Midsomer Murders - Season 8, Episode 7 - Sauce for the Goose - Full Episode

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[Music] [Music] [Music] she's charming maybe the job there moisture Hey yes it is indeed mrs. Plummer you may I have a look at the winter pageant place in the crowd of course the one on the top shelf they're like your cheeks Thank You mr. do great pleasure mr. flower [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I think I've found just the carpet for Callie's old room it's a sort of blue did I mention it it's a bit dearer than we originally discussed about a hundred pounds well well actually nearer 200 pounds Dara but it's perfect thought we could go into cost and look at it together on Saturday I think we should buy a bed George hmm wait planning to do with them with what the plumbers really sure bin it I'm having a clear out in case you hadn't noticed you can't throw out the plumbers really why on earth not it's been in the back of that cupboard for years my father had plumbers relish any sandwiches every day I was working like never use it Tom this one's a health hazard at least let me buy a new jar don't they make this stuff anymore please don't chuck it out George you're not just in case alright if you insist did you hear what I said about the carpet it's gonna cost us more than we thought like everything else [Music] what God's sake listen I've sent them a check about a week ago it did take it out of the other box welcome to Palmer & Sons ladies and everything can't be an angel are my great pleasure to return you around our famous factory today you're the accountant you've sorted out that's what I pay you for right get you signed in and get it out with the appropriate clothing then I'll show you lucky people our Britain's favourite relish gets made I'll stop whinging man try and look at the bigger picture Wally mr. Allison again I'm sound it's nice to see you too Caroline change carrier gear oops ooh pain are you eating oh wait I'm where the bloody hell is Rafe where do you think all right sir if you'd be good enough to sign the book and this nice lady will give you a visitor's badge this nice lady happens to be my good lady wife so we have to be on our best behavior don't we enjoy the tour ladies and gentlemen GM's due to start in the minute I put my skates home but they weren't in it tea and biscuits All Right see you later right this way please Oh ray if they're waiting for you do I really have to all that bickering I don't think I can face it darling you're the boss we can't have an AGM without you chocolate biscuits mr. a Oh lovely Helen if you'd like to start the ball rolling you'll find a copy of the agenda in front of you first item is the minutes of the last meeting proposed seconded Angela the second item concerns the boiler house do you mind if we fast-forward to item three shareholders dividends ought to be more specific Helen why the bloody hell aren't there any the thing is some of the boilers are increasingly unreliable we have to face the fact that they need replacing that's going to be very expensive okay fine but no dividends we're talking about plumbers relish here people laugh it up all over the world and you're telling me there's no money for us our names on the bloody label for God's sake well we did lose quite a lot of money on your restaurant and some let's not forget your polo ponies God knows where the firm has to pay for them what about your bloody cookbook that's cost us a few quid if I remember rightly I had to research Shaytan Sal yes in five-star Caribbean hotels relish cookbook what a lovely idea have you finished it yet not yet my novel takes priority of course and I've had some health problems oh wow you know dear a little better since I gave up dairy I'll tell you when the cookbooks going to be finished the same time as her famous bloody novel ie get all this co2 here most important ingredient to flowers aids you know I always say that injures patients that's why I don't let them know who's here this is my son Alex ladies and gents these management now so by rights I should fall in mr. Hardwick son enjoy your visit everyone it's filled up that I only get I'm saying one big family one big happy family the fact is we have assets but no cash as you all know Fieldway foods are desperate to buy us out I thought we sent those Cowboys packing didn't feel boy come up with their own radish yes yes filthy stuff well they didn't get it right that's for sure well it couldn't good day they don't have the secret recipe good old secret recipe still locked up in there is it right field they aren't getting their hands on this firm I tell you that they might agree to inject some investment capital in return for a minority share to hell with that I say let's sell it lock stock and barrel let's get the damn place off our backs and be done with it you know we can't do that promised PAP I'd keep the firm in the family Rafe pardon the crudity but the old man's brown bread and we're not well you didn't actually make the promise and Sam I did still scared of him Rafe even though he's dead and buried my promise is a promise brief Fieldway foods could make us rich can't we at least see what they're offering there may be a compromise Helen do you mind you're not a plumber and you're not a shareholder so please stay out of it let's put it to the vote what's the point Rafe's got most shares he always wins the vote not if mommy votes with us mommy mommy wouldn't you like to be very very rich yeah that would be lovely then stick your hand up when I tell you to okay I propose we sell the firm to Fieldway foods always assuming that we get a stonking great shed load of money all those in favor and in the air mommy we've got to do something or we'll all end up stony broke mommy let's at least find out how much they're willing to pay no no rave is right the firm must stay in the family that's what Maurice would have wondered those against carried well there you are remember we could discuss it again it's six months so you propose doing nothing as per bloody years old I show a dead man in the garden so boss Emilia a dead man hanging from a tree can anyone tell me what she's all about and Dana when I looked again he was gone this is the steriliser ladies and gents here for murder committed the most rigorous standards of hygiene well done rave another triumphant decision right what are you doing well I'm gonna take a look around the factory obviously mmm aren't you always telling me I should show my face well yes darling that's marvelous it's just so unusual huh mr. judge is here to see you mr. reef the antique dealer not too bad this time mr. flower it's a little was to Jag hundred fifty what the hell's this about so write down some I'll deal with it it's mummy isn't it she's been nicking things again no no she's getting little forgetful assault that's all this nonsense about dead men hanging in that garden well she probably dosed off and had a nightmare how is the job and what brings you here look I don't want to talk about it in front of other people you carry on and I'll deal with mr. Judd if you take a check thank you so much we have to do something about mummy what do you mean what if somebody isn't in the old guns Gaga what can we do about it have a committed now there's a thought the flavor is even more right I will there's Tigers keeper [Music] [Music] hello [Music] well there you are funny place for meetings [Music] this or that quarter [Music] [Music] and you cool to push straight for a clear I cants gonna take the station take a statement why is that wait it was a big difference so I hear why top here's one for the memoirs yours or mine both erect this thing here is a bottle sterilizer pump steam at 200 degrees centigrade so chummy yeah he's done to a turn you know he is no weird answer for checking the workforce see if anyone's unaccounted for time out death change escorting heats gonna make it very difficult to ascertain best indicator will be the contents of his stomach the sterilizer was emptied at the end of yesterday's shift so whoever he is he found his way in there sometime during the night and who would have been here last night security Gholson he lives in their cottage by the factory gates I'm assuming this almost checked this isn't the security guard yes sir he's armed but tucked up in bed I've sent someone over to untuck him Venezia they're forcing someone into a contraption like this against their will Lisi was already unconscious already dead who's in charge [Music] he must be an Albert would you better send someone to fetch him police want to talk to you mrs. Plummer they're in reception worked here 43 years till I retired I've never seen anything like it you look as if you've retired mr. Hardwick I do the guided tours now we get people from all over the world you know anyway keeps me out of trouble Oh talking of trouble here's my better half this is heaven plumber sir I'm Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby yeah I take a doing charges oh no I'm only the company secretary my husband's the managing director his he's on his way this is Alex Hardwick the production manager when do you think we'll be able to start work again not today this was sure well how about tomorrow let's see how today goes shall we sir Sam you better cancel today's taller okey-dokey thank you everyone's here mrs. Plummer Sept 8 on their holidays and three off sick so he wasn't one of us mr. Hardwick did you take a tour around yesterday yes I did how many people on that tell 12 yes I think so let me see yes 12 signed in and 12 signed out yes I counted the visitors badges when they returned them but you didn't count actual people you didn't count heads no I'm sorry I never do long as I get all the batteries back it's all right Sonja it's not your fault okay scoff get the names addresses all visitors check them out until everyone they can go home once they're made statements just what I needed I suppose I better notify the family family my husband's family the plumbers this is still a family-owned business you see we had the AGM yesterday so they're all staying up at the house what time was the AGM 4 o'clock tea time hey James are always at tea time and when was mr. Hardwick taking his tour around about the same time now you come to mention it oh yeah what's the matter no doubt this will end up being my fault one way or the other why sorry pretend I didn't say that it's stressed at the moment Louie are you listening oh sorry until what were you saying I was saying that this is an enduring power of attorney isn't this what you tried to get me to sign before unsewn you devious bastard you never told me shut up Karen mommy listen if god forbid something were to happen to you this means that Caro and I would be able to look after you and your affairs if you were unable to look after them yourself if I read Gerda you mean he doesn't mean that Mommy actually yes that's exactly what I mean listen mommy if you don't sign this and you go do lolly we won't be looking after you it'll be down to the Court of Protection and god knows what they'll do what with you running around the village nicking things they'll probably lock you are brave would never allow that he wouldn't have any choice that's the whole point look face it mummy Rafe is a busted flush all he wants to do is sit out there in Albert wood staring at the lesser spotted thingamajig well his dreary little wife runs around pretending to be in charge all right if you won't sign this how about giving me some of your shares you already have some shares darling so do you care oh yes but Rafe has got more so we can't out Boat him whatever I suggest reef votes against it the truth is he resents the fact that I'm the one with the ideas what like the plumbers relish theme park I suppose that was a bloody good idea hurling people around in giant vegetables [Music] perhaps I won't see him today what did you say mommy nothing darling yes what what well I don't see what the hell we can do about it just what we need some twelves got himself killed up at the words Oh Oh scaredy Mattel how the hell should I know ah bref darling this is Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby and Detective Sergeant Scott my husband Rafe Plummer how do you do how do you do ghastly business this ghostly do we do we know who the poor chap was oh if a certain mr. Plummer is not one of your employees oh well thank heavens for that but there's a chance a good chance it was one of the visitors on yesterday's guy didn't talk about how we take such care Rafe the inspector doesn't think it was an accident that's right mr. Plummer we are treating the death as suspicious good god as well if that's a shot the production line sir so we can gather forensic evidence and we'll need to double-check the movements of everyone yesterday afternoon of course not only the work force sir I want to talk to everyone who was at the AGM what do you mean a family what a nurse for what darling Inspector Barnaby will need to talk to everybody well yes yes of course yes absolutely mr. Bray mr. rave chocolate biscuits Oh lovely lovely Sonja thank you I noticed you have CCTV cameras outside yes that's right could we look at the tapes for the last night please tapes oh no dear there aren't any tapes we haven't put tapes in since the cutbacks we've had to make some economy's lately inspector well if there's anything else please don't hesitate to toss my wife because I'll probably be working from home for the rest of the day Oh jolly good well Carolyn everybody I'm sorry his always on air - when the family's here for the AGM and the business with his poor man is thrown in completely well we want to talk to you both again mrs. LaMotte I suggest you come to Plummer house later today I'll try and make sure the rest of the family there as well okay thank you I appreciate that let's see if the security guard caste and my breath sir this place is a shambles no one knows where they're coming or going well at least Helen seems to have her pretty little head screwed on okay seems to say come on Keith tell him you don't know the plumbers anything all right well something did happen last night mr. handsome turned up with the main gaits just after midnight shelton to be let in he said he'd left his mobile phone in the boardroom we'd be at the AGM you see earlier that day the whole family aunt I'm someone you didn't I opened the gate let him in didn't I and then I unlocked the boardroom but after you hadn't come out after about 10 minutes then I went back in yes and Keith yeah you see mr. Anson had the door to the safe open so why I said to him you knows is there anything I can do for you miss Ansem and he said no that bloody well isn't hello and then off he went he was in a right mood he was in a right mood miss dancer he's also removed isn't answer oh and then you did a tour of the works well sort of I mean my routine was up the spoke wasn't it you know I was all over the shop so I did two circuits straight off to make up and you did pass the bottle sterilizer oh yeah yeah I didn't see anything unusual you know honest to god I mean apart from lungs I'm turning up it had been a night just like any other night if you work nights mr. Carter how come you're wearing your uniform this morning oh well I I do a little job not again you know the old afternoon don't course then you know not what to it just shopping centers that doesn't leave me much time to sleep does it the plumbers paid him a decent wage he wouldn't have to moonlight woody whatever happened last night he slept here they Escott really thank you one of the visitors on the tour yesterday gave an address in cost and doesn't exist named John Smith unbelievable did Scott what was missing when the victim was found if he turned up you'd even Sony Hardware might have noticed his clients was closed wonder if this place has got an incinerator [Music] they look like bits in one of the factory coats cocky very possessive Dexter Lockwood [Music] [Music] [Music] I'll pull yourself together woman you're imagining things you know again if they doubt [Music] he had a pizza for lunch Neapolitan if I'm not mistaken about chocolate cake it's barely digested so I put the time of death between 3:00 and 5:00 in the afternoon oh rather interesting he was crushed to death between two large corrugated surfaces broken legs pelvis smashed ribs crushed as you surmised tongue he was very dead before they put him in the sterilizer a Scott credit card belongs to a Dexter Lockwood sir he's aged 31 he's single and he lives with his dad in mid-summer Magnum he's a brand executive whatever there's four Fieldway foods makes a bit of a high-flyer didn't come home last night and he hasn't been seen at work for two days Fieldway foods yeah they make convenience food soft drinks snacks you know the kind of rubbish this poor chap had for his last lunch now I'm not sure if this is relevant sir but Lockwood's boss at filled with food so they've been trying to buy up plumbers for ages well then Lockwood might be not at the factory on business well no he says not he says they gave up front of our planners ages ago because the family always knock them back it's time to cast an eye George thank you oh by the way Tom mr. Lockwood here had a stomach ulcer not surprising in view of his diet but when the tweets are on the chocolate cake his belly was full of over-the-counter antacids after the ATM broke up I went on to the factory floor to talk to Alex Hardwick and we passed the boiling room as the visitors group was leaving it I didn't pay the much attention I'm afraid I had too much on my mind unlike the rest of us I suppose and you sir I left right after the meeting didn't I me too I had to work I'm a novelist you see hmm and last week she was a painter and the week before that she was a filmmaker and sell please and you mr. plumber oh yeah well after the meeting I had a little business to transact with mr. Judd and I walked him I left a call for Helen hmm no I did some paperwork and drove home about an hour after the others had left my hero who's mr. Jordan who his heroes antique shop in the village it was a personal matter no I was hoping to talk to mrs. Amelia Plummer I didn't think it necessary to involve my mother she's very frail anyway she left straight after the meeting and none of you returned to the factory after that apart from you me you sir you returned the factory after midnight sir what I left my mobile behind us you're such a liar you were jabbering on it when you left the factory the security guard mr. Keith Carter let him into the boardroom you said you wanted to see something in a safe alright alright I was looking in the safe so what it's my safe to you know run over for I bet he was looking for Albert secret-recipe what we're going to do flog it to Fieldway foods nonsense you are hilarious and so if you took any interest in the term you'd know the original recipes in the bank in Causton the real secret is that it's inedible now that poison the housemate when he tried it on the servants so his cook came up with it wasn't for strangers really sorry darling but you might be interested to know that the dead man was in fact an executive for a field way of food good god you mean field where he had a chap snooping around the works that's industrial espionage we think his name was Dexter Lockwood is that a name which rings a bell with anybody no no I can't say that it does I saw it hanging man again and this time he didn't go away I'm Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby mrs. Plummer what seems to be the mummy the inspectors got more important things to do shut up reef a man hanging from a tree opposite my garden inspector back to the problem what would you like myself in cybersquad come have a look oh yes please really inspector that won't be necessary it's all right I wanted to talk to mrs. Plummer anyway big scotch buh-bye awkward he's nothing to do with the job that's enough I'd sell it's that one opposite the gate he's always hanging from that one so he's got a rope around his neck and he's hanging from the tree and then when you open your eyes again he's gone until today he didn't go today well let's have a closer look surely there's footprints lots of them listen but rubbed off the branch out there sir could have been caused by a rope it was obviously a dummy someone's been trying to frighten you well in a way that's a relief I was starting to think I was imagining it yeah why anyone would want to frighten me now I'm whatsoever that man at the works do you know who it was yes it was a young man called Dexter Lockwood did you know him mrs. Plummer forgive me I suddenly feel awfully tired will you walk me back to the house yes sir it's probably kids a lot of trouble to go to just a frightening ml ladies what am I saying square something to do with luck was murdered I want to know why the whole Plummer clan go shifty ever mention the Lockwood's name I've talked to the father didn't even throw tonight on it and you will be Scott he talked to everyone was on the factory floor at the time you've already taken stainless yeah Olivia was taken again No thank you mr. Lockwood that's her father sitting right next to Morrison Plummer Morrisville it was Amelia's husband that's right Morris was the same age as dad but there's dad a village boy but there is white shirt suit and tie sitting with the plumbers very well for himself oh he revolutionised that bloody business they were filling jars by hand till dad Luther my prior production line didn't get on with modest father did he soon as Morris took over the 30 kicked dad out on his head kicked him out of his hunts kicked him out of the village dad never got over it he committed suicide that was the coroner's verdict but it was murder as he asked me mr. Lockwood what do you think of some was doing at the plumbers Factory I don't know Dexter was a bright boy who was really game places just like dad and I he's dead the plumbers killed my father another killed my son I don't want to talk anymore one more question if you don't mind your father how did he commit suicide [Music] he hanged himself and no inspector sergeant Scott said to tell you he's in the cafeteria through the door turn right and you'll find it next to the redish Museum thank you this is harder does the name Stanley Lockwood mean anything to you no I can't say it does sorry let's meet up later great scarf before you saying sir it's not what you're thinking who doesn't know what I'm thinking she's writing a book it's got a policeman in it Oh massage come on try this and either have you well when in Rome oh I've got something interesting for you sir look over there reckons he saw something in the boiling room just before Dexter Lockwood disappeared what is best you tells you obstruction it's interesting it's not quiet taste mmm peppery fruity hint of turmeric quite autumnal yes should we do some work oh this way any idea when we could start working Spectre but today I'm afraid mr. Holloway did you ever know a man called Stanley Lockwood about your age worked in a factory or quite a few years ago now Stanley Lockwood no I don't know you stand McCord I don't know I do remember him yeah well Stan what do you mean poor old Stan well he was a bit term Oh should I put a bit a little bit soft in the head they had to let him go no why he'd you asked young man who died here last night he was Stanley Lockwood grandson Stan's grandson oh well small world his men I was working over here when Sam Hardwick brought the tripperz in I was busy but I noticed one of them hanging round as the others were going a young feller in glasses then mrs. Helen came in I didn't hear what she said but the bloke jumped out of his skin I thought he was gonna fall in the tomatoes to see which way he went no I didn't Helen Plummer says who went straight back to the office after a chat with Alex card which but then but no one can confirm her whereabouts for the next hour not suggesting Helen Plummer waylaid Dexter Lockwood somehow or other question to death and manhandled it into the sterilized no but what did she tell should sponger Sam Hardwick took the visitors to the finishing room that way so let's assume that Dexter Lockwood went thisaway [Music] hey at those might be locked you switch that off this Scott you take that end I'll take this [Music] [Music] Scot [Music] but [Music] [Music] George Bullard said that Lachlan was crushed to death between two large corrugated surfaces looks like we found them you've any idea what happened it it's nothing to do remain mate you were here yesterday yeah my shift ended it to anyone take over from me no just being there these days thank you [Applause] I was looking for you I was looking for you I think I know why you recognized on the factory floor I'd rather not talk about it here do you know the two Brewers in mid-summer market do you do it yeah I'll meet you there at half 6:00 if that's all right okay [Music] the hydrogen 5075 done 1535 aha just the person I wanted to see me I [Music] please finish whatever it is you're doing [Music] where is better seems you have me banged right all clear thank you it's assumed as one gets older one needs less all it matters is to be warm fed and facing the television it's all not one need to cash as well one can never be too old for cash into arrangement with mr. John indeed how exactly did that work Oh simple I remove something for mr. Chad shop without paying for it it's not shoplifting you understand I'm absent-minded now mr. John goes to Rafe oh please from whatever it is I've taken and then I sell it back to mr. Judd at trade price I don't make much but every penny helps find it hard to believe you're short of money mrs. Plummer well I don't have a bean I get a tiny allowance from Rafe nothing at all from my shares because the business is doing so badly did you ever know a man called Stanley used to were compromise with your late husband command that was found dead at the factory was his grandson Dexter Lockwood well you take music inspector don't no please don't drive that home with me this is plum it's not going to work I don't know what you mean you're vague act look this is a murder investigation like a very touchy with people who do not cooperate yes I knew Stanley Lockwood he was handsome funny clever and I loved him inspector and he loved me Stanley was desperate for me to marry him but he was a village boy so what did I do I married Morris he was a plumber he was rich I married the wrong man inspector and I have been paying for it ever since in what way Morris showed his true colors when we were married he was a bully and a tyrant but I stuck with it as one did in those days what Stanley Morris was insanely jealous of Stanley and he couldn't bear having him around so he sacked him and I never saw him again which was what Morris wanted I read about Stanley's death in a local paper well whoever's playing games at the bottom of your garden misses power they know that story inspector everyone in the village knows that story oh it's you mommy where am i clean jodhpurs I am not your housekeeper end zone all right keep your hair on anyway the quacks arrived to see you I parked her in the drawing room [Music] hello I'm Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby Oh dr. Sarah stolid you must be investigating that poor chap at the factory oh yeah and you're here to see mrs. Plummer yes I pop in every three months or so give her the once-over she's not physically ill she know who fit as a fiddle at least she was the last time I saw her mentally well again fine if you ask me otherwise I wouldn't witness that EPA for Rafe EPA near the enduring power of attorney where I've got a design one the last time I was here so that he can take charge of her money in so force if necessary apparently and some tried to get it assigned one and we've got wind of it have you met handsome indeed I have well I wouldn't that when you might use change mom will see you now doc you still here Barnaby just leaving us home [Music] you know that you today [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] and cell [Music] I know you're in there right you have made it cozy please and Selma pair of Goss Hawks have taken up residence in the wooden if you stumped about like a vintage Charlotte there okay calm down Rafe you make yourself help don't you think it'll be best if you have back to London huh I would like a shot I mean that policeman's ask me and Kara to hang around for a bit what for we're suspects I suppose in the gruesome the slaughter of Lockwood junior I'll tell you who my money's on young Alex Hardwick radicular chippy little sod boozing envy from every pore and that's for his dreary parents lovely old Sonya and Sam they've been with her for years they have our interests at heart corporates they hate our guts heaven knows where we'd be without Alex yes and look where he's got us we are the bank millions the domestic markets dried up now the factories closed down because somebody shoved us stiffen the steriliser not even you could find a silver lining in that little lot well they're back the goshawk tsar bow dear God Oh cheer up I absolutely bloody bow give up and so please don't slam the door coverage [Music] oh thank you I thought I recognized Dexter Lockwood on the guided tour but when I went up to say hello he he ran off like a scalded cat so I thought maybe it wasn't him after all then it turns out it was maybe it was the glasses I haven't seen him wearing glasses before you see and I should have told you I know but I didn't want to talk about it in front of the family wouldn't because I'd had some meetings with the Fieldway foods people I was hoping I could hammer out a compromise that would save the firm about him to sell it out right well not a month ago suddenly everything went quiet I found Dexter to ask him what was going on well we didn't return my calls it'll start your sergeant but [Music] did you know about exes grandfather in his connection to the media you told me about it maybe that's typical of the planets well miss goody-two-shoes out boozing with a copper you don't like you very much - you're such a teacher's pet when she married - started working at the factory she made a point of doing every job in the place talk about sucking on wood you mean every job who you know she worked on the production line in the bottling plant you name it she did it she used to work in the warehouse yes I think she did I know but it was the slightest bit impressed anyway we're here to talk about my book not her what's the book about again it's about a talented sensitive woman struggling to break free from her Philistine materialistic farming what's the policeman come into it that's what we're here to find out when Helen worked in the warehouse deceived her to have Auckland is that why you're here to pump me about the damn fire and she can well of course she did there's not much else to do in a warehouse sister why do you think that still didn't return your calls Mama's maybe making a loss but the name that the brand still worth something not secret recipe it's mostly sugar and vinegar anyway the other ingredients just looked good on the label tomatoes onion garlic tamarind ginger scotch bonnet cinnamon you've done your homework I'm impressed but my father always had how much money sandwiches every day I used to read the label it was so exotic and I was very disappointed when I found out a scotch bonnet was a sort of pepper not a Celtic hat oh I better go and see her rate is getting on there it's a pair of ghost hawks and Albert would so has taken to sleeping in the hide that must be inconvenient when was Albert window across from Plummer house so it's not as though he's miles away well thank you for the drink inspector I enjoyed it you too Helen I wanted to ask you about the EPA that Amelia signed in Rafe's theta what enduring power of attorney I don't know anything about it I'm afraid as I said the plumbers keep family matters to themselves okay thank you good night good night good night that was your research them stuff it was quite interesting sir I was yours Helen didn't know about the connection between Lockwood in the mediation know about the enduring power of attorney oh yeah do you believe it maybe well here's the thing sir Helen Plummer used to work in the warehouse apparently the lady can drive a forklift but why would Helen rundown deaths over the forklift he was trying to help her bailout plan was only just keeping an open mind sir he's interesting hey Scott apparently Wraith does his bird-watching in a wood across from Plummer house I think tomorrow Scott we should pay Rafe Plummer a visit in his natural habitat there's a color called oyster I think would go well with a blue carpet Wooster since when has always two been together it's a sort of a grade huh Oh gray I've heard of yeah I know it's boring we can't all spend our evenings boozing with glamorous murderers who's better Scott you a Helen Helen Helen Plummer is not the only suspect bright attractive hard-working she must be guilty of something Oh such pretty attractive you I could hear it in your voice what is this do it's been so long since I've cooked it I can't remember here this might help so rough plumber gets his mum to sign the power of attorney thing and tries to freak her out with a hanging man trick yes the idea being that then he can take over the running of our estate there's one problem with that theory how which is doesn't have a mistake so both my shares in the family firm and where the firm's concern she does exactly what rape tells it to anyway there it is yes you have LeBron Scott white chapter see if you can find the hanging there go away and shall Detective Chief Inspector Barnaby mr. plumber yeah well uh I'd rather see you at the office newspaper so what I the problem is you're never there a pair of gossips would summer I'm very keen they should do so again next time I I assume we've never seen a goshawk on the wing inspector dad no I don't think I have no no you'd remember if you had the thrilling birds in flight to see a goshawk fired speed through a dense wood like this the agility the anticipation borders on the supernatural so I'm like us blundering around down here is that what do you think I've drawn mr. flower wandering around don't we all did you get on with your father inspector yes on the whole yes but I didn't my father's eyes I was always blundering around double is he was right but Sir but when I'm here watching the Goss Hawks what's that it's probably a my sergeant blundering around only mr. plumber I wanted to ask you mr. farmer about the enduring power of attorney your mother spent why do you want to know about that well someone's going to great lengths to frighten you and I'm curious to know well she signed the papers three months ago pressure was being applied on her four other quarters so I you mean ensign well yes actually no he meant no harm I'm sure and sounds well intentions really so all I felt that I ought to take precautions yes yes quite I didn't want to upset mummy or an self-doubt mother I do try not to upset people in spite of it so difficult the family the employees the bank so many of them that are also so easily upset No thank you mr. Rana um which is the way to plumb a house from here that way please don't repeat what I said about an self they must have been two of them Scotland one keeping watch with the other hoisting and lowering the dummy sir indigestion tablets Dexter Lockwood had an ulcer his stomach was full of antacids I couldn't be Dexter sir last time Amelia Plummer saw the hanging man was the day after Dexter was killed but Dexter Lockwood didn't come maybe his accomplice had to do it on his own and made a mess of him she did sight into it the last time she saw it the body didn't disappear straightaway over another chat with Lockwood's senior now there's a man who really hates the plumbers come to tell me who's killed my son I'm afraid not we wondered if you could take a look at textas room set your son's car in the driveway sir yes you got the keys no would it be all right if we would have tried this mr. Lockwood if you must thank you now if we could could show me the room in here that's his office what are you looking for exactly anything that may tell us why your son I have some skill mr. muckle you've run out of ideas haven't yet [Music] may I what my casket [Music] [Music] don't suppose you know the password - Dexter's computer no I don't don't suppose you know what that missing file is even yeah yeah don't [Music] what puzzles me mr. lovely is why you and your son were down an hour but we'll try to frighten the living daylights no you don't deny them I know what you're talking about that thing kids nothing but that either Ben what about the file mr. Lockwood who put this in the bin why are you interrogating me because my son who was killed yes indeed it was mr. Locke and I think I'm beginning to understand the reason of why an enduring power of attorney they seem to be all the rage in this was only signed by Amelia Plummer giving full power of attorney to Dexter Lockwood if she's unable to administer her estate herself dated a month ago round about the time Amelia Plummer start seeing the hanging man you don't like her very much to you mr. Lockwood I'm not fond of the plumbers full stop not fond your son goes missing what do you do you go down to Albert wooden Hall that thing up a tree to frighten an old lady they said we had a rattle of good and proper on the day of the AGM that's right drive her mad and activate the power of attorney no you listen to be Barnaby you listen to me mr. Lockwood I am trying to find out who killed your son and all I'm getting from you is lies evasions and an attitude that does your son no credit I talk now you start being straight with me or I will take you down to Causton station and charge you with conspiring to pervert the course of justice not to mention coercing the old girl into signing this oh she didn't need coercing and why was that mr. Lockwood it was the letters what letters Dexter Lockwood came to me about month ago he said he'd found some letters that I had written to his grandfather and would I like them back I said yes of course I don't have any of the letters that Stanley wrote to me Laurie's fandom and burnden mrs. fellows these recognize oh yes thank you sure yes of course I recognize it that's why I lied about seeing Dexter I I feel so guilty about it why did you sign it mrs. Plummer Dexter said Helen and Rafe were planning to sell plumbers to Fieldway foods he said what ecstasy he said the firm was in terrible debt he was worried that once the deal went through and all the debts were paid there would be nothing left for me and I would be shut away in some dreadful nursing home and you believed him I love my children but I'm under no illusions about them they're all of them in their separate ways totally unreliable I'm afraid the picture Dexter painted was all too believable he was sweet like his grandfather It was as if Stanley had come back to me this is dated a month ago can you remember mrs. Plummer when you first saw the hanging man well it was just after my birthday so martica sorry mrs. mama well at least we've got a motive for now Scott somebody must have found out what she signed over the power of attorney to Dexter Lockwood question is who well none of the plumbers would have been particularly impressed since they would well we do anything else we'll find out what the Dex Artemis computer started out Helen Plummer was the one at all the dealings with Dexter wasn't she said it's just open light Scott sir those coppers are looking very bright eyed and bushy tailed some way perhaps there aren't you handsome what do you mean you were trying to steal the recipe for Dexter Lockwood weren't you nonsense it's no-good lying Anselm he told me he told you you mean you knew it yes he asked me out wanted to know all about who owned shares and so on said he'd get me on the field way bored if I helped him me too two-faced little town about a month ago stop calling me me too nobody does that to me bloody hell Cara that's not tell anyone I won't if you won't anyway I didn't kill him did you certainly not that's how they make their money what do you mean you can never get a doll out of the jar they do it on purpose was just confused can't the glamorous mrs. Plummer give you some on the house that might be to screw is a bright you haven't noticed have you noticed what my new reading glasses yes they're very um very what very sexy very scary give me a clue friend of glasses [Music] glasses Scott sir Helen Plummer said that she'd never seen Dexter Lockwood wearing glasses before what became of the glasses well they were in the incinerator sir and the soccer boys have been through every inch of the factory sir whoever killed Dexter Lockwood was hoping to get the body off the premises during the night they were probably reckoning on a security guard sleeping through his shift as usual but in the middle of the night and some turns up creating mayhem and after he's gone the security guard starts doing his job properly the ones controlling the factory so I make do with hiding the body in a sterilised maybe it losses Phillip while it was being killed or when the body was being moved yep so you're moving the body glasses come off you bend down you pick them up can you put them in your pocket and you put them in the pocket of the white code do you have to wear on the factory floor and in the general panic you forget all about them so we check all the workouts ice have already gone to the laundry let's ask us on your hard work he's bad enough come on so what else on your rule of a little Upton in ten minutes well that's the last thing we want isn't it oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] No hello [Music] I told you not to turn the lights on Alex oh dear [Music] [Music] well well he should never have come here trying to muscle in on other people's lives rev Alex your fault than my dad I swear it was a terrible accident [Music] did you get them [Music] yes I've got mr. plumber the hard works have been taken to Causton police station I want to talk to you before I charge them they've already tried to help though I'm sure they were they've always been a tower of strength the hard work something they yes they have and when Stanley Lockwood was hanged I imagine they rallied round then too of course fact a whole Hardwick clan came out of that very well promotion company housing the son Alex becomes manager he's a very promising young man until Dexter Lockwood turned up a thorn in the flesh just like his grandfather yes darling you don't have to tell them anything it's all right Helen I might as well get it over with I knew that Dexter Lockwood had approached various members of the family but when he got mummy to sign the power of attorney that was the last straw it must have made you very angry of course it did of all the underhand devious then it superseded the one amelia had signed in your favor yes and then when mummy started seeing men hanging from the trees I knew what was going on grief don't say anymore I told Dexter Lockwood that I changed my mind I told him I wanted to do a deal was a field where foods he said he'd have to look around the factory first he'd never set foot in the first floor obviously I said that would be difficult what if you were recognized it might start tongues wagging and he suggested joining one of our guided tours and that suited you perfectly indeed - to start any minute I bet the arrangement was that I'd meet him in the warehouse I'd made sure the side door was left unlocked once he was in the warehouse I uh I cornered him and ran him down a forklift I waited until every want to go home then I am I cleaned up as best I could [Music] then I dried Lockwood to the main doors of the warehouse that's when his classes fell I picked him up and put them in my pocket my plan was to leave him by the doors and then somehow try and get him into one of the delivery vans it became obvious that wasn't gonna work thanks to Anselm the security guard started doing his job thought I realized I wasn't going to get deal the body off the premises so I well strip Dexter Lockwood and shoved him into the sterilizer yes yes that's right he was covered in relish and you did this all by yourself of course oh there you are inspector you have your confession there's the end of it I'm afraid not mr. plumber because I had to leave a word of that would you stand up please sir Scott the code so you private office [Music] texture lock was classes they weren't in yogurt they were no wives you put your coat on run cotinue and the fingerprints on the glasses heaven they'll be awesome you recognize Dexter Lockwood on the factory floor didn't you boy careful your husband to Kant told you about his meeting with him Dexter Lockwood so you know what he was up to [Music] so we followed him into the warehouse [Music] you saw them talking together and that is when you decided to kill Dexter [Music] [Music] [Music] all the rest happened pretty much as you described it mr. plumber except it wasn't you who picked up the glasses was it it was your wife [Music] so then you'd had to think of a place to hide the body before he who get it out of the factory I wonder who thought of a stimulator I did as usual I was the only one thinking straight we stripped him and dragged him to the boiling room [Music] then we had Keith Carter coming back [Music] [Music] the question is why did your wife killed Dexter Lockwood in such a reckless fashion mr. plumber because of what he did to my mother of course and because she knew that I was not for the job myself no mr. Plummer your wife killed Dexter Lockwood so he couldn't tell you what about this what is it this is a report prepared by Dexter Lockwood on the plumbers assets if you look here you'll see that the the factory itself well that's not really valued very highly at all look the property in little Upton the houses where the employees live that's worth quite a bit but the real jewel of the crown sir is Albert would would rupture no no sir Albert woods been reclassified it's no longer green belt your wife and Dexter Lockwood they hired a consultant to assess the likelihood of getting planning permission as you can read there he thought there was a very good chance indeed that woods big enough to build a small town large fortune build houses in Elberton would I would have saved the firm rave that's all I cared about I promise you but what about the birds oh the birds someone had to do something I saw that the lights were up it's all right mommy go back to bed what's going on it's the middle of the night oh then I'll tell you tomorrow mummy and where's Morris thought he'll have something to say about this [Music] I'll take you back to the cottage shy are you [Music] it's race mommy your son [Music] Oh STIs I'm going to bed and so should all of you it's not to relate to me deliberately around [Music] [Music] I suppose this means I'm in charge it means we're in charge what do you know about running a factory what do you know about running a factory girls bells Cara does this mean we'll actually have to work don't say it to Scott I told you so to get a new blue car no what about the pores of the oyster paint no good I'm sure that was gonna work well I'm glad to see you taking an interest at last I bought you a new jar of this oh thank you make sure the new bothered I thought it was your favorite but it was but it isn't anymore I think they changed the recipe sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Midsomer Murders - Full Episodes
Views: 245,989
Rating: 4.7869563 out of 5
Keywords: FilmRise, Midsomer Murders, Based on a novel, British series, Detectives, Crime scene, Murder investigations, English countryside, Suspect, Mysteries, British accents, TV, Free TV, Television, Free Televison, Series, Full Episodes
Id: q3LV2krATsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 5sec (5645 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 16 2019
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