Inspector Wexford - No Crying He Makes

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[Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] enjoy yes you specifically said ride Dora it's on my list dry sweet what's the difference Conan joyful is a joyful is a truck well bunks I'm brandy into it nobody will know they do alright alright I'll pick some up some cream yes what well later Alan soon I'm afraid Dora yeah Christmas playing out good cheer christmas comes but once a year we spend the rest of the time paying off the credit cards not me sir credit card sir I never use them whoa what about those impulsive little luxuries of suddenly got your fancy sir you don't mean to say that you don't succumb like the rest of us never sir if I want something I save for it yes great sergeant will appease says can you come through sir there's a girl takin her baby I want it taken away shall we go first [Music] I suppose you think I'm some kind of Naruto any reason why I should you have children just important yeah two girls don't your age that's not my baby I didn't know myself first until it started crying then I know where were you I know I Street shopping there was this cube where that big news agent I was at Woolworth's I only left him in there less than a minute don't any people around I thought that you thought of the old ways yes yes when was this a few minutes ago 20 minutes ago I came straight here like any other children what's your baby's name Karen Karen April Bond age three months in two days read same as the baby you brought in though a child benefit book with her name Karen April burrow see a pepper for my mother-in-law looking forward to you coming again and closed also the picture of Karen dad took a bath time the baby out there is a boy I spoke to the manager and left for her laughing right [Music] good shot Tugg lava workplace get on the welfare tell him to find a nursery check all the hospitals local and regional plus all the baby clinics and the registrar births oh it's a little me pull everybody in on this one including all those on these on that includes you so dramatic son it's not unheard of a mother rejecting her child yes well he was halfway to thinking that myself [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] my mother mrs. Carter mrs. Carter my sister Raines Susan Karen's auntie Mr Bond I don't understand how could anyone do such a thing I didn't see you this morning I usually get her up feet aren't that he's a hard time you only turned me out together this morning I was running late you all you all live here no I live on Chambers Avenue we're on a list I was in list why why take a baby and replace it with another it's no good looking for a logic whoever did that is obviously a weirdo it's gonna be a woman perhaps someone who wants to get rid of her child it needs to have a child I think we've got that far your baby was wearing pink perhaps you wanted a little girl well perhaps her child was difficult always screaming and she thought she'd swap it for one that wouldn't scream either way and not like I say her own child was well cared for she probably did the same for Kyra assuming she's not married to some maniac child beater you just have to do it don't you cuz I never showed any interest in the child you know in the street a neighbor housing above average interest people come up to sometimes ask how old she is small top anyone with a baby themselves I don't know and you're certain you've never seen this other trail before there was someone last Saturday in the supermarket at the cash Oh a woman with a girl she had a pram we was doing the weekend shop she was behind us in the queue yes she said something about his always cried and I said we got off light and we never got a peeper okay can you describe this woman I've barely looked at her twice brown hair ordinary you know about the pram or the baby you think it was her why it's a possibility or as you say might just be small talk have you seen the woman again near the house or in the park while you were out with the baby I mean always guess on about babies whenever and wherever it's the big event of their lives isn't it do you have a child mr. Angel she's divorced if that's relevant the sisters got a chip oh you noticed Charlie swimming get that right a name you think it's a female barakatuh v' the desire to procreate well you said it yourself it's gonna be a woman she may be worth a visit on her own nice well where did she get the baby for this walk maybe that's part of him she snatched him first and then did the swap throw us off well she hasn't fellas are beshi and all that venom we hardly made her inconspicuous besides nobody else has reported a missing baby oh it doesn't have to be local oh no logic in it Mike instinct isn't always your prerogative you know about the other thing either but the baby being well cared for I mean your typical baby snatcher loves babies yearns for one that's why she takes it but if you're serious right this one's already got a baby and she dislikes him enough to hand him over to a stranger she doesn't care for her own baby she's not gonna care from a substitute is she [Music] I've got you people in to advise me on security specifically for with that purpose well I'm afraid of professional can get around the most sophisticated systems now he tells me still control they immobilize the outside alarm and then cut off the electricity when they got in which did for the inside one have you got an electric clock anywhere as long as we can set the time the robbery oh yes be last night's I'm done in London overnight just must do it my old firm what was in the wrappings bother wives Department what was in the wrapping paper 242 a.m. the clock oh thank you our grandchildren's presents they're coming to stay for Christmas it's the very first time since my daughter was married that is so I wanted to make it very special were the presence one of those compact things a compact disc player that was for gyres then there was a computer I believe it plays games that was for mark then an electronic keyboard for Zoe she's very musical you see all interest-free credit no it's too late to replace them they come down tomorrow well then what kind of the presents are there they're coming to see us but children expect presents at Christmas don't they so they remember your four isn't it oh I'm sure they remember you for other things as well not if they barely know you you deliver up this not a present it's Robyn's your grandson still we are near ride this afternoon just after you spoke lovely Oh dry busyness Christmas soon come true baby came here it's time you laid eyes on him the baby I look forward to it nothing wrong Shayla she's had to cancel they're doing a special matinee over Christmas it's for charity apparently I thought charity began at home sorry I'm tired Christmas probably for the best anyway now that Sylvia's come if you were chance to make up for lost time not that there's any making up to do did you eat yeah yeah I grabbed something you I'll go up there got a bit over the top of them wait what is Christmas this one from me to John skill actrix well it's what we agreed from both of us there's another one there from you it's just a token yours is the biggie to make up for all the absences oh come on Jean well the children know just the meaning of you don't find the Bob isn't gonna change that when mom she said we should pray condone yah you pray you think it'll do any good [Music] [Music] [Music] all very amicable gentlemen we intend to achieve that rare phenomenon a divorce for that tears and since it's Christmas we thought we should be together for Robert the baby and you got back about Simon oh we have been through all this already different Department darling the others were uniform I didn't think they were nightshirts what was under the tree Oh things for the baby mostly ah computerised play center thing I said off the Statesville musical box which plays everything from Madonna to Mozart clothes construction can I picked up in Denmark gone also miscellaneous a sort of soft toys my wife never does things by halves on the contrary I'm getting rather good at it what's there anything else an electric train set I've dropped it off last week it was under the tree I take it you saw them as they went sort of son well one of them the light wasn't on I want you to pop down to the station have a look at a few pictures I haven't sake I'll stay with the baby I'll phone him Sal be late this is the first well she can bring the baby it's no problem drink gentlemen had quite enough of the Christmas spirit your average probate several houses in one night men but players off this block it's only one and then sticks around to do a repeat performance the night after Barry no hurry or perhaps the opposite we've been in such a hurry that they can only do one job a night so we're back to square four what nothing well well there wasn't anything better let's follow your instinct suddenly I pull off as long as I can decorating DIY all that stuff is that what you came to discuss you're a small chocolate part of the softening up routine I assume it was my sister who sent you oh I know all about their insinuations not that they actually say anything not out loud you know I wasn't even allowed to hold it I wanted I said they come here and live I have the space I wouldn't interfere I couldn't even look at me they were afraid afraid of what south facing isn't it the baby's nursery circuits the Morning Sun no one goes in there get him out of here I want him out of my home oh right No someone once said kids bring out feelings you never knew you had feelings her baby died two years ago boy there's a cot death she thinks everybody blames her I suppose cause she blames herself her husband took the easy way at the front door I seemed she was preparing everything No easy enough mistake to make yeah that's what I told her [Music] she's either thick a fella she's been uttered an hour already how about the register grant over 200 baby boys born locally in the last four months hello anything no well thank you to him like you say it was dark it could have been any one of them yeah stopped on this page if I map is next if you make a positive identification Oh we'll check the evidence it's right we bring charges do I appear in court is that a problem the night when I got the job they wanted references I made him up people don't trust you with their kids not unless you're trained oh you've got references I needed the word while you've proved yourself there I don't think anything about it I lied everybody will know it another lie and you'll be in deeper this way have you a chance to put it right it was too dark sorry no good enough Mandy it was dark I was I didn't see nothing terney chespin it's me up north unless you decided to come home for Christmas play straight here it's your original smash-and-grab merchant electronic securities hardly his usual mo unless he found a helpmate on the way the damage says there was more than one of them I see remember he's got a brother try to lift her out of the pram for God's sake I alright let's just take it nice and slow name what the hell's my name got to do with it it says you want we know her name I kept thinking somewhere out there is my baby [Music] [Music] we're doing everything we can respond you must believe that I used to feel guilty because it seemed like my sister had all the bad luck but it was there waiting for me all the time [Music] did he wait you told him well why not hey mom says he looks like you sadly mean alright of course used to be my home remember here Sheila's getting her name in lights variability in the pantomime and exactly megastar stuff to start oh no question if he looks like anyone think he looks like you think why did you say that always putting yourself down didn't know I did all the time so what's it like being a grandfather then you think I thought you'd get a buzz out of it and grandparents can keep their distance can't they no one thinks twice about it pediatricians report you asked for this morning building a moat I hate to wait no signs of bruising or abuse Sonny's had all the shots perfectly normal well care to attack somebody wanted to get rid of it or simply prefer the other baby that was your tree we've nicknamed him ginger he's got a cry this one you wouldn't believe you've caught it was a good moment always in the evening two or three hours flat out for decibels [Music] bound doesn't work you have to knock one out about an hour ago near each other past winter these walls [Music] hi Leila hello so you've moved back home Leila yes oh my god but he and his brother come down for Christmas it's brothers out now is he last month did you want him for sermon we need to know where he was on Monday where they both were come to that ear they had some mates over to play cards the night before that same thing playing cards babysitting I work evenings down at the Andromeda Club temporary you know why Tony come down babysit while I am at work I didn't know that you had a baby later he's sleeping come and see for yourself I got the idea that you had Tony work together anymore he needs me he proved that they wanted to be with us for Christmas the baby's his then there's never been anyone else I've never wanted anyone else a certain night tender one will get a visit the first sign of any trouble it'll be done to us say it's a social call an exchange of seasonal greetings oh bloody hell babysitting news travels takes two of you does it to look after one baby I hold the nappies he folds and your wife said you have mates around to play cards Ted Jackson and Gavin Fletcher you want any dresses we know their addresses shop and you never left if not all evening leave me alone kid some bloody father that will make me so seriously whatever you might think of me waxford my kids a different bag okay tell me why statement of fact all right let me try another on you two burglaries on consecutive nights we have an eyewitness and an mo identical to the job that your brother pulled in leaves before he was sent down the jewel alarm system was your especially I'll doin it be I'll be fair that was before he took his Open University course which was before or after you took one in child rearing I don't see where you're coming from this guy's honest just happened to be way off beam that's all tell me why it's Layla's record sheet you should have pulled whatever she told you I'm here for the kid right I don't want a repetition the last time no bloody way it means Jack my eldest so the baby we saw was your second child who bloody ray where's the other one we had him adopted she fractured his skull she was shut up in the flat with him 24 hours a day you know ace she said she couldn't stop him crying it happens right so they put a care order on him and what could I do she's a good girl Layla the best just can't cut it with kids that's all but she still went ahead and had another so what was I to do chop it off because I was worried about it worried sick or wouldn't be I said so told her so I had to next thing directly was born she'd done a runner with him back here who knows if I stick around it might still work out you've got a try haven't yet [Music] seems just brought it about right sir July 1986 crown versus Leila Jasper blah blah blah social report bruising believes have occurred over several months faster to the skull result of a single blow compatible with a baby's head been just against the wall suspended sentence recommendation for psychiatric treatment care order on the child finished yeah regular sustained beaches to the body in here Leila Jasper I always thought just frankly roll shutter that ones that I think we better keep an eye on our second child that a passing told her a suggestion well a bigger bowl stir well that's she doing then right yeah sir it's a lovely age just know I'm gonna regret the mind of grown-ups actually normal pregnancy normal delivery I tell you to myself don't think went like clockwork until I told her it was a boy she hit the roof went berserk said she wanted a girl said she wouldn't take it home feed it to pandemonium and her name was Freeman yes husband just sucked there he didn't know what additions got the psychiatrist up to her now this was some when I told you a sergeant or whoever this report four months ago give or take take it easy how can I help you just a couple of questions mrs. Freeman shouldn't take long questions about what you had your last childhood kins mark a maternity home yes about four months ago four months three days why I understand you were quite distressed after the birth a very distressed that the baby was a boy what's that got to do with you to do with anyone two days ago a baby girl was stolen from her pram in King's Malcolm High Street a baby boy aged around four months was left in her place what does that got to do with me those all your children yes all boys where's your baby now mrs. Freeman rather than disturb your husband it might just be simpler if you showed us the sex of your baby don't you think you have no right to ask me that a child is missing that gives me the right can he do this he already has [Music] I'll do you have a baby you have all sorts of complex feelings feelings you're not too proud of later on that you'd rather forget but then what would someone like you know about feelings [Music] ironic isn't it damn theory in the first place for the makers yes all right for the most plausible one still only a theory so I took a leaf out of your book and followed my nose you can be a jitter Mike you ready like'em litigate we just work in different ways don't sure you do you think I'm a plotter right good old Mike slow and steady but he gets there in the end it's because of plotters like me that someone like you can take your licks in the dark because we provide the safety net have I ever said otherwise you saw what happened today she wasn't the only one humiliated not because she broke the rules that's irrelevant [Music] it's a combination of opposites the best team as long as there's mutual respect you're gonna respect a man's opinion without agreeing with it and do you yeah that's a very sure I'm not sure myself the difference is I could admit it right let's get back at the shop [Music] I don't better believe and put up - and I think [Music] I'm off then there are some juice in the fridge everybody's okay no need to change him I'll do that when I get back tell me I said I'll see to his nap I'm so glad to be there by 8:00 take care of it no tricks Jamie you listen out well you these nights I'll start charging joke you know why she bought the baby here this quizzes because Neal's father's ill to prove to you she'd achieved something baby Oh what I heard monsters then whatever said when she couldn't achieve anything many moons ago you gave A Tale of Two Cities to Sheila for Christmas if Sylvia how he grows up I can remember that so good she might not this lid of this I am just saying things like that can go deeper than you think maybe you both think too much [Music] what the hell is going on you just couldn't wait Christmas is supposed to be about giving in case you've forgotten that Dad all that went out when the cavemen came in besides we've given you a present I mean last year the second hand tie you got your mother to ban you from the Oxfam shop mummify is only your presents for us smack go on then yes call inspector Wexford will you tell him I'll meet him there just in case you get any ideas can't do that dad it's Christmas watch me [Music] [Laughter] so car girl next door hasn't me going on Olli damn Rick sorry mr. wild horses wouldn't stop me [Music] your spelling genius P how many R's in harassment one two in warrant see about a bit of little feet skill Wow well I never daddy do a skill you want in Wexford I'm happy to sit one out there are my school boys in other areas he did say it was two hours in warrant we've had another break-in tonight no yeah fraid so Christmas and all yeah still one more shopping day but it's two hours in a rest hello later what is it has something happened no just take you out a few things you've been here all evening yeah from what time I and you left turning the others babysitting yeah you didn't tell us later about your first child not your business if it puts your new baby at risk it is he's not risk he's not at risk [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] probably wrapped up at any rate matron at the nurseries been on a flower excuse me such there are four baby apparently the mothers my contact she asked first if we had the baby who had been swapped in Kings Markham high street I said who is this beacon and she said never mind that did we have the baby or not what kind of voice wasn't young youngest yeah she sounded rattled you know anxious yeah I said yes we had the baby and then she said no then she asked if he was alright I said fine that he was being well looked after I asked her again was she the mother she didn't answer she just said if he cries sin to him she said this is one song almost sends him to sleep she said she didn't know its name so she hummed it Brahms Lullaby my kids had a wind-up musical box of it whenever Bailey's to Travers crazy anything else I tried to tell her the baby needed his mother I said if she was the mother to come in and see him at sea she was sympathetically treated all that she hung up half an hour later he went into one of his blue rages I sang him the song within seconds he was asleep in my arms good as gold who else would know a thing like that except a mother [Music] [Music] I'll take that I haven't wrapped it yet but we're gonna miss ya alright eggs or what it works I'm famished [Music] second thoughts maybe later either he's due for a feed isn't he what that want any interruptions do we what a clever mommy what about breakfast later us in everything's all right isn't it Tony Wexford was around last night at work he's drawn a blank so he's covering old ground forgetting new star right I said it and I meant it and the rest we help each other out why not if she wants to pop the shop son it's not the Matthew baby those are you sir old man isn't it all these questions it's in right is that well Leyla told you Leila you know before he moved in she's to talk about him endlessly Tony this telling me that I'm not like he was insane but like she's like she's like grateful to him before do something for me she goes out - no give me a call well I'll leave it to you put a watch on Tony Jasper tonight Sal defies absolutely all the time yeah isn't it though [Music] Duquesne winces last slip down on the face to steve-o in here mom's next door and the sherry mint spine circuit my favorite boy luckily doing Oh wrapping presents the usual yeah unwrapping burglaries trying to well little girl baby was found in the hobby she's back with her mother he's in the council nursery tell me this maternal instinct something to it I mean does it exist yes Oh in a way not in a softly sentimental no it's more protective things and links you know you'd go to to protect your child yes yes is rife out in the paternal thing or is that more an acquired skill well the person who's usually closest to a child is the mother father often stays on the outside doesn't want to intrude particularly with the daughter it's not as complicated as you think you know like a lot of families we divided into two halves me and Sheila and you chose your mother because you and Sheila was so exclusive both got it wrong within me there's no blueprint for it you know oh you just do the best you can I hope that it's good enough whatever you do your children will undoubtedly tell you that it isn't [Music] there goes the family breadwinner Detective Sergeant Martin yes WPC may not to tell you the truth I'm hoping to join your lot CID all that not now later you know is that right lots of women do it don't they so rumor has it and I was told that cadet school had a real aptitude for detective work you know one of the instructors actually told me that fancy so I was wondering next time something else comes up you need a hundred well you know where I am [Music] another you wanna shake if there's a way out the back [Music] mr. trick there Mike [Music] all yours [Music] [Music] just give me two minutes can I come in g-god Leila who you tried to protect him or the baby it wasn't you was it he'll hit your first child well then with Christmas Leila come the new year you'll be gone like always what do you think she'll be useful again you'll be back these sweet talk or these promises and you'll take him back like always what is that in it for you Lila what do you get in return I got Matthew I got a baby well let's keep him this time shall we [Music] [Laughter] the benefit of the neighbors I imagine show me you were baby Leila [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] used to do jobs every month after dad took off in the car fixed a roof in that afterwards you'd stay for a meal eat fill the house just by be in there she wanted him we all knew that all of us kids he chose me I knew what he was everyone did is they getting married would change him I didn't want him to change it was afraid his feelings for me might change too then we had the baby the first one Tony didn't want me to change baby I cry and I go to it made him angry he used to say I liked it to cry so I could comfort it he did things to make it right bad things then he'd lock the doors so I couldn't get to it that was my punishment I had to say it was me they do things do in prison if you weren't my kid Tony told me and Matthew was born they say a baby crying is the most beautiful sound a mother can hear not for me I ran he came after me said he needed me and the baby we believed him like he knew I would but when I left for work I got scared about leaving Matthew alone with him he's a crier too easy so you did a trading with one that isn't what made you change your mind what made you put the other baby in the church something you said at the club about the baby being at risk I suddenly thought suppose she did cry suppose she woke and cried one day not for a very long time later only yeah come back the hardest thing to teach a kid of design oh maybe we could learn to say it together [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Paul Goddard
Views: 428,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inspector Wexford, Ruth Rendall, The Ruth Rendall Mysteries, Christmas, Detective, George Baker, Christopher Ravenscroft, Baby, Drama, ITV, Kidnapping, Baby Swap, Jane Horrocks, Ashley Barker, Ken Kitson, Mystery, Who Done It?, Burglary, Crime, Crime Drama, Novel Adaptation, TV, Television, No Crying He Makes, Story, Police Drama, Police, Detectives, Chief Inspector Wexford, Detective Series, Popular Police Drama, VHS
Id: 4uKUJQa23os
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 56sec (4616 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 11 2018
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