Baldur's Gate 3 Playthrough | Part 1

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yeah if if if we crash we crash I will take that risk vulcan's better and it's newer wait what Vulcan is appeared to I did dx11 is that okay show nudity can I I mean everyone else has been why do I feel like this is the entrance to a porno press any key to continue because it is I hear it's it's pretty lwd uh cross save automatically sinks your latest five save games between any platform would you play uh I I don't know what that is okay oh leave that off can I turn it [Music] off oops I don't know what I'm doing in the options where do I turn that off also let me know if my camera like goes down or something um I think I saw in game play um cross save this right oops uh back Reaper thank you for the five gifted welcome wired Optics fatal aliser aqua and weeping devil welcome thank you so much I appreciate it thank you Reaper thank you appreciate you very much oh Explorer balanced tactician I've never played a game like this so I'm just going to do balanced oh I got to allow access okay I've never played anything like this so I don't want to go too hard uh let me know if the audio is low I know nothing about these kind of games so you're not touching this game why not audio seems low okay it's a little low for me so I'm not surprised how's that what are those little Tad poles ew ew oh I don't I don't like squirmy things it's still pretty low here how about this okay I'm done here we're switching games why is the game so quiet I have like everything on Max dude don't show it to me like I didn't ask oh I hate it it's how the mind fles reproduce who are you tutorials can I be learned yeah turn on popups sure I don't know what the hell I'm [Music] doing wait origin characters so who are these [Music] characters can you play is like one of them oh waifu Mandy thank you for the 35 hi yeah I decided I wasn't sure if I was playing this but I decided to and we're dressed up for it have you been enjoying this game I saw you've been playing it oh goodness oh oh lizen man okay so let's oh uh randomize I I mean that's a look it's a bit overwhelming at first but it's fine I oh my what are these randomizations okay hold on let's just race can you custom oh here we go now we can choose elf I mean oh I know what kind of character do we make that is the question oh Dro I haven't seen anyone playing as a Dro human what is a gith yon I'm good dwarf half elf half ling a gnome wait what's the difference between like the Gnomes and the dragon born okay so literally a dragon or half orc oh You' beenn oh Cam is a drow I haven't seen anyone as a drow DRS are kind of cool um you maybe maybe we go either the elf route or we go like the half elf route oh so these things are different you have proficiency with the long sword short sword short bow and long bow can see in the dark up to 12 M you have advantage on saving throws Charmed magic can't put you to sleep you have weapon proficiency with Spears Pikes halberds and glaes I feel like I would actually prefer going elf um because of like they use bows and I feel like bow is going to make sense for me um oh you can choose to be a Wood Elf or a high elf I mean it's got to be Oh I thought it said catnip Firebolt and then what movement speed is [Music] increased um okay so what how about a low you have body types oh yeah yeah yeah oh wait is she like really muscular damn those thighs we can be a super buff Elf oh my goodness so these are oh so you can shoot choose what you want so there's acid bone chill Firebolt poison spray Ray of frost watermelon fear wait what may handle light dancing lights if you want someone to walk you through some of this I can hop in voice it can be a lot I I might yeah if I start getting really overwhelmed I might have you hop into Discord uh so we got Barbarian Bard oh cleric Druid oh then we can we can turn into a bear for sexy time fighter monk oh Paladin there's a lot of classes here Ranger I mean maybe we'll just go ranger that probably makes the most sense right or a rogue could be although I do like sorcerer types too warlock oh I was like is the rock talking to her wizard ooh ooh H it's interesting cuz it looks like both Rogues and Rangers have bows wait Beast Tamer summon a familiar ify spirit that takes an animal form of your choosing I get I get an animal let's see we might do Ranger that sounds kind of cool although I I am leaning sorcerer a little bit but technically anyone can fight with a bow if you're an elf Ranger and Rogue fighter just focused on it oh okay got it got it favored enemy studying tactics and abilities of certain creatures is granted you a set of abilities as useful in a variety of situations a Proficiency in an investigation [Music] um an Arcana and can cast true strike this is true strike get advantage on your next attack role how much is this game it was $60 um you sore to hunt enemies of a holy or druidic order G proficiency and religion and can cast secred Flame efficiency and history and armor proficiency with heavy armor um so I guess it changes this protect an ally oh this one is the one where you can summon a familiar yeah I want to summon a familiar wait favorite enemy and natural Explorer can you change these um it's been 3 days of customizing we just started what we haven't even started on the look of the character what do you mean wait how do I do the appearance you're picking a specialization in these oh spinless a surviving swamp you resistance to poison damage Beast huh I might like go back through and look but let's see background you have spent your life in service to a temple learning sacred rights and providing sacrifices to the god oh expert in manipulation a criminal oh doing do we be a criminal an Entertainer furo Guild Artisan Noble Outlander Sage Soldier urchin H should we just be a little [ __ ] skills in deception and stealth I mean Outlander is good oh athletic survival you grew up in the Wilds okay that does make sense but manipulation sounds like your ex oh [ __ ] um okay Outlander did we do Outlander [Music] deception a lot of people choose based on stats but it seems like you prefer to choose what's fun I think so or people look oh yeah I guess it would like mess with your stats so Outlander makes the most sense but oh oh why does it say ability points two but then it adds One races have no sets in this so you can play whatever you like oh okay wait how do I change appearance or maybe it's just oh edit there it is I thought it was in the bottom right derp okay oh got some got some faces to choose from [Music] hey blue cyber wool thank you thank you H H acid 5 thank you for the seven months thank you thank you acid what did we have before was it this one this one's nice make her look like like Taylor Swift I am not very good at character creation oh this is the skin tone Oh I was like whoa what that is really pale like myself we should just be like super super pale pale Queen everyone gives me [ __ ] for it want make her pale just what time what tone should I [Music] make potential scarring uh Ty Goa thank you for the 10 mines thank you thank you oh whoa what is going on here what happened with the scoring here maturity nah I'm good Freckle freckles freckles are [Music] cute we can make it more intense that is really cool that they allowed this option genitals I oh oh oh I see yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yes yep yep that's that's a you know that's y that that's that's the one yeah uh wait a second okay listen avert your eyes children you can CH why are there so oh my God you can't do this I can't I can't there's a lot of versions I can't I can't um there's a lot of uh there are more I thought it was only a b or [Music] c wait there's only one Volva wait vulva B no excuse me vulva C no we we got we got options okay all right that's that's great that's that's yeah okay well moving [Music] on I thought there was only one vulva [Laughter] uh I don't even know what we're doing uh let me look at the hair should she have freckles what are the different hairstyles we can do what what if what if I just gave her a penis though I think I should [Music] actually there's a lot of [Music] hairstyles that's cute h M [Music] hm oh got some cute short hair oh God no then you would have a penis indubitably that is some thick hair [Music] holy we're going to be here for a while figuring out hairstyles there's so [Music] [Music] many gosh what to choose it's going to take me forever to get out of Crea a character mode a lot of different types of ponytails are you making our a criminal Baddie well right now I have her set to Outlander but I might change my mind and make her a criminal I just want to be a [Music] [Music] menace we'll make this as crazy as possible oh yes that that's the [Music] haircut I was like oh I missed it for a second that's it I don't know if they have a BBA [Music] slider um wait oh there's a lot of hair colors oh we could have pink [Music] hair Chad you want [Music] green that's kind of cute kind of edgy you know wait make this black The Edge we could we can just look like uh a little Gremlin do like like a dark red or something you're telling me there are 10 different types of penises but there's no boas slider oh God that's kind of funny they they really prioritized the penises I respect it kind of weird but I respect it it's kind of cute you can run around the game naked wait would I get in trouble though for doing that like on Twitch I got some long hair oh man what hairstyle do I go with [Music] oo do I do I look like the uh little emo girl where is the [Music] hairstyle oh there's highlights oh wait I can't even see [Music] it I don't see highlights am I crazy see Nathan wants a messy bun I I don't remember okay there's buns but I don't remember seeing one [Music] bun is [Music] there there you go there's your bun it's not messy but it's a bun scoots with the five gifted welcome Dennis it's Uncle Sam finally Casey Boolean and James yeah welcome thank you scoots thank you thank you I appreciate it oh man this [Music] music [Music] h dang we looking we looking like legist right [Music] now chit I don't know what hairstyle to do [Music] help there's a highlight intensity slider that you could turn up oh maybe that's why I couldn't see it maybe highlight intensity oh there it is ah oh that's how okay yeah yeah yeah I like the thick side braid and the ponytail um oh like this or was it a different one yeah this one's cute choose row four down eight wait row four down eight uh different one let me see which one was it listen chat the hair is the most important part oh that's right this [Music] one I still kind of like this one it's so [Music] edgy down down I don't know what do you guys think edgy do we do edgy look the Dizzy hairstyle they don't really have my hairstyle this he making me self-conscious well as a girl it looks it looks [Music] edgy oh wait is Steve here oh my gosh steam hello how's it [Music] going oh man what color do we do though do we leave it blonde or do we just go [Music] black the river cute and sassy the the blonde is cute yeah we could could do the blonde uh what did I have it set as I don't oh no not that I cannot remember what color I had it you had it set to Green fine this is what you want me to look like chat yes now she looks like she works out topic fine I'll just find a different hairstyle um or should we just go full legalis messy bun please I beg there was a bun but it's not that messy oh oh this one's kind of a messy bun you want this one [Laughter] yeah okay okay and then and then I'm going to give her a dingdong all right [Music] nope what can you zoom in ma'am wait can you no no surely no wait body art oh I was going to say if it's on the body I can't see it I'd have to take her clothes off [Music] um just imagine tentacles oh thought that was a barcode at first bigger than most of chat oh God kind of cool dang now that that is some eyeliner oh there's a lot of stuff to go [Music] through hm [Music] ah there's so many to go through okay here hold on let me look at the makeup cuz that's that's the fun part right or at least for me [Music] oo ooh oh that's interesting it's almost like a butterfly I wanted like just a little bit more like winged eyeliner we could just do like a smokey look or this is more like cat eye cuz the inner Corners that is really dark 15's good oh this one this one's kind of cool too oh yeah you oh oh my [Music] goodness I'd probably still do black but actually like a lighter color isn't too bad either yeah Brown actually does not look bad this one's called [Music] butterscotch what is this metallic huh glossy yes I love gloss Max that out no I'll put up probably like like know 80 [Music] 79 maybe I should make it a little [Music] darker I like shiny I don't know if you guys had noticed but I've always put like shiny stuff on my eyes done by the river okay what do we want there's five that one's pretty good Seven's not bad 15 i' say those are probably like the best ones in my [Music] opinion 12 wait which one's 12 oh oh my five or seven probably like maybe a more natural look I would have gone 12 really just it's intense I don't know this one's kind of cute too oh sorry I clicked out I know we could do I'm spending way too much time on makeup I'm so sorry it does look very Elfie oh we could oh gooss metallic oh God no my God don't forget to turn your penis off all right I will I will I forgot I uh turned it back on as a joke this one is gray but doesn't look bad wait let me find like a color and then reduce the oh these are like a per what if we just do like [Music] black yeah maybe [Music] [Laughter] not we can just have it be like really natural looking so glossy wait is there green I mean oh I kind of like this color that color is nice should have made a h big titty goth girlfriend unfortunately you cannot adjust the boob size I don't think I don't think yeah I like the natural oh you can change the eye color oh should we give her two different eye [Music] colors ooh click the box to the top for a million oh oh oo for $60 we can't change the boob size what no but you have like 10 different penis options all right oh these Co whoa well those look crazy um oh wait wait wait um Nathan I know you're messaging me um I was going to say I'm going to see if I like the game I want to get in game get a feel for it and if I really dig it I'll have you start and we'll just like get a group together I think it'll be fun H oh man I don't know what I want to do what what two colors look good together thicko mode what JayZ sler thank you for the 60 months thank you thank you and time for my favorite part of the game oh yes customization game's going to take 3 hours to download anyways that's true it took me a while actually your eye color is rare and Elfie for real so do both that oh my natural color is [Music] like is [Music] there well that's not it where is my natural I don't even see it on [Music] here these are all like like the white of the eye is black so I can't even one that I think is similar to my eye color it might be no it M's like a greenish uh honestly just the Green's pretty mine's a greenish gray can she have the same boob size as you is this you trying to like figure out my boob size marsy hi what's up marsy how are you hello hello hello we're trying to create a character Mars are you going to be playing [Music] this I know I kind of do like the the green eyes these are pretty okay so we got the hair oh [ __ ] Mary you've been playing oh you were playing a bit today what do you think of it trying to figure out so I didn't look at the rest of the face art so I want to see what we got here Anonymous with the gift us up to 34 double D what oh I got like a neck tattoo thank you for the gifted sub you're really enjoying it so far I'm excited should we ooh the [Music] sword trying to decide if we get any like Face Art going on what the hell even is that oh it's like a monster it's it's eyeball dang do we neck tattoos let's go oh that's pretty wait which one I was kind of looking at wait where'd it go oh yeah think that one's kind of cool my wife doesn't believe you showed your peen what x tribe thank you for the 100 bits are the elf comfortable they are yeah they just like they pop on and off like really really easy like that yeah they're they're comfortable to wear okay um oh my it was a beautiful [Music] pen what class is she so this is Ranger um I'm I'm still like I'm kind kind of going through the appearance stuff and then I'm going to go back and kind of look at some of the other [Music] things and do I do any of these or do we just be like natural we could have like the sword tattoo on the front digging neck tattoo the only ones I saw was like this one this one and where's the other [Music] one wait there wasn't another oh this one for tip do not accidentally change your race after you lock this in it will wipe all your selections actually oh I see what you're saying okay if you change almost anything in your really H wait piercing Style oh oh she a [Music] bad oh my [Music] gosh o oh 5 hours later I just keep finding more things oh oh oh this reminds me of my earrings it's like a shorter version of what I wear I like these these are kind of [Music] sick all right I like that I just hope I don't accidentally like script the appearance when I go back and edit anything okay I think I chose hair makeup eyes body art [Music] um yum yum yum okay uh I have I have to remove her penis so um hold on let me let me like wait what okay what what are the default okay we're just we're just going to yeah yeah all right put clothes back on and done however okay so I was going to go back to I was trying to decide between making her Outlander or Criminal I think is the most interesting oh The Voice wait I didn't choose her voice where do you choose that I don't want to accidentally click anything some of the voices are so good oh just don't click the race tab that's what I'm scared uh the background does affect role playing stuff too so consider that uh okay is that the top is it origin custom is that where you change [Music] the edit appearance oh is it under edit appearance oh it is next H what was that let's hope the locals are friendly Hells something just woke up down here be wary it's opened more of those wretched things there's magic keeping this chest sealed I can where to next it's a nice voice let's hope the locals are friendly Health be wary this place more there's magic where to next what was that let's hope the locals are friendly Hells something just woke up down here be wary this place is not too bad either it's opened but I think I like T the most H what was that let's hope the locals are friendly so nice I like it okay so let's go back to edit character and I guess we'll do Outlander I don't really understand this stuff I I just want to be a beast Tamer um so hopefully this is fine and this you pick Beast Tamer at level three okay yeah voice eight was good too I like four and eight they're both great wait marsy what uh what class did you create enter your name [Music] just dizzy you need to guard him a guardian what wait what's this oh what did you ask I'm sorry I didn't hear uh what class were you did you make a ranger or did you make something else just make someone hot make a husbando or a waifu oh oh you picked good okay [Music] okay you can run around as a cat wa that's so cool just make sure [Music] Shi who should I make I didn't realize I had to make a guardian should I make one of these oh she a Badd if I could [Music] just I Can't Be Tamed no no Nathan's going to play he'll be making his own character so dude I thank you for the 90 thank you thank you teing yeah yeah let me let me try to make one of these hold on um wait can I can I customize the appearance there's just randomize and Venture forth do not change anything in the screen or you lose your appearance on the right oh it it put them all together okay I was used to the other way where it was not all put together so subrace oh let's go with this one well well well uh real deal Mel thank you for the twitch Prime thank you thank you so much Real Deal appreciate you oh gosh what is the best face here Israel thank you for the 102 Minds thank you maybe this one remarkable follow your instincts Don't Be Afraid remarkable truly good follow your in oh there's only one or two follow your instincts Don't Be Afraid oh you can make them light toned I swear these ears were made for you I know they see me a lot don't they it's funny I don't realize you could give them like a normal skin color it looks kind of weird on [Music] them oh why doesn't it ever why don't they just give it to you like [Music] this I guess I'll just keep up with the [Music] red hold on I want to see like yo what are all the horns [Music] o I want I want big horns [Music] big [Music] h two yeah I like two um let me see what four was again yeah those to sick compensating for something what do you mean ooh maybe just make them like black or as close to black as I could get spooky you can change horn tip color you can do like a red wait facial hair you can give her facial hair yes that's it my [Music] lady these beards I can't I mean they are really magnificent beards though all right okay let's look at hairstyles dang I want to mess with the ears too I wonder if that's in here [Music] somewhere [Music] D what game is this uh this is Boulders Gate 3 just came out yesterday oh hi ponytail oh gosh I think it's the same hairstyles right so there is a lot to go through this is the one we have on the other character oh we should give her the one haircut where is it where is it wa what are these oh no um [Music] yes EDG dark Raven thank you for the 1,000 bits thank you thank you dark Raven appreciate you I have no idea what I would make there color them so I might just stick with black why's not bad either but she a baddy she she my guardian she got to be a baddie um ooh scarring o oh oh damn that's kind of terrifying I mean do I do it looks great oh my God the tentacle by the way if anyone's just tuning in this isn't the main character I'm playing um I'm just creating a guardian I'd go on a date with her maybe just one though I can fix [Music] her dang oh there was one I really liked but I didn't choose it for my character so I was like I didn't think it suited her where is [Music] it oh yeah it was this [Music] one oh my God red flag zero but maybe not with the scars dang oh two different eye colors oh wa they can have glowing eyes oh so is this like the [Music] that is so cool wait are they all glowing why does it sometimes change one eye I kind of like the glowing one that's crazy [Music] but you can barely see the other eye um could just do like black and then glowing this character is going to end up looking cooler than mine you think I don't know how to do the glowing behind the hair let me see if I can cuz it keeps choosing this eye and I don't know how to make it choose the other eye it just wants the glowing one to be like this one I wonder why H yeah it would be cool to have it like behind the hair but I probably just do it like that yeah I can't get it to move to the other eye oh wait oh that's cuz it's the right eye oops oopsies wait oh there it was where was it wait what those look even cooler [Music] huh I don't understand how the the eye color stuff works cuz it keeps changing them I might just go with this oh Oh eye [Music] makeup oh god oh you just turned this off but if you turn it off like then they match right I did want it to be like I I was going to do it where the glowing eye was here and then this one was dark but I can't seem to pull it off and I don't know why where's the glowing where'd it go or maybe where's the really bright one have I lost it it was like way brighter than this um the dark red down on the right the other eye needs to be a darker color is that why oh that's why [Music] oh okay damn okay this character is kind of kind of sick though I lip tint wait no it's got to be black got to be glossy all right the lip gloss metallic oh that's really dark spooky spooky spooky is there anything for like the ears oh piercings oh she just she keeps getting more terrifying oh what are these like skulls oh Rush is that it ooh dark [Music] moons this is what my other character is wearing there's so many good choices oh my gosh okay let me see how the eyes look if you make this one black and then if you make this one oh that one's not glowing the same way is this the wrong color for it oh oh my God jeez cuz if this this one's black then this one should oops uh this one should pop right but it's not popping the same way as like the other one that's so odd oh well it's fine oops uh wait I'm getting them confused now wait that's that eye and then this eye there we go there we go I don't know why it's not like glowing it could just be a bug it might be I don't know why I can't get it the [Music] same okay that's my guardian oh wait can you not customize the tail dang I feel like this design looks cooler than my first one can't she have a penis I don't think so okay Venture forth let me tab out for a second the cut scenes are really quiet and I don't know why like way quieter than the actual game Spar bat thank you for the 44 Minds thank you oh my worst nightmares the Squidward oh gosh can't believe we're finally starting the [Music] game wait it just touches them and they oh mind players I've seen these in other games cut scenes look pretty sick oh most RPG games still heavily from Dandy okay I was like I I feel like I've seen M players in so many games oo that's a crazy ship oh teleported out you he actually tried to copy and claim the Mind players wow is that bad [Music] she's one of the main characters right [Music] what be on your shirt it's just a [Music] dress show ler we [Music] H all right let's see how this game works I do not know a whole lot about it I've never played a Boulder's Gate oh this is us oh so we were on the ship oh my head okay so this can like move around oh oh he911 with to give the sub to Moran thank you he911 thank you might still be stuck inside if we hadn't been attacked always ref focus camera around your current character okay oh and then you can just Onyx I want it dead good oh restoration what is this OD I feel better is that here oh left all highlights okay let me uh hold on does it it does oh that's cool thank you for the tip yeah feel free to give me any tips on this I'm not familiar with these types of games so oh I guess I have to follow her what's inside be used wait what was that noise mind flare culture so it looks like we're just kind of wandering around in the ship brine buul oh oh my gosh wait it's kind of sick hey whoa whoa whoa an Abomination this is your end what did I do your head throbs and your skin tingles Visions Rush past a dragon swing a silver sword and a flash of your face seen through the strange woman's eyes my head oh we have one of those tadle things in our eyes right SAR you are no th blacki blesses me this day together we might survive H um what made you think I was a thr who are you we need to figure out where we are what do you suggest what made you think I was a th carry mind FL parasites unless we escape unless we are cleansed our bodies and Minds will be tainted and twisted within days we will be G mind FL we'll be G um we're turning into mind flares there must be something we can do who are you we need to figure out a way out here what do you suggest who are you I your only chance of surv that's fair uh we are turning into mind flares there must be something we can do we need to figure out where we are what do you what do you suggest first exterminate the en you turn into mind find the helm and take the ship we will address the matter of a cure for this infection once we reach the material plane the temple transforms you to my so they don't like have children but like [Music] oh those look terrifying okay combat uh get ready to fight combat happens in rounds and each participant gets a turn to act the aim pauses around you during combat so you have time to plan your actions okay so all right so what is all this jump hide throw Dash disengage hamstring shot range attack dip shove improvise melee weapon help unarm strike Fireball okay um you guys can feel free to give me tips on the combat um it'll be certainly a learning curve for me and then 95% is that a 95% chance of hits I'm assuming for your character range attack is your main uh main thing in fights for now okay actually um best man I don't know if you're watching but um I'll head into Discord just in case like there's something I don't understand and uh you can just like hop in so not enough resources so I guess you just in turn and then not enough movements true oh did I screw up not enough so okay I'll hop and give you quick tldr sure sounds good I might need to turn you down I had to turn everything to Max for some reason in volume so when you pop in um just be wared of that okay hello I didn't know how loud I'd be okay there we go try again hello okay that should be good it's me Best Buy Geek Squad help um so the quick tldr just to get you started is you have movement and you have actions and they're two separate things so you can always feel free to walk around a bit and attack okay the movement is represented by that white line As you move your cursor around that's how far you can go oh I see and it turns red so you can only go so far exactly and then your attack you already kind of figured out if you just hover over the enemy you get a percentile chance to hit right uh and then all the buttons at the bottom of the screen typically the ones highlighted in red like uh outlines those are going to be like offensive things that hurt the bad guys okay some of them you can do infinite some of them have very specific limits I won't get into that right now because it's a lot yeah yeah basically just the tldr right yeah that that should be enough to get your St if you get in a really bad joint use one of those little healing pods that you found earlier to heal yourself after ah okay I'll let you keep going I'll be here lethal okay there we go so I think I used up all my movement and then I couldn't attack you prove surprisingly adequate in battle okay to the hell ooh potion of speed skull Spike bulb light on my feet okay that's not too bad we're also getting these weapons I wonder if I should take a look at these like can I put like a melee on I can still use the bow [Music] right okay oh wait there was a different weapon uh not this one this one and then this one's 411 I wonder if I should put on the crossbow ooh oh oops wait why am I top down I did not mean to do that I don't know how I did that oh ah thank you perfect perfect stuck forever no no no oh what's this dang this look really good though to take another dragon attack we need to get out before it's too late oh you got some goodies do you got a robe is it better than mine oh no it's not how do I look in it though oh cute ours is better though I [Music] think oh I should take a look at that gold okay I can use both of the swords where do I get my [Applause] guardian well that looks like a butthole all right this place kind of reminds me of nothing without knowing its purpose push what what what did she say not now we must go to the helm no no no what did you say why the helm control over the ship or do you wish to die here she said no touchy [Music] but machine made them hostile oops [ __ ] all right let me move on over here I don't think I can shoot from here yeah I will Ascend get over here oh he's gotten a range attack okay yeah oh that's not good time to strike Camp coming in with a quick hot tip because you're ranged character there is in fact a disadvantage if you're too close oh okay I see so I need to get some distance and then shoot typically yes okay there's some things behind all that I won't get into it but just generally speaking try to stay far away from the enemy okay got it whoa where is that where's that coming [Music] from um wait how do I what is this brain in a j someone keeps talking to me it sounds actually in your mind a brain a get Yan Warrior and get me out of this oh it's yeah I've seen okay watching other people play I've seen this girl waiu there's no time I need to get out of here I'll go look around there must be some way okay normally I just walk away the construction is too alien nothing looks familiar this ship is crashing do you intend to die for a stranger the Pod stuck fast I can't for you I'll go look around yeah I'll go look around for the white next to the Pod they did something to it when they sealed me in hurry please uh this thing the cons appears dorant hit it nothing the console remains yeah kick it that'll do it the mechanisms are completely unrecognizable at first but then you spy an empty socket an empty socket whatever fits in that socket must tell this thing what is that mysterious liquid can we open it now let me out come on get me out of this thing no wait wait no no no no I meant not oh okay okay I didn't think we're I was like no don't actually leave I'm just going to look around what is this odd odd I keep using this thing hopefully it's okay what's this do dead what's this do gu I can't click it what are these sigils can't read this script another mystery H how do I get her out it is a mystery it you have nice nails oh thank you the console appears dant so I guess okay I can't find the switch sorry I don't know I this thing I can't the I can't free you that can't be that has to be another way please it cannot be helped [Music] come oh wait backpack I forgot about the alt Dam it we have a Blood Stone star Kindler thank you for the 10 months does that do anything to this I keep clicking on this okay no um does some want the backpack let me keep looking around needs a key pick a lock a necklace and a manuscript yeah maybe it's in another [Music] room um so we came in from this direction let's go take a look over here wait leaving her I'm trying to figure it out wait was this opened oh here we go I'm going to see if there's anything oh you can turn it okay that helps actually wonder what plane they're from no we are nearing the helm once inside do as I say oh so this is where we're supposed to be okay well oh no I want to free her though I feel like it's going to be important um maybe this room oh wa does it look like that oh you are beautiful oh my God that's the lady from Best Buy okay is it in here Nathan yeah exactly infected what is this thing days woman is trapped inside the Pod she doesn't notice you [Music] H chest okay it's just healing potions what's this another brain I don't know I just put a brain in my pocket this might unlock those controls next to the Pod oh interesting interesting okay cuz I was like this girl's going to be so mad if I just leave her I know she's going to get out and then she's going to hold it against me oh got a key grip thank you for the 25 thank you God there it is again let me out I will not die here I cannot um I found some sort of key I might for you try using it on that machine next to me hurry please all right I'm going to need you to calm your titties see what we got here the console appears dormant where do you put the key or is it a rune the console hums to life oh what's this some dialogue options require a skill check oh click the dice to roll 7 minus one so is it saying you need at least a 10 and we Ru the six the appearance of the device betrays its purpose it could do anything dang $5 from FBI looking for zzy thank you for the five thank you thank you and Pon thank you for the 11 months thank cool appreciate you suddenly you feel a hideous squirming in your hand head the parasite then discomfort Fades and another sensation washes over here I don't think I can try again connection Authority oh will the Pod to open yes boom you feel bi mechanical brain of the console process your command and yield to it a shiver runs across your mind you feel sated oh we got her nice oh I'm sorry I spilled that all over the ground my bad at last I thought that damn thing was going to be my coffin thank you your mind lurches into the worms the brain worms her gratitude is mixed with weariness because you have a gif with you you keep dangerous company dangerous compan is what you need in a fight got a problem with gith Yoni did you feel that just now we were in each other's heads yo you got a a problem think gith have a problem with everyone else but there's more important matters right now survival let me come with you we can get off this ship and watch each other's oh everyone's a racist in this universe oh that's great I come with you we can get off the ship watch each other's backs along the way um did did you did you feel it we were in each other's heads I did it must be because of those parasites they put in us but that'll have to wait are we going to help each other or not no you're on your own oh man [Music] uh oh get Yony or canonically huge slavers oh really fine Shadow heart one moment I'll take her I went through all that trouble to get her out what's that it's nothing trust me enough Carin thank you for the 3 months we need to get the Helm now she's right lead on okay oh ashy heading the bed have a good [Music] night oh there's that other girl in the Pod oh wait should I check on her also yeah this might be the wrong way oh it is the wrong way I think this is this is I think the right way can I do anything about the other pod there was a girl in it I think it was in here a dazed woman is trapped inside the Pod she doesn't notice you seems pretty out of it oh is there nothing I can do use a dazed woman is trapped inside H vicious chair can I sit in it I hear something voes I hear nothing of the sort I hear things oh you already used that I'm to get Shadow heart out oh okay what about um what is this thing as you place your hand on the Pod you hear something a presence connected to the pod commanding the person inside to change [Music] huh oh my God what did I [Applause] [Music] do kcha changed at the pull of a lever how tanker thank you for the five gifted oh did the 100 bits and the five gifted subs thank you so much welcome that cannot be Our Fate I did not mean to do that I didn't know the newborn mind flare stares at you weak and dazed oh my thank you so much so tanker thank you you appreciate you yo what is with this little thing like running around what is that come here what are you hey hey hey hey hey what the we are one we are one wait there's a treasure where's treasure oh this right here there's nothing in it uh SN is it snake me thank you for the twitch Prime welcome welcome sck me thank you thank you wait wait wait wait wait keep trying to talk through it I I don't think I can this game is beautiful all right um oh God heal me again saw interaction with it in the very first room oh I'm I've never played a game like this so I'm kind of learning like how much you can actually interact with what would you rate this game out of 10 it is way too early for me to give you a rating no hey do they eat your head connect the nerves of the transponder we must escape now do it we will deal with the G after we escape the oh we to transponder before this crashes so so we need to oh is he technically our Ally so we need to kill these to get to the other side okay I see run should I not try to kill oh oops I didn't mean to do that uh can I undo well oops no undos okay uh let's end this time to maker okay resources oh wait what can I control him or maybe I can't no this is your end shadart is a cleric oh she can heal okay take this sh you will have your hand that's cool you can hit from pretty far away so I should probably just start getting closer um does she have like oh she has a whole bunch of abilities right 4 to seven healing okay got to move oh I am hurt a little bit okay no time to waste Wonder that's why she's a good companion you could have up to four right oh he has a lot of HP I wonder if we have to kill him to get to the other side or if we just walk past I know there are a lot of abilities at the very start I want to try oh wait Arrow of ice what is the 40% High defense mean [Music] so I know let's try I I won't know till start playing around with stuff right oh does he get hit with ice [Music] or I'll just start trying to walk around stay focused oh and an advantage the music got to move we can just loot in the middle of leave him to me connect the transform o this guy's kind of a baddy where's my guardian that I made transponder kill them for your spine is mine if this ship hits the ground I feel like he's going to die but so we got to get is this the transporter yeah the transponder transporter very well it's hurry before they strike have the advantage cuz he fell down okay okay and the TR there guiding bolt I go I wonder if I should keep them more spread out make way or if it's okay to keep them grouped up like that our oh you there's a dash wait shove dip [Music] jump oh this right here oh can they all do that not enough movement oh what so she's already but you can't attack [Music] okay m can we just like Dash past it on the Move kind of want the game now it's pretty cool um I'm not used to this style so please forgive me if you're like oh what is she doing like I've never played anything like this I figured someone was going to get H but I think it's fine your so I'll just Dash don't waste a step better not be cursed what that make it the hel's alien transponder you made it in time what St of game would you call this I don't know what is this considered Jessy cat thank you for the 47 thank you [Music] the dragon looks sick [Music] maybe the green thank you for the 10 months a dating Sim yeah this game is a dating Sim imagine doing this naked oh yeah you could just take the character's clothes off right but the only thing with that twitch doesn't mind if you play something with nudity but if you focus on it I think I think it's problematic so I I'm not [Music] sure no the tentacle ship what are they going to [Music] do well hi oh [Music] whatk [Music] oh oh we've been saved yeah who saved me from being a pancake pretty as you wake the tple squirms in your skull oh that must be so gross other than the infection you're more or less intact a miracle given everything you've been through but it'll all be for nothing if you don't find help soon the Tad pole is a death sentence and the clock is ticking you need a cure M okay find a cure escape the nautiloid nautiloid yeah the voice is really good it's so soothing oh oh well she's obviously like she's not dead just wake her Dr pepega thank you thank you for the sub welcome welcome do how is this possible did she just hide it wait what is that thing I was hoping you know that the ship I remember falling they're nothing she took it out of her pot earlier what happened to our gift friend you might want to reconsider calling her a friend looks like she ran off without us uh we should look for her you're more concerned for her than she is for you clearly you don't know ourselves first things first we need supplies shelter wait J really we might have escaped but we still have these little monsters in our heads we you want to stay together do you have any idea where we are indeed I'd better get moving then farewell um we need you want to stay together and we both know what's at stake can't think of better company are you flirting with me no this is where we part ways ooh Chad what do you think let's get moving or this is where we part ways look at that massive tentacle pocket Mercy thank you for the 100 bits thank you thank you keeper fine one thing just before we go I wanted to thank you again for freeing me it would have been all too easy for you to run right Shadow heart approves but you didn't I'll remember that shadow heart remembers this a well you know that's cool I just need to stop being racist Shadow heart that'd be great have to keep going wait did I I do know about the twitch integration I don't know how to implement it but I've heard of it someone in chat was asking if I if I had it oh this is gross okay to Shadow heart remembers can you stop and talk to people something the matter what's the story with the odd little artifact you have she keeps hiding it there's no story none that you're entitled to hear anyway just forget you ever saw it we should get to know each other a little more must we no harm in a little mystery don't you think uh you don't want to talk about yourself we have to rely on each other easier if we know each other well if you're not comfortable I won't press you just looking to make I'm just looking to make conversation conversation shouldn't be made it should be grown let the seeds sprout in their own time you're deflecting I like how I just randomly stopped to start [ __ ] with her um say for a moment that I was do you think your blunt approach would get me to confess blunts all I've got left if we keep being so evasive shame you feel that way just don't expect me to entertain your questions if you won't respect my privacy um what do you think of all that's happened to us so far we should Journey separately for now I'll see you whenever we camp we should break up we haven't gone all that far yet what are you referring to exactly you must have thoughts about our little Stow ways what will you do if we actually manage to remove the tadpoles how am I holding up in your estimations how am I holding up your estim must admit you've been a surprise and not an unpleasant one Kindred Spirits are few and far between for me besides you saved my life aboard the nautiloid how can I do anything but sing your praises okay okay what will you do if we remove the we go our separate ways not a slight on your company of course no reason for us not to stay together if we go on well perhaps perhaps not if we do survive we'll have Separate Lives to return to I need to get to Boulder's Gate there's someone for me there someone I have to reach as soon as possible family a friend a lover let's just say it's a very personal very private acquaintance fine leave she won't tell me anything she's so secretive um I picked like the normal difficulty I've never played a game like this before so uh I found a hat Yeehaw I love it wait was there anything I missed back here I forgot to use alt okay oh hell yeah sister oh was there a barrel oh what's this some mergrass dead Fisher let take that take nothing from that okay chanties for the [ __ ] Queen Pockets the what fresh water there must be a settlement somewhere nearby cowgirl elf yeah nice and switch control to individual characters in your party different characters are good at different things really my damn hat how you doing sister how about we get along you can be my cow elf wait what my elf cow anytime oh hell yeah you can switch them by CL oh clicking on their portraits oh okay that's good to know my mind and well in here map this is a map of your surroundings you can view quest locations and place custom markers you can also teleport to way point way point discover by selecting them is this a waypoint what did I just click let's go over Yonder let's go cow tipping more of those wretched things before we go to Boulder gate oh let stay back one strike could be lethal where are we going oh once right can I just flee oh I can't um can't slow down if one hit is lethal I wonder if I should um should I just dash out and try to run J Tores thank you for the 70 months thank you they're so close now you can take them okay well they were acting like I was going to freaking die um guiding bolt what is this 4 to 24 damage that seems good no Mossberg thank you for the gifted sub to Samuel thank you thank you Mossberg inflict wounds try a creature energy oh this one only has 3 HP intellect devour I have nothing to worry about Nathan the monster only has 3 HP okay it looks like we can only hit this one so um I wonder if I can apply a shield to her in turn let me see what happens here [Music] um piercing shot it says we're at a disadvantage but here I'm going to see if I can leaving an enemy melee range allows them to attack you as a reaction oh oh so you can't just like turn like turn your back to them and run away they'll automatically attack ow oops if a member of your adventuring party which is zero hit points they are down this is a state between life and death where they roll each turn to survive on three successful rolls they become stable on three failures they die is that like an automatic death I wonder if she has like a uh like perade death the rest of the game that wouldn't make sense it's the main character like perade death for the rest of this match this one has a lot of HP I wonder if I should try to like okay it's game over you need to save the game often in case you die and stuff okay oh I can't help her up uh I think we'll be okay though um let me just oh successful oh damn they hurt but it's only this one left so okay so how does this part work replenishable resources are dwindling take oh [Music] okay so what does it want me to do here use a potion or heal to get your man up I know I had can you just do that wit and blad always Shar there's a help up action oh you have to do this oh okay and then this way okay looking ahead can they like rest to heal or can you only heal from healing potions oh I should loot these yeah I just realized wait these are the things that called me beautiful elixir of oh psychic resistance on my way rest oh camp and rest short rest available twice a day oh maybe I should go ahead and do that better than nothing oh wait I don't think I could actually head this way go back this way you also leveled up oh wait what is this find a [Music] familiar n thank you for the 54 thank you okay I don't know what leveling up means oops uh means to me um oh what the you can't stand here how do you know if it's dangerous or not I guess just don't stand in anything that does not look normal shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times oh so this is the level [Music] up [Music] oh gain two spells wait so I can select two is that what it's saying oh heal a creature you can touch fog Cloud good Berry Hil of thorns Hunter's Mark ooh that could be good enhance [Music] Leaf Rider so this all has to do with like buffing a creature Hunters Mar sounds good though um convince a beast not to attack you or cure wounds speak with animals gain the ability to comprehend and communicate with beasts oh [Music] interesting okay so what do I do now it says choices pending so I can't accept oops um oh I have to choose fighting style okay adopt a particular style of fighting as your specialty archery defense dueling two weapon fighting maybe archery I am having fun it's a lot there is a lot going on to this game but um I'm enjoying it it's not too overwhelming for me so far I'm sure it will eventually but I'm kind of thinking maybe I should dual wield that might actually be better camp supply sack I'm just kind of checking what I've even looted recently oh it's Indy light so it's great for beginners oh um can I step in this stuff or did it just seem bad cuz I was like being burned earlier o kiwi nice use find familiar I tried like okay if we look for a cat how does this work you just oh my God I have a cat like a literal house cat wait oh I wish I could talk to it it just looks like cookie it purs oh my God that is great I love this I'm really glad I decided to pick up this game I was trying to decide between picking this up or um or playing uh Dark Souls 3 which I've played it before but I hadn't done the DLC oo can you swim maybe you can't I'm playing solo right now but next time I play I'll probably play with friends I wanted to kind of gauge to see if I even liked it cuz I've never played a game like this before oh that's right you can rotate the camera that might help what's that dog doing it's not a dog it's a [Music] cat I love it my ear hurts why is your ear hurt wa quick I need some help hurry I've got one of those brain things cornered looks like a vampire there in the grass you can kill it can't you like you killed the others kill it yourself you look capable enough or easily stand back I I love that hat thank you I just found it I love it too yea easily there it can you see it oh W spot him all right just a dumb boore you're relieved until you see the flash of a dagger put it away we don't need a to fight if this is a robbery you're off to a bad Star Friend one more step and I'll make you eat that knife you could try but first you'll tell me what you know I saw you on the ship you're in League with them aren't you those tentacle your mind twists you're looking out of unfamiliar eyes prowling dark busy streets you try to hold the memory but it fades to the worm the light the fear what was that what's going on is AI play's worm it connected us honestly I have no idea Put The Knife away and I'll tell you everything I'm not an idiot it has to be those tentacled monsters something they did they took you too I saw her during whatever just happened hi Co to think I was ready to decorate the ground with your inits apolog except I might have done the same where the rules revers glad to see we're all caught up now you'd better have more to offer than apologies I'm out of wine and flour so I hope an introduction will suffice my name's aarian I was in bould Gate Beast snatched me nod wait what is this introduce yourself you're a balerion too is that so we clearly move in different circles he talks I can't do you know anything about these worms yes unfortunately they'll turn Us in the mind flares I know we don't want them in our heads you know as much as I do turn us into I'll turn tell them the truth of course it'll turn me into a monster what else did I expect although it hasn't happened yet if we can find an expert someone that can control these things there might still be time uh control it we need to get rid of it you should travel with me our odds are better together I need to get moving but you can shelter my Camp I've wasted enough time here for a while H there come with me we need more people I was ready to go this alone but maybe sticking with the herd isn't such a bad idea and you seem like a useful person to know all right I accept lead on Cowboy elf yea you need my information oh he can pick locks ah he's a rogue okay a mind flare and it's hurt that thing's bound to be dangerous even if injured best be careful uh you approached the dying monster this is the thing that abducted you you could end its life here and now if I oh I need to level up my companions okay yeah I'll do that next compassion compassion given to the emotions isn't right step away no you should be furious shouldn't you oh Koto thank you for the 16 thank you I mean they're kind of cute a poor creature is on the brink of death but there's still time you'd give your life to save it to nurse it back to health oh oh no no then the feeling slips the creature's mind seems to focus elsewhere he's controlling me the monster lies exhausted defeated it's eyes wet orange pearls radiate malice oh hell no brother close Those Eyes Forever leave it to die slowly yes I'll leave you to die okay let's go ahead and level everyone up get this figured out okay so um oh it's not making me choose stuff actions turn Undead wait pray to turn all Undead that can see you huh so I can switch these out I'm assuming protection from good evil and good protect an ally against the attacks owers okay oh I see fom okay cannot be targeted until you attack or harm a creature wait Sanctuary yeah this is the beginning of the game mhm the three creatures receive one4 penalty to attack RS um you guys can feel free to tell me too like what is considered useful to have as I am learning of course healing healing Ward wait what's the difference between these two heal a creature you can touch heal a creature you can see oh blesses oh really straight up the best spell for clerics so I should get rid of um H what should I get rid of how many companions you can have at once Uh Oh you mean like as a ranger hey dark cider what's up I want to put bless in I just don't know I think get rid of cure wounds okay that's kind of what I was thinking but I don't know the game well enough to be able to tell okay we'll just do this for [Music] now and then I'll level him up too even though we just got [Music] him okay actions cunning action hide hide from enemies by succeeding self checks stick to the dark and avoid enemies sight lines attacking or casting a spell Will Reveal Your location cover more distance uh this turn double your movement speed treat safely moving won't provoke opportunity attacks oh okay pentar 69 thank you for the 39 thank you thank you I appreciate it hey I guess we just keep taking a look around okay I'm not going to fall for this fire stuff twice let's go around I've been burned enough oh actually yeah so F5 is save right it looks like it is look like it's saving Footprints there may be even more that survive the crash going with that room worth checking for supplies May unable someh huh what's this on the stone magic Glitters and swirls from it erratically as if malfunctioning it looks slightly dangerous touch it oh a hand anyone slap it ow perhaps I should have clarified SC do don't think ever thought for months oh my gosh hi anyone thank you how are you doing I cannot believe you've been set for 104 months holy crap thank you thank you grab the hand and pull we need a seven all right yeah I wish I could keep slapping it come on keep pulling who is this [Music] oh oh the DS aren't real RNG I'm Gale of Water Deep apologies usually better at this oh wait no need to apologize are you all right at introductions at not wasting the time of passing Adventures I certainly hope so are you all right shocked but friend it's a relief and a pleasure to make your acquaintance say but I know you don't I in a manner of speaking you were on the norid as well oh I was yes never mind the not to Lloyd how did you get stuck in that stone you don't trust this man draw your weapon you get stuck I don't know what transpired exactly but the ship broke into pieces and I suddenly found myself in freefall as I was plummeting to certain death I spied a glimmer quite near where I estimated my body to impact with less than Savory propulsion recognizing this glimmer to be magical in nature I reached out to it with a weaving of words and found myself on the other side as it were I don't know if you're here but what is this about kic did you survive the fall to be honest I have't a clue hello oh hello so what are they talking about with the dice uh just ignore it just ignore it basically what the there's a karmic dice system that uh basically skews the dice in One Direction or another so like it basically prevents you from getting natural ones like 10 times in a row or getting natural 20s 10 times in a row oh oh I get it as a firsttimer you want the karmic dice cuz it's going to give you a much better experience than oh I get it okay yeah you'll yeah so you'll just have a lot more fun with the karmic dice on yes it's not technically true RNG but you're going to have more fun RNG and that's what matters right right that way yeah like you said you just don't get one one one11 yeah exactly oh my God Chad okay someone said just ignore it proceed to explain I asked what it was chat chill okay anyways thank you I was just wondering you're welcome you uh to be honest I haven't a clue to control the ship land it safely and saved the day I survived that's all that matters I saved the day yeeha V burning wreckage behind you somewhat contradict your story but here you stand you brag swashbuckling heroics aside I have the unfortunate suspicion your survival is still very much in Jeopardy back on the ship you to were on the receiving end of a rather unwelcome insertion in the ocul region will you not oh go on couldn't have phrased it more myself that's hardly any of your business go on which you thank you for the 19 mons thank you inserty we speak of this parasite are you aware that after a period of excruciating gation it will turn us into mind flares it's a process known as seram morphosis and let me assure you it is to be avoided you don't happen to be a cleric by any chance do you a Doctor Surgeon uncannily adroit with a knitting needle this hi you seem to know enough about our condition to realize it's beyond most cleric's skills most no doubt but I find myself hoping to be in the presence of the few you don't happen to be one of them you know I will say so I don't know what it is I knew this game had so many cutscenes going into it and I wasn't sure if I'd like it but uh and and the reason I thought that is because I had a hard time sticking with Final Fantasy 16 CU of all the cut scenes I'm actually really enjoying the conversations in this a lot and I I I think they draw me in a lot better maybe it's because of the options it might be um oh here one second D Nathan I don't know if you're here but those cosplays are amazing I was going to ask you the same question can't say that I am Ranger I can tend to basic wounds and ailments but alien parasites I'm afraid not established few enough can it's not exactly a common Affliction we're most certainly going to need a Healer and soon too how about we lend each other a helping hand once more and look for a Healer together M sounds like a plan you're welcome to join me no thank you I'm not looking for another traveling companion fine most excellent a parasite shared is a parasite hared or something to that I wonder what happens if you say no but before you think you're on a journey with most ill-mannered a man thank you for pulling me out of that stone was an act of foresighted kindness I assure you for I have the feeling ample opportunities will present they actually leave really oh they go your Camp oh if you if you say no they wait at your Camp what the okay what is he exactly oh he's a wizard I me that should have been obvious from a staff but oh gained two spells let's see here there's so wow it really hits you with like all the abilities at once burning hands charm person comatic or or color spray disguise self fous Retreat false life gain seven temporary hit points oh what immunity to Falling damage find familiar oh he can find a familiar too ice knife ooh that sounds kind of cool [Music] huh enhanced leap long Strider magic Missile oh was there Mage Armor there is Shield when you're about to get be hit by an enemy increase your armor class by five we can do a magic Missile and so what does the familiar help with do they attack or do they do something else for you just don't attack the darkness with magic missiles wait why not the darkness sorry excuse me sorry um should I get Shield or ice knife magic mess of the darkness is an old meme oh okay I see Shield is an OP reaction huh and oh so it stays up until long rest uh what's that for your second spell I definitely recommend magic Missile but for your second spell just get whatever you want because a lot of these spells are going to be highly situational there is no I mean there's like a meta like right choice you know if you want to like mid Max yeah but like a lot of a lot of these spells are going to be situationally very useful like there's going to be times where you're going to want no fall damage or blah blah blah oh right right okay so you know like I definitely suggest magic Missile because it's very good but the second one is whatever however what I will tell you is Magic is a very deep rabbit hole and I'm not going to explain all of it to you because that make it it not fun but what I will say is each class treats magic very differently so this guy's spells don't work the way the cleric spells are and by that I mean a wizard you pick once you you do not change them so a cleric you saw you could change their spells the Wizards you won't be able to but a wizard can learn new spells later on through a different me method oh okay whereas a cleric can only learn spells upon leveling up or very very specific conditions okay on top of that spells are used in combat very differently so some of them you'll see are reactions some of them and you have you'll have to read the descriptions for all this right some of them are reactions bonus actions are full actions that's all very important to start reading up on when you're in combat okay and the last thing is that spells are limited so you can't just be firing firing them off in battle like all the time okay some of them yes I'm not going to break down all of it but just keep in mind that most of your spells are going to be very limited in their usage and you have to do a long rest to get them back okay gotcha it's a lot and that's like just the surface of it but yeah yeah you'll figure it out yeah exactly okay all right good to know well thank you yep all right well Wonder yeah there's so much I'll try ice knife then I guess it doesn't really matter um is this dy's first trip into the D andd Rabbit Hole yep yep it is okay we got a full group going here yeah I know there's a whole lot going on um it's a lot to learn but it's been pretty fun so far I think this has been a pretty good introduction can I change like the weapons on them and their armor or does it stay the same oh can I not go up through here because of the fire can I like jump oh oh oh okay I see I see oh I should probably save yeah so you can use a lot of this stuff like without being in combat it looks like shouting up ahead if that's the case Che it out but be careful am I able to heal her oh so you don't have to be in combat do I hear something oh so these are a way points oh you can literally just [Music] oh oh I have to be careful to use up okay I see I get it oh what was that open the bloody gate nobody gets in zor's orders that pack of goblins will be on us any second what's going on goblins are on our tail open the gates of War now you let goblins here where is The Druids please there's no [Music] time oh what they're like open the gates oh okay I was like those are goblins what get no oh oh they can't get in [ __ ] for of line oh damnable roach provoke the blade [ __ ] okay whoes they roll a four okay so oh so we're just going to pop in and fight okay um I guess uh we can't shoot from here right no okay so I guess I just need to kind of move [Music] up [Music] oh I didn't even see oops I was looking over here oopsies okay uh piercing strike I wonder if I can have him like come up behind wait so can we try another game this one is not fun what do you mean what do you mean okay let's just maybe Dash oh you can [Music] jump I was going to try I can just have him like come up [Music] here maybe cuz I don't know if I can shoot from here or if it's blocked can you try another viewer this one's not oh well you got there I know this game's not for everyone this is uh this is new to me so um guess I just need to have her move up by sick and sword stke them down actually I had a lot of fun watching other streamers play this uh when they were doing like conversations and stuff this game gets pretty wacky try to always be oh yeah cuz you can get um true um maybe I should have him Dash and come up here too porn to cleric [Music] 4 um oh yeah I did play a little tiny bit of divinity wait what can what attract the attention nearby creatures draw them closer to you hide Dash jump disengage I'm G to be honest I just want to hear the cat meow I didn't know the cat actually counted that's like another character you contr control [Music] HOH I don't know what to do with the cat I I thought it was going to be like a pet that would help fight the hell that noise uh maybe piercing shot 75% well that sucks um you can go ahead and put Hunter mark on I guess someone died me things oh my God stop she's going to die okay so maybe I can beat their ass now sneak attack arranged can I get it from here must have advantage against Target path is interrupted oh okay so [Music] guessing must have Advantage 65 and then range attack is 65 movement to be PR doesn't matter I'll just oh the C can distract is that mostly what it's for she is hurt pretty bad I wonder um wait level one spell slot why is this blanked out what does that mean huh you have no spell slot uses left until you long rest I burned them up oh oops I didn't realize okay where are those so I can keep track and not use them all up is it this okay sorry this is going by so slow it's it's a massive learning curve holy okay and then these don't take up spell slots right it's these if I'm understanding correctly only three damage that that's great that's real great what the hell usage some fight better than others oh got it okay these do not look like the skills I chose what are [Music] these oh a spell that does not use any spell slots oh and then these [Music] do release a wave oh so it's like okay is it around him sorry I'll get faster at this I just let's see 55% does the percentage go higher if he's [Music] closer I wonder what increases that let's light them up huh turn here depends but generally no two damage oh it can hit him okay fine come here feel like I've barely done anything [Music] oh and I'd already used the Hunter's Mark so range attack okay can I it oh missed oops I about that last a while gives you bonus damage when you hit is it only like that particular Target I [Music] assume ooh oh he only has one HP so it would be better to just do a regular attack sounds like f okay now they're pretty far though um oh can I just have him like jump like down or should I leave him up there cuz he's he's a rogue right but he can do ranged leave him up okay kuki hi yeah I'm trying to learn how to play I've never played anything like this before so oh it said minus 3 HP to jump okay um so looks like we can't use any more of these slots [Music] so wait how did I have this set up before oh well it doesn't matter um just do main hand yeah cuz okay she can't do a whole lot this guy's kind of op can I have him on my team out flank out smart oh you can loot in the middle of fighting um can we do [Music] like oo you have unlocked an action as a result of another ability feature or condition it will remain at the side of your hot bar until those conditions expire this attack of Ky yeah yeah fug him I like how the cat got the kill after all that and there's nothing on him [Music] uh yeah breathe deep and move enough resources okay I'm not going to to hit [Music] him he cannot reach from here right there's no way okay here you can just stay up there it's fine did he just search something that hurt him and them what is a critical Miss [Music] what on my way oh he healed me I was like sir that was the last of them inside all oh not okay open the gate no matter what a one oh with haste oh now we can gloves of power should I put these on on a melee headit possibly infect inflict a what is a minus1 D4 [Music] penalty is that the dice when they're rolling the dice those are best on Rogue um am I able to put that on my rogue close it looks like I can access their inventories ah oh okay I see oh I wonder if there's anything here that I [Music] need to give to them H watch your back no time to rest okay is there a way for me to loot this I guess just climb time to press ahead yeah I was wondering if I should give the Rapier to the Rogue can he hold two or just the one is this two-handed might be two-handed the row can use a dagger in his off hand oh oh wait really it's not letting me put it there for some reason all right let's go in let me in or not oh okay more goet what's next oh it has to be two daggers oh okay okay there are children here you fool we was running for our lives you led them straight to us and you let them take the Druid too unbelievable y what's going on here too light weapons not necessarily dagger okay where there's one Goblin there's 10 I'm leaving before The Horde shows up one fight just ended and now you're picking another relax dread those goblins uh didn't take any prisoners you can cough up my payment any time now I've seen much bloodier battles than this consider yourselves lucky you cough up my payment payment I didn't ask for any goddamn help please you were begging me to open the gate anything to save yourself you coward true the human's eye twitches he's about to blow melee I take a swing a a blow at the human intimidation if you want me to take both of you down I will otherwise knock it off persuasion more violence won't bring back those you lost stop and think stand back and watch oh God there's a lot of things I want to do here H skito boy thank you for the five mons thank you skitso thank you what is aim a what is the difference between these two take a swing aim a blow what's your better rle I'm not sure are you able to check oh plus one from strength plus two oh you can see oh so it looks like the melee attacks I would do best in what is take a blow at the human uhoh uh-oh he acts before you can intervene should have done that a long time ago arrogant prick had it out for me from day one no one leaves my people out cold you put him in a bind showing up like that and he did try to open the Gat so you knocked him out cold said clever let him speak sick thank you for the 15 months thank you thank you only way he shot that ho under his nose he was right though coming back to this hell hole was a mistake no amount of gold can put right I'd rather face another round of goblins than stay in this pit that's a lie goblins with the safe for once let's try to avoid any more punching we need to find a Healer no oh [Music] no what a cheap shot I should have expected that are you all right or didn't ran off you had that coming better uh better that than further Bloodshed form and good riddens this Grove has troubles enough whatever your business I'd see to it quickly The Druids are forcing everyone out this attack will only strengthen their resolve I have no quarrel with dreads why are they forcing you out those goblins have there been many attacks like that I won't be saying long I just need to find a Healer Goblin got you the Druid housing's a renowned healer but he didn't make it back from arin's Expedition if it's not too serious you could try his Apprentice netti she's with the other Druids in the inner Grove they've started a ritual to cut the Grove off from the world outside we can't stay but we'll be slaughtered if we leave we are no Fighters This ritual is there no way to convince the DRS to stop it what brought you here here uh Insanity thank you for the 1,000 bits wait something's different about you might be the elf ear Insanity thank you for the 1,000 Bitties I appreciate it thank you Insanity also I was going to ask mods um we didn't get to play too much of this because I spent admittedly a lot of time in character creation um but that's why I put maybe ASMR because I was like I'm not sure and I wanted to have enough time with this game I might put off ASMR and actually do it tomorrow I have to film ASMR off stream tonight instead anyways so I'll be filming for YouTube even if I don't do it on stream so yeah yeah this game's a lot of fun so I think I'm going to focus on this game [Music] tonight um I've tried CER their new first Druid won't even see me you though I know it's not your business but she owes you for saving this place perhaps you could persuade her for more time to prepare if nothing else H I got my own problems what are you offering for my Aid we'd owe you a great debt what little we have we'll scrape together it isn't coin we need it's time all right all right uh I'll see what I can do I'm sorry I've got my own problems uh keeper of SCS at the five gift dat oh thank you welcome I'm your friend Jerry Baba Eddie I am Chris nice gaming bro and ch ch welcome thank you keeper for the five appreciate you thank you thank you I know I love all the sassy responses so much fun see what I can do really we're Messengers now you'll find find The Druids at the heart of the Grove please make themad before more lives are lost wait but we need the dri for healing Rogue shut up shut the [ __ ] up aw skit boy well thank you if you start conversation as a different character you have you can use their skills and stuff in that conversation oh you can start it like well oops this seems like a lovely little spot the sense of impending doom aside I didn't mean to talk to him wait now that we're talking to him tell me about yourself tell I'm a magistrate back in the city it's all rather tedious the way he talks okay uh but yeah so you can play as like someone else and then go talk to someone you can do everything as anyone there is no need to ever be your character technically really and Sandy thank you for the 500 pit you look very dizzy thank you I'm dressing for the part the game thank you thank you we don't even know these people that doesn't matter here let's try talking as her you would choose straight Bells we can't just leave oh you sure can I'll not gamble our Liv lives our futures on people who are as good as dead we must leave for Boulder's Gate at once can we all just take a moment please what's the point in blaz and spells if we don't bloody use them we should stay these people aren't Fighters we can help or yell louder it can totally change your options and conversations too oh get out while you can the Goblins will be back persuasion you should all stay a single blade can make a difference common sense at last let's get out of this death trap or would you deny yourand thank you for the appreciate solers come on sis we of a Target alone we should leave a fine let's sneak away like God's damned cowards but if something happens to these people it's on us I hope you know that yeah her Charisma I'm talking to someone with this guy now I feel like he'd be an [ __ ] a little small this place is a bloody death trap not a sanctuary you should clear off while you can oh it's not letting me talk to them wasting time on this area might also cost you other events later if it's anything like real D and campaign so leaving is probably a good call oh I could just leave no helping it we're exposed now no one back her will never believe this oh there is no time limit I need to go to bed however my last tip is that there are vendors here make sure to visit them okay okay vendors why am I dropping frames you saw you fighting those slimy bastards fancy a bowl best to fill your belly now while we still can I just love the way my character so stupid I love it take a bowl I'm not hungry what is it exactly no thank you the smell is more than enough a bowl of gray goo reminds me of home you've been on Hard Times too huh no worse than what you're facing now H it's all in the past that doesn't mean it's behind us though does it true here have more we'll need every bit of strength to make it to Boulder's Gate trust me oh I got some gr kind wait so what does she sell your share leave some for the rest no more fine good work kids who's this ah it isn't the talk of the camp thank goodness you came along when you oh what there isn't a bit of color in those cheeks P are you harsh no I'm just pale Auntie will s out I lotions and Potions Galore there's no need I'm fine really I'm just here to trade let her fuss over you let her fuss over you aha you take a sup at that and you'll feel right as rain sweetie uh okay as you down the potion a comforting warmth spreads through you don't just take things from strangers and drink [Music] them I've been better it's difficult to explain I'm fine just bone weary after a difficult day that's no no concern of yours I've been better I've seen it all I once had a fell who'd been caught dabbling with a dryad the wife was none too pleased and introduced him to a pot of boiling oil wait what don't worry not I fixed him up and depending on the lighting what is she talking about put us new my point is what never ails you I promise I've seen once what about the tadpull in my brain something doesn't add up about this one don't tell her anything but what about the tadpole in my brain's wrong I've got a mine flare parasite in my head there's something wrong I swear everything's fine uhoh H oh Chad what do I do what do I do do I just tell her or do I listen to the girl and not tell her anything as you recount your adventure Auntie Ethel nods along her eyes wide you poor pet my heart goes out to you truly I see no sign of a tentacle yet but that could change in an instant you need help serious help I got a tell Grand lotion here that could do it but yes I may have something at home what my time could be running short I can't afford to spin it paying you a house visit okay such as what is it I've collected some interesting bits and Bobs over the years you'll have to stop by my house just at the edge of the forest I'm going to take that mark it on your map start saying it I'll be heading back soon so I can meet you there now do you need anything I have a few odds and ends for sale it does sound kind of sketchy she wants me to meet at her home in it hey bother okay so turn invisible the condition ends early if you attack or cast a spell oh um I don't think wait what wait can you buy gold wait what I hm potion of Greater healing oh healing could be good wait how much money do I have is it 127 is this the Mone money icon okay so I'm very broke be careful on the road I'd hate if something happened to you I know I have lots of uh lots of bits and bobs for ASMR oh sell my junk oh true can I just sell it to her p is that why that Gold's there any lotions or potions hey bother okay um oo if I have a companion are these oh they're javelins can I just like is there a quick way to sell um oh you can barter yeah I may not do ASMR tonight I think I'm going to focus on balers gate today uh I'm going to do ASMR tomorrow though oh you put him in the center oh how do I know if it's junk or not see 411 n if I right click okay I was wondering if there was just like a quicker way oh I get it so you don't get the money but you can like I could be like I want a potion for this stuff right and it shows okay right oh could I try to get her to like your offer has been refused fine fine does it cost me money to do can I just keep checking have a pot lid and uh a spiked bulb will she refuse oh and then you put the gold in okay so it has to be like even oh here have a mug and a manuscript I don't know what these necklaces and stuff are for havep of bone there we go there thank you take care no sweetie Hello pet pet I don't we don't have a Bard so you said I can get rid of the necklaces wait donate these items you won't receive I want your money uh but not that much am I able to [Music] H I want your fish and I want your cheese oh click scales oh oh oh and that makes it even okay um any more food you need do you need the food for like Camp so shanties for the [ __ ] Queen okay I don't know if I need Onyx or Bloodstone okay we'll just do this farter take care no sweetie and looks like there's someone else that sells stuff over here thanks for fighting off those goblins if you need to replace any gear just ask my selection is pretty slim I had to leave most of my equipment and elter [Music] out are you a Smith of sorts used to be a bread and butter tin Smith before elel fell into a verus these days my talents are more eclectic learned a lot in my time in the hope to forget most of it but I know this guy's Jaws ins there's nothing in all the Realms like the utter power of infernal Machinery alas my offerings are far more humble these days okay but your a Wares o is is there a way that I could like get him to give me some good armor I cannot afford flirt can I can can I flirt for gear how do I steal it with the Rogue too bad what okay let me save who uses wooden tools hold on let me see how does the loading work okay so right here okay keep your distance down have him talk thanks for fighting off those goblins if you need to replace any gear just ask my selection is pretty slim I had to leave most of my equipment in elel oh so hide first and then you slight of hand and wait so hide got something to hide oh oh oh uh stay out of his vision can I hide here why are you sneaking around I whatever we want can I I think I'd make a f hide back here stop that Expos fillow buttons on the left under right buttons on the left under the characters will separate the party there's a way to separate the party wait how far left wait they were able to hide but I the Rog couldn't hiding failed toggle group mode oh so that oh so now we can like go hide back here quick St oh I'm not hidden anymore how do I stay hidden no helping it we're exposed night for discretion I miss my Forge oh so okay sorry this is taking a little bit for me to figure out here so it looks like you hide and then wait did it not work is someone seeing me you sound like your father was his Caravan move the other North oh is that why there is ready help we're exposed everyone leave let's Pro oh so people are seeing me so how do I hide HS take me how do I get over there do for better tools what do I do for Sal s in broad daylight with everyone watching the red zone is their eyesight okay so I guess we would have to come back at night then it doesn't look like there's going to be a way to do this like this isn't in the red buted now okay yeah and then it ends okay just be near him TR getting behind him oh not Dash uh on that's going to pass bad behavior caught this guard's eye what do you have to say wait can I keep trying is that cheating I say reload save yeah yeah what what are the chances that I'm able to get away with it do do I have to buff it first no helping it h Chanel hi going to Jail's part of the fun though another step forward dang it I don't I don't know how easy it is I have to keep trying you're rolling a D20 to decide the outcome you can look through your for possible but magic weighs heavier oh I didn't mean to talk to him but okay thinking solace in root and soil grounding one might say okay that's nice so let me take a look at the map here Emerald Grove do we need to go oops no I want to see what the quests are get help from healer NY Auntie yeah where's Auntie uh in the emerald Grove she's confident she can remove our parasites and invited us to her tea house where is that oh that's a little ways out can I just go do this Quest that that is kind of far though I want to know what I want to know what she does wait so if I had should I rest first no we're exposed now I got a vendor here I have something to ask refugees adventurers no one in years and suddenly we're overwhelmed well met and thank you for beating back those goblins most Brave of you is there anything you need act fast if you do the ritual will be complete before too long are you really lcking down the Grove what are you sell oh just some bits and Bobs I no longer need bits and Bobs oh got some armor h dang some blue [Music] gloves okay I don't know exactly what I need yet guide your path so it looks like we're actually heading away from the quest we're heading like up oh netti is up here no wait this place is a bloody death trap not a sanctuary you should clear off while you can you're not Netty um can even interact with the ax what wait can I attack seems a little too interested in me I don't know when I when I hear something like that in Boulder's Gate oh what the hold out your hand lady let me show you something no I thought he flipped me off Take This Ring it's lucky I did not understand what he did he's a little liar you haven't seen anything yet lady that was a fancy trick go on take the ring and watch your fortune change change mimic his trick and make the ring disappear wait that sounds kind of cool I need to roll a 15 or 12 right sweeping bleeding hell okay maybe you don't need extra luck but since you're already holding the thing call it heads or tails you can click add bonus at the bottom oh you have to click on it oh I didn't know that heads or tails pocket the ring fine Tails Tails it is see that's the kind of luck you get from one of my lucky Rings I've got more where that came from real cheap too interested hold on one coin toss doesn't prove anything anything uh thanks for the free ring return ring and leave just give it back and leave um hey hold on you got to pay for that here you can have it back now what do you have for sale you're getting paid in experience the ring is mine now oh my God I make enemies with these people yeah kids obviously trying to con me fine keep it call it a sample yeah but you got to at least look at the other Rings okay I got to eat I don't have to do anything Goodbye Oh my God fine really I mean good that's what I got M ring of being really invisible I don't would this help me steal distractions Fork carrot give me your carrot I have nothing to give a whole chicken a starfish ooh oh God that just made me really hungry I haven't had bread in so long nothing you suddenly feel something moving against your back and turn he's f he was he was going to steal something and now he's pretending to be upset or she rather relax I won't get angry you didn't even manage to get anything from me get out of my sight observe her silently maybe these are just crocodile tears ignore her theatric and grab her read her thoughts um I kind of want to read thoughts just out of curiosity but I might fail does it not tell you how much you have to roll for until you click it [ __ ] them kids not yet okay I want to see if I can detect thoughts we only need like a 10 so I guess add bonus oh wait did the bonus work wait I'm confed you see her hand in your bags and the shame in her heart oh lung at remor or nsh she tried to rob you oh was I supposed to click it twice fine I'll be nice I can't do this anymore btis I'm sorry a that's kind of sad please let us through let my daughter go right now she's a thief hell spawn and you will wait for K's judgment now get back let me through mam or I'll Rick your damn throat out oh God it's the bear oh no it's going to [ __ ] me okay [Music] uh come magron give her a chance you get back oh what' you say to me sister if it weren't for me you'd be overrun by goblins by now I'll go where I please why what's so special down here hey yo bear time yo settle down chat I'm not looking for trouble can't you just let me buy ignore them and proceed I go where I please back force my hand and I'll show you its Clause a moment gona what oh I understand you apparently corga wants to see you go ahead well well well that's what I thought yeeha you there hello who's this ah my good friend you were at the gates just now no when the Goblins came you saw them up close a few questions if you please there's no overstating my interest and there's no overstating my disinterest I have no time for questions fine ask your questions wor nothing how would you describe that particular batch of goblins size nature distinguishing qualities oh God you search your mind successfully recalling various detail tals of am I just going to make up some stuff can I please um common variety goblins led by a Lasher inflamed by boo yags they were goblins same as all the others lowly and vile you an exact description goblins hardly they were shape-shifted Divas wait Devas is it Devas or Divas oh I see they're Angels okay uh what what are booy yags deas oh it's Devas Diva like Beyonce okay uh you God can it be how terribly compelling and the Dragon they had marching in the rear was it of the brass or silver variety Dragon there wasn't any dragon it was brass no doubt about it I was about to say I don't remember there being a dragon I think there's been a misunderstanding what do you want exactly it was brass witness mistook obvious Silver Dragon for brass last question then you'll be quite free did the attackers rally to the absolute when they fell upon the gates uh did the attackers rally to the absolute when they fell upon the gates yes they called out the name like a war cry I don't think so I was concentrating on not dying really well this does complicate things but then again well never mind what I've interrogated one a captive In This Very Camp She reports they've abandoned their God mlat in favor of called the absolute the Scandal Goblin Superstition not worth the ink and parchment hold your tongue hold my tongue mind I'm on my way to their Camp as we speak I always knew my studies in gak would come to some use be careful goblins aren't known for Mercy wait about our conversation earlier why the dragon what brought you to the walls of the in the first place yeah what what my friend up the dragon every story benefits from a dragon true actually actually he's not wrong okay I don't know what we're doing or or level three are we fighting this or is this just a random bear wait did we miss Netty we must have let me go back oh wait you can yeah yeah yeah can't I speak with animals hold on he didn't come back did he his smell is gone he's gone what you're the saddest bear I've ever seen this is depressing leave no talk to me still nothing still nothing still oh okay I was going to see if I get say anything else dang it I missed my chance cuz I called him depressed wait can I just a moment this man is recording my story I am far from home home as the colorful man starts scribbling the bear sneaks a quick look at the page his brow furrows incomprehensible squiggles surround a crude sketch a bear disemboweling a clutch of teelings oh my God now I'm going to go talk to all the Bears now I totally forgot I could talk to animals say die [Music] away wait oh this is the dude that turned into a bear okay my grizzled friend hey guys good night no no cheek it's not it's not kitty a you steal my kitty huh you can attack try some Pals can you kill the kid over because that went so well I don't see a collar can I keep it yo [ __ ] stay away from my cat I'm trying to figure out where oh I see where they're at I can talk to my cat wait yo he's following me he's going to take my cat I couldn't walk through yo you got a problem I'm about to beat this kid mind I did not mean to click on you I'm trying to talk yes I can't talk to my cat he's actually like following us down it's freaking me out oh did he stop here let me talk to him maybe oh he left never mind you can speak to anals just not your cat oh this is the emerald Grove I'm sorry oh what is this about please I'm sorry this is madness kga she's just a a what wrath a thief a poison a threat I will imprison the devil and I will cast out every stranger my character is like now hang on just a minute Thief poison what's this 's actual crime imprisoner she's just a child do nothing one of your guards outside said you wanted to see me here I am what's the actual crime you mean parasite sheats F drinks our water then steals our most holy Idol in thanks wrath lock her up she remains here until the right is complete and keep still devil Tila is restless come Koga we took back the idol surely do it oh oh there's a lot going on here okay don't uh dreads cherish Harmony jailing the girl disrupts Nature's Balance release her I'll see that she stays out of trouble read her mind that would be interesting tell the snake to be at ease gr must not be harmed keep silent prepared to attack I want to read a mind so if I add this bonus doesn't it minus one or is it minus one to the difficulty this so I should click it cuz the way it reads to me is that like it'll actually hurt me I think it's minus one anyway you'll always get minus one oh this oh wait let me see well barely I suck at reading mind you intrude on the circle you intrude on my mind I'm just curious more proof that Outsiders must never be trusted the snake's hiss of approval reveals its intentions should the child struggle it is poised to strike is prepare to kill shell do you want her death on your hands imprisoning her empowers the refugees are you willing to risk um the child go so she can spread the word to the others of your [Music] might prepare to attack do we just fight so yeah we have an advantage on intimidation you roll two here I've never done that before oh my God I barely got enough from two it is as you say C teer to me out Thief my Grace has its limits it hurts wait what's the master H hon isn't here keep his name off your tongue Le tea pierce it oh I see fast okay so it it doesn't add them together it just picks the highest one okay we were I guess she was the one we were supposed to oh are we supposed to talk to them that woman has more Venom in her heart than a snake in its fangs but at least the child is safe what is youth if not a time to be forgiven for one's transgressions uh um forgiveness means nothing if she doesn't learn from her mistakes sounds like you have something to confess ha then you don't you're holy without Vice or sin or the occasional lapse in judgment no you don't strike me is quite that boring damn okay okay I know that look you're wondering why I was in pain before let's just clear the air about that now it's just an old wound that hurts me from time to time nothing to be concerned about it's nothing to do with the tadpoles at least in case your imagination is in danger of getting away from you it's just something I have to live with um are you sure it's not connected to the Tad Poes chaotic thank you for the 1500 bits thank you I appreciate it thank you so much chaotic thank you thank you no I decided not to do ASMR tonight and focus on this game cuz we haven't gotten to play it too long so I wanted to spend more time on it um I have to record some ASMR stuff later anyways so I'm like well I'll be doing ASMR tomorrow I'll be doing uh probably some more of this and ASMR so um are you sure it's not connected to tles you can trust me on that okay how badly does hurt quite a lot if I'm being honest but it always passes quickly so I can manage okay uh Z man thank you for the 19 hey game's going good how are you okay let's uh let's talk to this woman say it you think I'm a monster um maybe only a monster would threaten a child you're protecting your own sometimes cruelty is required honestly I just wanted to see what would happen oh man um you're so nice ah you don't see a monster you just look at me through one's eyes you are like the Devils where they tread G think for the 19 thank you gorilla I took back the idol of sylvanis and the right has resumed we will seal the Grove free from harm free of intruders she does not like me uh this right must be born to powerful magic zor believes his people will perish on the road do what you want it's not my concern Reach For Your Weapon do what you want I don't give a [ __ ] so you say yet the child walks free you showed great metal at the gate the metal of a skilled sword for hire I want you to provide your services to sevor offer to guide The Outlanders out of the Grove I'm sure they'll reward you well they're to be gone before final prayer if they are not the Viper must strike okay then it seems I best speak to Zer proud all you want the refugees are my concern attack you just fight her um um what should I do I think my ears are getting tired of wearing elf ears yeah I feel like save first if I'm going to do three yeah I should have saved darn I need to save more before conversations just in case I want to like play around with it you will do more than speak huh this taale ends but one way with the Outlander Rod cleansed and the Grove forever shrouded I don't want blood on my hands we have the right to defend our home so that's what you want to kill a bunch of Innocents I don't want to kill anyone are like I behal not again okay I know it's shocking I just just took the ERS right off they were fake I know wait can I talk to another stranger come to vex me what will you do hunt me grab my tail shout until my head hurts my ears ear are red aren't they actually it's a good point they're a little irritated from wearing elf ears or like 5 hours relax no one's here to hurt you who's been pestering you I'll teach them a lesson I just wanted to give you my smell I'll leave you me yo who's been pestering you I'll beat him up silence your help is not required not by me at least why not no no let me talk to you leave you are not wanted here you're not a real doggo oops uh why are these red stone bed oh hey guys I'm just going to take a quick nap here oh it's theft if I touch them okay got it got it let me save I need to save way more often okay so now we got to go talk [Music] to someone over [Music] here so this is stealing just give me a moment uh um excuse me I'm more important than some bird I'll offer to help excuse me [ __ ] the bird it's up to her now life or death now what was it you needed I'm looking for Netty I need help now healing looks like I came to the right person I can for most folks that's enough come here let's have a look at you can you see the parasites in my brain you seem healthy enough a bit tired from the eyes please don't [ __ ] the bird honestly considering what this game is I shouldn't even joke about that no good way of putting this I have a tadpole in my head right yes I'm very tired indeed more than tired something crawled into my eye a tadpole a mind flare tadpole uhoh you know of them can you help me well other kinds are there it's not like a frog hopped in my eye actually never mind I'll get help elsewhere um you know them I'll do what I can come follow me I might be able to help oh you need to be quick this way oh hell yeah maybe she can fix us yo what happen what happens if I steal though will I just go to jail will they fight me there's something in that vessel take a closer look this one had the same problem as you attack us I say is that man tadpole crawled out of his head soon after the Drone and I have some kind of parasite I'm hoping for a less grave cure for yeah uh so you killed him and laid him out on the table is everyone being captured by mind players these days didn't think it was a common experience so you killed him and laid him on the table is she going to attack me no that was Master hson a pity you got me instead of him he understands these things stood St them still we have options you don't have to be here for this no I'll stay I'd rather know exactly what you're up to all right let's see what we can do so what's she going to do with that like thank you I'll take anything that can help what's that plant will help I don't have time to chat just scar me it might but first things first tell me about your symptoms have you noticed anything strange happening looking closer you realize you've seen this thorn in the Wilds it's calor's kiss a Brier from the Dale lands and a deadly poison o what is this I came to you for help but the bird down and we'll talk try to poison me and you'll regret it this was a mistake I should go either she's trying to murder me or actually maybe she has to use that on the Tad pole uh I want to help you but I can't unless you work with me so has anything unusual happened to you uh I can merge my mind with anyone else that's infected wait she can I fell from a ship in the sky but something caught me and saved my life no nothing strange I just want it out of my head oh uh wait can I merge my mind I haven't notice anything like that she shared Thoughts with the drow oh victims can identify each other not that the others know they're victims of course how do you pick up the parasite hson was desperate to find where all this was happening a mindful ship out C and infected I don't know I just woke up with it you're asking a lot of questions put the Thorns down and I'll tell you huh yeah I don't know if she's actually like trying to kill me or I'll just tell the truth for now A M flare ship but master Alon was sure look you've been straight with me so I'll be straight with you you're dangerous if you transform here we're all dead but you seem like a good Soul you deserve a chance to save yourself this is a vial of wyvern poison oh swear to me you'll swallow it if you feel any symptoms more poison I would have preferred a cure I don't have a cure only a way out I'm sorry for that cost you 3,000 gold but I had to be sure you weren't a threat before I told you everything now do I have your word or [Music] not fine I hope it doesn't to that but thank you here you know I've spent my life treating folk and never once saw a mind flare infection then suddenly there's dozens of you maybe more just that poison is probably worth a lot stud trying to figure out what the hell I just turn around and sell it then I can get my armor should all be changing there should be a small army of mine flares out there but you're not weird powers aside you seem perfectly normal you're damn right this pose I can't what do you mean should be changing you must have learned something from setting them just tell me if there's a cure or not what do what do you mean should be changing mind flar is reproduced by infecting someone with their parasite seven gruesome days later the victim transforms in a new mind is Born the thing in your skull though it's different to anything in our records it's one of their worms for sure but this one gives you Powers telepathic connections and it doesn't turn you into one of them not yet anyhow um why is there no Japanese translation for this game I think it's a shame this kind of game is only available in English wait is it are there no other translations I I wonder if so there's an immense amount of voice lines for this game uh I imagine it would take a long time uh to revoice act the entire game in another language oh or do you mean like just like um like subtitles if so I'm kind of surprised that there's not Squid Attack thank you for the 16 months thank you thank you so you think it's only a matter of time that's good news you said you were tracking other victims did they change hard to say but there's subtitles only infected folks like you have been converging on an old Temple of saluna and I have no idea why when Master hson heard the adventurers were heading that way he saw a chance to get answers joined on the spot whatever he found there he didn't make it back hm what do you want me to do so go and get him you think he's still alive I've sent to find him but the place is rotten with goblins and if my Birds can't get close what chance do I have you though you're one of them technically speaking I mean they won't kill someone carrying their parasite if you can find hon and get him out of there we can discover what he learned D perhaps he can save your life how's that sound oh sounds like you're making a lot of assumptions that could kill me sure he can cure me that sounds like suicide I won't do it you sure you can I can't make any promises this is like nothing we've seen before but I know this for sure Master hson is the only one close to understanding these things he's your best bet to survive otherwise that vials your only option oh so I just die okay um okay thank you it would mean everything to the gro to me I wish I could tell you more but only those adventurers know what happened out there all I can say for sure is they all went to the old Temple of saluna and master hson didn't make it back good luck out there and if things start to go bad remember the vial remember your oath step at a time NTI so what happens if I don't take her oath and I sell it to keep it or use it for quick draft than sosis nonetheless okay becoming a mind flare keep it in case things start to go very wrong oh she she believes we should keep it ridiculous what's that we just let her run off she's a child a devil child one who tried to steal from what will the teelings want next letting the hell child go was a mistake M so seems other people thought the same way as that woman okay um I guess we just head wait head out here what's the poison worth um I'd have to go the wait can I check it in my inventory right now and see what the worth is [Music] or wait where's the vial she gave me why toxin oh is it only 10 that's it that's all it's worth someone said I could dip my arrows in it I'm surprised is that cheap yeah I may just use it to poison my weapons cuz obviously I'm not going to have the main character just off herself like trying to figure out how I get down there am I lost or is it oh it's through here she gave you a cheap poison I doubt it's really from a wyvern you would think it'd be more expensive wait come here let me talk to you I thought you were houseing the bo prances around haunches clenching and unclenching impatiently where's Al promise me a mate okay oky dokie well oh no [Music] Oh I thought I talked to you who what maybe it's [Music] you sangu yeah wait why is this red can I take it wait what am I supposed to be doing here there's like an icon Emerald Grove okay Panda logic thank you for the 22 thank you thank you appreciate it is this icon just to show the area not exactly like uh we got to [Music] go up here save and then steal the idol oh look at its little paws I like how people notice you have a cat running around with you you ever scare me like that again and I'll feed you to a null M what oh my God stop it our little Helen told us what happened thank you don't know what we do without her wait is this the kid we saved hope will me get under better circumstances I saved your daughter got anything more than a thanks for me uh this could have ended badly keep her in line from now on no more lighthearted Antics right Arabella okay we'll be nice has to do with a kid likewise Arabella thank you oh yeah this is the girl for helping me stop her parents are grateful fine your mother was away from fighting a bear isn't that where the ability to cast Dancing Lights quiet you pop huh I don't I don't know what that is but thank you you could poison in them and take their Wares what save the refugees dancing lights make balls of light come out but do they I mean are they good swing is it for the night time oh actually we should rest uh camping and resting menu go to camp and end the day so how do I do this oh like if you're in a cave oh that's cool okay just click that long rest do you want to end the day you have enough camp supplies to restore all hit points and spill slots if you long rest okay at your Camp you can take a long rest and fully heal your party you can also manage party members uh Advance relationships with your companions store items and eventually change your character and recruit more followers oh you can just like go around and talk to people and Camp it's quite a sign the Stars I mean I could take or leave your chin huh yeah it's like Dragon Age Origins you can like talk to the people in your group uh you seem more relaxed I've been thinking reflecting on what tomorrow might bring when we find the Droid will he know how to bring the worm under control will this little adventure of ours be over uh it doesn't have to be we can still travel together probably once the worm is gone I'm going my own way what will you miss me why not h you've been to the Hellen back survived the crash survived everything that's followed I'm not easily impressed by people buter thank you for the twitch Prime thank you so much selder appreciate you how you doing we hardly know each other I thought you didn't like me true I am pretty impressive I'm just trying to survive like you I have many talents if you want to explore them you're too close oh gosh oh man uh I don't know I I feel like this is romancy it doesn't like lock in any romances does does it can I flirt with everyone okay just let's let's see I have many talents if you want to explore them delicious thought oh oh no no no but but what are you waiting for I'm joking relax this was just a joke just a joke um unless oh man I'm joking yes of course me too oh that's crazy I'm joking too just clear my head I'll see you later I'm sure sleep tight aaran you can bang right away wait what really hey tractor I can't talk to my cat the leader of the pack comes to chat what's on your mind you must be pleased to have a clear path forward the sooner we find the Druid house in the better I can't wait to get rid of this thing in my head H I can't decide if I really like her or not so I'll come next for you once this is all over how are you feeling you know this could be our last night together I hadn't thought of that what do you have in mind you could find somewhere discreet right now away from Camp probably wise just get some rest how about a few songs around the
Channel: DizzyKitten
Views: 24,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DizzyKitten, Dizzy, Twitch, Streamer, Baldur's Gate 3, Larian Studios, Karlach, Astarion, Elf, Druid, Gale, Mind Flayer, Funny
Id: lcxod3VVFmk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 24sec (14304 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 14 2023
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