Inspector Wexford - A New Lease Of Death

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[Music] [Music] [Music] sarch [Music] [Music] the little girl that found her body five years old her mother was right behind her but her name's Krillin [Music] this is Crillon Detective Constable Peters and Detective Sergeant Wexford Kings Markham CID [Music] [Music] mr. this many times if your signature on these before you go no oh not at all let me try to get my little faster now I'll go over to my desk I see them straight out outrage just the man let's have a look at that it's from an old friend of mine I'm seen him in years but we'll keep in touch I just like to give him all the help he can trip down memory lane for him well can't stop like at a lunch appointment from Essex the Reverend Henry archery and a very good friend of our Deputy Chief Constable so somewhere or other he's got influence in the old pals Network Oh dum please Atwater for you they were closing up you know me too well paint a case this vicar wants to talk to you about sure I know the name very good memory if you do happen 30 years ago paint there was an odd job man he took an axe to his employer a defenseless old woman of 90 battered her to death and then stole 200 pounds and happened one of those big houses up the starting Road an ugly sinister place that's it I dunno we used to cycle out there as kids and dare each other to go into the grounds so there's a bigger one with a 30 year old murder case Oh how much a crime alert or imagine or his stay bed isn't keeping up with inflation I surprising how many of these cleared you'd like to dabble on the dark side the case itself I mean it's a big local sensation but I don't know already being remarkable in any other way tomorrow is remarkable for me there was the first murder case I'd handled on my own and it was remarkable for Herbert Arthur painter he was hanging for it [Applause] [Music] that's the shopping block bad blood all over it right market dead-looking you seem certain about who did it the Beast whose finder yes no he went out gonna come in well do you have - I've got a young child asleep well we're investigating the murder of your husband's employer this is primeira [Music] they're looking out for somebody mrs. painter no I just don't let the fight the neighbors knowing the police are crawling all over me oh s--- that's a very pretty little girl the fall recently missus finder no way hey nasty bruise charge down here good State [Music] you tell me where these bloodstains come from mr. spender what's all this thing mr. painter yes Detective Sergeant Wexford so we're investigating the murder of mrs. Romero can you tell me what you were doing between the hours of 6:00 and 7:00 this evening sir why are you asking me this under the mattress there's a 200-pound there hey yes ss I'll get to it straight away no no I'm expecting an emissary from God so many already guys here with you I'm sorry if I'm a little early in chief inspector oh no not at all mr. Ari I thought the Reverend will be better off in here sir yes Thank You sergeant well don't take your seat thank you and I'll say what I expected I've decided to dispense for the dog collar for a few days I see so what is your address in the bank cash mr. Kaji chief inspector I want you to tell me that somewhere in your mind there is doubt the faintest out of painters guilt can't be done they did it he's guilty beyond a shadow of doubt and you can quote me on that in your book look I'm writing a book chief inspector of course I don't know any more about this sort of thing than the average layman but I did manage to obtain a copy of the transcript of the trial and it does seem to me there were good many gaps in the evidence what are you interested in defending a man who was hanged 30 years ago mr. Archie my reason is a very personal chief inspector and I can assure you there's no possibility of my publishing anything you feel able to tell me no mistress in this case no cunning little red herrings Herbert painter killed his 90 year old employer with an axe for 200 pounds he was a brutal savage [ __ ] and if I may say so he's a strange character for a person to champion 30 years is a long time chief inspector perhaps after you've refreshed your memory we could discuss the matter in more detail [Music] Herbert Arthur painter you stand charged in this indictment with capital murder the particulars being that you on the 27th day of March 1959 murdered rose primeiro how say you are you guilty or not guilty not guilty I didn't do it sir [Music] [Music] mic can we go now this must be the room can't you walk you said spontaneity curiosity all the devious manipulation of a workaholic hmm come on have a look oh that poor little girl I mean five years old finding a body like that let's have a look around the back where's this vicar interested thirty years later nineteen hanging love is my guess god knows what he hopes to get out of the painter case well he certainly won't get any help from you Willie no he won't Jenny the man hacked an old woman to death for the sake of 200 pounds to me that justifies the death penalty mic there are just some issues you and I are not going to agree on actually you're in good company reg doesn't agree with me either oh oh come on Mike I don't like this place it's just a house Mike [Music] well I didn't expect chief inspector Wexford to welcome me with open arms yes well hopefully I can persuade him otherwise yes I was thinking exactly the same thing myself a breakfast it must be 20 years since we spent the night apart well no I slept like a log actually where would you like to start mister are a painter admitted that he was on bad about terms with his employer mrs. Palmero because she refused to give him a rise he testified that on the day before the murder she sent him up to her bedroom to get the 200 pounds it was a sort of one-off payment instead of a rise I didn't believe it mrs. primeira wasn't the sort of a woman that allowed her gardener to go rummaging about in her bedroom if she had the money she would have got a maid to get it for her well reading between the lines mrs. Romero was about a mean old woman perhaps she didn't want her maid to know her gardener was being given a bonus there's no way that he could have gone upstairs without the maid hearing him why not because he would have had to clump right past the kitchen where she was working then is the question of the blood the painters defense was that he was covered in blood because he'd cut himself chopping wood he was the same blood type as mrs. Romero so that doesn't link him to the crime well methods were not quite as balanced as they are now but the link for me was the amount of blood there was just too much blood to come from a cut on the hand and also there was his raincoat which was stained with blood and hidden under some bushes a raincoat that he kept in the old woman's house a coat that could've been worn by anyone and then later hid mr. which leads onto his repeated assertion and he saw [ __ ] in the grounds earlier that day well he was clutching at straws wasn't he this painter went up to the Wardrobe installed the money after murdering mrs. Romero why wasn't there any blood on the inside of the Wardrobe well he wore gloves we recommend he's stunned the old lady with a side of the axe went upstairs got the money and when he came back he finished her off in panic doesn't that strike he was rather odd when surely he must have realized he'd have been a suspect he wouldn't have been that transparent stupid some admire plain stupid was he was that your assumption of a man you really knew nothing about painter had a daughter yes Tess my only son Charles wants to marry her he's at Oxford taking his master's in modern grades and you're worried about him marrying beneath him on the contrary Chief Inspector the daughter of that stupid man painter is my son's tutor she's a fellow of Bailey oh sure she's her with painters daughter absolutely positive she's a beautiful intelligent charming woman when she told me about her background she broke down and cried a woman of her strength and maturity you see she knows her father was innocent really a couple of years after it all happened but I brought this up as if she were my own she's climbed higher than even I expected you've done a wonderful job it really has missed our tree I know you haven't come down here for a cozy in-laws get-together but I can't tell you anything that isn't public knowledge well just told me that her mother knew something something that would prove painter was innocent joy believed they never asked well why not the problems you have about stigma and hereditary traits are all a nonsense to me I believe in taking life as it comes you see I don't care where the painter would guilty or not but I do and so does your stepdaughter I happen to know she's in a great deal of pain but doesn't know how to tackle her mother about it you see there's a shadow hanging over my son's marriage and it just shouldn't be there that was test just after she was made a fellow failure know which cake would you like mr. ivory this is most kind of you mrs. Kershaw I really like to talk to you we'll start you off with a Dundee in zi0 from there shall we do sit down thank you mrs. Kershaw this is so difficult and the last thing I want to do is to cause you any distress but Tess told me that you knew something that could clear her father's name I know it's something you've never felt able to tell her and of course it's highly presumptuous of me to ask I really need to know sugar no thank you I never talked to mr. Autry I prefer to let the past be the past this is so painful I promise you if we can discuss it once I'll never bring the subject up again I've been over to King's welcome oh I suppose in built up and spoiled since I was there such a long time ago please tell me about Tessa's father he was no murderer you'd have to take my word for it it was a good kind man would never have harmed a fly but how do you know how can you know did you hear something see something No I'm very keen on a white wedding get your wife to back me up could you mr. Archer II what's past is past [Music] Elizabeth Elizabeth Lane you were told not to play with a painter girl what would happen if you disobeyed me what would happen tell me tell me [Music] [Music] more orange please sorry miss we're closing now we are to you [Music] [Music] get you a taxi home you look as if you need an ashtray thank you perhaps we could swap you don't seem to have a flower thank you no darling not ringing for any reason what does there have to be a reason tell me some parish gossip well something must have happened I'll tell Charles you'll have to wait look I'm doing everything I can [Music] [Music] what did you expect mr. actuary concrete evidence that have been overlooked and Ally by the oldies wife could prove nevertheless I would still like to talk to the other people involved Alistair made the woman whose daughter found the body and mrs. Ramirez grandchildren I believe they all inherited a substantial amount of money because I can't stop you but I don't have to tell you that to be very careful before you make a lot of unfounded accusations Chief Inspector I don't want to find someone else guilty I simply want to prove Paynter innocent either afraid you will find the former consequent upon the latter so Georgie sir there's been a very serious accident on the high street oh my god I gotta go with me it's not you they won't sir Almighty God with whom to live the spirits of just men made perfect after they are delivered from this their earthly prison we home to commend the soul of this thy servant our dear brother into thy hands as into the hands of a faithful creator and most merciful Savior humbly beseeching thee but it may be precious in my sight I'm sorry sir but he was calling for a priest one denomination I know but I knew that you were nearby thank you I've seen death before of course but in the young it's always more tragic yes it's a harsh thing witness I still remember my first time soon after I came back here young man about the same age as this one not so quiet he was screaming about a girl and a child he wanted a clergyman Tim I hope you've got one no no I didn't you died I'm sure then I think the word is never forget his name grace John grace God moves in a mysterious ways wonders to perform yes yes he does all right take you to the station question mrs. Crilley whose daughter found the body if that's possible yes I'll ask the daughter in the back of the car they're all about a charge of a manslaughter like really Elizabeth Crillon where is she what have you done with her my baby my daughter [Music] don't you try to kiss you once when you were taking it a little funny sir mr. Burton yes insisted we were going on our honeymoon actually it's something I'd rather forget we were very good friends very good friends indeed we only lived across the way she looked on my daughter was one of her own we used to call her granny rose would you tell the court what happened on that Sunday night yes I had been making my daughter a part of frog we were going to show it off to granny rose her maid was at church and I just popped over to see if it was a good time to call I looked in through the window and I saw that she was asleep what time at about twenty-five past six when you looked in did you notice anything yes I noticed that the coal-scuttle was empty which meant that painter I hadn't been in to fill it up then I went back at about 7:00 with my daughter the back door was unlocked Elizabeth ran ahead and she found the bottom Thank You mrs. Crilley no questions my lord with the evidence against you and the seriousness of the offense I have no alternative but to commit you for trial at the Crown Court what you going to do to her you can't send it to prison she can't go to prison that woman please no I won't let it be shut away I won't let her be shut away you've got a tiny face help me please babe babe come on babe this is a very dear old friend of my niece's I can have fair I want my rights for my baby I would let you shut away do I understand you wish to ask for bail very well my dear friends and mrs. quilling take my advice or tear it up she's not her she wasn't a visitor at home she wants to thank me personally get that a Miss father yourself what do you want I saw your mother in court this morning she asked me to come and see them that was this morning but going inland but I've taken a rolled-up newspaper if I was you mrs. crew Lane this is great mrs. quilling mrs. quilling you haven't forgotten I was coming holy we met this morning in court you sent me a note oh my tablet no no I'm Amanda and then you clean I'm sorry if I've done anything to distress you where's my baby she went out we met as I came in ordered what I start take them without water I know who you are you want to take my baby away I saw you with him I saw you coming out of the coal widow no mrs. quilling you're confused I'm the one who helped you I can't let them get her in there in prison they'll find it out in there find out what they'll find it all out first do you hear me I'll kill her first [Music] your accent oh hello inspector burden isn't it yes that's right I just come for mrs. Cooling's she is a very strange woman she didn't know me at first then she seemed to be in great pain and she forgot about it then there was this incredible outburst I should have taken your advice it's mostly the mind rehearsing next time you see her she'll probably be as nice as pie she's up by minute and down the next she turns a cup of tea thank you as far as I know the father died young up till then the cronies were a perfect of respectable middle-class family then was the murder and the daughter grow up difficult she was in announced schools to juvenile court when she's alive 14 and she's been on the edge of trouble ever since ready I wonder how much finding the old woman's body might have affected her it's hard to say certainly would have heard that the mother had been more stable she's been in a massive mental hospitals more than a few times the daughter had to be taken into care when that happened I don't suppose I shall be telling you this but um mrs. Crilley was very concerned that if her daughter her baby as she kept calling her was sent to prison I suppose it would be prison yes it might Bobby she was very concerned that she might blurt out some terrible secret to do with a Panero murder so much revolves around that raincoat and who wore it I don't see why mrs. crane couldn't have worn it and then hidden it afterwards you say she's always been unbalanced she had just as much opportunity as Paynter what would her motive be mad people's motives are often very difficult for the same to understand yeah but you dopes on her daughter in her own funny way she wouldn't have taken the child with her at the trial mrs. quitting said she first went to the house is 625 but we've only her word for it supposing she went to the house at 20 to 7:00 after painter had left there would've been time for her to commit the murder then she'd have taken the child there afterwards because no one would ever believe that a mother would take her own daughter to find a body she knew was already there it's a terrible thought isn't it you've missed your vocation sir you should have joined the force you'd be a superintendent by now [Music] it's alright and not be enough doing a runner I'm just taking these two good folks to the station but already for me when I get back and see my wife get some more coffee [Music] thank you sir we're now moving the tables a totality [Music] thought you might need an ashtray [Music] would you like to join us [Music] thank you [Music] you stay you know but just for a few days [Music] I only asked because we come here quite often and I hadn't seen you here before today [Music] I didn't know tonight was dance night they have them once a month we always tell to me I love to talk [Music] which like stance now I just keep feeling our senior summer fall no I don't think I would remember unless you you don't read women's magazines no I read the times really there was a light court case and someone mention my name and the judge said who is image and ID and who is image indict I was a model I'd success the most photographed face in Britain of that year [Music] [Music] [Music] hey stop man living a Jannard now there's a ribbon entry total way you described it Tony was good-looking would you like to join us me you've nothing better to do no no thank you can I get you a drink thank you I must make a phone call if you'll excuse me [Music] the beasts not a very flattering angle his widow described into archery is a kind gentle man who wouldn't harm a fly hmm but it always come from chronicle archives Mike do you think this Vic is onto something no I don't then why the fascination I don't know um curiosity really mistreat them King sister the man I work with hmm just rush know you've got these no he doesn't it's quite interesting really before the trial the krill ins were a respectable middle-class family and you'd have expected their daughter Elizabeth to have made something of her life whereas the painter as well poor working-class and the daughter had to grow up with a stigma of having a murderer as a father she's the one who's achieved everything it's called social mobility there's so little ID in this country sticks out a mile that's what it's causing would you have been so curious if paint had just been sent to prison instead of being handed no I don't suppose I would be but then he would have been released years ago free to hack down a string of old ladies heaven's sake tell us I'm sorry to surprise you like this mum told me where you were staying Charles doesn't know I'm here I just didn't want you to hear over the phone I've called the wedding off when I get married I want it to be a celebration I don't see how that can happen if my background is on trial look at s I'm sorry it's all right I grew up an outcast because of what my father supposed to have done I understand your reasons your love for Charles even the kindness in trying to clear my name look I haven't come up with anything concrete as yet I just don't think it's as open-and-shut as they say my mother has told me that despite what everyone thinks and says let my father was a gentle kind loving man now that's good enough for me I have to believe it I understand if it's not good enough for you have you spoken to Charles about this I've talked to Charles about the wedding he won't accept it then that's Charles [Music] yes I've come to sign on sorry madam it's a condition of Madam's bail oh yes Krillin thank you miss see you again tomorrow look I suppose there isn't anything idiot in what the Nisqually has some deep secret that her mother doesn't want let out under third degree there's just something about them they make me feel uneasy they're no different to our other customers you know closely enough everybody's got something that they want to hide but perhaps this has got something to do with a painter case what are you trying to imply and I made a mistake thirty years ago of course not you know I didn't mean that I don't know I don't know anything all I know is that the painter case was an open-and-shut affair nobody's got a hope in hell of sorry he didn't do it why don't you get your friend out tree to praise it out of the daughter is a fast worker that one is he what makes you say that never mind well I got work to do even if you happened she can't move her hands but her earrings perfectly good she could talk the hind leg up a donkey and she looks the good gospel you like a good gossip don't you Alice visitor for you the Reverend archery hello Alice would it upset you to talk to me about mrs. primeiro she loves it this is rather a private matter if you wouldn't mind private it's the whole wards bedtime story nothing cheers him up like a good murder nevertheless if you wouldn't mind what exactly did you want to know sir I realize it's a long time ago but anything you feel you can tell me about mrs. primero her grandchildren mrs. Crillon and of course painter I was scared of him but I never let him know it it was me that nicknamed him the Beast [Music] I'm sorry mr. Autry it'd have to wait I'm on a call I won't detain you I wanted to let you know I've just had a very interesting conversation with the maid alice flower mr. Archie I don't know how to put this politely Sasha mother but I am fed up to the back teeth of your ridiculous inquiries I'm sorry about that but you'll have to listen to me now now this flower has given me information that may well prove Herbert painter was innocent mr. painter do you recognize this axe yes please tell the court where you have seen it before in the place where I used to work I used it for chopping up wood did you also use it to attack mrs. P marrow on that Sunday evening no let us go back to the day before the murder now you admitted to the court that you had an argument with mrs. primero about your wages you threatened to leave unless she gave you a rise you then told the court that she instructed you to get two hundred pounds from her bedroom but not to tell the maid because she would want a raise as well that's right that's exactly what happened would you tell the court what you were wearing on your feet at the time carpet slippers bat no shoes in fact your shoes were rather large heavy workman's boots well they're not yeah and to get to mrs. premier OHS bedroom you would have had to walk past the kitchen go up the stairs next to the kitchen and then walk along a bear wouldn't call a door directly above the kitchen yes but the maid alice flower who was in the kitchen at the time and whom we have established as honey had excellent hearing didn't hear your great Walkmans boots clomping along and over well she should have heard me because that's exactly what happened all she heard mr. Paynter was you and mrs. primero arguing your story is a tissue of lies isn't it no hey Tom well isn't no sir it isn't no darling I don't think it's a good idea for Charles to come over because I'm getting on very well on my own the last thing I need right now is for Charles to come steaming in at full speed I've spoken to the police we'll just have to be patient there's nothing more we can do what I know I if I can prove Tessa's father was innocent the wedding will be on again look I really feel I'm getting somewhere the maid story is the first legal breakthrough and it's flower well tell Charles he'll just have to be patient do you think he's uncovered something I doubt it since I said I left give him every assistance I'll go see the mind nagging doubts about it to you I painted behind no you know my views about that that's what is Gilda but no doubt whatever this damned turbulent priest stirring up the past makes you relive it whether you want to or not Londyn number please the Ministry of Defense [Music] morning good morning lovely flowers yes would you mind opening the car door for me please thoughts I'm taking them down to 4b Cemetery my husband's family has a vault down there very food there's an ugly Church there how do you see much of the countryside around here yet very little I'm afraid I'm fascinated by fonts terrestris it's my thing I don't suppose that interest you at all quite the contrary actually I'll take a ride through this afternoon if you think it's worth seeing I'm going right now why don't I give you this thank you I like that [Music] you took the job knowing that one of your duties Oh another or 30 hours of the day and night that's gonna be worth extra you're paid I've gotta wait entire [Music] don't see why this vicars making such a fuss about a row condition a spoke bit of lung I know miss Lera but we didn't discuss it at the time is such a long time ago oh there's nothing wrong with my memory sir I can see it as real as I can tell it you suppose it would have been possible for painter to go upstairs and into mrs. Romero's bedroom while you were dealing with the mess without you here in her bedroom sir like that anyway she told me everything she'd never given money to him not to me we all know he murdered her madam nurse nurse he was guilty guilty [Music] [Music] I don't remember inviting you in do you mind putting something on [Music] yeah where's your mother have no idea and why my mother's a keeper it's good dancing which reminds me what's that clergyman doing here a B for a job I found my firm yesterday when I got back from that bloody Court and they gave me the push got you look to thank for that what's on offer what exactly are you here for you lonely inspector got a light no I haven't [Music] nice it for me for ya Benilde have you no exact effect there's chronic back pain track nerve at the base of our spine she won't have an operation she just doses herself up all the time to get some sorts of junk you've no right turning things over about searching and for searching you need a wand [Music] you never answered me about the clergyman he's here because he knows Plato's daughter painter that killed the old woman but that was years ago I used to go to the coach house to play with her my mother never knew she said Tess wasn't my class I could never understand that I thought how can she have a class if she doesn't go to school mother was always with the old woman yak yak yak there was nothing to do no one to play with except se why are you looking at me like that stirring things up you've got no right no right get out get out just call me if there's anything you want to talk to me about [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] this way oh you must never go widdershins around a church you meant to be unlucky but I see the leper home this is where they used to knew what it must have been like sentenced to be an outcast unclean to be allowed once a week to watch the rest of the villagers singing in a prayer together it's appalling isn't it thank you I'm going to put these on the grave now so why don't you have a little walk around however you know [Music] [Music] [Music] reflecting on your own mortality no strange coincidence someone was telling me other day about this young man's dead he was killed at a car accident he was a poet apparently goal Shepard to your rest your tale is told the Lamb of God takes Shepherds to his fold [Music] well I I must be getting back I promise to find myself I'll try to go [Music] we do oh hello sorry I didn't notice the time no hurry it's always nice to see a new man at work I've just brought back some dry cleaning this should be another one in the other room thank you so was alice flower coherent very she has Total Recall that's the expression she began with a lengthy character assassination of mrs. Crilley according to Alice mrs. screaming was never a real friend she just wanted to worm her daughter in the old lady's affection so this should be remembered in her will the old lady didn't make a will no she lawyers so everything automatically went to her natural heirs the grandchildren roger primero on his two little sisters then she spent an hour telling me what a wonderful grandson roger was and how he dutifully visited her every Sunday afternoon and was actually right about this nice dish in the kitchen she smashed a dish and dropped a roasting hot leg of lamb on the floor so possibly painter could have gone upstairs without her hair did but they revealed a solid case against him I don't see that the jury's verdict would have been swayed by knowing about it to know I went to see you Lizabeth quitting did you know yes now it's only a gut feeling but I really do think that she is hiding something something important I would have thought with your views on hanging you'd be the last person who want to prove me wrong rich I am NOT trying to prove you wrong no yes yes just a moment yes yes it is I see no not at all thank you for calling that was a message from the hospital Alice flower died early this morning she became ill then I was interrogating her she was nearly 19 could have been brought on by anything it was a painful experience for her as I expected was for Elizabeth Krillin bye Jenny bye dad I am here because you don't seem to have got very far I love Tess and I want to marry her being against her Charles there's not a fair more accurate you both wanted painters name cleared course we did this thing has plagued her all her life for the difference between you and me is that in the end I don't give a damn whether her father ran amok and butchered an entire old people's home you keep your voice to I think you've been relying on police cooperation far too much this character Wexford is never willingly going to investigate himself Charles you haven't even met them at all right all right give him the benefit of the doubt he didn't pervert the course of justice he simply made an old-fashioned mistake but you can't honestly expect him to put up his hand now and wave goodbye to career in pension we've got to start boxing clever let's go Doug chars I told you Alistair maid talked a great length about how Roger Panero was the model grandson but a few months before she died he did ask the old lady for 10,000 pounds so he could set himself up in business yes as that was all the money old lady had she refused the matter was closed he never asked again when she died he was perfectly content with his third share a sum far short of what he needed but everything I had to say suggests a kind loving and attentive relative exactly what do you mean exactly well Roger Panero sounds too good to be true so he's the one I'm going off that what you're going about it in a very dishonest way this is where it happened where the young man was killed when I attended was about your age [Music] pretty bent would you remember I told you and to exercise the pack decide [Music] you're right darling you see a big list oh just don't get excited bad hunting like you do thank you look I'll need to borrow your Blazers and give me a little more respectability I'm not convinced just try to remember who I am what I'm supposed to represent dad if you're investigating a murder you've got to be prepared to be a bit left-handed anyway it's too late I've already set up the appointment he thinks I'm doing a profile on him for The Times about he loves blabbing to journalists about the Roger premier a rags to riches story is that if she comes in try not to look at her what told my dear my dear my dear friend what a lovely surprise I was just saying to my daughter this morning I do hope I move that nice man again so I can thank him for ministering to me now you harvest it this is my son Charles Charles this is mrs. Crilley ah mrs. Krillin how do you do I've heard so much about you nice things I don't what else could he say please please join us not to come in here again mrs. trilling I'm sorry you'll have to leave please as our guest I'll try and keep her under control yes part of tea my baby is in so much trouble who's to help us what talking can sometimes help why not start at the beginning you see it could have been it should have been so different father really yes really I had a dear old friend you see doted on my baby she was rolling money kept 7/4 and she was always going on about what she do for my baby I passed it over of course having an absolute emotion about stepping into dead men shoes white sugar please can't stand that Demerara Mak silly [ __ ] was oh you were talking about stepping into dead man's shoes you're not the mercenary type it exactly I didn't press it until the doctor told him my husband had only six months to live no pension no insurance I was desperate absolutely desperate so what nurse did you do well I relented of course and I got the old lady of will form was either smuggling past that crazy old maid of hers he was poison undiluted poison it took me months young lady to keep her promise saina damn will a will but she didn't have a will yes she did let me tell this is my story going this is quitting a week before she died I made a deal so I thought 10,000 to leave and she put my baby down for eight for me to take care till she was 21 so I went and got the caretaker and let the lady across the road to to witness so that it was all official and then I kept it under lock and key in our house well that was a good start for your daughter whatever misfortunes came afterwards whatever benefit my baby got was only from a father's family and that was me oh but what about the will bloody will it wasn't legal I only found out after she was dead I took it straight round to the solicitors they saw through it right away it's crippled alterations all over it she must have done it while I was seeing the witnesses out of hours I thought we've come up trumps when she died that's it out now and you too I saw you egging her on out there's the motive and the opportunity and perhaps a madness that comes from living with an uncle described well I don't think you have to visit much of Romero now all right in there not do any harm by [Music] We Need to Talk get in drive around the corner and then get me a newspaper I was having a chat with Henry archery earlier on about this painter case confidentially I think it a bit one thing if you took an interest really soon why is that well when it all started I assumed as I'm sure you did there was nothing in it but more skeletons in policeman's cupboards can reflect badly on everyone better we'd take care of it ourselves rather than another force comes in to do it for us thank you John [Music] sorry to keep you waiting been exercising a new horse Charles Burton Roger primero so when mrs. Ramiro was murdered that Crilley woman still thought that the will was that yes now surely you have to consider her a prime suspect I want you to tell me about sufficient grounds to ride to the Home Secretary you don't even have any circumstantial evidence I would advise against it I think I shall write just the same but you must do as you please sir have you heard about Ali's father no passed away yesterday happy released I daresay this is Romero's grandson was with her at the end yes I believe he's been very kind I hope you find the rest of your stay the fewer kind of chance to see any become tree around here sir oh yes no m24 but yesterday I was in the church guard I happened to notice the grave of the boiler chief inspector mentioned the other day ah John grace the post yes they're very part of him in 4b is his picture was all over the turn he also wrote plays it seems some people even regard him as a sort of religious mystic my son knows his work doesn't it I'm surprising John gracious favor spread beyond the parish burden that load of Oxford is your son helping you with your investigation sir yes he came down yesterday he's rather desperate I'm afraid it's Tess's birthday soon as he he hopes give her innocent father as a present [Music] of course the murder was all my fault really if only I hadn't left my grandmother so early that Sunday evening I had to meet a couple of chaps in a pub we were it's saying great thing was they were waiting in another permit I hang around for about an hour then I went home how many times I've relived that evening and that was when you were a solicitor's clock around about the time you started your first business yes it's terrible but the thing is it was the making of me I needed ten thousand at the time and suddenly I had it as mrs. Cooley now it's rata primero we're not professional detectives Charles I think which go a little carefully that's all Palace flower died oh I know all about that primeira was full of it he's the one arranging the funeral the kind man taking care of everything made it very easy to talk about the murder actually I didn't think you'd be so callous Charles well I think he's a crook anyway that much money and power what's so sad is the way he obviously needs to flaunt it the house the horses that Butler oh and I had the expensive looking wife paraded in front of me as well you know I'm not so sure we're doing the right thing here I mean they will close ranks when something like this happens it's instinctive I do realize this could put you in a very difficult position but with your boss being so hostile we don't see who else we can turn to you do see the point don't you both Alice flower and mrs. Crillon said that mrs. Premera had just 10,000 to leave but apparently Roger Premera didn't get only a third of that he got the whole 10,000 the exact amount he needed to set himself up in business yeah we are please help yourself to sugar and milk no there wasn't a will we've already checked that so the 10,000 should have been split three ways between him and his sisters that's what 3,000 on each premier got the lot we wondered if you could help us track down the sisters there's not an awful lot to go on one of them could still be unmarried and living in London yes as you say not a lot to go on you see his alibi is just so weak he was in a pub waiting for some mates but they never turned up I mean that's pathetic instead of leaving his grandmother's house like he said he could have easily hidden himself or sneaked back Charles you're letting your imagination run away with you dad I can't lose Tess I can't you've no idea what I'm going through alright um leave it with me I'll see what I can do like you can't keep turning it over and over and over there's bound to be a reasonable explanation why primero ended up with all the money it's just whether to look into it without telling red Wow I suppose you could argue that you knew he was fed up with it all she just didn't want to bother him anymore I could pure rage Wexford would you believe me No guilty or not guilty guilty of capital murder is that the verdict of your it is [Music] Herbert Arthur Peter you have been found guilty of murder a murder most foul callous and brutal there is no place for your kind in a decent lawful society you shall be taken from here to a place of execution and you shall be hanged by the neck until you are dead no it's God's my witness lord have mercy Oh [Music] [Music] how would you literally on the way for a couple of days would be lovely go tomorrow their breakfast get away from it all wonderful [Music] [Music] [Music] miss primeira yes inspector bird we spoke on the phone how did you find me in the phone book how many Primera's even in London and luckily you hadn't mastered lucky for you lucky for me my sister's married she's in there escaping from husband and kids she only lives across the way do have a seat thank you said what you want me to tell you all of this happened when I was about seven years old you know yes I understand that just dumb whatever comes to mind really well I remember all granny Rose lived in a big old rented house I think the family lost most of their money some years earlier we went for tea a few times it was a dark horrible place I remember being afraid to go to the bathroom on my own the maid used to have to take me I never saw paint her if that's what you're after well there was a child we used to play with Elizabeth her name was and paint her had a daughter but grandmother said she was common we won't have anything to do with her I'd quite like to have nothing to do with the people around me now my sister Isabel with a policeman Oh seat while this fuss about something that happened 30 years ago which I tried to make absolutely sure that justice was properly done yeah well it certainly wasn't done to us I'm sorry nothing doesn't matter I haven't spoken to your brother Roger yet neither have we for the last 25 years you had a falling-out our grandmother left ten thousand pounds it should have been split three ways it wasn't Roger got it all missing lor he was perfectly entitled to it mind you it would have been a different story of our grandmother had died a month later I don't quite follow you if you saw our brother you would do you see any resemblance between world ruin - no not at all we're not alike either are we that's because we're not sisters Roger isn't our brother Roger is our mother's son and mrs. primeira was his grandmother his father's mother our mother couldn't have any more children she waited 11 years after she had Roger then she had opted me a year later she adopted Isabelle as well but you were legally adopted hmm didn't make any difference granny primero didn't make a will you see before 1959 adopted children couldn't inherit unless the dead person had made a will a month after dear old granny died the Lord changed just our rotten luck she'd have lasted another four weeks everything would have been different mother was at him for years to give us something he made vague promises yes but smart sharp greedy Roger kept a lot would you like some coffee inspector yes thank you [Music] do you know what makes even more than barbers videos we're playing hooky nobody knows where we are or what we're doing there will be no midnight calls about some grisly murder nothing like a surprise to keep a marriage fresh [Music] well you know chance is convinced he's weeded out the real murderer I never met the man but from what I've heard it doesn't seem very likely do I no I'm fine really yesterday I know well it'll just be a few more days so tell me some gossip about the parish Jeremy had he was working in a solicitor's office at the time so he could have known that the law was about to change and he wouldn't get the whole ten thousand he needed the money desperately and his alibi is very a week I mean meeting some mates in the pub but they didn't turn up well surely he was investigated at the time so he wasn't caught of the trial in fact there's no evidence that reg ever suspected him and the world business never came up well I mean Roger primeira the solicitor looked respectable and painter the odd-job man didn't cold anything like this Mike no one is infallible including reg Wexford [Music] god be with you my boy not all [Music] I've cut myself don't know Asya I've just cut myself run run run to granny rose [Music] [Music] this is very kind of you you'd have been waiting at that bus dot sometime the service is cut last here according to the estate agent it's the next turning on the left [Music] [Music] are you sure this is the house you want to see I'm positive but company if you're interested in buying this place well it's more curiosity really I see well it only needs an imaginative owner to give us a new lease of life do you know I have heard so often I always wanted to see it inside this is the kitchen this is where the maid you know poor Alice was cooking lunch you know about the murder then absolutely off by heart this must be this is where the murder took place are you an armchair detective just curious you're very like your son oh he's like you it's the jaw with the eyes and of course the Blazer I didn't know you'd met my son Boman what is that it is writing a pseudonym you didn't tell me you work for newspaper where did you meet him he came to interview my husband he was doing a piece for The Times your husband is Roger primero yes that's the matter I thought your name was ID ID from arrow what's in a name the relative whose grave you put the flowers on that was mrs. Palmero your husband's grandmother that's how you know about the matter I've been such a fool forgive me what is my male name I kept it's modeling I fall in love [Music] this was the first one I used in anger this was the the first one to go into the collection still you didn't come over here to play with guns did you now this is the problem of keeping ones whole history and 50 years it's a long time I am I copied everything out when the Defense Ministry told me you might be in for it telling me you might be coming over here here we are named Herbert off a painter rank private number one 101 73 or so those are the boots that I got ready at the time of the trial I thought I might be I thought I might be called as a character witness as I had been his commanding officer of the time I mean that was the usual drill what was bothering me why the defense didn't come on oh no a spontaneous weekend away it still is I just popped in the collection papers nod to Bannon lunge only beef before [Laughter] I think I loved you from the first time I saw you I think that's how it was what was I married you know that that a sudden what you don't know is I'm a clergyman a priest why didn't you tell me I've got no right to love you who you are what I am why don't you tell me east I'm sorry please I think you should go now please go now look could you sure you got it right yes yes inspector Bergen confirmed yesterday Roger primeira had a definite strong motive he also had an open opportunity in a pathetic alibi it must be enough to reopen the case what an amazing birthday present excuse me so was it worth a visit well you remember me telling you that archers investigation made everybody involved look back of the past whether they liked it or not well there's been something niggling at me for the last thirty years it wasn't so much painter it was his defense counsel he struck me is useless always doodling on his pad I've always remembered and I've always wondered why he didn't call painters ex commanding officer was it incompetence or did he know that painters Army background wouldn't do him any favors and well there was a list of minor charges drunk and disorderly that sort of thing and there was a manslaughter charge of a young woman in the village when he was out in the fire east well he's found not guilty it doesn't make pretty reading man was an animal he killed the old woman no doubt about it in my mind never husband there's just one thing that strikes me no this is the mob data just doesn't add up I'll get the colonel to check there you are morning so where'd you get to last night I couldn't find you anywhere do you check out the house yes and what have you wanted to there are places ROG of America have hidden instead of going out the front door that's great so why are you looking so glum Am I sorry I didn't know it was look I've found out that this Wexford character doesn't get back until this afternoon so I've arranged a meeting for two o'clock in the meantime Tess and I thought we'd go for a drive in the country why don't you join us know you've been working so hard on this you must have some fun oh come on a very thorough Mike very sorry indeed you're the first person to see it before he goes to Deputy Chief Constable people wrench I hated writing every single word of it nice interesting I knew to me I didn't know the primeira sisters were adopted convenient viraja was of course it's assuming that primary knew about the impending change in the law but then he was working in a solicitor's office at the time yes yes I'm in a wake including the painter was innocent but it did cross your mind I just think that this new information concerning primero is significant didn't you suspect in the tone no no I didn't I'm sorry to disturb you gulp of mr. premier oh I see oh yes I said I'd see so I'm fated we'll talk about this later mr. Berger morning Detective Inspector burden Thank You inspector Oh later then I'm in court till this afternoon take a seat what can I do for you mr. primero capture con man nasty little jerk posing as a journalist but know this Jacob rang me up said he was from The Times what to do an article about my early life well I gave him a hell of a long interview and even had lunch with me and my wife and then you thought about it I got the time didn't exist how did you know it happens I'm surprised at you sir a man of your experience the time that you should have rung the newspaper when he first made contact I feel so stupid no money Joe sounded so no no I don't feel that stupid that's what I don't understand what was he after well I can't man would love to go after a man like you sir rich successful and in the public eye because he knows and you mustn't take this person is that most people even law-abiding citizens have something in their past lives they don't want to have known perhaps he was trying to find something to blackmail us oh we're just crazy hmm seem nice enough good-looking but educated like my wife was quite taken with him I've mentioned this to her yet it might upset her call himself Bowman Charles Pearlman Charles funny thing was he seemed particularly interested in my grandmother was he that's what I uh I wouldn't trouble yourself with this anymore so as you know you think you're not as harmless anyway but I'll see that it doesn't trouble you again you will thank of your time Oh after a funeral poor old Alice oh yes [Music] [Music] of the Resurrection to eternal life through our Lord Jesus Christ who died and rose again for us to him double now if you doing you lurking about well there's a funeral just finishing we've been looking all over the village for you come along no Charles wait a minute what for oh come on Tess is waiting in the car well well well who are we today Mr Bowen Roger you recognize him darling I'll need you as a witness what witness Roger do you remember mr. Archer II who we met at the dance this is his son do you deny that you made your way into my home under false pretenses he's a journalist he uses a pseudonym that's all they're here on holiday I'm afraid that's not quite true mrs. premier my father and I came down here with the express purpose of collecting certain information and in order to do that we had to work our way into your confidence okay maybe we've been a bit unscrupulous but we thought the end justified the means I'm afraid I don't understand what the hell is that all about watch information don't tell me here you come down with me right now you lay out your information in front of Chief Inspector Wexford you should already have it and at our meeting with him at 2 o'clock this afternoon we'll find out exactly what he intends to do about it come along Charles inspector Wexford now knows just how convenient it was for you that your grandmother died when she did and how you use the law to cheat your sisters out of their inheritance and how in that evening 30 years ago you concealed yourself in your grandmother's house you're out of your mind that's enough Charles this is ridiculous this is plain ridiculous mr. archery I hope you had more pleasure from this trip and you've given us guilty guilty guilty so there's that pleasure she means the free lunch they gave me the scenic skate did you notice how she couldn't even look at me oh come on dad it's so English to have a phobia about scenes [Music] and I've had time to reflect on it but before we go any further I must tell you that I've had a complaint about you from mr. primero oh really that yes that I've known for a few days that your father has made the acquaintance of the Pinheiros and I told your father that if he was going to call on any of the people concerned in the case he was to be careful not to make trouble now your little escapade with mr. primero is what I call making trouble I don't have it well I'm sorry but you're not gonna tell me that your people don't occasionally invent a cover story to get what they want my people have the law on their side they are the law the way we can turn to what you've uncovered hello I know what you're going to say the primeira had an alibi and I realized that your people would have checked it out and after all this time it's going to be very difficult to come up with concrete evidence his alibi was not checked what roger paneros alibi he was not checked why the hell not Jones now I'm happy to discuss the whole thing with you and answer any questions that you like but not in the presence of miss Carroll you can't treat a grown woman like a child we are going to be married I'm sorry I don't have any secrets inspector burden we'll see that I understand I'll go jealous can't you see he can't talk about my father in front of me sir what about this alibi that for some mysterious reason was never investigated no mystery about it mrs. Romero was killed between six twenty five and seven o'clock yes yes she was killed in King's Markham at six thirty roger primero were seen in sari ten miles away oh he was seen was he well doesn't it seem remotely possible that he could have fixed it beforehand that he'd be seen as always some shifty made her perjure himself for the right price alright he was seen okay who saw him I saw you I with my little eye you might have told us this before I would have done if I had the remotest idea that you suspected him to chop up mr. premier about his grandmother is one thing to pin a murder on him is another you're quite sure even after 30 years absolutely I knew Roger camaros face very well I'd often seen him in court at his role as sister's Clark on that particular evening I'd arranged to meet an informant in the pub as I was leaving at 6:30 around stop banging - Roger premier Oh I even remember that he asked whether he could buy me a short snort very much his language there's no way he's got to be near the house at the time of the murder I'm sorry but the fact is that old mrs. rose Romero was murdered by her bird painter I won't keep you a moment mistake see oh come on I don't want to sign in I'll be a few moments thank you complete bastards aren't they mr. RA if you put this behind you I'm sure that you will find out miss together I'm sorry the painter daughter is sitting next to the Crillon daughter they're quite Marigny isn't it all come on Mike let's bury it if ideology were investigating premier I will put you right you could have put me right first thing this morning now we're interrupted I know on your way to court oh come on like to be taught a lesson didn't I the same lesson as charles archery with so obvious you'll really enjoying your cat and mouse game with him weren't you oh that's ridiculous is it well perhaps I was a bit hard on him but it's forgivable when you see what I've been put through for you to see that I'd sent an innocent man to the gallows well that must have taken a few deeply held convictions eh that's no bad thing is it the point of mind and my parents turn and then why can we just get married her to get you had a head of fun come says they don't mind not considering everything I've been very lucky I've had my mum and a wonderful stepfather who loved me and he encouraged me to get where I am today yeah but maybe this is one bit I have to divide him what does that mean it was ridiculous to imagine we could get married oh oh I know you try to understand you know I [Music] of the stigma and the pain that I carried around and it's not just the cruelty of other people that's what I've done to myself I just can't find any peaceful I have to live with this injustice I want you to answer me truthfully do you still believe my father is innocent well we never really investigated the Crillon woman she was terrified that her daughter might give away some terrible family secret but I mean who knows what she might be capable it would Nora Huertas Charles I know that my father is innocent [Music] hello oh I wanted to apologize for this order I forgiven you for this morning it was really nothing to do with you was it it's it's just the other time as it seemed incomprehensible I was hoping that I could say all this on the phone I can't what [Music] all my life oh my life I know I know well it would be impossible to meet here and the hotel isn't a good idea so what about the old house eight o'clock alright well I thought you would have been pleased that rich was right all along you did do the right thing you know yes well if I'd waited 48 hours and asked reg I wouldn't have had to and how did you feel for that 38 hours knowing that an innocent man in hang the same argument the Reds used but it doesn't work because painter wasn't innocent he was guilty I'm sorry I'm afraid I can't drum up much compassion towards cold-blooded [Music] [Music] [Music] imager [Music] imagine [Music] don't nothing absolutely none it was the law at the time the money came to me it was perfectly legal perhaps it would make you feel better if you gave them their fair share now I would arrange it you wouldn't have to meet them oh yeah yeah yeah not the point there is it I'm supposed to remember my exact movements of 30 years ago wait so it's gonna be suspicious bounce me well standing in this shock to pieces because of that damn preacher his son what does it do to us you know I've always cared for you very much but you've never really loved me have you I know you didn't do it sorry going on like this your only way out it's too wet and laughing it's too late now [Music] Oh I've cut myself don't get liceo just come don't look just go on you tell anyone or you ever come back here again you little stuck-up snob you know what I'll do wherever I am wherever I'll find you and I'll give you I gave the old girl so even after you threatened you still came back here later with your mother I was much more frightened of letting her know I've been out of my party frog than I was of him I can remember her shouting at me to run into the room and then I saw her what do you think it was like for me I was 5 years old what happened then they put me to bed I was ill for weeks I didn't know they'd arrested painter perhaps they didn't think I'd understand all I knew was he'd made granny Rose burst open it if I said I'd seen him he'd do the same to me but even after they arrested him you still didn't tell anyone then not too frightened he'd find me is he whatever he was and she wouldn't listen to me ever don't think about it baby you put it out of your mind but it wouldn't go out it's never gone out the nightmares always there why did you come back here tonight I had a row with her knew this place was empty made myself a bed upstairs so the coat was yours of course it was I heard you calling out some woman's names I went out thought your guns I came back anyway whose did you think it was Bert painters always raking up the past aren't you and always snooping you really put the wind up my mother yes she was terrified some awful secret would come out you want to know what the big secret is vicar while you're looking at it Vica a big secret revealed all those little dots needle marks she gets dihydrocodeine to ease her back pain only she gives the stuff to me it's easy you dissolve it in water fill up a hypodermic to have a drink you're off she does it to keep her baby happy to keep her baby home and under control more like so we've just notified the police she might harm herself or something we'll take her mother too and they can sort it out themselves I don't want to see another policeman for a very long time [Music] mrs. Crain [Music] you can't break him broken it find the light switch Charles Oh [Music] she's in sprinkle with blood [Music] wasn't good cherry brandy could you smell it the white why does it happen the father knows the answer the 30 year old nightmare I brought back to life I remember Elizabeth quilling little girl the pink frilly dress she'll never wear again because it's all spotted with blood where is she mr. re do you like to protect her name she might be in danger she's at the old house what will they do to her the law will take care of her it's alright I didn't feel like taking anything I think I might have killed my mother think of a magic morning excuse me sir I've just taken a call from a colonel plush it said he checked painters do not date and the facts that give us they're definitely great I don't know is it important sir rewrites history sergeant I'm sorry sir but as you found the body will have to come back for the inquest and the registered court hearing Elizabeth Klinge found a body 30 years ago if it hadn't been for her mother's greed that wouldn't have happened she told me her mother would never now to talk about painter perhaps she killed her because she could never release that horror into the light of day perhaps perhaps he finally refused to give her daughter the tablets that she wanted and she lashed out in an addict's frenzy you and I I'm glad you agree about anything I'll be chief inspector I don't know sir what's this it's maths little poetry in the photograph you could look upon it as a birthday present for your future daughter-in-law so you see we're both right sorry you by faith and I by reason that's what it is too late [Music] forgive the intrusion mrs. Carroll but I'd very much like to have a talk with you I'd like to see Tess you quarreling you you broken the poor girl's heart do I have to see her she's in here gone for a walk in the woods I don't know how long she'll be I'll find her you can look at the garden whilst I make some tea so pretty this time of year well mrs. Carroll please sit down how was your stay at Kings Markham your native village is phourb isn't it I went to visit a grave while I was there oh yes mrs. primero is buried there isn't she wasn't her grave I saw go Shepherd to your rest your tale is told the Lamb of God takes Shepherds to his fault you kept all of his poems didn't you may I see them will you show me the works of John grace I have shown them to you before if you'd have asked here have them you can have them only don't ask me about him I have no right to be your Inquisitor I'll tell you anything you want to know about painter anything I don't want to hear about painter anymore I'm not interested in him I want to know about Tessa's father and I now know that Herbert painter couldn't have been her father have to know she thinks he was just a friend I take see did she have to know after all these years there is nothing these days nobody thinks anything about anymore but nobody knew when I remarried I couldn't even tell mr. commercial he was taking on so much as it was you and John grace you live close to each other in for me you were in love with each other but he was killed in a road accident they never understood the things that he wrote we were so beautiful after he was killed you discovered you were going to have his child I've never been one side of things really engaged we were going to be married I imagine you met painter before he went artiste perhaps he was stationed in 4b before he was posted John grace died in February 1954 in March of that year painter return from the Army you were facing an enormous social stigma you had nowhere to go you were frightened and so you married painter please let me try to finish you married painter and allowed him to think that he was Tessa's father he always suspected he wasn't and so he treated you both very cruelly but when you married Mr Kershaw you never told him any of this you never asked me about my life with Burt as far too ashamed to tell him I could I was marrying the widow of a murderer had been and how could I tell you what was even worse you've got nothing to reproach yourself for you just did what I should have done years ago so I didn't want to rock a boat I was too tactful to them diplomatics after a while you live with the inconsistencies or some they're the truth yes yes I know [Music]
Channel: Paul Goddard
Views: 315,350
Rating: 4.7780538 out of 5
Keywords: Murder Mystery, Wexford, Inspector Wexford, Drama, Crime Drama, ITV, George Baker, Christopher Ravenscroft, Murder, Ruth Rendell, Ruth Rendell Mysteries, Detective, Detectives, Police Inspector, Police, Police Drama, Fiction, Screen Play, TV, TV Series, 1991, Peter Egan, Sharon Maughan, Dennis Lill, Popular Crime Drama, TV Crime Drama, Mystery, Who Done It, Solving, Crime Solving
Id: fHxtahUyCuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 142min 2sec (8522 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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