Inspector Wexford - An Unwanted Woman

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[Music] I'm go to put a fiver on blue Evan you're about ten to one in the morning paper oh that's all right I don't back horses I back jockeys you win all righty then [Applause] beneath the way it grows you know I be you'll be needing their dress through again in a minute don't forget to finish with cold nights for the walls are tiled we don't have to worry about stretching Christmas the right those two are going you really with that no mother it's Wednesday Oh gallivanting and simmering it's your age I expect you found out you wouldn't missing much don't start on account that again this is must be worth a tiny penny now this Pete's gone upmarket if I sold up I could get myself properly looked after you know home not left here while you go off with him LC which comes and sits with you besides they wouldn't put up with you in a home not the way I do [Music] where'd you want me to put it well I'll have to go outside the curtain wall by the big Tower and it must be finished by Easter before the summer hordes are upon us two facing the stonework and leaving the rubbish behind so Margaret has roped you into the over-60s Peter oh boy we've been very helpful but Peter could you just give us a talk as well hung the castle for the over sixties why I'd be delighted to talk to local people who really are interested this castle has been standing for 900 years well the over-60s have been standing for a great many years but no 900 not far off hey Margaret [Music] nearly had you over got to babysit mrs. Langdon don't tell her she's here dear she's just coming mother well have a good time doing she's a devil I know dear I don't know how I'm going to put up with how no I mustn't be naughty why not why not indeed don't worry they spices change during these houses are sweet there's a lot of money by now her mother wouldn't sell the house Harry she always said it were going to be mine I'm sure [Music] for those of you that don't know me allow me to introduce myself I'm detective Constable Stevens and I'm from your community crime prevention office as you can imagine it was with some trepidation that I asked Detective Chief Inspector Wexford to talk to us this afternoon and I'm sure we're all delighted that he found time and his busy schedule to be with us ladies and gentlemen inspector Wexford ladies and gentlemen madam chairman I'm delighted to be with you this afternoon if you believe everything that you read it the more sensational press you'd think there was an attack or a mugging every few seconds if you're over 65 and that's in the street and not in your own home but there are some simple rules that make life safe and peaceful for you how many of you have bought goods from a door-to-door salesman now I'm sure that you've all got chains on your doors and if you haven't I'll be down amongst you getting your addresses Payne Joe to put it back on the tree off my bike [Music] oh yes mr. Donna can you remember what happened just before you just before you came off your bike I just looked at my watch and I realized I was a bit late well I say you saw you were wailing your bike no I looked at it as I was riding along and it made me well below bed and the next thing I know I've got some touch me you don't know he went oh I say Oh Peter have you noticed anything suspicious down by the cows can't see I have read keep an eye out for me will you all right going to do thank you [Applause] well you know the best thing about this afternoon was a good film mmm was a good film it's very funny and you simply did you can make sandwich and some Christmas Jason oh great thanks Mike yes of course yeah I think that's right yes you'd better be off before it gets dark oh yeah your bike's got lights it's name was it going to mrs. watchett oh that's very nice of you so how is she well I'm afraid she still misses her very much well sure she does I mean it's not surprising when he died a few weeks ago she gone missing people forever well um I think the memory of them is always with you but you don't go on missing them in quite the same way I don't think no oh by the way you promised to bring me the wedding photographs oh yes we want to see you in your bridesmaids dress yes yes well good night [Music] you in its me surfing mr. Otterton can you hear me ambulance Sophie Stacy how much 12 Colts and Gardens oh it looks like an overdose yes she's still conscious but post is very weak right [Music] just get it to our thing right okay [Music] to wake up you've got to get to your feet and walk [Music] you're right though yeah I couldn't do anything good job your daughter at her wits about her and color straightaway we're very very proud of you've been wonderful Sophie now why didn't you go out to the car sir come on must've been a terrible shock for her come on miss mrs. Jessie I am so sorry oh just stupid don't worry about it's just an accident [Music] [Music] you all right [Music] [Applause] [Music] we aren't you having your breakfast again oh come on darling there's no started his hey what about us and them ah this evening we'll have a pizza first thing then go on what are you there yes of course come on let's go all three of us just as we used to before the wedding this time do you have brothers and sisters yes he was for customers [Music] he left with my father I am sorry why did you do it [Music] well it it just seems that when someone you've been very close to for so many years dies there seems as though everything else dies with him but he didn't want to leave him it's not as if he walked out on you not like my father did he didn't want to leave you know that's right you know ever since he died kind friends have said all sorts of comforting things and the church and what they call consoling no one ever said that to me he didn't want to leave me thank you dear oh look look the magnolias in baptism this year so I think I'd like that I used to write a nature come for the courier me well we were both studying for an open university degree I gave that up too well you should do it again what's Sophie you're such a blessing to me but you shouldn't be wasting your time on me but your mother needs you too [Music] okay now I'll make you a cup of tea [Music] here your talk of the universe 60s climbers interrupted that's right hello chat falling off his bicycle he's got company what woman tumbled off her bicycle he says someone pushed her off she said that what did happen outside Mailand castle Jenny's got a concert band a few days well that was a routine only part really perhaps has also got a ghost tonight's pushing people up bicycles yeah well I don't believe it was sort of ghosts no she's domed 42 mrs. Francis well she badly hurt broken arm badly bruised ribs as she also in her head so they're keeping in hospital overnight for observation I'll go share I was gonna send Stevens seriously because it was old Arthur we've been forced off his bicycle now if a young chap like you had told me that he'd been pushed off his bicycle I would have believed him but because it was old after I didn't and I should have sure she just overslept she does look rather poorly and breathing deeply I didn't see much sure was breathed like that there's bronchitis in the family she'll wake up when she feels like it Doreen dear you'd never forgive yourself if anything should happen what do you think Harry you know what she thinks of my opinions Oh Harry do you really worried I should call the doctor what do you think dear I thought dr. Krakow was away oh oh yes he must someone standing him yes well I suppose we could call it was a bit later than I meant to be I heard a rustle in the bushes so I turned round and I felt someone behind me and hand him my back pushing me and down I went did you see no hands in a moment but you're sure they pushed you yes I couldn't mistake that could you tell whether it was a man or a woman no it was a very strong push almost like it's gonna say something daft anyway I was going to say almost like a child in a temper but a very strong child yeah [Music] what do you think you're doing dr. Moss is here good morning mrs. Rankin who are you I'm dr. Crocker Slocum what you doing yeah I never sent for you Oh mother I'm just waiting for nuts Radcliffe to give me my bath there's nothing wrong with me I'm sure you could run the four-minute mile at the drop of a hat let's just make sure shall we now what's all this about you over sleeping well if you must know last night I said I'd see myself to bed so when they had gone up and looked into the sitting-room and sat up half the night watching that football don't tell things I wouldn't dream of it [Music] soldiers red-eyed from lack of sleep their wives and babies screaming with terror if you just shut your eyes you can almost see them charging everything's fine nothing to worry about you must take things easy mrs. ranked him at your age what do you mean at my age that's right you're as young as you feel blow by feel as good as you do it 92 you want to know the secret why not always keep your independence don't always let them know what you're up to I'll remember that I'm so sorry you've been trouble doctor oh no trouble no spective it's always a pleasure visiting a sprightly young lady of 92 I wish she doctor her blood pressures a little high nothing to worry about oh I am glad didn't know what to do for the best did we do you did quite the right thing in calling me well I'll see myself out goodbye goodbye doctor just get my bag from the hole doctor hey it smells dreadful I'm sure that's what's upset mrs. Rankin how much longer will you be no mrs. Betts told us today not to bother doing the upstairs after all really gonna be stupid of Corti leaving a job often I'll be wearing holiday night sweet mrs. Betts so nurse Lewis will be giving your mother her but she couldn't have a bounce around of course I'm sure I don't know why you bothered the doctor Dora what about so much oh I'm having sold our house middle-aged or oh thank you major I know what you're saying but why are you saying well Arthur gets knocked off his bike and I don't believe him but this morning I went to see a mrs. Francis a 42 year old woman the middle each mrs. Francis she got pushed off a bike and I did believe her [Music] same ever marriage that's all I need I'll get sergeant Martin to keep an eye on that part I think we're off then I thought they'll Simmons coming in well I knocked on a door there was no reply expect she's forgotten oh so you were just going either way that was this idea we won't be alone in the house the painters here it's a wish drive today oh we mustn't miss the mistress well you should be lucky at cards Doreen for you haven't been very lucky in love we're off now then we're all ready dear okay I'll keep an eye on her I'll give her a cup of tea when I make mine if we are not back when you leave you go out the front door and slam the door right I've locked the back door quite right dear so you'll just go out the front and slam the door okay we shall be right back okay fancy cup of tea yes yes and you have fun with me the 2:45 at Wingfield will be on in a minute [Music] [Applause] the one parts of trumps [Music] you are a good boy so fizzy I want to see I'm sorry mr. Stacey she's upstairs she says she won't have seen Mike don't she does seem a bit perhaps it would be best if she stayed here tonight she should be yes I know but if she wants to stay here for some reason you have no business letting her in being very kindly to me mr. Stacey visiting me when I was ill she has a key if you don't send her home I shall call the police Roy meds worse Oh what you never say kitty I think I'll go mad on my bed for it's not clothes the times oh oh yes if she would dear oh dear oh I feel quite giving you ohh organ system ringing in my ears [Music] [Music] hurry hi yes better call the doctor yes tonight yes we don't want them to see that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] excuse me sir there's an instructor oh she's a district nurse sir Oh what she wants are you doing I've had a word with her sir but I think you might want to talk to her yourself oh come on Martin you can do she's talking about murder sir you may think I'm making a mountain out of a molehill inspector well if so don't worry we'll keep it between the two of us I'm afraid it's gone much further than that I've three patients on Castle Road and every single one has mentioned it to me what exactly are we talking about mrs. rankin's death you have an instinct about death inspector Wexford and there was no sign of death in Ivy Rankin old washy 92 but she was as strong as a horse never had an illness in all her life except once and that was more of an allergy than an illness what she died of a stroke that's what the death certificate said but mrs. Rankin and her daughter mrs. Doreen Betts hated each other like cat and dog they were mrs. Rankin poor dear always said that all mr. Betts wanted was the arson or money nurse Radcliffe Chief Inspector mrs. Rankin was having the house decorated and the very last day I saw her the painter told me that mrs. Betts had stopped the work she stopped that work because she knew our mother was gonna die destructive if we were to investigate every death where the deceased hadn't been on bad terms with the family but that's not all oh you haven't asked me you sign the death certificate no dr. Moss dr. Moss dr. Crocker's locum so mrs. Betts sent for dr. Moss just four days after dr. Crocker went away so that when mrs. Rankin died he'd be within his rights signing the death certificate he wasn't her doctor you see but it'd be all right if you'd attended her within the past two weeks that's the law yes right and then they went out to the over-60s Club leaving her alone with the painter and when they came back she was dead no when they came back they said she was unconscious but they waited one hour and twenty minutes before they sent for dr. Maas I see [Music] let would you sign that death certificate for either Anton of course I would why not how did dr. Maas know that it was a stroke without a post-mortem because he saw her didn't he in the morning and that evening got there about 30 minutes before she breathed her last oh did he yes he did oh come on reg there are unmistakable signs of stroke an experienced medical man couldn't fail to recognize them patient is unconscious the face is flushed the pulse is slow the breathing stertorously of the cheeks during expiration the only possible confusion is with alcohol poisoning and in that case the pupils of the eyes are widely dilated whereas in apoplexy or strength they are contracted does that satisfy you all right then there's a stroke I'm going to being caused no Radcliff said something about an illness the so called illness which incidentally happened when mrs. Rankin was in her forties was an asthmatic attack with some gastric complications ah Jim Jim come in this is Chief Inspector Wexford enter the villainess medica good evening Chief Inspector what can I show you the deep to mrs. renkins house or the Hannah a crafty tap from which ensured an immediate subarachnoid hemorrhage strongly resembling a stroke then I understand that you were a witness to mrs. renkins will yes yes that's right with nurse Ratliff and if you want to know what's in it the house and ten thousand pounds go to Doreen Betts and the residue to another patient of mine and mrs. Parrish how much was the rescue I'd say not much about five thousand pounds I can assure you Chief Inspector she left nothing to me I had no ulterior motive in signing a death certificate which declared that a 92 year old patient died of a stroke and the Betts's had neither the opportunity nor the motive to do away with the old lady Qumran so that when they wanted to get rid of her sorry to disappoint you but they were gonna get rid of her anyway and get the house mrs. Rankin was planning to go into a private nursing home oh really I didn't know that it's the new one shoreland you told her about it weeks ago how wonderful it was oh yes I told her it would cost a packet but she said she had a good bit coming in which would only die with her anyway I asked her what a daughter thought yes oh my god people like you see sinister nuances in the most innocent remarks she said you'd think Doreen would be only too pleased to see the back of me wouldn't you so Chief Inspector there goes your motive [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Thanks like ice could you hear anything oh yes yes it's very good it's something magical about a quarter century castled anything perhaps next time you should try the summer that coffee we know should be eaten alive by mosquitoes no thank you Oh Peter this is Peter enter his chief guide here at Milan castle but he doesn't know about the places are worth knowing this is my husband let me do my duty a couple of lads riding their bikes on the footpath sit someone throw a stone at them dear are they all right yes well one of them took a bit of a tumble but no harm done that path was the safest place for cycling at night that's what I told them it's dangerous they see the person in Traverse Town perhaps I should talk to her oh they're long gone by now you're off duty yes hello hi everything all right yeah fine I read a sound from him I went up three times but he was fast asleep with his rabbit it's good I'm just gonna give read your ring turn by those two boys on the footpath okay all right well can I get you a drink or something sure yeah how much do I owe you ten pounds please Jenny you really do appreciate it's engaged how about your home right away I think Sophie means to call some Gardens ah yes I'll Drive you them great thanks no the other evening when and Waterton had her accident you asked if you go on missing people forever yes are you just talking about an Waterton was it a more specific question specific to someone you're missing I'll stop you how long are you gonna keep this up for Sophia what living here with our Waterton refusing to go back to your mother refused to go home I said I'll go home when she gets rid of him look I know you're trying to becoming well I don't know that I'm trying to be kind I think what I'm trying to be as practical what you're doing is making it very difficult for your mother and Fran Waterton and mothers making it difficult for herself thanks Lee artists is saying that bills mother's got to go into a nursing home very friend and wandering so it was either a nursing home or Frances having her which just isn't on it still four hundred pounds a week but the nursing home yes dr. Phil and Fran can manage that for long sure well I'm sure did you said 150 pounds a week when your friends are doors result we need to her nursing home couple years ago it wasn't a couple of years ago at least seven years okay Mauro's me sound died three years ago are you so concerned both my parents are dead I say well yours it's just not our problem at least allow two outcomes or don't say it hard still 100 pounds is a lot of money probably gone up by now alright I'm off to school now I see this evening Sophie look you really must go home soon really he said you must your mother's very worried and I'll get into trouble if you don't she was 92 years old Ora can you not must have bats in the belfry are you saying Mia the wife gave mother a stroke I'm certainly saying no such thing mr. Betts but the sort of information I've received has to be followed up information gossip all snobs I know what they're saying all except Elsie Elsie's one of her story she's not like these new people who've come in nothing but snobs I'm sorry to have to ask you these questions which is about so soon after your bereavement well Raymond hurry I think dear if you don't mind I'd like to have a little talk with the officer on my own shall we go up to mother's bedroom mother came to sleep down here a few years ago there's a toilet along the passage she couldn't manage the stairs except one nurse helped her I must see about sending this back let's get in touch with the welfare of people mother hates it Harry she always said he wasn't good enough for me she did everything she could stop me marrying him how long dosa only five years I think it's awful to have to get your mother's consent to get married when you're 65 don't you think so I do yes but she came round no no she never did she told him to his face that he was only marrying me for my money Elsie parish was here when she said it she'll tell you early well not much money but this house she always said I was to have this house and after I married Harry she threatened to leave it to my brother you don't think that Harry who never would do anything to hurt mother I swear he wouldn't in spite of the way she carried on you're a wicked woman I said years ago you promised me this house and now you're going back on your word sheets never prosper I said sheets never prosper [Music] are you doing here I live here what take Miki away from me yes dear but only because I wanted you to go home never go home well that man say you better come in and the rest restate in the obvious she'd under oh nothing I'm sure of that everything was fine until he and here he got married that's when the trouble started I know I usually dismiss all that sir psychological stuff but in this case I think it might be appropriate I don't think so he realized what it would mean to us and that her mother and Desmond will be sharing a bed every night out of a marriage sort of sexual explosion in the house well you know what children are these never quite as sophisticated as they think they are the master case is like domestic cases with us [Music] I think I'll try this one let me just back it out for you madam oh thank you and then perhaps a test drumming and mortar suicide yes probably but it was put down as an accident woman no no don't be unkind to the Aged you might be one yourself one day why don't you tell the truth you like having Sophie here yes I do she's considerate and caring I like watching a growing kindness she loves doing things for other people huh you're only too happy to let her do them for you oh please mrs. Stacy I've done everything you've asked me but I cannot let her sleep on the streets if she doesn't want to go home I'll tell you suggest such a thing Sophie annoy everything to each other at least we were until you came along are you sure it's I who I'm the problem you can't get away with this I won't let you take Sophie away from me now you wanted to find a home for your art oh yes sir not too bad she can't get about as much as she used to oh thank you I think she'd like a room on the ground floor I'm afraid they're very much in demand you see the ladies like to go into the conservatory or into the garden but if she can't manage the stairs we have a very good lift oh how much are you charges our fees four hundred pounds a week mr. Wexford extra of course for laundry and dry cleaning is your aunt incontinent I don't think so well let's say with extras 450 pounds a week we like the fees a month in advance paid by bankers order oh we also like our ladies to bring only synthetic fabrics oh well then we can pop the whole lot in the washing machine thank you coming here Oh sir mrs. rag to Jesus IV ranked oh yes yes I don't seem to remember mrs. Rankin I sent her a brochure did she make a booking no but she's having very interested it would be nice for your aunt to have a friend here Wow would only your prices are a bit higher than I expected well you won't find anywhere more reasonable than this [Music] mother would never have done it I know she wouldn't even mother wouldn't have been that cruel so you didn't know that she intended to sell this house and move into Shore loans I know she didn't it was just one of her ways of I knew she didn't mean it when I said to her can tell the painters to leave the upstairs she said I dare say and she said I don't worry on their way why did you ask her that well the smell of paint was making Harry ill besides she never went upstairs except once a week with nurse Radcliffe to the bathroom well no point in having it painted unless you meant to sell her house she would never have gone on with it she wouldn't did liked it they wouldn't have let her sit up all night watching TV right if she had thought of doing something like that we could have gone and lived in Harry's flat after we got married Oh mr. Betts has a flat does he hmm she kept saying it was only one room but it wasn't of course not we're a nice little flat over the freezer center in High Street where everybody know was only rented I let it go when we moved in here and she accused me of only married Doreen to get this place she did in front of Elsie parish Irene never spoke a word to her again and quite right too what right is she to say that to me I could have killed her when she said that mother always promised Doreen this house if she had sorted well would we have gone I'll make a cup of tea this one is nothing but may I try the red one again survey mrs. Parrish would you just tell me about that Friday well we want you to go to the over-60s with Drive and Elsie Parrish mother's pal said she'd come and sit with her and I was to going knock on the door just before we left so I popped down to our Susan I I knocked on the door and I rang the bell she were out so I just thought she'd forgotten and that was that but Harry said why not just go just the same so you did well the painter was here no rain Roy oh yes that was Jude Roy Ian's mother got on a treat a sight better than I ever did I can tell you so you went to the wrist drive and you mrs. Rankin with the painter he said he popped in several times to see if she was all right then about half past three she said she had a headache and would he fetch her a couple of her paracetamol from the bathroom upstairs what time did you get back from the West Drive bus five you want me to pour no dear I'll pour Roy was just packing up and he said mother was asleep on the bed milk and sugar no sugar I put my head round the door she drawn the curtains are you if you want the truth I didn't look too closely I just thought thank God for an hour's piece before she starts picking on Harry there you are dream all right Thank You partner I seem to be intruding that's alright come on in LC chief inspector this is LC parish you'll notice that nobody can explain how poor we could keep I believe a stroke which wasn't even there perhaps they think that Doreen and Harry bribed that poor young man to frighten her and give her stroke oh that can happen you know apoplexy that's what my mother called it I don't often get invited up by gentlemen it's quite out of the way down there no bus has come down here anymore I believe mrs. Rankin didn't get on very well with her doctor no such a shame they just didn't seem able to hit it off and IV was so naughty about all her talk of the nursing home oh you don't intrument it no said it to annoy Doreen and to be never believed it for a minute I know she didn't I'm going to buy a car I've kept my license going I haven't driven since my husband died 22 years ago I had to sell our car and I longed for another and now I'm going to have a dear little car and dear IV made that possible she left me five thousand pounds oh I knew I was to have something but I didn't remit would be as much as that you don't think I'm too old to drive well that kind of judgment isn't in my province mrs. Parrish Oh truth to Tara I've had a little test drive no silly of me because these things take time probate and all that but I thought why not have a little friend that's what Ivy would have wanted less huh really must be going to just a couple of things on the day that mrs. Rankin died I believe you were going to go round and sit with her yes Doreen must have rung the bell and I didn't here and getting around the depth these days I give a lot to be able to go back in time I wouldn't hesitate I'd go round and shake on I think whether Doreen asked me to or not well unfortunately we can't turn time back and the painting painting I believe mrs. Petts asked the painters not to do any work upstairs oh I'm sure it didn't need it I've never been upstairs in either this house so I couldn't say I must go and do my little bit of shopping I have a neighbor coming to tea thank you for the coffee thank you [Music] going to my marketing I've done it and I've had something tweet and I mustn't miss my train I had to see what was happening would you believe Sophie slept on her porch but she's all right yes yes thinking on Hilary everything in the garden was wonderful before we got married Sophie was crazy about the idea remember her at the wedding well something's gone very wrong since perhaps I shouldn't have moved into this house I don't know but I do know she's an intelligent girl she must know what she's doing she's not prepared to accept our marriage since she's better off where she is no no I can get a legal order saying she must come home to us if she's so happy there they might make an order giving Sophie to mrs. Waterson she'd have to come home to us God's sake Hilary you haven't listened to a word I've said please does trust me I can manage something I know I can well I hope so I'm a scholar I'm gonna miss this train when will you be back please I just mean I'm not sure if the final meeting I'll be worth waiting for I wring your eyes yes sort something out I promise you [Music] I can't give Desmond up I just can't what after two months of marriage why should you even be thinking about it my first marriage was an absolute bloody disaster I know I did my dad told he must've hated me but to do it to Sophie do you want to surfy in the kitchen Mike Miller is here hello Hillary sorry I'm being a nuisance Mike so lovely having Jenny as a friend again after all these years otherwise I don't know I turn you'll be talking about Sophia talking about when we were 18 Hillary went off and got married what about my brains tested do you know when Sophie was eight Roger just upped and left and the truth is I didn't even know why you mind if I help myself no go ahead I had no experience it's too young so that makes it your fault you had a mistress and a little boy for and everybody knew except us um when we found out so if he tried to get to know her little brother and then not a really upped and left to America well you can imagine what it did to her we just clung to each other and Desmond came along everything was wonderful I wouldn't tell you what Mary do you know sometimes I think he's glad no I shouldn't say that it's just that she was so hateful to him when she was at home that I'm sure now it must be a relief for him now she's gone [Music] we can't do anything I'm afraid the police I mean you could get the welfare department to take her into care why do you have counseling how surgery to be taped away from me well Mike she's nothing near to care I am I'm the one who's suffering what a survey say she says if I won't hurt to come home get rid of Desmond [Music] hear me have a column ah [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm afraid there's your answer Chief Inspector those are the birds it's no real consolation to know that she can't have known what was happening who would push a child off its bicycle oh it's no consolation from the fact that whoever did it didn't mean to kill her well what did he mean to do I knew it's not age or sex it's just somebody pushing people on bicycles well thank you sister funny world my job's just over yours has just started goodbye inspector oh hello Peter reg I've just come to inquire after the poor girl oh she didn't live unafraid death by the childish practice of lunatic [Music] mr. Street mr. Roy Smith he wants to know detective Jenkins back to Wexford your boss told me I could find you here you mind if we have a chop sure you guys carry on until the engine um whiskey please Scotty so what you want to talk to me about yeah well I'll still be working in Castle Road if it weren't for the old cow oh no no no I do miss his bed so whatever her name was real pain in the ass she was don't bother with the upstairs she says mother wouldn't want to she asked me she didn't give a damn what mother wanted to see like she just wanted to get rid of it but you mrs. Rankin oh yeah we gone okay she reminded me of my Nana would you mind if we talk somewhere more privately could anybody you've got into the house while you were working when mr. and mrs. Betts for a huge oh no way see the back door was locked well let me see ol fella said he blocked it was a funny old gate winning he gave me the creeps oh but on why she married him desperation on mrs. ranked and used to say that you couldn't have loved it so mr. Beck's how do you block the back door and you were working in the hole that's right and mrs. Rankin was perfectly all right yeah well she had a headache but she was always again she took aspirin all the time she showed him down for a go I suppose that's why a door kept him upstairs what afraid of her taking too many anyway I said I thought he was the paint that was giving her a headache it gets to me sometimes and she said what a good job I was making at the house and what a pity it was that she wouldn't be there to enjoy it hey hey yeah couple that too but just laughed and said I've got it wrong and that she was gonna move into a nursing home and that she was gonna sell the place anyway she asked me to nip upstairs to depart from cabinet and get a bottle of aspirins husband she said aspirins she could have said my tablet's my aspirins are what you take if you got a headache [Music] cheers Cheers are you saying it was only the young that set their hard on things and as you grow older you become to accept anal thank you no you're a chairperson of the over-60s do you think Oh gonna care about different things favorite chair food cook the way you like it old friends a nice outing familiar surroundings yes that's very important is it lucky the husband or the wife don't love each other less just because you get older to come forensic medicine think I'm trying to poison you why what big off a summer try keycaps to my kid sir bizarre behavior I know cathartic and it started me thinking more clearly about this strange situation so I've stopped arguing I've stopped telling her to send Sophie home and that's not threatening her threatening her I'm stupid enough to tell her I get an injunction to stop her seeing Sophie no it was something Desmond said that made me change my attitude I said if you don't sort it out of then I'm off here's to us all what was it Desmond said that changed your attitude so perhaps he shouldn't have come to live here after we were married mmm that would have been novel no no we should have sold both our houses and started afresh never mind uprooting Sophie again mind you none of this would have happened if which I have gone to live in America yes taking Sophie's new little brother with him Hilary's been talking to mrs. Waterton Soph is so crazy about ol Dan I don't want to be an instrument for another parting from someone she loves Hilary's idea for coping with this crazy situation is for mrs. Waterson and us to buy a big house together which we can convert as mrs. Waterson agreeable I thought to myself if my daughter likes her so much then there must be something for me to like - so I've buried the hatchet mrs. Betts would you mind giving me your mother's headache Thomas a paracetamol I put them back in the bathroom cabinet afterwards Oh Oh there's nothing wrong with the mist here they were prescribed by dr. Crocker same as usual I picked them up myself from the chemist didn't I dear thank you now you're sure we've got complete secrecy I know drops by Martine 15 minutes ago so he hasn't had time to turn my truck are standing by at urine - that's very good Bravo one the urine position right [Music] [Music] but it's just so this way now [Music] like rent at the main gate [Music] [Music] [Music] right on [Music] safe there's nobody safe they're everywhere the invaders can you see the Carson's problem Aleta they're gonna be destroyed [Music] [Music] well done well done hey not much of a cyclist are you you alright just a broken arm severed don't worry I'll set it myself thanks a lot sir could be a dry white wine on your bike surgery over Oh reg no you again what is it not why did you prescribe paracetamol to mrs. wracked obviously because I thought it was the best thing for her she was allergic to aspirin what now he tells me oh for God's sake reg you knew you told me nurse Ratcliffe had mentioned an allergy I thought it was asthma but it was asthma runs in the family mrs. Ranson had it so did mrs. Betts and her brother she was allergic to acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin about 10 percent of asthmatics are if they take aspirin when they're having an asthma attack it can lead to severe gastric irritation and even hematemesis which means bringing up life I know what it means I've been reading up on hypersensitivity to acid Isle salicylic acid ha but mrs. Rankin couldnt have had aspirin poisoning it was never any aspirin in the house mrs. Betts was very strict about that I know because mr. Betts complained that he could never find any aspirin ah that sounds like young Moore's I've invited him for lunch would you worm he had to stay no thank you oh don't tell me they determined sleuth is still pursuing the evil doctor what would you expect the result of one point two grams of acetylsalicylic acid to be on a old lady of 92 who is hypersensitive to the drug if I get it right do I get a free trip to Benidorm dizziness nausea tinnitus that's ringing in the ears breathing difficulties gastric hemorrhages in a person of that I suppose possibly a brain hemorrhage now you taste this limb tell me what do you think it is well I can't be sure but it tastes like aspirin prescribed 100 policy tomorrow when she died there were 60 left only they weren't paracetamol they were aspects I mean the pharmacist made a mistake hardly any way the way the old girl took them she would have been dead long before that no I'd say that someone just before she died changed the 64 paracetamol for 64 aspirins say boss neither with for aspirin the daughter no for two reasons one she didn't need to change the talus she could have given her mother aspartame time she might and the other if she had changed all the tablets in the bottles after her mother's death she had ample opportunity of changing all the tablets back again that last point presumably applies to miss her meds as well right so who did it I shall not tomorrow [Music] [Music] I sure like to cut in else chance over here sir that was inside the car is there sir but inside the house you know sir [Music] [Music] to the coroner well solid yeah [Music] Jenny [Music] what about Sophie yeah thank God no Soren ah Arum Hilary straightaway Thanks I'll see you later bye [Music] and what's the net to note this time I said and Waterton left a note his time Oh what are you sucking was addressed to the coroner they're sealed envelope I cannot go on I am totally alone with no prospect of things ever changing I'm an unwanted woman unnecessary burden on society it is better to everyone this way and Waterton well doesn't it sorry I'm late reg and I'm like okay so you know who switched the tablets yes mr. Betts Oh mrs. Benson no both the vets were telling the truth oh come on rich I'll go to surgery there dear old friend Elsie parish I'll be damned I had a cup of coffee with aliceparish and quite by chance she left this matchbook behind quite by chance I held on to it it had a very clear set of prints same prints were found on I be ranked ins paracetamol bottle only hers no mrs. Betts and Lloyd the painter but that me knew that they were in the habit of giving mrs. rent from Catullus so as mrs. Parrish presumably know Elsie parish told me quite deliberately that she had never been upstairs in IV rankin's house you sure about this she was her best friend yes I'm sure she's cheating on ivy ranking for a very long time she knew that she was allergic to aspirin she didn't think it was murder or manslaughter just swapping the tablets in a bottle why did she do it she knew that I've arrived and fully intended to go to shaolin's and she knew that the first money that would be spent before the house was sold was the capital her legacy no inheritance no car she did it for a car [Music] [Music] I tell you we can brew it and even if we could could we bring an old lady of 75 up in court on a murder charge on the other hand should should be allowed to benefit from a crime and terrorized pedestrians another innocent motorists in a smart little secondhand Ford Fiesta sorry sir dr. Crocker is needed well what is it mrs. parish dad of the will of a chaos a suspected stroke hit the Bible in your right hand and read the words on the car please I swear by Almighty God that the evidence I shall give shall be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I see from these statements your daughter had gone on a school trip on the day in question and wasn't back till quite late yes about half-past ten and your daughter um Sophie is it Sophie had found mrs. Waterton after an earlier suicide attempt yes that's correct but why was she staying with mrs. Waterton Sophie moved in with mrs. Waterton because she was so concerned she was worried she might try again she was only staying for a short time she was coming back at the weekend see come we have ascertained that this writing is the handwriting of the deceased yes sir it's been verified by a last employer well fortunately child didn't find her a second time thank you mrs. tazie this better be good 165 steps worth a good thought I'd visited this place what you doing up here anyway getting some fresh air I went to the coroner's court this morning what's she doing I asked her to meet me here hello Mike what do you want to see me about oh why here I don't think you know Chief Inspector Wexford no how'd you do hello you were here the other day with I'm Waterton do you remember I was up here too I don't think you saw me but you saw someone or something that stayed your hand stay right huh what are you talking about I believe it was the moment you realized the solution to your problems I had the feeling you were about to push an Waterton over the edge but something you saw or something you thought stopped you you thought of the suicide note what do you mean that was found and given to the coroner I'm talking about the first suicide note I believe there was you kept it was that what you thought on when you decided not to push her over did it suddenly give me the idea for a much cleverer murder would have been easy enough in your new role of friend to an Waterton to skip enough pills into a companionable cup of tea to render her unconscious [Music] [Music] hilary stacy i arrest you for the murder of an Waterton you need not say anything [Music] sorry buddy that's where mr. Stacy [Music] do you think she hid the suicide note meaning if you use it like her no she hit it out of kindness because I'm Wharton didn't want anyone to know that she tried to commit suicide I say she put it to one side meaning to destroy it later and that's feasible but then suddenly she saw use for it but you can't prove saliva test on the envelope option either test flimsy like also in the coroner's court this morning Hillary said under oath that Sophie will be coming home this weekend washi no not the girl I saw in the court and if Sophie wasn't going home then why would I water to commit suicide describing herself as an unwanted woman no but the only person can help you with the line is the girl is she gonna shop her own mother pretty horrendous thoughts now I like sir I've come to stay I can cook for you and Jenny look after mark I would be any trouble you don't need to come on I just can't stay up despairing [Music] you
Channel: Paul Goddard
Views: 716,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inspector Wexford, Ruth Rendell, Murder Mystery, Crime, Crime Drama, Drama, ITV, Detective, George Baker, Christopher Ravenscroft, Adaptation, Novel, Crime Writer, TV Series, Murder, Mystery, Who Done It, Police Drama, Police, Fiction, Mysteries, Ruth Rendell Mysteries, Stories, Human Drama, Castle, Urban Tales, Fictional Town, Police Detective Drama, Police Detective, Relationships
Id: KaLrGkn9jIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 50sec (5810 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 29 2019
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