Inspector Wexford - A Sleeping Life

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[Music] so [Music] [Music] well i'm glad we've brought you somewhere you've never been before what's the verdict how'd you like the food that was very good although i must say i was expecting something different it's just like spicy chinese no we uh we love thai food are we dora we certainly do we've been coming here off and on ever since it first opened what's your verdict sylvia sylvia sorry dad it was lovely and thanks for getting us out of the house i needed to get away from the domestic scene for a while [Music] [Music] one of my german clients dito mua belongs to a group that play war games every weekend they run round the woods in combat fatigues shooting pain pellets at each other splat you're dead i mean it just seems a rather childish way for adults to behave childish say nothing at the laundry bill every week oh god neil you're the end look sylvia it wasn't my fault deeta turned up it was our wedding anniversary i didn't know he was coming you could have told him well i couldn't he was here by then when he got here i couldn't that's not the way to do business oh god i didn't get married to become a domestic servant come child minder come cool then why did you marry me share my life with you as an equal partner in all things not just to procreate and keep house so you don't have the children you're not interested god neil that's pathetic and stupid of course i love the children i just want other things as well come on they're like what i'd like to meet stimulating people i want to pick my wits against the next person i'd like to earn my corn i'd like to be treated as an intelligent thinking human being have i ever treated you as anything else all i've ever seen oh i know what you've said and so often it's like a boring broken record [Music] you what are you doing here [Music] didn't you realize smells good had a very good moment you're ready for some cakes for the boys sylvia's bringing them around about three years you still have the same opinion as you were last night it's just a phase oh my god you and you're just amazed the many times i've heard that working women is a new group and that [Music] wax fruit forthcoming yes yeah come on away sudden death body on the path thank you i believe you found the body sir well it's my little boy actually oh how old six well in your own time sir well i was just taking him to school we missed the bus so we took the shortcut saw the dog sniffing at something next thing i knew and it was saying it's a lady dad come and look you didn't move anything no no you just covered her face she looked cold as soon as we got you know we call the station well thanks for your cooperation i know she is do you her name is comfrey c-o-m-f-r-e-y she lives in carlisle villas at least her dad does well we'll uh get a full report from you later inspector yeah nick my son he he thinks she's ill sick what i told him i didn't want to tell him yeah i did on the side all right let's go we'll contact you later the boy you won't have to go to court no no of course not don't worry mr wexford will fix that stabbed two wounds that i can see extraordinary expression hmm you'd expect it to look scared shall be moved last night could be thin stiletto type knife i guess a gas an educated one or hands bagged sir well there might be scrapings on her nails or the met report for the last 24 hours for the region any side of a weapon no not yet sir well i'll start a search when you don't find it then do a house to house you know any dogs have backed anybody heard anything you know the routine so anybody on the killer possibly no bus stop bypass dry cleaners lawn drought oh and the railway station etc airport sir get on with it sergeant checkbook no cards that's a wallet 45 pounds well she wasn't killed for her money was she [Music] just a couple more questions mr parker how is the lady sir oh she'll be fine fine stella these gentlemen are the police i know afternoon there wasn't anybody at the comfy house i'm sorry i forgot he's in hospital oh is that the college hospital no it's the infirmary at stoughton he broke his hip was he close to his daughter not that close what was her name rhoda rhoda that's great for us she only came down here once or twice a year once or twice not more when you say came down here uh where from london i think i assumed it was london london your best bets mrs crone oh who's she the aunt lives next door nobody there either at the moment so that's two relatives father and an aunt something to be going on with then there's brian scran upstairs she knows all about the countries well she doesn't know she'll invent 20 20 vision and an imagination to match have you any idea sir when mrs crown will be back when they chuck her out oh it's like that is it likes to drop more than a drop you're all right mr parker when your six-year-old son finds a murderer victim inspector how do you expect me to see [Music] nothing from the house to house he'd land as nosy as he used to be where have you been i've been talking to mrs moore she came back on the bus from the infirmary with roller last night and nothing just passed the time of day let's go and see concrete all right murdered jeez not his soul safe anymore she'd only come to visit her duh that's why we have to see him not tonight chief inspector i couldn't allow that but a word like murder got around the ward god bless the shows none of them would sleep nor would any of us you wouldn't want to obstruct our inquiries would you sister oh i tell him myself first thing in the morning and that's a promise whether it'll mean anything or not heaven knows is he senile he's an 85 year old man he's had major surgery and then a stroke if that's to be senile yes he's senile how about miss comfy's home address there i can help you [Applause] here we are carlisle villas forest road kings mark that's his address not hers she's the only one we have we think she may have lived in london well then i can't help you um didn't wake you up today no i couldn't sleep missing my bed warmer made you think of that you remember when bobby was bobby 635 pounds a year excluding boot and bike allowance this isn't chocolate is it it is not it's coco just like it always was yeah it smells the same too but you have some you look tired i'm whacked is it a tough one that's all the makings man or woman woman i think we'll talk a lot of rubbish about death dora this isn't beautiful it's downright ugly doesn't look like sleep at all how old about 45. she looked i don't know defined was i should cocktail snoke at us getting quite fanciful in your old age no this one's going to lead us a hell of a dance or know the reason why [Music] this is crown you must be mr wexford sit down which whistle oh thanks it's a bit early for me you didn't get that color from tomato juice no you're right east wind very raw so r.i.p roadway that's a turn up ship it was to me i'll tell you something don't get me down that football again and now it was a sex clown i'd take it i wouldn't thought so the only thing she had in that was don't seem heartbroken perceptive man i'll tell you something she phoned me for artists so she was coming that usual it's unusual for it to go hello lillian guess who could be anybody else if i was that vintage port i'll just pop in to see how tell you our jimbo's getting on were you surprised when she didn't yeah she took the train set back to london she hated to tell you what was that turnips and sweets that's what she called us said so often you know well what i need now is uh good example and a dress whoa phone number well what do you do if you want to get in touch or call i wouldn't what if it was an emergency mr waxfed i've seen her a dozen times in 20 years oh well what should you do for a living business sort of business i don't know but she'd be good at it eyes like cash registers all the money going my way or is poor sod i wonder how you get along without her well it'll be a struggle mr comfrey mr comfrey save your breath inspector i'd like to take a peep in his locker i'm not sure about that we do have a warrant to search his house it should cover this oh i'm not so sure maybe they don't remember you stand and watch okay fair enough okay what were you expecting the shroud of [Music] children [Music] all right but north finished the pm yet no i got over to see him later ah hey sniff this can't smell a thing how can i don't follow len how many women do you know who don't use a drop of perfume or a splash of toilet water don't know many women red story of my life oh my heart bleeds for you a lot of paper doesn't matter much murder weapon took it with him oh did i tell you old man comfrey was on my list he used to pop into the surgery for a natter fit as a flea till this stroke what i want to know is where does she live london next person who says that to me i'll chin them 1970 what was when he last chucked something out pins screws keys nails some old staff threatened me bit some cigarette cards oh cricketers oh sacliffe ames right heard of any of them yeah worship them all look at this rhoda comfrey has to be couldn't prove it by me well you didn't see until she was dead 20 years later it looks more like her dad yeah any uh diaries or address books no nothing like that i'm afraid right well i'll go and have another look downstairs all right it's very strange isn't him her dress isn't written down here anywhere and she hasn't given it to her aunt or any of the neighbors or a dad's doctor or the infirmary and her old man hasn't got it with him well he's probably got it in his mind oh the only thing that's in his mind is where the fruit guns are maybe she did it deliberately maybe she didn't want anybody to know where she lived why not though i don't know you finish up here bring these with you and then get lillian crown to do the uh formal id all right by the way you like her she's just up your street [Music] this sit down dude mrs parker you make me giddy looking up at you speak up else nothing wrong with my earring or my marbles apple pie earning me keep how well did you know rhoda comfy as well as i know my own kids rather see me than her own dad she said so often enough well what i need at the moment is your address in london you don't happen to have one no why should i need it well i don't know i just thought you meant the aunt yet lillian crone and niece must have been about the same age scandal that woman oh to be fair though she had this illegitimate baby by some service man or other john poor little might was mental rhoda used to love him trundled him around in the pram and you know what lillian did put him in a gnome rhoda would have been about 16 then i remember when she was the county i always reading always learning french latin typing lessons mrs parker nothing much to look at mind you a lot of the countries were never had a boyfriend or anything like that still be with us today if it wasn't for the money honey well the money i'm telling you about the muddy she won hell if you listen i'll tell you oh sorry was at the office there was a group of them and they had this win on the pools how much oh thousands she never said exactly and i didn't ask jim comfrey thought he was an easy street but not with our roader she just up and left oh that would be all about 20 years ago i'm off to london on divide to seek before june how how do you mean oh how was she going to earn this fortune well as a reporter of course didn't i say she worked on a newspaper i don't believe you did oh i don't think you're listening no i'm hanging on your every word she was working as a secretary in pumphrey to the editor of the gazette wrote the odd article now and then so she told me mrs crowd said that she was in business oh you listen to her and you'll never solve buttons uh perhaps you're right well thank you very much indeed mrs oh don't worry anymore well not just at the moment okay oh alex tell me why is it you folk can never wait till it's typed up neat and tidy serious question i pees me off i've never heard of the 3424 room never the most important hours in a murder inquiry are the last 24 hours of a victim's life and the first 24 hours after the body's been discovered and i figure them both so are you interested in the osteoarthritic condition of her right hip did it kill her nope well i'm not interested or that a right kidney weighed nine grams no or maybe the fact that there were two stab wounds both entering into two centimeter vertical slits into the lower chest traveling in an upward direction for 14.5 centimeters one of which penetrated a heartburst causing death the knife had a long narrow blade with a sharp point flick knight very lightly the wounds were made cleanly and without hesitation i'd say the blows were forcefully struck by someone standing directly facing her right-handed oh right what time between seven and nine pm that's more of the style i think maybe i'm getting the hang of it tommy what are those uh little red marks on the inside of the left wrist nothing wrong with your eyesight is that what were they rat bikes bats after death you will live in the country that's not surprising what is surprising well our generative organs were in a healthy condition and our hymen was intact a virgin straight from the horse's mouth what's so extraordinary about that she was an unmarried woman i don't believe it unusual in a woman of 45 don't you think unusual today i'm one of 15. yes all right maybe one love affair forget love no romance no adventure no experiment it is remarkable sad still is less interesting to us than where she lived how she lived and who her friends were that must have been a milkman or a newspaper boy someone don't mind tomorrow's papers that love the floodgates what about motive mrs wexford uh not yet how about theft well she had a summer money in a handbag but he wasn't touched uh the sum of money is it enough to be suspicious there was 45 pounds to be precise it didn't sound like a paymaster for the mafia mr burton has a picture of the victim i'd like you all to take one with you i must stress that it's not a good likeness it's 20 years old they do say that every picture is worth a thousand words not true was a rumor put around by a photographer [Laughter] there is one angle that i would like you to plug for me rolder the reporter did she ever succeed in journalism freed street the provinces or even the local tesco broadsheet i'd like to know about it sooner rather than later i wouldn't do thank you africa our pleasure all right all right harry yes you used to be with the old gazette plane featured dark-haired girl secretary to the george rollins the editor in the mid-60s do you remember him and that was rhoda could have been name the game those days was to stay out of the editor's hair couldn't fire you if you didn't know your name yeah roland's is still in pomfret is he yeah shall i send a bell you well the sooner the better okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] most interesting yes i'll tell the chief inspector as soon as he comes in yes i have your number thank you for calling i see you all she has to do is sniff i don't want to know what else oh i have a spiritualist in the wish him no how about a medium in rotting dean no the sonos mother abandoned him on the channel no anything in the newspapers no oh mr roland's run used to be the editor of the gazette what did he say doesn't know anything no address nothing if anybody wants me i've got an inquest any feedback on the story well it's early days yet you must have a theory yes i have a theory she's like a hermit lives alone under assumed name in a tent in hyde park can i quote you on that any time i can't stand snotty coroners oh come on red she's always like that who is ready with a scalpel spade more like maybe because personally to blame that we have got an address no bank manager to say she had an account no landlord nothing she could be a spy oh come on you'll be asking me to believe she's a call girl next well i had wondered about that the only virgin died in london she came from london she probably followed her down was intending to go back to london he did go back i see what you're thinking i think you better get up there sylvia here what just walked out after lunch and came here well just like that left her husband and came back to mother i can't believe it only it's true apparently they've been having a continuous quarrel since last wednesday evening oh where is she now she's in the living room robin and ben are in the garden i don't know how much they realize johnny don't be harsh on her and have i ever been harsh on my children i haven't been harsh enough i've always let them do exactly as they like should have put my foot down when she wanted to get married at 18. hello dad well it's a bad business sylvia i don't suppose you want me here i've nowhere else to go i'll find a job and somewhere for me and the boys to live don't speak to me like that sylvia this is your home what have i ever said to you to make you speak to me like that [Music] good afternoon sir can i help yes i'm a police officer the commissioner himself shops here so why shouldn't you i'm not shopping unfortunately i'd just like to ask your help so what can i tell you this uh wallet it's one of ours best english calf end of a range we finished them quite recently but you happen to know who bought it i can but try if you wait just a moment thank you oh that didn't take long wasn't difficult in fact it was the last of the line he's a regular customer he yes mr grenville west one of our most esteemed clients what does that mean he buys a lot of your things yes do you have his address of course oh are you interested in the tyson oh no um not today thank you [Music] reg howard so it's true you are applying to join the met ah a bit holding the tooth for that don't really some of those inspired brexit guesses theories howard theories theories so how can i help granville west and i mean anything to you of course the fins to be parked poisoner how'd you going for a moment being a little frivolous this morning aren't we leave got a week's sleeve coming up where were you going madeira yes uh grenville west successful novelist writes what's described in the trade as bodice poppers historical romances covers usually a rather large lady popping out a rather small dress that's a gentleman might be worth checking to rode a country murder uh family interest uncle rich i've got his address i'll go around and see him all right for transport that'll transport me anything else i can do to help wow there is one that's a small favor isn't there always could you get something to look up in the electoral register or the telephone book see if they can turn up a road to country i'll put inspector baker onto it remember michael gloomy sod oh not anymore he's remarried anyway i'll um tell him you're on our patch yeah that'll stop him laughing in church [Music] morning oh good morning you look like a red wine man a robust red well i'm sorry to disappoint you i'm gonna drive white can't win them all that's 120. oh i don't think i remember you i don't think you've seen me it's your boss in you mean vic but if fix your boss he's doing the delivery tell him it's the law victor vivian no trouble is that oh there's a bit of cork in my wine oh uh susie could you uh good thanks uh are you from the local shop no oh i didn't think so they know i'm here dcs fortune and the ibaker oh no michael baker i'm looking for mr gravel west so i'm not about to lose my license well not before lunch you're out of luck you miss gwen i know i tried his flat thank you he's in france francophile pops over there as often as you can research tax-free holiday is what i call it do you know well i should 14 years has been my tenant i owned the flat oh well i'll throw another name at you rode a comfrey the winner was murdered newspaper reader we think there might be a connection between her and uh mr west you're joking she was well white well forty five gwen's not a dover well 38 top weight well we weren't suggesting a relationship just that they might know one another gwen's got a girl always hanging around not that he seems that interested plays the field that's what i reckon what's the girl's name polly pollywood no idea brunette 25 not my sword what about um what about this crust it's familiar you might have seen her in here or outside in the street with west or up in his flat no it's it's no good maybe it'll come to me the wallet though that i do recognize but yeah it's grins is it well hold on a second oh this is new isn't it brilliant gran's got one like it put worn you know knackered out a lot of five has come out of it a few tenors as well do you have an address right here in france no he doesn't stay putty tours in his car normally i think that's where he's gone the photo i just realized oh god i am a berk sorry in the newspapers yeah that's right i was looking at it only last night i'm sorry you can take that disapproving look off your face and he came up here have a bit of a thing and a bit of peace and quiet i've seen enough kids television howard rang and no record of any rhoda comfrey in kenborn i didn't think that would be that'd be too good wouldn't that oh why fine i brought you a present thank you oh covers a little bit blurry don't they oh they say he's good though who's they oh howard and they're not in london oh they knows a thing or two in london they do oh did you remember to get the tickets for sheila's preview when you were up there uh no i'll say to it later are you coming down ridge as soon as this uh migraine's gone reg you have never had a migraine in your life but nobody else knows how sylvia knows sylvia knows it's that prawn i had at lunch oh reg well it was right off it's not the pneumonia that is not good enough good news well it's news i don't know how good it is i started off with west's publisher helpful i've known brick walls more responsive power for the course ah well anyway they put me onto his agent brick wall number two well no to be fair she did at least try to be helpful but she doesn't have an address for him in france apparently he doesn't like to be pinned down man after my own heart no he may ring but then again he may not and she's never heard of rhoda comfrey well she doesn't know how lucky she is however ah polly remember polly how could i forget polly it's the only name we've got her real name's pauline pauline flinders and she's west's secretary no address or phone number i'm afraid no of course not uh get me d.i baker at uh ken baldwin will you please thank you well done mike good not much to be going on with his in a girl who knows a man who might conceivably know rhoda comfrey hardly eureka time well it wouldn't make me run naked down the street what west's books like the way his publisher was going i don't think he was some kind of genius oh just reworkings of old jacobean plays you know ford webster don't know them cover her face mine eyes dazzle she died young oh poetry well as racini said of wagner he has his moments but he's also got his quarterback hours hello oh michael regwax friend yeah yes it's a it's a lovely day yeah uh michael i'd like uh another of those little favors yes yes but surely this polly or whoever she is would have recognized rhoda assuming she'd seen the photograph um maybe she didn't see it maybe she'd never met but it seems very few people have maybe she has something to hide hasn't everyone well mike what was it was it the mazaka the hot pot was saga i thought so i was as sick as a dog it's the greeks still peeved about the algae and marbles doreen cox says the mosaic is good does she one hot pot two hot butts better make it three she will be upset oh rather her than us we were just trying to fit rhoda comfrey and uh grenville west together writing for a newspaper writing novels not that far apart well how did you get the wallet presumably he gave it to her reason service is rendered for instance an invaluable piece of research good twist in the plot maybe she helped him out of a creative block three hot pots thank you dorian at least it hasn't put you off your grub i think we're a closer len than any of us to realizes you lunch sir don't apologize the ibaker's called up from kenmore yeah well they come up with an address on uh yeah it's uh pauline flinders sir didn't i tell you want me to check it out no we'll check it out i fancy an afternoon in london [Music] [Music] you made the toy mike 10 minutes over the hour please actually ah mr till good afternoon we'd uh like to speak to miss pauline flinders polly can we come in oh thank you miss flinders yes inspector waxford king's markham c.i.d this is mr burden may we ask you some questions yes do you uh read the papers sometimes did you read about the death of the murder of a miss rhoda comfrey on the evening of the 8th might have done this is the uh picture in the papers if you would imagine it 20 years on you might have seen her in the company of mr granville west no you are mr west's uh secretary part-time yes how long have you been doing it uh two years when you were working for him uh in his flat perhaps you uh presumably answer the phone sometimes let in his visitors amongst his uh friends acquaintances business associates could there be anybody who could be conceivably this woman now think carefully rather deep voice no he's supposed to be in france his name yes he is in france he sent me a card oh may i see it are you tapping straight may read it seems to be having a nice time have you uh ever seen this before looks like grenville's the one he lost lost he thought he'd dropped it on a bus we found this in uh miss rhoda comfy's handbag sorry i don't know what to say did he report the loss he asked me to but i didn't i didn't exactly forget but someone told me the police don't really like your report and things you've lost or found a woman my mother knows says it just makes too much paperwork so um you can't help us ms linders no well thanks very much for your time hello yes you are detectives yes there's something i want you to know something important go on on the night of the 8th polly was here with me we were together all evening cutting out a dress on the night of the eighth you're sure [Music] no i think he's gone home to tea come on i think i better get your mother to tell you that right why why should i to save our marriage for one come on then let's go and get them you're impossible truth bath night lots and lots of bubbles sounds good did you see the rat they did that thing oh do you need me oh i think we can manage i'll look out some clean jammers match them up to the top of the hill then you match them down again good morning mrs parker oh i knew you'd be back oh did you like everyone else you don't listen i've got news for you i know jim conference dead lydian told stella it's not right you know everyone's death should mean something to someone yeah i agree what happened to the money rudy's money i don't know don't know if she had any oh there'll be some they're all go pouring down lillian's throat we were thinking that uh rhoda lived in london under a pseudonym uh a false name i know what a pseudonym is well when people do that they usually take a name that's uh familiar like their mother's maiden name what was that crawford well that's something to go on what about crown oh no rad no time for lillian but why should she want to call herself by anything but her own name well that's what we got to find out sir the dcc wants to see you at his house urgent [Music] okay your boss then he's working at the station oh that's twice he's allowed you out on your own oh thank you too much that's the best sound in the world first a minute is he married you're mr wexford yes he is children two daughters both grown up must have been an attractive man this day well i wouldn't know i wasn't around was i oh cheeky i'll tell him i wish i'd met him a few years ago could have had some fun so how's it going any leads you don't really expect me to answer that do you don't i i heard somewhere that if nobody talks the police are impotent is that true there's a grain of truth in it yes i can't imagine mr wexford impotent so who's talking i think that's for us to find out don't you [Music] nine days wexford nine whole days going for some sort of record looks like you sir do you remember john do rose at the moment four day johnny hmm how do you solve murders in four days in 85 percent of murder cases the killer is known to the victim high on the list of suspects are the next of kin and the person that found the body in this case an 85 year old man who since died in a six-year-old boy that's the sort of case it is here well clear it up they're on my back you look as though you need that oh i didn't spot you there bad day well not vintage don't you yeah where's your mom children's tease ah i'm sorry i've been scared on the ground you always were the pomfret poisoner the stabberton sadis well it's better than having a bank manager for a dad don't you believe it i'd have given anything to have a nine-to-five dad really yes oh i never thought about it mum did oh she never mentioned it oh you never heard don't start on us a woman doesn't expect to be listened to we're a partnership two equals only one partner is less equal than the other not true remind me what's his partnership called i don't follow well why is mum called mrs reg wexford oh sylvia it's not worth the hassle to you it's not couldn't you just compromise hi reg i know what you want just let me have my safe first all right of course i want her back and kids i love her you know that reg but i can't meet her conditions i won't i have to have some wretched au pair living here which will mean the boys moving in together pay her a salary where can illiford just so that sil can go off and train for some profession that's already overcrowded she's a good wife and mother and i don't see any reason to employ someone to do the things she does so well while she goes off and trains for something she may not do well at all have a drink no no thank you well i will and you needn't tell me i've had too much already i know i have the point is why can't she do her job and let me do mine i don't say hers is less important than mine i don't think she's inferior my god there are times i wish i was a woman no money worries no real responsibility no slogging off to an office day and day out for 40 years she wanted the family reg every bit as much as i did we each have to do what our talents equip us for okay i'll dry the dishes okay i'll see if she gets any labor-saving equipment she wants could you compromise couldn't you get a woman in just for a year until uh ben goes to school couldn't she wait for a year until ben goes to school marriage is supposed to be about give and take it seems to me i i do all the giving and she does all the taking yes well that's what she says as well but i'll go now don't drink too much neil it's not the answer isn't it i'm sorry reggie i have every intention donated getting smashed out of my mind um temperatures both downstairs to sleep on the sofa with the teleon i think robin may have bronchitis he's very chesty temperature slight one he didn't get wet did he when you were looking for the rat no he did not only asking how did it go uphill he's being unreasonable well both as bad as each other a region of calm winds around the equator what is the doldrums cheer up the worst is not so long as we can say this is the worst i got freeborn on my back i never thought i'd miss grizzly what do you want oh just to gee me up nine days and no address reg twenty second record are you it is a mystery it's just though she'd stepped off the edge of a space module 45 year old woman walks out of her life the life that she's been living oh for the 20 years odd in the smoke and nobody misses her why not [Music] [Music] i thought you were going to make it well bro as far as won the world cup whose idea was this anyway mine you're right i will be when i know i'm not on a fool's errand a london gp has told us the road of country is on his list of patients you speak to him i did but he's not a nut no checked him out and then phoned him back well what took him so long he was abroad on his honeymoon well that's no excuse thank you what time do we see straight out the search to be frank i didn't recognize the photo it was the name that registered do you have an address rhoda and comfrey six princevale road parish oak should be set to music i gather you were somewhat desperate ordin somewhat when was the last time you saw her now that's a strange thing i've only ever seen her once do you have a date uh last october the 20th what um professional etiquette no problem uh she thought she had an appendicitis uh pains etc around the bernie point i examined her told her to take it easy for a couple of days no fats no alcohol and to come back if it persisted it worked like the footballer's magic sponge you never saw her again no strange what is she was obviously known by a false name up here by everyone except you can't lie to your doctor it isn't done obviously not any joy six princevale current occupant mrs rose fahrenheit rose greek for rose rhoda you're not saying they're the same person well i'm not saying they're not we have eliciters away at the present she phoned us and asked us to keep an eye on the place i could explain why she hasn't been missed well possibly anybody know what she looks like apparently not can we go up there even looks heavy doesn't it that ladder box is a dead giveaway i have a word for the home pete officer what now talk to some of the neighbors why not you take number four we'll take number eight she's a charmer i divide people into two categories life enhancers and the others that attract us she's definitely an enhancer does this uh photo look anything like her it's the dreaded bifocals next but i'm fighting it uh no not a lot well imagine it's an old phone about 20 years old i don't have that much imagination sorry i can't see any resemblance do you know where she is now lake district visiting her mother i believe she's in a nursing home how old is mrs 40s i'm not good on ages for mother green father for nursing home read hospital for lake district king's markham why all this subterfuge she's not a criminal she's a bright lively successful woman successful she runs a boutique the one on montfort circus mrs farner leave any keys yes no reg no way if we have to we'll get a warrant just thought i saw signs of a breaking no man at the window no listen he's your nephew but he's my governor so be it any luck tentative idea the photo how does it differ well first of all she said she'd seen the papers and it never occurred to her that he could have been mrs fan but then when i showed her the photo she said yes it could be i couldn't imagine why she hadn't seen it before one all the boutique right we never discussed private matters do you know what part of the country she originates from no idea does she have any accent not that i can detect uh is she a secretive sort of person no there's a gulf of difference between being secretive and being a gossip do you know anything about mr farina i gather he's long gone which route the divorce court or the cemetery i don't know an odd question do you know if mrs foreigners had her appendix out totally it doesn't seem right standing here discussing her private personal details oh that does look lovely mrs moss you know who we think mrs farringer is or was it can't be mrs farrener she's in the lake district you had a postcard no have she phoned look she'll be back here next monday i can't wait until monday now you were telling me about her appendix at first she thought it was food poisoning then a grumbling appendix it was about six months ago the beginning of the autumn [Music] so [Music] so [Music] uh oh god you nearly scared me after death sorry what you doing here catching burglars neighborhood watch out of it without what a brett miles that was the last time you were in here mean anything do you isn't that something to do with shoeing altered that's a farrier oh you mean somebody what makes fur coats and mrs crone i'll get very tired of people who get cute with me i like straight answers am i suspect you're one of the two people that knew the murdered woman the other one's dead i don't know anyone called farrier didn't i rode out a car and bring it down here if she did somebody actually take the troll to put in that and she would have done she liked showing off nice big cadillac dripping with chrome filling off the street that would have given her a charge i was thinking more of a citroen well he's down here in car in london why i don't know i want to get her mommy remember that phone call she made uh the evening before she came down did she say anything about uh going away yeah that's why she was coming tommy i didn't see the old man before she left left for where to know holidays business i'll tell you something she wasn't alone when she called what did you hear somebody no what did you know it was her manner playing it on with a trowel even called me darling was that unusual unique she wanted someone to think i was a fancy man oh hang on a sec you said she said hello lillian i didn't know it doesn't tell you it doesn't does it no tone changed during the call well you didn't say that before i didn't remember it before it's called mushy darling dear as if someone had come into the room well there's someone i'd like to meet any messages yes call from respect to baker mrs farina drives a citroen coincidence not likely no not likely oh any news about the warrant no not yet but uh you've got a visitor miss patel i told you a lie well you're not the first and i don't suppose you'll be the last makes me ashamed she never goes out in the evenings alone never if she works late mr west drives home that puts her in a taxi she was attacked once she said years ago she's been scared ever since what is your life ms patel i told you probably was at home with me that night and she wasn't she came back late i was asleep i asked her about the next day i knew she hadn't been with grenville because he was away she said it was someone else you believe her yes i do why i know she's unhappy with the friendship with grand will i think he's got a wife somewhere she's creepy gives me the shippers shall we get back to your story please miss patel well polly and this man had he's married had been to my talent spent the night there she said this man's wife might be suspicious and there might even be private detectives following highly unlikely is it i don't know about these things if anyone asked i was to lie that's what you thought we were private detectives yes didn't polly tell you afterwards that we were the police we had a route anyway i had to go out get sick of hearing about grenville so what you came to tell me was that polly wasn't with you that evening after all yes it was when i found out who you really were i mean the piece about you in the paper and everything that poor comfrey woman seemed terrible don't wasted your time there's no good lying to the police ms patel i have a nasty habit of finding out quarantine notice is gone what said it's safe to come inside oh is it as obvious as that in the garden washing the car what is it next well i think of something hey what is it what's the matter it's sylvia isn't it now what's she done well not very pleasant when your own daughter tells you that a woman without a career is a useless encumbrance when she's past 50. rubbish her looks have gone and her husband only stays with her out of a sense of duty and because someone has to support her if i were a bachelor then you were a single woman which of course you wouldn't be i'd ask you to marry me today give me time to think it over no sorry will they have to celebrate our engagement yeah backaches let me fix it for you don't touch me something to do with this man you met when are you seeing him again i don't know you are seeing him again who is he he's just a man you met him once and he jumped into bed with him that isn't like him i liked him he was fun what was his name dave younger than gren i don't want to talk about it the police are bound to ask they don't know he exists i told them what when today god why do you have to interfere mind your own bloody business with you [Music] do you know what time it is very late you're drunk no you've been drinking definitely we tossed for it mother drove i couldn't have exhausted it i think you're mad both of you oh it's nice to be mad occasionally look a thai gentleman gave me an orchid we first saw the king and i the first week we were married the film version well that's what i know he couldn't afford anything else i hate to be a killjoy obviously but your deputy chief constable has been calling oh freebie three times he thought it's strange you hadn't left a number oh it must be important he wants you at his house at 9 30. i think you're both going senile [Music] come in moisture i was hoping to see you last night yeah sorry about that sir i took the wife out trouble i don't know hmm the gamble and police have got a warrant oh good good we enter the premises at eleven o'clock tomorrow morning you've got an invitation why not today sir because they share my opinion apparently which is that she'll probably show up sometime today well that's hardly likely if she's wrote a conference well it's hardly likely that she is rhoda comfrey is it just instinct sir you and your instincts uh yes sir which is this battle sir uh alamein hallamane ii the turning point of the war monty and rummel not the end not the beginning of the end at the end of the beginning i said we can say the same after your little trip to london yeah sure about this connection between mrs farrener and rhoda comfrey how does a love of words and writing time with owning a close shop rose rhoda rose the writing was only intentioned 20 years ago perhaps she failed and opened a close shop lillian crown said business lillian crown said tuesday i'd still check it with my diary i knew you did get on what's the matter with you but cold feet all of a sudden well it's just that if i lived in a house like this and owned a boutique i don't think i'd wear the sort of clothes that we found on road recovery well perhaps it's part of a secrecy thing not wanting to be traced to london why would someone as well offers this keep a wally that they presumably found lying on a bus like the look of it the case of finders keepers losers weepers morning nice day for a house breaking help yourself nope over to you well it was just a long shot better take a look around [Music] so [Music] anything well she doesn't stint herself no very systematic files for everything house car finance diary phone book see well nothing undersea for comfrey overcrown birth certificate yeah born northampton april 1945. more if you were men no so it's true we could explain madam no need i know who you are i just want to know what the hell you're doing how did you know we were here mrs cohen our neighbor told me is that my birth certificate you won't lose it will you oh good we've got a quorum are you uh mrs foreigner certainly not joan of arc until you walked into the room we had reason to believe that you might be a misroad of comfrey what the one that was murdered uh that's the one christ's that from she was a hundred forty-five to be precise i am not forty-five nor am i a country bumpkin kings norton or wherever king's markham never heard of the place not only have i never been there i'm never going bernard get me a gin a large one in our own defense it was an old photo mr whatever your name if you got an old photo of me you'd see how wide of the mark you were who stroker genius was this mine and who are you wexford detective chief inspector you sound rusty like you ought to have straw behind your ear how'd you come to pick on me miss comfy left this is her address well i'm sorry to disillusion you but i've lived here for the past 10 years well all we can do is to apologize i mean nothing's broken no damage has been done everything will be restored exactly as it was that's not good enough though is it this isn't a police state yet you can't go around tearing up people's homes everything we did was legal you've been prying into my future wife's private papers with a purpose well we'll see what our solicitor has to say what was your name again wexford waxfit but i look so worried all of you i'm not going to sue or anything like that or phone the home secretary i want to remember the name though i shall dine out on it mr wexford depend on it don't say it mike just don't say it it's just what we're trying to avoid the civil liberties brigade will have a field day guest starpo tactics i can hear them now i mean she talks oh she said she wasn't sir yeah but it's a woman's privilege to change her mind isn't it but i'll try to protect you but for god's sake stick to the book you showed me a book bobby sir and i'll show you stick to it with no progress by the end of the week that'll call in the met yes i don't like it either there's a slur on the force sure you you bought a sparrow and you still think it's a canary we'll take it from me it won't sing right [Music] i think grandpa's busy love see how he is i can manage out here [Music] don't ask that bad stabbing is a passionate business dora you poison someone or blow them up that's cold calculating premeditated murder better take a knife and plunge it into somebody's chest by looking them in the eye that takes passion somebody must have got themselves very worked up before they killed rhoda and i can't even find anyone newer grenville west but does he does he know her yes killed with kindness by grenville west there's a dedication are you listening for rhoda comfrey without whom this book could never have been written [Music] just after you left oh god bless us everyone first published in 79. so they've known each other all that time but he's still in france isn't he yes [Music] okay [Music] and you think he's in france well more specifically in normandy well we can only try do you have a photo it won't be easy you know normandie is rather vague and rather large hotel register no they're not as cute as they used to be half of them don't even bother anymore if you realize that even if we do find him we can't force him to return just because he happens to know somebody who happens to get herself murdered yeah i understand that but i need to talk to him it's that important vital and that's it no more no why are you smiling well we could have done all this on a fax machine all right then confession time i'm playing okay okay i know nookie even [Music] ah yes the the truant creeping like snail and willing to school that's me i thought i have a few oysters a couple glasses shably let myself off the hook for a few hours time to think exactly phone and cars bleeping pockets tannoys can you see all i can see we play you've come to the right place i'll uh i'll see you later merci [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] [Music] i've been feeling guilty all day nowhere can stop bernie petty good not good sublime they're from savas the best i had to look at uh some clippings do you want to talk about this why not a 45 year old woman and quite ugly not a virgin no true well only in england huh but the question i ask myself is what sort of man is it could get himself into such a frenzy over that i mean personnel we know about in france but with this what sort of passion is it something kinky maybe there's something very strange about this [Music] english are you english oh yeah you stay longing on flyer well just until tonight i'm catching the night very own doesn't give me long to show the town red maybe you should have another 12 oysters did you see dad briefly what time was it when he got in heaven knows oh poor devil devil nothing he smelled of garlic weeped off it but once he brought you oh i haven't had time to open it what's it but dora wexford without whom so many cases could never have been cracked no you're just taking the worst place sorry that foreign this is going to be a habit only this time it's different this time i brought polly oh two loaves instead of one is that the difference where is she she said she felt sick and one of your policemen showed her where the lou was all right i'll get somebody to bring you up to my office when she's feeling better ask mr burton to bring them up with you thank you i hope you're feeling better miss flinders if you have anything to say may i suggest that you say it and to be kinder to her the time for kindness is past that postcard from grenville from bayer last year's i thought you wouldn't know just as you thought we wouldn't know about miss comfy she's not well mr wexford so you said she did research for his novels didn't she do you know where she lived did you overhear ms confidently making a telephone call saying we should be on monday evening yes tell them polly tell them everything miss patel if there is any prompting to be done i'll do it why did you lie about that postcard were you afraid for mr west yes i suppose afraid that he had something to do with miss conference murder afraid that he killed her all right we'll leave it at that for now i'll come and see you in london give you plenty of time to get into a calmer frame of mind i'm miss linders i shall need to know that name the name of the man you said you spent the night with [Music] let him sweat on it for 24 hours first they lie to you and then they come and tell you they've lied to you i picked up some interesting information this morning oh when those girls arrived i just come back from seeing all mrs parker told about greenville west and the book dedication not you said the only west i ever knew was lillian lillian lillian crone her first husband's name was west so there is a link after all i said don't miss it [Laughter] another word with you oh mr works for you anything excuse why didn't you tell me you were once mrs west mr wexford i didn't know he was interested it was mr west ronnie was the soldier boy remy killed in germany on maneuvers and laurie turned over for his unbelief oh i'm sorry uh did he come from a big family he's been dead for 20 years well bear with me this is important well there was three others there was two brothers and sister see i'm interested in any west who was related to rhoda well there was emma that was ron's sister that she never spoke to me after we were married i think we can take it she wasn't very keen on me then there was sydney he died there was all something wrong with him and leonard he was all right we got on well i still have a christmas card from him and his wife oh and do they have any children well family i mean they're not children there must be thirties now this leslie and uh um charlie and as far as you know uh is there a granville west boston of course there is cool of course there is they're all called grenville what all of them what do you mean it's a family name ronald granville west leonard granville west sydney grenville west leslie granville west charlie [Music] you must be the world's number one grandmaster fan or maybe number two it was the name of course the first hook me we've got a russian edition yes pick that up in leningrad guess who doesn't get much of a royalty on those i don't see any family resemblance i thought i could but then he takes such an awful photo you're working your way through all the grenville west yes there's a fair list of course some of you were dead of course lillian's boys uh is in a mental home there's uh a 72 year old one who went to australia on the last assisted passage and the zoo you say you can't remember rhoda comfy well if i met her i was too young to remember what about your famous namesake well as i say at first it was the name and then when i read the books i spotted certain geographical locations that i recognized i'm surprised you didn't try and contact him i did i wrote to him care of his publisher any joy yes yes i've kept his letter would you like to see it oh yes if it's uh no trouble that's no problem that's in a hampshire scorecard with dennis compton's autograph some of my personal treasures yeah all right thank you i can trace no connection between your ancestry and mine i was born in london my father's family from lancashire my mother from the west country i'm sorry i can be of no further assistance i'm of course entirely pleased that you're enjoying my book so much very nice is it isn't it i don't know i was always disappointed either it was prissy a bit tight-assed that could be i wouldn't have killed him to have hand-written it well perhaps he has a lot of fan mail possibly did you uh ever ask any of your relatives if they know no one had ever heard of him i suppose you expect a tip one for you um one for tony tim i've got ten i know you better go and find it before it melts but can we go a little bit one part maybe uh tomorrow tomorrow next day and come for us in an hour you see yes what time five o'clock oh all right then we'll think about it dad what is it the armistice or a truce i don't know what it is we're starting with a dishwasher oh no that's not why i'm going back simply i couldn't manage any longer without him nothing corny about that did you yes well um sort of well it just better be equipped with it come on put us on a rack on dad [Music] lena molina [Music] yes speaking you don't know me but i need to talk it's about grenville west grenville yes can i come up it i'm releasing the door miss flinders my name's heatherington do you know him yes well no off him you better come in you want to be careful i'll hear such awful stories i wouldn't have let you up if you hadn't mentioned grenville do you know him well i work for him i have to talk to him urgently he's in france but is he yes are you sure yes do you have a number somewhere i could reach him no have you heard from him since he left no is he running away from something i don't know reg oh hello pierre how is la belle france oh beautiful nice and sunny and england almost the same any news no nothing so far did nora like her presence oh very much rhett i was thinking about your friend mr west is it possible that he could be in hiding looks very like it how long has it been now about three weeks three weeks he could be in tibet by now oh very amusing pierre oh i've got a bone to pick with you what's so funny about me being picked up by a bird i'm not out you know that oh that was no bird red that was a traveler what a pavlo a transvestite hold on come in yeah reg would you like me to have mr west's photo put on television on the television oh yeah that'd be great yeah yeah thanks pierre bye-bye mr fortune's back from leave he called while you're on the other line and they found west's car where in a london hotel garage you let him up here but he didn't ask who he was his name was harrington or harrison something like that who was he i don't know a friend of gren's did he say so yes i think he did you're incredible polly really he said he needed to contact him but he don't know what about or who he is or if harrington was his real name why would he lie how did he know about you he didn't save you didn't ask i never thought doorbell rings and there he is i suppose i'm scared that's no neat don't worry i won't leave you about 70 every day you've put on a couple of pounds surprise three meals every day two lengths of a bird bath it's a killer shut up nature so i haven't stolen your thunder oh uh you know we found the car that and not much more well i tell you what we know briefly and then we'll go up there west he checked into this hotel on the seventh sunday and he left sometime on the monday that's two mondays ago without paying his bill well it took him a hell of a long time to get after him didn't it well they knew him so there's no panic what did you hear this morning the manager called oh he sent clements around what make of car is it uh red citroen it was on wednesday the 10th of the chambermaid reported the bed wasn't being slept in but they weren't suspicious well there was still a suitcase in there and there was a car in the garage he could have been knocked down or mugged or lost his memory yeah it's true well apparently it wasn't till the end of the second week that they phoned up his flat there was no reply so they sent someone around he had a word with the person in the wine bar vivian's vineyard yeah i know it yeah well he said that west had gone to france now the hotel manager did start to worry west was supposed to be in france whereas in his car that's right whereas his car was in the hotel garage well now there was a panic they contacted west publisher and they gave him the name of his agent and finally did what he should have done in the first place he called us what do you make of all that rich well either he never went to france where he changed his mind and didn't go in the car it all began on the night of the six mr west telephone did you know not personally but he'd eaten the restaurant a few times entertain guests here use the bar i'm sorry go on he asked if he could book a room for three nights the sunday monday and tuesday he arrived on sunday night about seven and checked in did you see him yes i do did he sign the register yes here it is mr hetherington won't you surprise the local man who lives walking distance of the hotel should book him for three nights not really people lose their house keys they fall out with their wives they make over the house to the kids for a party three nights one night for the party two nights for the painters to redecorate this is his suitcase when was the last time you saw him i didn't see him again not after he registered did anybody shame me no you checked of course those are the clothes he wore when he arrived that's where i got the phone number of his publishers etc what about the car it's still in the garage not having his keys we couldn't shift it oh well we might be able to help with our door and boot locked try these i think we've been through this before hotel keys passport it's not in france then not on this passport tear the jackal what about it proved how easy it is once and for all to obtain a passport i think you might have another it's a possibility it's mine that's how you got his nice drop of sansai you like it it's nice sergeant clements is around at the records office well i can't be many john grover west born on uh september 9 1953 among his things there's a check card american express some travelers checks ferry tickets a couple of thousand francs well he didn't need to leave those behind did he i don't think he ever went anywhere why were his car keys found in the coffee house presumably roda left him there but where'd she get them two sets of keys and where's the other wherever west is maybe rhoda was blackmailing west well she's known him for 10 years why should she start now but maybe she'd been doing it for 10 years and suddenly got too greedy what have you done with my migraine inspector burden victor vivian pleasure well it's beginning to look as if he didn't go to france after all beginning to look serious if you ask me it's been serious for a long time you reckon he's on the hot cross huh down a runner oh maybe any ideas when he first came here all those years ago uh do you know where he came from no in fact he was here for hours did he ever talk about home or mention some favorite part of the country he wasn't much of a talker i didn't mention family or relatives anything like that in truth no that's not fair oh god i'm sorry well he often gave the impression that he was doing you a favor by talking to you did you see him that sunday night the night that he left sure he popped in for a saint clemens just all i can hear him now funny piping voice what was he wearing i wasn't a snappy dresser uh brown slacks polo neck suede jacket i think could have been a cardigan casual we joked about what we was going to have for dinner this time tomorrow tripe de cane hear him now rhoda unloved and unlovely gets a crush on west he the vain echotist encourages her well he doesn't discourage her then along comes polly flinders young new boiled and willing roller senses are chill well she's fantasized this into a bet davis type romance and she tackles west head on what's he doing in king's markham well i don't know yet but they fight and he kills her now how does that grab you it doesn't who's beck davis anyway you look good in helmet mike jerry we have the moon don't let us ask for the stars have you ever heard that no well you can help some people can you well that was quick made efficiency sir uh right the birth was registered at myringham you probably know it 9th september 53 same as a passport john grenville west father's name is given as ronald grenville west mother lillian west and she was born lillian crawford lillian crown you know her yeah and no other west's john grenville or whatever born on that day no steve you know the mother he must know his son yes he's [ __ ] been in an institution ever since he was a child [Music] i wonder [Music] west john west john gremble west yes what exactly did you want to know well i'd like to see him and it possible to talk to him oh i'm afraid that won't be possible why not sergeant john west left here 16 years ago oh i see if granville west is who we think he is that makes he and rhoda cousins what does that do to us not a lot does it i don't know an exin made from a mental institution now writing literate and commercially successful historical novels with a working knowledge of jacobean drama i mean is that likely hello you had heard bad days haven't you yes i had she was wonderful and gone with the wind she wasn't in common oh very funny hello waxfud speaking yeah put him on sergeant west left abbott's palmer in 1973 when he was 20. left yeah he had the facility to look after him well tell me where he is not where he isn't he's in a similar place a bit larger near eastbourne what did you see him i saw him do you speak to him no well why not i told you he can't talk sir he's a vegetable he always was and he always will be well how did that happen i don't know thank you very much sergeant very helpful anything else sir no i'll be back in the office tomorrow sir he's still institutionalized place outside eastbourne oh oh so west knows him or knows of him and uses his details for his own passport looks like it if our granville west knows john granville knows his background his circumstances etc why do none of the locals know our granville west 6 30 waxwood said have you got an address who fool dave not even a phone number there is no dave you know bloody well there isn't of course i don't know be good if you could think first wouldn't it bully sake i was like to know why do you keep interfering in my life i hated seeing you turn yourself into a skippy it wasn't worthy of you he isn't worthy stop it all right thanks very much everybody we'll jump the next scene uh on to act five okay [Music] well i was in the vicinity proceeding in a northerly direction exactly why didn't you call well i didn't know if i could get away that's a lovely surprise you look whacked well i've had a couple of love weeks i saw some of the rehearsals what did you think oh when you came on in drag drag listen to you they don't call it drag well dressed up as american a lawyer's clerk not a mere man i didn't recognize you until you spoke oh you're not supposed to gratiano doesn't even recognize me even graciatino doesn't recognize me even gratiano doesn't recognize me yeah well he hasn't known me as long as i have um how long does it take you to get dressed up as a man five minutes no more what do you think oh great isn't porsche marvelous well so are you oh come on dad larissa she's the key to the whole play if only it were can you stay for the last act then we can talk no no i can't i i better be going how's mom working too much worrying too much nothing changes what about sylvia well they've decided to try again oh oh sorry darling oh you're sorry dad i'm late all right well i'll go [Music] yeah they'll usually only accept burgers and chips i don't know it could be late i'm afraid look i've told the children not to wait out for me so let them twist your arm will you what are you doing in the dark thinking don't bother we're going out where to we've got an arrest to make [Music] so oh you should very good for you hello inspector burden i have mr wexford with me [Music] polly in yes i must warn you she's in a terrible state is she i told her it was to be 6 30. i thought she'd faint but then you're not here to talk to me are you you're very free with your advice ms patel do you find that many people take it i need her to help really yes i gave you some advice once i was only trying to help you i don't know what you mean oh i think you do remind me i advise you not to lie to the police when you step up into that witness box it's where to tell the truth the whole truth i'm not going into any witness spot which you are you can count on that i'll tell paul you're here when did you find out i don't know what you mean there you are you're doing it again you're lying to me about the man she said she spent the night with there was no man that wasn't the question when when did you know where she really was even you can't have forgotten he was the night of rhoda's murder the night you said she was at home cutting out a dress with you there's nothing to do with me oh polly really [Music] i don't know what your part is [Music] [Music] [Music] oh let's not waste time polly there was no man no dave was there was there polly i was scared scared of going out at night you've been attacked i carried this knife knife almost a year in my handbag the flick knife where is it now polly where is it the canal at kenborn lock mike come in tell us what happened polly you tell us i promise you'll feel better if you do you tell us and we'll do the rest it was uh february wrote his birthday yes you were there remember why don't you take it from there we were in his flat how many three was a little party sometime during the evening rhoda asked if she could use the phone right go on i overheard part of it she was making arrangements to uh meet her father in storeton in the infirmary on monday on a monday you followed her i saw rhoda get on the bus with another woman and i got on too [Music] i left the bus at the same stop [Music] followed her down the footpath why to kill her to talk to her to reason with her yes to the spider yes from coming between you and west yes something went wrong you what are you doing here didn't you [Laughter] you stopped what happened i wiped the blade on the grass walked the station caught the first train and came home on the way i threw the knife into kenborn lock it was like you said just like you said and why you said all the influencers you are charged with the murder on february the eighth of rhoda and comfrey you do not have to say anything unless you wish to but anything you do say may be given in [Music] evidence [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you want anything ring the bell no thanks i'm driving nobody want many journeys like that no i suppose there's no doubt no doubt that she did it you heard her she couldn't have been confessing to protect west no she did it howard will have the lock dragged and tomorrow we'll have the murder weapon sir west had nothing to do with it then flash had everything to do with it bear with me mike i didn't hear the car mike gave me a lift you should be asleep so should you by the look of you nice to have the house to yourself you know something it was too quiet never the time and the place and the loved one all together do i take it it's all over good feeling lousy tell me you did a third right [ __ ] dora rich no other word for it strung a young person along i've lied to me i've lied to her all to get a confession did she realize but she will when i tell her you have to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so it's time to go is your name pauline flinders yes you're charged with the murder of rhoda and comfrey in king's markham on the 8th of february do you understand that charge yes i understand chief inspector that you're asking for a week's remand in custody i am your worship very well will you give short evidence of arrest please we remind you in custody until this day [Music] week so [Music] alternative where's wexford the last i heard he got into miringum sir to the library oh i hope his book wasn't her video you're in on this as well are you doctor yes i tried to nail him after the healing and i've never seen anybody move so fast what's he up to do you know no sir i'm sorry i'm later traffic on the bypass so shall we start oh if you're ready sir now before we begin i'd like to ask a couple of questions the girl's confession is it genuine definitely will it's sticking court oh she killed rhoda no question there's nobody else who could have motive she thought the daughter was in love with west welling was therefore a threat well it's not as simple as that in fact i had to complicate polly's story otherwise i wouldn't have got a confession but might we leave that for the moment i suppose we'll have to by the way sir the murder weapon is on his way down from the med flick knife yes good i hope that whatever it is you've got there will help us to find west west is denser dead that's why you never went back to the hotel and i suppose little polly flinders killed him absolutely right if he's dead where's the body exactly well let's skip that for the moment aeonism len the floor is yours aeonism spelt e-o-n-i-s-m it's a term coined by the sex ecologist havelock ellis in uh 1928 studies in the psychology of sex aeonism and other studies he took the name from that of the chevalier daon isn't it who's this man for 33 years the chevalier dale masqueraded as a woman well after 20 years rhoda comfrey masqueraded as a man grenville west what it's true so what are you saying that when polly murdered rhoda comfrey she also murdered granville west two murders one body this is unbelievable but it's true but how on earth did rhoda get away with it people must have guessed or at least suspected james barry oh not the peter pan james barry went to medical school and spent a lifetime as a medical officer in the army in the army and it wasn't until after his death that they found that he was a woman and not only a woman but a mother doctor does this make any sense to you at all oh yes the cases are well documented in point of fact that chevalier lived with a woman friend who never for a moment doubted that he was a woman oh cook i know you two have pulled some crackers out of that i told you it was gonna be straightforward sir last week i did something that i've never done in all the years in the job or maybe you better not tell i walked out i took time off i went to france uh i thought you were liaising with lacan i wanted a break a chance to think a couple of glasses of wine some oysters look i think it will be politic if we forgot this conversation after dinner or superb dinner french bird tried to pull me uh she wasn't a bird at least she was a [ __ ] bird not a hen was it a poor sad french transvestite gave me a clue i'd be looking for for three weeks my daughter did the same yesterday what about the age difference rhoda comfrey was 45 west was said to be 35. more testimony for those who believe that men age better than women my daughter is 24. but in her dublin whole she looked like a boyish 16. but what started rhoda off in dressing as a man uh well that was we'll never know how bloody cruel to lead polly on like that understandable though is it oh 40 loveless lonely years and somebody falls in love with you some of the same sex beggars and choosers uh how does this tie in with her being a virgin isn't it aionists have an almost asexual disposition well so that once she rhoda became a man then she never reverted no not never she had to go to the doctor once gave the right name but a false address it turned out to be mrs foreigners and where does the hotel fit in the place to change roles arrive as granville west [Music] leave his rodeo comfrey [Music] any other problems you told me the stabbing was a passionate crime remember so what changed polly from a forget your phrase a lumpish naive innocent 25 year old into a knife brandishing murderers i'm coming down your way next month holly heard rhoda make a date to come to start infirmary [Music] got a woman tucked away somewhere all right darling molly came down to king's markham too she stations herself there for the end of visiting time she anxiously vets the faces no sign whatever of granville west just one vaguely familiar 45 year old woman she starts to fall what exactly is she following family like this maybe they take the same bus from starting to king's market she gets off the bus and follows [Music] eventually she confronts her you it's them what are you doing eyeball to idol that she sees the truth didn't you realize the man she's in love with is actually a 45 year old woman realization totally unhinges [Music] does that answer your question i still think it's unbelievable congratulations marvelous piece of work thank you sir see you later yeah sure man i now know what it feels like to be in a 10 000 meter race and been lapped oh i'm sorry mike listen i i can explain no but can i ask a question do does polly realize yet that you know are you gonna tell her it'll come out in court you've got to stand up and admit in public that you'd fallen in love and then been deceived and humiliated like that she's blocked it out won't even admit it to herself good morning sir you come to interview you all right it's out of my hands polly you know that what you know and i know they will know the court know what why you killed rhoda comfrey it was like you said she was taking grenville away no she wasn't you better tell me polly i ever heard the phone calling rainbow's flat i followed her better to say when your story comes out in court no it will come out in court no i killed rhoda comfrey it'll give you a defense lawyer something to fight with i killed rhoda comfrey i killed rhoda comfrey and grenville west they were one of the same person polly [Music] you mustn't tell them please you mustn't tell them there's nothing i can do it's out of my hands [Music] do you like it [Music] well it's a pity she can't meet polly flinders then she'd know what real problems are [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Paul Goddard
Views: 395,676
Rating: 4.7385926 out of 5
Keywords: Inspector Wexford, George Baker, Christopher Ravenscroft, Ruth Rendell, Ruth Rendell Mysteries, Crime Drama, ITV, Police Drama, Fiction, TV Drama, Murder Mystery, VHS, Crime Writer, Video, Video Tape, Crime, Story, Detective, Detective Chief Inspector Reg Wexford, Television Drama, Investigation, Who Done It?, Mysteries, Detection, Clues, Crime Solving, Television Fiction, Adaptation, TV Adaptation, Ruth Rendell Adaptation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 144min 40sec (8680 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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