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so guys today we are doing something we've never done before we're doing an international zoomkour and we're gonna be together with mark your Bauer who's in düsseldorf germany germany deutschland and mark has just opened a brand-new watch door he has amazing pieces is also incredibly stylish it puts me to shame today so mark are you there thank you very much for yeah that that you give me the possibility that we come together this is just the awesome thing and I just want to say that I love your content I see every video so this is just great thank you thank you and I love the little reviews you've done of my videos too they've been fantastic and guys if you haven't seen them go to mark's youtube it's what is it mark if you go on marquee boy you will see everything we'll put all the information into the description so what have you got to show us today so today we have a different approach normally you show us the most expensive and most exclusive pieces on the market with me in Germany it's I have also these pieces yeah we'll discuss that later but for this video they're the approaches like this we have a price range let's say around $3,000 to $5,000 and then the next step is $7,000 and in this price range there are some watches which are just amazing hold their value this is very important for the younger audience so they can park their money over there and I will show you these pieces yeah most of them are vintage and they yeah you can see the history in there within the watches so this is just awesome well we're very excited to see it and I have a big question yeah um I say big because where you're sat right now it looks like you're in a castle where are you yes something like this I mean if you see the the surrounding here it's pretty awesome we are in one special hotel owned by one private collector and yeah he put together some some stunning decoration you missed your opportunity you should have said ah this is my office yeah I thought about this yeah this is the lobby no but no no I'm just here for the for the video yeah excellent well well let's see what you've got let's have a look so at first the most sold watch with me over here is just the regular day just in 36 mm so this is probably from let's say the 70s to the 80s it looks like this there we have one option with the leather bracelet or with a metal bracelet and within their collection there are some small changes for example we have here the pen pie hands this is a nice watch for someone who wants to start and wants to own the first Rolex it has also the white coat fluted bezel and you know shows us in the price range about $3500 that there are watches which hold their value and yeah did you owned one watch like this in the past I actually still have a watch like that no you didn't show us until now I don't know where it is to be quite honest with you but I do have it I know I have it it's a 36 millimeter if I'm not mistaken and I know I get the millimeter size wrong all the time because you correct me and thank you for that but I believe it's 36 millimeter or very close to it and the one that I have is on a metal bracelet but that looks really cool that way yeah we have the metal bracelet version would be the next suggestion that is something like this so this would be the next step okay here you need to pay let's say $4,500 but you have one Jubilee bracelet back in the day this one was the most hot bracelet okay the oyster one was not that popular and the people just love to buy it it has now a silver dial and the nice thing about this watch is now let me show you something also this is from the nineteen from 1982 and we have everything we have the box we have the paper and also the Hang tag so all this talks a lot history and if you are fortunate enough to buy this kind of timepiece I can tell you within the last two years I sold this one for two and a half thousand dollars and it just doubled the price so it's interesting to see that also this price range you have the possibility to buy some watches I know that and correct me if I'm wrong I don't sell watch it I just collect them but my to my knowledge at least if you have the papers for a current Rolex it it adds you know $500 thousand dollars potentially a couple of thousand but if you have the papers for a vintage Rolex it can double the value just because you have the papers correct correct yeah and there are some small details for example if you have the hang text from that time for example something like this is valued at let's say $300 they said just some small things but it adds a lot to the whole story of the watch and during that time you know in the 80s it was not this kind of big deal you know the the the you threw away the warranty papers they because you had two years warranty and after that was just a piece of paper in nowadays it's important for all the collectors and the people who wants to buy this watches and which one this is my question to you which is the oldest watch you have in your collection which would that's a great question what is the oldest watch I believe I have an Amiga Seamaster and it's the one it's a huge big thick ugly ugly watch it has five buttons on it has three on one side and two on the other the ones on the left hand side of the watches you look at the watch they turn the inner bezels and things like that has multiple hands and I got that watch I think I was like 17 or 18 years of age great great watch at the time right now that's a good okay and did you when you say you were 18 so it was at the time during your stay in Berlin it was I actually got it just before I got to Berlin how do you know I was in Berlin yeah I know a Michael I know everything about you okay I mean yeah so you got it before okay and during your time in Berlin then you wore this watch most of the time or no when I got to Berlin I actually became quite prominent in a recording studio there it was a very well-known recording studio yes yeah yes on the cannabis trouser what was back then anyway I bought myself my first gold Rolex it was the day date a 36 millimeter and it wasn't a sapphire crystal model it was the modeled had the plastic I guess it's a plastic glass I was so proud of that watch you have no idea it's my most expensive possession in the world before I actually got that watch I washed dishes in Germany do you know that part to hide this one I heard oh yes no dear well that's how I got enough money by saving it and doing crazy things with it to buy that watch and when I walked into that studio I had my Rolex watch on so I was very happy nice yeah the data at 36 mm is currently priced around let's say the the vintage day date was not very popular during the last let's say four years in 36 mm but right now the price increased from let's say around $10,000 to $13,000 so this is also a good example that currently the watches get just slightly small off at least what I can say over here and this is just the next version of the one you had this has the sapphire crystal and is from the mid 80s yeah also one nice watch and currently a lot of ladies love to wear it beautiful watch I maybe five years ago I actually bought myself a 36 millimeter day-date with a diamond bezel and a diamond dial with little red sapphire markers on it because that was like a memory to me of the first one that I had the gold one so if we will move up a little bit in price for my audience I always tell them they should keep an eye on the Omega models so you already told us that you have some you had one C master the best model of course is the one with the richest history this is the moon watch we have it over here a speed master in 42 mm do you know this model I do I absolutely do I think on the back of it it has some I think Apollo something right yes correct there are always some kind of crazy science it depends on the version you have so for sample this model you can buy just the regular entry-level this is the one here's having an instrument right now this is just with a black face the one of the best chrono graphs in the world current price is around $4,500 it depends on which year it has the sapphire crystal and if you want to go for the most for the more extraordinary things there are also some options for example over here we have the Alaska project this works bad yeah Alaska project yeah this one is really special it has a huge case and you can put it over your jacket and you have to I have to say this one no one believe it or not no one wanted to have this one it lays in our shop pack and it was we couldn't sell for over one year for around let's say $3500 the price was and right now the price showed up at $12,000 really collectible piece so you see if you have an eye on the smaller the quite unique things you don't need to wear it all the time with this crazy thing this is the the normal look then there's all there are also some possibilities to get yourself a really good investment piece I'm glad you took the the red thing of it because I thought that was a fixture of the watch I didn't know that so this would be the next watch which you don't see that often they made just a few of them 1464 watches in total with this complete set and yeah Omega is also one one brand which I love to collect they they put great effort in their watches they have yeah beautiful a different design do you have a personal collection and favorite yeah yeah yeah in Germany Germany is a little bit difficult if you know if you show everyone what you personally everyone's asking for it but I sit for the past few a few years they want to see it but yeah I have some pieces we will see also one later one Patek Phillipe notice in the next video but yeah I also have one on collection nice yeah which one is the which one is most which one is your watch which you wear the most which which watch you love at the moment the most I well lots of watches I kind of rotate them I'm not well I kind of match my watches to my outfits best I can yeah and I don't I love all my watches if I don't like them I actually get rid of them because they don't do any good just sat in the box yeah I try to keep all the watches that I have as kind of favourites I like them all I think you know I'm kind of partial to Jacob yeah wearing wearing one today oh that's a naughty one yeah perhaps I can show on your channel just can't show on mine okay no it's it's also very difficult over here yeah but you you know you know what it does but it's a very cool watch yeah yeah do you know which one blew me away at the degrees oh no I know I don't know anyone and you have it in full coat you have two of them right because oh no two watches this is a really extraordinary watch no one is buying it but it looks nice well nobody's buying it because it's outrageously expensive if you buy it new I'm gonna say outrageous I mean it's outrageous but I bought both pieces pre-owned which i think is a very good way of buying watches somewhat you know why spend extra money if you can obtain the same thing that's just as good for a lot less money but the watch itself very classy ridiculously heavy and beautiful beef yeah and right now let's say all these watches were around $5,000 so if we move up a little bit I would suggest what I just love to show the audience is some undervalued Rolex watches some of them you see but you don't buy them the great choice of this one the the great example is this Explorer I don't know if you know this one it has orange hand and the second time zone and believe it or not no one wants to have it and that's why back in the day it was sold under the retail price but right now overnight it went up and you can yeah you need currently pay for a new one around nine thousand euros so you have here the same function like with the GMT master which you also have in gold and this is has the second time zone 42mm quite big watch for a reasonable price how much does that watch sell for now Brent nuo Brent you're around $9,000 and secondhand market you need to pay around a full set let's say seven seven to eight thousand in your personal collection or in your daily life do you wear let's say some basic rolex watches or this is not something new you wear personally I have I have a Batman the new Jubilee Batman I have a watch to Adam likes very much which I've never worn is still sealed what is that watch Adam so that is your oh wait oh no that's I thought you meant the one with the black diamonds on the hour markers no the one I really like is your deep see that one you have the deep sea okay I've never worn it it's sealed in in the box it's actually sealed in plastic and it's thick it's really really thick I have that what else don't having in the Rolex were not that much actually yeah and still in Germany the people this is they love the steel basic models and we have almost every every single one of them over here of course the Batman is also with us but what I always prefer is the discontinued model if you see this one it's with the oyster bracelet and currently the market for the Batman if you bought it in the grey market went down from sixteen to seventeen to twelve thirteen thousand dollars and this is a little bit difficult to happen with the with the Dream Team Master the regular Batman because it's out of production and yeah this one is just one of the overlay that you just showed us how much is that what's selling for this one is around $14,000 more expensive than the new one it's very interesting I wouldn't have believed that I mean I don't believe it it's interesting because just a few weeks ago is radically different what about the Pepsi which is basically the same watch with a different color bezel Pepsi is different Pepsi the color combination before was only existing in white gold case and of course the old one I can show you also vintage one we have over here the brand new and they changed the color a little bit of the bezel so it the the blue and red got darker in the second generation this is just a slightly small thing and the funny thing is compared to the Batman the Pepsi is always stronger so this one of course the first week when it came out we sold it around 20 then it went down to 18 and now it's solid at 16 to $17,000 and yeah it's it's the more the higher demanded watch of course so the the the Pepsi is a very good watch and I have one which I want to show you from the whole set so what I have here is also one Pepsi but it's a little bit older and we have everything we have the Hank Tech the original booklet and also the papers let me check this watch is from also all originally delivered in the US and from 1983 so the paper back in the day looked like this nearly 40 years old yeah yeah so here you can see that the dial is completely looking different and also the bezel over the time during this you know if the first owner was in the Sun the whole bezel faded and change its color and also the dial changed the way how the color looks this is yeah this happens with the old watches and you need to pay for this currently around 18,000 dollars depends on the on the set you have so the vintage watches are more expensive than the new models which makes sense you know question to you is if you were buying the watch for yourself or if you were recommending somebody to buy a watch would you go for the vintage or what do you get for the new one it depends on you know which if the buyer wants to wear it you know in water of or if he wants to do everything with it then he should take a new one because it's more durable and you can do anything with it this for example if you choose a day just for the first watch you know it makes more sense the vintage watches are more for their you know if you have two watches then the third what should be vintage one it's not very durable you need to take care of it also the bracelet is a little bit more fragile so as the first watch you can do it in certain price ranges but if it's if it's let's say around 20 thousand euro then you should have some other watches at first this would be my guess that makes a lot of sense yeah in your collection most of the time our more modern pieces right 99% yes yeah what else have we got in the box you seem to have a lot of what yeah the the the day just in 41 mm with the fluted bezel if we keep around that price of course this the people love with the diamond markers if someone wants to enter the world of diamonds this is the first choice sells around let's say $12,000 and this would be yeah the next step then if he has let's say one day just around five thousand dollars then this would be the next choice and if we then go a little bit higher then you have I mean almost you can choose between everything else these are really pretty watch I mean I could see yeah it looks great but you know which one I love the most this is the same watch just with a mother-of-pearl dial the list price is more higher but currently the market price not that much so you need to pray in the gray market same price for for the mother-of-pearl dial then for the diamond tile and this is just in the sunlight beautiful you have the great texture on the dial and yeah always great performance I actually have a Rolex I forgot about this one I need to get it back because it's a very pretty watch I have the Platinum masterpiece with a mother-of-pearl said dark mother-of-pearl dial and I said beautiful beautiful work very heavy platinum is the most the most dense material so on the wrist it's very heavy and interesting what you don't see that often the masterpiece series the bracelet is also a little bit different quite unique look interesting yeah when was the last time you worried probably three or four years ago no you know the when I saw the part four of your video about your watched collection you had a yellow gold Submariner okay and yeah yeah what you're thinking about let's say steel and coat models what what is there your opinion on I actually wouldn't buy a steel in gold because to me I'd either won't steal or gold and I don't really want you know like a mixture between the two now I think that's more because aesthetically to me that's not pleasing but I know a lot of people actually love that which is not my taste yeah so I also have a slight problem with it but I cannot do anything you know I sell them quite good this one is the 43 mm this is the sea-dweller the small brother of the one you have still sealed in your home this is the novelty from last year 43 mm in size and still got model set really good and for someone who doesn't want to spend the amount of full gold model you know he can wear this so mine the one that I have is steel it's just straight steel yeah yeah the one you have is is just full steel and has a 5 millimeter thick sapphire glass and it is it's huge and waterproof to three thousand nine hundred meter that's too deep so this is just a small selection of course if we now move up in price you know the the best advice to everyone which I can give him is if you can afford Daytona this would be the greatest choice around let's say 20,000 euro this is just amazing watch in the lower price and this holds its value is just the best investment overall and yeah I uh do you have some Daytona's in your collection besides the one on the leather bracelet I have the rainbow which is crazy wild rose gold with all sorts of colors and diamonds I have the leopard or Safari don't think I do know ya the rainbow you know it's just incredible that you had the possibility to get this one as a factory said this just awesome time we we have just the aftermarket version over here nice to look at not comparable but yeah the price of course different you know that's a beautiful watch - yeah and if you if you held them next to each other there would be very little difference I mean I think color the graduation of the sapphires is the biggest giveaway yeah this and also on the diet they are also always some small problems Rolex is you have to imagine if Rolex is producing one watch with stones for you all over the watch or on the bezel the construction of the whole case is different so if you do it after mark there are always some parts which don't fit especially on the dial it has to be a certain thickness so that's why the cases in most of the time are just slightly bigger and if you do it aftermarket you always have the problem that the hands are touching the the dial and it's just pure headache you know if you don't do it proper in the aftermarket world it's very difficult so the one that you were just showing us you're saying might have problems no no no no no my this one is working fine but yeah no this one is working fine but if you you sometimes see that the dials are not 100% accurate and we also had with the different company we have all we had a lot of problems of the diet thickness and then you know you need to put a lot of effort in it that it works but this one we tested and it runs yeah so within the different price ranges this is what I can show you right now we had we had a little talk about omega watches we had over here the basic steel models and yeah this is the choice in the lower end have one question for you what is the difference between the market in Europe for these types of watches versus the USA is it similar or is there a better place to be over yeah this is a very good question so you have a lot of strong fares in the US there's one in Miami for secondhand and gray market dealers and also one in Las Vegas great shows and I have to say they are some there are some differences for example in the u.s. you can always buy they date 41 today they two models and also that it 40mm the prices are just ridiculously good for us Germans okay some watches over over you in the US the prices we can never reach it's really cheap the the European market on steel models has always we're very strong and yeah this is this is my experience so the gold models you can buy in the US for a great price for steel models it's all were all made almost the same but right now in the current market we are in I see that the people from America tend to sell their goods more faster so in Germany we hold on to everything if you know there must be something major that we sell our let's say the Porsche or the the watch and in the US it's more dynamic this is my experience well I have one I have one last question for you before we end the video the coronavirus what are your thoughts on how in Europe I mean I can give you my thoughts in the US but in Europe how is it going to affect the values of watches will people buy more of them because they never know what's coming in life or will they be shy and save money what do you thoughts on that greater this is a great great question so I when I started the business or when I left my old job it was one of the first day of the of the lockdown okay so this was also what always sticks in my mind what's happening to the prices then I got some info from dealers and they said in Hong Kong the prices went down a lot okay they were the time ahead of us they had the lock downs two month or so and then I thought okay the more expensive watches go down in value but at the end I have to tell you one thing I sell a lot of watches right now and it doesn't affect the market huge so all these watches we are talking about right now let's say the price has changed around ten percent from January to now maybe on the Datejust models they lost let's say 700 euro but overall right now it's more recovering and if I want to buy new watches for my stock I cannot get the watch I cannot get the price two weeks ago so I would say on the on the in perspective people for sure will buy more watches also of the current situation if you have a lot of money in the bank account here in Germany for example you need to pay let's say a certain percentage every year to the bank so if you have more than let's say if I five hundred thousand euro it doesn't make sense to keep it on the bank and what should the people buy I mean cars are not easy to handle watches are noisy you can put them in the pocket fly to Hong Kong or to Africa you get everywhere your same amount of money it's a very very good point well well thank you for your insight this is being i opening we wish you the very very best of luck with your new store thank you all your information is going to be at the bottom of this video yeah check him out on Instagram and on YouTube he's the greatest mark from düsseldorf Germany thank you don't forget to hit the subscribe button don't forget to hit the bell we are you know what we are in it to win it you got it my friend [Laughter] by Milan [Music]
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 442,804
Rating: 4.8561597 out of 5
Keywords: producer michael, producermichael, michael blakey, hollywood, beverly hills, los angeles, rolex, vintage rolex, marc gebauer, vintage watches, watches, watch collection, collector, horologist, horology, watch deals, watch bargains, patek, patek phillipe, audemars piguet, ap, hublot, IWC, Seiko
Id: 0sXa_99AtAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 27sec (1707 seconds)
Published: Tue May 26 2020
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