have her worthiness that gave the ring I don't have a choice any of those ancients that you don't you see none of them replied it's sorry to disturb you sir on account of the whole of Inspector burden I thought it might be urgent Ruby branches here she's got no back lock with it yeah okay I'll be right down [Music] not here [Music] what you measure [Music] no truth take you to the trees to the dock so what do you want it's a nice way to talk birdies after I'd taken the trouble to come all this way it's a real sacrifice for me but in miss Yvonne I guess George should go to him then be an old buddies so I took a bus ride into suing Bray after I'm finished here after I've been helping you if you don't want to know it's okay buddy well do you mind if we have the door shop shut the door no be show him what you've got mr. Clark I'm a respectable businessman mr. Wexford you know that uh boffin knobby doughnuts trade of the realms of other fantasy no the point is this mr. Wexford when we was talking earlier today you said something I'd been thinking about how did George know that the girl's name was a hand when he wrote the letter and I said suppose he found something that Jeff Smith and the girl had left in my front room he could have found it after I'd gone to work on the Thursday and showing mr. Clark what was meaning to say was mr. Wickes well I mean you and me haven't had no trouble for a long time now have we must be seven or eight years six six years since you had that mother over receiving watches six years since I've come out mr. wegg's food but not six years since a trouble what's easily a yes I don't see the point in all they suddenly not come here of my own free will all you do is try and make him look small I know why you've come here don't you think I don't you're not with your boyfriend you want to do him down that's upset over this creatures shopping sewing ring and ask him what monkey flocked to him last Thursday trouble for him I didn't know what George had found so how was he to know I left George alone in the house for a couple of hours on Thursday he must've found it down the side of one emerges found what lovely piece of workmanship for you mr. wicks furred 18 karat gold and of a master thirsty morning it was you take a butcher's at that monkey says to me where did you obtain this object I inquired but knowing his reputation cut nothing nobody he's trying to tell you my old arms he left it to me said auntie n he lively old bird she must have been I said she leave you a cigar case nip flask as well just even found mr. I never thought he was at it wasn't on the list I'll give him 20 for it don't be childish it gave him 10 10 or 20 is still my loss in it don't grow on trees you know get out won't be any trouble about this one mr. Wexler get out I wasn't to know standing god I never thought I'd chop George but you let me see no I would not don't push your luck Ruby I want to say I'm sorry I've loved him for twenty years don't suppose you can understand that sort of dirty joke isn't it to you and the others goodnight Ruby you ought to get yourself a lighter monkey well I can't see I get on with them mr. Wexford how do you know skull boy no good asking now your phone to have a suppose not a bit Ruby wouldn't do that to me not shop me she wouldn't Ruby I'm surprised at you monkey now it didn't reckon she would it's that lousy get no big clock in it's Elly's grandmother fat cats me he would sorry it's a bit of a comedown stealing by finding how long will I get but at least we know how you got the girl's name fur on relates my life [Music] [Applause] yeah you've got to be back in time it's really important yeah but you get started on it not happy when I come in here I'm not gonna do it for you I don't want you to do it it's best I'm not sure right yeah I've got again do my work now and you've gotta go and do yours all right help you with yours if you want it bhaijaan [Music] oh it turned up again like a bad penny now I saw bus rims adver took pity on him said I'd come back again till she turns up if she turns out yes is mr. Margolis in yes coming dear we're all at sixes and sevens in here Amanda bucket it's a good thing my boys can't see what I have to contend with if they so much as set eyes on this house they'd have me out of here before you could say knife one surprised me if there was bugs in them walls it's the police mr. M mr. Michaelis I've decided not to think about it I'm simply getting on with my work Anne will be back well I'm sure yes mrs. Peniston agrees wasn't it have you ever seen this before it's a cigarette lighter yes the point is is it your sisters I don't know I never seen it before people are always giving her scenes no look it's got her name on it no it's got a hand on it yeah let's have a look no no she never had nothing like that maybe we had our coffee break mid-morning always had a cigarette with it she did you need one of them cigarette lighters I said see you now she got through umpteen boxes of matches get some young fella to give you one arson cuz it was around Christmas and her birthday was in Jan so she may have had it for a birthday well if she did she never showed it to me death never even had one of them gasps lightest neither my boy could get you one cos price I said didn't being in the trade but no she wouldn't right well that seems to clear that up thank you for your help I'll see myself out oh well ma no you go then Monda bucket [Music] yes [Music] [Music] it says ill this is cold sit down I'm sorry to hear you're feeling unwell psychological aspect hardly surprising after yesterday I'm afraid you may have to go through the mill again something's come up I've told you everything I know we don't think so mr. Kirkpatrick for a start there's this ludicrous farce about your owner being interested in miss Margolis because about brothers paintings we know very well you were her lover you threatened the killer on your own admission you were in startin on Tuesday night alright alright it's all true should have told you it's not it's their kids they always give custody to the mother never mind what kind of mother she happens to be you ever seen this before icers its ads you're sure course I'm sure she flaunted it in my face did you give this letter to miss Margolis how could I have thought a thing like that how did you know it was her it's about a month ago I called round to see her but she was out Margolis he didn't seem to want to know me so I sat in my car and waited for her to come back oh not the car I've got now the one I had before the black one did she come back yes after about half an hour she'd just picked her car up from having it serviced she was fiddling about with it I got him beside her she was swearing because the garage had pushed the seat right back anyway I picked up the lighter I knew she hadn't heard it before when I saw the inscription well I knew her I knew what kind of turn she must have been on with her ever giving it to her for an lights my life Jesus I could have killed her what do you mean that I mean I couldn't kill anyone you know that I know very little about you mr. Kirkpatrick you seem to have a split personality one day you tell me you're merely interested in mr. Margolis is a key to her brother's paintings and the next that you're passionately jealous of her now which of these personalities is the dominant one I laughter I was jealous and you don't know a bond are from a bull's foot go on about the lighter my god I was mad never to go near that girl my wife ever finds out for a man in love you're not showing much grief mr. Kirkpatrick I didn't kill her I don't know anything about it let's go back to the lighter shall we she took it from me when she looked at him she looked at it in a peculiar way what do you mean peculiar as if there was something to laugh at some big joke sitting there in that fur coat sitting there holding that little bit of gold in her hand she read out the inscription on the side and she sort of laughed perhaps there was a joke oh there was a joke all right I was the joke Astor had given it to her he's got a pretty turn of phrase my generous friend don't you think she said you'd never think of anything like that Alan all you can do is add two and two and make them come to about sixteen what did she mean by that I don't know what she meant when you love someone you want to be sorry when they're dead Onew I loved her you talk about showing grief but my God if I could never or to myself just me what rather she was dead what were you doing in started on Tuesday night I don't have to tell you that I don't have to tell you anything as you said yesterday we can't keep you here that's right there's nothing more I can tell you anyway perhaps it'll come to you tell you what we'll drop in later when the children are in bed that's your wife that's what you were doing in stouter it's funny we be recognizing it like now why funny well recognizing him but not being able to say for sure if it was Jeff Smith while she probably had her life firmly fixed on his wallet I mean perhaps mine too this behavior wasn't too wonderful as far as ruby was concerned there was a nexus vicious landing it was just a simple commercial transaction there was no reason for her to take too much no Kisame enough to notice that he was short young of dark Kirkpatrick's thought that short he must be 5 foot 9 or 10 it's the alias that puzzles me but all the Smith's obvious white Jeff we're not John for heaven sake or William maybe Jeffrey's Kirkpatrick's middle name I was gonna ask Oh Little Miss Grover's being led off the lead for once okay Patrick was a custom Levesque was named he said boy does he need paper there yes he did he tried to on the Tuesday in question but they were closed so could easily seen rubies Karpin a she could wonder people to knife their - let's go see if he's cool down if I tell you why I was in statin you'll think I'm mad join me well she wouldn't go out with me on account of that damn car I don't know the hell she think she alright alright get on with it I didn't believe she was going to that party I went to startin to check up on her I got there at 8:00 and I waited for hours she never came I just sat there and waited and when she never came well I knew she'd lied to me I knew she'd found someone younger and richer you just waited I just waited when you found me at the cottage yesterday morning I'd gone there to make a scene I've gone there to ask oh the hell she thinks he is you say you waited where did you wait at the side of cool ones under a tree and making out of a racket in there shouting and playing music I was there for three hours more than that just sitting in the car mr. Kirkpatrick this story of yours may be true but you must realize it's pretty thin can you produce anybody that can verify it for you course I can't well I can't imagine a police hunting up witnesses to disprove their own case then you got a lot to learn we're not here to make cases we had to get her the truth didn't anybody see you some drunk came out the house wondering about spouting poetry but he didn't see me what about when the guests were arriving I told you I was at the side road by the launderette that girl that girl she saw me oh that girl from Grover's you saw her at seven o'clock when you try to buy your papers what you were doing at seven o'clock isn't relevant no no no no I saw her later in starten where well I was up the side road by the launderette and she was coming along in a car she stopped at the traffic lights I was standing by my car and don't ask me what time it was but she looked across at me looked at the car and giggled good for a laugh I suppose I should probably remember when gee are you doing here soon you're a miserly I can't come out shop to see to encumber I'm taking you police station you're trying to be funny or something I'm not being funny what what they want me for is it about the effort you know why because nothing's just routine just try you mustn't do that tell your parents [Music] your father any better says it's an agony I can't tell Connie with what he's got as if there's anything to show seems to me as a slave driver they're all slave drivers but your own dad and somehow they talk to me sure I'm smiling me like that I want to do to you what happened last night I just like to ask you a few routine questions miss Grover I believe you know mr. Kirkpatrick he's a customer of yours is he but if you don't recognize the name perhaps you know the car you probably saw it outside just now funny car would pink stripes and flowers on it oh I know him I want you to cast your mind back to Tuesday evening were you installed in that night yes why I was doing Tuesday's I take our washing to the laundry in my dad's car but my dad's ela mom goes to a whist Drive most nights all right writin I shan't need you for a moment no did mr. what's-his-name see me I saw him you're sure oh yes I know him we come to the shop earlier just as we were closing it wasn't just a car you identified the empty car well I didn't know the car it used to have a different one when I saw me that knew it was his it made me laugh you think such a lot of himself see what time was that late I just come from the laundrette was on my way home must have been quarter past nine just after I stopped at the traffic lights and he'd park the car down by the side of the garage Hawthorne's I know it was him you're sure about the time you're not wearing a watch I just come from the laundrette seeing the clock all right Miss Grover you can run along there thank you very much mr. Kirkpatrick ought to be very grateful to you that girl was gotta could be right we should never have let cook Patrick out what did we have to hold him on Mike oh I agreed probably went straight under the Grove was the moment we let him out girl wasn't a tease show me a grow but they wouldn't do anything for money like father like daughter kid not much of a life is it that dirty little shop every day I mean washing him out just because her mother's out playing whist look if he was outside court thorns at about half past 9:00 he's in the clear am I wasting our time with him but if that girl's lying and he did it he could have disposed of Anita's body anywhere between here and the Scottish border I wouldn't mind having another girl Kirkpatrick in his wife's presence no let him rest for a while there's a king-sized question is did he believe that girl I'm hoping she feels inclined to confide in Drayton treatment what he's attracted to the opposite sex wouldn't you say there's a brooding soul caleb gets him every time if you want my opinion he looks like some damn trendy you wouldn't even know he was supposed to be a policeman yes and he's gone too far how do you fancy gaining miss Grover's confidence well sergeant Martin and I are scarcely cut out to strut before a wanton ambling nymph though I don't suppose your wife a bit too keen not have a treatment not necessary unless I'm much mistaken we can leave that to mother nature tomorrow I'm worried rich she's 21 Dora she's a grownup doesn't you worry you that girl worried me so look I'm sorry like she's not feminine well there's the milkman would you don't dislike him I know that's the fashion but there's something about it it's none of our business Dora it is children it doesn't mean you stop worrying about you can worry about them if you want you can worry about them for the rest of your life you used to worry about Sylvia until she had Robin know you're worried about Robert I'm never worried about Sylvia the way I worry about sheep Sylvia was always more down-to-earth that's because she takes after me she does more like you sensitive it is no good you trying to butter me up now no I didn't think there would be I'm just not happy about Sheila sharing a flat with that girl I'm surprised you are you didn't like her here she is now you talk to a rich I don't are you all lurking in here I'm not lurking I'm cooking fart is lurking if I got time for a bath before dinner oh by the way we didn't forget about the flat for a bit jams getting her boyfriend to move in with her [Music] [Music] thanks Mike chief constables read unto me about this case according to him he's not to be allowed to develop into a murder inquiry evidence inconclusive and so forth we've got a couple of days to skirt around and that's a lot see the whole place turned upside down just to get Mikey Matthews a few more months for stealing by finding the stain on the carpet was you drove his imagination Anita Margolis is on holiday the couple have staggered down the paths were drunk I'm Kirk Patrick he's simply afraid of his wife now I quote the powers that be Martin's watching Kirkpatrick's house do I call him off what else is there for him to do we're pretty slack otherwise as for the questions I want answered Griswold isn't interested he says there's been no hunting up of fresh suspects without a positive lead look if we serve slack why can't you just let us get on with it taxpayers money wasted off at least that's my directive and I have to abide by it it's supposed to be any objection if I went to enquired a few jewelers but [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah no no I'm sorry we don't sell lighters anyway but I doubt if anyone round these parts and sell a thing like this that's what everyone tells me well it's a work of art isn't it eight or nine years ago it might have come from here huh before we took over from scatcherd's people said they were the best jewelers between London and Brighton old mr. scatcherd still lives in the town I suppose if you wanted to talk to him I don't know too long ago thank you thank you searches parsing this is for you token of my gratitude I don't want that I didn't do anything I really saw you know hurt but the point is over it's done with look what you just have a look at it listen I don't want it looks please just look at it will you go away sir give it to your wife I don't want it [Music] there you are mr. John a drink that's very kind love half is not so much trouble you're right they are for doing necklace a necklace that she refused said she'd really seen him in Stockton and do you want anything more to do with him so she didn't take it then no dice piece it was to a big show in mind holding up in red paper and gold cord was it now it sounds like joy Jules what if he was a regular customer and says I suppose he could have bought the lie to their years ago what it was to sketch it had it engraved recently for this girl come in sir come in I was just making myself a cup of tea perhaps you will do me the honor of joining me that's very kind of you son good it's lapsang souchong that's all right fine well uh what have you brought me to look at could it have come from around here what you want to get things like this in London hey yeah I know the design it's called leg wrapped on my veal The Grapes of my vine it's billed allure of course highly appropriate for a lovers gift oh and it was a lover's gift for an who lights my life a pretty greeting for related have you ever seen it before oh yes seven eight years ago III know the design but this particular one's fairly new surely no that's what I'm saying I remember selling it I see and the inscription could have been added recently yo knows before I retired before George arose deliver that's impossible a Garrett's Victor I really ought to know I engraved it myself who did you sell it to Kirkpatrick he hasn't sold anything for certain years and seven years ago Anita Margolis wasn't here probably didn't know such a place as Kings Markin existed let's be Kirkpatrick about all scotch it's got a wonderful memory for his age and he said he's never had a customer call Kirkpatrick just doesn't add up oh it adds up all right Mike some early jobs up we just hung up the right figures that's all yes well sketch it's going through his books now it'll take him an hour or two what do we got from the lab nothing at all Ruby's carpet is cleaner than the day left the shop and the McCauley's girls car has only her own fingerprints on it you know it's always possible but Anita my girl is just found the lighter you know picked it up in the street notice the inscription and kept it because it was appropriate you mean someone lost it Anita found it and then lost it again at Ruby's don't be daft man it's not an old umbrella it's a valuable article and it's the key to this whole thing each time I come to the end of the year she warned I have a faint recollection of Christmas and they seem to remember selling a particularly fine ring at about the same time hmm yes here it is the ring I mentioned not the same day I'm sure ah yeah we are gold cigarette lighter to order leg wrap do Marvine inscribed for an who lights my life oh not much help to you I'm afraid such a common name still there is an address what name Smith it was sold on December the 15th 1978 to a mr. Jeffrey Smith become this chip Smith isn't on the Electoral Register he can't very well be underage unless we're dealing with a little boy or a lighter for a little girl I'd like to get the lab to work on now of course it could be a foreigner to change his name didn't get naturalized or an American or a Canadian or an Australian or surely she would have noticed an accent when he was booked in the room Smith's known an eater for years and their friendship was renewed when she and my girls came to live here so he puts the room on Saturday night going to be business black car which he sells whether they be kept exchanging it could be one and he gives his name because he's got no idea is gonna have anything to hide Anita meet Smith somewhere parks her own car and goes with him to Ruby's in his the quarrel Umbra this room yep maybe they quarrel over Kirkpatrick good I think sense and he attacks them with a knife or razor manages to get her out of the house and into the car but she dies and he dumps her body somewhere or hides it in this place of his in Salford so Patrick only comes into it as a rival and all his worries are genuinely caused by fear of his wife all the facts but it goes all roads houses together well looking at this point then do you want let's go to song brain see new peloton romance Anabaptist tunnel before he gets carried away by young men I'm mostly involved with a Grover and nested the line of business trip - sorry baton what do you mean I asked you if you were mrs. Smith mrs. Jeffrey Smith you please go Kings American police oh I'm sorry I'm very sorry well you do get rather nervous these days I'm afraid I'd like to see mr. Smith when will he be back yes I'd like to see him too uh Geoffrey divorced me five years ago do you know where he is now mr. Smith not mrs. Smith mrs. Anstey Noreen Anstey I'm married again why do you want him oh just routine enquiries yes but it can't be anything very terrible Jeff is one of the most honest people I've ever met don't you think he looks honest who ever seen this before oh it's my lighter I thought it had gone for good Oh where did you find it this is wonderful um can't make you some tea no we won't have any tea mrs. Anstey sit down a minute we'd just like to get a few things clear this is your lighter yes but I thought you said your name was nori Messiah it's norine Anstey Oh what I was just to be called on first I was band great stop which is fine then I was band Smith which is dreary but not too terrible but honestly that is horrible like a stammer so I used my first name and your first husband gave you the lighter yes Christmas 1978 it must have been we were getting on fine in those days I lived his life how did you come to lose it well how does one come to lose anything was last November I had a handbag with a 40 clasp I always carried the lighter bow with me even though well I can't afford to smoke these days anyway one day the lighter was there and the next it wasn't was it insured oh I know I know it's valuable everything Jeff gave me was pretty valuable he isn't rich but he's very generous I was his wife nothing was too good for me I said most of the other stuff I've had to I'm a teacher it's in Katherine's but well I just don't seem to manage very well I don't know why I kept this it's just her personal space hmm it's nice to have been loved and remember it when it's gone as his divorced wife mrs. Astor you must know where mr. Smith is now oh we don't keep in touch but he never paid me alimony he he gave us a flat to live him is it some taxing you ought to see him about as he's an accountant oh no thanks well if anybody's been filling their tags it is nothing to deal with Jeff where can we find him now back where you came from Kings Markham but we interviewed every Jeff Smith on the Electoral Register mrs. Astor well maybe he isn't registered he isn't a very political animal as they say anyway that's where he is 22 Kingsbrook Road Old Kings Brook Road that is he lived there before we were married and well after the divorce he went back there do you mind if we take this to make a copy oh well we take the greatest care of it yes please do and we all need the lighter for a while dear have you ever heard him speak of a Miss Anita Margolis is she someone who's been feeding her tongues nobody has been fiddling their tongues you can still have a key to this fantastic news Dicky I don't know you may have if he has he doesn't use it I wish she would it's a terrible thing to mess up someone else's life it doesn't matter about me you know funny sort of waiters well kind of consolation I know you just got what you're thoroughly deserved Jeff does have to personally got a kick in the teeth I just like to new things have got better friend that's all oh I'm sorry well you do get rather careless when you spend a lot of time alone yes are you sure you wouldn't like a cup of tea no no thank you thank you very much for your help when you see him you might give him my best wishes still I don't suppose you carry messages nope he's forgotten the past anyway Ferran who messed up my life let's not sentimentalize him shall we he made a nasty mess with the other hand he gave it - no no what I'm saying is I can't see him coming back at nicking this dude because he found a girl who might appreciate it he's been enough to worry about him giving it 22 Margolis in 1978 probably didn't even meet her till a few months ago I'd go along with that wouldn't you a dragon yes sir but I say he killed her with one of those slick knives Clovis shot used to Sal take the started turn Willie we've got another call to make before we confront Jeff Smith confused now how many more of you are gonna come calling what's that supposed to mean fella called Martin he's only been gone 10 minutes he's one of your lot isn't them first it comes this great big car pink and white with writing on it and this fella gets out what fella wanting the black leather on your parade well since I saw his car I remembered where it seen him before where give us a chance twice I saw him on that Tuesday night outside the coffins Gerard she was when I went by about 10 past 8:00 then I saw him again at 11:00 sitting in his car staring at everyone what he was going off he said I've told all that talk about Martin just now you wouldn't be saying all this because mr. Kirkpatrick asked you too would you Wow you wouldn't be led into temptation by a nifty rope and rhinestones would you I never even spoke to him he was just getting out of that Daffy car of his when your man drives up Becky nips and off down on the street that Martin of yours was a nasty bit of work huh very nasty to me was some would call it threatening some would call it saving the weaker vessel from her baser instincts your longitude he tonight right pick a pansy this Grover usually comes over here to do laundry Tuesday dungeon yes Kirkpatrick's in the clear both Ruby and the little Grover girls so I'm outside calls all sure enough PDM going around trying to bribe them gilding the lily fool can't leave well alone it's the inside of a divorce court east frightened of Dajjal straight to the old king spoke road sir straight to the out King's rook Road [Music] this is 22 it is never the street yeah there was a row of shops everyone outside wasn't it yeah if Maudie and houses all along this hey who you want I can see that we're gonna do for you number 22 yeah you found it we're looking for an accountant used to live here never Smith no I don't know nothing about out mate what l moved away six months ago you want to try to cast down the road do your coffee neither Ripley's a Scorpio no I'm looking for someone who used to live across the road number 22 named Jeff Smith the one who was an accountant yeah that's right he won't find in love will Erin no they certainly won't why not cuz he's dead love opened up these 18 months [Music] I don't believe it I just have believe [Music] I'm not much of a one for predictions mark but it wouldn't surprise me if you didn't have a fine career I had a view in the Force intelligence well-educated work hard and you having those four please possess which makes it all the more surprising that you don't have an instinct for unworthy associations if I can put it like that they're talking about this crevice I am that's none of my business who you mix with in your off-duty hours but it is my concern miss Grover maybe a respectable young girl and it may be a pity to put it in the same category as her father but as far as a young officer and I understand look [Music] she was right he died a year ago last February no The Undertaker's remember Murtagh they remember the funeral no one there but an old man who is his neighbor and the girl used to do his typing our shop our suspect is in a grave in Stalin's Cemetery I shan't be needing that hard car tonight but it's highly inconvenient what I could have rented it someone else who oh no I'm specific as it happens quite how about later we shall be needing it again don't maybe jumper [Music] try to avoid me or something didn't know you're in start just looking after the shop here's a bus just to home with this video oh you're back your mom was just after wish drive she wants them things iron tonight what to be in bed dad yeah it's lucky I'm not just seeing the mess these books are in this is the end of me take things easy back to the grindstone for me I've got a car out tomorrow don't suppose that's been clean since I was laid up doctor laughs something to say about that why don't you go back to bed I'm here now what's up later lovely oh joy tonight taking it in the afternoon lighted last week take God's No [Music] [Music] tomorrow promise me you have tomorrow lock my dad gets mobile and comedies mark look after me mark [Music] [Music] now here's the when the door opens the lid of the bin opens - I'm still hungry starving take one in for Pat what he was doing about to David's tonight he was and he David's father came down unexpectedly from Bradford he lives there it's father who's gone friend Wendell's not David's father Doreen was married before what a most confusing if you ask me she fell out with a frying pan into the fire know what I can't believe her first husband was worse than this one oh he's all right I think you go wrong with your head stuck in a pile of sand he drinks no drink oh I mean he drinks you saw in the parents day I thought he was just nervous honestly Mike he steals money from from a handbag I mean she hides it under the mattress but he still finds it I mean she's desperate I'm not a great friend of hers or anything but she told me all about it Mike bit noisy and here I'm afraid but half as nice as this at home she was having a gig I don't think that's what they call it but I think I was justified according to what wouldn't wait good morning bloody cars out there like cars green cars blue cars he's out there somewhere just driving around I think I know who he is well I didn't suppose he'd drag me down here for the booze I think it's mrs. Anstey's husband Smith good god Mike we've been through all that before he's dead Smith is but dense tea isn't dinner ready no reason to suppose sir I think it could be unstable Jorma to tell you why it better be good nothing about the man she had to mention it yes didn't you think that was tops it was see who does she give the impression of being more fun the man who divorced her five years ago but the man she's married to no sheep regrets that divorce sir and she doesn't mind saying sell to a couple of strangers who doesn't even want to know it's nice to have been loved and remember it when it's gone now those the words of a happily married and then I was all mad about being alone a lot she's a teacher the married woman but the job wouldn't be alone a lot she'd have to be alone at all so you think that she and I share separate I do know we don't believe she lost the lighter if she didn't lose it but just left it lying around somewhere or in a handbag who's the most likely person to have it in his possession the errand Smith probably divorced her on the countenance team that means adultery not a man will committed once we're committed again there speaks the stern moralist but your point is but Anstey took up with Anita modulus and gave her the later exactly we've got the reason to presume that I'm still left his wife why does she say she's only got her salary to live on and it's perfectly true what she says about selling her jewelry remember I saw her an ugly Clark shot to detection sounds to Nathan round here somewhere just getting on with whatever job he does all right if you're so clever will you tell me why a man called Anstey gives the name of his wife's former husband we're going out on the tyres with another girl and not just Smith mine Jeff Smith why did you kill her what was his motive when we suspected Kirkpatrick we assumed that the motive was jealousy was carrying until they were back in the car I don't know mrs. Moore dear and let's come to Mohammed at last shall I bring her up just a minute Drayton close the door enjoy yourself last night yes I don't suppose you know many young people around here just yet pity God knows why young don''t knows enough always having get-togethers arrived at our place decent bunch if you don't mind a noise and I dare say you don't it was joining them are these five nights just on your own I said like that very much sir thought I'll get treated to give you a ring all right I've seen mrs. Arnstein home [Music] oh what a day well let me take your coat I had to come I had an impulse well do sit down mrs. Arnstein after you'd gone I I got to thinking what on earth you could have meant about some girl you mentioned and what I just thought I had to see you Jeff and a girl I didn't like that dog in the manger on to me but the point is I have to see him I've waited long enough and I'm going there now but I just thought I ought to see you first has he got a girl I wasn't able to see you mrs. Epstein what's wrong so later is dead I'm sorry very sorry it was a car to me but over a year ago I'm sure there is no not dead [Music] where did she have our car serviced garage I think it'll be cool thorns wouldn't it where do you have your own car seemed to om took care of all that side of things that was something there there was some trouble she was going to go somewhere else she took them to that ray mr. M you know she did why don't you pull yourself together he's gone to pieces sings his sister left can't do nothing with him ray who don't ask me do ya I told you what she was like with her Christian names all I know is she come in here a couple of months back and she said I've had about as much as I can stand of Russell's prices I've a good mind to get ray to do the cars for me who's Ronnie I said but she just laughed never you mind mrs. P darling she said let's just say he's a nice young man that thinks the world of me and if I told her who he is he might lose his job did he come here to service the cars no well he wouldn't have had the facilities here would he know she took them to him he lived local you see good Bella now I could never ask him to forgive me now I'm sorry I'm not I won't cry anymore I'll go to my grave knowing you never knew I was sorry he forgave you gave you the flat didn t he died no he's dead I'm gone and I owe you don't know what I did to him to you we might yes a couple of happy couple everybody said so it was true he used to buy me presents I'm birthday presents used to call up you just couldn't have that many birthdays you'd just get out too quick Jeff work from home he had an office downstairs there's a garage at the back I could see from my window Rayanne's t worked at that garage I used to watch him you know the way they lie there on their backs with our heads thrown back you don't want to hear all this out I better go we'll get somebody to take you back there not quite yet only two questions but he's dead beyond your reach why did you want I think it's your second husband we want mrs. Arnstein ray where is he mrs. Anstey I haven't seen it for months she left me at the end of last year you say you worked in a garage was he a mechanic what's he done what do you want the girl is missing probably dead oh my god no he always had a knife I remember that that first time the first time he came up from the garage Jeff was working downstairs and I used to taking coffee and then I started taking too rare as well one day came up instead oh I knew what I was doing God he was beautiful handsome beautiful perfect like people ought to be like I never was not at all red mouth black hair old is he oh ten years younger than me he came up that day oh we were quite alone he had this knife a little flick knife he just took it out of his pocket and put it on the table we didn't talk much what was her for us to say we we didn't have anything in common he does out there smiling taking little sort of sly innuendoes god I was sick with wanting him I'd have the lighter a few months I remember I lit a cigarette for rainy he said no light it in your mouth he looked at the lighter he said he gave you this does he give you toys because he can't give you anything else oh he wasn't true but it must have been the way and not the way I looked I've got a toy - he said he picked up a knife and he held it against my throat he made the blade come out I kept very still me my god I was teacher of french-- in a girl's school I've never been anywhere I've never done anything you'd have thought I'd have screamed oh no I don't let him kill me afterwards well after it gone there was blood on my neck from a little scratch and I knew that he'd been looking at that all the time he was making love to me and Smith divorced you oh he found out it it wasn't difficult I'd never been much good at hiding my feelings Oh Jeff would have forgive me he wanted us to start again he couldn't believe that I wanted to marry man ten years younger than myself a garage hunt but I was mad is he I was mad to have him I knew he was a sadist and a [ __ ] but really when did you first start being unhappy with how Steven unhappy I was never happy with ray I can't think of a single moment that I could say I was happy he loves Jeff do you know what he used to do he used to pretend he was Jeff he'd he'd pick up the phone and he'd say Jeff Smith speaking um once once he took some clothes to the cleaners filthy overalls and when I went to pick them up they couldn't find the ticket it was made up to Smith you see anything a bit dirty or disreputable he was involved in he'd always give Jeff's name a girl came around once she couldn't be more than 17 and she asked if this is where Jeff Smith lived oh he lose the knife on how to she showed me the scar but she still wanted him back I used to tell him he'd go too far he'd kill one of them or they'd go to the police he has gone too far he had to see their blood you see I used to think that one day the big girl who wasn't mesmerised by Hindman but just plain frightened and that she'd turned the knife on him she wasn't beacons strong you see not powerful physically his power was the other kind oh I I used to take the knives away but he always got me once and then he left me about that time that you lost the lighter yes I've been thinking about that ray must have taken it he used to take things from Jeff and me when we were still married well jewelry things like that I mean I knew he had but I couldn't prove it I think Jeff yes do there were so many things we both knew and never put into words oh god I'm so bitterly sorry you don't understand I just want to find out where he's buried God on his grave crying to the earth [Music] I'm sorry I wrote a friend to keep you company mother sister neighbor oh my mother's dead rain I didn't have many friends the policeman will take you back she'll try and find somebody to keep you company and when you find him we'll keep in touch with his honesty he must have known that mr. Smith was dead what do you use his name knowing he was dead he might have done it would be joke to him dishonouring Jeff's memory oh if Jeff had been alive if only been alive ray wouldn't be able to hurt him or me anymore if Jeff had seen him seen him once and heard he left me he'd have come back to me I often used to think you'll find out he'll know sooner or later he used to be able to read each other's minds he's lonely too I thought hmm it's all a fraud that about reading minds he was dead and I waited for him why not be really impeach for why didn't long form or feel passionate or anything I thought one day this week next week sometime well it was never wasn't it I have this in a little while mrs. honesty the designs called liquor up the marina it comes from a poem by baudelaire Jeff knew I loved it it's his son Nick up to my V Mia bran steers with me about six months he's a good lad knew his job watch over one for the women good-looking young lad you wouldn't say that well I can say is you don't listen to a word I say way he looked at me sometimes of course I'm used to it and I could see what young ray was after of course nothing was actually said more than this job was worth to go chasing the boss's wife when did you leave last Saturday we I had to let him go why well I'm the habit of letting any of my stuff for a car when indeed provided they give me fair warning asked you took advantage of this night after night you take out one of the cars has all sent him whether I knew or whether I didn't we're on that Saturday morning we were a bit short-staffed and I noticed and he wasn't about next thing was he came sweeping in and one of the escorts without a word of apology said you'd been to see some friends on business escorts yes we keep three black Ford escorts for having out anyway I'll set him business I said my business is your business Jeff you remember that oh he said in the most unpleasant way I wonder how much effing business you'd have left if I didn't have scruples well I told him to get out get his cards and get out oh I wish I'd been kinder to him what did he mean by his scruples he was a good mechanic too good ingratiated himself with the customers I'm complimenting them on their driving social oh yes until he started making different private arrangements with them to do their servicing for them himself for example it's Martellus fella he probably been close friends for every year he didn't think twice about going to an steel slide were they friendly and he's young ray show me a man under 50 she wasn't friendly reason you say he left on Saturday where would he go do you know where he was living kings Malcolm I suppose one of my lads might know you think he killed her didn't you let's go and find that address shall we poor hunted creature what age six a Street Kings Markham yes who's 186 and when you blocked one five eight one seventy four was the chemist [Music] [Music] right on our doorstep are we blind it's common knowledge to say it lodges it sir I daresay revolts in a young duck that are going in and out but with no course to connect him with this case how far to go to see rubies out did he haven't see your theory about the cars now answer didn't even know the car it alone swap a black one for a blue one Anita Marconi's got three thousand pounds the day before she went to Ruby's maybe she bought him a car she's not an old woman with a cat man young girls don't buy cars with their boyfriends I just haven't finished closing up Rover's pretty well bettering that the moment isn't indictment is up in about again now see bud right let's go [Music] to Wexford here chief inspector works without the moment miss can I help you I shouldn't think so my brother said he wanted to see me what her name is there was Margolis an eater of Margolis Oh mr. Wexford well come in we want to talk to mr. Rey honesty oh he's not here mr. Burdon sir he left last week what day last Tuesday he was here just a month mr. waxford then mr. Cothran gave him the Porsche I was on Saturday honey left the following Tuesday where's this room oh it's all being done up Len cleaned it up he never left nothing behind so there's no use looking we'll look in a minute tell us some more about mr. ends team was nothing to tell mr. burden he didn't leave no forwarding address and he paid his next month's rent in advance tell me about Tuesday evening tell you what Lynn was hitting out all afternoon we wanted some bread and it was early clothes in here not for us mind we don't close so she had to pop in to startin the wife without dwellest drive around 7:30 and Jen was off somewhere the laundrette he was sir and that was it mr. Anstey why never saw ray all day I was in bed you see here the thought he'd have looked in on me to say goodbye and thank me for all I've done for him but no so I never saw him the doctor came in before the wife went out and tell me I was to stop in bed anyone else call during evening I mean well I leave that girl oh girl well I was in Betsy and there was this banging on the shop door he s all very well the doctors telling you not to get out of bed in any account but what he's supposed to do when someone comes banging fit to break the door ain't cool one of his customers it was Sir I'd seen it about before they tall good-looking piece bit older than my girl what'd she look like or even come here for social chitchat brother alright she was kind of white skin and black hair with two curly bits coming over her cheeks got up and black trousers and spotty fur [ __ ] alright alright we've got the picture what do you mean banging like that I said I can't you see we're closed where's rain Jesus if he's in his room I got banned root him out he'll don't know so I'm just saying all I said anyway he's not there so I asked her what she wanted him for I don't know whether she didn't like me asking or whether she was thinking about some excuse I'm going to a party she says and I'm bloody late as it is and now my car radiators sprung a leak I couldn't see no car go up to his room I thought and him going steady with my Linda well in that case you let's take it to a garage I said so I come out onto the pavement to have a look I still in my dressing gown I was and there was this white sports job stuck in my side way I don't drive it she said I'm scared you'd blow up on me did she go away my rang she did I didn't wait to see I locked up and went back to bed and you heard nothing mom next thing I remember was the wife getting into bed say darlin it come in half and AB for where does he do this servicing of his oh in my spare garage I've got the two you see we want to see both carriages jeez wife's got the more or maybe late now I said I haven't heard the car out for the best part of two weeks sir my back being so bad they're upstairs anyhow okay is Drayton [Music] not the case of the catch mrs. grandma in the kitchen nestled on the table you're a young fuller on you she said you a nerve on the car tonight [Music] [Music] doing nothing so soon I'm not ready yet wait in the shop I won't be long you'll get me out this one [Music] [Music] we took your time about it I to the force before we open the door there's one little detail I'd like cleared up inspector Braden was going to ask you what time mr. Margolis the driver of the car called on you he was going to ask you but something else came up yes between huh bus seven and eight wasn't it near how about seven of seven you're joking I told you the wife and Lin come in just after ah seven my foot it was all of 10 could have been ten little Margulis was dead at 10 you're wrong he mistook the time oh I never I know Holly I'm adores is this the one that I was to use my car's in the other one well we look at it all the same [Applause] [Music] [Music] understood [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes oh yes send her or what I'll see you constable Drayton Reggie leaves Rupert said you thought I was dead so I thought I'd better come in and clarify miss Margolis I presume and you're inspector Wexford no Chief Inspector correct won't you sit down mr. Hollis you might miss frightfully if I don't I don't feel very City down today perhaps it's being a ghost that does it perhaps well I think I know most of the stories really nice office isn't it no chief inspectors good offices like this all did you do it yourself no it's standard issue well as I was saying suppose I tell you what I think happened and then you can correct the moral crashing hammers fine you went to Italy or Spain perhaps Ibiza Positano I flew back yesterday Dickie Fairfax got through 1,500 quid of mine in a week well you may not think it to look at me but I'm very bourgeois at hurt labs all very well that it's abstract if you know what I mean money is concrete and when it's gone it's gone so I abandoned him and came home I'm afraid he may have to throw himself on the mercy of the console the perhaps tikkis name doesn't mean anything to you a wild conjecture makes me suppose that he's the young man who went to Karloff's and when he found you weren't there he sounded forth to find you chanting passages from Omar Khan Romeo you see I had every intention of going to the party but that bloody stupid car of mine broke down I hadn't a clue there was anything wrong with it until after half-past nine when I left for the party then I thought of ray I knew he'd fix it for me but you were going to do all the talking well I can only guess Anstey was out you drove your car to the party but he broke down before you got there the car conked out after about a hundred yards I went into a cottage and got some water and filled up the radiator and I managed to limp man back to the cottage roof what was in bed and he hates being disturbed so I left him a note telling him where I was going where did you leave the note I left it on a big piece of cartridge paper in front of some newspapers on the kitchen table I suppose it got lost it's right away the lights fused and he threw it away in the dark with some newspapers when he was looking for a match he had some idea that we should go and clean it all up for you we thought it was infra dig perhaps we should have been more humble but it would have saved a lot of trouble don't you ever send postcards miss Margolis oh do call me Anne everybody does as to postcards well I might have I was enjoying myself but with Dicky getting through simply millions of lira I never got around to it I'm thinking of dragging him off to Abbey for tomorrow he's very disturbed in any way I can't with my lovely new clothes here oh right it's all right I never liked it are you sure quite sure did you ever own this no it was raised and he left it in your car once after he'd serviced it that's right I gave it back to him the next day meanwhile you allowed Allan Kirkpatrick to think that it was yours Allan was always such a ball oh he's so jealous a natural sucker for a tease have you seen his car he asked me out in it what do you think I am I said an exhibit for the Lord Mayor's Show I do tease people I'm afraid you have teased us all miss Margolis I'm sorry you're very sweet you know that's enough of that goodbye miss my goal is goodbye reg gran you wanted to see me Sam yes so you're resigning I think it's the wisest thing to do look Drayton nobody supposes you made that girl any promises I know you better than that the whole thing well it smells and that's a fact the stench of corruption sir we have to leave young approach good god mark couldn't you top up when I told you to couldn't you put two and two together honey bye she gave Kirkpatrick and we thought he'd died at her she was just happy buying herself it was eight o'clock and she saw him not 9:30 she was on her way to Ruby's husband Anstey all he could Patrick didn't notice Grover told us that she got out on Tuesday afternoon to go shopping he said well that was when she took the washing in the afternoon not in the evening the evening she was leaving clear for her little visit to Ruby's hopeless Anstey began to guess and you said not a word and all the time and his body was lying in a gasps didn't natural curiosity make you want to know what her ex-boyfriend was like they'd had a lodger for four weeks a small dark lodger who went missing on the night of the murder shouldn't you have told us I didn't know you have to wonder no mark it's the first rule of the game you don't have to appear in court I go away if I were you go right away you'll forget it believe me you will what did she do and stay held a knife to the throat he relied on the girls fear and his own attraction to make her a quiescent up she was too frightened she got the knife away from him and stabbed him in alone was he dead when she got home I don't know I don't think she does all she knew was that one day her father would want the car announced he would be found before that happened she was hoping for a miracle you were gonna be that miracle you were gonna get rid of the body for her Paulie we got there too soon she had the car keys out ready for me only we got there first half an hour before I'd never done it you know not when the final crunch came I know you would never have done it what you're gonna do now occupy goodbye Martin good luck you broke your ornament [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Paul Goddard
Views: 378,251
Rating: 4.7211924 out of 5
Keywords: Inspector Wexford, Wexford, Ruth Rendell Mysteries, Ruth Rendell, Murder, Murder Mystery, Who Done It, Detective, ITV, TV Series, Drama, George Baker, Christopher Ravenscroft, Kim Thomson, Louie Ramsay, Ken Kitson, VHS, Video Tape, Video Cassette, Crime Drama
Id: xA__AuAqif4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 187min 25sec (11245 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 06 2018
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