INSANE Car Accident And BIG NEWS! #Grimesfinds #Storagewars #Bignews

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oh man are they okay [Music] yeah it looks like everybody's okay whoa [Music] that's why [Music] welcome back to a all new episode of grimes fun this is a freaking historic video this is huge it's massive it's something that hasn't happened in freaking years i have a legit driver's license and you get to see me without my hat on so check it out i even shaved my head and got my sexy on this morning because i knew i was going to have to take a picture that's probably one of the most asked questions justin why do you make your dr your wife drive everywhere but just my anxiety i've struggled with anxiety my whole life i feel like my anxiety has really been gone see then it went to like i just didn't realize that my id expired in 2019 arona hit and then you had to make like a six month appointment ahead hey i have my license that's one thing there's something else in here i was gonna tell them you got new glasses oh yeah check out the new shade but check it out y'all know scratches no dings until we buy the first storage unit which brings me to my next topic y'all i'm looking at some fantastic units like justin where's all the videos been look we're shopping for a new house let me answer another question are we opening another auction house no if you're new to the channel go back watch that video it's called like 911 something business business burn down but you'll see how we lost basically our channel guys is a whole story like ours our first year on youtube we posted every day so you just followed our journey so go back to the beginning and watch just how the channels progress watch how the whole thing came down but are we gonna open another auction house no we're not we're gonna actually sell our cabin in oklahoma we're gonna invest that money down here into a property with some acreage a building like a barn building out back and like a nice you know 70s style home that maybe we'll have to remodel or maybe not but be looking towards that let me know in the comments would you guys want to go along with us to look at houses and because this saturday we actually have our first appointment to go see a house we really like out by gina's parents it's actually way too big if we're being honest it's huge but it's out in the country to work out of it oh my gosh the videos i can do in that you know what i can do with like a bucket full of lubricant and rubber chickens and with that lubricant rubber chickens yeah i mean if you ever want to have a good time 55-gallon drum of lube and freaking chickens i'm being nasty just it's fun the options are unlimited [Music] all right guys so we're gonna do a little bit of treasure hunt today stick into this video make sure you watch it share make sure you subscribe click that little red box down there that says subscribe click it make sure you're subscribed if you've been subscribed make sure you didn't get unsubscribed because literally i'm i'm not joking thousands of people got removed from my channel i ain't bitter about it though that's on you that's on your soul not mine check this part this clip out this is part of kaden's birthday we went to the national video game museum which is here in frisco texas this will mix up the video a little bit don't click through it y'all stop it this was for caden's birthday be nice watch that i'm gonna go into analytics and show him if y'all skipped over his birthday party so do that while we walk into goodwill and we're gonna start treasure hunting [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] is oh [Music] so ugh so oh so sorry okay did you really buy these or is this just like this atari this real yes it is for a dollar get pranked what this is a lot why would they put every why would they price tags on it for real all items must go justin what's no that's not true now watch me without watching look dad that's okay dad that's supposed to be [Music] thank you and what we put together was to make it [Music] oh dude i remember the nintendo series yeah how many tastes like every other cereal okay is [Music] [Music] we're trying to break the record here i was 4 000 off of the last time [Music] good [Music] i think that would sell yeah everything's broke oh dirty dove it's the dirty dude should we get that it's got a little trigger bite on top 292. i figured he'll bring in 10 or 15 bucks maybe 20. that's cute oh is that princess diana let's mess up something look at this rooster find so many of those i love these another broken oh this is this is chalk oh is it chalk oh it's plaster she's broke do you like that i don't know why christmas mugs i think they're having a christmas sale tonight yeah 25 to 30 bucks and they want eight bucks so you will definitely get that did you find these okay so we're gonna look these little billiard balls up hey look right too no yellow wet it's blue all right let's light these up i feel like this is a good price for six bucks is that the same box no no did you find the year on it or the model number one belgium balls oh they're like 25 oh yeah we're hitting that building balls i mean it was from the post that we're in right now and office and stuff i think that's cool [Music] hey guys all right check it out there's just too many people in there sometimes it's just awkward to film in that situation so we got the star wars thing we got the troll thing we got the hammerhead shark what else did we get we got billiard balls bill yeah we got the balls y'all y'all check it out why i feel like it's so low is this seat hot over here dying maybe i'll never sit in this seat yeah oh look he's tripping y'all out huh i told let me dry to the next one baby all right so check it out we got the coat t-shirt i thought this was fun so all their shirts are 3.99 what's it say sun's out bun's out that's just kind of cute yeah i really like this one hey i'm going to put this aside for one of the members that we owe t-shirts that needs 3x or above because this is a this is i think this is a 3 3x it's a fresh print shirt y'all that's great so let us know if you want that one if you're owed a t-shirt uh you can even have that one i actually he's got one of the most annoying country voices but i really like dwight yoakam i do uh so that's a tour shirt got that this is a little bit older uh it's got a cloth tag on it it's a dc wonder woman t-shirt all right guys so off to the next door hey guys we're at another goodwill y'all about i just had to peel out in the truck i'm gonna get a ticket y'all forgot how to drive all right guys so i'm gonna start doing better at telling you why i go to certain stores because there's hundreds of stores around here i go to this one because usually it's like there's an older there's older white area around here and i'm not trying to be funny but like you find newer toys and stuff inside this one i've found new toys and stuff like that so typically their toy section is pretty good and that's about it let's go see that's kind of neat all right let's see if i was right yeah the ugly pet shop that actually might be worth something it looks like it has all of its pieces let's see if it's missing something right there i might be in there yeah some ninja turtles i don't know what went on top sometimes you can buy these for parts sealed yes factory sealed [Music] this is three dollars this is we just sold hey we just sold this exact one we did it's like 20 yeah so there's another green glass one for two bucks i might get this for myself lighting nonsense okay here's a white one that matches it they charge more for the white glass really yeah this one's a dollar less but so that's at least a 20 30 a lot look at these what is that kind of a nutcracker women in the war effort yeah that's [Music] can i get two impossible whoppers i'm not gonna bore you with this but if you want to get your blood pressure down the impossible offer that veggie burger is really good 90.9 [Music] [Music] uh [Music] can you tell us [Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] oh there's frozen legos designer it's not lego [Music] sure [Music] family foreign
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 10,946
Rating: 4.9388037 out of 5
Keywords: Grimes Finds Storage, Grimes Finds Storage Unit, car accident, crazy wife, daily diver dumpster, free to choose, garage sale, ghost town, grimes finds, grimes finds auction, grimes finds wife, i bought an abandoned storage unit and found money, jeana grimes, joshua bartley, justin grimes, magnet fishing, storage unit auctions, storage wars clips, storage wars fight, storage wars fights, storage wars full episode, what the hales
Id: jvHklqIgOuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 7sec (1447 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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