Inspector Wexford - Shake Hands Forever

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[Music] you've got here yeah I'm sorry I'm onna have you got your ticket I've got that all right wait here we should say the house Angela says she spent the whole week spring cleaning to make it nice for you [Music] sure she needn't would have set that up for me coming to meet is in the car she drives does she she does miss women do nowadays doesn't look as if she's bothered the train was a couple of minutes early three minutes late that's not far is it expect there'll be a taxi in a minute I can walk I'm used to walking you know think what's happened to Angela expect she was too busy Aileen came in to see me this morning surprise you two don't live together oh you'd like that yeah wouldn't have to keep a roof over the head then talk about Eileen the whole weekend in front of Angela I can't think well she's got to her I'm gonna check to see if the cars in the garage but why don't you go upstairs and see your room it's the big one on the right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] broken-down somewhere in the next this guy will save yourself she's dead [Music] turn the police mother your wife lived here alone during the week did you travel yes sir are you I used to work in tucks furrow when I got the job in London I couldn't travel up and down every day that was in July I stay with my mother during the week and come come home at weekends so you haven't seen your wife since when last Sunday Monday Sunday night I went to London by train on Sunday night Angela drove me to the station I talked to every day on the phone I talked to her today at lunchtime would want to do this who would want to kill Angela well that's what we had to find out sir you and your mother arrived here but 7:30 is that right 20 past thank you whereabouts in London do what sir Marcus flowers public relations consultants half moon street what do you do there I'm an accountant you can check with them how I was I was there all day don't give way son bend it like a man I understand the Joker is missing yes it was that was gone from the garage when when we arrived we'll have to have a description of the car and its number sergeant Matt it'll take the details is there any way that you can spend the night I don't imagine you want to stay here no I just feel right here you sure I should be here yes she went out of the car and brought somebody back of her the chances are they went in by the kitchen door we should be very lucky to find anybody who saw them mile away yep bang goes our weekend very cottage very cottage where is that light way yourself and see I don't trust all scales monk called Hawthorne is there his wife dear is it gonna be straight full oh yeah have you come across any person I've ever come across from wool then is that mrs. Lake she came to the woman's Institute a couple of times but I think her mind was on other things very much one for the men you know so the woman's a jungle did they be silly darling we're not narrow-minded she is a widow after all I can't think she hasn't married again Oh George a second not at all she's very pretty no he didn't mean he looks george ii promised his wife i'm her deathbed that he wouldn't get married again he just ate mistresses stop preening yourself I'm not dead yet you know what woman look at me I've no doubt you have your own idea as to how required it like this should be conducted mr. Howell you may think my methods unorthodox but I'll show you that they're my methods and they get results so if you will answer my questions simply and realistically quicker you've gotta keep on taking offense and insisting that certain matters concern all your private life and refusing to disclose them which will waste a good deal of precious time do you understand me and will you be caught I don't see what right you've got to impugn my wife's moral character the great majority of people who give lifts to hitchhikers have no other thought in their minds but to be helpful mr. hawk obviously someone broke in now he must have left traces of something traces foot marks hair fingerprints what do you think my men were doing all over your house last night but we can't find a hair or a fingerprint at midnight and tell you whose it is 9 hours later well when will you be able to certainly by later today I shall have some idea as to whether a stranger entered many cottage yesterday a stranger broke into Barry cottage yesterday afternoon I could have told you that I last ate last night as pathological killer broken nobody broke in mr. Haskell there's been no breaking how did they get in either a door was open or somebody left them in Angela was here alone she wouldn't let them in look look somebody broke into the house he he murdered my wife and and and and II stole my car to make his getaway now have you found that yet I don't know I am NOT God nor do I have second sight now if you will answer the one question I put to you I'll leave you for a while I'm gonna talk to your mother my mother knows nothing about it my mother didn't set foot in the place until half-past seven last night my question mr. Haas all know my wife is not in the habit of giving lifts I was the only one she could trust and no wonder after what she'd been through I worship my wife and the only reason I left her here alone during the week because it was because I couldn't face the journey up and down to London every day look what happened and it I couldn't stand being here alone I said to her I said I said look hey it won't be for much longer and please stick it stick it for my sake it wasn't for much longer was it ask you a few questions while you work this was not good asking me what you got - I understand that your daughter-in-law was shy lonely didn't impress you that way you saw once maybe married three years your daughter-in-laws been murdered mrs. Hauser you don't have to tell me that I found her yes how was that exact I've already told them all about that you do realize you'll have to answer questions at the end West and I must tell you there are serious penalties for obstructing the police so never have come here I said I'd never set foot in the place I should have stuck to it why did you come because my son insisted he wanted he wanted things patched up but I'll tell you one thing if that Angela was nervy it was shame that did it shame and breaking up his marriage and so she should have been ashamed ruining people's lives three lives she ruined I'll say that in your inquest I don't mind telling anyone that I don't have you'll be asked I'm asking you about last night I've got nothing to hide it's him I'm thinking about having everything dragged out in the open she was supposed to meet us at the station didn't bother to turn up she was dead mrs. Howell better for you to talk to me in different surroundings come down to the police station that doctor asked for me I'm I'm sorry I lost my temper just now only natural [Music] [Music] [Music] this is like [Music] yes but it just started like it's good training for the mind now there it is as in the Hathor 36 was last night found dead in her home in will lane Kings markovna she'd been strangled the police are treating the case as murder I don't know Mike if torrid been murdered the last thing I'd want to do is to read about it in the papers yet I found hassle scaling it very intently crucem isn't it I sometimes think if people were more like you and me the world might be a better place oh yeah anything from the fingerprint boys yep yes it's all here how's Deb keen on prints he's one of those who things that if we find a print or a foot mark we'll put our noses to the ground we run our quarry down about two hours later wish it was true breathe along with you actually any sign of the car yep probably telev in Glasgow or somewhere in the middle of next week Oh Marty's been out of that company that Hathor worked out Marcus far subtract his secretary down at home her name's Linda Kipling and she says that Hoffa was there all day yesterday came in about 10:00 and apart from an hour off for lunch he was deadly left at 5:30 she don't make them convention for me with you oh well the main thing to note I'd say is that there were hardly prints at all as far as Ethel's concerned there was one whole ham print on the front door and then prints on some of the other doors on the banisters but they were obviously made after he got in last night and the wife's prints were only on the bedroom door and on various jars and bottles on the dressing table I thought really she must have only just cleaned the place very thoroughly indeed abused rubber gloves to do it and she took them off then wiped everything again afterwards still to me but then I suppose some women are like that now there were some prints that they can't account for those of one unknown man and one unknown woman the man's were on some books in the sitting room and on the inside of a cupboard in the spare bedroom inside yes so the inside of the dog that is well that's rather strange too there was just one single print a whole ham print at the right hand very clear with a small L shaped scar on the forefinger and where was it on the edge of the bath Ishod anything else yes one thing more there was some long coarse dark hairs three of them on the bathroom floor and they're not Angelus hers were finer I know a woman's they can't tell and that's about all I think we shall get anything from the post-mortem till tonight I'm afraid right we have to find that car we have to find someone who saw her go out in it and someone let's hope who saw her whoever she picked up come back in it if that's the way it was and then we have to find her friends I can't believe she didn't have any friends thank you I wonder if you could help my name is Nancy Lake I'd like to speak to a placement the top one is somebody very important are you important well I guess I'll do yes I really think you might however we must be serious I've come to tell you that I think I was the last person to see Angela hassle alive thank you what a nice room I always thought police stations were brown and murky with photographs of great brutes wanted for robbing banks all over the walls this is lovely nice view too may I sit down you live in sunny Bank I believe I always think it sounds like a mental hospital but my late husband chose the name and I'm sure he had his reasons I went there this morning but you weren't in oh dear should I have been oh of course not I just wanted to ask you if you were friend of mrs. Angela her thoughts oh no that's the peculiar thing we've been neighbors for three years and this was the first time she'd ever offered me so much as a cup of coffee how did she ask she just said would you like to come in for a coffee just like that a boat from the blue she wasn't a very gracious person you know I don't know I hope you've told me I thought at the time that she'd only asked me in to show me how nice the house looked I didn't it always look nice no no not that I care I'm not much for housework myself but Angela's house was usually a bit of a pigsty she said she'd only cleaned it to impress Robert's mother did she tell you that she was expecting another corner no she said she was going out in the car but she didn't say where what time did you leave must have been just before 12:00 I was only in the house 10 minutes and you didn't see her leave berry cottage or return to it later no I was in my room all afternoon and part of the evening tell me what sort of a person was Angela Thal tough brusque ungracious perhaps that's why she and Robert got on so well together did they they were happy Kemal Oh fairy they had no eyes for anyone else as the saying goes they have no friends as far as I could tell oh I had been given the impression that she was a shy nervous person have you no oh I wouldn't say that I got the idea she was on her own so much because she liked it that way of course they'd been very badly off until Robert got this new job she told me they'd had very little money to live on after all his outgoings he was being alimony or whatever it's called to his first wife people do make such a mess of their lives don't they but may I see your right hand if anyone had told me I'd be holding hands with a policeman this morning I shouldn't have believed them why I beg your pardon thank you said that's how you check fingerprints I thought it was a much more complicated process oh oh yes it is Tommy did Angela hath all have a woman him to help her it with the cleaning not that I know of she couldn't have afforded it can I be of any further service to you mr. wake suit you wouldn't care to take a cast of my footprints or take no no that won't be necessary thank you but I might need to speak to you again at some point I hope you will just the weather Friday by the season it and winter won't be with us soon enough I mustn't keep him you might at least say it was good of me to come it was good just very public-spirited good morning mrs. Lake good morning mr. Wexler you must come to tea one day that will be respectable enough [Music] I was gonna take the kids to the seaside this afternoon mergers are well known for being thoughtless it's go through it's all about this case like well lack of prints so of course you did spring clean the place to impress the old woman she wiped everything over again before she went out on a drive mrs. Lake had coffee with her at one o'clock but there aren't any of her prints there are they oh and there's something else on there's something odd about Hal's behavior when he arrived home last night you're asking me that presumably Union your wiper than anyone else you'll be most likely to know who called on her or who was home by her I've already told you some man broke into the house some burglar he took the things on that list and when my wife interrupted him he killed her what else could it be you've had as a mission property on this list of less than 50 pens all told no I know people have been murdered for less but I've never known a woman strangled for such a reason what alternative is that tell me who came to your house well friends or acquaintances so-called see we didn't have any friends he moved money to have friends in a place like this we didn't have money to join posh clubs or give dinner parties Angela often didn't see her cell from Sunday night to Friday night you must have had some friends from your previous life in London my first wife saw to it I lost all them tell me about your first marriage 20 years ago after two years I knew I've made a mistake but we'd had a daughter by that time so there was nothing I could do about it I suppose I would have jogged along and made the best of it if I hadn't met Angela at an office party I was working with Craig and Butler a firm of accountants in the grazing Road I I asked my wife for a divorce highly arlena's that's my wife's name she made hideous seeds she dragged my mother into it she dragged Rosmer into it a girl of 13 back I can't describe what my life was like and this was five years ago five years ago yes eventually I left home and moved in with Angela she had a room in house court Eileen started a campaign of persecution she made terrible scenes at the office she made terrible scenes at the library where Angela work for national archaeologists Lee she even came to Earls Court I kept begging them for a divorce and she agreed no in the end she did yes but by that time butter had sacked me because of Ireland's scene sack mount of hand he was outrageous and to crown it all Angela had to leave the library I managed to get a part-time job with a small factory in Tut's borough but Angela and I were on our beam ends but then we had what seemed like a piece of luck at the time Angela's got a cousin down here a man called Mark Somerset well he let us have Barry cottage not rent-free of course that would be pushing generosity too far but we were literally living on 45 pounds a week I was paying the mortgage on a house I hadn't said 40 for four years my first wife my mother had poisoned my daughter's mind against me he said he wanted to know about my private life well that's it nothing but persecution and harassment the only bright spark and it was was Angela now she's dead what about your mother what was her attitude my mother's old-fashioned she was prejudiced against Angela for what she calls her her taking me away from Eileen she's devoted to irony your mother only met Angela Howell once was the meeting a success it was a disaster I persuaded her to come to Al's court to meet Angela she she took exception to Angela's clothes she was wearing jeans and that red shirt and when Angela made some uncomplimentary remark about irony my mother just walked out of the house what was your reaction when you got to the station last night your wife wasn't there to meet you I don't follow you well what was your feeling were you alarmed no he'd said it wasn't annoyed I thought it was an unfortunate start to the weekend I I thought Angela must have been too nervous to come after all what did you do when you first got labs look I don't know where this is leading I must be some purpose behind it well I I called out to Angela she didn't reply so I went to look to see if she was in the sitting room on the kitchen she wasn't there so uh I told my mother's go upstairs well I checked to see if the car was in the garage wasn't it most likely that the bedroom would be the place where a woman nervous of meeting her mother-in-law would take refuge but you think their first this might have been expected oh we can't always account for our actions I disagree I think we can if we look into our motives honestly well I suppose I thought that if she didn't answer she wasn't there yes I did think that I thought that she got in the car tomatoes and we missed each other because she'd gone some other way around that's all thank you for coming in if you had anything from there well the pathologist's you know Jeff whose fingerprints you had anything from them and there must be some clues there maybe we don't know yet there's very slow process if you ask me you'll keep me informed will you once the arrest has been made I can assure you you won't be kept in the dark mr. Somerset Sami chief inspector Wexford paranoia Reid and the general idea that the world owed them a living that's what Robert Half Allah my cousin had in common that made it the perfect marriage you didn't get on I'm sorry she's dead I really am but I can't pretend I like had you always felt that way about her I haven't known him that long I met her about six years ago when she came over from Australia she looked me up because I am my father were the only relatives she had in this country and she was lonely in London so she said you think shout other motives well looking back on it I think she was on the lookout for any pickings there might be she was a greedy girl poor Angela she hadn't met Robert at that time when she did she stopped coming down here and I didn't hear from her again until they were about to get married and didn't have anywhere to live I'd written to her some months earlier and told her about my father's death a bit too which by the way she didn't reply and she wanted to know if I let her and Robert have Barry cottage I mean we need to sell it but I couldn't get the price that I wanted so I let Robert and Angela have it for 30 pounds a week that's a very low rent surely very badly off and she was my cousin I didn't see either of them again until about soon about 18 months ago this time they didn't see me I was in pomfrit with a friend and I saw Robert and Angela through the window of a restaurant as it was a very pricey restaurant I can to the conclusion they must be doing a good deal better financially 18 months ago yes that's quite a while before I forgot his new job isn't it sir where did you last see either I only saw them once more last April I ran into them in King's Markham they were loaded down with stuff that they bought but they seemed depressed in spite of the fact that Robert had got himself this new job perhaps they were just embarrassed they're coming face to face with me that was the last time I saw Angela oh she wrote to me about a month ago to say that they've been leaving the cottage as soon as they found a place in London they were a happy couple very as far as I could tell United in graciousness against the world but I like a little grace in a woman than you well thank you mr. Somerset you've been very helpful you won't take it amiss if I asked you what you were doing yesterday afternoon I was at home alone I took the afternoon off to get ready for my wife coming home from hospital I was quite alone and didn't see anyone Oh your wife's be little she's been an invalid for years I'm sorry I don't suppose you know what other friends your cousin had none at all accorded uh everybody she'd ever known except Robert had been cruel to her she said so making friends was just to invite more cruelty I see thank you mr. Somerset she was struggled with a guilt necklace though shreds of gilding founded bedded in the skin no tissue under her fingernails from the killers it was in me that wasn't a struggle time of death between 1:30 and 313 she was a healthy woman wasn't pregnant and there was no sexual assault it's beginning to look very peculiar you're saying you think that her thoughts got some sort of guilty knowledge yes I do you know why he's never shown any sign of shock grief yes but that could be simulated are you seeing me what is the first reaction of somebody whose wife her husband or child meets with a violent death no disbelief I suppose yes disbelief Robert Hawthorne has never shown any disbelief his wife's being killed in a particularly horrible way yet right from the start he's just accepted why did here did the first mrs. [ __ ] ever come here Habib Ali wouldn't lower herself what about your granddaughter Rose me rosemary came once once was enough anyway she's too busy with her schoolwork to be out and about all over the place would you get me mrs. Eileen house address please no I would not got no business with Eileen [Music] do you know what time it is I'm sorry if it's too early I hope I'm not gonna be harried I didn't know that you're a student of Celtic languages it was Angeles oh I see I don't know where she got it from it I had it for ages really this was only published this year well this must be another one just like it yes by scarcely matters anyway no the reason I'm here is that they've heard your car it had been abandoned in a side street by wood green station you know the district no I've never been there when can I have it back wood until three days time when we've had a good look at it now I examined for those famous finger prints you're always on a boat I suppose mr. Howe don't you rather projecting on me what you think I should feel your wife hadn't been sexually assaulted I thought you'd like to know that she died very quickly in perhaps no more than 15 seconds it's possible she's scarcely knew what was happening to her you won't mind if I borrow this for a few days will you thank you mrs. neck I'm bill for huh well at this stage of course I've heard all the evidence I'd like to express my sympathy with mr. half-full but for the moment there's no other verdict possible but murder by person or persons unknown [Music] [Music] you're saying sergeant Martin anywhere yes sir well never mind well I asked you to give me a report on households car they did sir I put in your train in my tray there's not what I need sir reports the car was seen by an officer on the beat the inside have been wiped clean there were two hairs that much Angela hath holes on the driver's seat and the only fingerprints were on the underside of the bullet and you decide at the bowling league and they were Robert a thoughts I can't read sergeant yes sir is that all sir huh oh yeah I know have you been able to find anybody who saw Angela house on Friday afternoon no sir no one's come forward yet oh right thanks [Music] well this is an unexpected pleasure if I'd known you came here I did lunch more often just a coffee for me please just coffee now yeah aren't you flattered I didn't come for the food not much of a compliment really how are you anyway sad do you want to discuss it I don't know I don't think so one gets into the habit of secrecy and discretion even if one doesn't see much point in them well that's true or it can't be under certain circumstances is it very wrong do you think to want someone to die well not if the wish remains just a wish we've all felt that sometimes but fortunately most of us let I dare not wait what I would like the poor cat in the adage there's this enemy of yours at all connected with the habit of secrecy and discretion I shouldn't have brought it up I'm lucky really it only gets hard sometimes alternating between being a queen and a distraction you are much too clever not to have guessed what I'm going on about aren't you oh my cleverness is called into question sometimes thank you have you brought my book back I'll have it sent over to you tomorrow mr. Arthur there's also the matter of my car you can have that tomorrow too sir I need my car tomorrow so you haven't found anything incriminating in it I didn't say that so well have you whoever killed your wife was very clever I don't know that I've ever met anybody who's covered up his tracks so expertly what do you think mr. Berger I agree sir he seems to one close to drive your car he gave it a war for good measure - and nobody saw him park it at Wood Green did they no sir nobody was seen driving in on Friday not even your wife oh he's clever all right at the moment we've got very few leads to go on I suspect you'll find some more won't you well it's early days yet mr. Hathorne who knows one thing I can tell you we did find the prints of another man other than yourself in this house yeah what do you call it on record they prove to be those of mr. mark Somerset oh I'm sorry I'm not myself today please sit down no that's all right sir so they only prints you found her mr. Somerset dear cousin mark our tight-fisted landlord I didn't say that her and mine and Angelus of course apart from those we found another what another fingerprint well a bit more than that a woman's hole happened in your bathroom a clear print of her right hand right down to the little l-shaped scar on the tip of her right forefinger perhaps you can throw some light on whose it might be no idea at all mr. Howell a clear handprint on the side of the bath an l-shape scar on the tip of the right forefinger we shall of course take it as a lead in our main line of inquiry I'm the bath you say on the bath I am right in thinking that you can guess whose it might be no I don't know I the faintest idea I've notice how anxious you vegans wrote this inquiry to know what we deduce from fingerprints I've never known a bereaved husband take such a keen interest in forensics how do you mr. burden consider half sir it's unusual I can't help feeling that you expected a certain print to be found if that is so and we found it I must tell you that you will be obstructing this inquiry if you keep what may be vital information to yourself don't think you can persecute me I would advise you to think over what I've said if you're wise you will make a full disclosure to us of what I am sure you know look I'm not saying his behavior was absolutely normal I just don't think he was necessarily guilty behavior that's all so you don't think he's holding anything back I'll tell you what I think you said he didn't show any disbelief well maybe he didn't but maybe he hadn't really taken him what's happened until just now when you told him about that print with the l-shaped scar he seemed genuinely grief-stricken grief-stricken he was horrified but at first yes but that's what I mean it was as if he suddenly saw his wife being murdered and it was real to him for the first time all right we'll see either you blind or him hey Jane all right hard to tell with Peggy now she tells me for a few days well you got to stay with Howard and Denise Wow they'd love to see you they're always saying you're a snob reg Wexford and about your own nephew - what do you mean a snob just because he's a higher rank than you are nothing to do and they live in a fashionable part of London trendy you see I just don't feel comfortable when it's about time you did I'll come up with you deniz and I haven't seen each other for months yes it's all fixed Deniz wanted us to stay for the week well you'd better buy me a new dressing gentleman reg why are you going to London anyway some people to see questions to ask is it this very confident is gasps this is his case got under your skin something strange about it Dora I don't know what it is he killed her I don't know how he did it in fact it's impossible but he did it and he thinks he's got away with him but he hasn't by God he hasn't I've worked with Bob ever since he came here three months ago Oh happily married would you say oh yes he used to fern her every day I mean it's terribly sweet every lunchtime just before he went to lunch she was Australian or something you put the Collard yeah sometimes I wouldn't know if he was happy he was never terribly lively not like the other blokes here last Friday he was just the same as usual he came in before 10:00 and he was in here all morning working out a scheme for private medical insurance for the firm he phoned his wife a bit before 1:00 and then he went to lunch with Jason they weren't gone long then he went to the pub I know he was back by half-past two because he dictated three letters to me why did he leave half-past five he was meeting his mother at Victoria he said did he get any calls in here from a woman a girlfriend you mean a bit on the side no no one ever called him was he attracted to any women here the women here well five women working here did mr. Hathorne have a special friendship with anyone you mean a relationship like screwing one of them you like a lonely man temporary separated from his wife you might care to know that June and Liz are both married Clare's engaged to Jason and Suzanne is Lord Carthage daughter oh and that exemption from sleeping with men does it well it jolly well exempts her from sleeping with someone at Bob Hathor sort and that goes for all of us Oh Oh truly shocking yes she loved her of course before at night yes would you describe her as tough women gracious or shy and nervous well she was quiet I could say but now the poor girl is dead I can't believe it even as I said she was oh bloody fight ordinary was she interested in Celtic languages not that I know never mind please go on well I hardly know how to go on Chief Inspector Angela did her work why satisfactorily although she was absent rather a lot on vague medical grounds she was bad about money I mean she put a magnet on her salary I gather she borrows small sums from other members of the staff but that was no business of mine but her work was satisfactory yes there was an occasion but I have no proof so it is merely scandal-mongering most of my work is miss Malkovich oh well in for a penny in for a pound na in view of the fact that the library members pay a large subscription we charge no fines should they keep their books beyond the allotted period of one month which my public library operated the same system well a little while after Angela had left us I happen to be helping out at the he turns counter when a member handed to me several books that were some weeks overdue and he produced three palm sixty which he assured me was the proper fine for overdue books well but I told him that no fines were ever exacting in this library he said his only ones before kept books longer than a month and on that occasion the young lady had asked him for two pounds for tea and he hadn't protested thinking him to be reasonable oh well of course I made inquires among the staff for all appeared perfectly innocent but the two girls told me that other member had recently also tried to get them to accept fines for overdue books using the D'Angela household as responsible as I say I have no proof but who else could it have been it's only a small fraud I can be expecting a fraud at all well maybe around nothing in the murder case is irrelevant Howard I'm beginning to get a picture of Angela helps to get to know the victim what sounds were hurtful looking like paranoid tendency towards hypochondria intelligent but lacking in application couldn't persevere with a steady job her mental stability skill were thrown by adversity financially unstable too she wouldn't be above making extra money by fraudulent means sounds more like a criminal than a murder victim come your lunch is ready sir thank you must be nice to be a chief superintendent you wouldn't like it uncle rich I don't know how you eat all you do remain as thin as a leaf I only got to pass within ten paces of a potato pounds your mother was the same I haven't got the wexford metabolism I burn up calories like my father residual partners son who introduced Robert Hazell to Angela oh no his nephew Jonathan they used to work together that archaeologist library place are the introduction took place here at the office party a party here no the guests would have been reminded of income tax it would be much too depressed no no the party took place at mr. Craig's home in Finchley did you meet Angela Hathaway it was the only time I did meet her a nice-looking creature bit of the was the Shetland pony look but so many of them have nowadays but Robert was very smitten right from the start you could see that did you ever meet the first oh oh she was a lively one yeah quite a scene with her banging about trying to get at Bob and Bob locking himself away in his office she sat on the stairs waiting for him to come out he stayed there all night god knows what time she went home next day she came back and screamed at me to get him to go back to her and their daughter I was that when you sacked him nobody told you god damn it Robert health it was always a bit of a liar I'll tell you exactly what happened I had him in here after that to do and I tell you better manage his private affairs a bit better he flew into a rage as he was leaving I tried to dissuade him he wouldn't listen so the whole world was against him in his Angela when he left he got himself some Tim pop part-time job and serve him right - Robert hassle as far as you know ever do anything even mildly on the shady side of the law no I've just said he wasn't always strictly truthful but apart from that it was perfectly honest what's he susceptible to women would you say Bob was so narrow and downright repressed you know there are other women on the face of the earth that's why he went overboard there Angela oh he was he was dark like some schoolboy scales dropped from his eyes in him he woke up and no way he's like developers always the worst do you think you might have done away without Angela I shouldn't like to commit herself like that mr. Butler no I suppose not silly a question I'll tell you I thought it gonna murder his first wife yep that's where she had a city that very step there you know I'll never forget that ever as long as I'll do the only account for the hassles horror when I told him about the handprint is that he arranged the killing of Angela will accomplish what somebody who is having an affair with or something well presumably so this girlfriend if he's comes round to the cottage in the afternoon or she was fetched by Angela well I don't see that [ __ ] well the neighbor of hers a mrs. Lake said that she told her she was going to go and now that has to fit in somehow so this girl kills Angela by strangling her with a gilt necklace which hasn't been found yet then she wipes the whole house clean of her own fingerprints but manages to leave one on the side of the bath is that the theory yes then she drives off at [ __ ] car up to London and abandoned it were great but does this unknown woman have to be someone he met at work why not a friend he met socially you seem to have any friends yeah but she could be somebody he picked up in the street or got talking to by chance in a pub I know why that's the case that must have been a short play drink in the interval and just looked at each other slunk off uncle reg you owe mr. burden phone just now really would you even back at home it was urgent I'll use the static oh thanks someone's come forward at last says he saw hassles car being driven into Barry cottage at five past three last Friday afternoon yeah and the driver was a dark-haired woman wearing a red checked shirt or blouse yeah well he says there was a passenger and he thinks it was a woman but apart from that no no he was just cycling past now do you want the bad news Hamlet started singing mammy and I gave up I didn't mind that so much it was all those animals I didn't like has holes written a letter of complaint to my chief constable Griswold yeah as I'm harassing him I'm someone to the presence tomorrow afternoon thanks Denise five minutes five minutes yes this is hardly not oh yes please inspector Wexford Kings Markham police well that business down there I suppose yes where are you coming you can sit down if you like oh thank you hmm tell me what your movements were last Friday mrs. Howell what well we'd like to eliminate all possibilities I was at my father's house in Balham all day my daughter was on a school trip to France she didn't get back till midnight mr. Howells mother lives in Balham didn't she we grew up together Bob and me went to the same school there wasn't a day went by we didn't see each other after we got married we were never apart for a single night till that woman came and stolen from me when was the last time that you saw mr. Howell I haven't seen him for three and a half years but he has reasonable access to Rosalie he was allowed to see her every other Sunday I used to send her round to his mum and he'd fetch her from there and take her out for the day you said used to mrs. Howell have these meetings between father and daughter ceased well she's nearly grown up isn't she she's old enough to understand what I'd suffered from her father and it's only natural she was resentful she thought it was a wicked what he'd done so she stopped seeing him she didn't want to see him she said she got better things to do with her Sundays and I gran and me we thought she was quite right me and Bob's mum we've always got unwell she's been like another mother to me did Rosemary ever go down to Barry cottage once just once that was enough and she came back the state she was in tears I'm sobbing and I don't know what and I don't wonder can you imagine a father actually letting his little girl see him kiss another woman she saw him put his arms around that woman and kiss her not just an ordinary kiss either I was disgusted I can tell you disgusted well the upshot was that rose me can't stand them and I don't blame her I just hope it won't do something to other way these psychologists say how did mr. Hawthorne take the breaking off of this relationship though he didn't like it not at all he didn't begged her to see him wrote her letters Center presents wanted to take her away a holiday if you don't mind him a study on got a penny to bless himself with two thumbnail he fought to try and stop me getting this house and a bit of his money to live on though he's got money enough when he likes to spend it money enough to spend on that tart of his well now she's dead is that rosemary yes that's my rosemary taken six months ago I'm sure still at school is she I'm going on to college after all her teachers says she's got it in her and I wouldn't stand in her way and it's not as if she's got to go out and earn money her father I'll have plenty to sperner let him pay out of it just because he ruin my life that's no reason he should ruin hers is it let's be thankful for our wives ours well it didn't kill Angela to go back to that one at any rate it's not her print in the bathroom no scar on her finger reg look you obviously know the details of this case far better than I do but it doesn't seem that you have very much hard evidence against this Hathor evidence no it's just a hunch I know I did it hunch didn't you ever get a feeling a better case didn't drive a few you knew the answer is part of the evidence I was always a bit more plodding I suppose right kings Markham is it well reg I have to get to Bournemouth three o'clock Howard it's Dino you're speaking out not IT look you've got your Chief Constable to see at five o'clock age at a conference I thought try to bribe his daughter with doesn't she said holidays where was the money meant to be coming from throughout this night at 45 pence wait how many people here on the payroll altogether about easy and then some women working part-time what about office staff people of half all of them come into contact with regularly well that would be myself mr. mr. old the personnel manager my secretary to try just send the switchboard operator that's in addition to mr. Haeckel himself but I'm a hugger so in this situation links is constrained by society to be pregnant [Music] so in this situation society forces the priest I've done my best to make you a list of names and addresses but the way girls chop and change these days there isn't anyone in the office now who was here when mr. Athol was here not girls that is that was only ten weeks ago can you remember who was particularly friendly with any girl here well I could remember that he wasn't it was crazy about that wife of his I want to got herself killed what about people who might call in occasion his sales rep people a sort the sales reps all work from our London office there's only one woman among them and he never met her anyone else no we are only left with the cleaners there's one cleaning woman who's been with us ever since we started up she's 62 of course she has a couple of girls working with her but I never see them and mr. hassel wouldn't have their finished before we come in the only one I can recall offhand I remember because she was so honest she stayed behind my morning to hand me a five-pound note that she'd found under someone's desk [Music] no mr. Hoffa was almost peculiar about his wife I've never heard a manga what about a woman the way he went on about her she was Marilyn Monroe and Princess died and the Virgin Mary all rolled into one dear him talk dead loss that was story with me setup with hearing how fond he was of that way variation you're a hard take the upper road when you get to the fork I'll direct you by a palm tree why do I want to go by a Pomfret McVicker slow down what for slow down you ready colleges coming up here on the right of the little there is in the garden that's him that [ __ ] did you get a look at him yes I saw him I don't have to identify him you know no but there's something sinister about him isn't there not particularly no grandma's here already probably arrived early to sharpen his teeth good luck rich good luck with your speech there oh I've had plenty of time to polish the platitudes Thanks good afternoon sir chief constables waiting for you thank you how much later the chief constables in the conference room thank you sergeant Martin come our Chief Inspector good up loser sit down reg perhaps have some idea why I've asked to see you I can guess ha thoughts been complaining the fact that you can guess only makes it worse mr. Hathorne has sent me a very strongly worded letter of complaint he says you've been trying to trap him using unorthodox methods he says you sprang something about a fingerprint and then walked out of his house without waiting for his answer now this man's a troublemaker reg says he's got a friend on one of the tabloids who's interested in this case now have you got any real grounds for thinking that he killed his wife not with his own hand sir he was in his office in London at the time of the murder well then what the hell are you playing at I'm proud of this force my life's works been devoted to it and I'm proud of my officers confident that their conduct is not only beyond reproach but can be seen to be beyond reproach why are you harassing this man persecution is what he calls it persecution is what they always call it and that means his paranoid sir I don't give me that head shrinkers jargon reg have you got one concrete piece of evidence against this chap oh I'm just a very strong personal feeling that he killed his wife feeling feeling we hear a damn sight too much about feeling these days no your age or to bloody well know better so what does that mean mmm that he had an accomplice and you also have a feeling about who this accomplice might be or do you actually have some evidence about it no I don't so it's just a sort of general conspiracy theory no no you may not I told you what's in it be thankful that I'm sparing you is uncomplimentary remarks about your manners and tactics oh he says you've stolen a book of his oh good con sir you don't believe that well no reg I don't but I have its impact in pronto right yes sir if I thought you've got one shred of evidence against Hathaway back you all the way you know that but you've got nothing apparently in the circumstances I've got to tell you to lay off him understand lay off him but I gotta talk to him I've got no other line of inquiry I said lay off him that is an order I won't have any more of it will not have the reputation of this police force sacrificed to your feelings [Music] like come in kitchen well this is an unexpected pleasure have some breakfast no it's all right thanks I've already had mine well help yourself a cup of tea oh you might pour me without way the way out it Griswolds told me to lay off half oh yes I heard evidence you know reg haha yeah but there's no indication that he even looked at another woman let alone conspire with her to do murder that handprint three long dark hairs on the bathroom floor and the woman who was seen in Angela's car journey thought it was a woman could just as easily have been a man and how many times have you and I seen someone across the street not been able to make up our minds if it was a man or a woman what he was supposed to be on a diet well I am where's Dora she's still in London with my nephew and his wife alright so what's your idea first of all I think it was a man who killed Angela she was lonely and she picked him up like you said it first only he turned nasty and he strangled her back said it maybe but he was trying to get the necklace out of it huh oh well I don't mean literally by accident but maybe he panics lost his head now there wouldn't have to be any miss prints around the house because well why would he touch anything apart from Angela that is and even if he did there wouldn't be many prints nee could always wipe them off afterwards what about the woman all about the woman who left that print isn't even involved she was a passerby motor is too cold enough to use the phone on the toilet oh these things happen reg so I could never having a Barry cottage the woman hasn't come forward because she didn't even know the name of the house or the woman know what that are in and there aren't either prints around the phone or anything because Angela was told place when she left I've never heard so much talk [ __ ] on my life that's just as reasonable as this conspiracy theory of yours Chris what makes you did he what do you mean well that why he calls it a conspiracy theory he called me in after you'd left asked me what my ideas were on your Dolan yes I did I didn't do anything underhand read no I'm traded you're in charge of the case now are you mug of course not you're still in charge but we follow your line of enquiry it's just that he doesn't want any more trouble with Hathor no well yours here he makes as much sense as anything else [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello I'm off now [Music] [Music] good morning hi I'm looking for mr. Howell oh we just moved in here I'm Valerie Snyder maybe it was the last tenant yeah that's right Ethel how long ago did he move well we've been here what two weeks but he'd moved out already when we first saw the place six weeks ago oh thank you thank you very much really it any longer on that breaking and entering it's squires we can hold him on joints in nuisance in King's market this is Wilson okay send somebody I want to see her give it a good talking-to call yourself as you like oh thank you very much all right oh nothing you've been still looking for a man who kills for nine quid out of guilt necklace something like that yeah can't be any easier another hath all's moved white actually it hasn't made a great deal of difference sir he's been very cooperative wherever he was living how's he now and where is he living order did have to be cleared by the Home Secretary London he's got a flat in Hampstead I find it ironic that a man can kill his wife arrange for his mother to find the body I'd be regarded by the police as cooperative if I'd only be ironic if Hathor did kill his wife he didn't it has got an unfortunate manner that's got in your hair that's all look I'd like to get this raffle business out of the way once and for all right well um you see I've always thought there was one major drawback to your theory if Hackl had had an accomplice with that scar on her finger he'd have insisted that she walk class because he didn't know that is she left only one print just one print he'd never be able to live with her or marry her or even see her again because he knows that if he shows the slightest interest in another woman we're gonna be done on her like a ton of bricks so if you're saying that Cathal murdered his wife would not be free to live with his other woman he can't have done two simple as that my god yes it is as simple as that [Music] you must understand what that hand pet did to him Howard isn't it time you forgot about this case rich he had Angela killed so that he could be with the other woman but when I told him about the handprint he knew that he'd never dare see her again there was a terrible sadness on his face she even sold the man's a murderer she could have the scar surgically removed we have a print of the whole hand nothing she can do about that you put yourself in his place he knows that he has to get rid of me before he can possibly enjoy what he's killed for he manages to pull the wool of Griswolds eye sufficiently to get me off his back even so the handprint had been found so he couldn't go into public courtship or marriage with a woman whose handle betrayer all right along with that so what can he do oh they can agree to part what you mean shake hands forever presumably even if you're madly in love Liberty is better than imprisonment or faked you'll agree not to meet again just go under being clandestinely they've been meeting in public why else has he hidden himself away in West Hampstead where nobody knows him hmm why not south of the river where it can be near his mother and his daughter see what I mean sneak out in the evening and be with her of course the only woman who's been seen mother Oh reg you don't mean to say you've got somebody watching seriously yes I can see also is your chief constable look look fetch Dora's wired at lunch old orifices still it is expensive and in my own pocket he's not a very good spy bellies the best idea gap [Music] and I took it upon myself to investigate the party's place of domicile during a conversation with the landlord during which I represented myself as an official of the local rating Authority I'm hired as to the number of apartments and was informed that only single rooms were to let in the establishment he also seems to have disposed of his car it having disappeared from its customer a parking place on the evening of Thursday the 10th he arrived home at 6:10 and then at 6:30 year left again and boarded the number 20 bus a twisting green I want you to follow him on that 28th bus Tommy it's not easy following a chap on a bus weeks but suppose he goes up top saying I go inside or vice-versa I don't see why you should be vice-versa just sit in the seat behind him and stick close it's not my line of work where surgeon hey now listen Tommy I know enough about you and came out of the supermarket at approximately 310 the subject proceeded to mrs. Somerset no mark marks about him she died wasn't she something to do with that hassle case vainly very cottage it was in the paper about her funeral I should be an invalid a long time so he said the subject proceeded to sued America tours a travel agency on the Finchley Road and stayed inside the agency for 23 minutes hello hello reg how are you yes why what's going on ah of course Tommy didn't dare follow him in there lily-livered little idiot well let's see what you can do about it reg well he's heading for some country with no extradition treaty ever since I found out that he was living in one room I've been wondering what he's been doing with his money why should he throw up his job and flit to Brazil or somewhere he's scared Howard he's terrified he knows I'm not gonna give up you may be right reg Howard did he do something for me would you get on the Marcus flower I dare not oh I don't know reg your chief console was pretty adamant wasn't he I can't cross swords with him anyway if Marcus flower was sending him abroad wouldn't they be arranging the whole thing and paying for it well they wouldn't be paying in arranging for his girlfriend would they no no that's true look reg young I'll call you back tomorrow right I know you haven't forgotten not taking me to the cinema this evening cinema you are in Howard it's your idea all this and they've completely forgotten haven't dude yes we're going to the cars loud right fine fine really getting worried about regiona there [Music] anyone ever tell you you were brilliant good god you really are brilliant what it's him Robert hassel uncle Reggie's wife killer tall bloke with the blonde oh he was right the old bugger was right you can't have that's not all rich he wasn't alone he was with a woman we've seen him with a woman reg the Lord have delivered him in mine hands what happened tell me see my eyes of course I see it hello you've done to yourself I'll tell you who done it okay Ethel Oh for heaven's sake last night when I was following him down to the 28th bus stop he's on to you well thank you for those sympathy I told you he's popped me he didn't have no cause to turn around and poke me that bleed now that he saw what he did it wasn't so bleeding funny did you stop the bleeding well where is he go 28 Gold is green chance he'll fortune Greene West End Lane West Hampstead station quicks road Kilburn IRA well that doesn't mean a thing to me where does it end up once with the bridge why they must be going to see his mother in Balham know whether 28 bus goes he isn't look works but you don't know London you said so yourself but no one would go to Berlin that way for my stems this well I would they go the way stamps do to been changed to the Northern Line latarian cross then he must be getting off somewhere along that route look Tommy will you do one more thing for me we know that he's meeting a woman somewhere it's probably on that 28th why he wouldn't be in any danger always say that well I can't do it knows me you can follow them in your car you won't have to be inside the bus with him he's an expert and he knows me you seem to forget he's already done away with his wife who's gonna look after my interests of he starts throttling me whether two gold chains same as looks after you now the Social Security was quite uncalled-for word isn't that your ex-husbands car outside he gave it to Rosemary David how do you won't need it where he's going money where's he going which is hot Brazil it's all fixed up he goes on the 21st that's less than a month good riddance to bad rubbish I say has he got a job there a job he's got a very important position with a firm of international accountants you wouldn't believe the money he's getting he told rosemary and she told me they're paying me from London deducting what I get before it even goes to him and he could still have thousands and thousands a year to live on and the house there waiting for him you think he killed that woman don't you do you know what she had I just wish he had and I wish they had hanging still to wrench did you get those tickets the theater tickets I'll go get them tomorrow I'll be any left tomorrow we were told that really I don't know what you think you're doing rich it's like living with a zombie Dora you never talk to me you never hear a word I say Dora you're making a fool of yourself and neglecting your proper work oh so sorry everybody like burden everybody like burden well I'm not standing for it rich I am NOT standing by and see you throw your career away over some stupid obsession you will get the police force a bad name hanging about in bars Wow that all you can say no Anna Broderick it's done Vernon springing oh here he is now there you go this is Lake nice drop of Maui thanks Bernard mr. Wexford open it they go respects it you looked as if you needed cheering up there's no need to worry about the forces good name now this will do wonders for his image oh is that all it takes a bottle of champagne champagne is secondary then you've got to do it yourself if you really believe he's guilty oh he's guilty all right then take the time off and do it yourself yes I don't want it to become an obsession I even dream of Robert Hazell dream about someone nicer tonight good night rage [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what do you want come down to make us [Music] I'd like you to introduce me to the woman you brought in here [Music] [Music] as a man wants to see you [Music] this is my daughter Rosemarie [Music] pathos been put in another of his complaints what a mess eh gonna lose my job next not without an inquiry or not I don't think hassles going to want to appear in front of an inquiry it wasn't his daughter I saw him with rich you saw a woman with short fair hair but I you sure that it was how thought you saw him with her I'm sure you've only seen him once it was hassel would you swear would you swear in a court that the man you saw says the Kyrsten Sinema was the same man that you saw in the garden at berry cottage if a man's life depended on it would you swear that the death penalty is no longer with us rich thank God but would you swear you're pressing me too hard I am sure beyond a reasonable doubt yes I saw Robert half a linker as a street with a fair head look if he isn't with her where does he go all those evenings when he's out where does he go on the 28th bus let Tommy Matthews easy to catch I don't know I can't follow him on the bus and Tommy won't somebody else's doctor that's easy to say my chief constable says no and you're not gonna cross swords with my chief constable by lending me some of your blokes oh yeah you're right I'm not well there we can stop talking about it and I can go back to King's Malcolm and face the music bloody rape symphony in Griswold sharp major Barre hath all goes off to sunny tropics I'll do it whiskey God boy what do you mean I'll do it you can't yes sir pinned under don't be such a snob I want to do it besides I owe you an apology reg why'd you I might not be as good as Tommy Matthews what about your own work don't you think I have some say any hours I work there's one factor in all of this I don't think you've taken sufficiently into account one personality it was when he met her that he changed and this is an outside chance maybe it's off the wall but you know that she'd already been up to some kind of fort on her own with the librarians what if she was encouraging halfway into some kind of dishonesty that money must have come from somewhere rich well there's only one player that could be possible this is the beam shoot I'd like to follow around the world thing a couple of years ago is Tears for Fears everybody wants to rule the world on contact this course we've never had anything like that here working the dot would you have heard of the old payroll little or no one would get away with that here not with our system we're completely computerized you know hey messing about with the wages you mean suppose you tell me how you're the accountant managed the payroll hmm it's like this when we sort of get a new worker I sort of tell him her details and he works out her wages from them can you be more explicit no right well let's say we take on a that's called her wrong Joan Smith mrs. Joan Smith I tell the accountant her name and address say 24 Gordon wrote Oxford fine fine I tell him that mrs. Joan Smith of whatever it was Gordon Road Roxburgh how do you tell him my telephone [ __ ] well well either really um but of course I could have done on record I don't have a very good memory I tell him a name and address and when she's starting on her hours and whatever and well he just eats it straight into the computer and Bob's your uncle after that I do it every week to work out her overtime and I'm you know whatever I read she leaves do you tell him not to oh yes sure they're always leaving chop and change it's over the Husting are they old paid bi-weekly wage packets no no no not all you see a lot of our ladies don't use their wages for um but you know housekeeping their their husbands are there what is the word don't bread winners bread would I thank you yes their husbands um no I ladies use their their wages Fuhrer holidays and sort of improving the home and you're just saving I suppose so what well they don't get wage packets their wages are paid into it into a bank account or were in fact more likely the post office or a trustee Savings Bank I'll if they are is that fed into the computer - yes absolutely right quick thinking if I may say so not at all so the accountant can invent a woman feed a fictitious name and address into the computer the wage is going to the bank and the accountant or his female accomplice can draw on it whenever they choose that would be fraud yes it would but since you keep records we can verify this right so what would you need to know the names and dresses are all the women who joined when house all was accounted you know what I should think miss then would have left by now oh that's all right those are left of probably the ones that I'm interested in no you don't understand we destroy the records after they leave we delete them from the memory I mean the memory will get overloaded otherwise well Chief Inspector loved it no I rock you're a long way from Marion semolina quarter mile I know you won't tell me what you're doing here but will you answer me one question I should go you need to do with a man called [ __ ] nope I would phoned you about an hour ago any news this is all to do with this man you're meant to be having nothing to do with isn't it that's all yes I did Dora why did I would say well he said I was to tell you she lives in Notting Hill does she know does she it's no but phoning him he'll be out too late he'll anyway he told me the whole thing go on well hasn't hadn't come home at all yesterday evening so this evening he got the idea of tailing him from the office yes alpha went to the tube okay Howard knew he wasn't going home because he walked to Marble Arch so he won't from half moon street to Marble Arch right Howard said the very fact that he went to Marble Arch proved he wasn't going home because Marble Arch is only on the central central yes that's it he said if has a was going home it was much closer for him to go to Green Park station from there he could get some other line direct to West Hampstead where he lives yeah she what it means Jubilee Line so what is about Bobby hill Howard said he suddenly realized that if hassel went to see this girl sometimes by 28 bus from West Hampstead and sometimes by central line underground from the West End well all he had to do was find out where the 28 bus food in the central line intersect and that starting here he said nothing here's a vast area what is it about this case rich Dora hath all's a murderer you believe yes and he's leaving the country in two weeks time and you're gambling with your whole career because of him yes I understand how it all happened now Robert hath all Angela and a woman accomplished worked a payroll fraud for a couple of years then Robert that is a new job I didn't need to fiddle the other one we should have faded away but you didn't because hath all had fallen for her angela was furious she gave half all an ultimatum oh there she goes or I'll chop you path all agree to end the affair Angela was delighted she even agreed to have a mother-in-law Irma stay with her she cleaned up the whole place to impress her so how does the other woman would come into it again how will she rang up on some pretext didn't want any bad blood between them could she call on her Angela was triumphant shaven when fetched in the car brought her back and then the other woman strangled Angela as agreed she cleaned up but she left one handprint on the edge of the path no look right I'm sure you like but it is still most in your head isn't it when I'm dead it'll be grave Don my heart athol good gentlemen we've got a special on today moussaka well do me and steak pie for you mr. bird thank you I saw Brock Lovett yesterday he was as loquacious as ever oh yes in Doc's bruh really I thought he was too busy digging up marrying him old town digging yes didn't you know he's got some girl who's missing him he thinks has been murdered so he's digging for her I think those badges he sets up all night watching her finally gone to his head he's arrested the husband Tim for murder no there's not enough evidence without the body but the blokes got a record so he's holding him on some shop breaking charge Oh some people get all the luck sorry said I know it's loud in here don't you know me Hutton oh it's mr. Wexford beg pardon sir can I find chief inspector Lovett down with the digging sir looking for and missus more anger a she and her husband squatted here for a bit last summer mr. Lovett thinks the husband may have buried her in the garden makes you think she's here gotta be somewhere using the husband killed her you gotta run a shop breaking charge nobody just a missing woman something must've made you take that serious her mother wrong here do me a favor yup you know that guy half all I'm I was on a bet well I think he was working a payroll fiddle when he was a kids in Foxborough that's why I was over there the other day when we met Grizzly's warned me off I've got no authority to act if I gave you the details could you send someone to the local trustee Savings Bank find out if they can smell out any false accounts will do I've only got ten days on the 21st the bird migrates to South America okay hello mister Oh which is like hello so the policemen all over the place down here what I didn't expect to see you you've been avoiding me again Oh can I give it up to Kings Markham thank you I'm not going home oh I just want you to sit in the car for five minutes and chapter shall we share a cream cake oh don't thank here it's oh there you go again you're always saying things that no one has said to me for 20 years you can't be always I never see you I chose my house yes they say you're going abroad do they know they've been saying things about me around here all my life mostly distortions of the truth I know sing that my dream has come true at last no I I hadn't heard that bit I mustn't keep once it seems years ago now I asked you to come and have tea with me so you did shall we say next Tuesday yeah I'll come I shall tell you the story of my life [Music] there's a blockage [Music] [Music] I think the police might be interested in this [Music] similar well the lab boys couldn't be 100% certain but I suppose they have a feeling apart from the similarities do you have a shred of evidence to show that this necklace is in any way connected with her death no sir but I might have if I could talk to Hassan he wasn't there when she was killed but his girlfriend was well when I'm supposed to be Chief Constable why have I not been told if the identity of some female accomplice has been discovered well I haven't exactly the matter with you you haven't got any more evidence of Robert hospitals complicity in this then you had three months ago I know it you know it is everything all right at home yes sir well I'm worried about you I've asked you before and I'll ask you again have you got one concrete piece of evidence have you no sir then the situation is unchanged totally unchanged you're skating on thin ice chief inspector just remember that now you watching me like that I'm not oh should be glad when this week is over and that man's gone to wherever he's going and you're back to your normal self again yeah doesn't have look nice lovely this is for your grandson's birthday you might at least show a bit of interest are you complained about me look in the mid ago when you said reminded you of George the second but didn't say huh Oh something like that I thought you might be interested to know she's getting married to that Somerset man remember I saw in the paper his wife died I imagine something must have been going on there for years quite a mystery you can't have made any deathbed promises about only taking mistresses Kenny Tommy no do we should show a bit of interest sometimes and not look so perpetually fed up reloading no sir please in Colt can I do anything no thank you now apart from this what do Richard Grey's criminal proclivities a monitor it's true he was dismissed by his previous employer though he freely admits it though no charge was brought up repeating from his employer the negligible sons of nine pounds fifty as a result he was obliged to leave his tired cottage at may not hold talks bruh and hasn't even more serious result was deserted by his wife more a gray on the ground that she refused to live with a man whose honesty was not beyond reproach gonna get off his name like you haven't had any luck finding the body sounds slow isn't it I got a body unknown murder and you've got a murder and nobody saving bank accounts we found two so far they look suspicious he's one of the TSB here and they're running tox press both that regular payments made into them from kid in Co and in both cases of payments Easter on both March or April and the one here in Marina it's in a neighbor woman her dress turns out to be a sort of boardinghouse come at El and the people they I can't remember and we can trace her but what about the one in talked about complicated it's in the name of mrs. Mary Lewis and the addresses at Oxford race but the house is shut up the people are evidently away the neighbors say that their name is Kingsbury not Lewis but they've taken in lodgers over the years one of them could be Lewis Iceland just have to wait till the people come back well do the neighbors know when they're coming back we've been lovers for 19 years I'd been married for five years when I came to live here I was walking in the lane one day when I met knock we tried not seeing each other sometimes we kept it up for months but it never really worked well why didn't you get married neither of you had children my husband died we were going to marry but then Mark's wife became ill and he couldn't leave her so you remained faithful and lived in hopes no there were others mark knew if he minded he never blamed me was he sure you meant when you said dad was it wrong to wish for someone's death yes I'm afraid so who else did you you didn't think I meant Angela why have you been avoiding me Ridge I not accustomed to being turned down no I can imagine that I'm not blind you know you think I'm blind just unapproachable yes well I I think I'd better go I shall be leaving on Monday the new people are moving in we shan't meet again I could promise you that if you like why do you think I want to be the last fling for a woman going to her first love isn't it a compliment I'm a middle-aged man middle-aged men who were taken in by compliments are apathetic I'm a middle-aged woman we could be pathetic together would you like a drink and we could talk we've never really talked we've never done anything else but talk yes I'd like a drink I'll drink to your happiness [Music] Bansi [Music] [Music] [Music] late yes poor oh no are you expecting him to know no reg reg I saw them him and her together I saw them together and I'm afraid I lost them Oh God Lauren I can take don't kill the messenger reg oh I'm not angry with you hard but after all you've done tell me what happened well I took the afternoon off I knew that Hoffa would have taken his leave of Marcus flower by now and I presumed to be at home sat there and sat there at 5 o'clock I thought of going home myself perhaps it would have been better if I had at least I wouldn't have raised your hopes anyway I thought I might as well wait until the rush hour was over and he came out again I followed him up to West End Lane and I was just parking the car to follow him on foot when a taxi came by and he hailed it you didn't manage to follow the taxi well well it wasn't that difficult reg anyway it dropped half the life outside of pub in the PEMDAS Road let's call the artesian I waited a few minutes to let him settle as soon as I went in but either he was early or she was 10 minutes late because he just sat there with two drinks in front of it a gin for himself and the Pernod for her [Music] most of the time the crowd blocked my view but I could see that glass of yellow Pernod waiting on the table for I didn't know she'd coming until I saw her hand go round that yellow glass and it was lifted up out of my sight [Music] it was the same woman I'd seen with outside the colors of cinema a woman in her mid-thirties who dyed blonde short hair nope don't ask I didn't see if she had a scar on a forefinger what happened I think Hathor may have recognized me God he'd have to be blind not to buy now even though I've been very careful anyway they drank their drinks quite quickly and then pushed their way out I think she must live quite near there exactly I had no idea and they caught a taxi outside but I didn't hear him tell the driver where he wanted to go they just climbed in he slammed the door and I could still see him talking to the driver as they moved off and that's the last of Robert hath all scarcely matters now he's off tomorrow all along the line afraid that has to be your only consolation [Music] [Applause] [Music] under that board [Music] [Applause] I don't any Detective Chief Inspector works with office oh no no he doesn't want hold on he's Chief Inspector a little bit from marrying himself all right no he's here sir what send him up got miss Ella would come into Miss erect would suffice thank you it's very important get mr. Burton in here mr. Burton's over at my place Oh Brock come in come in boy I'll be dying it oh never mind about the day done the day I don't care if it snows do me mr. love it has something to tell you sir which he thinks will interest you greatly hmm and since it was you who put him on to it it seemed only Kurt of anything you like Oh sad man get some coffee will you and call mr. burden and ask him to come in here as soon as he gets back just tell me one thing wrong can you extradite about what you found because if you can't you've had it hassles leaving for Brazil today in fact enter when he's gone already oh dear oh dear well regarding it well I'd better tell you what we have found on these phony accounts no hmm we call last night oh there how so mr. mrs. Kingsbury hmm they just returned for a visit to their married daughter she'd been having a baby no Mary Lewis has ever launched with him and they've never had any connection with Kirikou that's one again he was funneling money through well there might be others at other banks sir we just wanted the quickest results first absolutely right also I'm making further inquiries are they supported as I told you about he could find no evidence at all of the existence of the other so-called account holder well there's another ah Mike we've got something on a thong have you got a warrant for his arrest Brock Wow weeds and they'd like to talk to mr. Howell apart from the courtesy of the matter we called on you for his pregnant dress his present address is probably 5 miles up in the air above Madeira or whatever the damn plane flies unfortunate what are you gonna do it Larry Brock well only suggestion I can make is that we both go to high trees and lay them out of before old grit chief constable [Music] I must make sure I got my facts straight before we see Griswold there are the names of the addresses of those fictitious account holders the for eNOS place was in the name of mrs. toffee Cara and it's Oscar house Marla and the other one is mrs. Mary Louis nineteen main up way table I don't believe it that were you doing that kids the other day I was pursuing my inquiries into the disappearance of alright great she worked at kids for a while cleaning when her husband was gonna die but main at all naturally we explored everybody open to us well you didn't explore may not wait enough more i grazed by anybody's garden she was half as a completion the payroll fraud he met her when they both worked at kids she and his wife Angela got the dreaded making withdrawals from those accounts I thought fell for her and she married his wife for him she isn't that rock she's living in rented as house halls mistress she's gonna preserve with him [Music] right at ease gentlemen Robert hassle and a woman calling yourself mrs. hassle are on the passenger list of a flight leaving career de Janiero at 16:45 well let's hope we're not too late down no need to be bitter edge the evidence we have now is a bit more than just a feeling I think you'll agree to do now sir Robert hassel and more at grey sir we'll be stopped at the airport and held on a charge of deception under the Theft Act I know I can rely upon you gentlemen it would be most unfortunate if these people were to get away and I want you making the arrest there's no need for the met to get all the glory pick her up to meet you there for [Music] tell me all you know about more a gray Welsh it's a Scott sir from Malibu but there's not much work up this so she came south and went it's service she met grace seven or eight years ago and married him and they got a job at may not Hall what he did the garden and sheet Lee in the house that's right as well as the house it seems she's a cut above that sort of thing according to her mother more to the point according to her employer up at all she had a reasonable education and was quite bright her mother says gray dragged her damn well I know does she what did she look like well she'd be about mid-30s thin dark hair as well as the housework at the hall she did some outside cleaning jobs like she did at kids factory but she only stayed there a few weeks then gray got the sack from their employer at the hall for stealing wasn't it yes nigh quit on from their employers wife's handbag they had to leave the cottage that came with a job and they went and squatted in miring and old town but soon after that morick turned him out gray says she found out the reason for their getting the bush and wouldn't go on living with a thief hmm a likely story yeah he says he spent the money he stole on a present for her a gilt necklace oh maybe true it doesn't help much oh I'm not so sure what happened tomorrow after she threw gray out well we know is that she told a woman in that Rauf houses but you've got a good job in our thing and we'll be moving away [Music] the baguette time this target real all airplanes are about ten hours late getting here in about the same level as all hasn't checked in yet no goes here try to come here seen the mess and gone home again heard it on the radio decided not to come out at all not being featured much on the news was he might've decided to change his destination entirely we've alerted all the checking desk and possible control good drop let's get up to households flat Mike you stay here you two fathers put on sergeant didn't you say it was her mother who started the human cry for more AG the Sirat when she didn't get any reply to her letters she never trusted Richard gray so she went straight to the police there was a right to do when she got down here wasn't this why will you never guess we had to get a translator don't tell me she could only speak Gaelic that's right sir how did you know that we found a book in hafez house we assumed it was Angelus of men and angels it's no wonder hath all got into such a state [Music] come on come on Chief Inspector wax writer this is James back to Louisville oh yeah what a word with mr. half lucky there left last night last night that's right foodies went up to tonight but he got over to me last night and said he decided to go so it wasn't for me to argue was it the way in every way might call Pleasant was all about something grumbling you know came up with him to check the inventory all those insist on that before I give them back their deposit mind you I knew there was something fishy about it well gave you that oh dear well I've seen you before for one thing good spot of copper am i off there's always folks watching him I don't miss much that I don't say much one of them may be off when he came here and save us from the cat's oh and then there was that tall thin one that was always in the car if you know so much you know why he was being watched not me never did nothing but come and go and have his mother to tea and grass about the rent never brought a woman in here did he wash off her hair not his mother and his daughter and that's all they said we told me where do we go now sir any news from the airport I feel still hasn't checked in we're good joined by more our grace please we've been trying to do that for months Rock II throw by Notting Hill [Music] threaten me don't then you can persecute me I think she's got away with him but he hasn't my god he hasn't [Music] pull in there where's the try lise I'm looking for tall dark man about 45 comes in here with a younger blonde woman doing here last night lemon half off they don't give their names there must have been a couple of under people in here last night well they come in regular look can you wait 10 minutes this crab might thinned out a bit by then [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right great I arrest you on a charge of deception under the fact that we should let last night Bob thank you sir was she living in Notting Hill Gate yeah Penn Bridge Road in a luxury flat house always paying for that of the proceeds of the payroll fraud as you guessed at theorised Howard theorized theorized while it was at the factory hath all set up at least two fictitious accounts that we know that probably more they didn't abetted by more Igraine no more a gray wouldn't be a party to fraud she was an honest woman so honest she wouldn't keep a fight phone oh she found on the office floor so honest she wouldn't stay married to a man who stole nine pounds to buy her a present then why did she matter hassles wife she didn't or ad grade in the kill Angela thought Angela hassle where did more ad grade good god but well why should they want to kill more egg gray because she was honest she got wind of hassles fraud but she could have put him away for years but the identification sir how could they hope to get away with it well he did get away with it Mike did any of us doubt for one moment that that body was Angela athel's hardly a song you were even by sight mrs. Lake Muir and their cousin mark Somerset but who on earth would call them in to identify the body no the National person was Angela's husband and just in case there was any doubt he took his mother in with him taking care that she found the body sohe thil was running away to Brazil with his own wife yes he was mad about her is mad about her everyone told us we didn't believe him that's all and the print on the edge of the path that was Angela's they are shapes car was the only mistake they made oh and the book it was the only thing that could connect the hassles tomorrow a gray it's no wonder hath all was so keen to get it back from me he must have told Angela that more eggs for Gaelic Angela got in touch with her asked her if she could help her with some research she was doing in to the celtic tongue Morag was flattered needed the money and they made an arrangement to meet another day angela drove over to my room collected and brought her back to barry cottage Morag suspected nothing why should she she didn't know that she was entering Robert Howells cottage Angela would have used the false name Angelo got her into the bedroom probably on the pretext of showing all over the house and strangled her with her own guilt necklace then she took off her clothes and put them on the body the same clothes remember that she had been wearing on the only previous occasion that her mother-in-law had seen her and she imprinted a few objects with more acts fingerprints and brushed the dead girl's hair [Music] that doesn't she drops minute abandon the car and change some dogs talk and settle down to wait until hath all could join her so who planned it all Angela planned it Robert hath all was under her thumb just as he had been under his mother's and under his first wife's but now he was where he wanted to be I think I probably owe you an apology wrench no apologies I want to be able to remind you of this next time you disagree with me [Music] you
Channel: Paul Goddard
Views: 992,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ruth Rendell, Inspector Wexford, Chief Inspector Wexford, George Baker, Christopher Ravenscroft, Inspector Burden, Detective, Police Detective, Murder Mystery, Drama, ITV Drama, Crime Drama, Who Done It, Crime, Mystery, Solving, Crime Solving, Evidence, Murder, Fiction, Crime Fiction, Police Force, Crime Writer, Mystery Writer, VHS, Video Tape, TV Drama, TV Crime Drama, Wexford, TV Adaptation
Id: Rc1uFstlS7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 145min 34sec (8734 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 12 2020
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