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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Nov 21 2021 🗫︎ replies

yay!! i havent watched it yet, but i hope he plays all of it!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/cultrated 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2021 🗫︎ replies

I bought this game solely because Mark sacrificed the stoat twice when he could've played a squirrel the second time and kept it.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Subject96 📅︎︎ Dec 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
i will press the button [Music] why do i know that i know i know that hot hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to inscription apparently this game is not what it seems or maybe it's exactly what it seems because it seems to be an escape room card game and i don't know what that's about so let's find out [Music] oh i get it well i can't do it right there oh all right seems good i can't continue i don't this is all part of the trick isn't it you want me to say continue because you think that there's something there but there's not i've never played this game before in my life i would never test out a game before i would actually record it what do you think i want to actually have skill going into this no oh my god yeah memento more to you too another challenger it has been ages wow perhaps you have forgotten how this game is played allow me to remind you [Music] ah play the squirrel card should i okay now play your stoat oh i'm gonna play my stone all right just you wait till i play my s stones cost one blood sacrifices must be made oh an honorable death play the stoke okay state [Music] wolves require two sacrifices you don't have enough ring the bell to end your turn and commence combat your stone stands unopposed i know it's what i'm so proud about my stoat the number on the bottom left is the attack power of one what happened your stoke dealt me one damage i added it to the scale you win if you tip my side all the way down oh like this nice hand is that a glove with a fingernail or is that just your hand i'm not sure my turn your stoat stands in the way of my coyote my coyote dealt two damage to your stoat that means your stoat's health is too less if a creature's health reaches zero it dies your turn again you may draw from your deck or you may draw a square roll i think i'll draw a square a roll but i only have one card left in my deck what could it be i might as well find out how reckless of me you're right very reckless initiate combat take that because you are learning i will pass you're you've drawn all the creatures from your deck a squirrel is your only choice okay i play squirrel i've done it and i play wolf oh yeah its suffering was real but you will see it again what was that about the thing that there was text that was going on what is underneath that what is going on underneath with that squirrel i don't like the pulsating i don't like the throbbing i don't oh goodbye wolf time all right i feel i kind of made a river snapper i guess but wolf's pretty good too take that ha ha three damage stealth three weights on the scale uh-huh yes that's that's pretty pretty bad playing you know squirrel all right take that i win you've won this match thank you it won't all be so easy let me recall your story oh thank you my story you know it's so much better than i do oh yes oh you were lost deep in the forest a single path revealed itself two denizens of the forest approached you tentatively the caustic adder damage from its poison bite is always lethal the undying cat sacrificing the poor beast does not kill it only one may grace your paltry deck interesting so i could either have an adder that is always deadly when it hits does that does that count for players as well i doubt it because it says one so it can kill any enemy i think i'd rather have the undying cap but it does look like they can attack that but maybe the turtle's one of those things where it has to attack the defending creature which if i had a turtle it can help out a lot i'll take the cat i like cats anyway another creature joins your caravan some of the creatures of the forest seemed willing to follow you you came across an abandoned sack you found a squirrel in a bottle break in case of emergency and half a second another useful implement allow you to dip the scales with it do i have to pull my own teeth three is as much as you can carry okay thank you oh you were ambushed while crossing some rough terrain you sacrificed me while i was sleeping it was the right play i get it maybe you'll help me uh play along for now okay you got it you may now see my moves ahead of time why so i need to sacrifice interesting wolf cubba interesting very interesting very interesting did i remind you your items may help no no no no i don't need them i'm gonna play my cat take that cat cat was fat i put the cat in the hat oh that's helpful hmm interesting so wham and oh here we go okay you cannot draw your card on your first turn okay anyway click lunk what an interesting game hey my balder mind the ambitious wolf cub it ages swiftly okay i'll take uh this nice i guess i should have put it over there but maybe i should have put the big honker over there what are you gonna do a bat is a bat fly and i can't hit the bat can i not hit the bat with my cat is the cat gonna hit my bat is the best gonna hit my cat is the wolf gonna hit my boulder what if i do emergencies no i'll save it who needs it on the first turn nobody not me an airborne bat flies over creatures to attack directly well that's not good ow well hold on about that hold on a minute there cause watch this then i'm gonna play the wolf by going yeah yeah put it right there easy peasy done and done super easy take that and one oh oh yeah well get ready to go wolf to wolf and i'm going to get the first attack so suck eggs oh wait a minute i'mma kill you stoat sorry bud okay hang on hold on yeah wow seriously yep pretty seriously i'm just gonna go ahead and finish oh wait no i would have been fine i'm gonna kill your wolf anyway i guess i didn't need to do that oh yes i did i could say oh that was a bad play oh yeah it was good play i'm the best take one of these and take one of these and one of these the squirrel this cat was the best move this cat was the right move this cat was good move this count was a good move ah take that put your teeth all gone you prevailed and trekked onwards past the now bloody terrain i guess it would i guess it would have been what is going on here by the way why do i see creepy shadows pulsing in and out such as the fire light anyway i'm gonna go now oh boy i get to build my deck the young wolf cub it grows into a wolf after a single turn hey that cost blood yours didn't cost blood the meek sparrow an inexpensive if feeble flying creature i guess i'm i'll attack your hit points directly i'll do sparrow i like the idea of flying [Music] oh what is that oh you stumbled into some strange stones in the mist did i you were compelled to choose a worthy sacrifice one that will be lost forever oh oh oh but i just got it but i i'm not going to get rid of my cat not for some stupid bird when it's not even a bat i gotta get my cat got a hat for my cat put a hat on my cat you know my lap it will sadness get away i guess that's you looked upon your menagerie and selected a healthy host pick me i like the sound of that all right all right yeah absorb that power you're gonna be a flying stoat now hi yeah what an honor hey a ghastly spectacle but the soul of the sparrow now lives in the stoughton oh i could have made it an immortal stoke that would have i didn't know that's dawg flying's kind of cool though flying stoat is pretty cool but an immortal stout would have been even better half-lifestyle it's fine it's fine it's all good oh but i want the flying straw but i want them more oh god it inscribes my canine cords with the airborne sigil hey well that's he's completely insane you see that right no care for the rules pathetic really enough only keeps me around to watch me suffer all right hiya and then yeah take that back on the board oh yeah you are hi coyote oh my totem has granted my coyote the power of flight owwww ow ow hold on now i guess i should have oh but duh but oh but it could have been oh but that could have been oh oh can i go back no i gotta move forward i gotta always press forward it can change well i'm gonna die unless i sacrifice that stoat which i could have that could have been an immortal cat and it would have been totally cool and chill and tight and dope no i didn't mean to do that i did not meet okay well i guess oh game over well i didn't i didn't mean to do that i didn't mean to i've yep using this as a learning opportunity may be the only way to mitigate my disappointment get up get up from the table what excuse me i'm sorry fetch me the candlestick from atop the barrel beside the d what [Music] oh no no hi bud i can't use that right no i cannot my friend okay [Music] well you know hang on oh hello yeah okay now sit back down okay will do champ thanks pal didn't really illuminate anything very much let me explain something to you that was one of the two mistakes you can make here if you make another i'm gonna sacrifice you no where were we okay well that's a little bit um don't know about that one what have we got a wolf a vicious contender ah river snapper nearly impenetrable and an adder well what is with those what's the mushies all about i could get the adder i guess i see i could either do a camp or i could do a i'm gonna make my stoat immortal i shall make my stoat immortal oh i can't make my stode immortal what if i make my stone poison it what if i make my cat poisonous can i do that whoo would it replace its infinitiness i have a funny feeling it's not gonna compound it i have a funny feeling it's going to [Music] be rid of it only one way to find out i'm playing a new game here here we go [Music] oh it's both it's a poisonous cat i don't know if it can even attack can it maybe that was a bad idea any grand fur all right whatever grand fur oh it blocks uh it blocks uh floaties all right cat you're gonna there you go there you go buddy all right let's see what else we got here can't draw blood from a grand fur you'll need something else all right no i don't ah maybe i should have put the cap over there that really hurt that hurt like a lot i i should have i didn't i i didn't okay okay this will buy me a turn can i move them once i play them no i guess i can't all right i could do an emergency squirrel i didn't know that i was gonna need it right away but let's see what happens god i really should put that relationship with the cat there i guess maybe a poisonous cat was like the dumbest thing i could possibly have done it does seem like it was the dumbest thing that i could have possibly done try that yeah take some of that oh well don't you worry about a thing because there's a way out for both of us it's somewhere in this foul cabin be silent or i'll tear you to france this spot you sure oh yeah dead sure i'm so sure oh all right time to win this easy peasy ding dong bam i win you lose suck ass ass i guess i already have items because i don't use anything that anyone ever gives me also what was that about the the something about this foul cabin the conniving raven a blight upon the skies the monstrous grizzly its form speaks enough of its efficacy okay well this is delightful i will take this into consideration and i will get the grizzly what does the fire do oh you came across a small group of survivors faces shrunken from starvation they huddled around the campfire they looked upon your group of creatures and beckoned come warm one of your creatures by the fire once said moment by the fire that will enhance its power said another you notice one of the survivors wiping drool from the mouth i don't think it's gonna enhance its power hmm yeah i don't know if it'll enhance his power i don't think it's gonna be enhancing its power i'm pretty sure interesting i have a bad feeling about doing that i think that would i it it's so clearly not good it's so clearly ungood but the wolf in there plus the fire warmed the poor wolf enhancing its power oh it did one of the survivors reached towards it another gnashed their teeth without a word you pulled the wolf away from the fire and left oh i could have enhanced my my my stoat damn it well damn it turns out i don't what is that supposed to be the trees seemed to close in around you as a chillmast descended in the distance you could hear the clinking of metal and stone a hobbled figure stood in your path [Applause] he's doing the prospector again easy boss the mule's key the mules key the mules pack mule i don't even know what that means prospector [Laughter] do i gotta kill it or what do i gotta do with it i don't know well let's go ahead and get some business underway let's go ahead and do one of these and let's do one of the cupboards take that what what did you just what did you pack mule what did you pack mule what did you pack mulenize damn it i wanted my cat damn it where's my cat my cat my cat damn it emergency squirrel emergency squirrel take one of these and another cause why not because i'm bad at this game which one of these is my big wolf ah yes [Music] take one of these and i'm gonna put it there because i don't care because i'm worried more about hitting him than i am yeah there we go there we go i'm not scared of that coyote if i can just keep hitting him oh my boulder cat grizzly god damn it well i guess i'm going to finish this anyway game's over i hope you didn't think it would be that easy okay there's gold in them cards oh what oh what struck gold wha what what happened i'm confused am confused what is with the goat why i have a feeling these are just going to kill my cat all right let's just see what happens oh oh that didn't seem good why did that shake i don't like that i don't like that i don't have anything else do i well looks like it's game over for me there goes my cat and there goes my life oh boy well it's been fun no more goldfish oh god oh god oh my god well that just goes to show you um you aren't dead yet this isn't purgatory though you may think of it that way before you expire i must ask you a favor i would like memento your very own death card it's quite plain that the moment is in we will work together to amend that i want this to be the perfect memento of you here's some cards from your mediocre deck we can put them to good use please choose a card to draw the cost from uh let's go big cost cause i three blood from the grizzly i'm an expensive lad the power and health oh yeah two power two health the sigils oh well i guess i should have made it cheaper then since you have many lives that's such a love attest of death from the cat oh that's a nice card i never did ask you your name call me markiplier way too expensive but too complicated always on the attack there's about one final manner the portrait hey oh all right i think i blinked here we go again hi another challenger perhaps it is time perhaps you can understand bones bones resourceful possum costs two bones you get a bone when one of your creatures perishes for any reason oh that's nice hi yeah and what is that a rattler a rattler you got it take that one bone for me from the death of your creature you've gained a bone you'll not lose this until it is spent where the battle ends okay thank you [Music] that's it then oh it's going to kill that ah well easy come easy to go what are you bullfrog flight protection because it can nab it out of the sky nice i'm gonna play this take one of those and then one of these y'all i guess i could wait until i get the wolf here that's fine hey bam easy done win it i win take that and then take this ha yeah i'm brutal of you you'd owe me more damage than you needed to win however in my game such feats are rewarded to be precise a tooth to keep for each extra damage dealt the trapper may be interested in your spoils i don't know who the trapper is who's the trap man i forgot your figurine go up and fetch it for me okay well it's beside the safe okay i will do boss where's the trapper oh okay hey buddy hi oopsies hey buddy how you doing good to see you again i'm back now how do i sit down there we go let us continue let us lettuce meeker coyote what did you expect for only four bones nefarious rattler a brittle creature once passes monsters fangs the unkillable cockroach it returns to your hand after dying all of them require bones i don't have that many bones i'll do the cockroach i like things that are unkillable all right cool you know you're free to get up again to keep your blood flowing i'm good bro i'm good unless no am i good i am no tyrant you may stand whenever the map is unrolled it allows me time to plan your next encounter but do keep your hands off my possessions okay buddy okay pal all right okay all right you get you oh wow oh i've absorbed all what was that oh ooh huh i want to meet the bone lord boy there's a lot of those pliers did i hear pliers pliers anyway whatever i already have those oh lovely wolf what lovely did i snuff that out i didn't mean there's nothing was that your life i hope it was just kidding some bone tokens for a rainy night a rock may get you out of a hard bush choose one oh um i um choose a rock i choose the rock feeling overburdened enough with the three items you carried on okay ah good what is that a wolf cub [Laughter] take that yeah nice try interesting oh wow that didn't go as planned all right here we go that thing's about to go bye-bye that thing's about to go bye-bye watch this huh yeah alpha more like not that take this it looks like you got nothing left to do are you smart or something he usually doesn't even bother teaching about bones all right here's a tip i saw a past victim writing a passcode in the rulebook interesting do tell do tell that's what you get total miss play you don't know what miss you shut your mouth i wanted to do some over damage excellent i am the best what was that about in the rulebook 270. i don't know how i missed that 273 interesting hey oh hello i was sure if i would ever escape that iron crypt it's it's the stone around the stunted wolf this madness must end put that away i got a key i know what a keys for i'm touching your stuff and there's nothing you can do about it buddy there's not a thing you can do what do you think about that a-hole what do you think about that deal weed yeah you better be afraid with your long grabby hands what is this supposed to be interesting oh two or three correct oh well that was easy ah stink i forgot that i put that there very well you may add it to your deck and i'll deal you one ever so often well thank you thank you ah interesting hey man i'm good at that apparently formidable creatures those ants very well i will add them to your deck and make them available for future challenges okay thank you god damn i'm good at this i don't even remotely know how how to do any of this [Music] i see it's okay so i i get it now i i understand what it is this is a game board i got that it's like so you're trying to attack and do five damage in one turn that's what you're trying to do [Music] there there that's what it was it was like for some reason i felt like all the cards had to be in the center to be valid but i forgot that if you just like kick them off the other side then it'll just kill things curious and the ants what i didn't recognize about the ants was the more ants on the board they power each other up i don't know what that cage dog was all about so with this one i don't know what these power up signs mean i think it means like the attack is split that way in that way so like this does one hit there one hit there one hit there i should do a hit there or this should do three damage right there i don't know why it's not and these can't move so that makes that actually kind of easier you just know those are gonna be there i don't know what these do something about this like causes a power up i don't know why i could look in the rule book but you know that'd be too much work oh there we go never mind i got it without having met her this wood carving is meaningless in time you will understand his power okay whatever i understand this game a little better now which is awfully good for me it's gonna help me kick your ass so get ready to get your ass kicked i'm gonna kick your ass i'm gonna go away it's me wow that's a good card i wish i didn't make it so goddamn expensive why did i do that i'm an idiot i don't know the bountiful war and spawns of rabbit when it is played that's good the venerable alpha it's courage emboldens the creatures that stamp outside okay i want the rabbit sex dungeon i want the rabbit multiplication studio and i'm gonna apply that nonsense to something i've got so it's like infinite the choice is yours i don't know what the stink means what if i do infinite wrath if i oh wait it already has infinite ants it doesn't need more or does it what if i put the ants on the rabbit would i put the rabbit on the answer that more if would that work let me let me just see if i can i'll go hey you shut up infinite skinks not the worst idea all right you go skink you go skinky you skinky kinky with your infinite rabbits yeah all right look at that you're gonna have so many habits all right i don't know what that is but that looks like kind of a boss my boss i want to kick the ass off i'm gonna kick your ass yeah get ready i'm gonna kill oh what ain't good you again indeed our friend freed me well i basically told them how to do it you got a plan we have another friend here you gotta be i wouldn't call him friend but i suppose we are in deep this time whatever you say man whatever you say what are you gonna do coyotes coyotes more it's like stoop and stoop oats well i'm not gonna do it right away so i'm gonna do a squirrel i'm gonna get mr stope man i'm gonna i'm gonna have him behind this stump because he's gonna be working up a storm over here fine rabbit look at that hell yeah what does the stink do i don't know what the stink do i don't know whatever rabbit i'm gonna get a bullfrog it's not gonna do uh it's not gonna do much good on this turn now whatever let's just go for it it's gonna just die in the next one stink bog i don't know what the stink do back in the game you sure are guys you sure are yeah take that oh oh whoa ow all right caged wolf what happens if you what happens if the caged wolf gets out well i can't play it yet so yeah where's my rabbit where's my free rabbit where's my free rabbit don't i get a rabbit stoat man aren't i supposed to get a rabbit she's supposed to give me a thought i was supposed to get a rabbit i don't know worker ant oh that's not good that's not what we want i don't have any ants oh boy bye stinky oh this isn't good emergency squirrel no not yet ha ha why did that tree have a bone why'd that tree have a bone all right i sure do have a lot of useless cards okay i gotta start doing some damage here i thought you were supposed to give infinite bunnies i thought that was a whole idea so you just endlessly popped out bunnies like nobody's business all right it's emergency squirrel time okay i got a lot of bones take that ow well breathing ant queen well that would have been great if i didn't just kill my aunt oh god damn it oh oh i'll wait till next turn because we're at an impasse all right whatever um buh i'll keep drawing i see the way this is going i concede you may accept my surrender we may finish this match the slow way no no no no no i got it i got it i got you i got you yeah you shush your shush and i'll shush it for you you know you will you heal shish hang on i got some good cards here i thought so i knew it i knew i had good cards in here now watch this magic um i got some mumbo jumbo going on here you're gonna love the mumbo and the jumbo huh yeah take that you ain't so flighty now that's what i thought that's what i thought that's what i thought what else i got your cockroach well i don't exactly have what i need for that but i could skink it up and then i could do a cockroach i i forgot i didn't realize that i could actually attack those things so that was my bad that was my bad on that take one of these [Music] the weed the weed is that a trap that looks like a trap i don't like the trap is that a trap i don't like the trap i'm like oh you were stumped along the way by a trapper looking to liquidate his pelts there was something uncanny about his appearance but you were quickly distracted by his wares oh care to look at me pelts not sure about that one take a pelt return okay see the quality yeah real qualitatious golden belt wow you're leaving already please consider me pelts why i hadn't i didn't know that meant i was going already i have thief i'm not a hundred percent sure what a belt what a peltier oh is it like a defense wait what happened to my wait what you'll need more teeth for that one thanks for your business thank you the man assured you of the value of the belts they appear to be useful useless in a fight but he mentioned that the traitor further down the path would reward you for them okay cool i'll do okay all right another boulder bones take the bones i got the bones this game's fun by the way i've kind of been really into it just like this i love anything with a deep style all right well let's get me me stowed out here hi take this keep me alive i'll do what i want to do you shusham's your mouth turn over how y'all god those coyotes do a lot of damage i don't like how much damage those coyotes do right okay all right i'm gonna do this the right way yeah excellent uh well not exactly what i was hoping for but watch this move take one of these and i'm going to put i've got this take this and this and put this here and then take one of these and put that there i got you and maybe i should put the wolf pelt over there no then i wouldn't be able to do anything about it of course this is the right move take one of these oh ow god i'm dead i'm doomed oh i'm doomed i'm doomed i'm doomed well that's kind of helpful that's not helpful that's not helpful at all uh boulder i'll give that give this wolf cup something to think about well that was a good move everybody that was a good move all right [Music] it went underwater i don't know what that means i guess i can't attack it well this kind of sucks having my deck filled up with all these specialty cards right at the beginning kind of made it a little bit more difficult because mom now my deck is completely uh yeah it has a problem now my deck is completely arbitrary uh yank them my two thumbs a well-earned point of damage i didn't think you would really do it well you thought wrong i'm here to win although that might not be enough no idea ow uncaged the menagerie hey look it did work what was that it did it worked it worked it worked but i'm still kind of screwed because everything costs two so strange why can't i remember his name i believe i lost some of my memory and the flash yeah that flash though it's pretty uh pretty intense okay if i don't do anything i'm gonna die here i'll play you right there oh the stink lowers its damage you got some big stink man you got big stink energy all right let's do this ha ha ha idiot oh well so far so good all according to plan god i wish i had something i could actually play you have me here i surrender i take it i take you you're right i had you you you sack a crap i had you on the ropes i really did you you didn't stand a chance really honorable you to do that really honorable you to do that oh it's the right thing to do is the right thing to do a flighty elk it moves after attacking a sparrow wearing oh god another one of you what is it again when a card bearing the sigil is played a rabbit is created in your hand a rabbit is defined well great that's great what use was that i thought that was a lot more useful i'd pick the rabbit hole all right get ready i'm gonna give something else rabbit power something else is gonna get rabid power now just you wait i don't know what but something something with one i need something with one because that way i can get more out of it something cheap something cheap i just just because i you get it you're fine it's fine you get it you stink man rabbit hole rabbit it up no the other way around damn [Music] wait a minute what the hell was that all about my boss battled their high-stakes test of your aptitude with one flame you will either overcome them or die fear not i'll let you keep the smoke oh this it's the smoke hi okay well this doesn't seem fair the incessant clank clank clanking reverberated between your ears the bath head was blocked by a grotesque figure [Music] yeah it's the prospector again again yeah okay all right listen guys i don't know this i'm about to bring the smoke i'm about to bring the smoke okay this is not how i thought this was going to go down but alas here we are okay what are you doing coyote there okay so something about the pack mule they said the pack meal was key so i need to put something at i need to attack the pack mule that's what i got to do i wonder can you keep blood tokens can you get extra blood i guess not you just need to keep it as a as a thing the smoke so many bones so many bones you gotta separate the bones from your meat otherwise you're gonna get chaos all right here we go we've got this how do we got it i'm yeah we got this watch this got this got this and then watch this watch me got this oh well that's not good for my stoat all right watch me got this cause i got this and i'm gonna get a good watch of this take this rabbit and a skink and then that's it out oh the pack mule moved left oh interesting i did not know that about the back mule interesting rabbit pelt that's again very unhelpful i didn't why did i get these uh because they probably are worth more when we go through it if we get up the road which is what we're gonna do because we gotta get it and we're gonna get a good let's go ahead and get the ant queen out there let's see what it does i don't know what it's going to do but i feel good about having an ant queen out here somehow mole i don't like that let's do this blam blam get it in there power numbers dance creed oh if i had one more i'd be able to play it well god damn it oh wait no that came with the thing right we're good hi pick that uh oh that's not good oh yes yes yes yes excellent and then i can play the worker hand right there two yes yes yes got a lot of bones oh but then he's gonna oh he's gonna kill my oh he's gonna kill them god damn it i should have saved that well i didn't i didn't have a chance to save that how could i have saved anything i didn't even have anything to save wolf yeah that would be useful but my guys are gonna die so i might as well just let it be oh well that went well hey all right what about this what about one of these moves ha ha take that and that and put that there bam ow oh ow i'm gonna kill the wolf or the pad the mule i'm gonna kill the mule i'm gonna kill them you i'm about to kill the mule let's hope something with bones yes yes it's something with bones i have a lot of bones well i might as well kill that wolf cup might as well oh yeah bam boom what did i get [Music] [Music] that's what you get buddy that's what you get oh what did i get mantis ha ha oh wolfy and coyote all right so i'm gonna prep by just i'm gonna get some squirrels or some okay interesting squirrel okay cool so this next one he's gonna turn all my things to gold or there's gold in them dar there's golden damn cards ever heard oh are yous unfortunately the cockroach how cold has the gold well that's unfortunate of how i don't really have a methodology to get oh wait a minute oh now there's things in the way all right whatever i guess i just got to do the coyote yeah that's good don't get ahead of yourself you need to draw a card first sorry whatever i'll draw a card fine god it's my wolf belt right coyote there all right let's do this hello take one of those you're done you're get em [Laughter] i'm so sorry for you looks like this is the end of the road oh i think that maybe you ain't gonna feel too good after this one wash some of this [Music] and then i'll wash one of these uh yeah yeah yeah you thought i was done with that no no way cause i got another cockroach right there thank you for opening yourself up for that thank you for that i did it ate my ass prospector oh allow me to lay your cancels once more i won't be killing you coined yet thanks bud thanks pal you're the first in a while to overcome a boss as a reward you are granted an opportunity to select a rare card choose [Music] this level of brutus strength needs no explanation well any big damage card can just be killed by a snake so that's not very cool long elk what i have no words for this freak of nature what do you what do you mean a long elk the hell is a law what am i looking at is this all just one long elk the ultimate defense okay so he intentionally stands in the way i mean that's a pretty good card now that's a card right there that's i picked that one hell yeah mole man it is wow with the sound of the prospector's pickaxe still ringing in your ears you continued onwards did i hmm the ranked smell of rotten mold permeated their humid air every step forward was answered by some near my slipper slither you'd fit cautiously into the wetlands or i will in the next episode of this game because i am out of time for this one but thank you everybody so much for watching i am super into this game this is fascinating i mean it's a fun card game by itself but also just like the the idea of there being this like whole cabin experience is crazy but i love it so thank you everybody so much for watching let me know what you thought down in the comments below and as always we'll see you in the next video bye-bye [Music] you
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 6,256,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inscryption, inscryption game, inscryption gameplay, markiplier, markiplier inscryption, scary games, card games, lore, deep lore, secrets, easter eggs, escape room, escape game, escape, creepy, creepypasta, inscription, inscription game, inscription gameplay
Id: VxW84qnvZEc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 19sec (3199 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.