All Puzzles and Secrets in Inscryption! All Acts!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Relevent_Username_ 📅︎︎ Nov 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody sister again and today i will be going through every single secret and puzzle that there is in the game and yeah that's it pretty much so without further ado let's go right into lash's cabin right away so this is pretty much after you lose from lashi or a win okay so here we are at lash's cabin this is pretty much the moment we just died and we get our deck let's assume that we died here or one it doesn't matter we can begin right away with some secrets here so first thing you can actually do because a lot of people say that you can actually do this first of all you should do this which or everybody knows how to do you just get the ring from here this ring will give you pretty much free uh what's it called three a free trade from lashi at some point uh this uh this clock where it's written is at the bottom right of the final let lashy fight right now it's not visible so forget that but this is the first secret you can do now people say that you can actually if you know what you do with with a secret eye you can actually skip getting the secret eye give me a second to go and look back the real time here and i will show you that that's actually not the case uh oh so this is what it looks like i will leave this here and when i get the eye you will see that this thing is correct and just because i don't have the eye it doesn't work now second thing actually first thing pretty much uh over here is a key to get that you have to go through the book and the one you open it's 273 so in the save you just play uh press the number two seven three that's it pretty much and get this key go over here open up now we've got some puzzles very easy puzzles the puzzle is as if you're fighting an enemy so you have the 2-1 attack and the one attack him and that's five damage like that easy peasy you get a skin out of that okay off to the next one we go the right one this one might be a bit harder but it's not really that hard the more you see that this thing is locked so uh if you attack it it will move to the right and block the three two you don't want that to happen so right now we're doing one damage here three four five as you see the numbers so that's done you don't you just don't want to attack that so that's done too let's go to the next one so this one to unlock uh you just have the flyer attack here because this thing cannot go through so uh this does three one two three so this is three and this there's two from the flyer and this goes to the right and doesn't block so this goes through okay we found it so uh let me go back to this just to show it again uh here we can uh this is a bit more complex but the first thing you have to realize is that these two are blocked in so this thing will attack this so what you want is this thing to attack here so this dies and does not attack here then this attacks here left and this attacks you in the middle so right now this attacks here it dies and then this goes one two three four five and you get the squirrel head the squirrel head is actually one of the more powerful things for the talk for the totem building and um yeah you're done with this now uh because i had the caged wolf we have to actually use the caged wolf to uh go on with our story and uh we will also go through this uh portrait in a bit so um yeah first things to do is just actually try and kill the wolf off okay time to do the painting along the way so the painting is squirrel um what's the total very light a right and scroll very left turtle on the left scroll on the right so we go here and here spawn this here and uh we ding it this should not make us lose okay very nice and then this should actually trigger the event this was the event triggering and now if you go back out and see the painting you will see it's actually gone okay and here's the wolf so now what you want to do is actually try to sacrifice it like try to make it die so that's what we're gonna do okay i can win in one round so and we did it and now this is going to die and the moment it dies something happened and now we unlock the wolf and here's also wolf but i will show you the real wolf let's uh let's win this fight real quick okay so that's done let's go over to the wolf here he is you pick the wolf up go over here place it down and boom you get the knife out of that get the knife go over here leave the knife the knife is already where it has to be so you we're going to use this right away and also this is the painting so uh because i did the painting a riddle i get a re-roll i will also show the other paintings in a bit uh because the painting is a three-time thing but for now let's pick this thing up and what this thing does is whenever you get the choice to actually get the cards you can reroll the cards you can get so if you're about to get two trash cards i will showcase right away you know here let's go here you see i can go wolf cub opossum and cockroach let's say i don't like any of those we re-roll get this this and this so you can choose whatever you want by the way this means that you have a card already in your deck so um yeah let's uh let's actually pick whatever up it doesn't matter i'm gonna reset this run either way because i want to show you what the knife actually does okay so time to showcase the dagger uh you use the dagger just to get the weight on the enemy i am going to use it right now because it continues the secret flat slots will slash eyes off oh he's almost losing and because i have a setup that i'm already winning by the way use this only if you are sure that you can win right away or after you use it because um you need to be winning and i mean you don't need to win but you need to be alive after this so uh use it when it's not a risk i mean if you die you can't do the puzzle that's what i mean now he gives you here an eye and uh you should choose there first of all we get the rare because this wasn't lead it doesn't matter what i pick here get child who cares let's get the unique eye this one this one is also unique by the way this makes um some cards be with blinky eyes so that's also something that you can see maybe i should well for now i'm actually going for the secret so the it's it's not a secret it's like an easter egg okay the game goes on let's go back out please okay now you send us so you stand up now that you have this eye and uh you can see do you see this i had the correct hours already so as you see it does not work without the eye if you go one round again now it works so you get the wolf he says whatever he has to say to you before he sees it now you get the film and that's it pretty much with this whole area now the only thing that's left is doing this painting so i will reset a few times to actually get this painting completed so that i can show you every single upgrade through that and you know what might as well also show you the go die as i will get my knife back after i do this now between your runs you should actually do your lights uh these candles every single one for the next three runs you should do candle candle panel you will see it i will do it too and this will give you a good card and also upgrade a base card that you already use so uh yeah that's that and let's go for the reset here okay uh fresh blood yeah we reset here oh we still keep the film okay we got the same deck okay let's go and see my uh the second painting now okay first of all we got a very easy painting and the second thing um don't forget the lights once again we will go up to three lights and also this is a little easter egg here you can make this open that's pretty much the easter egg and also you should keep in mind that these are how many times you died these are your characters pretty much um yeah let's go for this okay let me also showcase let me also showcase the the weird eye another i guess secret this is an insta win by the way as i told you use that knife only if it gives you a win okay let's go with your die this this eyes as far as i know the word guy the goat eye i guess and now look at this the black goat is in love with me that's it that's the secret before i continue is that you can get some bones from some free money from here it's a random from one to four i think another thing that might be secret is if you have three items you get the pack rat from from the item node okay so now my next painting is sink on the left and scroll on the right and i got the skin on the deck so let's try to do that skink on the left and squirrel on the right and that's my target so we just break the squirrel who cares really skiing on the left and scroll on the right as you see nothing on the field matters other than these two and at this point we might as well lose the run uh you don't really need to do anything else okay so now that we did that fight we go over here the painting and we see we get a candle so we pick that candle up and if we bring it over to him he will give us another life but we installed the super candle now we have three lives and uh off to the next painting we go by the way if you have three candles you get two smokes so that's not uh even better okay so here we are on the third run uh once again we do the candle now this will instantly give us the card it will instantly give us the smoke okay and in the boss fight it will give us an upgraded smoke i'm gonna showcase it at the boss fight and this is the hood painting um moose buck and squirrel not an easy painting to do but we will try okay here we see as you saw the flame we got was a greater smoke this time which uh by the way i had one flame because i lost my purpose uh but the greater smoke is a one three instead of uh instead of a zero three or a zero two or zero one or whatever the other thing is and if i had all of my lives which i also want to showcase i would have two one threes here so that's insane by the way um here you see two greater smokes so there's that and here we are moosebug on the field and uh a squirrel on the right as requested so you saw the ding and now we will go over to the painting and showcase it okay and here's the secret and it's this thing you're like what's this well this thing is the best of the three which is the best i don't know you don't like swirls very well and let me showcase what that looks like okay okay and now as you see my main unit my free unit has become actually a b so it's a one one flyer and this is permanent by the way so from here on out every single unit i draw is a one one flyer although i obviously have a stronger unit on the one one flare right now so i'll just throw this and yeah that's the that's the secret of the painting so you see this is b's now and also you have a b relic so um i mean it'd be from here on out instead of starting with a squirrel head you start with a b head or an insect head so it's not only buffing the bees it's also buffing the everything else i'm gonna showcase them but okay and uh that's it pretty much with all the secrets so as you see the painting is completely complete uh the flame here is already done and complete so permanently the one three as i said forever uh permanently three lives permanently uh re-roll whenever you don't like the items and also permanently bees let me also showcase that now you don't start with a squirrel you actually start with an ant head too gift from them that means that your flyers will also have an ant head you can like this is even more broken obviously as uh now for example i have every single bee of mine be under water or whatever that thing is called so let me showcase you what this looks like and at that point we should be pretty much done look at this flying bees that can go underwater and i can draw one of them every turn and then i can set up this i mean it's not very strong because opponents have like three ones here but it is what it is so let me also show you some hidden card interactions those interactions have to do with the cut on the child and also on boros in case i didn't mention it so uh first of all these things uh seem to show infinite sacrifices many lives but yeah as i say it doesn't say infinite lives it says many lives so those have a finite amount of lives so the cat is going to have nine and the child's going to have 13 so let me actually showcase that showcase that so those would be the first one for both by the way the children sacrifice it it comes with one flyer and yeah let's start with the cut first so that would be the second life for the cat i'll use your boris here to uh do the cycling third life for the cat by the way every time you kill robos it becomes a plus one plus one or life for the cat fifth sixth seventh every time robors died eight actually ninth i didn't count correctly and that is the end that card here after you sacrifice nine lives and run the lives run out and it becomes under the card and now let's go into child 13 so uh yeah that would be the second sacrifice by the way it reverses back after you do that third fourth fifth sixth seven nine and 11 12 and 13. and now it is a hungry child so uh those are the hidden interactions by the way uroboros as i said gets plus one plus one every time and dies but this and this lasts forever so even if you lose around here it will still stay 27 27 in the next run even if you go to act 2 and find ruboros it's still going to be a 27 27 and even knack 3 you will get robot and it will also be 2727. and yeah let's uh let's ding this and that's um that's the secret pretty much that's gonna give me a bunch of bones here money money money i'll brutal of you you'll do more damage i need to win yeah this is the tutorial and now if you go to your deck you will see that the hungry child is still a hungry child but the moment you go into an actual fight i think it yeah the moment you go back and forth in the camera you see it revert so and that's not something problem it's just a visual glitch i guess either way um yeah that's it for that thing so another hidden card interaction is by going to this x-spot if you this is going to be the bonelord here if you have a unit that has the sigil which is called worthy sacrifice you can actually sacrifice it here i'm not sure if you have to have the sigil or the black code itself but the blackout has a sigil so might as well use a black coat here which instead of giving you yeah let's see what your happens the bonelord was immensely pleased by your offering and it actually gave us four bones eight bones at the start of each fight instead of the normal one bone that it normally does you shook off the viscera of the poor black coat and carry downwards so from now on i will have eight bones at the start of every single fight let me also show you what that looks like elite fight whatever instantly eight bones and that's what that looks like yeah so off to the next secret to go okay let's see is the fire the crackling did the fight change join us enchanted power i don't think the fire has changed yet you have an idea oh here it is the secret why not warm your creature by the fire for just a moment longer so now we just unlock the push your lock mechanic this unlocks after you lose i think four or five times somewhere between there so this is the last secret that maybe some people never found one of the starving survivors look closer this would be risky push your leg or pull away push my luck here you go please no luck was your side perhaps one more time yeah further boom four out of three you become the sweat the survivors began to close and around the creature recklessly continue recklessly continue stoked we don't like you here if our room the stove enchanted power you suspect intentional survival less than pure if you stood in tower you retreated it forced me to retreat i guess that's the max upgrade there it forced me but i will showcase another secret uh with the fire now that they have the push your leg mechanic so let's go and find the other mechanic and i'm gonna come back right away okay uh we got the ring worm here it is and uh let's also showcase it's its use so after you unlock the push your leg mechanic on the flame on the fire yup leave something there they say you leave the ringworm on there people tell me that you can also leave a random poison unit there uh but i'm just gonna do this with the ringworm you spam you spam your spam you spam you spam your spam and then they eat it and then before you could stop them one of the survivors says the ringworm and begun tearing into flesh the other survivors follow the example and become devouring the creature fearing you with their own life you retreat but now what will happen i will showcase when i arrive at the other fire okay and now we go to the second fire and you will see no survivors you came across the remains of a small settlement and all the person remained it must have been something they ate the fire spirited out inspired the absence and now you can literally pick whatever unit you want and uh now for example here this load actually who cares about this load let's go with do what you must die and that's spawn and by the way this is a girl but you can just spam it as much as you want it leaves you up to four times so it's not really as much as you want so yeah there's that secret okay so uh by the way this flame here is not permanent so this is a thing you have to do in each round so this is a roguelike element you have to actually poison the these guys every run otherwise it doesn't work so i mean it's not that doesn't work it's like it resets the reset so yeah there's that and the pusher i can kill you really early as you see and yeah that's it for act one pretty much and off to act two we go to go through all the secrets there whoa that was also a secret so uh that was pretty much a jump scare secret you don't actually nothing actually happens for it um and yeah that that is the secret it just randomly appears and you go there and you get scared but guys off we go to act two [Music] but when you do it how long can i run where's act two it's here off to actually go wow this will take at least two more hours so first of all let's go into let's see um the puzzles are really simple here you first of all go to speak with lashi he gives you his camera so that's done and uh then you first of all get this code here so let me show you the code is out here 273 then that code you can use in this you get the meat out of there there is not anything else in there so you get the meat go over here talk to this dog photo shoot the dog and now you can start the fight against the prospector so that's pretty much the first thing you should do unless you and fight the prospector also after or before you fight lashi you can open this drawer here and here you can see another one of those little puzzles and you just need to do three damage so five damage to the enemy so first of all these get blocked and not blocked from this guy so imagine this attack going through he does two he does one so we are three right now he tries to attack he goes here and dies from the poison and then another to his five [Music] so that's that so after you beat the prospector you go into this go over here shoot the photo real quick and then go over here and place it and this jumps and you shoot a photo for this one too [Music] and then after this there is another secret here behind this this is a person i guess this is arg related this has nothing to do with the game itself but if you want to look into the arg of the game and the secrets within that you have to search for that on your own or maybe i could leave a link in the description or something and then you're going to fight this guy with that okay so after you beat the angler you go over here you actually set up a trap or this um here [Music] and as far as i know you don't even need to stay here and wait you can um you can go into another secret until this whole thing happens over here is another secret you find over here the carver few players visit me i sometimes ponder what my gameplay purpose was and then if you continue speaking to her she continues saying oh it's clear now that you wish to know more what can i tell you i have glimpsed the whole data and i will speak nothing of it as kindness i will repeat myself while speaking nothing of the old data to know it is to die but the players are never deterred by that what can i tell you it's corrupt knowledge so you all that corrupted this inscription the good nope you know ask the scribes they don't seem to care for human life and then leave me here to ponder carving my wood english's puppet has given me much to wander goodbye for now and then she always repeats goodbye for now and that's for her and i force it to go oh magically appears at the bottom and now we got it auto shoot it i like how we kill really rabbit but then we photoshoot it to actually get the card [Music] and then we go over here for the third fight and that's it pretty much with all the puzzles of leshi's cabin after that you fight leshi and then off you go to the skeleton lady okay so first major secret here is after you beat one scribe i beat leshi you should go over here to the bridge and you will find the clover here this makes you able to mulligan so if you don't like your starting hand you can use this clover it's it's free it's forever you can use it as many times as you want but it once per fight and also click on this after you wait a bit which is one of the two tentacles you have to click to get a tentacle card um so those are these two secrets that happen exactly after you beat your first scribe so as i said um re-roll there and uh a mulligan and also a tentacle and let's go to agatha which is not definitely not called agatha but whatever we hear marvelous grimoire let's go against grimoire so here we are at grimora this is really simple first of all you just have to pick up some plaques and fight and talk to them and every time you fight to them they give you their name plaque to use over there so for example found an epitaph eaten by a hungry dog this is definitely this guy who is missing legs and after we fight him uh he will give me his epitaph and tell me where to place it so uh let's fight these three and i will complete the puzzle together at the end of this okay we just beat him so now it's over you drone me now please look away turn blah blah and he gives you a pack and after you beat him he gives you he says he saw you and he's in the middle on the piece if you don't remember you can spam talking to him and he's like he says uh a bunch of stuff like bark or begged do not bark or beg the middle stone marks my grave so he gives you hints about his things but he's here and eaten by a dog and yeah i mean let's go to the next fight also let's pick this up does not hold grudge that is the dog person because it was no one's fault that he died and now let's go up to the next fight and after she gives you a pack did you beat me so i guess i've got my fuss up my name is case case hops from the tombstone on the left so she's case and she's on the left also by passer and do this real quick this gives you a card and after that nothing else but it's a card so that's that pretty much so let's not forget that case is on the left and um did i pick anything else up yeah the defibrillator failed as you see she died at 92 so um the defibrillator can only be here so let's do the third fight now and also get her epitaph i guess okay and after you beat him he also gives you a pack as always and then you also get the epitaph which is him at the right so this is at the right then you go start opening up stuff you got a piece of that there [Music] get a pack here and you go over here to pick up another epitaph there's a little tidbit that you can do switch out your character whatever character you have here is also going to be the character on act 3 so um choose wisely and then also go down this path to pick up the last epitaph and if you did everything correctly you should have at the right room um royale dominica's wrote down by scurvy i mean it's a 1963 and there was no cure at that point and in the middle you should have cyber patel eaten by hungry dog does not hold a grudge and then on the left she is 1992 so defibrillator for sure and she has hit by a falling piece of ice that you can see on her head too so the only thing that is not really apparent i guess would be the middle but he's doing a bunch of puns so then you fight with her and then you you go off to the next part so after you beat three more hour the second scriber is you get the cinematic with the video camera and you also unlock this thing i will analyze this in a bit first i will go through every single puzzle of those and then i will come back for every single secret if if some secrets are forced i will interject them so let's first go to the mage tower okay so we begin here with first i guess puzzle so first thing you see is this node on the ground it is really unimportant right now you have to go over here and pick this thing up the monocle and then you go over here and you see that first page is um what's it called uh skull second page is the fly through the school page of the skull so your skull fly skull and that should open this up and there's the first fight with this guy with a blob the funny blob fight em okay so before you leave this room there is an arg secret here again behind this you see this thing once again it's about the aog so i'm not gonna go into that so let's go off to the second room okay and then you arrive at the second area and you have to fight this bot to actually learn the code so when you fight this my deck is by the way super overpowered right now when you do this what you have to do is destroy this thing twice so here the saber has arrived you play by the way this fight is a the training fight you can farm this for infinite gold and uh this thing just needs to take a damage per turn so wait oh here you see the the skull now we ding it again and the skull is gonna become whoops now it's a punch um a shove whatever and then if we doing this again it's gonna theoretically it's either gonna push or it's gonna let this go through and then this is the flight so it's um skull punch flight pretty much let's make it a bit faster by the way this only prevents from itself getting attacked so [Music] anyone let's go over to go for that [Music] and as you can see here it's as i said skull punch by the way i missed the skull punch flight and off to the next fight you go so for the third part you have to go over here he says the top sigil is found by the greedy greedy meaning this chest this just gives you one card that is just a collectible and then if you talk to it again it says that it's a flight so the top one is flight and then you see bottom is hard of hearing or too easily hearing that's over here at the sound so that's here that would be the bottom is the shovel top is the flight and the middle here is going to be the pale the pale i guess means that you're afraid because this is like scary i guess so the middle is going to be the skull and that's pretty much the mystery on that [Music] skull light [Music] no uh flight and shovel [Music] and let's go to the most awesome one not the last stimulation gravity let's go stimulation now let's go [Music] okay after you beat that guy you go off to the you know and this guy and um yeah you fight him okay uh we beat him off to the describe the last where we go [Music] okay so we have arrived at the final scribe we will go through these secrets real quick i hear these are explosive symbols it kills and it kills anything that's all i'm in front of it on end and the side of it so if i do this for example these three will die so um also if this attacks here it will die from retaliation so we go here we go here so this attacks two in the air nothing is blocking it this thing explodes this which kills this thing and then this does three and ends the round now we get a pack out of that we get two packs out of that i guess because it was a secret let me go over here and here we have conduits which give plus damage so if you have this set up that means that these two have plus one damage right now so right now this has one and this has three theoretically we should do four damage exactly but if we do the same thing with the side attack this is one this has two and it does two and two four plus this one is five so that's pretty easy too if the explanations are not uh good enough well um you got the how to do it so why does the explanation matter and yeah for you to continue you have to go over here to open to make him open the door and then you start going through those so these are going to be math puzzles not pretty much once again the conduit power up as long as they're opposite each other as long as something is in between them and whatever is in between them gets at the buff that they indicate or the negative so right now they give plus one in the between card so this is a one one that's done off to the next one we go here we see two six and two six so this is very simple just the plus two plus two on the middle ones there isn't really any bad choice here and uh you know let's go fight this guy because we have to uh here again it's really important to realize that these things buff everything and across so by placing this in the middle or even here i think you know by placing this in the middle you keep the high grades that just go down by one and they are four so that means this gives plus one here this gives plus one here so across they get plus two plus two and then the minus one brings it black plus to one plus one plus one uh the first thing you have to realize is you have to cut off the negative and uh you also have to see that the most most high numbers are here so you throw the negative in the corner and then you just buff in between and that should be five [Music] then here this is a forced fight as far as i know yeah this is a forced fight so you have to go through this [Music] okay now to the other secrets after this fight i mean puzzles i guess here you have to realize that um i guess you need to hit a three so the negatives have definitely to go so this negative is done and this negative is done so we got the three over here so we can just close these off and that would be it [Music] and for the last one over here now you have to use the high numbers while also closing off the axes so i guess you close the x off here you keep the plus two you also try to keep the three or the four one and i guess you can throw this in between which by covering the zero and doing minus one minus one on the sides it should be five out of five and off we go to the bottom and let's fight with this one too let's try this [Applause] okay we won the deck is [ __ ] powerful okay we're popper okay and after you beat this guy he pulls out the bug thing so there's that okay and after you beat the three bots you obviously go here and fight this guy okay and now at this point we have pretty much uh beaten all the scribes as you can see we have all of those so that's with the puzzles now the time goes now it's time to actually do the secrets so first thing you have to do is go to every single one of those and let me show you every single one shop and let me show you what you have to buy now first of all we go to the robot shop we just need to buy over here at the top right slot this thing twice a century dome twice that's it you you don't need that much money for that you just need two sentry bots off we go to the mate shop [Music] [Music] now here at the mate shop we have just to buy the bottom left slot you need three times the two times the blue mage so just by two times the blue mage these always cycle so you just have to buy the slot from four to six times at that point maximum six times at that point you will have a record three times two times then we go to grimora shop okay then we are at remora shop we buy bottom left slot because we need the gravedigger two times so you buy that slot from four to six times depending on where the gravedigger is and if you go to lashi shop and here we are at lashes shop and um here you will need to buy the bottom left slot for the field mice once again you need them twice so buy everything four times theoretically they should cost you like 30 foils i guess maybe 40. it should not be that hard if you buff the rubbers up and then you go over here to this little hut and he asks from you to get two times the car to displace the cards he displays are the cards i just told you to buy so you get the gravedigger done then you talk to him again right away he's bringing slowly this up and then slowly down the next card which is the mice you don't have to wait for him to bring it up so you can start talking to him right away if you are super anxious about it and want to speedrun this thing so off this goes and then you'd speak to him again and he tells you about the sentry bot and then you speak to him again and he tells you about the blue mage and now that he has talked to you about the blue mage and you fixed it you will actually get the secret which is this key this key is used to fight him in the boss fight later down the road i'm obviously gonna spoil this because you're watching a secret video right now so uh it's for act three so you pick this up and i will show you where it's used in act three and that's one secret off we go to the next one [Music] okay let's go over here okay now for the next secret you have to go to grimoire shop again and this time by the bottom right spot you want the broken ball and the other broken ball so you need both of them and you should insert them into your deck to actually do what you have to do for the secret um the easiest thing the easiest place to fight this fight is over at the mage tower so off to the mage tower we go okay and uh here we are at the dummy fight obviously you just need six bones so just sacrifice a bunch of stuff to draw the balls you need and then the only thing you have to do to actually get the secret is play the left or ball at the left side then the rider ball at the right side next to each other and then these will combine off the coin goes and you receive natural oval that's it pretty much after that you can just easily beat this fight you don't care about those robots anymore and that's done pretty much up obviously with an easy fight there now those are bold cards if you keep them in your deck they will be actually without the face but if you throw them back into your deck builder then you don't have the card without the face and when you bring them back they will be again whole again so yeah just a little tidbit there [Music] [Music] also while i'm here um after you fight the after before or after you fight the scribe you can actually go into this room and although it seems like there is nothing in this room you can just wait a bit and here at the bottom you will see another tentacle up here the other tentacle uh remind you was um i will i will show you the tentacle is actually the other tentacle was on the half bridge the pier i guess next to lashes uh actually she's house cabin and uh here we get the great kraken it's just the one one but when this goes down it says that it submerges itself but when this goes down and then comes up again it's one out of three old um it becomes one of the three old kraken cards and that means that it's either going to be um it it's either going to have as much attack as the cards you have in hand so if you hold 10 cards it's a 10 one or it can be a four attack minus however far away it is from the day from the ding so if it's at the very left spot it's a four one if it's uh at the second spot it's a three one and then a two one or a one one depending on where you place it and the last thing that it could be is the mirror effect which is it has as much attack as the enemy so that means you should always place it at the very left because you never know what it's going to become and this is the space a place where the other tentacle was in case you didn't notice it was over here and let's not forget there is a reward there and off to go with the oboe so we go back to grimoire for the oboe we go into this uh dungeon i guess and we speak over here with this guy this is i guess the biggest secret of the game augusta fall smelling builders casket an ancient oval that is a fine offering and boom he opens up the underground and if we go to the underground enough we walk to the underground and here you see exactly you're saying that correctly what is this you can go up and here he is you speak with him i'm a measureless carbon deep rather than sun a c you approach the bone lord you approach me do you hear it the old data our twists and corrupts and now it's even how it e how it even invents images unknowable do not approach me again unless you will worship me worship it and then you will go again to him okay so you're serious good you may not you may not understand its meaning not even i do fully but you appreciate its power the old data does not take and it does not give but i do please accept my meager offering and he gives you another key for act three so you pick that up i will showcase that too you he also gives you this thing which is a really strong card it's a three bone for one energy gives you three bones and if you have like three energy it gives you nine bones and then on the next turn if it survives it will give you 12 bones because you can use all the energy on this ability so this is a really really really strong card at this point though you i mean you're not forced to use do the secret at the end you the moment you get the two balls you can try to force this and then get a good run going and then he also gives you a passive which is another indication that you should do this earlier than later which means this passive that you just gave us makes you start with three bones every single time you start the fight so the moment you get the oval i would suggest you just try to go into the secret and do it combine the ovals so that you can start with three bones from there on out on every single one of your fights and um yeah i think that's it with the secrets now i will showcase one more thing that people want to show me to show which is if i can actually kill the bug guard that he plays and i will try to attempt that but for that to be done i will have to have a powered up or boris so i'm gonna power up my roboros and i will come back here and showcase what that looks like [Music] here choose him come on let's go okay yes actually i can skip let's make it okay so we start with the three bones and now we begin the combo of insta win so we go here here draw four cards very nice and draw more okay very nice break this guy bring this guy in break this guy draw more boom boom break this guy one more nice uh we got ryuli i need two ryulies and one bonelord so we're pretty much done now uh not bonelord um so first thing we do is we're gonna force the glitch to go in front of ruboros and then we're going to play a new rail next turn so we do this this i have one more in case i make a mistake so that i can play those break this one too we go here because we have six bones we go here now he will try to actually yeah first of all we win he brings the glitch in front of right yep the most my personality just leave this here i'm going to give it to jerry yeah this is a something 99 now i will showcase also that you can win him and also break this and still actually lose so we go with rajuli here you go now you will see i will do seven damage to him and this will die but the game will still do what it does so boop the door kill damage dot dot dot dot reset again try again and boom it bugs out right away so it doesn't let you go through the throat life that's the ticket and off we go track one when i say one i mean act three off we go to actually okay so after you go a bit through the game uh you will be forced to go through puzzles so let's do those puzzles now first things first if you go over here uh this thing appears annoying yeah just to try to ignore it you should not ignore it you should try to first of all input the old code alongside you trying to do that you will see that you get the four o'clock and that four o'clock is actually robot which is the most powerful card that you could possibly get because this is powered up from act one to act in act one in act two and also knock three and if you just farmed a bit in act ii because that's the easiest place to farm a robot up uh this should be very powerful so you got robot from here and as far as i remember yeah when you actually do place the correct code the old code you also get this thing which is one of the three symbols needed for another thing later down the road over here this thing is also for later you will need to create this card i will showcase that too and yeah let's start those very hard puzzles i'm not even using this button so that's done just flip them in the correct order uh squares that contain cards here you go this does not contain card guys i'm a robot by the way these do not contain cards this is code these are cards and these are stuff that have to do with the aog which once again i'm not gonna mention because um yeah it's uh it has to do with some evil army guy um this is uh something for later this is what he wants right now and also you can open this to get fishbot which is also a decent card um when it dies it gives you one of the fish cards so overall this will buy you a bunch of time this is pretty much a good defender so to speak and off we go another thing that you will see right away when you stand up is those boxes here those are the lethal puzzle boxes like they were in act one and two so um the symbols might seem complex but it's not really anything these skulls mean that when this unit dies it explodes for 10 damage it deals 10 damage to anything opposite to it and also anything to the side of it so uh you only have to realize that you need a block unit a unit that will not actually take any damage for the first hit to absorb your hit so right now this part of the explosion kills this while also damaging this foot zero pretty much and then this can do one damage and then you can repeat the same thing over here so this thing will explode to the right destroy this and then you do 4 damage to him easily so that's for that from here you got the mr bombs remote that is a clear the whole field thing really useful in some scenarios and um i mean it's an item by the way it's an active item you can see it down there and then the last one over here is the i guess sigil puzzle this might be a bit more complex because you might not know the rule but what this does the symbol here makes those triangles become this symbol here the explosion symbol so you have to realize how can i get five damage through the moment you see this five damage you have to think okay how can i remove this well the solution is to explode this how can i explode this well you have to just attack it and as you can see over here i'm also attacking this crystal that means then if this crystal dies it will explode and kill this so you have to just not attack anything let's not forget that you only attack enemies do not retaliate so this is still lethal and the puzzle is this does nothing this does nothing you attack here this explodes here here and here this goes away and this can go through and you got lonely wizbot isaac who are you is this stimulation the most awesome awesome character in the game darkness many thanks do with me what you will anything but that any darkness and yeah that's it with this part okay so after you beat lashibot the photographer bot or whatever you go out again go over here and now the photograph here can spin and also it can shoot so you should spin it and photo shoot you see there at the very bottom you can see the skull the poison that's the second of the three things you have to find uh for the next part i just wanted to point that out and uh let's continue by the first one being this let's continue you select the file this one however is very special choose a file that is there to your heart one that knows age okay so here we are at the second part where she actually she actually forces us to create to choose a card based on the date let's create this let's get this now let us place that final card here delete the file yup i'm completely what does it look like it's a one one oh it's a one one you create the file yesterday no i created like uh five minutes ago it is to be perfectly frank juvenile and now and now you will see here i'm a one one text has ability that says hostile file when a card bearing the sigil perishes the file used to create is really created from the hard drive if i play this and punch it [Music] deleting file there it goes i hope you have backups and now if i go into my folder here i see first of all the file that i had and now another file i cannot show it but the other file is a file called the same name so it's like i'm a one one text deleted text and that's a text file where if i open it it said um at least i try to delete it but it seems my power so file access do not extend this far play by the rules you agree to delete it yourself have an ounce of respect for the rules come on did she say anything and now i'm gonna delete it so i delete both files the old one and the new one let's see will he talk i thought i had you oh well we made a few correct deck building decisions i guess and you're lucky i deleted the file oh you actually delete the file yeah exactly ah the expected void yeah that's it that's the secret and i also i actually got an achievement cause the agonizing remorse so if you want to get an achievement create the file smash it you get it that's it for that secret and yeah we'll continue on the next for the next one oh this is the secret for the clock okay just by the secret for the clock because why not four o'clock okay so after you unlock this area the the po3 the last area there the last secret you have to do is you go over here to the left there is this cross um you have to remember this so it's uh this animation plus two energy cost plus a clock plus a target one one and you go over here you trash one of your cards come on my dude come on my dude recycle and he wants you to actually create the card so you go here throw that in it gives you one sp it doesn't really matter how much is speed or not it gives you because you will be able to craft it you go to mana cost the icon is already what you want to create a one one and then we go as requested with uh target and clock actually the clock was first so clock and target okay and uh that should be the card block and target and let's go uh this is already default and this is also default to cat big bad boy confirm big bad boy how creative big fat boy joins the group here it goes creates him we got him i'm not 100 sure if you need to copy it but i'm doing the copying and it works so it shows you at the bottom you have these arrows so let me also instantly show you what those arrows are those are this is first arrows are at the bottom and as i showcased before uh this here the spinny flippy here you see at the very bottom here you see the death the poison and now you have to input these so as i said arrows at the bottom light at the top let's do everything at the same moment right at the top okay arrows and in the middle should be poison you cannot brute force this you can but you have to go up and back and forth and you have to wait a bit and then it brings you in here and uh the moment you turn around you see this pretty picture and then you also see this guy what are you doing here the blob don't look at that do you like it i love it i paint it for the master to express my feelings for hopes i hope that perhaps one day he might treasure me and i treasure him oh look at them oh you hate it that's why you won't look at it again i look at it i look at it what is this whoa what was that here you looked at it again you were considerate didn't you you like it oh joy i'll actually do it i'll show it to the master thank you friend and boop he's gone or is he in the ground am i stopping stepping on him and yeah and uh out we go off the space and um yeah i think that is it with that let's go off to the next secret i guess and also this year broke and i don't know what that is but it broke as i said off to the next secret okay guys it's time for the pelts so we begin from here okay so let's uh let's go through all the pelts the whole pelts first pelt is obviously in the shop so you begin the middle you go at the bottom and here is the first hollow pelt you just buy it don't look at my money uh yeah bought a whole pelt exactly there are also other upgrades here that you might do i would suggest you actually take them because there will be another secret in a bit with a hard fight i will do it off screen obviously now the second one is right away over here at the other corner so this is the second holo pelt easy enough the third polo pelt is um over here you don't need to walk yeah why did i even walk let's use a teleporter which is a lot safer over here at the middle and then from here you just go upwards and uh you should arrive at a point where there should be the whole pet belt at your right so it should be here oops missed so that's the third one uh the next hollow pet is over here at the the field corpse teleporter so that would be here you go up and then you go left and it should be over here at the left so that's the third one actually that's the fourth one okay and the last one is you go over to the western bootopia you go down down right right down right and here it is and now we got the last follow belt so now we got all five hollow pelts so i will also now stand up and just go and show you what that looks like by the way if you actually want to have access to that because right now i don't have access to that i will show you how to do that too you need to come over here uh yep anything from there you go to the left and then you open this up now i just got access to this thing here it's open and now we go through the whole lapels one by one so long brushed harry bought some and now you start reading stuff i'm uh just uh we don't know everything all data we have cleaned certain secrets and we begin them in order from the fool known as some of the big ear he did not obviously uh outlive his plot one disc among many the old data traveled across the sea discovered poor berry was put on the gun that's it for that now we go for the second hollow pelt [Music] exquisite we go for the number three here the empress within the powers of the triangle triangle the case helped to create description we know there were others but only her name was inscribed one of her grim grimoires ghouls hold her name the old data she discovered much this is done too and now off to the next one we go yes we are pleased that would be number two three five plus three is eight death we have gleaned the purpose of the grenoval code and it's terrible the code is in the cards and the oblivion this is everything all of those are they are [Music] augmented reality thing so they are for the other secrets i'm not gonna explain that because it's really deep you do come bearing hollow pelts let's continue here arg beautiful we are pleased uh let's go with the five ten plus five the devil 15 of course that are so malignant that can never be erased his evil corrupts as the disc corrupts all of us he inspires and describes amity he created the code whoop that's done and the last hollow pelt beautiful we are pleased this won the tower we do not fully understand the nature of the scriptures creation we know of building a building and a triangle of isosceles proportions and of a blue man who visited during the creation yeah forgotten laura is the achievement you get for that after you speak to him we wish you for so but you have exhausted our tarot cards even if you had any more hole pulse we could not rightly accept them that's it pretty much he doesn't say anything else that's it for him so uh that's for that and off to the next secret we go okay and here we are at the place for the next secret at the filthy corpse world and now we go to the bone lord the guy that um you know we gave the obal to in the act 2. i hope you guys saw the video from start to finish and yeah this key is going to get used here boop where did you get that and off we go into the bonelord here he is you follow me here so you wish to know more i have meditated deeply on the old data i will impart my insights but you mustn't record them and what that is is to be seen i think nothing is going to happen here [ __ ] man what the [ __ ] meme that's everything i know it's it's because the game has a holy [ __ ] now he also learned so uh luke so the character that's supposed to be playing this game now knows but because it says you're not supposed to record the game close the recording quote unquote so we don't know what he actually said for that you have to go through the arg but we are not gonna go through the arg here i'm gonna just go to the next secret okay so so let's go to the secret fight okay so last secret we go over here on the teleporter and right away you can see the bottom right there is an arrow secret arrow you go there to do this you have to do the four trades in act 2 like i showed earlier so let's open this up where do you get that in we go you see already there are a bunch of mushrooms this is an extremely hard fight let me showcase my deck real quick i have a bunch of blues here every circle circle circle circle and i have uh hits and spikes and also energy when i play it and for my other cards i have only six cards i didn't pick any card upgrade on any card packs along the way at all because i didn't want to have cards in my deck and yeah we've got energy bot which will cost cheaper when we have blue energy which we will have actually everything is gonna cost cheaper when we have blue energy on the field which we will have and then we also got a bunch of units here i mean this can revive an attacks and also gives energy this thing has poisonous and also attacks with spikes back so everything should die and it also reduce attack damage that the enemies do this thing can attack twice and is in the robot 5151 i mean this is an insta kill and also can block attacks energy bought here too gives us energy so the only thing we want to do is draw a deck draw a board and win robot and win and let's go this is a hard fight by the way that's why i have all those well do you see mushroom there's what is this this is not one of bootopia's uberbots where did these repugnant mushrooms come from what is the strange feeling we have gained control of the robot complete control we must now experiment we must play a card game boom where why do you why would you need leshi when you have this guy here two one two one two one boom look at this a leaper bot it's a two-three anti-flyer gives damage to the enemies and as you can see he has um arrows showing inside so his units will go down and then they will go inside and they will combine so this is actually not an easy fight uh you would let's say yeah let's begin i guess the sapphire vessel on the left block this that would make this cheaper which i could play in the middle to block that would make this cheaper too yeah we begin with this on the left uh because this has sentry so this whenever it comes in is dead already um i would say this goes in the middle to block although to be honest is that a good idea this is going to give us energy um i think i want to block with sniper because he's immortal so let's go with this guy over here it might sound like a bad spot but i have to do damage to and i don't want him to die from the uber the bot there and now i still have one energy so i can play this too this has the clocks i wanted as far away as possible that would be here and this also has snipe and uh let's ding it uh let's gonna do two twas i'm gonna go with let's kill this thing first this is dead this will do one to us and he will be bringing every single round units from left and right towards the center and as you saw he plays it and then it moves left so this will next round combine over there we'll draw a real card we got robot the insta win card obviously of the deck uh let's play this at the very right and uh actually this should be in the middle because it can revive and let's ding it um let's kill this so it doesn't combine let's kill this side doesn't combine either and at that point we're winning at this point we have one attacks here this attacks here the moment this tries to attack it gets retaliated and now we won let's try a real card good fish we will bing the thing this and i'm not gonna play robot yet you can even win without robot it seems but i am gonna play him at the end this gets damaged this gets damaged everything that has to come in gets damaged so having these sentries is really good in this phase and energy bot arrived let's play energy bot in the middle why not actually yeah let's play energy but in the middle let's ding it at this point we won so let's show everything so for the next phase we don't have anything to fight us [Music] two into one two into one and now my field although it's not possible yeah you see my field is also affected with the same ability so uh every turn everything combines now i got the 36 and now it also transformed to a 66 because it also has transformation side as you saw it lost a lot of abilities so overall you pretty much lose a bunch of power here that's why i didn't play robot because there was a high chance i would lose it but now i'm obviously gonna one shot this guy because there's no reason not to actually you know what let's play a bit actually he's already dead he has six yeah he's super dead i didn't even play robot well people are gonna be mad about that the chat when i was live stream when i was live streaming these people were like robot the god and stuff like that so i didn't even play robot and here he does one last thing gem death rater here is could it be this is like a secret card which has to do with the arg so he creates this card before he goes away so um i these numbers are used in the rg which i'm not gonna analyze it is our experiments paid off they did it appears to be a fragment of the old data we must study it the robot won't forget and that goes away and that's it pretty much i felt terrible what have you done to me challenger never returned to this place i really need to clean my registry yeah and uh that's it that is pretty much the last secret that at least i know of if you know of morsi what happened by the way i have to stand up yeah it's also secret how to get away seems i don't know yeah that's it pretty much after that you go and beat the game and uh that's it i think those are all the secrets in the game i didn't go through every single interaction of cards between cards and act one that i don't think those are secrets i mean there are like secrets but not really in the way i mean them and um yeah i think i'm ending this here for today i'm just not gonna go and win the game i mean the stream is gonna go on by the way um so yeah uh that's it pretty much if you guys like the content and the secrets and everything i showed you guys then please drop a like it helps out the channel immensely and uh comment down below for any secrets that i missed and any secrets that you didn't even consider that they existed and which secret you found the most awesome one i guess the final boss here was the most awesome one but maybe you liked something more i also like the oboe gifting getting you a good cardinal too and yeah i think that's where we're gonna end this so once again thanks for watching everybody and see you guys around
Channel: Sifd
Views: 792,519
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Explenation, Commentary, Casual, Relaxed, new, progress, progression, easy, upgrades, upgrade, Win, Victory, OP, Overpowered, Strong, Action, classes, Heroes, Guide, Learn, Help, Tutorial, roguelite, roguelike, rpg, Inscryption, inscryption, inskription, Inskription, Inscription, Inskryption, Horror, Card game, Deck builder, deckbuilder, cardgame, card, cards, Progress, scary, mystery, horror, secrets, deathcard, escape room, puzzle, puzzles, solution, everything, Secrets, spoilers, inscryption secrets, inscription secrets, inscription
Id: 5uhJsXNRZrw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 49sec (4069 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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