Anybody's Nightmare (2001) starring Patricia Routledge.

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foreign do do there you go isn't she here yet probably running a bit late bye sophie see you next week give poor old moats up time to recover that's the lot simon i'll see you later mum are you sure we have time mom of course we have can you get the prime minister couldn't avoid questions about his growing war of words with neil pinner i don't know what mr kenneck has said today and if i spend all my time i almost have wasted all my time commenting on it boring this is a snooker on she's producing the policies for the next few years that will make this country more possible after unveiling a plaque the prime minister toured the college and spoke to some of the 300 pupils it will eventually i'd best drop it off now i won't have much chance with flo staying ah of course that's college jane it's getting a bit serious finals public concerts being judged scary there's no time for chatter come on jane wait for us to find out i don't know what's happened to excuse me these days see friday then remember relax jane trust the music it's all there sure must go give my love to art flow is she ready had to drop her daughter off sign in please you should know who i am by now lift your feet up flo have a nice time flo see you friday and medication i don't like having to mention this mrs bowler but the fees are in arrears by three months i know the solicitors are waiting for probate on my husband's estate then i'll settle it you better take this no need bob's old walking stick somewhere she needs more than a walking stick do stop fussing my son's at home big strong chat we'll manage fancy a detour run out down the coast oh yes please nice not to be cooped up i promised mrs goodwin i'd pick up her protein tablets in beck's bexhill you'd think the woman could at least collect her at a reasonable time nearly home now can we watch the snooker with our cocoa of course we can good i like hurricane higgins got a nice bun will jane be there i told you she's in london something's wrong [Applause] the steering's gone funny are you all right i think so [Music] i don't like the look of that lot shhh oh sugar puncture no spare i took it out to make room for the jumble i'll get help do you want some music oh no i like this really won't belong [Music] sorry to disturb you it's my car i have a bit of this bowler john sohn i used to cut your husband's hair oh yes i've got it yes there's a regular in my chair sorry he um come in come in yes poor old bob so sudden a real shock cancer wouldn't it not exactly mr so never had much faith in hospitals look at my diabetes they got the tests all wrong no one bothers nowadays i've had a puncture bob's answer in the car may i use the phone oh you should have said come on i put the spare on for you i haven't got one i need to foam take ages these breakdown people i was once stuck on the hard shoulder near bathing stoke for three hours really you tell a lie he was near a four i called them just after two and it was ten to six before the chap showed up would you believe that i'm only glad i wasn't with you the door's open she's not there must have wandered off somewhere can barely move without help flow no need to panic flow can't have got this far she can't she might have tried to follow you got lost where can she be perhaps i better phone the police [Music] is there any reason you can think of which would make your aunt want to get out we'd been in the car for a bit maybe she needed to spend a penny uh your son's home not phone's our way there would you open the boot please in case i'm hiding something you mean you better go with your vehicle we'll ring your shoes with any news let's hope it's not in the middle of the night i called a little while ago about franz jackson being missing coming sorry to wake you we thought a motorist might have spotted her walking on the road brought her back afraid not she can't walk anyway oh not without help she can't a bit puzzling then doubt if she could even have got out of the car on her own you sure about that she wouldn't have found it easy you left the spare in the garage i know i know probably jane i called her earlier of course i'm worried it's been four hours what's that noise helicopter my god what's happening now keep calm darling she'll turn up best thing you can do is get some sleep don't talk to me like i'm a child i'm coming home don't be absurd jane the police are doing everything that can be done i'll call as soon as this news you should be in bed too you've worked to go too [Music] so [Music] so did you manage some sleep it's not a wink you gracious you should be going sure ring me yeah mrs bowles bowler yes the ass booth still no news i'm afraid mr day in bex hill confirms you went there for tablets confirms didn't you believe me just doing our job mrs bowler it doesn't look very flat i've been pumping it up the garage is coming to collect it uh no we'll take it if we may just routine he's in there we'll be in touch [Music] thank you she's dead well we've found a body excuse me my biscuits you've taken the spare tire out to make room for your daughter's violin not a violin jane's a cellist and that was another time this was for jumble the church bazaar where did you actually find her by the pumping station half a mile across a muddy field really i'm very surprised you did say she might have got out to spend a penny shirley sheila yes but i doubt she could have walked that far on her own we'll need you to identify the body couldn't one of the staff from the home do that as a relative we'd prefer it was you could i see the shoes you were wearing last night [Music] they've been cleaned of course don't you clean your shoes this is berla i'm very sorry dr jalani they said it to be the police surgeon i handle things for them as well i'm sorry you have to go through this yes that's her [Music] never seen a dead body before i didn't want to see bob like that i understand so soon after your husband i'm truly sorry i should never have left her alone [Music] poor poor aunt flo no taxi's here jane my mind i'm going to stay i want to be with you too don't be ridiculous i'm staying you have a concert tomorrow night sweet of you to come but you must go back now and flo would want that she was so proud of you your music early subs hot water bottle and bed sick sorry to interrupt we need to take statements from you and your son now my daughter has a train to catch all right for guy frey this time of night your taxi off you go this is very inconvenient i have no food in the house it's late we've got to go out to eat aren't you interested in what happened to your aunt mrs barrier bowler my name is bowler i barely slept last night can't this wait won't take long perhaps if you go with dias renault into the kitchen sir you say you've no food in the house that's right surprising an old lady coming to stay and you've no food she etted the nursing home before she left i do know how to look after my own aunt i'd have shot today mrs jackson wasn't actually your own aunt was she well no she was bob's my late husband she couldn't manage your stairs where is she to sleep in here on a put you up bed no point in getting it out until she arrived where was arlo going to sleep not sure jane's old room i suppose anyone actually witnessed this puncture there was some scuffy types on motorbikes went past they might have seen it did you recognize any of them of course i didn't you say you found your son earlier in the evening what time was that just after eight on my way to bex hill what time is your phone um no idea nine nine fifteen this really necessary for elimination purposes i'll also need the clothes you're wearing honestly it may seem a bit of a rigmarole to you but to do our job properly we need to clarify a few points it took you over an hour to get back from bex hill must mastered him quite slowly andflo was nervous of fast driving which ensured it was dark when he finally got back and reached the hill and it would have caused been dark down this road too that's where they found her a good 500 yard hike from where you broke down or a short drive down here in the dark we didn't drive down here i had a puncture back there do you have a copy of florence jackson's will what no i imagine her solicitors have that i must get back now have a train to catch train planning to go away are we at my daughter's concert to go to in london we'd prefer you to stay she's expecting me to be there she's upset enough as it is [Music] do you made me so proud tonight it's down to you best teacher ever had simon phone to wish me luck should have come he's looking at a flat for sale ridiculous he just wants his own space mum two of us in a three-bedroom house he's got all the space in the world mum last night the police i know barging in like that didn't even wipe their feet did they say what happened how on flo came to be she must have walked somehow i don't know maybe one of those long-haired bikers took her who knows seriously mum the way they turned out worries me they do think it was just an accident the police have a difficult enough job these days it's nice to see them doing it suddenly for once what if they said to you not much are they being heavy young people in language heavy i don't know why won't you ever share if there's a problem i want to know there is no problem i found earlier florence jackson's will the police have asked for it mrs bowler russell parks are the police interviewing you about your aunts they're coming again this afternoon will you have anyone with you a solicitor present no why should i i picked up a whisper at court oh the police don't think your aunt's death was accidental what do they think then [Music] missed you at the parish committee meeting sheila afraid i've been a bit caught up of course of course actually i was rather angry i heard the most ridiculous tittle tattles there preposterous about you and your aunt flo's death i certainly put them right no mistake well i was going out but never mind oh the police letting me know smarmy face is on her way sergeant booth she's going to drop my clothes back good let's hope that's an end to it coffee i need to be going oh i found another flatter like the look of one terrible area i'm returning your property thank you i've just made some coffee you feel ebola i'm arresting you on suspicion of murder you're not obliged to say anything unless you wish to do so but what you do say may be given in evidence shall i bring the shopping list who'll feed the cat they're saying under cover of darkness you drove your aunt to the river threw her in then staged the puncture as an alibi it's absurd utterly absurd just refuse to answer questions reply no comment each time why you didn't do it so they can't possibly have evidence you did but they could tie you in knots if you say anything it's your right we broke down i went for help how mobile was aunt flo hadn't seen her much lately getting out of her chair was becoming a bit of a performance it seemed she had stomach cancer cancer really early stages mum only said recently she wouldn't have had long to live anyway then you were close to your aunt was your mother jealous of that relationship don't be ridiculous you're twisting everything to make mum sound like some sort of criminal well she is now in police custody you knew you were the sole beneficiary of mrs jackson's will i had no no comment you have power of attorney and you're behind with payments to her retirement home is that correct no comment are you refusing to answer the questions because you're guilty it's my client's legal right not to answer we've heard you're short of money your expected inheritance from aunt flo was dwindling paying the home fees wasn't it no comment and phloem wasn't rich i have no money worries bob left us well provided for i've no mortgage and 17 000 pounds a year to live on at least let me put them right on that you're innocent you're not obliged to say anything the whole thing's madness it's the right tactic i promise need some lunch could be a long session maybe there's an accident she drowned if you don't answer we won't know am i boring you there's a lot more of this to come the benefit of the tape diaz renault has entered the room so aunt flo had cancer she was gonna die anyway maybe you helped her on her way oh dear no comment or did you just feel bitter that she'd outlived your husband no comment i suspect you're dying to get out of here and go home aren't you no comment no all right then you can stay have a night in this cell's on us [Music] so you just happened not to be carrying a spare when you just happened to get a puncher no comment you went to get help when you came back hey presto the old lady was gone vanished into thin air no comment she couldn't walk so she was somehow spirited away to end up face down in a river is that it is that your story no comment look we agreed she couldn't walk so someone must have taken her to the river what they must have yeah if you really want to help find that person presumably you'll answer no comment which tends to suggest we're not looking for anyone else are we no comment interview terminated at 12 30 p.m you're free to go is that it then it's all speculation they've absolutely no evidence you're clear thank god just don't like that thank you everyone [Applause] [Music] yes mum simon this is pewdiepie hi pleased to meet you mrs bowman we're going to crack open some champagne peter can you join us great what did you do that for this is a family celebration peter's a close friend of james it's her big day she'd have done better than a 2-2 without all this police nonsense mrs bola sorry to arrive on you like this i thought you should know as soon as possible no what i'm afraid they're going ahead they're charging you with murder this was a crime driven by an age-old motive greed france jackson was not a wealthy woman but remember people have been murdered for less than half a crowd testimony will show how sheila bola coldly pushed the old lady into the river mrs dobson could she in your view have walked 800 yards in the dark unaided she couldn't walk unaided at all would you describe mrs bola as a caring relative hardly she didn't even bother to take the zimmer frame that night how often in fact did mrs birla visit her aunt in the five months mrs jackson was with us the book records six visits did she immediately mention that she had an emergency no not really we had quite a chat before she mentioned the flat tire returning to the car when did mrs bowler notice her aunt wasn't there i suppose we were about 30 yards away when she said look she's not there did you look you able to see in the car yourself at that point no i was pitch dark couldn't see a thing and this is our austrian holiday austria not australian assignment get it the right way up oh she was an intrepid traveler flow hiked for miles we gave those woolly hats to the church jumbled the vicar's wife bought one wore it to church aunt flo giggled through the whole service i nearly had us thrown out she was a card wasn't she she was a dear soul i'll get the tea looks tired it's been an awful strain it'll be okay people aren't that stupid so there was no food in the house no bed prepared there was absolutely nothing to indicate she was expecting her aunt to stay as well as being a police surgeon you were florence jackson's gp correct dr jalani you wrote the report recommending mrs jackson be admitted to the residential home yes can you tell the court on what grounds was that admission granted on her restricted mobility so as to get her an allowance to help pay the home's fees thank you doctor uh your witness mr pannell how long had you known florence jackson dr jelani oh let me see at least 10 years to sum up would you say that the defendant was active and caring to mrs jackson over the years very caring devoted but for mrs burles you'd have had to go into a nursing home much earlier thank you dr pilani you may step down doctor the bruising above the eye and on her upper arms could be consistent with force being used four such as would have been needed to lead her down against her will into the river that is possible thank you dr heath i'd like to reserve cross-examination until your lordship and the jury visited the scene as you wish mr pennell we're not sure those two look as though they've had a good lunch i think they were at a cricket match aunt flo died here canal's taking it very seriously he's playing a shrewd hands in what way that bank looks precarious at the best of times see what i mean the prosecution is saying aunt flo was immobile yes she could walk a bit but she was basically a mobile which will work in our favor pennell will show your mother couldn't possibly have got a wheelchair-bound old lady into that river you think that'll do the trick i'm sure mr pannell knows his business jane i'm interested doctor in how florence jackson who by all accounts was unable to walk got into the water we've agreed uh there were no bruises on her body consistent with her being dragged or rolled down the back that is correct so what is the explanation that mrs bola stood on the top of the bank and hurled her aunt clean into the water i'm i'm not saying it would be easy but she could have been assisted down assisted an immobile old lady you saw for yourself how difficult it was for a fit young man to get down on his own it could be possible a 62 year old woman carrying her an immobile 89 year old this is in the realms of fantasy my mother is 80. she could run up a slope as deep as that you have left out that this was i take it in the dark indeed pitch black your lordship dr heath this is a murder trial you are an expert witness seriously could anyone run up or down that bank could you could your 80 year old mother i put to you it would have been impossible for mrs buller to have led her immobile aunt down that bag [Music] goodness sake that should be an a-flat i'm having real trouble with the string crossing [Music] you're going to make such a racket can't you do it elsewhere mom you don't have to be here just for me you know i expect you'd rather be with your boyfriend anyway how can you that is so unfair jane sorry sorry i didn't mean it i'm sorry jane it's okay i had no right to say that i guess we're all a bit strung out eh we know you're nervous about tomorrow just go in the stand and tell them it'll be fine of course it will your grandfather always said the great thing about british justice is that the truth will out when you got to mr sones to call the breakdown service you must have been in quite a hurry yes of course i was you had an emergency did you say straight away i've got an old lady in the car can i use your phone yes i did not according to mr sir he said you didn't seem unduly worried and that you had quite a long chat well he happened to know my husband so you didn't ask the phone straight away well no not exactly the shoes you wore that night were cleaned promptly the next morning yes why why do you usually clean shoes for goodness sake because they're muddy yes i'd walk to get help by cleaning them it meant of course the police were unable to trace where in fact the mud came from that wasn't why i cleaned them 89 years of age unable to move unaided so we can rule out the possibility that she walked the river and fell to her death i don't know i suppose so so in your mind you must have known she'd been abducted didn't you it seemed an explanation yes seeing the only explanation didn't it i suppose so so why didn't you say that to the police at the time i don't know why didn't you tell the police that it was impossible for your aunt to walk from the car i did say it was unlikely why didn't you tell them that this was an abduction not a missing person i didn't think of it why did you go home to bed leaving everyone to spend a fruitless night searching the immediate vicinity because you knew that she was already dead you had driven her to the river and coldly pushed her to her death hadn't you worst test me i've ever heard crucified herself [Music] so i never needed you as much as i need you now bob the three pillars of the prosecution scenario have imploded the crown produce no witness nor forensic evidence linking the accused to the crime secondly the allegation that mrs bola was callous to the old lady has been disproved by dr jelani mrs jackson's own doctor thirdly dr heath attempts to show how mrs bola could have put her immobile aunt into the river have been literally laughed out of court the defense is correct in saying there are no witnesses to the event and no forensic evidence but then you must consider the only apparent alternative is it credible that someone else acting purely by chance abducted the old lady that night and killed her now come on a 19th century composer beginning with b but not german or austrian borden berlioz five letters have you reached a verdict on which you are all agreed no have at least 10 of you agreed a verdict yes do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty guilty the only sentence the law permits me to pass is that of life imprisonment i make no comment on the circumstances of the case take her down wow full strip get the load off won't be allowed this outfit here [Music] [Music] so now give this a twirl let's have a look at you see if you're carrying you on our prisoner tv3389 and that is what you answer to at all times that understood tv 3389 yes word of advice first time in it watch back trust nobody come on too late to suffer i wouldn't leave your shoes there why not [Music] hello hello i can't hear yourself think here will you please be quiet all of you face cream and i must have some acceptable prison clothes i think this is right no it's not we've been down this street already traffic wasn't bad simon's a great navigator were doing fine until we went over tower bridge instead of black friars never mind we're here now the guards seem quite nice what's the food like expect it's not as bad as jen darling sorry i'm so sorry jane try to control yourself what to pretend this nightmare's not happening this is all wrong totally wrong how can they print such garbage can't believe what scum these journalists are telephone bill water gas to pay bloody reporter ignore her but how are we gonna handle this these bills the house it's all right i'll give up my flat move back in i'm sorry side but it's the only way we can manage this hello hello god almighty hi can i have a word jane isn't it angela devlin claire my daughter was at primary school with you centuries ago all right of course yes come in i'm sorry i didn't mean to argue and your husband journalists oh no no not as such not really we're absolutely appalled at this we want to help we've been abroad we got back we heard about the case i know your mother she's an intelligent caring woman this verdict beggars belief you want to help how tim and i write about and campaign on behalf of people who've been wrongly treated by the law i also visit women in prison regularly look i really would like to help then in the process sell mum's story to one of these rags i'm not selling anything to anybody i don't understand what you can do have you lodged an appeal yet don't we need special grounds no an appeal is her right don't just leave everything to the lawyers do your own homework question everything our revere judiciary hate admitting they've screwed up how is your mom prison's tough even for young women how do you think she is her rage a life sentence means she may never come out they'll set a tariff this flexibility as to what life means she'll be given a minimum number of years so how long will she serve previous good character could be lucky six eight years you may want to think about it but i do know how to stick bullets up well-placed backsides i can make things happen right tv three three eight nine let's have you sorry you're being transferred to bubble tour prison essex i need to phone my children move it it's a good spotty cow and you're going with a big mouth [Music] right [Music] if it's any consolation i know how you feel get lost you ain't got no mates i had some back there every lousy thing i've ever had to be taken away from me i even took my baby my rachel do you mind i was doing the crossword surprised you haven't got nine across they won't stand for their instruments being played eight letters cellists didn't i read your daughter place of cello how long had flo been unable to walk and before she went into the home she managed okay on her own when was that i'm about five months earlier what why didn't that come up in court did your lawyers know they were told yes why it's an absolutely key question five months isn't very long if flo was still mobile it would open up all sorts of possibilities her death may have been a tragic accident filthy can't use it like this surrounded you become a hygiene expert the doctor offered me panadol your age shouldn't have to work like that keep a diary a record of things might be useful for your appeal it really is very good if you angelo all this don't be silly do you think i'll get the appeal we're meeting the lawyers next week store up phone cards we'll need to talk build a case i hope we can i don't fancy spending the rest of my life in this place it won't be for life mum angela reckons you'll get a load tariff may only be for six years bob's birthday i didn't mention it on the phone to jane in case it upset her she didn't mention it in case it upset me silly sad this will be a nice breaking kitchen work for you cut this rose bush back it's not a rose bush it's a hydrangea and it shouldn't be pruned now my mood swings almost unlike me feeling of depression almost unbearable something's puzzling us you all seem to accept aunt flo must have been murdered your mother was charged with murder we have to respond to that charge aunt flo lived on her own until five months before she died she was quite able to get around this since then she may have lost her confidence but she hadn't developed any condition to prevent her walking we're not claiming she was an olympic athlete but how come nobody looked into whether she was still able to walk only five months later of course we considered it but all the evidence indicated that she couldn't besides open up that possibility the main plank of our defense crumbles why or am i being sick we're claiming it was impossible to lead an immobile old lady down that bank into the river ivan flo could walk that becomes invalid but at the same time it opens up a more credible possibility she may not have been murdered by anyone just wandered off into the night making the whole thing a terrible accident i understand however it is not my job at appeal to say how mrs jackson died it is to overturn the trial verdict and prove that sheila bola was not beyond reasonable doubt guilty of her murder mind if i join you super gran please do someone had told me a year ago i'd be in prison exercising with a black woman i didn't mean that sorry tv three three at nine see your personal officer your appeal oh sheena has it come through i'm afraid i've bad news the home secretary's fixed your tariff you've got 12 years [Music] 300 people signed the latest petition angela's on some tv program about a documentary were you gulping out four eyes someone gave a verbal they had a right punch up both got a room spin banged up for a week you've got a native mum so jane's seeing her chap today he's got a name he's got peter i told her to bring him on a visit never does maybe she finds it an embarrassment to her mother in prison how can you say that she's out there working her guts out for you i know i'm sorry simon i've never spent christmas away from home before [Music] the most likely thing is that aunt flo wanted to go to the loo walked off in the dark across the field and fell in in that case the trial and error program will need an expert to say that she was capable of walking pinell's really not keen about this well if it's what happened she wasn't pushed she fell in the river jane there is no point in messing about we have to change the defense team pannell's right the prosecution would have a field day if the original defense now claimed flo could walk but none of the new qc did it must be for mum to decide no it's for you to persuade her it'd be like blaming them we need a new approach a new team i don't want to offend anyone i was lucky to get good lawyers in the first place the grounds for the appeal will be that aunt flo walked to her death i've said no that's that how the audition's going mum till you've won your repeal i'm not joining an orchestra so please have you chosen a new piece yet i think the vorschach's a good idea will you listen to me for once in your life we've been working day and night on this we found a top specialist who thinks flo could walk you have to trust our judgment angela's suggesting a new solicitor do you agree to us taking him on i don't know it's a big step to get you out we need big steps so aunt flo could in fact have walked to her death from the autopsy x-rays there's absolutely nothing to suggest mrs jackson wasn't physically capable of walking some distance this is brilliant professor young's a big hitter oh they've fixed a transmission date september the 20th they want to film a piece with you as well me i'd be hopeless rubbish seize the opportunity tell the truth tell them about your mum we're watching this it's a part of the world almost designed for a classic murder mystery but the riddle of the missing aunt is we believe neither a mystery nor a murder it's completely against a character it's absolutely unthinkable that she could have done it unthinkable have you ever wondered if your mother might have done this awful thing never once not for a second not even in my darkest moments no way it's utterly ludicrous there are numerous cases of old seemingly immobile people who have walked much longer distances it's an entirely plausible scenario indeed it seems the most likely explanation of events that night aunt flo seemed here some years before her death i've got to give you an appeal you'll be out of here by christmas still no news bloody home office eh are you all right gail you won't let me see my baby your appeal date has been confirmed april 10th in london thank goodness for that i'm concerned the tv program may have raised your hopes too much how will you feel if this appeal fails ten more years in here i'm 65 now i don't think i could get through it well it needn't be ten as a model prisoner you'd be in line for early parole but only if you admit guilt i'm not in the habit of telling lies i don't intend to start now [Music] do um a favor if you hold your hands up to a lesser charge manslaughter with what you've done already you'll be out in a couple of years don't any of you listen i'm innocent completely innocent it's up to you love only trying to help [Music] the previous defense made no attempt to pursue the possibility that florence jackson could in fact walk an eminent geriatrician has since been consulted and asked whether her death could have been accidental i therefore call professor young his evidence will prove that this was in fact the most likely cause of death your lordships the crown submits that professor young's evidence would be purely theoretical and extremely speculative he never examined mrs jackson when she was alive his opinion has no relevance to this case the professor is no doubt a distinguished authority in his field but any evidence he may give would indeed be entirely theoretical professor young may not be called darling cyan jane i can't think how you are feeling tonight apart from sheer desolation there's still hope at least we've got a glimmer [Music] i cannot think why god is putting us through this dreadful trauma but please please both of you the best thing you can do for me is to now get on with your own lives [Music] i'm not pretending it will be easy but i know you have the strength i am exceedingly proud of both of you conduct of the previous defense is not strictly relevant to this appeal we consider that no criticism should be made of the decision made by mr pannell and we totally reject any criticism made of him and of the appellant's previous solicitors it is our view that if such a theory were placed before a jury it would have been positively damaging to the appellant's case as being manifestly incredible against professor young's speculative claims is the view of the greyfriars staff that mrs jackson could not walk in the light of the way the appeal has been put yes we should say we have viewed the totality perhaps a miracle will yet happen always remember that i love you both very much we ask ourselves are we satisfied that this conviction on the evidence is safe and satisfactory we answer that question in the affirmative accordingly the appeal is dismissed british justice a farce an old boy's club sticking together i want one person to serve this sentence now not three but mom listen mum i want you to sell my house simon get a place of your own again it's not over mum we'll appeal again you persuaded me to change the defense it didn't work forget it now give a career jane if scottish opera accepts you go we're not giving up please get on with your lives don't go in on yourself don't let me show you something given to me by a good friend it helped me just to hold it helped me fight my nightmare here [Music] please you have it i can't tell by just looking i've been accepted brilliant scotland's not that far i'm not going angela said she's gonna help me campaign for another appeal oh yeah i expect she'll want to change the defense team again we had to do that simon we got the wrong result but it was still the right thing to do you're too influenced by angela we were nowhere till she came along and where are we now we owe that woman i've learned masses from angela i've learned not to take no for an answer i'm gonna fight on whatever it takes for as long as it takes do what you like i'll never give up never jane i'm sorry i'm just wound up coming bigger [Music] [Music] if aunt flo could still walk whilst she was in the home the chances are someone must have seen her you heard the evidence from the matron she says not one of the other nurses was in the public gallery at the appeal valerie someone i remember flo liked her [Music] [Music] i was always very fond of flow real character did you ever see her walk unaided it's very important she was incontinent she tried to get up in the night lose her bearings i found her in all sorts of places then she must have walked on her own not very far but yes she must have fantastic one night she'd wandered away got back in bed the wrong way round but i doubt she could walk as far as you're saying would you make a written statement for our lawyers i don't think i can i'm a prosecution witness sorry there has to be some way she can testify for us jane you know what the solicitor says about this valerie and i think she was capable of walking professor young is convinced she could walk with hundreds of letters about other immobile old people walking the letters are anecdotal and this nurse is no use if she can't come forward to persuade the home secretary to grant a new appeal i need actual testimony flow could walk and from someone who knew her who can come forward nothing less will do then somehow we'll just have to get it won't we senior staff swan wing don't let their tease get cold ludicrous taking it up on small trays why no trolley it's absurd tell him girl see you find your tongue again mrs bossy [ __ ] get on with it get on with it make sure it's not cold when they get it oh nice one probably a minor embolism a slight stroke you need prolonged rest i'd rather my family weren't informed what the hell do they think they're doing prison a woman of that age of course you can talk to the staff there won't be much help most of them are new since your aunt's day it's nurse and i would like to speak to you specifically i'm afraid she's away on holiday at the moment excuse me dr jalani nice to see you jane isn't it actually you may be able to help me can you remember which members of staff were here when my aunt flo was uh that won't be easy one of the nurses told me she was able to walk i was hoping to persuade her to testify to that in court but she's not here well i can help you there it's still essential i get professor young on the stand his opinion carries most authority they wouldn't hear him before i've seen the transcripts different approach might do the trick we are not here to make criticism of the previous defense had other evidence been available they doubtless would have run it i therefore ask your lordships in light of the home secretary's decision to refer the case back to you to hear professor young's testimony the crown objects to the professor giving evidence i refer your lordships back to the previous appeal thank you mr garc one moment we will hear his testimony so in your expert opinion professor what could have been mrs jackson's reaction to finding herself alone in the car that night it's perfectly possible suffering from early alzheimer's as she was that she became confused got out of the car and walked to her death you read the many letters from the public where old people have done extraordinary things like this indeed they merely confirmed what i know to happen regularly so if she did walk it would be one of these extraordinary feats one of these commonplace extraordinary feats yes i would like to call dr gilani you wrote the report recommending mrs jackson be admitted to the home yes but i exaggerated her problems when i wrote to the dhss exaggerated in what way doctor well she in fact still had the structure for walking your report did say she was immobile i only wrote that to get an old lady an allowance from a stingy government let's get this clear despite your report and the staff at the home saying she was immobile you were sure mrs jackson could walk doctor indeed the staff tended to keep her in a wheelchair for convenience i saw her once get up from her chair and fetch a knife and fork like this thank you doctor well you made a number of witness statements at the trial why didn't you mention this then if you've seen that get out of a chair and walk why do you not say so before because i wasn't asked the question until jane bowler approached me nobody actually asked me whether florence jackson was able to walk the defense now claim that no murder took place mrs jackson contrary to evidence accepted at the trial was able to walk on her own to her death prosecution maintains that the original verdict is safe their case remains that mrs bola had motive and opportunity to carry out the murder of her immobile aunt the likelihood of this seems impossible to resolve experts on each side differ in their views therefore we have decided somewhat reluctantly to quash this conviction and and to order that a retrial be held mrs bola you will be retried on the charge of murder promptly within the next four months we will consider an application for bail oh my god what we're saying is that aunt flo got out of the car in the dark lost her bearings and wandered on hell of a walk for an old lady well to my mind it's perfectly feasible i'm seeing it through the eyes of a jury what happened here sorry keep meaning to fix it we've done our best and this guttering's loose inside i often dreamt i was home strange i'm actually back and nothing is quite as it should be we'll soon get it back as you want it all that kept me going in there was the thought that one day i'd get out now i am it all seems unreal it's a reaction mum understandable one thing i do know i'll never go back whatever happens at the reed trial i won't be locked up again you won't have to go back we won't let that happen i'll get a broom and we can start getting that mess cleared up oh sheila bolo it is alleged that on the night of the 13th of may 1992 you did willfully murder florence jackson do you plead guilty or not guilty not guilty could mrs jackson have walked that distance using a walking stick extremely doubtful she didn't use a walking stick she wasn't capable of walking unaided thank you mr thompson i'd like to call another member of the grave fire staff my lord my lord we've had five prosecution witnesses from the home already they've all said substantially the same thing do we need to hear more all of these people have first-hand knowledge of mrs jackson's actual capabilities my lord very well mr glass i call valerie nye unbelievable she appears for the prosecution and she knows the truth you're no longer employed at the home mrs knight but you did take care of the deceased at the time yes in your view was mrs jackson able to walk unaided you said she was in a wheelchair yes but she could walk with a stick mrs jackson had a walking stick it was made for her by the physio and she sometimes used it she needed helpers but she could walk with a stick talk about an own goal with dr jalani to come we can really nail this walking business i'm not calling jalani what he swung the entire appeal please jalani was originally a prosecution witness but we called him last time jeremy this time would be too dangerous in front of a jury glass will have a field day saying jelani had changed his story from the first trial the hardest decision is whether you take the stand sheila six years on your recall of events is bound to be a bit hazy any slip-ups or hesitation will be pounced on by the prosecution but if we don't call you there may be consequences what do you mean glass will say to the jury if you were innocent wouldn't you want to give evidence explain what happened you have the weekend to think it over i won't take the stand i can't face that man again as jeremy keeps saying juries are people and people don't seem to take to me until they know me allow them to know you face them tell them what happened easier said than done glass made mincemeat out of me last time last time you weren't prepared think what you've learned since then let them see the real you trust yourself it's a big risk i'm terrified jane fine it's your life hide away let them think she didn't bother to explain she must have done it is that what you want i call the defendant sheila in view of her age and the ordeal she's been through i would ask your lordship if mrs balder could be seated and have the occasional break whilst she gives evidence i don't see why not your daughter jane was taking final music exams something you cared about very much a love of music is something we share i imagine this all caused her a lot of distress her father had died four months before she was very fond of outflow it was a dreadful time for her so her aunt's death was the very last thing you would have wished at such a time in her life of course absolutely thank you mr bowden when glass is cross-examining if you notice sheila's looking tired signal i'll get jeremy to ask for a break be discreet why did you leave your aunt alone in the car i had a puncture well you could have driven on a flat tire to the bridge end just a few hundred yards further on why abandon her the car was slewing across the road on flo was frightened she was frightening cars was she yes she was why hadn't you driven a straight home why take her on a very long detour to beck's hill are you i think we're over the hour my lord yes indeed we'll adjourn until tomorrow morning all rise he makes me feel so weak uncertain i can't face it i can't yes you can you're not in that box on your own there are hundreds of the standing beside you take him on your aunt was to stay the weekend and yet there was no food in the house why on earth not she'd she'd eaten at the home i planned to shop in the morning oh really and why was there no bed prepared for her i had to put you up upstairs you intended your aged aunt to sleep on a put you up i think i know more about my aunt's capabilities than someone who never met her don't you just answered rather than ask questions please you were the sole beneficiary of her will weren't you yes i didn't know that at the time her main asset being a flat then estimated at 30 000 pounds it in fact went for much less if she'd lived another two or three years the nursing home fees would have eaten into that inheritance wouldn't they yes probably is that why you pushed her in the river to protect your inheritance i did not push her in the river well done sheila easily won on points on my guard absolutely the issue that still concerns me is will the jury buy the walking theory if not the only alternative is murder and they may still convict however if we offer the jury a middle ground possibility it would allow a way out middle ground say the jury don't believe you murdered aunt flo but do believe you know more than you're letting on about how she really died how might this have been wanted to spend a penny you drove her to a quiet spot turned the car around found your horror that she'd accidentally slipped in the river are you suggesting we claim that's what happened no not at all it's simply put forward as an example of a plausible alternative the jury might be prepared to consider she's told the truth for six years you'd be saying she'd lied all along it would be seen as a white lie covering up an accident not murder do that it'll be a disaster i've watched that jury they believed every word sheila said change the story her credibility will be utterly destroyed let's assess how closing addresses go mr glass ended by saying florence jackson cannot speak for herself i suggest if she could speak her message would be please please don't make the same mistake again i'm not sure they're with us we will adjourn for lunch before i start my summing up all rise i'll put it privately to the judge and he'll put the alternative explanation to the jury called a lucas ruling if the jury feel a defender told a white lion one mata it doesn't affect the truth of the rest of the testimony are all legal people brain dead it'll just put doubts in their minds why mention lying at all it's a technical legal device hard for lay people to understand please don't patronize us explain i need to understand should there be a guilty verdict if we haven't put this forward it could jeopardize your mother's chances on any further appeal let's take that chance my mother doesn't lie i think this jury sends that whether it makes legal sense or not let her case stand as it is it's not your decision it's hers yes and i agree with jane 100 those are your instructions you may feel for the deceased you may feel for mrs bola having been through such an ordeal but all such thoughts from your mind they have no part in the important task you now face finally as two of you are absent due to illness any verdict must be unanimous what happens if they can't all agree no decision he's adjourning [Music] [Music] [Music] dear jane should i not be coming home you'll find the money for tinker's category bill in my desk try to find a good home for him [Music] please answer the following question yes or no have you reached a verdict on which you are all agreed yes how do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty not guilty silence importance mrs bowler you're free to go [Music] so stay tuned now on true drama last chance [Music] you
Channel: Rare British Crime Drama
Views: 101,223
Rating: 4.8218827 out of 5
Id: cIGHSgsb1bI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 40sec (5800 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 14 2021
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